Sentences with the word dead

Sentences with the word Dead?



  • «Abandon your life to God»; «She gave up her children to her ex-husband when she moved to Tahiti»; «We gave the drowning victim up for dead«
  • «an absolutely magnificent painting»; «a perfectly idiotic idea»; «you’re perfectly right»; «utterly miserable»; «you can be dead sure of my innocence»; «was dead tired»; «dead right»
  • «was all in at the end of the day»; «so beat I could flop down and go to sleep anywhere»; «bushed after all that exercise»; «I’m dead after that long trip»
  • «the analyzed data indicated surprising trends»; «a carefully analyzed poem can be like a dead butterfly pinned to a board»
  • «Anyhow, he is dead now»; «I think they’re asleep; anyhow, they’re quiet»; «I don’t know what happened to it; anyway, it’s gone»; «anyway, there is another factor to consider»; «I don’t know how it started; in any case, there was a brief scuffle»; «in any event, the government faced a serious protest»; «but at any rate he got a knighthood for it»
  • «Ask your teacher about trigonometry»; «The children asked me about their dead grandmother»; «I inquired about their special today»; «He had to ask directions several times»
  • «ran away from the lion»; «wanted to get away from there»; «sent the children away to boarding school»; «the teacher waved the children away from the dead animal»; «went off to school»; «they drove off»; «go forth and preach»
  • «the fear of God»; «the Chinese reverence for the dead«; «the French treat food with gentle reverence»; «his respect for the law bordered on veneration»
  • «tried not to speak ill of the dead«; «thought badly of him for his lack of concern»
  • «his parting shot was `drop dead‘»; «she threw shafts of sarcasm»; «she takes a dig at me every chance she gets»
  • «bent on going to the theater»; «dead set against intervening»; «out to win every event»
  • «The dead man’s stomach was bloated»
  • «was declared brain dead«
  • «an inanimate body»; «pulseless and dead«
  • «Their dreams carried the Romantics away into distant lands»; «The car carried us off to the meeting»; «I’ll take you away on a holiday»; «I got carried away when I saw the dead man and I started to cry»
  • «it’s a dead cert»
  • «You can characterize his behavior as that of an egotist»; «This poem can be characterized as a lament for a dead lover»
  • «a charnel smell came from the chest filled with dead men’s bones»; «ghastly shrieks»; «the sepulchral darkness of the catacombs»
  • «Latin is a language as dead as dead can be. It killed the ancient Romans—and now it’s killing me»
  • «This sculpture commemorates the victims of the concentration camps»; «We memorialized the dead«
  • «We remembered the 50th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz»; «Remember the dead of the First World War»
  • «theories about the extinction of dinosaurs are still highly conjectural»; «the supposed reason for his absence»; «suppositious reconstructions of dead languages»; «hypothetical situation»
  • «a life consecrated to science»; «the consecrated chapel»; «a chapel dedicated to the dead of World War II»
  • «Cross the name of the dead person off the list»
  • «She cut him dead at the meeting»
  • «cut off the ear»; «lop off the dead branch»
  • «the nerve is dead«; «a dead pallor»; «he was marked as a dead man by the assassin»
  • «Mars is a dead planet»; «dead soil»; «dead coals»; «the fire is dead«
  • «a dead shot»; «took dead aim»
  • «Crater Lake is in the crater of a dead volcano of the Cascade Range»
  • «dead sounds characteristic of some compact discs»; «the dead wall surfaces of a recording studio»
  • «Latin is a dead language»
  • «a dead tennis ball»
  • «a dead telephone line»; «the motor is dead«
  • «a dead issue»
  • «came to a dead stop»
  • «this is a dead town; nothing ever happens here»
  • «his gums were dead from the novocain»; «she felt no discomfort as the dentist drilled her deadened tooth»; «a public desensitized by continuous television coverage of atrocities»
  • «a dead battery»; «left the lights on and came back to find the battery drained»
  • «dead capital»; «idle funds»
  • «passersby were dead to our plea for help»; «numb to the cries for mercy»
  • «dead air»; «dead water»; «stagnant water»
  • «they buried the dead«
  • «the dead of winter»
  • «his aim was true»; «he was dead on target»
  • «I wonder what the dead person would have done»
  • «the dead Sea Scrolls provide information about Judaism and the Bible around the time of Jesus»
  • «stuck in a dead-end job»
  • «The estate fell to my sister»; «The land returned to the family»; «The estate devolved to an heir that everybody had assumed to be dead«
  • «The dead woman was eulogized at the funeral»
  • «an exotic hair style»; «protons, neutrons, electrons and all their exotic variants»; «the exotic landscape of a dead planet»
  • «Many soldiers fell at Verdun»; «Several deer have fallen to the same gun»; «The shooting victim fell dead«
  • «Get rid of these old shoes!»; «The company got rid of all the dead wood»
  • «he combed his hair»; «each hair consists of layers of dead keratinized cells»
  • «Should one harvest organs from dead people for transplants?»
  • «ill omens»; «ill predictions»; «my words with inauspicious thunderings shook heaven»- P.B.Shelley; «a dead and ominous silence prevailed»; «a by-election at a time highly unpropitious for the Government»
  • «my battery was dead so I had to get a jumpstart from my neighbor»
  • «the party being dead we left early»; «it was a lifeless party until she arrived»
  • «in the long run we will win»; «in the long run we will all be dead«; «he performed well over the long haul»
  • «he was morbidly fascinated by dead bodies»
  • «She is mourning her dead child»
  • «He arrived only to find his wife dead«; «We won only to lose again in the next round»
  • «The rock star overdosed and was found dead in his hotel room»
  • «the dog pointed the dead duck»
  • «raise from the dead«; «Slavery is already dead, and cannot be resurrected»; «Upraising ghosts»
  • «Christ is risen!»; «The dead are to uprise»
  • «dead and rotten in his grave»
  • «sad news»; «she doesn’t like sad movies»; «it was a very sad story»; «When I am dead, my dearest, / Sing no sad songs for me»- Christina Rossetti
  • «when the shooting stopped there were three dead bodies»
  • «It doesn’t seem fair somehow»; «he had me dead to rights but somehow I got away with it»
  • «dead bodies strewed the ground»
  • «The teacher struck the child»; «the opponent refused to strike»; «The boxer struck the attacker dead«
  • «superincumbent layers of dead plants cut off the air and arrested decomposition»
  • «the architect has a theory that more is less»; «they killed him on the theory that dead men tell no tales»

мертвый, умерший, дохлый, умершие, покойники, совершенно, точно


- мёртвый; умерший; дохлый

- связанный со смертью

dead list — список погибших
dead news — известие о смерти; чёрная весть
dead march — похоронный марш

- безжизненный; как у мертвеца

dead eyes — мертвенный /тусклый/ взор
a face dead with fright — лицо, помертвевшее от страха

- погибший, кончившийся

the past is dead — прошлого не вернёшь
my doubts are dead — мои сомнения рассеялись

- увядший; погибший

dead flowers — увядшие цветы
dead leaves — засохшие листья

ещё 30 вариантов


- собир. мёртвые, умершие, покойники

the dead and the living — мёртвые и живые
to rise from the dead — восстать из мёртвых
to raise smb. from the dead — воскресить кого-л.

- глухая пора

the dead of winter — глухая зимняя пора
in /at/ the dead of night — глубокой ночью, в глухую полночь

- pl. горн. пустая порода


- эмоц.-усил. до смерти, крайне; совершенно

- точно, ровно, прямо

dead square hole — абсолютно квадратное отверстие
dead against — решительно против
I’m dead against this plan — я решительно против этого плана
dead ahead — мор. прямо по носу, по курсу
in 28 seconds dead — ровно через /в/ 28 секунд
coming dead towards us — идущий прямо на нас

- не двигаясь

to stop dead — прирасти к месту


- диал. умирать

I ain’t dead yet by a darn sight. — Я вовсе не думаю умирать.

- терять силы
- охлаждаться
- губить, умерщвлять
- лишать жизненной силы, ослаблять, заглушать

Мои примеры


dead ball — мяч, который не засчитывается  
dead shot — а) меткий выстрел; б) стрелок, не делающий промаха; снайпер  
he was the deadest shot in the county — он был лучшим стрелком в графстве  
dead dog — сл. а) ни на что не годный, никчёмный человек; б) ненужная вещь  
dead duck — а) бедняга; бедолага, неудачник; б) конченый человек; в) ничего не стоящая вещь; ≅ гроша ломаного не стоит  
dead marines — пустые винные бутылки  
dead spit — точная копия (кого-л., чего-л.)  
Dead Sea Apple /Fruit/ — красивый, но гнилой плод  
dead above the ears, dead from the neck up — амер. сл. ≅ глуп как пробка  
dead to the world — а) в бесчувственном состоянии, без сознания; б) спящий мёртвым сном; в) мертвецки пьяный  

dead as a door-nail /as a herring, as mutton, as four o’clock, as a nit/ — а) без каких-л. признаков жизни, бездыханный; б) вышедший из употребления, исчезнувший без следа; утративший силу, превратившийся в мёртвую букву (о договоре и т. п.)  
dead in the water — а) мор. потерявший ход, без хода (о судне); б) на мели, в безвыходном положении  
over my dead body! — (только) через мой труп, ни за что на свете!; этому не бывать!  
not to be seen dead — лучше умереть, чем …; испытывать омерзение (к чему л.)  
more dead than alive — смертельно усталый  
dead men don’t bite /don’t tell tales/, dead men tell no tales — посл. мёртвый не скажет  

ещё 6 примеров свернуть

Примеры с переводом

Drop dead!.

Иди к чёрту! / Отвали! / Проваливай! / Пошел на фиг! (груб)

He was found dead.

Его нашли мёртвым.

You look dead beat.

Ты выглядишь смертельно усталой.

There was a dead pause.

Наступило гробовое молчание.

My fingers are dead.

У меня онемели пальцы.

It sounded dead boring.

Это звучало смертельно скучно.

The seas were dead calm.

На море был мёртвый штиль.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

You’re in dead trouble now (=in very serious trouble)!

…Juliet’s pitiful lament, “alas, poor Romeo, he is already dead!”….

What a debacle. Next thing he knew, one of the patients would turn up dead.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

deaden  — притуплять боль, ослаблять, делать нечувствительным
deadly  — смертельный, смертоносный, смертный, смертельно, чрезвычайно, ужасно
deadish  — помертвевший, ослабленный, матовый
deadness  — отсутствие признаков жизни, смерть, вялость, апатия, однообразие, монотонность

Формы слова

срав. степ. (comparative): deader
прев. степ. (superlative): deadest

Synonym: deceased, dreary, dull, flat, gone, inactive, lifeless. Antonym: alive, living. Similar words: deadly, deadline, deal, idea, death, dealer, deal out, deal in. Meaning: [ded]  n. 1. people who are no longer living 2. a time when coldness (or some other quality associated with death) is intense. adj. 1. no longer having or seeming to have or expecting to have life 2. not showing characteristics of life especially the capacity to sustain life; no longer exerting force or having energy or heat 3. very tired 4. unerringly accurate 5. physically inactive 6. total 7. not endowed with life 8. (followed by `to’) not showing human feeling or sensitivity; unresponsive 9. devoid of physical sensation; numb 10. lacking acoustic resonance 11. not yielding a return 12. not circulating or flowing 13. out of use or operation because of a fault or breakdown 14. not surviving in active use 15. lacking resilience or bounce 16. no longer in force or use; inactive 17. no longer having force or relevance 18. sudden and complete 19. drained of electric charge; discharged 20. lacking animation or excitement or activity 21. devoid of activity. adv. 1. quickly and without warning 2. completely and without qualification; used informally as intensifiers. 

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1. Daughters and dead fish are no keeping wares. 

2. Call no man happy till [until] he is dead

3. Never speak ill of the dead

4. A living dog is better than a dead lion. 

5. A dead body, revenges not injuries. 

6. Praise no man till he is dead

7. Call no man happy before he is dead

8. Hares may pull dead lions by the beard. 

9. Stone dead [Stone-dead] has no fellow. 

10. The only good Indian is a dead Indian. 

11. Dead men tell no tales.

12. Let the dead bury the dead. 

13. The dead don’t bite.

14. Carrion crows bewail the dead sheep and then eat them. 

14. try its best to collect and build good sentences.

15. Yesterday is dead, forget it; tomorrow does not exist, don’t worry; today is here, use it. 

16. Friendless is the dead.

17. Early wed, early dead.

18. I hacked the dead branches off.

19. The ground was thick with dead leaves.

20. A dead man will never revive.

21. Why study Latin? It’s a dead language .

22. He’s grieving over his dead wife and son.

23. The poem does not eulogize the dead soldiers.

24. Dropping dead has no terrors for me.

25. She’s been dead for twenty years now.

26. They rooted out all the dead plants.

27. They are still grieving for their dead child.

28. A politician is a man who undertands government, and it takes a poiltician to run a government. A statesman is a politician who’s been dead ten or fifeen years. 

29. Drive your cart and your plow over the bones of the dead

30. He who has lost his good name is a dead man among the living. 

More similar words: deadly, deadline, deal, idea, death, dealer, deal out, deal in, deal with, a big deal, a good deal, a great deal, put to death, a good deal of, head, read, lead, the death penalty, plead, thread, head for, head on, steady, lead to, reader, leader, head up, get ready, ahead of, go ahead. 

Examples of how to use the word “dead” in a sentence. How to connect “dead” with other words to make correct English sentences.

dead (adj): not now living

Use “dead” in a sentence

He has been dead for ten years.
Is the mouse dead or alive?
We’ll all be dead eventually.

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  • Use the word Dead in a sentences

Sentence Examples

So you had to carry your dead conscience here.

Destiny is unpredictable. The one who rowed with us at school is dead

With lance and sword, I laid upon the demon throng… till all were dead but one… the fiercest ogre of them all, when finally I drove him to corner.

And then one day, you too can be the proud proprietor of a very heavily mortgaged, roadside brothel and wish you were dead.

In fact, Mademoiselle Sainsbury Seale was dead even before the investigations of this case began.

You know we’d love to stick around but some brain- dead sycophant left my buddy out here to die.

Instant word comes that Father is dead, that the Council is leaderless. Bombs that have already been planted will be set off at Prozium clinics and factories around Libria.

6 am today in Hironuma Park in Nerima, Tokyo… 7 men and women were found dead.

Mister oversmart.. if I couldn’t impress her in all this time.. ..with my drop dead handsome looks ..

He told me devar wasn’t comin’ home, ‘fore we even knowed he was dead.

ÔÖ¬ And every jow that the dead-bell gied… ÔÖ¬

You’re dead, Kang Minjoo!

If you show up again… and you’re dead!

He had a police radio in his car and he’d go running to the police station, he’d photograph all these dead Mafia people and so on. And he had this big 4×5 camera and a big cigar and a big, big mouth.

The boy in the digger is dead.

Snorri is dead and someone brought the second half of the medal.

The boy is dead and it may be a murder case.

He’s dead… and I just want to be left in peace to give him a beautiful funeral.

You hardly thought I was lying dead in a locked room?

Joseph was shot by an angry mob And knew he’d soon be dead

The general is going to come back, and if he sees us here, we are all dead!

Our prophet returns, even from the dead!

Who has risen from the dead?

Who cares what happens when we’re dead?

Because my sister’s dead.

‘Ooo, we are Fitzpatricks and we rise from the dead.’

See the man responsible for raising the bearded lady from the dead!

And I felt something surge through me as I touched my dead sister.

But I rose from the dead!

After all, how can this city be expected to trust a councillor who can’t even make good on a promise to resurrect a dead bird?

What trumps «dead sister?»

Your daughter is dead, and that’s your response?

She’s not dead, you little shit.

I don’t know which is worse, the fact that you think I’m lying, or that you don’t care that your own daughter is dead.

All you have to do is go away and pretend to be dead.

You tell people I’m dead for your stupid campaign and the only thing mom ever cared about was stupid cigarettes.

It’s no different from «I didn’t know my sister wasn’t really dead

Will you get in the fucking box before Larry or somebody important sees that you’re not dead?

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