Sentences with the word destruction

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1. Pride goes before a fall(or destruction). 

2. Pride goes before destruction.

3. Destruction pursues the great.

4. My love, in dreams and destruction in existence.

5. The hurricane left a trail of destruction behind it.

6. The flood caused serious destruction to the village.

7. The fire caused the destruction of my books.

7. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.

8. Mendes led a movement to stop destruction of the rain forest.

9. Not to protest is to connive at the destruction of the environment.

10. The enemy mad bombardment caused unprecedented death and destruction in the country.

11. He documented the destruction he observed during the Cosovo War.

12. The hurricane left a a trail of destruction behind it.

13. Can you really justify the destruction of such a fine old building?

14. Destruction of the environment is one of the most serious challenges we face.

15. He gasped as he saw how much destruction she had wrought with the hammer.

16. He was lured to destruction.

17. The floods brought death and destruction to the area.

18. Children will quickly test their toys to destruction.

19. The puppy left a trail of destruction behind it.

20. The army left a trail of destruction behind them.

21. appalled by the totality of the destruction.

22. The death and destruction were beyond description.

23. Destruction and misery attend on war.

24. The tornado left a trail of destruction behind it.

25. After such destruction many problems in resettlement often arise.

26. He was entrapped to destruction.

27. They saved the paintings from destruction.

28. Helping to alleviate poverty in developing countries also helps to reduce environmental destruction.

29. You said, love is too deep but don’t let their destruction.

30. He who sees other’s faults is ever irritable, the corruptions of such as one grows. He is far from the destruction of the corruptions.

More similar words: instruction, construction, instructional, constructing, restriction, instruct, structure, construct, instructor, structural, infrastructure, auction, reduction, production, introduction, description, action, question, fiction, section, reaction, function, election, sanction, fraction, in question, infection, objection, selection, suggestion. 

Sentences with the word Destruction?



  • «in cold blood»; «cold-blooded killing»; «insensate destruction«
  • «cyclonic destruction«
  • «he read the article in its entirety»; «appalled by the totality of the destruction«
  • «the resolute but unbroken Germany, grievously wounded but far from destruction, was able to lay the firm foundations for military revival»
  • «the immorality of basing the defense of the West on the threat of mutual assured destruction«
  • «my greed was the instrument of my destruction«; «science has given us new tools to fight disease»
  • «his insistence was pure self-destruction«
  • «sweeping generalizations»; «wholesale destruction«

destruction — перевод на русский


Warsaw destroyed for the sake of destruction.

Варшава была разрушена только ради жажды разрушения.

«That which is most Holy .. suffers the greatest destruction.»

Почему те, кто верит в Бога, пострадают от самого страшного разрушения?

The latest reports that have reached us before the destruction of the telegraph line. Indicate that a former senior officer of your majesty had set to service Feofar Khan and his Tartars.

Из последних сеансов связи, еще до разрушения телеграфной линии, нам удалось узнать, что бывший старший офицер Вашего величества перешел на сторону Феофар-Хана и его татар.

Deprived of its source of food or energy, however the bird survives, the bird began a series of attacks on the ground, in a fantastic orgy of destruction never before seen.

Лишённая источников пищи и энергии птица всё же выжила и начала серию наземных атак устраивая невиданные доселе фантастические вакханалии разрушения.

He will bring you death and destruction!

Он несет вам смерть и разрушения.

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Destruction of humans through irradiation and weapons will occur in 17 hours and 27 minutes.

Уничтожение людей посредством иррадиации произойдет через 1 7 часов и 27 минут.

If I could start the destruction of everything evil here, then everything that is good will survive when Cortes lands.

Если я могу начать уничтожение всего зла здесь, тогда всё хорошее, что здесь есть выживет к тому моменту, когда Кортес причалит.

I came to report that i’ll take the responsability for the projector destruction.

Я хочу сообщить, что готов сам нести ответственность за уничтожение прожектора.

General Norton, Chief in Command arrives to begin the full-scale search of outer space to determine the validity of this theory and take all possible steps to halt the catastrophic destruction.

Генерал Нортон,главнокомандующий,прибыл для начала тщательного исследования во внешнем космосе, чтобы подтвердить теорию И предпринять все возможные шаги Чтобы предотвратить полное уничтожение

The destruction of your vessel has been delayed.

Уничтожение вашего судна откладывается.

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You’re proposing a weapon of mass destruction.

Вы предлагаете оружие массового поражения.

They call them weapons of mass destruction… but they’re not.

Они называют его оружием массового поражения, но это не так.

Why can’t they teach our kids instead of arming them with weapons of mass destruction?

Почему они не могут учить наших детей, вместо того, чтобы снабжать их оружием массового поражения?

There is no more fitting memorial… for those who perished in this tragedy… than the steps we have taken this week… toward a multinational campaign… to root out and eliminate weapons of mass destruction.

Эта церемония посвящена тем, кто пострадал от этой трагедии… но шаги, которые мы предприняли на этой неделе приведут… к уничтожению оружия массового поражения…

I know there’s one country that is not developing a weapon of destruction.

Я знаю, что есть страна, которая не занимается разработкой оружия массового поражения.

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We’re on the brink of destruction, so all four of us must work closely together.

Мы на гране гибели, так что все должны работать слажено.

«the brink of destruction»?

«на гране гибели»?

In doing so, he surpasses himself… and fathers, with his own destruction, an intimate and brief eminence.

При этом, он превосходит себя и отца, в своей собственной гибели, душевно немного возвышенной.

We brought our own destruction on ourselves.

Мы сами стали причиной своей гибели.

No, the product of your destruction!

Нет, результат вашей гибели!

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Our two warring planets now possess the capability of mutual destruction.

Чтобы настал мир. Наши планеты воюют и могут уничтожить друг друга.

I don’t know how to destroy it, but its destruction is imperative.

Я не знаю, как его уничтожить, но это необходимо.

The time has come for the completion of the experiment or its destruction!

Пришло время закончить эксперимент или уничтожить его!

I can bring about the destruction of humanity.

Я могу уничтожить человечество.

Your Majesty, they were plotting the deliberate destruction of the Urbankan people.

Ваше Величество, они собираются осознанно уничтожить народ Урбанки.

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— He will lead you to destruction.

— Он приведет тебя к смерти.

Melkur is the cause of his destruction. Melkur.

Мелкер — причина его смерти.

For the path you will take will lead to certain destruction.

Путь, которым вы идете приведет к верной смерти.

Isn’t your daughter’s life worth more to you than my destruction?

Разве жизнь твоей дочери не дороже моей смерти?

Fear not the terror by night, nor the arrow that flies by day… nor the pestilence that walks in darkness, nor the destruction…

Не бойся ни ночного кошмара, ни стрелы, летящей днем. Не бойся чумы, затаившейся в темноте, ни смерти, настигающей в полдень.

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Will destruction of the beacon restore electrical energy?

Будет ли уничтожен маяк восстановления электрической энергии?

Remember Lone said he’d let the world watch HK destruction.

Помнишь, Одиночка тогда сказал, пусть весь мир смотрит, как Гонконг будет уничтожен.

Tokyo suffered another massive destruction.

Токио снова был уничтожен.

The result was a war of ten years and the total destruction civilization of Trojan

¬ результате, 10-летн€€ война » полное уничтожен»е ц»в»лизац»» «рои.


В таком случае ты умрешь прежде, чем медальон будет уничтожен.

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Truly, pride goeth before destruction.

Воистину, погибели предшествует гордость.

Pride goeth before destruction!

Погибели предшествует гордость!

«Pride goeth «before destruction and a haughty spirit.»

Погибели предшествует гордость, и падению — надменность.

Help him help the humans to their own destruction, and I promise, you won’t face Michael alone.

Помоги ему довести людей до собственной погибели, и я обещаю, ты не столкнешься с Михаилом в одиночку.

But now I fear they cannot see that by supporting him, they may be sowing the seeds of their own destruction.

Но теперь я боюсь они не могут видеть это поддерживая его, они возможно сеют семена своей погибели.

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There is, in this power of destruction… also the promise of hope.

¬ этой разрушительной силе есть и дл€ нас огонек надежды.

If our times have reached an unending force of destruction… we need to make a revolution that creates… an indeterminable force of creation… that strenghtens memories, that outlines dreams… that materializes images.

Поскольку наш век обладает неисчерпаемой разрушительной силой, сейчас необходима революция… сопоставимой с ней творческой силы, которая усиливает память, проясняет сны и дает субстанцию образам.

«If our times have reached an unending force of destruction… we need to make a revolution that creates… an indeterminable force of creation… that strenghtens memories, that outlines dreams… that materializes images.»

Поскольку наш век обладает неисчерпаемой разрушительной силой, сейчас необходима революция… сопоставимой с ней творческой силы, которая усиливает память, проясняет сны и дает субстанцию образам.

— We do not know all of its wonders, but I can only assume it possesses the capability for great destruction.

Мы не знаем всех его чудес, но я могу только предполагать, какой огромной разрушительной силой он обладает.

In it, half the population, faced with a gigantic war of destruction, toil away for the National Democratic Revolution foreshadowing a Laos that is independent, democratic and prosperous.

Большая часть населения после ужасной разрушительной войны в большинстве успешно справляется с задачами национальной демократической революции. Создавая демократический и процветающий образ будущего независимого Лаоса.

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So you become aware that deliberate destruction of official property is a most serious offence.

Так что вы предупреждены, что намеренная порча государственной собственности — это серьезное нарушение.

Yeah, attempted burglary, trespassing, destruction of private property… and so forth. Ow.

Да, попытка взлома, вторжение на частную собственность порча имущества, и так далее.

Destruction of US Government property.

Порча государственного имущества.

And you shoplifting, destruction of property.

Hу а y вас… Воровство, порча имущества…

Vandalism, property destruction, and a spate of violence has resulted in a growing number of arrests tonight.

Вандализм, порча собственности, и поток насилия привел к росту числа арестов сегодня ночью.

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Destruction refers to damage to an object, system, being or idea, as in legal damages and physical vandalism (Wikipedia) (See all definitions)

The idea is that you don’t need to download a debt reduction spreadsheet or some external program, you can visualize your debt destruction right in your web browser.


But with success comes the self destruction of being under the microscope of the internet’s social media critique.


Viral particles are also highly resistant to destruction by many cleaners that may be effective in killing other viruses.


Changes in photolysis rates from reduced stratospheric O3 also have the potential to alter tropospheric O3 production and destruction rates.


The irony is that many dogs with separation anxiety manage to cause even greater destruction or self-injury while in their confinement area or crate.


The importance of Muir Woods in the early conservation movement is best understood by considering those who made the decision to protect the area from destruction.


Appropriate technical and organisational measures shall be taken against unauthorised or unlawful processing of personal data and against accidental loss or destruction of, or damage to, personal data.1


Let’s start again — what evidence do we have the for the destruction of those places outside of the bible?


Alex Dordoy’s work exists at the threshold of completeness and often retains the potential for change, or even destruction.


There’s one less Mercedes-Benz G-Class on the road, and this video captures the SUV’s destruction.


On top of the destruction of Dusty Depot, players will also notice a new location has appeared along the northeastern part of the map, just above Wailing Woods.


Shooting the entire film through a handheld camera, audiences are privy to the city’s destruction from primarily Hud’s perspective.


Hans Blix was realising — as we would all soon realise — that «perhaps there was not much WMD [weapons of mass destruction] in Iraq after all».


His words, «I want to admonish those that are still aggrieved as a result of the outcome of the election not to resort to destruction of national assets, especially crude oil facilities and pipelines and attribute it to me because of my position on the election.»


They are leading the reputation of the science to its own destruction.


Since the destruction of the old general headquarters, raids keep increasing.


Jesus calms the man, and news of the cure is spread about; the people from the countryside fear Jesus, perhaps because of the destruction of the swine, and beg him to leave.


The 1948 Genocide Convention defines «genocide» as, among other things, «deliberately inflicting on» a religious group «conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part.»


I have yet to get anywhere near the destruction evident in the trailer footage, which looks like fun gameplay, timing explosions into chain reactions or throwing weapons over obstacles to start your mayhem.


Maintaining focus and awareness while working in a stressful environment which includes noise from alarms, machinery and people, crowd distractions, time pressure, and disruptive and angry passengers, in order to preserve the professional ability to identify and locate potentially life threatening or mass destruction devices, and to make effective decisions in both crisis and routine situations.


Assault Perks reward you for raining down death and destruction on the cult across Hope County, Montana.


«While viruses such as influenza cause a lot of damage themselves when people get infected, it is often the immune response that leads to severe tissue destruction trying to eradicate the infection,» said John Wherry, Ph.D., Deputy Editor of the Journal of Leukocyte Biology.


Some touches, like super-realistic cover destruction and deformation, and glass windows that shatter right where they would in reality, are sometimes overshadowed by a nearby patch of grass that is very clearly a static 2D, paper-thin texture jutting out of the ground.


Although the work doesn’t provide a definitive answer, it rules out the possibility that conditioning — the destruction of the body’s own immune system with chemotherapy and irradiation — can rid the body of HIV on its own.


In the past several weeks, our nation has seen many people step forward to make a difference, such as the inspirational members of the New York Fire Department and the gallant passengers of United Airlines Flight 93 who refused to let hijackers complete a mission of destruction.


A key CIA informer, Rafid Ahmed Alwan al Janabi, admitted he lied about his allegations that Iraq had weapon of mass destruction.


This may well improve insulin sensitivity and prevent the destruction of the insulin-producing beta cells of the pancreas.


There are direct costs from the destruction of life and property, emergency services, medical providers and the restoration of systems and infrastructure.


«People sometimes associate him with destruction, but that’s not what any of this was about — it was about transformation and evolution,» says Fiore.


The morning after the fire, Lal Chowk, the main square in Srinagar, was mostly deserted as the country went on strike to protest the destruction of the Dastgir Sahib shrine.


Travel to Paraguay, where the artist was born, to research and record ecological destruction due to GMO mono-crops.


This is probably one of the least publicized weapons of mass destruction in business model design.


A former Chief of Naval Staff, Vice Admiral Samuel Afolayan, retd., has lamented his frustration in getting justice following constant destruction of his farmland by Fulani herdsmen.


Ten years ago: In a sobering assessment of the Iraq war, President George W. Bush acknowledged during a news conference that Americans» resolve had been shaken by grisly scenes of death and destruction, and he pointedly criticized the performance of U.S.-trained Iraqi troops.


Alexandra Handal’s Labyrinth of Remains and Migration (2000-01 & 2010) is a series of mental maps charting spaces of obliteration, dispossession, memory and destruction in Palestine.


According to BuzzFeed, KPMG even explored the possibility that «the drives weren’t secured properly and fell from a truck in transit that was carrying the data for destruction


The aforementioned orator was, of course, Cato the Elder, a noted Roman senator and inveigher against the Carthaginians who clamored for the destruction of Rome’s great challenger in what became the Third Punic War.


— On 23 March over 500 experts issued a «red alert» that stated the risks to future food security posed by nature destruction are just as dangerous as those posed by climate change — and our farm system is in large part to blame.


Bombslinger (Plug In Digital)- $ 11.99 / # 10.79 Pre-Order until 11/04/2018 14:59 CEST Game description: Wear the poncho of the Bombslinger, a ruthless bandit turned peaceful rancher on a quest to avenge the murder of his missus and destruction of his ranch at the hands of his former posse.


BoyfromTottenham says: September 3, 2013 at 9:05 pm…… because such folk care nothing about the discipline, it is just a means to a greater but hidden end — probably the destruction of our way of life, in favour of god knows what.


Even Jim Flahertyâ $ ™ s â $ œWe Donâ $ ™ t Pick Winnersâ $ Conservatives were under pressure in this budget to do something for the auto industry. The fact that at least a dozen swing ridings in southwestern Ontario could determine the outcome of the next election might have something to do with their sensitivity to the continuing industrial destruction being -LSB-…]


One of immunology’s great unknowns was how T cells recognized the antigen that marked an invader for destruction.


We’re committed to not replacing Britain’s Trident nuclear weapons, so Britain can take a prominent lead in the now huge push for a global ban on these hideous weapons of mass destruction.


We learned, however, that Wick has a new best friend and sidekick… Turner and Hooch are surely going to be leaving a path of destruction in their wake.


I mean, I guess if the kid has his hair stuck in an escalator or some other machine of mass destruction, or if bees have built their home in his hair, you would have a solid argument as to why you were forced to make a game-time decision and chop it, stat.


But technology is creative destruction, while Wall Street’s risk control methods were just wrong.


Discover a new world at war through an adventure-filled campaign, or join in epic multiplayer battles with up to 64 players, and adapt your tactics to the earth-shattering environments and destruction.


The new map changes are particularly interesting given that the Reddit user who leaked the details of both Season 4’s theme and Dusty Depot’s destruction has now been proven correct on all accounts.


You glitch when climbing ladders, human bodies distort upon explosive impact and your goat will sometimes clip on pieces of the environment when you cause mayhem and destruction.


«One of 15 Series to Read if You Enjoyed The Hunger Games» — Buzzfeed In a desperate attempt to escape destruction decades earlier, humankind was forced underground, into the depths of the earth, creating a new society called the Tri-Realms.


уничтожение, разрушение, деструкция, разорение, причина гибели


- разрушение, уничтожение

destruction fire — воен. огонь на разрушение /уничтожение/
destruction by fire /caused by fire/ — разрушения, причинённые пожаром
war means death and destruction — война означает /несёт/ смерть и разрушение

- умерщвление

destruction of beasts of prey — уничтожение хищников
child destruction — юр. умерщвление плода

- гибель; крушение; разорение

destruction of hopes — крушение надежд
to bring smb. to destruction — разрушить что-л., довести что-л. до краха
to lie on the path to destruction — находиться на пути к гибели, быть на краю пропасти
to rush to one’s own destruction — стремительно идти навстречу собственной гибели

- разложение, деструкция (материала и т. п.)
- причина гибели, краха или разорения

gambling [drinking] was his destruction — его погубили карты [вино]

Мои примеры


the environmental destruction caused by the road building programme — экологический ущерб, нанесённый в результате выполнения программы дорожного строительства  
the immorality of basing the defense of the West on the threat of mutual assured destruction — безнравственность базирования обороны стран Запада на угрозе гарантированного взаимного уничтожения  
complete / total / utter destruction — полное уничтожение  
to carry out / cause destruction — разрушать  
death and destruction — разрушения и смерть  
utter destruction — тотальное разрушение  
the destruction wrought by the sea — разрушения, произведённые волнами  
testing to destruction — испытание до разрушения  
cause destruction — вызывать разрушение  
command destruction — подрыв по радиокоманде  
core destruction — разрушение активной зоны  
cut a swath of destruction — наносить огромные потери  

Примеры с переводом

We are trying to save the building from destruction.

Мы пытаемся спасти это здание от разрушения.

Indiana tornado deals death and destruction.

Смерч в Индиане сеет разрушения и смерть. (заголовок)

In the 20th century science becomes an agency of destruction.

В 20 в. наука становится разрушительной силой.

The floods brought death and destruction to the area.

Наводнения принесли в эту область смерть и разруху.

The deplorable mistake was likely to be the destruction of the whole family.

Эта прискорбная ошибка, похоже, погубила всю семью.

We shall requite these wrongs with fire and destruction.

Мы должны отомстить за эту несправедливость огнём и мечом.

Such complete destruction and devastation of the country would collapse the government.

Такое полное разрушение и разорение страны привело бы к краху правительства.

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Примеры, ожидающие перевода

The fire was a vengeful act of destruction.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

destruct  — разрушать, разлагать, подрывать в полете, ликвидация в полете, снаряда
destructionist  — разрушитель, нигилист, анархист

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