Sentences with the word detective

a movie about a detective being stalked by a killer — фильм о детективе, которого преследует убийца  
a case that was solved only because of one detective’s unbridled determination to bring the killer to justice — дело, которое было решено только по причине неукротимой решимости одного детектива призвать убийцу к ответу  
amateur detective — детектив-непрофессионал  
detective novel — детективный роман, детектив  
private investigator / detective / eye — частный сыщик, частный детектив  
a sucker for detective stories — большой любитель детективов  
detective bureau — сыскное бюро  
detective constable — констебль с функциями детектива  
police detective — полицейский детектив  
private detective agency — частное сыскное агентство  
chief detective-inspector — главный инспектор сыскной полиции  
detective control — контроль обнаружения  

His main reading was detective stories.

Читал он в основном детективы.

She is a detective on the police force.

Она работает детективом в полиции.

I’ll level with you, I’m no great detective.

Буду с вами откровенным, я не являюсь великим сыщиком.

He hired a private detective because he thought his wife was screwing around.

Он нанял частного детектива, потому что думал, что его жена ему изменяет.

We had to do some detective work to find out who used to own the property.

Нам пришлось провести небольшое расследование, чтобы выяснить, кому же раньше принадлежало это имущество.

Collins’ gripping detective novel

захватывающий детективный роман Коллинза

Detective Sgt. Lee is working on the case.

По данному делу работает детектив сержант Ли.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

He enjoys reading detective novels.

Frank just keeps grinding out detective stories.

The detective watched him closely, waiting for a reply.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.


Nobody cares how hard you try, detective.

Никому нет дела, как сильно вы стараетесь, детектив.

It was that detective yanking those kids’ strings.

И так понятно, это тот детектив управляет этими детьми как марионетками.

However, in 1828 numerous detractors detective forced him to submit his resignation.

Тем не менее, в 1828 году многочисленные недоброжелатели сыщика вынудили его подать прошение об отставке.

He also reprises his role as Belgian detective.

Кроме того, ему удалось вжиться в роль бельгийского сыщика.

Yet there were some advantages to being a female detective.

Тем не менее, есть некоторые преимущества для того, чтобы быть детективом.

From the detective investigating the two deaths.

От детектива который расследует происшествия с газом на горячих источниках.

And contact the detective who worked this case.

И свяжись с детективом, который работал над его делом.

As of tomorrow, you will be promoted to assistant detective.

А что на счет завтра, то ты будешь возведена в помощники детектива.

I don’t have time to play relationship detective.

У меня времени нет, чтобы разыгрывать из себя семейного детектива.

Sounds like a theory, detective.

Вот видите, у вас уже есть своя версия, детектив.

After I talk to my detective.

После того, как я поговорю с моим детективом.

You’re the second-best detective we have…

Ты второй лучший детектив, который у нас есть…

I’m a homicide detective, man.

Не хочу портить тебе день, парень, но я детектив по расследованию убийств.

The detective handling that should be here any minute.

Детектив, занимающийся этим, будет здесь с минуты на минуту.

Your detective just wasted my lead witness.

Ваш детектив только что пустил в расход моего основного свидетеля.

Everybody keeps score, detective, especially those downtown.

Все считают, детектив. особенно те, в центральном управлении.

Fast-track detective, destined for great things.

Детектив отдела быстрого реагирования, которому суждено было заняться великими делами.

I heard it fast-tracked you to detective.

Я слышала, она ускорила твой путь к детективу.

The detective I spoke with was very enthusiastic.

Детектив, с которым я говорил, была от вас в восхищении.

I know how it sounds, detective.

Я знаю, как это все кажется, детектив.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Предложения, которые содержат detective

Результатов: 19707. Точных совпадений: 19707. Затраченное время: 90 мс


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Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

  • Use the word Detective in a sentences

Sentence Examples

We decided to get an experienced detective to back you up.

An experienced detective?

Send detective at once. John Davis.

The bearer, John Murdock, is the company’s detective.

Home of the world’s greatest scientific detective,

«I am Coke Ennyday, the detective.

Coke Ennyday the scientific detective will protect you.»

«Shortly before you arrived, I received a call from the Pinkerton detective Agency.

Ramberti (Mr. Ferdinando Vivas-May) the detective, has arrested Mado and her accomplices.

«Through the human jungle — — Stories of the famous detective, Z. «

The remuneration of detective made available will depend …

Where a good detective cannot ride, he will walk.

HELIOS VIENNESE INTERNATIONAL detective AGENCY I hereby employ the Helios detective Agency to collect evidence against my WIFE and agree to pay the usual bonus for sufficient proof of misconduct to procure a divorce.

A fine detective, you’d make.

While employed as a moving picture operator is a small town… theater he was also studying to be a detective.

Say Mr. detective before you clean up any mysteries, clean up this theater.

As a detective he was all wet, so he went back to see what he could do to his other job.

He is sending for the world’s greatest detective, Sherlock Jr.!

You’re a detective. Let me give you a tip.

Gotta start a fight when the detective come around.

He’s a no more detective.

You’re a detective. Hurry along, my dear.

«Ask for the house detective

This story is built up with the filmed documents my friend detective T has used. At Mrs Jonathan’s request he observed her husband’s comings and goings during several weeks.

Images discovered in detective agency T during a bizarre consultation

I didn’t know you’d been a detective.

so that she doesn’t catch cold, and prevent her from reading detective novels in bed at night, or she’ll have bad dreams.

detective: Hello, George.

Miss Wonderly, I’d like you to meet Lieutenant Dundy and detective Sergeant Polhaus.

What a pity the detective agencies haven’t more men with your strength of character, Mr. Spade.

Well my girl .. I wouldn’t hire you as a detective. No I would not.

The detective‘s got Matt upstairs in Sampson’s office.

He seems to be a detective, Miss.

Ken’ichi Miyajima detective

detective: San’nosuke Yamano

Yes, and according to the telegram, it seems that detective Barton also know the hiding place.

Can not see anything that is less that detective Barton?

Really? And the second, more serious, has been done through detective and just by detective Barton.

Hey, so you’re a detective really and I know without a word.

As a prospective client to a detective, let me ask you a question.

Well, as a detective to a prospective client, uh, no.

«Be a label detective and learn how to decode labels,» said Dr. Clifford Bassett, a fellow of the American College of Asthma, Allergy and Immunology and an assistant clinical professor of medicine at NYU Langone School of Medicine. ❋ Unknown (2011)

Bolt the main detective is a much more believable character, who is essentially a decent bloke but has some quite serious flaws. ❋ Unknown (2009)

Nobody, not even the young actress girlfriend of the main detective, is dressed to impress. ❋ Unknown (2008)

Highly recommended if you like police procedurals — the main detective is a woman, Hannah Scarlett (lovely name, I wish I’d been called that) — with a «local mystery» theme. ❋ Maxine (2007)

HOLLYWOOD — On Friday night’s series finale of USA’s «Monk,» the title detective played by Tony Shalhoub finally learns the truth about his wife’s murder. ❋ Unknown (2009)

In that zone of «legend», the detective is a prime motif (Angel, X Files, Fringe, the Lost Room — with the latter being a particularly pertinent example.) ❋ Hal Duncan (2009)

And now I am possessed of the finger-curling desire to write a murder mystery in which the detective is the elderly and somewhat doddering Lancelot, now ordained a priest in Glastonbury. ❋ Matociquala (2010)

She needed information gathering, so Bullard embarked on what he termed «detective work — putting together a puzzle.» ❋ Marcia G. Yerman (2011)

(For example, a detective is almost always more cunning than a barbarian). ❋ Unknown (2009)

Mysteries in which the detective is a dinosaur disguised as a human (this is not a joke). ❋ Unknown (2007)

(Reading too many of G.K. Chesterton’s Father Brown stories in a row always makes me yearn for a parody in which the detective is a Satanist.) ❋ Unknown (2006)

I know it’s a mystery story, and the detective is a synesthete. ❋ Unknown (2005)

Are you wondering how I traced your plastic [bouncy ball] thievery to the Burlington sewer under the bakery, the bakery containing [your cousin’s] meth lab where he singlehandedly produces all desoxyephedrine sold to the state of Vermont, in which a law was passed that specifically outlaws the robbery and transport of plastic bouncy objects and that you are currently in violation of? It is because I am a Detective. You shall be fined [fifteen dollars]. ❋ Detective Kernel (2010)

Friend: Hey [Fundo], wanna hang out with me and a couple of chicks tonight?
Fundo: I can’t. I got a [hot date] tonight.
Friend: What’s her name?
Fundo: [Lacy].
Friend: Where you taking her?
Fundo: Damn, man. Who are you? The fuckin’ detective?! ❋ AuthOOr (2006)

«[Man bruh] I totally made [a thread] about whether to pick up this chick who I saw at the gym watching me work my [gluts] and I all got a message from her talking about that thread! I got detectived! You detectives detectived me! Weak bruh.» ❋ Shiggity (2014)

[Detective] Tommy [Sutherland] was [creeping around] again. ❋ 0nslaught-teh-ph33red-h4x0r (2005)

«It wasn’t a regular [cop that] called me it was a Detective!»
«This is serious, Call the detective
«[The Detective] solved the [crime]» ❋ BobbyA4 (2013)

You have [detected] first [result] for [detect]. ❋ Detect Is My Only Definition (2021)

[Threat] has been detected.
The [thief] has been detected by [the security] camera. ❋ IYM (2019)

detective: (noun) uuuummmmm I believe that you are not suposed to be on your [cellular device] .
a gay little bitch snitch [hoe slut] [cum sack] poon.a little snitch. ❋ Blake Simonson 69 (2018)

“there’s no one that solves crimes like grimes”
Woman 1: omg my sisters missing
Woman 2: wait I know who to call
Woman 1: you do?
[Junior grimes]: what seems to be the problem?
Woman 1: it’s my sister!
Junior grimes: not to worry, for no one better to call then [mr grimes]!
Woman 2: see? I told you, he’s the best
Woman 1: wow
Junior grimes is the greatest [private detective] OF ALL TIME!!!!!!!!!!! ❋ Assassin Technical Institute (2021)

«The goth detectives can get the [job done] in [48 hours]!»
«We could [get it done] quicker, if we weren’t so bloody miserable!» ❋ Naboo That’s Who (2008)

1, I can detect signs of improvement in your thinking.

2, The police prevent and detect crime.

3, The company makes devices to detect carbon monoxide.

4, The dentist could detect no decay in her teeth.

5, The dogs were trained to detect the presence of explosives.

6, The dentist could detect no sign of decay in her teeth.

7, The new test should enable doctors to detect the disease early.

8, The submarine is impossible to detect on radar.

9, Do I detect a tinge of irony?

10, Do I detect your hand in this?

11, These dogs are trained to detect drugs.

12, Do I detect a note of criticism?

13, The test failed to detect any illegal substances.

14, This equipment can detect very low frequency signals.

15, This police officer’s job is to detect fraud.

16, Their instruments can detect the slightest vibration.

17, The tests are designed to detect the disease early.

18, An observant doctor can often detect depression from expression, posture,[] and movement.

19, Arnold could detect a certain sadness in the old man’s face.

20, The probe is sensitive enough to detect the presence of a single microbe.

21, I thought I could detect a slight West Country accent.

22, Do I detect a note of sarcasm in your voice?

23, I could detect subtle variances in fragrance as we strolled through the garden.

24, The policeman waited to detect the prisoner in a lie.

25, It is the business of the police to prevent and detect crime and of the law courts to punish crime.

26, The alarm emits infra-red rays which are used to detect any intruder.

27, In the future, cars equipped with on-board computers will be able to detect and avoid traffic jams automatically.

28, The two appendages hanging from the insect’s mouth are used to detect and taste food.

29, Her finely-tuned political antennae helped her to sense problems that less-experienced politicians might not detect.

30, He conjectured that some individuals may be able to detect major calamities.

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