Sentences with the word customs

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1. Every country has its customs.

2. So many countries, so many customs

3. We cleared customs by five o’clock.

4. Travel will acquaint us with new customs.

5. Customs have made their biggest ever seizure of heroin.

6. The Customs have seized large quantities of smuggled heroin.

7. Some strange customs have survived from earlier times.

8. Customs and excise receipts rose 2.5 per cent.

9. The customs official beckoned the woman to his counter.

10. Funeral customs vary with different religions.

11. The Customs have found heroin hidden in freight.

12. The car slowed down as they passed Customs.

13. Our customs vary from place to place.

14. They went through our luggage at the customs.

15. He refused to conform to the local customs.

16. The guide offers information on local customs.

17. The customs officer inspected my passport suspiciously.

18. They assimilated their customs and behavior to the new environment.

19. Many of us conform to the outdated customs laid down by our forebears.

20. He was arrested when customs officers found drugs in his bag.

20. try its best to gather and create good sentences.

21. The customs are looking for such things as drugs or alcohol.

22. Several customs officials have been accused of colluding with drug traffickers.

23. The customs official rummaged through the contents of his briefcase.

24. What’s the maximum amount of wine you’re allowed to take through customs duty — free ?

25. It is difficult to get used to another country’s customs.

26. He had an unrivalled knowledge of south Arabian society, religion(, law and customs.

27. Skull and crossbones stickers on the drums aroused the suspicion of the customs officers.

28. The boat races during the Dragon Boat Festival are traditional customs to attempts to rescue the patriotic poet Chu Yuan. Chu Yuan drowned on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month in 277 B.C. Chinese citizens now throw bamboo leaves filled with cooked rice into the water. Therefore the fish could eat the rice rather than the hero poet. This later on turned into the custom of eating tzungtzu and rice dumplings.

29. He must be a newcomer to town and he obviously didn’t understand our local customs.

30. You will be able to take ten dozen bottles free of duty through customs.

More similar words: customs duty, customs officer, custom, accustom, customer, customize, customary, custom house, accustomed, customarily, unaccustomed, customer interface, custody, custodial, custodian, locust, stomp, stomata, stomach, gusto, dust storm, stomachache, hocus-pocus, rooms, doomsday, groomsman, room service, random sample, excuse, accuse. 

Sentences with the word Customs?



  • «an abhorrent deed»; «the obscene massacre at Wounded Knee»; «morally repugnant customs«; «repulsive behavior»; «the most repulsive character in recent novels»
  • «age-old customs«; «the antique fear that days would dwindle away to complete darkness»
  • «alien customs«; «exotic plants in a greenhouse»; «exotic cuisine»
  • «The FBI seized the drugs»; «The customs agents impounded the illegal shipment»; «The police confiscated the stolen artwork»
  • «clear customs«
  • «they’re just country folk»; «folks around here drink moonshine»; «the common people determine the group character and preserve its customs from one generation to the next»
  • «a complex set of variations based on a simple folk melody»; «a complex mass of diverse laws and customs«
  • «dateless customs«
  • «The customs agents destroyed the dog that was found to be rabid»; «the sick cat had to be put down»
  • «Let’s eliminate the course on Akkadian hieroglyphics»; «Socialism extinguished these archaic customs«; «eliminate my debts»
  • «The customs agent examined the baggage»; «I must see your passport before you can enter the country»
  • «an extinct species of fish»; «an extinct royal family»; «extinct laws and customs«
  • «indurated customs«
  • «Contact between the young was inhibited by strict social customs«
  • «American tourists wholly innocent of French»; «a person unacquainted with our customs«
  • «local customs«; «local schools»; «the local citizens»; «a local point of view»; «local outbreaks of flu»; «a local bus line»
  • «Maltese customs officers»
  • «`I don’t believe in these customs,’ he said sneeringly»
  • «tribal customs«

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.


A memorandum of understanding was also signed, providing for the simplification of customs procedures at the customs borders of each other.

Подписан также меморандум о взаимопонимании, предусматривающий упрощение таможенных процедур на таможенных границах друг друга.

Similarly, Forum 18 was told by a customs official that customs regulations are also silent on this point.

«Форуму 18» было сказано также, что таможенные правила молчат по этому поводу.

Spend some time researching customs regulations.

На то, чтобы изучить таможенное законодательство, нужно потратить много времени.

The obligation of the declarant placing goods under the customs procedure of customs transit is to provide the customs authority the ensuring payment of customs duties and taxes.

Обязанностью декларанта, помещающего товары под таможенную процедуру таможенного транзита, является предоставление таможенному органу обеспечения уплаты таможенных пошлин, налогов.

The customs office shall be structured as a territorial customs office and customs bureaus and/or customs posts.

The customs enforcement network is a system for combating customs offences through the analysis and communication of customs information.

Сеть таможенного обеспечения представляет собой систему борьбы с таможенными преступлениями путем анализа и рас-пространения таможенной информации.

Act approved by the head of the customs check (deputy chief) of the customs authority, carry out customs check.

The customs procedure in a customs warehouse means storing of goods under customs supervision without paying customs duties and taxes (including VAT).

The territory of the Fair represents a customs area, there are situated a customs post and temporary customs storage warehouses.

Территория Нижегородской ярмарки является таможенной зоной, на ней действует таможенный пост и располагаются склады временного таможенного хранения.

Keywords: foreign economic activity, customs servicing, customs representative, services in the field of customs.

Ключевые слова: Внешнеэкономическая деятельность; таможенное обслуживание; таможенный представитель; услуги в таможенной сфере.

for customs support — when accompanied by vehicles carrying goods under the customs procedure of customs transit

за таможенное сопровождение — при сопровождении транспортных средств, перевозящих товары в соответствии с таможенной процедурой таможенного транзита

The customs law provides the possibility to file a customs declaration electronically and to keep the customs records in an electronic form.

Таможенное законодательство предоставляет возможность подачи электронной таможенной декларации и сохранения таможенной документации в электронном виде.

The goods stored in a customs warehouse, the customs procedure for destruction may be declared owner of the customs warehouse.

В отношении товаров, хранящихся на таможенном складе, таможенная процедура уничтожения может быть заявлена владельцем таможенного склада..

Violating the established term for submitting a customs declaration, documents or additional data necessary for customs purposes to a customs agency

Нарушение установленных сроков представления в таможенный орган таможенной декларации, документов или дополнительных сведений, необходимых для таможенных целей,

It is necessary to notify the customs authority on the allocation of goods in the zone of customs control, as indicated in the customs declaration.

Необходимо будет уведомлять таможенный орган о размещении товаров в зоне таможенного контроля, указанного в таможенной декларации.

The provision of payment of customs taxes and duties are required for each declarant wishes to place the goods under the customs procedure of customs transit.

Обеспечение оплаты таможенных налогов и пошлин является обязательным для каждого декларанта, желающего поместить свой товар под таможенную процедуру в области таможенного транзита.

Such persons and goods may be established by the customs warehouse owner upon the agreement with the customs authority when establishing a customs warehouse.

Такие лица и товары могут определяться владельцем таможенного склада по согласованию с таможенным органом при учреждении таможенного склада.

We carry out all types of customs operations and place goods under any customs procedure (including temporary import/export, re-export, re-import, processing outside the customs territory, etc.

Поэтому, мы осуществляем все виды таможенных операций и помещаем товары под любую таможенную процедуру (в том числе — временный ввоз/вывоз, реэкспорт, реимпорт, переработка вне таможенной территории и т.д.).

Owing to customs value being determined incorrectly upon importation of goods and absence of confirming documents, the customs value was considerably overstated, thus pushing up the customs payments due.

В результате неправильного определения таможенной стоимости при ввозе товаров и отсутствия подтверждающих документов таможенная стоимость была существенно завышена, что повлияло на сумму уплаченных таможенных платежей.

Advance customs payment is the amount of money paid to the account of a certain customs authority in the offset of future customs payments.

Авансовый таможенный платеж — это сумма денежных средств, внесенных на счет определенного таможенного органа в зачет будущих таможенных платежей.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Предложения, которые содержат customs

Результатов: 55864. Точных совпадений: 55864. Затраченное время: 133 мс


Корпоративные решения




Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

таможенный, таможенные пошлины


- таможенные пошлины

customs free — беспошлинный
to pass /to get/ through the customs — пройти таможенный досмотр

- (the Customs) таможенное управление

customs fees — таможенные сборы
customs union — таможенный союз

Мои примеры


new immigrants with customs alien to the community where they have settled — новоприбывшие иммигранты, чьи обычаи чужды жителям тех мест, где они поселились  
a labyrinth of social customs and rules — дебри общественных обычаев и правил  
a person unacquainted with our customs — человек, незнакомый с нашими обычаями  
the clerical service of the customs — канцелярия таможни  
customs declaration — таможенная декларация  
to declare goods at the customs — декларировать товары на таможне  
customs evasion — уклонение от уплаты таможенных пошлин  
customs formalities — процедура таможенного контроля  
the observation of religious customs — соблюдение религиозных обычаев  
to smuggle smth. through customs — провозить что-л. контрабандой через таможню  
customs document — таможенный документ, таможенная декларация  
customs harmonization — таможенная унификация (международные усилия по унификации таможенной деятельности)  
to uproot customs — искоренять обычаи  

Примеры с переводом

They cleared customs.

Они прошли таможню.

You must present your passport to the customs officer.

Вы должны предъявить паспорт сотруднику таможни.

You won’t be able to take that through customs.

Вы не сможете провезти это через таможню.

Customs officers validated our passports.

Таможенники проверили наши паспорта.

We zipped through customs in no time.

Мы молнией прошли /пулей пролетели/ таможню.

She sneaked some cigars through customs.

Она протащила несколько сигарет через таможню.

Board of Customs and Excise

Управление таможенных пошлин и акцизных сборов (в Великобритании)

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

Customs officers went through all my bags.

She was stopped at customs and questioned.

‘I don’t believe in these customs,’ he said sneeringly

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

custom  — заказы, обычай, привычка, пошлина, изготовленный на заказ
customable  — подлежащий таможенному обложению
customer  — клиент, заказчик, покупатель, завсегдатай

  • Use the word CUSTOMS in a sentences

Sentence Examples

A contact inside customs and Excise.

We went back to our campsite and we were greeted by this irate woman whose farm it was who we somehow camped wrongly in her field and it turned out the customs.

Goodbye, Mrs Executive customs Inspector Secretary!

In «History of customs«, Edward Fuchs shows us how the accused is tied up.

We judge the dead according to our customs.

«Unjust customs consume us like cancer.»

customs require that each time a guest shouts «Aigre» the new husband should embrace the bride.

Against all customs, Fujimoto has asked Orie to visit him.

By recording customs and facets of life in Minas, although in quick details, we try to register, in a way, a part of the simple and kind soul of our people.

World-End, recently transformed in an elegant cottage by one of his last masters, is, nevertheless, the property of one descendant of the Tavares family — severe in its customs and zealous of its past traditions.

Our economic plan is stronger than religion and old customs.

You see, he happened along as I was going through the customs and insisted upon taking care of it for me.

Did you by any chance meet this man Renaul as he… just happened along at the customs?

I came down here to see the United States customs Inspector.

And when I was standing in the customs office, what did I sight?

But while I am gone please do not introduce to Belinha too many American customs.

I believe that is one of your customs, is it not?

I always take meals by myself. I like these antique customs.

Katrin, this is Mr. Waddington, in charge of customs.

So, without a doubt, it was Sir Stanley’s idea that you, knowing the language… and customs of the country, would succeed where we might fail.

From the customs‘ Office.

customs never bother him.

First, I thought they were customs agents.

customs had searched the ship and didn’t bother us!

He’s worked 35 years at customs.

Police and customs searched it.

Esposito will sneak it out right past customs!

With the help of this lace, if I can get it through the customs duty-free…

See, I just slip it thru the customs without paying the duty then I’ve got a bit of capital to go on with.

Having got wise to his little game, pass the information on to a customs officer who, recognizing you as a man of public spirit chalks his moniker on your baggage, and there you are with your cargo, duty-free.

ALdebert Brun, customs inspector, Captain Escartefigue, retired, ex-stoker Innocent Mangiapan and Dr. F├®Licien Venelle

Marius, Listen. The false customs officer will catch us, fire a few shots in the air…

Step inside the customs Building.

Let’s get through the customs.

Doctor, would you mind rushing down to the docks… to see if our trunks have passed through the customs yet?

And open house on New Year’s, and all-day picnics in the woods. And even that prettiest of all vanished customs, the serenade.

Mr. Cartwright is standing by in customs to identify the device.

The customs officials hardly looked at the luggage of the Olympic athletes.


It’s my duty to observe the old customs

Are you familiar with old Japanese customs?

Here tradition and customs stand for something.

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