Sentences with the word delighted

These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.


We’re delighted to play tomorrow.

«Я очень рад, что сыграю завтра.

I am delighted to accept my gift.

Я очень рад, что вы приняли моё приглашение.

He upset as many people as he delighted.

Он возмутил столько же людей, скольких привел в восторг.

I am delighted to work with professional international and local staff here.

Я рада здесь сотрудничать с профессионалами как из международного, так и из местного персонала.

Recently I was quite delighted after reading something somewhat related to this.

Недавно я был очень рад, когда прочитал кое-что несколько связанное с этой темой.

We are delighted to be entering this new phase of growth.

И я рад, что мы участвуем в этом новом этапе государственного строительства».

We are delighted to announce our programme for 2014.

Кроме того, мы рады представить наш прогноз на 2014 год.

So we were absolutely delighted when it was announced.

Поэтому в тот момент, когда нас объявили, были очень рады.

Kelly does and Tom is delighted.

Ну, что досталось — и тому рады.

I am delighted to have CrowdStrike as our cybersecurity provider and partner.

Я рад, что компания CrowdStrike стала нашим поставщиком и партнером в области кибербезопасности».

We are delighted that Infectex has successfully completed this important study.

«Мы рады, что «Инфектекс» успешно завершил это сложное исследование.

We are delighted to welcome Petr back home to Chelsea.

Мы рады приветствовать Петра, который вернулся домой, в «Челси».

So, from that perspective I’m delighted.

Так что, с этой точки зрения, я вполне доволен».

I was delighted to cross the line.

Я горжусь тем, что перешагнул через эту линию.

I am delighted to be given this responsibility.

«Я рад, что на меня возложили такую ответственность.

We are delighted to have such incredible support from our customers.

Мы очень рады, что смогли получить такую потрясающую поддержку от наших инвесторов.

Athletes who sat in the stands were also delighted .

Спортсмены, которые сидели на трибунах, также были в восторге».

We are delighted they could come.

I was delighted when discussions renewed.

Очень радует, что переговорные процессы возобновились».

What surprised and delighted me most were the kids.

Что меня больше всего поразило и порадовало, так это обилие молодежи.

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Word index: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Expression index: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Phrase index: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Synonym: beguiled, captivated, charmed, enthralled, entranced. Similar words: delight, delightful, enlighten, enlightenment, highlight, tighten, fighter, brighten. Meaning: [-tɪd]  adj. 1. greatly pleased 2. filled with wonder and delight. 

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1. I know Frank will be delighted to see you.

2. I am delighted to make your acquaintance, Mrs. Baker.

3. He grins, delighted at the memory.

4. Mrs Gorman was plainly delighted.

5. The circus show delighted everyone.

6. All good wishes for a safe and delighted voyage!

7. I was delighted to be invited to her party.

8. We are all delighted at the news.

9. He delighted himself with his success.

10. Sandy will be delighted to see you.

11. We will be delighted to…

12. He was grinning proudly, delighted with his achievements.

13. We are delighted to learn that…

14. My wife and I are very delighted to hear the news of your marriage.We send you both our love and hope you will have nothing but joy and happiness in your life together.

15. I’m delighted for you.

16. We are extremely delighted to hear of your scholarship to Beijing University.You are worthy of success.Best wishes for your bright future.

17. Mrs Cartwright said she would be only too delighted to present the prizes.

18. I have always been delighted at the prospect of a new day, a fresh try, one more start, with perhaps a bit of magic waiting somewhere behind the morning.

19. I’m delighted to receive the announcement of your marriage and now send you and your Frank my sincere congratulations and best wishes for a happy and harmonious life together.

20. Patients are delighted their local hospital has been saved from the axe.

21. His latest play has delighted theatre audiences and theatre critics alike.

22. I am very delighted to hear you have successfully passed the high school certificate examination.As one of your intimate friends,I feel very proud of you and have a smack of your happiness.

22. try its best to gather and build good sentences.

23. We are delighted to welcome you to our firm.

24. Words cannot convey how delighted I was.

25. She delighted in interesting conversation.

26. He’s really delighted with his new CD player.

27. He looked pleased, even delighted.

28. I’d be absolutely delighted to come.

29. ‘Can you stay for dinner?’ ‘I’d be delighted !’

30. i will make you happy when you are depressed. i will make you delighted when you are in great sorrow!

More similar words: delight, delightful, enlighten, enlightenment, highlight, tighten, fighter, brighten, light, straighten, frightened, plight, flight, slight, firefighter, light up, lightly, slightly, lighting, moonlight, lightning, deliver, daughter, fidelity, delivery, delicate, indelible, guideline, delirious, deliberate. 

восхищенный, радостный, очарованный


- восхищённый, очарованный; довольный, радостный, счастливый

delighted look — восхищённый взгляд

Мои примеры


delighted to meet you — очень рад познакомиться с вами; я рад с вами познакомиться; очень рад  
i’m so delighted… — как я счастлив что…  
be delighted at — восхищаться  

Примеры с переводом

I am delighted by the result.

Я в восторге от результата.

She’s delighted with her new car.

Она в восторге от своего нового автомобиля.

Sandy will be delighted to see you.

Сенди будет рада вас видеть.

The toy delighted the children.

Игрушка привела детей в восторг.

I am delighted with my new house.

Я восхищена своим новым домом. / Новый дом мне очень нравится.

I’m delighted that we have settled the matter.

Я рад, что мы уладили дело.

He never was so delighted in his born days.

Он никогда за свою жизнь не был так счастлив.

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Примеры, ожидающие перевода

The children were especially delighted that there were enough cookies for each of them to have two.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

delight  — восторг, восхищение, наслаждение, наслаждаться, восхищать, восхищаться
delightful  — восхитительный, очаровательный, сладостный
delightedly  — восхищенно, радостно, счастливо, с наслаждением

delighted — перевод на русский


but nobody else will and I’m delighted to have a man of your standing help me get rid of my wife.»

И я рад, что человек с вашим положением в обществе поможет мне избавиться от жены.

Delighted to see you.

Рад вас видеть.


Я рад, что вы приехали.

Madeline! I’m delighted to see you!

Мэделин, как я рад вас видеть.

I’m delighted to see you, Mr. Vanderleur.

Рад видеть вас, мр. Вандерлер.

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«The audience is delighted!»

«Публика в восторге!»

They’ll be delighted.

Она будет в восторге.

Tomorrow I’d be delighted, dear.

— Завтра я буду в восторге, дорогой.

Delighted, I’m sure.

— Я в восторге.

Brody’s delighted with the script.

Броуди в восторге от сценария.

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I’d be delighted.

С удовольствием.

I should be delighted.

С удовольствием.


С удовольствием.

I should be delighted, Lord Darlington.

С удовольствием, лорд Дарлингтон.

— Any night at all. Be delighted.

Когда пожелаешь, я с удовольствием.

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Delighted to show you around, Senator.

Очень рад. Я вам все покажу, Сенатор.

— I’m delighted to see you, Mr. Yardley.

Очень рад вас видеть, мистер Ярдли.

Delighted to meet you, Mr. Davis.

Очень рад, месье Франк Дэвис.


Очень рад.

Delighted to see you.

Очень рад видеть вас.

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As for her, her delight was indescribably childlike.

Радость этой женщины была неописуемо детской.

My only delight is a pleasant drive.

У меня одна радость — приятная поездка.

My father may be dead, but my mother and sister will be delighted.

Отец уже мёртв, но хотя бы матери и сестре будет радость.

I’m sure Kikui will be delighted to see you all dead.

Погибайте на радость Коменданта.

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Delighted to see you again, monsieur Beaumont!

Счастлив вас видеть, мсье Бомон.


Мисс Сьюзан, я счастлив обнаружить, что вы так мало изменились.

I am delighted that I am no longer alive.

Я счастлив, что больше не жив.

— He’d be delighted.

— Он будет счастлив.

He’d be delighted.

Он будет счастлив.

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«let us savor the fleet delights of our fairest days!»

«Давайте вкушать мимолётное наслаждение» «Отраду наших дней!»

Yes, I agree, a rare delight.

Да, я согласен, редкое наслаждение.

What gastronomic delight awaits us?

Какое гастрономическое наслаждение нас ожидает?

Meaning of the decoration is visual delight.

Смысл украшения — визуальное наслаждение.

Her delight is what matters.

Её наслаждение — вот что важно.

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Delighted because of your friendly reception… relieved because so long as I stand on this platform…

и выступать перед вами мне легко и приятно.

— I’m delighted to see you again, madam.

— Мне приятно вас видеть снова, мадам.

You must have known how delighted I’d be to meet on your birthday.

Вы словно знали, как приятно мне будет быть рядом с вами в этот вечер.


Очень приятно.

— You don’t know how delighted I am.

Вы даже не представляете, как мне приятно.

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I am delighted.

Я восхищен.

— No, I’m delighted.

— Я восхищен.

I’m delighted.

Я восхищен.

— Absolutely delighted.

— Просто восхищен.

He said he was delighted that, quote…

Он сказал, что восхищен тем, что — цитирую —

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Then they must be delighted with your career.

Тогда должно быть они довольны твоей карьерой.

Doctor, I thought you’d be delighted.

Доктор, я думал, вы будете довольны.

You must be delighted.

— Великолепно… Вы довольны?

You must be delighted.

Вы должны быть довольны.

Yes, however, we’re back and I’m sure many of you will be delighted to hear that in this, our 20th series, we’ve slowed down a little and grown up a lot.

Да, тем не менее, мы вернулись. И я уверен, многие будут довольны, услышав, что в этом 20-м сезоне мы сбавили темп и немного повзрослели.

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Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word delighted, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use delighted in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «delighted». In addition, we also show how different variations of delighted can be used, the variations for which we also have example sentences are delightedly. If you click on the variation of delighted that you are interested in, you will be taken to the list of example sentences for that particular form.

Delighted in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word delighted in a sentence.

  1. Mallard, delighted that at last Mrs.

  2. Catherine, however, was delighted with the death of her ally.

  3. Henry I was delighted by the news and came to see her at Rouen.

  4. His success delighted his family and made him a local celebrity.

  5. Hepburn loved the book and was delighted to be offered the role.

  6. Ipswich’s manager Bobby Robson was delighted: «What a day for us.

  7. LaVey was delighted to meet her, having been a fan of Night Tide.

  8. If you had £500 a year I should be delighted for you to marry her!

  9. Adams was delighted by the election of John Quincy to the presidency.

  10. As Liat and Cable spend more time together, Bloody Mary is delighted.

  11. He is delighted; she is at last understanding the Siamese perspective.

  12. He delighted and bored listeners with tales of his escape for many years.

  13. Carmen is delighted to learn of José’s release from two months’ detention.

  14. Every evening they are delighted by the sound of a distant train’s whistle.

  15. Borah, delighted, proclaimed the day the greatest since the end of the Civil War.

  16. Latino invites Aeneas to take the hand of Lavinia, who is delighted to accept him.

  17. Darwin was delighted by the popularity of the book, and asked Gray to keep any profits.

  18. The purchase delighted most Kentuckians, and Garrard hailed it as a «noble achievement».

  19. Some directors were delighted with the creativity, but others were often frustrated by it.

  20. This understanding delighted Thomas, because it meant he could limit his visits to London.

  21. According to Dean, she was as delighted by the part as Bizet was by her suitability for it.

  22. Waugh was delighted, informing all of his friends that he had been mad: «Clean off my onion!

  23. Finally, he was so delighted that he asked me to come to his cafe and entertain the customers.

  24. Lennon delighted in mocking Epstein for his homosexuality and for the fact that he was Jewish.

  25. Dickinson delighted in dramatic self-characterization and mystery in her letters to Higginson.

  26. We often delighted ourselves in teaching the Parrots to speak, there being vast numbers of them.

  27. The project took one year and exceeded its budget, but Zeckendorf was delighted with the results.

  28. One card, signed «A Workman», delighted its recipient, «Don’t die yet, we can’t do without you.».

  29. He confirmed to her that «Twiggy Vous» was «most popular in Paris»; she was delighted at the news.

  30. Knox was delighted with the corpse, and stored it in whisky for three months before dissecting it.

  31. Vice President Nixon a hardliner and was delighted by his defeat in the 1960 presidential election.

  32. Because many of her recent characters tended to die, McNab was delighted by Lucy’s offscreen death.

  33. His father was delighted with him; in May 1538, Henry was observed «dallying with him in his arms ..

  34. He declared that he was delighted to discover Cynara, for voice and orchestra, abandoned since 1907.

  35. Mears was delighted with his victory, saying in the post-race press conference, «This is unbelievable.

  36. He never heard back from them, and learned years later that they were delighted by the turn of events.

  37. She was delighted when the Whigs came back to power in 1830 and at the prospect of the 1832 Reform Act.

  38. Ralston, who considered the Enterprise ugly and the model hard to shoot, delighted in destroying the ship.

  39. His speech read: «I’m completely delighted to have a Brit for being the best male but I am, aren’t I Kate?

  40. Sullivan was delighted with the sketch, and Gilbert read a first draft of the plot to Carte in mid-January.

  41. As for more general preparation, the children delighted in making music together, something they never lost.

  42. Gibbons was delighted with the suggestion, and the work was published as Cold Comfort Farm in September 1932.

  43. We were surprised and, of course, delighted that the original game was played and enjoyed by so many people ..

  44. Puccini was delighted with the public’s reception of the work in Paris, despite adverse comments from critics.

  45. MacArthur replied that he «would be delighted to meet the President on the morning of the 15th at Wake Island».

  46. Stacey wrote that the populace were «particularly delighted to find their city freed in part by men from Canada».

  47. Sibelius was delighted with the new piece, writing to Aino, «It’s as though I have found myself, and more besides.

  48. Malik, whom Warne and Waugh had accused of attempting to bribe them, said that he was delighted at the revelation.

  49. Bruce was delighted when the Prince invited him to join Princesse Alice on a hydrographic survey around Spitsbergen.

  50. Although delighted to have won the award, Le Mesurier commented that the aftermath proved «something of an anticlimax.

Delightedly in a sentence

Delightedly is a variation of delighted, below you can find example sentences for delightedly.

  1. Factory workers present her with a small model elephant which, she delightedly informs them, is the symbol of the Republican Party which her husband leads.

Synonyms for delighted

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word delighted has the following synonyms: beguiled, captivated, charmed, enthralled, entranced, enchanted and pleased.

General information about «delighted» example sentences

The example sentences for the word delighted that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «delighted» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «delighted».

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