Sentences with the word cough

Synonym: coughing. Similar words: rough, tough, dough, ought, bough, enough, though, sought. Meaning: [kɒf]  n. 1. sudden expulsion of air from the lungs that clears the air passages; a common symptom of upper respiratory infection or bronchitis or pneumonia or tuberculosis 2. the act of exhaling air suddenly with a noise. v. exhale abruptly, as when one has a chest cold or congestion. 

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2 Love and cough cannot be hid. 

3 Contact your doctor if the cough persists.

4 His cough was nearly cured.

5 The smoke made me cough.

6 love and a cough cannot be hid.

7 Cover your mouth when you cough.

8 You owe me £20. Come on, cough up!

9 The speaker gave a nervous cough.

10 A racking cough convulsed her whole body.

11 His cough grew more persistent until it never stopped.

12 She was given a needle for whooping cough.

13 The old lady had a bad cough.

14 You’d better see a doctor about that cough.

15 I’ll have to cough up $10,000 a year for tuition.

16 The persistence of a cough in his daughter puzzled him.

17 The butler gave a little cough to announce his presence.

18 Stuart gave an embarrassed cough .

19 You want to see a doctor about that cough.

20 She gave a quiet cough to attract my attention.

21 Let the cough drop melt in your mouth.

22 Come on,( cough up: who did it?

23 You should see a doctor about that cough.

24 The medicine may loosen your cough.

25 Don’t cough up the money until the job’s finished.

26 The damp weather touched up his cough.

27 Symptoms include a sore throat and dry, persistent cough.

28 You really ought to/should do something about that cough!

29 He may be able to prescribe you something for that cough.

30 Try gargling with salt water as soon as a cough begins.

More similar words: rough, tough, dough, ought, bough, enough, though, sought, plough, trough, bought, roughly, brought, ought to, wrought, borough, drought, through, ploughed, thorough, as though, a thought, although, go through, all through, see through, through to, toughness, throughout, get through. 

кашель, кашлять, покашлять, прокашлять


- кашель

to have a bad cough — сильно кашлять

- покашливание

he gave me a warning cough — он предостерёг меня покашливанием

- чиханье (мотора)


- кашлять
- покашливать (подавая сигнал)
- чихать (о моторе)
- сл. сознаться в совершении преступления; ≅ «расколоться»

Мои примеры


to cough one’s head off — сильно кашлять  
to cough out mucus — отхаркивать мокроту  
medicine for a cough — лекарство от кашля  
to give a cough — покашлять  
cough medicine — лекарство от кашля  
obstinate cough — трудноизлечимый кашель  
persistent cough — постоянный кашель  
cough remedy — лекарство от кашля  
a slight cough — лёгкий кашель  
to order some stuff for the cough — заказать какое-нибудь лекарство от кашля  

Примеры с переводом

It hurts me to cough.

Мне больно кашлять.

He has a cough and a cold.

У него кашель и насморк. / Он простужен и у него насморк.

Love and a cough cannot be hidden. посл.

Любовь и кашель не утаишь.

The dust made him cough.

От пыли он закашлялся.

The doctor gave him some cough medicine.

Врач прописал ему лекарство от кашля.

Someone in the audience began to cough

Кто-то в зале закашлял.

I sucked a cough drop.

Я сосал таблетку от кашля.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

The engine coughed and sputtered and then stopped.

Matthew coughed and cleared his throat.

Take only the recommended dose of cough syrup.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Фразовые глаголы

cough down — кашлем заставить замолчать
cough out — отхаркивать
cough up — выкашливать, выжимать из себя, отхаркивать, сболтнуть, выдавать, пробалтываться

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: cough
he/she/it: coughs
ing ф. (present participle): coughing
2-я ф. (past tense): coughed
3-я ф. (past participle): coughed

ед. ч.(singular): cough
мн. ч.(plural): coughs

Sentences with the word Cough?



  • «the audience applauded»; «someone in the audience began to cough«
  • «a consumptive patient»; «a consumptive cough«
  • «a dry cough«; «that rare thing in the wintertime; a small child with a dry nose»
  • «written propaganda is less efficacious than the habits and prejudices…of the readers»-Aldous Huxley; «the medicine is efficacious in stopping a cough«
  • «The roar settled to a thunder»; «The wind settled in the West»; «it is settling to rain»; «A cough settled in her chest»; «Her mood settled into lethargy»
  • «severe pain»; «a severe case of flu»; «a terrible cough«; «under wicked fire from the enemy’s guns»; «a wicked cough«
  • «a smothered cough«; «a stifled yawn»; «a strangled scream»; «suppressed laughter»

About 3412 results found using ‘COUGH’. Source: ‘Daily Use’.

  • Will voters be willing to cough up a little more green to keep the county green?  (open, save, copy)

  • In some locations, buyers would clear store shelves of cough and cold medicines.  (open, save, copy)

  • The concern is that this may be the case in the current whooping cough epidemic.  (open, save, copy)

  • The back of your throat vibrates when you cough, which makes the swab hurt less.  (open, save, copy)

  • Last Thursday brought word of a whooping cough case across the border in Racine.  (open, save, copy)

  • Whooping cough is highly contagious and is spread through coughing and sneezing.  (open, save, copy)

  • Many symptoms common to other bacterial diseases don’t appear in whooping cough.  (open, save, copy)

  • Asked to cough up proof or apologize, she hides behind the cloak of free speech.  (open, save, copy)

  • Korean-style short ribs tasted like beef jerky glazed in Robitussin cough syrup.  (open, save, copy)

Web Definitions for ‘cough’:

  1. A sudden noisy expulsion of air from the lungs that clears the air passages; a common symptom of upper respiratory infection or bronchitis or pneumonia or tuberculosis [source]
  2. Exhale abruptly, as when one has a chest cold or congestion; «The smoker coughs all day» [source]
  3. A cough (Latin: tussis) is a sudden and often repetitively occurring reflex which helps to clear the large breathing passages from secretions, irritants, foreign particles and microbes. … [source]
  4. (Coughing (Jokes)) When Dracula had a bad cold, why couldn’t his wife get to sleep? Because of his coffin. [source]
  5. (Coughing) The body’s reaction to an irritant in the lungs or the trachea (windpipe). [source]
  6. (Coughing) may be chronic; usually worse at night and early morning. May occur after exercise or when exposed to cold, dry air. [source]
  7. Broadly, a cold. More prevalent in spring among young Thoroughbreds. [source]
  8. A rapid expulsion of air from the lungs typically in order to clear the lung airways of fluids, mucus, or material. Also called tussis. [source]
  9. A convulsion of the lungs, vellicated by some sharp serosity. [source]

Native speakers pronounce  ‘cough’:

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.


Wet cough requires treatment only if it gives the child anxiety.

Влажный кашель требует лечения только в том случае, когда он доставляет ребенку беспокойство.

Chronic cough, which increases despite treatment.

Хронический кашель, который усиливается, несмотря на лечение.

Thirty-two-year-old courier, ataxia, anemia, mild cough.

Курьер, 32 года. Атаксия, анемия, лёгкий кашель.

Bronchitis and cough are characterized with constant wet or dry cough, usually lasting from few days up to 3 weeks.

Кашель или бронхит проявляется со стойким сухим или влажным кашлем, и, как правило, длятся от нескольких дней до трех недель.

As well, young children with significant cough may be susceptible to croup, a barking cough that gets worse at night.

Так же, маленькие дети со значительным кашлем могут быть подвержены крупу и лающему кашлю, который ухудшается ночью.

There are different types of cough, which is why we should not expect cough treatment products to provide a universal remedy.

Существуют различные типы кашель, именно поэтому нам не следует ожидать кашель лечение продукция обеспечить универсальное средство.

Not only is having a cough incredibly frustrating and disruptive throughout your day a persistent cough can be exhausting.

Не только оказывает кашель невероятно расстраивает и подрывной течение дня кашель может быть изнурительной.

A cough caused by smoking is always a chronic cough with a characteristic sound.

Кашель, вызванный курением, почти всегда является хроническим кашлем с характерным звуком.

Stress cough: reflexive, nonproductive cough that occurs when an individual is under stress.

Нервный кашель: рефлексивный, непродуктивный кашель, возникающий, когда человек пребывает в состоянии стресса.

In the early stages of tuberculosis, cough may be absent, and sometimes the patients notice a recurrent cough.

На ранних стадиях заболевания туберкулёзом кашель может отсутствовать, иногда больные отмечают периодически возникающее покашливание.

Persistent cough, however, is defined as a daily cough lasting for more than three to four weeks.

Непрекращающийся кашель определяется как ежедневный кашель продолжительностью более трех-четырех недель.

While an occasional cough is normal, a cough that persists may be a sign of a medical problem.

Хотя случайный кашель является нормальным, кашель, который сохраняется, может быть признаком медицинской проблемы.

One of the first signs of pneumonia is a painful cough, which goes into a painful cough.

Одним из первых признаков пневмонии является болезненное покашливание, которое переходит в мучительный кашель.

Non-specific cough is defined as non-productive cough in the absence of identifiable respiratory disease or known aetiology.

Специфический кашель определяются как не — продуктивный кашель в в отсутствии идентифицируемого респираторного заболевания или известной этиологии.

Sometimes, a short-term cough can develop into a chronic or a persistent cough.

Иногда кратковременный кашель может развиться в хронический или постоянный кашель.

It is prescribed for dry cough, often during rehabilitation after various cavitary operations, when a cough can cause complications.

Назначается при сухом кашле, часто во время реабилитации после различных полостных операций, когда кашель способен вызвать осложнения.

When an adult has a cough that persists for more than 8 weeks, it is considered a chronic cough.

Когда взрослый человек имеет кашель, который длится более 8 недель, считается хроническим кашлем.

Chronic cough may be not just a cough of a smoker.

Хронический кашель может быть не просто кашлем курильщика.

The child is 2-3 weeks a little cough, but cough, normal.

Ребенок еще 2-3 недели немного кашляет, но кашель обычный.

Maddie, I think your cough is related To your grandfather’s cough.

Мадди, я думаю, твой кашель имеет отношение к кашлю твоего дедушки.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Предложения, которые содержат cough

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