Sentences with the word differently

Sentences with the word Differently?



  • «She views this quite differently from me»; «I consider her to be shallow»; «I don’t see the situation quite as negatively as you do»
  • «I don’t dare call him»; «she dares to dress differently from the others»
  • «very soon you will know differently«; «she thought otherwise»; «there is no way out other than the fire escape»
  • «it was discussed privately between the two men»; «privately, she thought differently«; «some member of his own party hoped privately for his defeat»; «he was questioned in private»
  • «in a relational database the data are organized as a number of differently sized tables»

differently — перевод на русский


They’re all from different years,

Они все разных лет,

That kind of love isn’t enough for two people as different as we are.

Одной любви мало для таких разных людей, как мы.

Well, do you always eat them off of three different plates?

И ты всегда ешь их с трех разных приборов?

We read five times that you were killed in five different places.

Пять раз я читал, что вас убили в пяти разных местах.

You guys are talking about a different dame.

Мы с вами, парни, говорим о разных дамах.

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With me it’s different.

У меня все происходит по-другому.

Everything’s different out there.

Там все по-другому.

We’ll handle it differently.

Мы решим это по-другому.

I knew you’d feel differently after you hit the open road, but this is nothing, Johnny.

Я знал, что ты почувствуешь себя по-другому, когда отправишься в путь. Но это еще ерунда.

It was different in our day.

В наши дни все было по-другому.

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I’m sorry. a fight between two geniuses like Musashi and Kojirō has a different meaning than any normal fight.

Простите. отличается от обычных драк и сражений.

I know a little about him. Apparently very nice. Certainly different from the rest of the men you meet out in this country.

Я мало о нём знаю, но он очень мил и отличается от остальных мужчин.

I’ll say he’s different. ‘Course I may be a little prejudiced.

Да, он точно отличается.

She has to hide inside the house somewhere and pretend she doesn’t know it’s any different from 10.000 other days.

Потом она спрячется где-то в доме, и будет делать вид, что не понимает, чем отличается этот день от других.

He’s no different from anybody else.

Он не отличается от других.

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– Yes it’s, I don’t quite remember it as being this sort of shape, I remember something different; an entrance from the corridor. – … remember …. patients came there…

Ц ƒа, правда интерьер немного изменилс€, что-то изменилось сейчас припомню; вход из корридора … помнитс€ …. пациенты проходили сюда… ƒоктор ƒжон ¬айтлоу, коллега по тем временам,

I know, but this is different.

Я знаю, но сейчас всё изменилось.

It’s different now.

Все изменилось.

It’s different.

Сейчас все изменилось.

Then comes the death of my brother… and then you… and then everything is different.

А тут мой брат умер. Потом появилась ты . И все изменилось.

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Well, that’s different.

Совсем другое дело.

You, however, are a different matter.

Но вы, совсем другое дело!

Tina is different.

Тина — это совсем другое.

Murder is different.

Убийство — это совсем другое.

That’s a different case.

Это совсем другое дело.

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It’s a lovely operetta with 2 scenes… and 2 very different settings… that of a town and that of a city.

Дивная оперетта в 2 сценах, в 2 различных декорациях. Тут деревня а здесь город. В центре города казино.

I tried many different things.

Я попробовала много различных вещей.

Jean Summer hesitated between different styles but hated nudes

Жан Зюммер писал картины в различных манерах, но терпеть не мог обнаженную натуру.

She did away with nine patients… for the life insurance, with almost as many different poisons.

Она отправила на тот свет девять пациентов… чтобы получить их страховку, используя почти столько же различных ядов.

I have by actual count been taken to dinner by 26 different rats in the last 2 months.

По-правде за последние два месяца меня приглашали на ужин 26 различных мерзавцев.

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There’s where I’m different:

И вот тут-то вся разница!

How different?

Какая разница?

Altogether different.

Большая разница.

A mother, that’s different.

Я мать, это большая разница.

You and I are as different as a pedlar of religious items in the Place Saint-Sulpice and a missionary in the heart of Africa.

Между нами такая же разница, как между продавцом икон на площади Сен-Сюльпис и… и миссионером в Центральной Африке.

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Well, then that’s entirely different.

Ну, это другое дело.

That was different.

Это другое дело.

-Well, that was different.

— Ну, тогда было другое дело.

Oh, that’s different.

О, это же другое дело.

If he was asking to share in what we made it’d be different.

Если бы он просил часть добытого, это другое дело.

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This is all so different.

Тогда и теперь так по-разному.

Cities look different at night, don’t they?

Города выглядят по-разному в ночное время, не так ли?

Oh, Andrea, what a thing to have happen! If things had only gone a bit differently. If I’d said one word or made one gesture instead of another!

Андрэ, что такое судьба, если всё бывает по-разному, если я сказала слово, или сделала один жест вместо… другого, ты же не думаешь, что это, скажем жестокое слово… может исчезнуть и не стать причиной, спровоцировавшей смерть моего сына?

It has different glow.

Оно горит по-разному

But a slave and a free man lose different things.

Но раб и свободный человек проигрывают по-разному.

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Although I’m a bit different from him, what do you think of me?

Хотя я немного на него не похож… что Вы думаете обо мне?

But in Acitrezza… tomorrow is usually not much different from yesterday… or from days to come.

Но в Ачи Трецца завтрашний день всегда похож на сегодняшний.

L¡¯m different with you.

Я не похож на тебя.

You’re different from most of the others.

Ты не похож на тех, кто сюда приходит.

You just look different

Ты на них не похож.

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Отправить комментарий

иначе, различно, по-иному, по-разному


- иначе; по-другому

he speaks differently from you — он говорит не так, как ты

- по-разному

a group of girls differently dressed — группа девушек, одетых (очень) по-разному

Мои примеры


do things differently from other people — поступать не так, как все; делать не как все  
adsorption of differently charged polyelectrolyte — адсорбция разноимённо заряженных полиэлектролитов  
calassification of differently impacted soils — классификация образцов почвы, подвергавшейся различным воздействиям  
differently directed movement — разнонаправленное движение  
differently distributed — разнораспределенный  
differently shaped — иной формы  
differently sized engine bays — отсеки силовой установки, имеющие различные размеры  
differently-skilled people — специалисты различной квалификации  
differently than — иначе, чем  
much differently from — совершенно иначе, чем  

Примеры с переводом

I see things differently now.

Сейчас я по-другому смотрю на вещи.

Now he thinks quite differently about it.

Теперь он совсем другого мнения об этом.

People behave differently during a time of war.

Люди по-разному ведут себя во время войны.

She dares to dress differently from the others.

Ей хватает смелости одеваться не так, как все.

Could we word the headline differently?

Давайте сформулируем заголовок по-другому?

Having a child makes you see things differently.

Рождение ребёнка заставляет людей смотреть на всё по-другому.

Very soon you will know differently.

Очень скоро ты изменишь своё мнение.

She views this quite differently from me.

Она относится к этому совсем не так, как я.

The words «their» and «there» are pronounced in exactly the same way but spelled differently.

Слова «их» и «там» произносятся одинаково, но пишутся по-разному.

If only I could travel back in time and do things differently.

Если бы только я мог вернуть тот момент и сделать всё по-другому.

Every actor interprets the role of Hamlet a little differently.

Каждый актер исполняет /раскрывает/ роль Гамлета немного по-своему.

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

You’ve had your hair done differently.

…we do things differently around here…

Portuguese is pronounced completely differently from Spanish.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

different  — различный, разный, другой, отличный от, необычный, неодинаковый, непохожий, не такой
indifferently  — равнодушно, безразлично, посредственно, скверно

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word differently, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use differently in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «differently».

Differently in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word differently in a sentence.

  1. Bale voiced Wayne and Batman differently.

  2. It just has to learn to run differently.».

  3. Other species have differently shaped tragi.

  4. Anyone who tells you differently is a liar.».

  5. However, the Islamists see it quite differently.

  6. The two coracoids are also differently developed.

  7. In modern times dosimetry is done very differently.

  8. Mutsu’s wreck in Japan was treated differently.

  9. That’s feminism; everything is differently oriented.

  10. I don’t believe I feel differently from other people.

  11. Father and daughter handled their issues differently.

  12. Animals also interact differently to Link’s four forms.

  13. Engineers at the Lewis Research Center saw matters differently.

  14. People with disabilities started looking at things differently.

  15. These phenomena manifest differently in many societies and cultures.

  16. Populous: The Beginning played very differently from earlier titles.

  17. Individual plants of the same species are often treated differently.

  18. Teller said that, in hindsight, he would have responded differently.

  19. As I look back on it today, I see the whole picture very differently.

  20. The cover of the CD2 single is tinted differently from the CD1 single.

  21. In the twenty-first century he is seen very differently by historians.

  22. It was apparent that life stressors had impacted each child differently.

  23. Angelou also presents her eighth grade graduation differently in the film.

  24. It’s because they approached the instrument differently than anybody else.

  25. The main cast enjoyed the opportunity to play their characters differently.

  26. And in order to treat some persons equally, we must treat them differently.

  27. These differences suggest that adults and juveniles were feeding differently.

  28. Emmeline’s adopted daughter Mary, however, remembered the meeting differently.

  29. On the northern end of the battlefield, events had unfolded quite differently.

  30. He noticed the curve in the cracked blade caused the puck to behave differently.

  31. This implies the mouse perceives them differently, via distinct neural circuits.

  32. The markets for gem-grade and industrial-grade diamonds value diamonds differently.

  33. The fourth type, Ability souls, are treated differently from the other three types.

  34. Academic Decathlon was originally organized differently than the current competition.

  35. The group’s new demo surprised the Quake community by exploiting the game differently.

  36. They show her in various poses, including standing, and in differently styled dresses.

  37. Electrically, the machine worked like a voltaic pile, but was constructed differently.

  38. Somewhat differently, the adjective «sheepish» is also used to describe embarrassment.

  39. However, his superiors, including Mercury capsule designer Max Faget, felt differently.

  40. Introduced in the first game, character classes have been used differently in each game.

  41. Tkach’s supporters, including those in the leadership of the WCG, see events differently.

  42. Nomura was asked to design Tidus differently from the game’s theme so he would stand out.

  43. As he stood there, in person, I saw him suddenly quite differently than I had previously.».

  44. And because they were writing different material, we were playing differently.» After Help!

  45. Critics thought differently, attributing the pantomime’s success to Grimaldi’s performance.

  46. It isn’t that he [Noland] just sees things differently, he also deals with them differently.

  47. The next operation, the Admiralty Islands campaign in February 1944, played out differently.

  48. Wendy Richard has since revealed that the storyline had originally been scripted differently.

  49. Johar had planned the film’s climax differently, but Yash Johar persuaded him Aman should die.

  50. Had Augustus died earlier (in 23 BC, for instance), matters might have turned out differently.

Synonyms for differently

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word differently has the following synonyms: otherwise and other than.

General information about «differently» example sentences

The example sentences for the word differently that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «differently» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «differently».

1. Men and women use their brains differently, but that their brains may actually be designed differently. 

2. Can’t you think of it differently?

3. Words written alike are often pronounced differently.

4. Different people might interpret events differently.

5. Men in liquor must be handled differently.

6. Different lawyers may construe the same law differently.

7. They behave differently when you’re not around.

8. If I was in charge, I’d do things differently.

9. Two students were penalized very differently for the same offence.

10. People today think differently.

11. People pronounce the word differently in this part of the country.

12. The male bird has a differently shaped head.

13. Things could have turned out quite differently.

14. Risks are perceived differently by different people.

15. We know the French order things differently.

16. I see things differently now.

17. Portuguese is pronounced completely differently from Spanish.

18. With hindsight,[] we’d all do things differently.

19. My generation behaves differently from my father’s and grandfather’s.

20. In summary, all government departments are administered rather differently.

21. Having a child makes you see things differently.

22. Boys and girls may behave differently.

23. People tend to behave differently in different social settings.

24. You’ve had your hair done differently.

25. The Americans look at life differently from the British.

25. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.

26. Parents still tend to treat boys differently from girls.

27. I would have phrased it quite differently.

28. Freedom is always and exclusively freedom for the one who thinks differently

29. Though John and Andrew look exactly alike, they act quite differently.

30. With the benefit of hindsight , we would do things differently.

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