Sentences with the word cousin

Sentences with the word Cousin?



  • «archaic forms of life»; «primitive mammals»; «the okapi is a short-necked primitive cousin of the giraffe»
  • «Can I bring my cousin to the dinner?»
  • «did you finally connect with your long-lost cousin
  • «a distant cousin«; «a remote relative»; «a distant likeness»; «considerations entirely removed (or remote) from politics»
  • «he fell headlong in love with his cousin«
  • «I stumbled across a long-lost cousin last night in a restaurant»
  • «such women carry in their heads kinship knowledge of six generations depth and extending laterally among consanguineal kin as far as the grandchildren of second cousin«
  • «a cousin once removed»
  • «I don’t know how to sign, so I could not communicate with my deaf cousin«

кузен, двоюродный брат, кузина, двоюродная сестра, родственник


- двоюродный брат, кузен или двоюродная сестра, кузина (тж. first cousin, full cousin)

second cousin — троюродный брат; троюродная сестра
first cousin once removed — а) двоюродный племянник; двоюродная племянница; б) двоюродный дядя; двоюродная тётка

- родственник

to call cousins with smb. — считать кого-л. родственником

- «брат» (обращение монарха к другому монарху или к вельможе)
- собрат (о людях, близких по происхождению, взглядам и т. п.):

their Canadian cousins — их канадские собратья

- простофиля; легковерный чудак
- закадычный друг; ≅ кореш

forty-second cousin — дальний родственник, седьмая вода на киселе
cousin seven /several/ times removed — очень дальний родственник; ≅ седьмая вода на киселе
Cousin Jack — братец Джек (прозвище уроженца Корнуолла, особ. горняка)

Мои примеры


my semiannual visit to my cousin — моё посещение родственника, происходящее раз в полгода  
first cousin — двоюродный брат, двоюродная сестра  
half-cousin — троюродный брат  
cater cousin — дальний родственник; свойственник; свой человек  
cater-cousin — дальний родственник; свойственник; свой человек  
a cousin on mother’s side — родственник по материнской линии; родственник со стороны матери  
a cousin on the maternal side — родственник по материнской линии; родственник со стороны матери  
a cousin on the sword side — родственник по отцу  
call cousin with — претендовать на родство с; считать роднёй  
half cousin — троюродная сестра; троюродный брат  
kissing cousin — которого приветствуют поцелуем; родственное явление; закадычный друг  

Примеры с переводом

Earlier today I saw my cousin.

Сегодня утром (досл. в начале сегодняшнего дня) я видел моего кузена.

Can I bring my cousin to the dinner?

Я могу взять с собой моего двоюродного брата на обед?

I love my cousin cousinly, no more.

Я люблю свою кузину по-родственному, не больше.

He fell headlong in love with his cousin.

Он имел глупость влюбиться в свою кузину /родственницу/.

My cousin knows a thing or two (=know a lot about) about golf.

Мой двоюродный брат кое-что понимает (т.е. много знает) в гольфе.

The estate devolved on a distant cousin.

Имение перешло к дальнему родственнику.

Her cousin was not her equal in guile and evasive craft.

Ее двоюродный брат не сравнится с ней в хитрости и искусном плутовстве.

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Примеры, ожидающие перевода

The child of your first cousin is your first cousin once removed.

His avant-garde music, sometime cousin to jazz, had limited appeal.

I don’t know how to sign, so I could not communicate with my deaf cousin

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Возможные однокоренные слова

cousinage  — родство, родня
cousinly  — родственный, дружеский, родственному

Формы слова

ед. ч.(singular): cousin
мн. ч.(plural): cousins

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word cousin, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use cousin in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «cousin».

Cousin in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word cousin in a sentence.

  1. Lee was a cousin of future U.S.

  2. Marshall, who was Breckinridge’s cousin.

  3. Now I’m the retarded cousin of singing.».

  4. Gibbs, a distant cousin of Willard Gibbs.

  5. During the reign of his cousin Uthman (r.

  6. The actress Priyamani is her second cousin.

  7. Virginia Reed to cousin Mary Keyes, May 16, 1847.

  8. She married her cousin the future emperor in 1051.

  9. His brother, uncle, and cousin also served as U.S.

  10. Pemmer Harge rem ir Tibe is Argaven Harge’s cousin.

  11. Finally, Breckinridge’s cousin, California’s Edward C.

  12. His cousin Jacob was a registered Mennonite in Amsterdam.

  13. Sofaer’s father was a cousin of the actor Abraham Sofaer.

  14. Her character was inspired by Malini Chib, Bose’s cousin.

  15. The Windsors dined with his cousin the Duke of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha on the 19th.

  16. Victoria married her first cousin Prince Albert of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha in 1840.

  17. His cousin is Barry Larkin, who is a member of the National Baseball Hall of Fame.

  18. Pieter Scheltema suggests it was Van Ruisdael’s cousin who appeared on the record.

  19. John Humphrey Noyes, the founder of the Oneida Community, was also a first cousin.

  20. For several years she also seriously negotiated to marry Philip’s cousin Archduke Charles of Austria.

  21. A new government was sworn in, with Tiso’s cousin Štefan as prime minister; Jozef remained president.

  22. Kelly Wood stated that the letter was created by her cousin Reggie Wood for attention and book sales.

  23. In 1473 Hatteclyffe acted for Queen Elizabeth Woodville in business concerning her cousin Anne Haute.

  24. In April 1963 Mitford was in England for the wedding of her cousin Angus Ogilvy to Princess Alexandra.

  25. Edgar Poe first met his cousin Virginia in August 1829, four months after his discharge from the Army.

  26. Later that year, Macdonald was sent to manage the law office of a Mackenzie cousin who had fallen ill.

  27. Indoors, Miller developed a lifelong love of classical music through a cousin who liked to play Mozart.

  28. Guy’s mother’s family were recusant Catholics, and his cousin, Richard Cowling, became a Jesuit priest.

  29. Æthelbald came to the throne after the death of his cousin, King Ceolred, who had driven him into exile.

  30. Within a few months, on 30 April 892, al-Mu’tadid had his cousin removed from the succession altogether.

  31. Hannah de Rothschild’s father Baron Meyer Amschel de Rothschild married his cousin Juliana Cohen in 1850.

  32. Synge’s correspondence with his cousin, composer Mary Helena Synge, is archived at Trinity College Dublin.

  33. His father was the future Muhammad II and his mother was his father’s first cousin (a bint ‘amm marriage).

  34. If he had been in exile, Constantine may have returned to Pictland where his cousin Donald II became king.

  35. When she learns that her cousin Adeline has been welcoming Steinbock into the Hulot home, Bette swears revenge: «Adeline!

  36. Elizabeth unexpectedly meets Darcy, who is Lady Catherine’s nephew, and is visiting with his cousin, Colonel Fitzwilliam.

  37. Eugene Levy was cast as Louis’ cousin Sherman, an employee at the psychiatric ward where the Ghostbusters are imprisoned.

  38. The pygmy hippo, however, is only half as tall as the hippopotamus and weighs less than 1/4 as much as its larger cousin.

  39. His first cousin, Mary Jane Mead, was the mother of sculptor Larkin Goldsmith Mead and architect William Rutherford Mead.

  40. When he died in December 1135, the couple were in Anjou, allowing Matilda’s cousin Stephen to seize the crown of England.

  41. Roger’s cousin Anthony Biddulph explained that he had accepted the Claimant only after spending much time in his company.

  42. Philomena Goins’ cousin, Lee Ruth Davis, heard the bells tolling in the church as the men were inside setting it on fire.

  43. At the age of fifteen, Mary became betrothed to her cousin, the Protestant Stadtholder of Holland, William III of Orange.

  44. While in Kent, Wilfrid’s career was advanced by Eanflæd’s cousin Hlothere, who was later the King of Kent from 673 to 685.

  45. Hulot’s cousin, Bette (also called Lisbeth), harbors a deep but hidden resentment of her relatives’ success, especially of Hortense ‘stealing’ Bette’s intended sweetheart.

  46. Stephen’s canonization was initiated by Vazul’s grandson, King Ladislaus I of Hungary, who had consolidated his authority by capturing and imprisoning his cousin, Solomon.

  47. Whenever they fell ill, he feared that they might have inherited weaknesses from inbreeding due to the close family ties he shared with his wife and cousin, Emma Wedgwood.

  48. When the war ended, Fürstenberg stayed at the Donaueschingen estate of his cousin, Karl Joachim Aloys, who had recently inherited the family title as Fürst zu Fürstenberg.

  49. On February 24, Breckinridge visited Lincoln at Willard’s Hotel in Washington, DC, and frequently thereafter he visited his cousin, now the First Lady, at the White House.

Synonyms for cousin

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word cousin has the following synonyms: first cousin, cousin-german and full cousin.

General information about «cousin» example sentences

The example sentences for the word cousin that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «cousin» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «cousin».

Commonly, «cousin» refers to a «first cousin» or equivalently «full cousin», people whose most recent common ancestor is a grandparent. (Wikipedia) (See all definitions)

It’s a machine in what it does, a model of the feel-if-not-the-details school of adaptation (the script was adapted from the non-fiction book by Berg’s cousin, Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Buzz Bissinger), and as a survey of the anti-intellectualism and rage at the heart of the heartland, it burns with intelligence and energy.


NY TIMES — Jan 21 — Social networking is a close cousin of the other obsession of the moment: user-generated content.


At any rate, in the movie both characters are just goofy-looking humans with severe intelligence deficiencies, and they happen to be King Koopas cousins.


Market «solutions,» such as, carbon markets, REDD + displacement projects, and deregulation of the private sector in climate investment, have been an inept creature birthed by the conscious breeding of this domineering incest — it is clear which sector is the older cousin.


Like Kepler-452b, Kepler-186f is another one of Earth’s distant cousins.


Raised in Bessemer, Alabama, Lockett was heavily influenced by other self-taught African American artists in his close-knit community, including his cousin Thornton Dial, Sr. (American, 1928 — 2016), who mentored and encouraged him.


Lena’s estranged mother Sarafine (Emma Thompson) has long since embraced the dark side along with Lena’s other cousin Ridley (Emmy Rossum).


My mom and cousin were here keeping me company, and we all loved them!


We should see it at CES with it’s Pine Trail upgraded cousin Ideapad S10-3 Thanks FCC Tweet


The movie claims that in 1999 this flamboyant LA vintage clothes shop owner went on a trip to France and discovered that his cousin was the street artist Space Invader.


Between the two objects, Lee views the steel plates as the distant, factory-produced cousin of the stones.


My cousin picked white and peach flowers with water-suspended roses in large cylinders as centerpieces.


But their tropical cousins live in an area without extreme seasonal swings in temperature and are therefore very specifically adapted to live within a very narrow thermal range.


Like the F-Pace, its cousin from Jaguar, the Velar uses aluminium-intensive construction and shares the same wheelbase, too.


My cousin filed on the 10th and already has a ddd date for the 18.


The oldest is my cousin who is now 19!!!


Compared to its corporate cousin, the Lexus RX 450h, the Highlander comes in at about $ 6,000 less.


The bad news is, our British cousins are bearing the cost of having elected so many progressives for so long, while we wait for their disasterous policies to implode their economy.


I encourage my peers to think about science in this larger context, as a liberal art intrinsically tied to its cousins and aimed at illuminating, improving, and adding meaning to the human experience.


Starting from good old England to Australia, Southern America to China, the famous Japanese tea or even its cousin Burmese, everyone has their own tea culture.


Pygmy chimps or bonobos are both literally and metaphorically our kissing cousins.


Upper Right: Uncle Eddie’s vegan cookie from my cousin (making sure you eat enough to keep up your breast milk supply is a great excuse for late middle of the night kcals)


I don’t know anyone who does this, but my cousin does something similar — he runs a DJ business where he plays songs for parties (of all kinds) and weddings.


The White Sox are currently 19-8 and in first place — like their North Side cousins — in the AL Central, though, and they can thank Quintana for much of that.


Lisa submitted DNA to three websites, and when matches to second and third cousins were found, two of the relatives agreed to upload their DNA profiles to GEDMatch, which allows comparisons of information from the databases of multiple companies.


The English was characterized as being taller and with a longer head than its American cousin, with a coat that was not as profuse.


Vastly outnumbered by their noisy cousins, these types of games come along rarely.


Our last party of the weekend we found ourselves out at my uncle’s house for my cousin‘s high school graduation party.


The new Paperwhite e-reader is up for pre-order and will start shipping before its more high-end «cousins», on November 19.


My heart breaks at the image of the boy trying desperately to get help for your cousin and being ignored.


But for right now, because of that problem, the Switch version is notably worse off than it’s PC cousin — you’re better off picking up that version instead.


Edwards, perhaps too enthralled by his subject, gives us a languorous story narrated by an older cousin who esteemed him greatly, and lovingly shot in black and white that simply does not engage us.


I have recommended your site to other ladies at work and also to my sisters and cousins (about 13 of them).


Years ago these cousins and best friends were inseparable, creating adventures that would last a lifetime.


I have a cousin that is mentally disordered… Nobody would do such a thing.


High-quality interior surfaces abound, and much like its Jeep Grand Cherokee cousin, the 2014 Durango feels decidedly upscale for its class.


It is also about sharing and giving love with long-lost friends, that cousin you never really liked, hard-working colleagues at your office, or perhaps that barrista that always makes you that iced-soy-low-fat-half-decaf drink every morning.


«Through my cousin Woody Oakes, my wife and I have become a big «fan» of your products.


Next Level Chocolate Espresso Hazelnut Granola, the heartier, crunchier, more uplifting cousin to Nutella.


First, many law enforcement agencies have pointed out that it is difficult to distinguish between hemp and its close cousin, marijuana.


Curiously, the researchers found that between 1800 and 1850, people traveled farther than ever to find a mate — nearly 12 miles (19 kilometers) on average — but were more likely to marry a fourth cousin or closer.


In this adaptation of Flora Thompson’s memoir of her childhood, Laura Timmins leaves the Oxfordshire hamlet of Lark Rise for a job in the market town of Candleford, where her mother’s cousin, effervescent Dorcas Lane, is postmistress.


Earthworms are kin to lobsters and flatworms are cousins of roundworms.


The Moto X, by contrast, features a curved back that rests gently in your hand, and the phone feels much more compact compared to its Droid cousins.


My grandfather was Icelandic and I have cousins there and in most of Scandinavia.


My cousins and girlfriend helped him open and announce all the stuff.


Cara Loughran, 14, was an excellent student who loved the beach and her cousins, according to her family.


They were fortunate that they had a mass of cousins they could stay with in the «holidays» and thus actually probably had a much happier time of it than they would have with their parents, but those without family in England would end up having no where to go so they would spend all year at boarding school.


Seat, the Spanish cousin in the Volkswagen family, is not always missed on these shores, but this is different.


My sister lives in southern Florida and my cousin in DC… so me up in New England is hard.


Examples of how to use the word “cousin” in a sentence. How to connect “cousin” with other words to make correct English sentences.

cousin (n): a child of a person’s aunt or uncle, or, more generally, a distant (= not close)relation

Use “cousin” in a sentence

He went to stay with his cousin.
I have a cousin who is a lawyer.
She is a cousin of Nick’s.

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