Sentences with the word curriculum

учебный план, курс обучения


- курс обучения; учебный план (в школе, университете и т. п.)
- расписание

Мои примеры


plans to homogenize the science curriculum in public high schools throughout the state — планы по приведению к однообразию учебного плана в государственных средних школах на всей территории штата  
overhaul of the school curriculum — пересмотр школьного учебного плана  
planned curriculum — запланированный курс обучения  
training curriculum — курс тренировок  
head of the curriculum department — заведующий учебной частью  
enriched curriculum for brighter students — расширенная программа для способных студентов  
try to master a core curriculum — стараться овладеть основным курсом  
curriculum development — разработка учебного материала  
curriculum of lecture courses — программа курсов лекций  
curriculum vitae — сведения о прежних местах работы; биографическая справка; жизненный путь  
academical curriculum — курс обучения  

Примеры с переводом

Has computer studies been introduced into the school curriculum?

Изучение компьютера уже внесено в учебный план?

The college has a liberal arts curriculum.

В этом колледже есть курс гуманитарных дисциплин.

We have to build computers into the school curriculum.

Мы должны ввести в школьный курс компьютерное обучение.

The sciences are a vital part of the school curriculum.

Естественные науки являются важнейшей частью школьной программы.

Languages are an essential part of the school curriculum.

Языки являются неотъемлемой частью школьной программы.

The curriculum includes courses in computing.

Учебная программа включает в себя курс по вычислительной технике.

The school board strongly endorsed a curriculum that reflected a multicultural education.

Правление школы строго порекомендовало учебный план, включающий мультикультуральное обучение.

ещё 13 примеров свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

…parental opinion was divided on the school’s moralistic curriculum…

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Формы слова

ед. ч.(singular): curriculum
мн. ч.(plural): curricula

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.


At that point, the curriculum should change a bit.

В таком случае учебный план для него будет в какой-то степени изменен.

A training curriculum and handbook support these standards.

В дополнение к этим критериям подготовлены учебный план и справочник.

In 1997 a Sami curriculum was implemented for primary and lower secondary school.

В 1997 году для начальных школ и младших классов средней школы была предусмотрена специальная саамская учебная программа.

Ditshwanelo has developed an 8-part curriculum for junior secondary schools called Tsa Bana.

«Дитсванело» была разработана состоящая из восьми частей учебная программа для младших классов средних школ, которая называется Тса Бана.

Gender-sensitive reproductive health curriculum in primary and secondary schools.

Учебные программы по охране репродуктивного здоровья с учетом гендерной проблематики в начальных и средних школах.

The curriculum is flexible and it is full-time during 15 months.

Учебный план является гибкой и это полный рабочий день в течение 15 месяцев.

The curriculum includes disciplines intended to strengthen the subject.

Учебный план содержит дисциплины, направленные на расширение знаний в этой области.

We offer personal service and high-quality, student-oriented curriculum and instruction.

Мы предлагаем личный подход и высококачественный, ориентируемый на студента учебный план и способ преподавания.

The curriculum incorporates local, cross-cultural and transnational emphases.

Учебный план включает в себя местные, межкультурных и транснациональных акцентов.

The resulting curriculum would be expanded from the 2002-2003 school year onwards.

Подготовленный с учетом этого учебный план будет распространен с 2002 — 2003 учебного года на последующий период.

Academic readiness curriculum helps students improve English and university-level study skills.

Учебная программа по академической подготовке помогает студентам улучшить навыки изучения английского и университетского уровня.

The INSEAD MBA curriculum comprises required core courses and electives.

Учебный план МВА INSEAD включает диапазон необходимых основных курсов и факультативных программ.

The curriculum is Spanish although taught in English.

Учебная программа является испанской, хотя обучение ведётся на английском языке.

P.A.WORKS’ curriculum will soon take shape.

Учебный план от P.A.Works скоро примет свою конкретную форму.

I hope this continues throughout his curriculum.

Я думаю, что этот процесс еще будет продолжаться в течении всей учебы.

Meet teachers and ask questions about curriculum.

Есть возможность связаться с преподавателем и задать вопросы по учебному плану.

The second-year curriculum consists entirely of electives.

Второй учебный год полностью состоит из предметов по выбору.

99 percent of institutions report they have teachers regularly incorporating video into their curriculum.

99% учреждений сообщают, что у них есть учителя, регулярно включающие видео в свою учебную программу.

Jump start your career with our 13-month, skills-oriented curriculum.

Jump начните свою карьеру с нашей 13-месячной учебной программы, ориентированной на навыки.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Предложения, которые содержат curriculum

Результатов: 14925. Точных совпадений: 14925. Затраченное время: 126 мс


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Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

  • Use the word CURRICULUM in a sentences

Sentence Examples

For today’s dictation, I’ve chosen a writer who’s not on the curriculum, but I thought it’d be interesting, to get away from the classics.

I thought changing the curriculum a bit would make you happy.

The curriculum is tough and demanding.

The curriculum gets more and more demanding.

The curriculum is more intensive.


His tools: Curiosity, dedication, and the nerve of a riverboat gambler, as he ripped into studies which read like the curriculum of a medical university.

Isn’t this a sensational curriculum though?

Before you leave, get me the curriculum I asked you 3 days ago.

Yes, but surely Shakespeare’s still in your curriculum.

I see your curriculum is quite varied doctor.

Your girls are said to be vastly informed… in subjects irrelevant to the accepted curriculum.

Traviata is not on the Marcia Blaine curriculum.

Now, why not extend your curriculum to include courses in drama and elocution given by myself?

We’re going through the curriculum.

Yes, yes, yes, yes, the Italian Neorealistic cinema which, being good cinema, should be part of every school’s curriculum according to me, Mr. Mike.

Scottsdale High School, did not complete curriculum.

Uh…you don’t know the curriculum I have!

They form the backbone of a curriculum which has produced a long and illustrious line of soldiers and statesmen who have served the United States with distinction since before the Civil War.

curriculum for the Execution… of the Drawings at Compton Anstey.

And after a while… the school worked it into the curriculum.

And I know who drew that thingummyjig on the back of my curriculum vitae!

It’s not school policy and if you would read the curriculum circulars you would know that.

But then you never read the curriculum circulars, do you?

I was too busy with my medical curriculum.

Nevertheless, certain antiquated skills, such as reading and writing, remain a part of the curriculum.

I was reading your curriculum vitae that the Institute put out.

What is a curriculum vitae?

Well, John, the curriculum here is set.

Our curriculum will be impotent if we sell out every time they threaten us.

Oh, did I neglect to give you my curriculum vitae?

I have a curriculum to follow here. Yes, I know.

I did, but the occult wasn’t on the curriculum.

It means that you’re not teaching the curriculum, you’re telling these children stories.

All the joy, the colorfulness and the classical rhythm of, er, «curriculum» What was it?

And were thankful to the charming kids of «curriculum, er

Upper 6J have been doing a variety of science-based projects this year, not all of them curriculum-based.

Let’s start with the curriculum.

It’s a place where spirituality is as much a part of the curriculum as academics.

One that offers an entire curriculum… geared toward students like yourself.

A curriculum vitae like B.F. Skinner.

My curriculum will take a much broader approach.

Some revisions in the curriculum might be appropriate.

Perhaps they may be even dropped from the curriculum, or made optional extras.

Uh, curriculum, schedule and, uh, whatnot.

you simply follow the curriculum… dictated by the Board of Education.

Definition of Curriculum

set of courses and coursework

Examples of Curriculum in a sentence

A liberal arts curriculum is broad and diverse, consisting of courses in literature, philosophy, mathematics, and social and physical sciences.


The students were worried that they would fail the final exam because of the difficult curriculum.


While Sarah was being homeschooled, her mother decided what should be included in the math curriculum.


If we taught entrepreneurship curriculum at an early age, more kids might aspire to launch businesses.


In the history curriculum, the class will be studying Egyptian culture, wars, and leaders.


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April 11, 2023
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Political and religious subjects are excluded from the curriculum and no discrimination in regard to race or religion is allowed.

Their curriculum comprised all the usual courses of instruction, except theology.

Instinctively a humanist, he had little patience with the narrow curriculum of Harvard in his day and the rather pedantic spirit with which classical studies were there pursued.

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His studies included all the wide range of subjects, classics, science and philosophy, which constituted the curriculum of the Renaissance savants.

Many of the special schools use the English language for conveying instruction, and there are three special schools where the whole curriculum is conducted in English by English masters.

The old curriculum of the Real schools is now superseded.

Having taken the arts curriculum at Glasgow University, he studied for the ministry at the Divinity Hall of the Secession Church, a dissenting body which, on its union a few years later with the Relief Church, adopted the title United Presbyterian.

As illustrating the rapid development of familiarity with foreign authors, a Japanese retrospect of the Meiji era notes that whereas Macaulays Esfays were ii the curriculum of the Imperial University in 1881-1882, they were studied, five or six years later, in secondary schools, and pupils of the latter were able to read with understanding the works of Goldsmith, Tennyson and Thackeray.

They give an education similar to that offered in the lyces for boys with certain modificationsin a curriculum of five or six years.

His early life was occupied in mastering the curriculum of theology, jurisprudence, mathematics, medicine and philosophy, under the approved teachers of the time.

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