Sentences with the word correspond in them

of my mouth but did not correspond with your truth

words which correspond with what the Word of God says about me

In the end, she retaliated by forcing him to use the birdery daily to correspond with Lintze, stating that if he didn’t at least do that, she would use the authority she had to have him thrown out

«These transitions don’t correspond to any other observations of the Pink Dawn, or any observations of the impactors

“Do you have any other transitions, of any order, from any body that correspond to changes in the impactor?”

Altera continued to correspond with her after her marriage

This was a pleasant surprise, and once again, it couldn’t have happened without the Yingolian crystals because without them it is highly unlikely that she and her contact would ever correspond, Tahlmute’s current home is nearly an hour distant on needleboat and streetcar

The messenger costs would have been too high and few have the determination to correspond using a ‘for pickup’ box

I like gentle, loving, quiet, caring, and easy – going (like you) and then decided to find an introduction service and correspond with the Orient

Fourthly, the variations in the price of labour not only do not correspond, either in place or time, with those in the price of provisions, but they are frequently quite opposite

Through the variations in the price of labour not only do not always correspond with those in the price of provisions, but are frequently quite opposite, we must not, upon this account, imagine that the price of provisions has no influence upon that of labour

Chanting Om is said to correspond to that original

The councils, which, in the colony legislatures, correspond to the house of lords in Great Britain, are not composed of a hereditary nobility

— Channeled information has revealed that the present 7 chakras will expand to 12 and this will correspond to our new 12 auric layers and 12 layers/strands of DNAs, allowing the human being to reflect more of a multi-dimensional being than just a dense physical body

My hypothesis is this: Knowing that the Evolution Theory does not correspond to the evidence that is found, and that Darwin and others realised that his Theory was flawed and even expressed the reasons for their doubts, we need to investigate the alternative

With all the concentration the past couple of decades on rights at the expense of duties (which should correspond), we are rapidly becoming a nation of whiners

Correspond with me as often as you can

It seems obvious that this description does not correspond with the general creation, but only with that of Eden and Adam and Eve

M: They correspond to the various tendencies (samskara) of

the photographic plate, the scientist may assume the bubbles correspond with one and the same

manifestation of interacting fields that just happened to correspond with an anticipated track of a

Unfortunately, an out-of-body experience does not necessarily correspond with an ability to

state may not correspond exactly with the physical realm: they are totally separate locations and

correspond with the location for which a child specifically recalls being critically wounded in a

Be sure to keep updating it every few months to correspond with what’s going on in your life

are met will correspond to how happy you feel

is still possible and probable that the measurement procedure does not correspond to a fixed

necessarily correspond to Reality and that they too are appearances

These granules may correspond to the mitochondria found in animal and plant cells

The discrete cells on the tape correspond to

For the empty vessel when placed along with the empty is not Crashed but they correspond to each other

with a frantic rhythm that seemed to correspond perfectly with

correspond with the mother’s desire, it is natural that she feel first disappointment

does not always correspond to the amount of commitment invested

This wound does not correspond to any

this image, we can see how repression and denial of hatred correspond to this

correspond to the laws of life?

violence of others who force a way of being upon us that does not correspond

correspondent action might be within human beings, actions that correspond

correspond to stellar thermonuclear reactions: this is the powerful

emotions experienced at the beginning of life correspond to destructive and

network described as a fishnet energy flow that did not correspond with

in which points on each letter correspond to possible places for finding the

did not correspond to the form of the seeds but to the form of the grown

correspond The second astral ring is the habitat of the selfish or unspirit-

These points appear in groups that correspond to different

inability to correspond and discuss their ideas, for

What vigor and resistance that of Leticia’s! What quality of scratches and thumps! Ah! But I had more vigor and much more resistance! And the quality of my scratches was overcoming fully those of her! By living with two sisters, I had become polished in the quarrelsome art common to all fraternities of finishing the discussions by force of steep punches, giving the blows in the places that better correspond, in defense of the honor, the properties or the sisters

What bighead I felt, then! And what bighead I feel now! Americus and Leonardo! The guards and Batam-Al-Bur! Heap of friends ready to fight until the end against the dark forces in order to gain me the salvation! I wished God could provide me the right to correspond in opportune occasion for the profusion of such affections

below 20 correspond to the absence of any clear trend in the market

which correspond perhaps to in-breathing and out-breathing or to the beating

It would seem as if these divisions and subdivisions ought to correspond with the sub-races and branch races respectively, but it has not so far been possible for us

Neither did his talk with Jesus, at the time of his visit when he was eighteen years old, correspond with these statements of the Scriptures

There are mental conditions which correspond with tenseness and relaxation

Sociologists, technocrats, marketing strategists give us very odd answers and (afterwards) try to identify the correct reasons for the lack of success of a product, of a market strategy, a social approach that does not correspond to the true desires of people

correspond more to a known animal

‘Than it would have to be a very big bird to correspond with my mass and that would attract too much attention

In spite of Joshua’s reservations when they first met, they did find the time to correspond electronically almost every day

We still correspond and see each other on occasion

“On a temporary basis, Will, you have experiences that correspond with certain levels of hell, anxiety and fear

not correspond to desired state

will behave in a way that does not necessarily correspond with

correspond to objective reality

That is to say, there would be numbers in the sequence that would not correspond to a valid account number

theory would also correspond with the days in the Old Testament, as

Whether or not the archaeological evidence and dates correspond, the

and dates that correspond with each other

that is newly placed will correspond with the license plate

stderr which correspond to the standard input, standard output and standard

They correspond to a concept that appeared in the 1970s in Nancy’s history and are perfect to help coordinate and control joint operations

Ministro de — title of one of the cabinet officers in Spain; his duties correspond somewhat to those of our Secretaries of the Interior, Commerce, and

the average over five years, because the beta component should correspond to the same

the boundaries of the industry, and correspond to the highest obtainable credit rating

the mean (20 + 13 = 33, 20 — 13 =7) and would also correspond to 0

These correspond to

He already knew from her intercepted calls that her superiors in Tehran had plans about the weapons that did not correspond completely with the CIA plans

As far as motivations go, there are many types, some of which correspond to differing

understand how those sounds correspond to what the word should be “according to the

earth’s yearly orbit around the sun, and therefore don’t correspond to seasonal variations

Hopefully, the versions of those languages contained in the mnemotronic databanks would prove to correspond at least closely enough to the dialects spoken in the Ninth Century to permit meaningful conversations

‘’I am not sure that the strains of microbes currently running around correspond to the vaccines we use

through the Internet, where you can correspond with a dietician any time of the day or

In one simple form of progression, called Day for a Year, the positions of the planets on the tenth day after birth correspond to the conditions in your life at age ten

crystal forms that correspond,

He however does not correspond to the God described in the Bible, as he didn’t create the Universe, or even the Earth

undoubtedly correspond to the popular view of the brutal killer,

‘’The methods used certainly correspond to those typical of the Los Zetas

correspond with the other objects in the room

their new culture, and there are three levels of openness that correspond to three adaptive styles

She began to correspond with me regularly

So, not much of an event that I can point to happened at that time to correspond to the Neptune direction to my Ascendant

On top of this 260 cylinders of incense are laid; then a cross of many small candles, whose colors correspond to the four directions, is built in the center of the circle: red candles to the east, black to the west, white to the north, and yellow to the south

The different plexuses in the human body correspond tentatively to the different Chakras in the astral (Sukshma) body

Other research within this field has found without doubt that certain acupressure points correspond with precise areas in the brain

You will be able to correspond with him, and, in time, eventually you can be reunited

that correspond to your new hosting account

This existing symphony could now be orchestrated over four platforms upon four different conduct of habitats that belts out our nature formations to correspond along with the varied types of environments that they regularly presents out to ùs`

This existing symphony could now be orchestrated over four platforms upon four different conduct of habitats that belts out our nature formations to correspond along with the varied types of environments that they regularly presents out to `us`

moments in our life and we corresponded those moments with other

He had finally isolated some changes in some pulse trains that corresponded to course corrections on the impactors, he was still sifting the data for more

He corresponded with R

But among the Romans there was nothing which corresponded to the musical education of the Greeks

custom-house officer, in order to ascertain how far the quantity contained in it corresponded with that for which the duty had been paid

High levels of arsenic were being detected on the reserve—and the natives suffered from the types of cancers that exactly corresponded to the kinds of cancers caused by arsenic

Yet this hadn’t corresponded to his fantasy, painstakingly built up in a small woodlot outside of his home town, with rabbits, foxes; and the occasional turkey vulture

Via a simple telephone code, Sylvia would stipulate a specific date and room number, which corresponded to a like number of kilos and Angel, in turn, would notify Mike of his ‘reservation

The shipping lanes followed curved lines, which roughly corresponded to great circle routes, except that it had something to do with the curvature of space, and not the surface of a globe

’ Since there can only be one ‘All-knowing’ there can only be one God, although there could, I suppose, have been a ‘shake-out’ period that could have corresponded to the ancient Greek notions of pantheism

corresponded to Victoria’s in the Ripley household

After I left, we corresponded, visited

A wide gash corresponded with the ripped leather, a red

wavelength of ‘matter waves’ that corresponded to matter

another, where each type of particle corresponded with a different field

location and appearance of unique birthmarks and birth defects that eerily corresponded with

corresponded with the manner of death in the previous life, and might occur in about one-third of

had indeed died in the manner recalled by the child, and the mortal wounds corresponded with

corresponded exactly with the murder of Said Abul-Hisn, who had lived in Btechney, though

was the smaller of the two, corresponded to the wound of entry on Said’s left cheek, and the

above and many others, corresponded exactly with the life of a man called Hardev Baksh Singh,

being attributed to stabbing, and each of his prominent birthmarks corresponded with locations

corresponded with that of Haydar’s fatal wound

revealed facts corresponded with the historical record, the late Dr

They gave me his new email address and we corresponded for a few years

In late 2002, once I could see, I corresponded with the NM EEOC who informed me that my complaint had arrived two days past the 180-day deadline for appealing my wrongful firing and that they would not extend that period for the time I could not raise my head

Yania focused on the feelings of the inspector to verify that they truly corresponded to the words that he spoke

Since all the pages of our files are numbered, I found the pages that corresponded to the map were now related to other documents that had not existed before and that were irrelevant to the case

corresponded with the main direction of the wind we were

Jan and I corresponded on a weekly basis thereafter

Minutes later, my dance accompanist settled in the seat that corresponded to Beatrice and devoted to court me without hiding the admiration that for me he was feeling

A few years ago I corresponded with Noel Virtue, a New Zealand author who arrived in London after an abused youth as a Brethren Boy

What surprising fragility assaults the aggrieved heart, which nude of any falsity covers itself into a shelter after the banal mask of the indifference hurt it by the inclemency of a not corresponded love! And it was this indifference the one that allowed me to remain unscathed before his closeness

He was thinking that Tula was taking attributions that corresponded to him

The side of the road was covered with a certain amount of soil and this contained tyre imprints, which corresponded size and width wise to tracks that would fit a mini-van

corresponded to the coordinates

But before she could complete the prescribed rest she received a disturbed letter from the invisible doctors, who mid they had inspected her for six hours without finding anything that corresponded to the symptoms so many times and so scrupulously described by her

He was certain that they corresponded to an alphabet of forty-seven to fifty-three characters, which when separated looked like scratching and scribbling, and which in the fine hand of Melquíades looked like pieces of clothing put out to dry on a line

To keep the phone synchronized with the other stuff I made a list of words that corresponded to the numbers on the keypad and

They corresponded regularly and that must have made the army censors suspicious of my mother

To keep the phone synchronized with the others I made a list of words that corresponded to the numbers on the keyboard and tried to use easy to remember combinations such as 667667 and 333363 which translated into MORONS (appropriate, isn’t it?) and DEFEND respectively, both valid passwords

His appearances aptly corresponded to the stereotype long associated with men of the cloth of his age—thin white hair that lost its shine years ago, tough skin given to showing wrinkles and pockmarks that had been deprived of any sunlight, still clean shaven, and a slightly stooped posture due to rheumatism and the ordinary aging process

directly linked back into the use of tobacco corresponded with a

She then read out two coordinates on her map that corresponded roughly to the portion of road on the western side of her hill

The dates and amounts of the deposits made in that account also corresponded exactly with the information in the anonymous letter

Ann nodded her head approvingly at that: that piece of information corresponded to what she knew of that Raymond the First of Toulouse through her historical archives

Corresponded to the title of ‘Marquess’

corresponded for years, but never saw each other again until a

and stifling as it was, he nevertheless knew that it corresponded to his traveling

From the moment I met him to the moment we last corresponded, I knew there was no way we could successfully be together

nevertheless knew that it corresponded to his traveling the lines at a fantastic rate of

We corresponded regularly and talked over Skype

Exodus account, I skirted over instances in my experience which corresponded to some of those

As for Mohammad Amin, he was becoming ever more certain of the truth and the great revelation contained in this sorcery for whichever way he turned, he saw that everything corresponded to the details that had been described by the boy

Wherever he turned, he found that what he saw before him corresponded to the details that had been described by the boy

M A Sheikho did not expect such a result after all the previous facts had corresponded exactly to what the boy had witnessed

When he arrived, he found that the store exactly corresponded to the description given by the boy, meaning that the owner of the house was one and the same as the owner of this carpet store

However, neither of the two numbers on the label corresponded

Thirteen was revered in prehistoric goddess-worshipping cultures because it corresponded to the number of lunar or female menstrual cycles in a year; the sum of which was

You can imagine how I felt when I found there was only one voice with which it corresponded, and that man was supposed to be dead

The standing plank extended around in a wide circle and there were seven descending ladders, suggesting they corresponded to the boulders above

Settled at the bottom of the page like some ugly thing that crawled out of its grave and died, the words corresponded with a notion that could not have otherwise been explained

He computed that the twenty-fifth day of Thul-Hijjah 1421 AH corresponded to March 4, 2001 AD, the current date

that corresponded with the missing hair, and could

were not random, but corresponded to his own excesses, for instance in indolence or greed

the military and veterans that I have corresponded with, including those in

I corresponded with Germaine Greer who wrote The Female Eunuch and did not miss a single one of her lectures

It was not difficult to determine which of you corresponded with the names, as the ship has already scanned your biometrical properties

that corresponded with the sudden emergence of a full blazed double rainbow that started

On the contrary, the hatred of the Pharisees towards Christ corresponded to

Our Lord’s reply corresponded with the question proposed: ‘They which shall be accounted worthy to obtain that world

corresponded to; for instance the upper foot having to do with appetite and the stomach,

tion of vajrayana in which such states corresponded to the sides of a

in the society corresponded to his functions, the market-type character

Suspecting how it was, then, he wished to satisfy himself as to whether Don Quixote’s features corresponded; and taking a parchment out of his bosom he lit upon what he was in search of, and setting himself to read it deliberately, for he was not a quick reader, as he made out each word he fixed his eyes on Don Quixote, and went on

And, as knowledge corresponded to being and ignorance of necessity to not-being, for that intermediate between being and not-being there has to be discovered a corresponding intermediate between ignorance and knowledge, if there be such?

Dantes listened with admiring attention to all he said; some of his remarks corresponded with what he already knew, or applied to the sort of knowledge his nautical life had enabled him to acquire

» This exclamation, which corresponded to the count’s own thought rather than to what Albert was saying, surprised everybody, and especially Morrel, who looked at Monte Cristo with wonder

The colors corresponded to years, which meant that over the last six years, Paul had paid to have eighteen women stalked

His manner of bearing his poverty, too, exactly corresponded to his manner of bearing that defeat

Samantha had corresponded with the Mountain Trust, a well-established conservation group that specialized in taking title to land and preserving it

but falsity; though in passing through these difficult moments he had not once thought of seeking guidance in religion, yet now, when his conclusion corresponded, as it seemed to him, with the requirements of religion, this religious sanction to his decision gave him complete satisfaction, and to some extent restored his peace of mind

He corresponded actively with his maternal uncle, Don Jose Avellanos; but his letters—unless those expressing formally his dutiful affection— were seldom entrusted to the Costaguana Post Office

Whether the labor devoted to obtaining the money corresponded to the pleasure given by what was bought with it, was a consideration he had long ago dismissed

He and his companions had seen at least a dozen creatures, most of them at a distance, which corresponded with nothing at present known to Science

At first he was bashful about the notoriety which the newspaper caused, but later greatly pleased, for he found it the means of his getting into touch with other collectors in all parts of the world with whom he now corresponded and swapped duplicates

“Because it corresponded to a shipment of chocolate that was stolen from one of my competitors in Rome perhaps a week or ten days ago

He knew exactly which spot on which subway platform corresponded with which staircase on which other platform

Raoul went on making this strange sort of remarks which corresponded so intimately and logically with the preoccupation of his brain and which, at the same time, tended to persuade many people that his mind was unhinged

But I understood the sentence perfectly, for it corresponded in a

Plymdale thought that Rosamond had been educated to a ridiculous pitch, for what was the use of accomplishments which would be all laid aside as soon as she was married? While her aunt Bulstrode, who had a sisterly faithfulness towards her brother’s family, had two sincere wishes for Rosamond—that she might show a more serious turn of mind, and that she might meet with a husband whose wealth corresponded to her habits

It appeared to him a very natural movement in Bulstrode that he should have reconsidered his refusal: it corresponded with the more munificent side of his character

What else is interesting here? That 2003–2006 period corresponded to historically low levels of implied volatility

As to actual studies of the effect of these products, there are not a lot out there, and there’s the problem that their rise in popularity corresponded to the ugliest of markets

If these appraisals had corresponded to the market values which experienced buyers of or lenders on real estate would place upon the properties, they would have been of real utility in the selection of sound real estate bonds

In the meantime an opportunity arose to sell out at a large profit (the high price being 284 in 1929), which corresponded to the enhancement possibilities of a convertible or subscription-warrant issue

and the corresponding decrease in pain

“No, you’re in a part of the heaven on the condensate substrate that is populated with people who’ve kept to the ways of ancient Atlantis, specifically the state temple of Knossos in the echo corresponding to what you call 1648bc

“You have to understand that these results are still preliminary, but it seems that the aggregate quantum state of the quasi boson corresponding to the human soul is awake/asleep/unknown

They had a lot of it installed and it had upped their deployed length to three hundred eighty thousand miles, with the corresponding increase in scoop radius

that Warden Acris held a position corresponding to that of Major

opportunity to inspect the corresponding facility on the England

and shout out the corresponding symbol, a second would act as a

circled the corresponding word on the transcript

To dream that you receive jewelry as a gift indicates that you need to acknowledge and incorporate those corresponding qualities within your own self

Experimentally-calculated methods define corresponding experimental parameters (strength, modulus of elasticity, water absorption, etc

The stars were tagged, the numbers clearly corresponding to their distance

James Strong encountered while compiling his «Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible» (where each and every word of consequence in the entire Bible was carefully noted, recorded, numbered, collated and corresponding Hebrew and Greek definitions were provided) was dwarfed by the tasks that Panin had to perform in his studies

There was a specific date and time corresponding with the numbers

046), and the corresponding cold dark matter density Omega-ch2 is about 0

11, the corresponding neutrino density Omega-vh2 is estimated to be less than 0

“With a bit of luck the Germans will be finished and we should be able to walk over and secure their trenches as per the plan then the second and corresponding waves will follow the first wave and as they pass through us we will consolidate our gains

Furthermore, Jonathan had been corresponding with his older

HTTP pipelining is a technique that allows the browser to send multiple requests to a single socket without waiting for the corresponding responses

Instead, many individuals are finding themselves subject to unqualified productions unsupported by facts! Returning to the topic of guns, it is believed in some (political) circles that eliminating guns would promote a corresponding decrease in (gun related) crimes

The light was growing stronger, roughly corresponding to about midday on the surface

Well aware that George was an intimate to San José society, he offered as additional proof a glimpse at his list of checks with the names of their corresponding recipients

Empty villages and towns were a stark reminder of the power of this process wherein a corresponding collapse of the communities dependant on that production was occasioned

A corresponding roar came from other stands and spectators around the track

face was swollen, but the corresponding eye was also blinded

The critic, in turn, activates ‘selectors,’ which in turn activate resources corresponding to ways to think… ‘Naturally, our thought processes are not limited to emotions’

Soon after, this agreed organization of the exporter country donates the product or acquired service for the corresponding agreed organization of the importer country (Area of Activity TRADE) that turns available the products or services in the local Coordenational Structure

Besides, there is the monetary gain with reduction of the cost and increase of the productivity because with the same amount of Virtual Coin, the creditor obtains much more than the corresponding amount in physical money

096 billion dollars or corresponding value in the local coin of the country in that Bank3Sector is installed, directly it will benefit 3

032 billion dollars or corresponding value in the local coin of the country in that to operate

The accumulation will occur through world campaign in that the citizen of any country participates with the donation of small importance of 990 dollars or corresponding value in the coin of its country

Cinder did the same, regally placing the corresponding headdress on Wynne’s

This is because functions are action-oriented and do not really corresponding to the elements of the

That is, the compiler replaces the function call with the corresponding function code

Karma Niyama: Order of act and result, for example, desirable and undesirable acts produce corresponding good and bad results

core, allowing them to cautiously scan the corresponding area on

each Slum sector to hold its corresponding Plate sector aloft

angle corresponding to the angle of the

‘ And He will imprison those angels, who have shown unrighteousness, in that burning valley which my grandfather Enoch had formerly shown to me in the west among the mountains of gold and silver and iron and soft metal and tin; And I saw that valley in which there was a great convulsion and a convulsion of the waters; And when all this took place, from that fiery molten metal and from the convulsion of it in that place, there was produced a smell of sulphur, and it was connected with those waters, and that valley of the angels who had led astray mankind burned beneath that land; And through its valleys proceed streams of fire, where these angels are punished who had led astray those who dwell on the Earth; But those waters shall in those days serve for the kings and the mighty and the exalted, and those who dwell on the Earth, for the healing of the body, but for the punishment of the spirit; now their spirit is full of lust, that they may be punished in their body, for they have denied the Lord of Spirits and see their punishment daily, and yet believe not in His name; And in proportion as the burning of their bodies becomes severe, a corresponding change shall take place in their spirit forever and ever; for before the Lord of Spirits none shall utter an idle word; For the judgement shall come on them, because they believe in the lust of their body and deny the Spirit of the Lord; And those same waters will undergo a change in those days; for when those angels are punished in these waters, these water-springs shall change their temperature, and when the angels ascend, this water of the springs shall change and become cold; And I heard Michael answering and saying: ‘ This judgement with which the angels are judged is a testimony for the kings and the mighty who possess the Earth

The book of the courses of the luminaries of the heavens, the relations of each, according to their classes, their dominion and their seasons, according to their names and places of origin, and according to their months, which Uriel, the holy angel, who was with me, who is their guide, showed me; and he showed me all their laws exactly as they are, and how it is with regard to all the years of the world and to eternity, till the new creation is accomplished which endures till eternity; And this is the first law of the luminaries: the luminary the Sun has its rising in the eastern portals of the heavens, and its setting in the western portals of the heavens; And I saw six portals in which the sun rises, and six portals in which the sun sets and the moon rises and sets in these portals, and the leaders of the stars and those whom they lead: six in the east and six in the west, and all following each other in accurately corresponding order: also many windows to the right and left of these portals; And first there goes out the great luminary, named the Sun, and his circumference is like the circumference of the heavens, and he is quite filled with illuminating and heating fire

As for the twelve portals in the Heaven, at the ends of the Earth, out of which go out the sun, moon, and stars, and all the works of Heaven in the east and in the west, There are many windows open to the left and right of them, and one window at its appointed season produces warmth, corresponding as these do to those doors from which the stars come out according as He has commanded them, and wherein they set corresponding to their number; And I saw chariots in the Heaven, running in the world, above those portals in which revolve the stars that never set; And one is larger than all the rest, and it is that that makes its course through the entire world

1 And again those men led me away to the western parts, and showed me six great gates open corresponding to the eastern gates, opposite to where the sun sets, according to the number of the days three hundred and sixty-five and a quarter

Now maybe it was my conversation with Lisa and the corresponding discovery of

equation tells us that matter waves corresponding to even the smallest object that we can see are

that pierced the corresponding parts of their bodies in the recalled, previous life

combining each byte of the state with the corresponding byte from the round key

interminable days stretching out into the future, yet glad that the previous day and especially its corresponding night was over

‘ And He will imprison those angels who have shown unrighteousness in that burning valley which my grandfather Enoch had formerly shown to me in the west among the mountains of gold and silver and iron and soft metal and tin; And I saw that valley in which there was a great convulsion and a convulsion of the waters; And when all this took place from that fiery molten metal and from the convulsion of it in that place there was produced a smell of sulphur and it was connected with those waters and that valley of the angels who had led astray mankind burned beneath that land; And through its valleys proceed streams of fire where these angels are punished who had led astray those who dwell on the Earth; But those waters shall in those days serve for the kings and the mighty and the exalted and those who dwell on the Earth for the healing of the body but for the punishment of the spirit; now their spirit is full of lust that they may be punished in their body for they have denied the Lord of Spirits and see their punishment daily and yet believe not in His name; And in proportion as the burning of their bodies becomes severe a corresponding change shall take place in their spirit forever and ever; for before the Lord of Spirits none shall utter an idle word; For the judgement shall come on them because they believe in the lust of their body and deny the Spirit of the Lord; And those same waters will undergo a change in those days; for when those angels are punished in these waters these water-springs shall change their temperature and when the angels ascend this water of the springs shall change and become cold; And I heard Michael answering and saying: ‘ This judgement with which the angels are judged is a testimony for the kings and the mighty who possess the Earth

The book of the courses of the luminaries of the heavens the relations of each according to their classes their dominion and their seasons according to their names and places of origin and according to their months which Uriel the holy angel who was with me who is their guide showed me; and he showed me all their laws exactly as they are and how it is with regard to all the years of the world and to eternity till the new creation is accomplished which endures till eternity; And this is the first law of the luminaries: the luminary the Sun has its rising in the eastern portals of the heavens and its setting in the western portals of the heavens; And I saw six portals in which the sun rises and six portals in which the sun sets and the moon rises and sets in these portals and the leaders of the stars and those whom they lead: six in the east and six in the west and all following each other in accurately corresponding order: also many windows to the right and left of these portals; And first there goes out the great luminary named the Sun and his circumference is like the circumference of the heavens and he is quite filled with illuminating and heating fire

As for the twelve portals in the Heaven at the ends of the Earth out of which go out the sun moon and stars and all the works of Heaven in the east and in the west There are many windows open to the left and right of them and one window at its appointed season produces warmth corresponding as these do to those doors from which the stars come out according as He has commanded them and wherein they set corresponding to their number; And I saw chariots in the Heaven running in the world above those portals in which revolve the stars that never set; And one is larger than all the rest and it is that that makes its course through the entire world

1 And again those men led me away to the western parts and showed me six great gates open corresponding to the eastern gates opposite to where the sun sets according to the number of the days three hundred and sixty-five and a quarter

And the corresponding harmonic upper

active in Greece, the implementation of the corresponding guideline has been cancelled,

I can’t imagine it was because it would have meant more work for him without a corresponding salary increase, but he convinced my father and Johnnie not to do it

the human body has a corresponding point on the sole of the foot

the foot can relieve tension, pain, and stress in the corresponding parts

corresponding point on the sole of the foot

these points on the foot can relieve tension, pain, and stress in the corresponding parts of the body

they create does not always end up corresponding to their original intentions

They presented the client with a list of the IBM manager’s name and address at each corresponding location

The scheduling of a work package is basically the scheduling of the corresponding activity within the project network

Trask tried twice more before he got the hang of clocking-in, then searched for the number on the OUT rack corresponding to the one on his card, as impatient men and women lined up behind him

Each standing wave pattern has its own natural frequency, and if we drive the waves near that frequency, we will succeed in generating the corresponding standing wave

Before the complete dissolution of our current universe, however, intelligent beings from our current universe would have already abandoned their bodies corresponding to the current universe and would now operate in their new bodies in a higher-energy universe

There are many intermediate states (which correlate to the various higher energy universes and the corresponding meditative states) where the superposed state can be intermittently ‘experienced

Once the image has been identified, an acoustical pattern corresponding to the image is constructed by another area of the brain

Alternate higher energy bodies undertake cognitive processes corresponding to the left and right brains

If its judgments of its memories were self-approving, the corresponding emotional experience would be absolute, unending, ever-increasing joy; but if those judgments were self-condemning, the emotional responses would be absolute, unending, ever-increasing misery

corresponding to rising jets of gas that move upward and

experiences in the laboratory does not mean that the corresponding actual experiences

are not extensive enough to have links with the corresponding spheres of

in the nucleus with a corresponding and neutralizing negative charge from

was a corresponding decrease in the voltage gradients in the trees

To dissipate use a rotary switch mounted on the box and extend this heat you must use a heatsink of size 4 cm×10 the connections from Dip switch (corresponding cm or so

experiences in the corresponding universe are stored or are linked to these

in logic level at the input and the corresponding change

have links with the corresponding spheres of any other planet 17

absorbs radiation that has the amount of energy corresponding to the

produced the corresponding green colors

R diagram; points corresponding to the dimmest stars, toward the

Bill: Monsieur Toney could lay the charm on pretty thick when he was corresponding with the French women!

waiting for them in another country is by either meeting someone who has done it and found what they want, or begin corresponding with a woman who caused them to

Corresponding with a lady in another country so you’ll realize that these women are different and worth pursuing


know if you are interested in corresponding with me as well

The corresponding hieroglyph flew through the air,

Nevertheless, badly the priest could be provided with the submission of Tula, who rushed forward at him in a tenacious battle of elbows and words, to be located again in the forefront that was corresponding to him, with the subsequent reply of elbows and words on the part of Father Tobias

‘Oasis power generators are no longer up to the task; most other services are run down; buildings are crumbling due to age and a series of minor earthquakes over the last year; malfunctioning negrav chutes are dropping people to their deaths; air-conditioning plants need an upgrade; there’s been a noticeable rise in average temperature and increased humidity and air pollution, with a corresponding increase in lung infections over the last two years

It was a corresponding end of terrace dwelling identical to theirs

corresponding account of probation in the last chapter:

described above, but any special characteristics attained by the latter act upon the corresponding centres of the Master’ s aura, and that flashes out in

corresponding ideas, and they produce results because of their associations,

Corresponding waves are set up in higher and

As in the process of his evolution he develops good qualities which can find corresponding

It is held on the full moon day of the month of Asala, (in Sanskrit Asâdha), usually corresponding to the English July

The real problem is: How can the finite mind of man achieve a logical, true, and corresponding unity of thought? This universe-knowing state of mind can be had only by conceiving that the quantitative fact and the qualitative value have a common causation in the Paradise Father

Each item corresponds to a card of the Egyptian tarot

“Probably not, unless I was a historian of winemaking and it corresponds to a year on Earth

The first ministry is the ministry of prophecy and it corresponds to the altar of sacrifice

His calculation, therefore, though different in appearance, corresponds very nearly at bottom with that of Judge Hales

the throat chakra, corresponds to the throat and thyroid

chakra, corresponds to the heart and thymus gland

chakra, corresponds to eyes and the pineal gland

’ This corresponds to Hilier, according to family members

and finding work that corresponds to us will lead to

This line corresponds to the beginning of the definition of the main function

The up and down of the ocean’s waves corresponds with the rotation of the wheel of life

” Huxley defines a good metaphysics, as against a bad metaphysics, as one “that corresponds reasonably closely with observed and inferred reality and one that doesn’t

This idea corresponds well with the previous imperative to love one’s neighbors as one’s

“My friend says the worst of times in the United States corresponds with our country’s misdealing with Israel

The theory that time and space had a beginning and that beginning corresponds to the origin of matter and energy is correct

corresponds to objective faultiness is another matter entirely

this belief is more coherent, more useful, and corresponds more with my experiences than the

A correspondence theory of belief acquisition will only be believed if it corresponds with the

Corresponds to a

So far as I can tell, this town corresponds to the map, and is the terminal for the caravan that wends its way to Terra-port

The level of reality, which corresponds to the objectively observed facts;

The symbolic level which corresponds to the search for more being

It corresponds to the necessity to have a protected space, where

corresponds to our bodies’ needs and the needs of the psyche; joy corresponds

Finally, we have modern humanity, which somatically corresponds to the

contraction and collapse of stellar material; the second corresponds to the

third corresponds to the beginning of a thermonuclear reaction due to the

increase in temperature; the last corresponds to the transformation of

a) The phenomenon that corresponds to the contraction of stellar

operating on the plane corresponds to the range of sizes of particles in that

difference of 5 on the absolute magnitude scale corresponds to a

He also corresponds with DD

· Your “day off” corresponds to a fast in your diet (more on this in Chapter 14)

This Hindu sacred word corresponds to the Egyptian amen

Yet that which corresponds to and acts

Just as the first great Initiation corresponds to a new birth, so may the second Initiation be justly compared to the baptism of the Holy Ghost and of Fire;

helps to guide its growth, and corresponds in many ways to the ancient

The duration of pain corresponds to the degree of repentance

themselves which corresponds with the number shown on the dice, eg ‘I had two eggs for

use of voice, no use of tone, tempo, or story that corresponds to the

simply verifies that a day of 29 corresponds to a leap year

This timeline is factual within science, and corresponds with histori-

This date corresponds with the last ice age known to man,

The corroborating historical, geological, and scientific evidence suggests that a great flood and ice age occurred around the same time period as Noah and corresponds

time is not a factor, which is x, with the point where this corresponds with

self (as you see it in an editor), then this also corresponds to a physical line

“That corresponds pretty much with what others have told us

Each number corresponds to the shot number already discussed

– this corresponds to the path indicated by the

To simply alter your database so that it corresponds with the version number in $config[‘migration_version’], you should use the current() function

CodeIgniter will look into the migrations folder for the file whose number corresponds with the value set in $config[‘migration_

CodeIgniter will look into the migrations folder for the file whose number corresponds with the third parameter (1), which by amazing coincidence is the number of the migration files we created—who would have known this?

acreage that corresponds to the predetermined dollar amounts,

score also corresponds to the size of the sample, with a smaller sample size indicating a

deviations corresponds to a known area of the curve, we can determine probability by how

6 and find that it corresponds to the number “0

“The time stamp corresponds with Tama Orleans disappearance

“I have located a Gateway that corresponds to the world where the

coolants at removing heat directly corresponds to the specific heat of the

This period corresponds to TR’s first year in the White House, which he entered the preceding September 1901 upon President McKinley’s assassination

Barack Obama was born on August 4, 1961 at 7:24 pm, which corresponds to the Chol Qij nagual 9 Aj, or maize plant

SIDE OF EYE – This is your temple area and corresponds with the gall bladder meridian

COLLARBONE – This is 2 inches below the top of the col arbone and corresponds with the kidney meridian

KARATE CHOP – This is the inside side of your hands and corresponds to the smal intestine meridian

that Jesus’ ministry only lasted three and a half years, which corresponds with

slope of ~ 35 °, considering that 0 ° it corresponds to

as every other thing that corresponds to many times just buzzing blondie babe in strange

This is performed using the Forward loading technique and production facilities are loaded until the time is reached that corresponds to their specified capacity (Finite loading)

length of each task bar corresponds to the duration

The idea of this suggestion lies in the following: The central point of the string is being subjected to a certain load force by the tennis ball and the value of this force corresponds to the maximum deflection of the tennis racket tip point

Every inch deeper corresponds to a ten-fold

Heaven corresponds to the level of the inner life and the degree to which the spirit has gone beyond the material plan in its transmitted message

The second meaning of thirteen is the number of Mohammad having seven (the number of Jesus spirit) and six (Friday) corresponds the day of worship and his path of six mixed with seven

If you divide 1260 over nine the result is 140 which is (70×2), seventy is ten times seven corresponds to a complete development of cycles fulfilled by death as the figure (1260) becomes (9x7x10x2) which is death in multiplicity and perfection

The less light corresponds to the soul which hinders the passage of light

The lunar month of Agrahayan which corresponds approximately to

Each location corresponds to a particular on-yomi

Corresponds To The Concept Of An ‘Image’: How Archetypal Are Images; Can

corresponds to not even a master’s, but at least a doctoral dissertation

The end of the Pleistocene corresponds with the end of the

She also tells him that the words written on the threats corresponds exactly to what she thinks, even though she was not the one to send them: her sister has everything and she has nothing

The synchronicity that is seen in the outside world corresponds to the

outer reality corresponds to inner reality”

directly to the page on the site that corresponds to the product or

I froze, not quite certain I heard the prophecy correctly, but was damn sure it corresponds with my father’s revelation, my encounter with the strange old woman, Bianca’s revelations and Nneka’s information before her death

“ This corresponds exactly with my deep desire for you

We can find nothing that corresponds to the vividly

It is a relief to me to write about these things that I so much love, for I do not talk of them lest I should be regarded as a person who rhapsodizes, and there is no nuisance more intolerable than having somebody’s rhapsodies thrust upon you when you have no enthusiasm of your own that at all corresponds

I believe that the Chariot, like Mars, corresponds to Aries

The chart on the left corresponds to the distribution of the overall communications with the Twitter

We develop awareness that drinking, eating, breathing, sleeping, and eliminating corresponds to the functioning of the body

Their “dimension Coefficient” can be either higher than that of our bodies, which corresponds to the “internal”, higher-quality Sphere of Self-Consciousness, or lower, which is the “external”, lower-quality part of the Sphere of our possible life Creativity

In order to change the water flow in this part of the river or remove the whirlpool, it is necessary to apply quite substantial outside effort in order to change the configuration not only of the river bed but also of both river banks; then the stable vortex will not be gone nor will disappear, but will just move to a new place in the river that corresponds to its configuration in order to continue its tireless swirl

Owing to the fact that each of you, as well as any other realizational Form of this Continuum, always has the potential to refocus in your skrruullerrt systems, both into more and into less favorable variants of the development of the Collective Intelligence of “humankind”, you must intensively form in your Self-Consciousness only that high-quality Conception of your society which you seek to gain yourself, which completely corresponds to your best and highest expectations

Every time we choose in our Self-Consciousness to refocus on one of the nearest (in quality to our psychic states) scenarios, we can immediately (at the next moment, without going further in the development of this story of our possible existence) choose an absolutely different scenario that better corresponds either to our current psychic state and temporary mood, or to our established “material” priorities, life views, and general spiritual aspirations

Each new (subsequent) quality state of our Focus of Close Attention models actively and specifically, around the NUU-VVU-Form (focused by Us at a given moment), that “geometry” of Space-Time which strictly corresponds to “the curvature” of the frequency Configuration of Aspects of Qualities that compose it (that is, to the degree of Creative Activity of these or those karmic Channels in our Self-Consciousness)

Each space-time Continuum (which has an individual rotation Cycle that corresponds only to it and which, in its own collective Creativity, is subject only to its own development scenario) has a slightly different Configuration in relation to other Continuums that are nearest to it in quality

But after “the present” moment, all of “them”, except for a particular group that corresponds to a certain choice, may be instantly projected into all possible developmental Directions at this instant of “your” Life and are activated by the detailed dynamics of “your” choices

Match the adjectives and the nouns. Use the word combinations you get in the sentences below.

1. immense i) size

2. reluctant e) guests

3. detachable g) cuffs

4. stiff f) back

5. ridiculous h) dress

6. dignified c) manner

7. starched b) collar

8. detached a) house

9. funny d) joke

We were all shocked by the 1. immense i) size of the plain stretching in front of us.

She sang one song after another to the 2. reluctant e) guests who were beginning to feel that they couldn’t take it anymore.

They don’t make shirts with 3. detachable g) cuffs anymore, do they?

He was suffering from a 4. stiff f) back and couldn’t join in the dance.

The girls kept talking about Sue’s 5. ridiculous h) dress and old-fashioned shoes.

The lady’s 6. dignified c) manner and pleasant talk made a great impression on the visitors.

He couldn’t turn his neck because of the high 7. starched b) collar.

A 8. detached a) house is not joined to another house.

The 9. funny d) joke made the audience roar with laughter.

Опубликовано 13.06.2017 по предмету Английский язык от Гость
>> <<

Complete the sentences with the word combinations from the box
Слова для вставки .e) proud musician a) animal trainers f) puppys bowl b) picture gallery g) black-and-white drawing c) circus shows d) famous ballet
1) Is there any water in the favourite picture 2) we often go to look at our the 3) Its only a but I think its very beautiful4) The family watched the on television, 5) usually perform at the circus, 6) I thanked the for his playing, 7) They give two or three every day,

Ответ оставил Гость

1) Isthere any water in the
f) puppys bowl 2) we often go to the b) picture gallery to look at our favourite picture 3) Its only a g)black-and-white drawing but I think its very beautiful. 4) The family watchedthe d) famous ballet  on television, 5) a) animal trainers usually perform at the circus, 6) I thanked thee) proudmusician for his playing, 7) They give two or three c) circus shows every day,

Оцени ответ

Подпишись на наш канал в телеграм. Там мы даём ещё больше полезной информации для школьников!

Complete the sentences with the word

Example: What is
he going to do? He is going to…..- He
is going
to read a newspaper.

1. When the friends meet, they————————- . —   —————                                           2.  When will you———————————————————— ? — On Christmas Eve. We bought new

colourful balls yesterday.

3. Do you___________   ?      — Yes, I like running and riding my bike.

4.  In December people_________ _____________to their friends to congratulate with New

Year and Christmas.

drowned, occupy, straight

  1. Glaciers
    provide vital evidence of climate …

What you need is not pills but
a simple … of scene.

If you need money, there’s
some spare … in my coat pocket.

2. Grassland and savannah …
a substantial part of Southern Africa.

It’s a long journey — let’s
take some books to … the children.

The protesting students intend
to … the Holman Building.

3. The vet said the … on the
dog’s face was not cancerous.

She had a … in her throat
and a tear in her eye when she said goodbye.

Get up and do some work, you
lazy …

4. Many of the wildebeest
didn’t make it and … half-way across the river.

My voice was … out by the
sound of builders drilling.

I … my meal in sauce to hide
the bitter taste.

5. The falconer trained the
hawk to fly in a perfectly … line.

So let’s get this … ; you
say you saw the man break in through the window.

Why can’t you just give me a …
answer for once in your life?

31. Comment on the change of meanings in the italicized words.

1. They sat
on the rug before the fireplace, watching the rising tongues
of flame
2. He inspired universal confidence and had an
iron nerve
3. He was burning
with a desire

to meet his old friends. 4. As I spoke, rage

in my eyes. 5. Emotion squeezed
Soames’ heart. 6. Here was the great mysterious city which was still

for her. 7. Carrie’s anger melted
on the instant. 8. Some books are to
be tasted
others swallowed,
and some few to
be chewed

32. Define the meanings of the italicized words in the following sentences.

1. I began
to search the flat, looking in drawers and boxes to see if I could
find a
I tumbled with a sort of splash upon the

of a piano. Now the orchestra is playing yellow cocktail music and
the opera of voices pitches a

2. I sat
down with my

in my hands, until I heard the phone taken up inside and the butler’s
voice calling a taxi. G.Quarterman possessed more power than many
of the state.

3. I walked
into Hyde Park, fell
flat upon the grass and almost immediately fell

4. Her

opened crookedly half an inch, and she shot a few words at one like
pebbles. Would you like me to come to the

of the river with you? I put the letter into the

of the box and let it go.

Homonyms Homographs

33. How would you pronounce each of the underlined words in the sentences below? Chose a word with a similar sound from the brackets.

The girl I live
with knows a good pub with live
music. (dive/give)

The main house
a collection of rare stamps. (mouse/rouse)

They bathed
the children after they had bathed
in the sea. (lathe/path)

You sow
the seeds while I feed the sow.

The violinist in the bow
tie took a bow.

He’s the lead
singer in the group ‘Lead
piping’. (head/deed)

What a row
from the last house in the row!

Does he still suffer from his war wound?

I wound
the rope around the tree to strengthen it against the gale.

It’s quite hard to wind
in the sails in this wind.

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