Sentences with the word drawing

drawing — перевод на русский


Remember. Visual memory is essential in learning to draw.

Повторяю, чтобы уметь рисовать, нужно обладать наблюдательностью.

Now you take me, nobody ever taught me how to draw, so I just put a line around what I feel when I look at things.

Вот посмотри на меня, никто не учил меня рисовать, я просто провожу линию, потому что я так чувствую.

Because I can’t draw.

Потому, что не умею рисовать.

We begin by drawing.. Come in.

Начинаем рисовать…

Why don’t we slip him underground now that you’ve finished drawing him?

Сэмми, почему бы нам ни засыпать его замлёй, раз уж ты закончил его рисовать?

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Any sketches or drawings?

Эскизы, рисунки?

I don’t know… except that she often left drawings like that around… with some kind of a facetious comment on them.

Не знаю… кроме того, что она частенько оставляла рисунки… с шутливыми комментариями.

You said there were other drawings like this.

Вы сказали, что были еще рисунки.

Drawings of animals!

Рисунки животных!

The children who read the book will want to see the pictures the camera takes, but the publishers say they’re impossible to photograph, and they suggest drawings.

Дети, прочитав книгу, захотят увидеть фотографии, которые снимала эта камера, но издательство говорит, что это невозможно сфотографировать, и они предлагают рисунки.

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Can you draw a moustache on this mask?

Можешь ли ты нарисовать усы на маске?

— What shall I draw now? — Well, let’s see.

Что теперь мне нарисовать?

I could draw him for you.

Я могла бы его для вас нарисовать.

That’s ten leagues away. He’ll draw a map of the castle.

Этот болтун обещал нарисовать карту замка, да?

Those drawings. That hunter was able to record his ideas and impressions onto the wall of the cave.

Охотник сумел нарисовать на скале свои идеи и мысли.

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Do you have anything to add… to Drew Pearson’s report of your resignation?

Маккивер, что вы можете добавить… к сообщению Дрю Пирсона о вашей отставке?

Christ, Drew!

— Господи, Дрю.

Drew, look at the junk.

Дрю, посмотри на эту развалину.

— I said it’s all set, Drew.

— Я же сказал, все в норме, Дрю.

— Keep your eyes open, Drew.

— Будь начеку, Дрю.

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It happened in the drawing room, upstairs.

Это было в гостиной наверху.

— They’re in the drawing room.

В гостиной.

He Would sit up in the drawing room until the early hours.

Вечерами сидел он один в гостиной до самой поздней ночи.

They’re having tea with your Aunt dolly in the drawing room.

Они пьют чай с вашей тетей Долли в гостиной.

Then… I just sat in the drawing room.

Затем я присела в гостиной.

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Chimney sweep ladies, i know why the old chimney won’t draw.

Трубочист леди, я знаю почему старый дымоход не будет тянуть.

Don’t want to bake and you can’t make no cake and i know why your chimney won’t draw chimney sweep

Не может печь и Вы не сможете сделать пирог и я знаю почему Ваш дымоход не будет тянуть трубочист

You wouldn’t be interested in drawing lots?

То есть спички тянуть не будем?

When they cool, they’ll draw the heat from your body.

Ты на камнях-то не сиди. Они остынут, начнут из тебя тепло тянуть.

No favouritism, we’ll draw lots.

И чтобы не говорили, что кто-то хочет себе получше, мы можем тянуть жребий.

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Well, Danny, you know, to draw attention to the concert we’d need a sponsor, someone important.

Дэнни, знаешь, чтобы привлечь внимание к концерту нам понадобится спонсор, кто-то влиятельный.

It would be enough to draw attention to it. —

— Было бы достаточно привлечь внимание.

I doubt we could manoeuvre close enough without drawing a direct attack upon ourselves.

Вряд ли мы сможем подойти поближе без риска привлечь на себя прямую атаку.

(SHEILA) When he gets into one of these moods, he’ll do anything to draw attention.

(ШЕЙЛА) Когда он в таком настроении, то делает все, чтобы привлечь к себе внимание.

You hadn’t exactly gone out of your way to draw attention to them!

Вы даже не подумали сдвинуться с места, чтобы привлечь мое внимание к этому событию.

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Surely Flambeau wouldn’t draw attention to himself in that way?

Наверняка Фламбо бы не стал так привлекать к себе внимание?

— Alright, but we mustn’t draw attention

— Хорошо, но мы не должны привлекать внимания.

They’d hardly being drawing attention to themselves by lighting a fire if they meant us any harm.

Вряд ли бы они стали привлекать наше внимание костром, если бы хотели причинить нам зло.

It would not be in our best interests to draw too much attention to ourselves.

Не в наших интересах привлекать к себе лишнее внимание.

There’s no need to draw attention to ourselves.

Нет необходимости привлекать к себе внимание.

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— Did you bring the drawings?

— Вы принесли чертежи?

If those drawings disappear, I’ll be held responsible.

Если эти чертежи исчезнут, я буду нести ответственность.

Now get me those drawings.

Принеси мне эти чертежи.

I have need of the drawings.

Мне нужны чертежи.

Ah, dear dear dear…ha, and I would have loved to seen those drawings…

Боже, боже, боже, мне бы так хотелось взглянуть на эти чертежи.

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We must draw up our plans then arrange a conference with Saito and set him straight.

Мы должны составить план затем организовать конференцию с Саито и ввести его в курс дела.

Maybe I’ll call you again when I need to draw my will.

Может я тебя и позову снова, когда завещание нужно будет составить.

Have somebody draw up a profile.

Пошли, надо немедленно составить фоторобот. Да, фоторобот!

I took the liberty of asking Martin to draw up your will, too.

Я взяла на себя смелость попросить Мартина составить ваше завещание, тоже.

Mr. Spencer sen. wants you to draw up a pre-marital agreement for Mr. Spencer jun.

Мистер Спенсер-старший просит составить брачный контракт для Спенсера-младшего.

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Sentences with the word Drawing?



  • «a director who takes an active interest in corporate operations»; «an active antagonism»; «he was active in drawing attention to their grievances»
  • «The drawing of the suspect answers to the description the victim gave»
  • «The drawing caricatured the President»
  • «We were approaching our destination»; «They are drawing near»; «The enemy army came nearer and nearer»
  • «an arresting drawing of people turning into animals»; «a sensational concert—one never to be forgotten»; «a stunning performance»
  • «he was the biggest drawing card they had»
  • «I’m drawing a blank»; «You are blocking the name of your first wife!»
  • «copy that drawing«; «re-create a picture by Rembrandt»
  • «he learned drawing from his father»
  • «He spent the day drawing in the garden»
  • «The archers were drawing their bows»
  • «it is shown by the drawing in Fig. 7″
  • «the drawing of water from the well»
  • «The artist dusted the charcoal drawing down to a faint image»
  • «a freehand drawing«
  • «I took the cigarette he offered, drawing at it raggedly»
  • «the two were haggling shabbily in the drawing-room»

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.


I also adore horse riding and analytical drawing.

Также огромное удовольствие мне доставляет конный спорт и аналитический рисунок.

Group drawing: have children sit in a circle, the first child begins a drawing.

Рисунок группы: сделайте так, чтобы дети сидели в кругу, первый ребенок начинает рисунок.

She describes drawing as the key activity in all her work because drawing is about composing relationships.

Она описывает рисование как ключевую активность в своей работе, потому что рисование связано с построением взаимоотношений.

Computer drawing was obviously slower and more awkward than drawing with a pencil on paper.

Рисование на компьютере происходило явно медленнее и менее удобно, чем на рисование ручкой на бумаге.

1835 First accurate drawing of coca appears in popular English press.

В 1835 г. Первый точный чертеж Коки появляется в популярной английской прессе.

The maximum diameter recommended by each country also needs to be changed depending on the drawing material and the drawing conditions.

Максимальный диаметр, рекомендованный каждой страной, также необходимо изменить в зависимости от материала чертежа и условий чертежа.

First by drawing and later by photography.

Раньше — путем рисования, затем и при помощи фотографии.

They probably spend an hour drawing every day.

Возможно, он будет даже несколько часов времени в день тратить на рисунки.

He began drawing lessons in 1910.

Он начал брать уроки рисования в 1910 году.

Fundamentals of educational academic drawing Nicholas Lee.

Книга «Основы учебного академического рисунка» Николай Ли.

In computer drawing, the drawing with a closed line has become very popular, since it makes it easy and quick to paint parts of the drawing.

В компьютерном рисовании рисунок замкнутой линией приобрел большое распространение, так как он позволяет легко и быстро закрашивать части рисунка.

Unlike Drawing from drawing and photography is what the drawing objects passed by special rules.

Отличие чертежа от рисунка и фотографии заключается в том, что на чертеже предметы передают по особым правилам.

With regard to the school of drawing, she practiced drawing only an individual approach to every student.

Что касается школы рисования, то она практикует рисование только в индивидуальном подходе к каждому ученику.

There are even some species unique drawing: design, layout and uniquetechnical drawing.

Есть даже несколько разновидностей уникального чертежа: эскиз, схема и уникальный технический рисунок.

Therefore special problems in drawing such a simple drawing should not be.

Поэтому особых проблем в рисовании такого простого чертежа не должно.

Beyond the pure conveying of information through a mechanical drawing, the various techniques of manual drawing can convey individual sentiments and impressions.

Помимо чистой передачи информации посредством механического рисования, различные техники ручного рисования могут передавать индивидуальные чувства и впечатления.

Basic drawing skills may be helpful in creating drafts of a painting, especially if a painter wishes to have an element of realism in the drawing.

Основные навыки рисования могут быть полезны при создании черновиков картины, особенно если художник хочет иметь элемент реализма на чертеже.

For example, drawing number is metadata about a drawing.

Например, номер чертежа — это атрибут в метаданных о чертеже.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Предложения, которые содержат drawing

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Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word drawing, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use drawing in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «drawing».

Drawing in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word drawing in a sentence.

  1. Her early talents included drawing.

  2. His account includes a drawing of the animal.

  3. Fanny excelled in drawing and was taught music.

  4. Olga began drawing and painting at a young age.

  5. Peru was declared the winner by drawing of lots.

  6. As a child, Hilda was enthusiastic about drawing.

  7. He enjoyed drawing with charcoal at an early age.

  8. In the preparatory drawing the cleric was a Pope.

  9. McCay finished drawing the film in December 1911.

  10. Impressed, Hearst purchased the original drawing.

  11. The accompanying drawing is distinctly androgynous.

  12. However, these plans remained on the drawing board.

  13. In Nuenen, Van Gogh focused on painting and drawing.

  14. For this reason, he provided a drawing of the skull of O.

  15. Like her father, she developed a love for art and drawing.

  16. The ceilings of the drawing room and library are the most elaborate in the house.

  17. CVG recommended drawing a map of the maze, without which it was easy to get lost.

  18. Greenberg, and drawing almost all of its contents from Famous Fantastic Mysteries.

  19. In a drawing of one at Sir Ashton Lever’s, the end of the tail is deep ferruginous.

  20. The drawing room is described by Jenkins as «the nearest Sandringham gets to pomp».

  21. Company heads including Parsons were exempted from this austerity, drawing the ire of many personnel.

  22. Taken into the drawing room, he was confronted by a fashionably dressed woman with the face of a pig.

  23. It initially screened in seven theaters and expanded to a maximum of 70 theaters before drawing down.

  24. Miyamoto also stated, «if the DS had flopped, we might have taken the Wii back to the drawing board.».

  25. In total, he spent some 18 months abroad developing his skills and knowledge by sketching and drawing.

  26. Despite his success at Ocala, the low competition level prevented him from drawing national attention.

  27. Evarts to lead a special cabinet committee charged with drawing up new rules for federal appointments.

  28. He began working as a newspaper illustrator full-time in 1898, and in 1903 began drawing comic strips.

  29. Within a month Van Gogh and Mauve fell out, possibly over the viability of drawing from plaster casts.

  30. The ceremony, known as an evening court, corresponded to the «court drawing rooms» of Victoria’s reign.

  31. He visited Opie with this letter, and showed him a drawing he had done from a cast of Cupid and Psyche.

  32. The tournament began with defending champion Mark Williams (seeded one) drawing qualifier Martin Gould.

  33. The works consisted of Dylan hand-written lyrics of his songs, with each song illustrated by a drawing.

  34. He showed artistic promise from an early age, drawing in chalk on the wooden floor of his father’s shop.

  35. Fanning has said: «For me, writing songs comes from anywhere», drawing inspiration from his experiences.

  36. The purchase by the French government was of a pastel drawing, Grande marché, Tanger, which she would later copy in oils.

  37. Photographs of his self-immolation circulated around the world, drawing attention to the policies of the Diệm government.

  38. Van Gogh persevered; he experimented with lighting in his studio using variable shutters and different drawing materials.

  39. Willson toured the state on behalf of the Republican ticket, often drawing crowds larger than those assembled for Taylor.

  40. The case has been criticized by legal scholars as drawing on powers that are not granted to Congress by the Constitution.

  41. The Sounds led all of Minor League Baseball in attendance by drawing 380,000 fans to Greer Stadium in their first season.

  42. The best of his pictures were hung in the drawing room, but Shaw also converted the museum into a top-lit picture gallery.

  43. Following the defeat at Mansfield, Gillingham were unbeaten for the next seven league games, winning five and drawing two.

  44. Initial illustrations depicted Naruto in boots, but Kishimoto replaced these with sandals, because he enjoys drawing toes.

  45. To give him more time to focus on drawing, some of the smaller tasks like logo and type design were given to other people.

  46. Most of the detailed design for the Merchant Navy class was undertaken by the drawing office at Brighton works, but some work was also undertaken by Ashford and Eastleigh.

  47. PC Gamer likewise responded positively, drawing particular attention to the game’s changing soundtrack and the ways in which it coherently reacts to the player’s movement.

  48. After a year spent studying under the renowned portrait painter Thomas Lawrence, Etty returned to the Royal Academy, drawing in the life class and copying other paintings.

  49. Through the 1970s lenong was performed at Ismail Marzuki Hall, drawing considerable audiences, and several lenong performers found mainstream acclaim in the film industry.

  50. The film premiered in London and New York in July and August, respectively, and was an international success, with some critics drawing a comparison with the Marx Brothers.

Synonyms for drawing

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word drawing has the following synonyms: , draft, draught, draftsmanship, drafting, drawing off and lottery.

General information about «drawing» example sentences

The example sentences for the word drawing that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «drawing» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «drawing».

чертеж, рисунок, рисование, графика, черчение, розыгрыш, вытягивание, волочение


- протаскивание
- вытягивание
- подтягивание; приближение
- лотерея
- спорт. жеребьёвка

ещё 11 вариантов


- тянущий, везущий
- тягловый, грузовой (о скоте)
- оттягивающий
- вытяжной

Мои примеры


the drawing of water from the well — забор воды из источника  
an anatomically correct drawing of the human body — анатомически правильный рисунок человеческого тела  
blood drawing — взятие крови  
detail drawing — детальный чертёж  
detailed drawing — детальный, детализированный чертёж  
to dimension a drawing — проставлять размеры на чертеже  
locomotive drawing a long train of wagons — локомотив, который тащит за собой длинную цепь вагонов  
to do / make a drawing — рисовать  
freehand drawing — чертёж от руки  
line drawing — чертёж  
to hold a drawing — проводить лотерею  
drawing pin — чертёжная канцелярская кнопка  

Примеры с переводом

Winter is drawing on.

Наступает зима.

She took a course in freehand drawing.

Она прошла курс рисования от руки.

Don’t risk drawing down his anger.

Не рискуй навлечь на себя его гнев.

She made a drawing of my house.

Она сделала чертёж моего дома.

The days are drawing out now that it is spring.

Настала весна, дни увеличиваются.

The drawing is done in crayon.

Этот рисунок нарисован пастелью.

Close the curtains, the evening is drawing in.

Темнеет, закрой шторы.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

I started off by drawing the flowers I had collected.

The monsoon season was drawing to a close (=ending).

The artist dusted the charcoal drawing down to a faint image

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

draw  — ничья, жеребьевка, тираж, вытягивание, тяга, рисовать, привлекать, черпать, проводить
drawer  — выдвижной ящик, трассант, рисовальщик, чертежник, буфетчик, составитель
indrawing  — втягивающийся, подтягивающийся, втяжение

Формы слова

ед. ч.(singular): drawing
мн. ч.(plural): drawings

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