Sentences with the word decent

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We thought we had a decent product.

Я считаю, что у нас получился достойный продукт.

Some resorts will take payment plans if you have decent credit.

Некоторые курорты будут принимать планы оплаты, если у вас есть достойный кредит.

Automatic white balance is generally pretty decent.

Автоматический баланс белого, как правило, довольно приличный.

Like any halfway decent lawyer would.

Да любой более-менее приличный адвокат так бы поступил.

No decent person in this world hates puppies.

Ни один порядочный человек в этом мире не ненавидит щенков.

Many decent people do, myself included.

Очень многие достойные особы делают это, в том числе и у нас.

But they still are drawing fairly decent demand.

Тем не менее, они все еще пользуются приличным спросом.

Employers must also provide decent working conditions.

У работников здравоохранения должны быть и достойные условия труда.

I think we played pretty decent.

«Я думаю, что мы играли довольно достойно.

We had safe jobs and decent salaries under communism.

«У нас была безопасная работа и приличные заработки при коммунизме.

Another area in which immigrants can also find a decent workplace is medicine.

Еще одна сфера, в которой иммигранты также могут найти себе достойное рабочее место — это медицина.

They know you will act justly and wisely: decent press .

Они знают, что вы будете действовать справедливо и мудро: достойная пресса».

So, 65% of respondents primarily expect a decent wage.

Так, 65% респондентов, прежде всего, ожидают достойной оплаты труда.

But I think we have something decent to show people.

Но сегодня я думаю, что у нас есть что-то приличное, чтобы показать людям .

Someone who thinks they can earn a decent living.

Кто-то, кто думает, что они могут заработать приличное проживание.

All it needs to be is decent.

Все, что мне нужно, это если он окажется приличным.

The hotel we stayed at was pretty decent.

Гостиница, в которой мы остановились, оказалась очень приличной.

The fact is that growing kittens need decent amounts of nutrients.

Дело в том, что растущие котята нуждаются в приличных количествах питательных веществ.

She’s actually got pretty decent taste.

На самом деле, у неё довольно приличный вкус.

When schools offer decent toilets, 11 percent more girls attend.

«Когда школы предлагают достойные туалеты, на 11 процентов больше девочек посещают учебные заведения.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Предложения, которые содержат decent

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decent — перевод на русский


I’m only doing what any decent guy in the same spot would do.

Я всего лишь делаю то, что сделал бы любой приличный парень в подобной ситуации.

A lot of hopped-up wrecks. If they had a decent car, what do you get out of it?

бесконечные поломки а если бы у вас был приличный автомобиль, тогда что?

It’s clean and decent.

Он чистый, впοлне приличный.

So I did the only decent thing a man could do.

я поступил так, как поступил бы любой приличный человек.

The first one who looks decent.

Первый приличный. Наверняка не местный.

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— No decent train’d stop here.

Ни один порядочный поезд здесь не останавливался, верно? Будут.

He couldn’t rot in Durnstein like any decent man.

Он не стал гнить в Дурнштейне, как порядочный человек.

— And he’s not a bloke but a very decent person.

Он порядочный человек.

He’s decent and proud!

Он порядочный и у него есть гордость!

And a decent man.

И порядочный человек.

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The only decent thing I’ve done since I’ve known you is to tell you the truth now.

я рассказала тебе правду — вот мой единственный достойный поступок с тех пор, как € теб€ встретила.

Even the most selfish pig may have… may have something he won’t face, even though it’s the only decent thing that ever happened to him.

Даже самая эгоистичная свинья, может сделать,… может сделать что-то благородное, даже если это единственный достойный поступок который произошел с ним.

You’re basically a decent man, and that’s the whole point.

А вы, в целом, достойный мужчина — это ключевой момент.

You’re an intelligent, decent, sensitive man, and, well, I have a feeling about you.

Ты умный, достойный, чуткий мужчина. Когда я рядом с тобой, у меня возникает ощущение, будто бы ко мне с чем-нибудь прибегают мои ученики.

Probably the first decent thing he’s done in years… and he gets himself knocked off for it.

Наверное, первый достойный поступок за долгие годы и он из-за него погиб!

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You know you’re a decent guy?

Ты знаешь, что ты хороший человек?

I know you, you’re a fine, decent man.

Я знаю тебя. Ты хороший человек.

The soil is good, we could have a decent harvest.

Земля хорошая, можно было бы собирать хороший урожай.

— If I get a decent crop.

Если будет хороший урожай.

Then get a decent bowling jacket, so you don’t look like the Roto-Rooter man.

Когда у тебя хороший костюм, то ты и выглядишь соответственно.

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Don’t we even dare say good-bye decently?

Разве не должны мы перед лицом возможной смерти нормально попрощаться?

I haven’t had a decent meal in four days.

Я четыре дня не ел нормально.

Say guys, why don’t we fix up the sleeping quarters so we can have decent place to sleep again?

Ну, что ребята приведем его в порядок, чтобы иметь место, где можно нормально поспать?

-Very decent.

— Нет, нормально всё.

I wouldn’t go so far as to say that. He treated me pretty decent.

Я бы не назвала его милым, но со мной он обращался нормально.

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He’s a decent fellow.

Он неплохой малый.

Very decent.

Очень неплохой.

Ted Burgess is quite a decent fellow.

Тэд Берджес неплохой парень.

A decent sort of a dog when he’s got his senses about him.

Думаю, он окажется неплохой псиной, когда придет в себя.

He’s a decent fella, isn’t he, the president?

Он неплохой парень, этот президент, не правда ли?

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André’s very kind and very decent, but too sincere.

Андре очень приятный и очень славный, но слишком искренний.

Now, then, Freddy, you’re a decent sort of chap.

Фреди, ты вроде бы славный парень?

He had a strange sense of humour but otherwise a decent fellow.

Со странным чувством юмора, но в остальном славный малый.

Really, really decent chap.

Очень, очень славный малый.

Now, you seem like a decent fella.

Ты, похоже, славный парень.

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OREN: When you make a decent offer.

— Только тогда, когда вы сделаете подходящее предложение.

You could buy someplace decent to live— even at Miami prices.

Ты смог бы купить себе место, подходящее для жизни, даже с расценками Майами.

Let’s see. How much will cost a decent dress? Something simple.

Давай посмотрим, во сколько нам обойдется подходящее платье не самое дорогое.

Let’s just hope… they’ve found a decent place to bivouac.

Есть только одна надежда… что они найдут подходящее место для стоянки.

The only decent place, really, because the GhostFacers know how to solve it.

Это очень подходящее место, правда, потому, что охотники за призраками знают, как решить это.

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I thought I could trust you to behave decent.

Я думал, что могу тебе доверять, что ты будешь вести себя пристойно.

Is it decent?

А это пристойно?

At least they look decent. Thanks, Rosa.

По крайней мере, они выглядят пристойно.

You know, if you take everything I’ve accomplished in my entire life and condense it down into one day, it looks decent.

Понимаешь, если взять все, что я сделал в жизни и спрессовать в один день. Будет выглядеть вполне пристойно.

I should think we’ve been able to make a fairly decent go of it so far.

Я думаю, мы сумели достаточно пристойно обустроить все это.

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He’s a decent lad.

Он честный парень.

From all I hear, he’s a very decent fellow.

Говорят, он честный малый.

You drove this fool crazy with that cinema of yours so every decent job is hard for him.

Заразил ты этого болвана с твоим кинотеатром, так что любой честный труд кажется ему тяжким.

Worf, you’re the most honourable and decent man that I’ve ever met.

Ворф, ты — самый благородный и честный человек, которого я когда-либо встречала.

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Sentences with the word Decent?



  • «the step makes a satisfactory seat»; «I would kill for a decent cup of coffee»; «a decent wage»
  • «speech in this circle, if not always decent, never became lewd»- George Santayana
  • «are you decent
  • «though one of her shoulder straps had slipped down, she was perfectly decent by current standards»
  • «a decent burial»; «We have come to dedicate a portion of that field…It is altogether fitting and proper that we should do this»
  • «from a decent family»; «a nice girl»
  • «please do your job properly!»; «can’t you carry me decent
  • «She tugged for years to make a decent living»; «We have to push a little to make the deadline!»; «She is driving away at her doctoral thesis»
  • «pretty big»; «pretty bad»; «jolly decent of him»; «the shoes are priced reasonably»; «he is fairly clever with computers»
  • «he was a good man, decent and sincere»; «felt sincere regret that they were leaving»; «sincere friendship»

You know you’re no Shakespeare, but your message sure seemed decent enough to get a mutual match to respond.


The paper you reviewed Friday had a major flaw and could be criticized on certain grounds, but it was a decent paper and it doesn’t seem outrageous that it was published.


Johnson, radiant and committed, gives Ana a certain confidence and ease that she’d never had before, and Christian, the man of steel himself, proves he has a few decent jokes in him — though Dornan struggles slightly to portray that goofiness.


For an instance, a hot picture on the woman’s profile is more likely to attract flirty guys; whereas a decent but simple picture will represent the real she and it will attract the guys who will be looking for the long term relationship.


I mean, I suppose you could go after the Platinum trophy, but you’ll have to sink in a decent amount of hours for that and with how many luck based trophies there are it could be a while.


Considering how many shitty, shitty movies I’ve reviewed, I’d say this movie still got a pretty decent review.


I had a decent amount of confidence in the article until I realized that you guys actually sell gold yourselves.


«That was the last straw,» she says, «I finally had decent medical insurance, so it was time to get help.»


That H.E Ayisi Boateng even in the face of overwhelming condemnation and revulsion from many decent minded Ghanaians still chose to adopt a more belligerent, reckless and divisive posture as demonstrated by his reported retort in which he dared the Minority to go to the Supreme Court if we so please.


I keep the few simple ingredients on hand and we never have to buy hand soap or worry about running out… Surprisingly, this foaming version also makes a decent shaving cream in the shower…


He came close, but his tyres went off towards the end and had to settle for fourth — still a decent result given his starting position, and fans voted him «Driver of the Day» for his efforts.


Burnley are certainly one of the smaller sides in the division and we expect Blackburn to continue their decent form at home by beating their local rivals, Burnley.


I know some of you might not quite understand just how much clutter is required to create a decent looking food photograph but I can tell you that it requires more than just a plate and cutlery.


The site is non-profit and run by a team of volunteer staff who are here to ensure forum etiquette, check profiles/photos are decent and to stop bogus non-bikers getting through.


I do remember I was going to spend several days with my peers at my AICI industry conference in some very hot climate (Florida, I think) in the summertime and I was looking for something decent to wear that wouldn’t show perspiration.


Many of us are under the impression that relationships include an initial blast of bliss, followed by a quick decent into «the big fade.»


I saw so many men and women on the verge of tears — and indeed was choking back myself… But people were decent, silent, pensive — no hysteria, no inappropriate shouting, just an honest and profound sadness…


Too many decent men have been crushed and destroyed by a Feminist bias in our family courts.


Over a 12-month period (ended June 30, 2017), global hedge funds, as measured by the HFRX Global Hedge Fund Index, delivered decent gains of 6.0 % in US dollar terms.1 That’s a vast improvement in the performance of these alternative investments from the prior two years.


Yes the Whole team played like Pants in the Monaco game but it WAS GIROUD that flopped up big time… Its all about scoring goals — he didn’t put away decent chances (which was created by who — the rest of the guys)..


Zoe from When youre contained by a decent stain and wish a large amount of cash, Speeey cash may also help you keep afloat by one in every of our insidestallment loans.


I’ve done a decent amount of furniture restoration and home improvement, but never used gel stains.


This is especially jarring given that the game contains a relatively decent stadium editor, but the development team doesn’t appear to have bothered to use it themselves for very much.


The prime minister appears to have got off to a decent start, initially concentrating on important non-policy posts.


That said, they’re not for everyone, especially since they require a decent level of core strength and shoulder flexibility.


PMB might be a decent fellow, who commands moral authority.


Firstly, ensure you are wearing the proper lift clothing, and that you set aside some decent time for the session.


There are definitely still decent Catholic men left in Walker, and with a AfroRomance account, you’ll have no trouble finding them!


Indeed, thanks to nice Mr Alan Johnson (when he was Pensions Minister), they are almost the only ones left who can look forward to a decent pension.


After failing to register any valid long jumps on their first two attempts, Kumaravel Premkumar and Ankit Sharma raised to the occasion with some decent marks at the end with the former achieving the best of the evening woth 7.88 m (0.0) against the latter’s 7.76 m (0.0).


Ordinary metrics such as calls per day and minutes per call are a decent starting point, but they alone are not comprehensive enough to paint a complete picture of the skills of any particular sales rep. So, consider incorporating lesser-used metrics into your performance tracking, such as voicemail-return rate, dial-to-opportunity percentage and dials-to-appointments ratio.


Had the script been any good, it probably could have been decent, but had the makers of the film used it to line birdcages instead of funding a budget to make it, it would have been put to better use.


The acts of a few hundreds, or thousands, or even tens of thousands, should not be allowed to smear the name of more than one billion decent people.


By November I’d been watching the exchange rate on MtGox for a few months and felt I had a decent enough understanding of Bitcoin to make a small investment.


My husband is a vegetarian and so i’m always looking for decent alternatives to the things he used to eat — especially bacon!


@ramugunner; The boys have turned the corner already, as much as you like shopping, I would say that today you have come accross to me as you just want anyone who had a decent game or two who is not an arsenal player and don’t like very much our very own.


In fact, it would be pretty difficult to build decent, high-traffic links without some sort of social media being drafted in.


The supporting cast of characters fills the wide array of colorful criminals with a decent amount of success.


As you have said that minerals are important I will put more effort into finding a decent multi-mineral — in Australia it’s more difficult than you would think.


If you work in a profession that requires you to wear business or dress attire every day, it goes without saying that you need to own a decent amount of neckties.


Some good positioning at set pieces, and decent passing out.


From my experience, there are times when setting your little one down in a decent baby swing or bouncer is a healthy and good thing.


Now take the left over bottom crust (overhang) and fold it over into the top crust making a decent size top crust.


Rabago and Nunez are decent AAA depth and have a ceiling of MLB backup.


Obviously, this is tricky and regularly troubling material, especially since Erica is attracted to Will, since Will seems like a decent guy who rejects Erica’s advances, and since Luke’s story of abuse was called into question at the time and seems increasingly inconsistent as the plot unfolds.


I usually choose shorts with a 5 ″ inseam because they hide the widest parts of my thighs, offer decent coverage, and lengthen my legs.


The institute is undoubtedly an ego trip for Schuller, and so is many a classroom lecture and magazine article and editorial column for you and me, but he came through time and again during the conference as a decent, warm, ordinary and enthusiastic human being.


With lots of blood, some hooey, and even some history, this appears to be a decent — and watchable — period drama.


Any man who believes it, and has within his breast a decent, throbbing heart, will go insane.


The film belongs to Richard Arlen and Charles «Buddy» Rogers, and they’re decent.


приличный, порядочный, пристойный, скромный, подходящий, славный, благопристойный


- приличный; благопристойный; порядочный

- скромный, пристойный

decent in conversation — сдержанный в выражениях

- славный, хороший; неплохой

decent house [fellow] — славный домик [малый]
awfully decent of you — очень мило с вашей стороны
he writes decent English — он вполне прилично пишет по-английски
the wine is quite decent — вино вполне приличное
the food is decent enough — еда сносная, есть можно

- порядочный, достаточный, изрядный

decent fortune — изрядное состояние
decent income — вполне достаточный доход

- школ. добрый, нестрогий; непридирчивый

decent teacher — добрый учитель

- уст. приличествующий, подобающий; пристойный

decent for a king — подобающий /приличествующий/ королю

Мои примеры


Примеры с переводом

It’s hard to find a decent job.

Приличную работу найти тяжело.

Are there any decent schools in that area?

Есть ли приличные школы в этом районе?

He is a decent guy who would help anyone in need.

Он порядочный парень, который хотел бы помочь всем нуждающимся.

She had a decent upbringing.

Она была хорошо воспитана.

You’re a decent geezer.

Ты славный малый.

Leave the apron a decent tip. He’s taken a good care of us.

Оставь бармену хорошие чаевые. Он хорошо нас обслужил.

I undressed, bagged up my things in decent order, and prepared for rest.

Я разделся, аккуратно сложил свои вещи и приготовился отойти ко сну.

ещё 18 примеров свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

All decent people should be sickened by such a pointless waste of life.

You’re looking at, what, about £4000 for a decent second-hand car.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

decently  — прилично, порядочно, благопристойно, скромно, хорошо, любезно, мило, подходяще
indecent  — неприличный, непристойный, непорядочный, неподобающий, нескромный

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