Sentences with the word desire

The Global Economics of Desire
Мировая экономика желаний

Held back especial (private) desire?
Умалчивал особенное (частное) желание?

If Moscow’s experience is any indication, anger will arrive in Paris, and so will the desire for vengeance and blood.
Если судить по опыту Москвы, Париж должна охватить ярость, и он начнет требовать крови и мести.

Because the Internet has fashioned a new and complicated environment for an old-age dilemma that pits the demands of security with the desire for freedom.
Интернет создал новую и сложную среду для вековой дилеммы, которая противопоставляет требования безопасности стремлению к свободе.

When he was next to her and was looking at her, sweet weakness was penetrating all her body and burning desire was filling her.
Когда он стоял рядом и смотрел на нее, сладостная слабость проникала во все ее члены и ее охватывало вожделение.

A shortage of knowledge accompanied by a desire to generalize as broadly as possible are the basic ingredients of a witch-hunt.
Нехватка знаний вкупе со стремлением обобщать все по максимуму — это главные ингредиенты охоты на ведьм.

This desire is not new.
Желание это не новое.

Auditors desire to maintain their reputation.
Аудиторы желают сохранять свою репутацию.

Government critics are seizing on Europe’s sudden attention and the leadership’s desire for respect and friendship from it to press for democratic reforms.
Критики правительства пользуются неожиданно доставшимся Азербайджану вниманием Европы и стремлением руководства страны добиться уважения и дружбы европейцев, чтобы требовать демократических реформ.

The farmers’ desire for a meeting with President Vladimir Putin has not been satisfied, and the national legislature has not provided a remedy for their problem.
Требования встречи с президентом Владимиром Путиным удовлетворены не были, а национальные законодательные органы не предложили путей решения их проблемы.

Mr. Mehta (India): It is ironic that diamonds, a symbol of love, sublimity and purity, have been an object of desire for the rich and the mighty, who have used power, influence, guile, coercion and outright violence to acquire these stones.
Г-н Мехта (Индия) (говорит по-английски): Парадоксально, что алмазы, символ любви, покорности и чистоты, стали объектом вожделения богатых и могущественных людей, которые использовали свою власть, влияние, хитрость, принуждение и неприкрытое насилие для того, чтобы ими завладеть.

There is no caretaking in desire.
При желании не возникает заботы.

Responsibility and desire just butt heads.
Ответственность и желание просто противоречат друг другу.

The desire for referendums is not only a sign of internal national divisions; it is yet another symptom of a global populist demand to “take back our country.”
Стремление к референдуму ? это не только признак внутренних национальных разделений, это еще и очередной симптом глобального популистского требования «вернуть нам нашу страну».

The tax appears to have woken many Belarusians to a desire for deeper political change, and the protests have morphed into a demand for broad, systemic political change.
Налог, похоже, стал последней каплей, и заставил многих белорусов стремиться к более глубоким политическим изменениям, и протесты превратились в требование широких, системных политических перемен.

Myth 1: Desire to be right.
Желание быть правым.

We looked at their desire to cooperate.
Смотрели на их желание к сотрудничеству.

On behalf of the African Union, President Obasanjo made a proposal founded precisely on the desire to reconcile those two fundamental requirements, mindful that utmost prudence must be exercised when taking action.
Президент Обасанджо выдвинул от имени Африканского союза предложение, основанное именно на стремлении примирить эти два основополагающих требования, памятуя при этом о том, что при действиях необходимо проявлять крайнюю осторожность.

Recognizing the challenges of globalization, African leaders have consistently expressed their desire to deepen regional integration, including through the creation of a common market for goods, services, capital and labour, and the harmonization of rules.
Признавая требования глобализации, лидеры африканских стран неоднократно выражали намерение содействовать углублению региональной интеграции, в том числе путем создания общего рынка товаров, услуг, капитала и рабочей силы и унификации нормативных положений.

What drives our desire to behave morally?
Чтo управляет нашим желанием вести себя в соответствии с правилами морали?


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Desire is a sense of longing or hoping for a person, object, or outcome. The same sense is expressed by emotions such as «craving». (Wikipedia) (See all definitions)

Has it always been like this — or is it a more recent desire borne from the fear of ill-health caused by the modern world?


BUT the time comes when one desires some moody, dark and chocolaty desserts — like Dark Chocolate Cherry Brownies or Cocoa Pomegranate Brownies.


All of these desires are an essential part of our make-up, and it is always honest to acknowledge their powerful persuasion.


The firm has a preference for prefers borrowers with high credit ratings, which it considers have the ability and desire, to refinance again.


As consumers become more savvy, there is a growing trend of apprehension of GMOs and a swelling desire to ensure that their favorite CPG brands are Fair-Trade Certified.


A simple desire to build a family-based produce business through hard work and a focus on quality was the seed that grew us into a leading global produce company.


This is the law of the universe» that in the particularity of Christ we find the fulfillment of all our abstracted desires» for truth, for beauty, for goodness, for justice, and for love.


Pair the promise in Jeremiah 29:11 with Psalms 37:4, «Take delight in the LORD, and he will give you the desires of your heart,» and you have a one-two punch that will convert even the hardest of hearts back to God!


The new location in Columbus reflects the company’s desire to also move Dick’s Last Resort’s growth into some second-tier urban markets that offer more «A-plus» locations.


I’d bookmarked the recipe earlier last week, and as the days rolled by, I kept returning to the recipe, overwhelmed with curiosity and a sudden desire to try a different type of gluten-free flour.


On the other hand, you will hear some Christians say that it is imperative that followers of Jesus fail — that they sacrifice all for the sake of «ministry,» that they think nothing of their own desires or talents, that they avoiding looking to any «earthly» metrics of success.


It was created out of a desire to improve my weekly food budget and to experiment with additive-free, homemade non-dairy alternatives at home that don’t use nuts like most recipes call for.


Your desire to exceed expectations and help your company succeed can be counterproductive.


Instead of making the obvious (muffins), you can make whatever your heart desires in batches!


Fashion a personal mission statement that clearly acknowledges and includes desires and relative weightings of the four kinds of wealth.


Feel free to use coconut sugar, maple sugar, or whatever sugar your little heart desires.


If you are considering taking the plunge into entrepreneurship, and have a desire to work on your own schedule to generate high revenues by helping other business owners get the funding they need, then The Commercial Capital Training Group is the ideal entrepreneurial path for you.


Work is crazy, school has started back, and the desire to be lounging on a tropical island somewhere is at an all time high.


ETHNews previously reported on Le Maire’s desire for G20 discussion of bitcoin.


And the security of that relationship looks to have won out over a desire to be his own boss.


They take creativity, a willingness to be different, and a desire to improve people’s lives in and out of the office.


I’ll be visiting Tokyo later this month as well as New York City, Chicago, and Washington D.C. I understand the desire to travel, especially when you’ve been pent up in school you’re entire life like most of us were.


Voting with management at non-client firms presumably is motivated by a desire to attract new business and send signals of loyalty to existing clients.


We have also interviewed thousands of employees of these companies on their desire to become owners.


With these words, His Excellency U Thein Sein, president of the Republic of Union of Myanmar, underscored his desire to continue his country’s decades-long collaboration with the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI).


Brochures tell the story of your company, brand, products and services; they help create desire and motivate sales.


He made his fortune in tech, but his current portfolio includes everything from a TV network to a haunted hayride — testament to his desire to take calculated risks for high rewards.


They will also make you an ice-cream sandwich with baby cakes cookies if your heart so desires… heaven.


Most businesses start with a desire to improve lifestyle or monetary need.


M&A activity should be driven by adding value, not an ego-driven desire to quickly increase total assets.


Bryant has professed his desire to stick it to the Cowboys by staying in the NFC East, but it’s hard to see the Eagles risking their Super Bowl chemistry or the Giants adding another demanding wideout next to Odell Beckham Jr..


With ViaTech stevia sweetener, Zerose erythitol and Oliggo-Fiber chicory root fiber, we provide solutions that deliver up to 50 percent sugar reduction in baked goods, while maintaining the functionality that bakers desire


Since my desire to cook is fleeting, I’ve been trying to take advantage of the ten minutes when I feel like making something that doesn’t involve Hummusapien or Alchemy and make as much as humanly possible in that itty bitty time frame.


You can flavor it with almost anything that your little heart desires.


Telling seekers that they are right with God without the evidence of conviction of sin (the work of the Holy Spirit) that results in the desire for a changed heart, life, lifestyle, mind and character, is like picking green fruit, and after a bite or two wondering why it doesn’t taste like it should.


Your background doesn’t matter as much as your desire.


The end result is a silky smooth flan that is just barely sweet, enough to satiate desires.


Free publicity is something every business owner desire but unfortunately; only few know how to get it.


They expressed a desire to harvest caribou as well as being able to share the traditional knowledge about caribou with future generations.


It is known in the theological abstract as concupiscence, the disordered desire and addictive craving which Original Sin first brought into man’s being, and the gross misuse of poor Brother Ass has deepened through time, and does deepen sadly in so many of us through ingrained habit.


Lammy and Smith showed agreement in their desire to solve the causes and spoke about the welfare state and positive solutions they’d seen.


Clarke has made no secret of his desire to buy another big premium player in the US, to potentially bring a double bang.


This treatment corresponds to a homeopathic remedy to suppress the desire for alcohol: ten to 15 drops of tincture of Capsicum in the diet per day, usually in hot tea or beef broth.


My desire to do the best as a Christian led me straight out of my faith because I went looking to see what made enough sense for me so that I could rely upon it.


«It is our desire to make sure that all of our clients have our (credit) cards available for use on the network that they choose, so it is highly logical that we would enable Bell.»


14 As obedient children, do not conform to the evil desires you had when you lived in ignorance.


The worrying part is, we never looked like a team with the necessary desire and winning mentality.


In about 160 Dollar General Plus locations, we are testing limited assortment of the best-selling fresh fruits and vegetables, as we look to gain more experience in this category and capitalize on our customer’s desire for fresh options.


In fact, Xi has begun to cast China as a defender of economic globalization and inclusivity, as well as a leader in combating global challenges, like climate change.14 Unlike Russia’s willingness to take large risks, China’s approach is generally cautious, reflecting its desire to safeguard its economic interests.


CEO Chieh Huang recently expressed a desire to take the company public.


Synonym: fancy, lust, want, wish. Antonym: disappoint. Similar words: design, designs, besides, design for, designer, designation, desk, modest. Meaning: [dɪ’zaɪə]  n. 1. the feeling that accompanies an unsatisfied state 2. an inclination to want things 3. something that is desired. v. 1. feel or have a desire for; want strongly 2. expect and wish 3. express a desire for. 

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1. We soon believe what we desire

2. It is a strange desire to seek power and to lose liberty, or to seek power over others and to lose power over a man’s self. 

3. Men do not desire merely to be rich, but to be richer than other men. 

4. All progress is based upon a universal innate desire on the part of every organism to live beyond its income. Samuel Butler 

5. The desire to laugh became a compulsion.

6. He has no desire for money.

7. He has expressed a desire to see you.

8. With hindsight, he was overestimating their desire for peace.

9. I desire only to be left in peace.

10. Love has no other desire but to fulfill itself.

11. We all desire happiness and health.

12. Most children have an insatiable desire for knowledge.

13. They had little desire for wealth/to get rich.

14. He has neither talent nor the desire to learn.

15. She repressed her desire to mention his name.

16. I have no desire to discuss the matter further.

17. The people desire peace, security and happiness.

18. Love is an irresistible desire to be irresistibly desired.

19. She felt an overwhelming desire to return home.

20. He has no desire for wealth.

21. He repressed a sudden desire to cry.

22. She felt an overwhelming desire to hit him.

23. He has to quench his desire for wealth.

24. Strong desire is the starting point of all achievemen.

25. The desire for revenge can be overpowering.

26. Always desire to learn something Sophocles 

27. Desire causes suffering because it can never be completely gratified.

28. If the eye do no admire,( the heart will not desire

29. The size of your success is measured by the strength of your desire, the size of your dream, and how you handle disappointment along the way.

30. When I wake up every morning, the greatest joy is gazing upon you and sunshine, that is the future I desire.

More similar words: design, designs, besides, design for, designer, designation, desk, modest, desert, thesis, tire, wire, hire, dessert, descend, destroy, despite, resign, beside, resist, desperate, desolate, describe, obesity, satire, admire, direct, fire up, on fire, retire. 

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Recognize that you have this desire.

Но имейте в виду, что у вас есть такое желание.

But even the desire to lose desire is a desire.

The desire to be without desire is still a desire.

You need the desire to suppress your desire in order to suppress your desire.

For this reason, the desire to be the best is the natural desire of every person, every company.

Именно поэтому желание выглядеть хорошо является естественным желанием любого человека, особенно женщины.

I have to incorporate into others by different actions so that my desire and the desire of others will become one.

С помощью разных действий я должен включиться в ближнего так, чтобы мое и его желания стали одним желанием

Their desire to succeed should be your desire also.

The desire to set low taxes is incompatible with the desire of a large government.

Желание установить низкие налоги несовместимо с желанием большого правительства.

A desire is called heart and the fourth phase of my desire is what is most concealed from me.

Сердцем называется желание, а четвертая стадия моего желания — самая скрытая от меня.

This is a desire to give, which is a spiritual desire.

With age, the desire to be fashionable is replaced by the desire to wear comfortable things.

С возрастом желание быть модным заменяется желанием носить удобные вещи.

This desire, along with the desire to create a large musical creative family, served as the impetus that allowed me to implement this project.

Это желание наряду с желанием создать большую музыкальную творческую семью послужило импульсом, который позволил мне реализовать этот проект.

And instead of the desire to gain invincibility in the heart there is another desire — to survive.

И вместо стремления обрести непобедимость в сердце появляется другое желание — выжить.

There is one more important aspect: the desire to help another without his desire is often a consequence of his own personal immaturity.

Есть еще один важный аспект: желание помогать другому без его желания часто является следствием собственной личностной незрелости.

His desire begins acting together with the desire of this system.

Его желание начинает действовать вместе с желанием этой системы.

It is enough to have desire and desire, and the rest comes with experience.

Достаточно лишь иметь стремление и желание, а остальное приходит с опытом.

Now it is true that we need positive desire as part of our motivation — without desire there’s no movement.

Это правда, что в качестве мотивации нам нужно положительное желание: без желания нет движения.

The desire to promote the employment of their compatriots will be inferior to the desire to hire qualified employees from countries with traditionally low wages.

Желание содействовать трудоустройству своих соотечественников будет уступать стремлению нанять квалифицированных сотрудников из стран с традиционно низкой заработной платой.

In other words, my desire exists solely to generate fulfillment for your desire.

Иными словами, мое желание существует только лишь для того, чтобы создавать наполнения для твоего желания.

She will give you the desire to acquire beautiful things and the desire to surround yourself with luxury.

Она подарит вам желание приобретать красивые вещи и стремление окружить себя роскошью.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Предложения, которые содержат desire

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Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

desire — перевод на русский


Longing and desire….

Тоска и желание….

Will I be unable to satisfy a single one of my desires?

Разве я не исполню любое твое желание?

I shall feel my desire becoming flesh… and my hunger taking on the fire of blood.

Я почувствую, как моё желание обретает плоть… и желание горячит кровь.

Makes no difference who you are Anything your heart desires

Если ты увидишь в небе яркую звезду и загадаешь желание, оно обязательно исполнится.

Instead, icy control and a dominating desire

Ожидал слёз и истерик. Вместо этого, холодный расчёт и решительное желание.

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And it’s that if I ever go looking for my heart’s desire again I won’t look any further than my own back yard because if it isn’t there I never really lost it to begin with.

Дело в том, что если бы я вновь спросила себя, чего же я хочу, я бы хотела только одного — вернуться домой, потому что если дома там нет, мне незачем и возвращаться туда.

But I do not desire he should answer for me;

Я вовсе не хочу, чтобы он отвечал за меня.

I will desire you to live in the mean time, and eat your victuals.

А пока что я хочу, чтобы вы ещё пожили и съели это блюдо.

— Then it does not desire to me.

— Ну, я не хочу. — Почему?

— I have no desire to commit suicide.

— Я не хочу идти на самоубийство.

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My firm desires to improve upon its medical formula.

Моя компания желает улучшить формулу.

There must be something your little heart desires.

Наверное, есть то, что желает твое сердечко?

— His Majesty instruct me to say he desire to observe fully terms of his promise.

— Его Величество велел передать, что он желает полностью сдержать обещание.

If the defense so desires, I will adjourn for a short time so that the prisoner may gain control of himself.

Если защита желает, я объявлю короткий перерыв, чтобы обвиняемый смог взять себя в руки.

on a distant planet, perhaps with the subconscious desire of starting a new race, one that will remain ignorant of atomic power and warfare.

на далёкой планете, и подсознательно желает положить начало новой расе, которой будут неведомы атомная энергия и войны.

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But, Doctor… if somebody wants to satisfy your desire…

Но, доктор, что, если кто-то захочет утолить вашу страсть?

Desire flows within me.

Страсть течет во мне.

Now, then, Rick, it says when she comes down to her knees it inflames your desire.

Рик, здесь говорится о том, что, когда она опускается на колени у тебя вспыхивает страсть.

SVANKMAJER: Like Arcimboldo, this desire to create transformations is very strong in me.

Как и Арчимбольдо, я тоже питаю страсть к превращениям.

And I lived my desire… in silence.

Я преодолел мою страсть к тишине.

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You have literature, art treasures, my collections, and even music, if you so desire.

В вашем распоряжении книги, произведения искусства, мои коллекции, даже музыка, если пожелаете.

And I will also pray that for all your life you have what you desire.

И еще буду молить, чтобы у вас всегда было все, что вы пожелаете.

As many doors as desires you have, and behind every door something is waiting for you, the one you are looking for.

Столько дверей, сколько вы пожелаете, и за ними вас ожидает то, чего вы как раз ищете.

As many doors as desires you have.

— Столько дверей, сколько вы пожелаете.

You’re a eunuch as well? McAngus, as reward for your deeds in battle, my father here empowers me to grant you anything you may desire of me.

Мак Ангус, в качестве награды за боевые подвиги во время сражений мой отец наделил меня властью презентовать вам все, что вы пожелаете.

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If one desires money and success too much it can poison his life.

Жажда наживы и успеха отравляет душу.

Desiring too much would incur divine punishment.

Жажда значительно большего подвергнется божественному наказанию.

Surely it’s occurred to you, your desire for Daphne is forcing you to behave in very strange ways.

Ты и сам наверняка всё осознал. Твоя жажда Дафни побуждает тебя вести себя довольно странно.

Your desire for wealth is degenerate.

Твоя жажда богатства — признак вырождения.

I hope you’re not letting a desire for payback cloud your judgment.

Я надеюсь, жажда мести не туманит вам рассудок.

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A desire for death.

Стремление к смерти.

Our sensuality is a desire for oblivion

Наша лень, наша пронзительная нежность — это стремление к сладостной неподвижности,

in a city, or in a society, where protest movements, drugs and a desire for wealth are actually regarded as legitimate goals.

и стремление к богатству воспринимаются как совершенно законные цели в жизни.

The desire to be connected with the cosmos reflects a profound reality for we are connected.

Стремление быть связанным с космосом отражает истинную реальность. Мы действительно связаны.

We will kill desire for ownership.

Мы убьём стремление к собственности.

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When he was next to her and was looking at her, sweet weakness was penetrating all her body and burning desire was filling her.

Когда он стоял рядом и смотрел на нее, сладостная слабость проникала во все ее члены и ее охватывало вожделение.

Tell me, doctor… is it easy for men… to control physical desire?

Скажите, доктор, легко ли мужчине… обуздывать вожделение?

Before the war… I restrained the desire to pretend to be a decent man.

В довоенные годы я обуздывал вожделение, как пристало порядочному человеку.

Desire sledgehammered me.

Кузнечным молотом меня ударило вожделение.

But desire is another story. Is that the moral?

Но вожделение — совсем другая штука.

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» I desire what I do not have and have lost.

Я мечтаю о том, чего мне не хватает, о том, что я утратил.

For that part of yours I desire, and which I will never have.

За ту часть тебя, о которой я мечтаю и которая никогда не будет моей.

Or am I the only one who has any desire to move out from under the fucking power lines?

Или это только я мечтаю съехать из ёбаной трансформаторной будки?

It is an honour I particularly desire and shall particularly esteem.

Это честь, о которой я давно мечтаю и которую высоко ценю.

But what he doesn’t realize is the queen secretly desires the necklace.

Но он не ведает, что королева тайно мечтает об ожерелье.

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Where does she dwell, my heart’s desire?

Но где она, моя желанная…

She’s the most desired female in America, what every man wants.

Она самая желанная женщина в Америке, её хотят все мужчины.

The most desired as well.

И самая желанная.

Unless she’s the most desired woman in Spain.

Если только это не самая желанная женщина Испании.

One day it will no longer be desired, or necessary, or exist anymore!

Однажны он уже не будет ни желанным, ни необходимым, а то и вообще перестанет существовать! Скоро!

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