Sentences with the word consequence

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1. In consequence he lost his place.

2. The accident was the inevitable consequence/result/outcome of carelessness.

3. It was an inevitable consequence of the decision.

4. Don’t be uneasy about the consequence.

5. As a consequence of being in hospital, Shelly decided that she wanted to become a nurse.

6. Many believe that poverty is a direct consequence of overpopulation.

7. Wastage was no doubt a necessary consequence of war.

8. Your opinion is of little consequence to me.

9. It is of no consequence.

10. The money was of little consequence to Tony.

11. Don’t worry. It’s of no consequence.

12. Is it of any consequence to you?

13. lack of elegance as a consequence of pomposity.

13. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.

14. I don’t suppose it is of any consequence now.

15. Disease was an inevitable consequence of poor living conditions.

16. This is a necessary consequence of progress.

17. This matter is of great consequence to all of us.

18. The closure of the factory was a necessary consequence of increased competition from abroad.

19. In consequence of your bad work I am forced to dismiss you.

20. He left as a direct result/consequence of what she said.

21. The material which is of no consequence will be relegated to appendices.

22. Animals have died as a consequence of coming into contact with this chemical.

23. If you play the fool, and lose a good job on consequence (, you can hardly expect much sympathy.

24. Time flies!Live in the present,and all the things are of no consequence just like floating clouds.

25. Peter blurted out the news before he considered the consequence.

26. Two hundred people lost their jobs as a direct consequence of the merger.

27. Hundreds of people lost their jobs as a direct consequence of the merger.

28. As an overseer, he suddenly found himself a person of consequence.

29. Dry, brittle hair and split ends were the unfortunate consequence of years of dyeing it peroxide blond.

30. She was found guilty, and lost her job in consequence .

More similar words: in consequence, consequently, sequence, subsequent, frequency, consent, consensus, consecutive, conservation, conservative, conference, convenience, frequent, frequently, response, hence, fence, commence, science, essence, CONS, evidence, sentence, experience, residence, reference, difference, experienced, preference, abstinence. 

Consequences is an old parlour game in a similar vein to the Surrealist game exquisite corpse and Mad Libs. (Wikipedia) (See all definitions)

The US Solar Energy Industries Association says, «Eventually solar will become so large that there will be consequences everywhere.»


This is actually slightly but not much more responsive than pure proportionality, suggesting that polling errors on the scale Israel has just suffered could have still more dramatic consequences in Britain.


In lawsuits as in pollution, companies have an obligation to pay attention to the consequences of their actions.


Clinical consequences are discussed later.


One of the consequences of the change in ownership of the cigarette factories is an advertising boom.


He will act in His own time, but unless the people of the United States do not Repent, I feel this nation will suffer consequences beyond our greatest imagination.


This person is willing to accept the legal consequences of his/her actions because it it the moral thing to do.


Follow through with consequences to teach your teen that she still needs some assistance making healthy decisions for herself.


Ideally, any bill enacting the change should be preceded by a Green Paper in which any problematic consequences of the bill could be aired, and solutions thereby sought.


Colleagues can consider possible impacts of policy in a variety of contexts, spotting pitfalls ahead and the consequences for different people and groups.


«As a consequence of these vigorous engagements and as cultured people with a tradition of respect for our national values, leaders and elders, we are today pleased to announce the immediate suspension of the relocation clause otherwise referred to as the quit notice from the Kaduna Declaration.»


The result is that startling numbers of aging Americans suffer the lethal consequences of magnesium deficiency.


Houses formerly used as meth labs, called meth houses, put their residents at risk of serious health consequences, says Stan Smith, a doctoral student at the University of California, Los Angeles, and director of the Drug Endangered Children Task Force, a division of the California Drug Enforcement Agency.


Set the guidelines that contain responsibilities and consequences for teen activity.


For a Cabinet official to intentionally mislead the public on a scientific issue with life-and-death consequences for humanity is a far more serious matter than first-class flights or a $ 43,000 phone booth.


Whether a company adopts an NOL poison pill (poor fit to protect NOLs) or a charter amendment (well designed to protect NOLs), an intended or unintended consequence is that it basically allows a corporate board to pick its shareholders.


You consequence your child based on his behavior and you will gradually decrease the rewards and the prompting and allow you child to start pottying independently!


Given the flow of unintended consequences arising from the present regime, it is hard to argue with that view: so why are we still waiting?


But the consequences stay and that’s that.»


In consequence, PLK4 can only start forming centrioles at a particular time of the cell cycle, when CDK1 is not there,» explains Zitouni Sihem.


Getting one of these wrong may lead to the bad consequences.


In light of these broader trends, Spotify is a fleeting curiosity with little long-term consequence.


They also have different fees and tax consequences.


These potential consequences of a Bitcoin Exchange’s failure could adversely affect an investment in the Shares.


«It is very likely that the surge in the number of ICO inquiries we have received in the past few months is at least partly a consequence of the restrictions in mainland China,» Yates told the South China Morning Post.


Of particular interest has been the fact that gratitude and its consequences seem almost universally underplayed — until it becomes overtly recognised and discussed — after which nothing can be the same again.


He was too young to know or be able to think out consequences.


Heresies have consequences, and St. Thomas says that if someone is disseminating a wrong idea he should be stopped.


As you can see, since your primary source of energy is the glucose, your fats are not really used and as a consequence they are stored in the body.


It also convinced countless parents that spanking or screaming at their children — or quietly humiliating them — could have serious consequences.


Neither Catholic speaker critiqued atheist philosophies and the dehumanising consequences they engender, the loss of freedom, hope and social cohesion, and the violence that often characterises not just Marxist atheism but humanist secularism, as in the French Revolution, for example.


«There will be dire consequences for Labour beginning next May.


If you apply for a ruling, you will probably learn the exact tax consequences of the deal before you do it.


The first of the only two important questions is whether the higher household income share of GDP is a consequence of a rise in household income or a drop in GDP.


The University of Oxford’s offers an opportunity to at least predict the consequences of all that coal burning.


We have seen the logical and actual consequence of the worship of economic growth carried thus to an absurd extreme.


… There’s no truly actionable information that really tells individuals what exactly is being collected, who it is being shared with [or] what are the possible consequences


Talking to your children about alcohol use and the consequences and risks


Everett brings his uptight girlfriend Meredith (SJP) home to meet his family at Christmas with disastrous consequences.


Another article posted on the website entitled, «Bottle Feeding» trivializes negative consequences of bottle-feeding, and fails to list any of the potentially serious health impact associated with this practice.


But for someone who has long fashioned himself as a master negotiator, Trump left it unclear whether he was bluffing or willing to risk a long trade dispute between the world’s two biggest economies, with steep consequences for consumers, businesses and an already shaken stock market.


The differences have important health consequences.


Ask any Christ-centered married couple in which one or both partners have dabbled in the world of sexuality outside of marriage and they will be able to point to the consequences of that behavior somewhere in their relationship.


That said this just happened and we don’t know the consequences yet, so, best to reserve judgement on that until we hear what happens, imo


If that is a characteristic of graphene or a consequence of the current conditions in which the hype has been developed, such as faster ways of communication (social media for example) or different incentives for science and innovation well, this is part of what I am trying to find out.


Miliband was in cabinet at the end of the last Labour government, but he said that government did not take action against the press «because they were feared the consequences».


Children need to understand the consequences of their actions and how their actions can affect others.


The Trump administration’s decision to rescind the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program could strip thousands of New Yorkers of their health insurance, a consequence unique to New York that could focus the debate in Albany when the Legislature returns in January.


Well, the consequences of diabetes are legion: the # 1 cause of adult-onset blindness, the number one cause of kidney failure, and the number one cause of surgical amputations.


One that is bound to lead to the repetition of past mistakes, and past consequences.


Sentences with the word Consequence?



  • «the pleasures of the table, never of much consequence to one naturally abstemious»- John Galsworthy
  • «decisions of great consequence are made by the president himself»; «virtue is of more moment than security»; «that result is of no consequence«
  • «her muteness was a consequence of her deafness»
  • «a novel of almost mythic consequence«
  • «he argued that reference is a consequence of conditioned reflexes»

These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.


I analyze the regulatory barrier mechanism in terms of the Nature — Consequence — Result model and specify the classification of administrative barriers.

Анализ механизма барьерного регулирования согласно модели «характер — следствие — результат», уточнение классификации административных барьеров.

Passionarity Emergence and Disappearance as the Consequence of a New Biological Effect

Возникновение и исчезновение пассионарности по Л.Гумилеву как следствие нового биологического эффекта

Consequence of surgical interventions (in the field of gynecology, urology)

последствие хирургических вмешательств (в сфере гинекологии, урологии)

Is It Luck or the Consequence of Beliefs?

Является ли это удачей или Последствие Верований?

What we created was Consequence Scanning.

То, что мы видим, — это результат сканирования.

Consequence: no tax obligations would arise in principle.

Результат: Каких-либо налоговых обязательств не возникло вообще.

Risk is a combination of Likelihood and Consequence.

Таким образом, риск — это комбинация вероятности и последствий.

Consequence of microbiological pollution is microclimate infringement, development mold mushrooms.

Следствием микробиологического загрязнения является нарушение микроклимата, развитие плесневых грибов.

Consequence of increasing competition in the market for goods and services is to improve the customers’ requirements.

Следствием возрастающей конкуренции на рынке товаров и услуг является повышение уровня требований клиентов.

Consequence of the measures taken was the possibility of formation of a balanced budget in 2001 — the first for the entire period of economic reforms.

Следствием принятых мер стала возможность формирования бездефицитного бюджета на 2001 год первого за весь период экономических реформ.

Consequence of these disorders caused by, among other things, various infections — pronounced skin reaction.

Следствие этих нарушений, вызываемых, кроме всего другого, различными заразами, — четко выраженная реакция кожи.

Consequence of the foregoing, there are many outputs and possibilities of geometric transformations even more.

Следствием вышеизложенного является множество выходов и возможностей геометрических преобразований, даже больше.

Consequence analysis can vary from a simple description of outcomes to detailed quantitative modelling or vulnerability analysis.

Анализ последствий может изменяться от простого описания результатов до детализированного количественного моделирования ситуации, процессов и анализа уязвимостей.

Consequence is a change in the earth’s surface, the emergence of mountains, lakes and valleys of severely damaged homes and buildings.

Последствия заключаются в изменении земной поверхности, возникновении гор, озер и впадин, сильном разрушении домов и зданий.

Consequence of increasing the public debt has been a sharp increase in the cost of its maintenance.

Следствием возрастания государственного долга стало резкое увеличение расходов по его обслуживанию.

Consequence — the reduction of positions and sales.

Следствие — снижение позиций и продаж.

Consequence of all these processes, it is the impoverishment of wildlife closure of the large number of bacteria beaches, etc.

Следствие всех эти процессов, это оскудение дикой природы, закрытие из-за большого количества бактерий пляжей и т.п.

Consequence of similar disproportions of development of floors of business are long cycles of manufacture, high expenses, poor quality of products.

Следствием подобных диспропорций развития «этажей» предприятия являются длительные жизненные циклы изделий и их низкое качество, высокие затраты на производство.

Consequence — not psychological trauma, but bad upbringing.

Следствие — не психологические травмы, а дурное воспитание.

Consequence analysis determines the nature and type of impact which could occur assuming that a particular event situation or circumstance has occurred.

При анализе последствий определяют характер и тип воздействия, которое может произойти при возникновении конкретного события, ситуации или обстоятельств.

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consequence — перевод на русский


They didn’t look at who was the one that got caught. I’ll get the action underway, regardless of the consequences.

попался. несмотря на последствия.

The consequences of my crime were unexpected… numerous and varied.

Последствия моего преступления были неожиданны, многочисленны и разнообразны.

If she succeeds, the consequences will be disastrous.

Если она добьется своего, последствия будут разрушительными.

I’ll have to face the consequences, but so will you.

Я отвечу за последствия, но и вы ответите!

Now you see the consequences.

Ты видишь последствия.

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The freedom of others instead of conditioning mine, it is the necessary consequence and confirmation of mine.

Свобода других всего лишь необходимое следствие и подтверждение твоей собственной свободы

Bobby’s «legalistic» defense is a consequence of his having Broken with society.

«законная» защита Бобби — следствие его разрыва с обществом.

These extra-sensorial visions, hallucinations, are a consequence of your emotional state.

Эти экстрасенсорные видения, галлюцинации — следствие твоего эмоционального состояния.

Consequence, people start to withdraw their money.

Следствие. — Они забирают оттуда деньги.

And you think Blaney’s failings in the Craine case were a direct consequence of his wife’s illness.

Думаете, провал в деле Крейна это следствие болезни его жены?

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And, as a consequence, have we not learned to live together in relative peace and harmony?

И вот, в результате, разве мы не научились жить вместе в сравнительном мире и гармонии?

As a consequence of your efforts to circumvent my will, everyone is awarded one additional strike.

В результате всех ваших попыток обойти мою волю, каждый награждается одним промахом.

He decides to dislike us, won’t come and dine with us, and what’s the consequence?

Решил, видите ли, избегать нас. Не явился в гости. И что в результате?

And the consequence that emerges is that sati, herself is going to immerse the shiva linga.

И в результате Сати похоронит лингам Шивы.

Took his men out on patrol, and the consequence was, well, this.

Вывел своих людей в дозор и в результате, вот это.

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— Your opinion is of no consequence

— Твое мнение здесь не имеет значения, мисс.

It is true that it is of no consequence.

Хотя, по правде, это не имеет никакого значения.

— That is of no consequence.

— Это не имеет значения.

Now our work is complete, she is of no consequence.

Теперь наша работа завершена, она не имеет никакого значения.

No one of consequence.

Это не имеет значения.

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It is of no consequence.

Это не важно.

— It is of no consequence.

— Это не важно.

— l’m sure it’s of no consequence.

Я уверен, что это не так важно…

His opinion is of no consequence.

Его мнение не важно.

That’s of no consequence!

Это не важно.

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I learned that we all have choices, even when we don’t recognize them… and that those choices have consequences… not just for ourselves, but for others.

Я узнал, что у каждого из нас есть выбор, даже если мы об этом не знаем и этот выбор имеет последствия не только для нас самих, но и других людей.

What about the one when you realise every action has a consequence?

Но ты же понимаешь, что каждое действие имеет последствия?

— there are consequences.

— это имеет последствия.

There’s consequences to our actions, Angie.

— Все, что мы делаем, имеет последствия.

There will be consequences,Jack.

Это будет иметь последствия, Джек

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Do you understand the consequences of this?

Вы понимаете, каковы будут последствия?

I had to go back and it did not matter what the consequences were.

Я должен был за ней вернуться, и мне было безразлично, что о мне подумают и каковы будут последствия.

His security plan failed, he knew the consequences.

План охраны провалился. он знал, каковы будут последствия.

I’ve already known what the consequences are.

Я уже знаю, каковы будут последствия.

Do you the consequences if I looked for Lord Byun Shik?

Осознаёте, каковы будут последствия, если я встречусь с князем?

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But an effective metaphor could be very attractive, clarifying extreme consequences which are not explicitly mentioned;

ќднако, выразительна€ метафора может оказатьс€ очень привлекательной, про€снить конечные последстви€, о которых не говоритс€ €вно.

Action is inevitable, as are the consequences.

ƒействие неотвратимо, так же как и последстви€.

And if you break them, the consequences are murkier.

» если ты их нарушаешь, последстви€ печальны.

Sometimes the consequences of breaking rules not only punish you, but punish others.

ƒ∆ќ–ƒ∆ј: «ногда последстви€ нарушени€ правил наказывают не только теб€, но и окружающих.

This year, after-prom parties will lead to very serious consequences.

¬ этом году… вечеринки после выпускного могут привести к очень серьезным последстви€м.

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The consequences could be disastrous!

Последствия могут быть ужасными!

-He was saying that sometimes, it’s selfish to give yourself the relief of saying something when the consequences far outweigh the relief.

— Еще он сказал, что иногда с облегчением изливать душу — это эгоизм, потому что последствия могут это облегчение перечеркнуть.

Be careful, the consequences can be terrible.

Осторожней, последствия могут быть ужасны.

The bad news is when they’re wrong, the consequences are very expensive.

Но есть минус — если они ошибаются, Последствия могут очень дорого стоить. — 15,000$.

Well, I-I’m in a very vulnerable position and the consequences could be dire.

У меня очень уязвимое положение. Последствия могут быть ужасными.

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If we’ve done wrong, I accept the consequences.

Если мы сделали что-либо не так, Я возьму на себя ответственность.

Then I can’t answer for the consequences.

Тогда я не могу взять на себя ответственность.

She took the consequence of their dysfunctional relationship.

Она взяла на себя ответственность за сломанные отношения.

As for my son, Keith, he is prepared to turn himself in and face any consequences a grand jury deems necessary.

Mой сын, Кит готов нести любую ответственность которую сочтет необходимой суд присяжных.

And you need to let people know there are consequences for their behavior.

И внушить людям, что за свое поведение они несут ответственность.

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  • последствия
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  • в результате
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  • имеет последствия
  • каковы будут последствия
  • последстви
  • последствия могут
  • на себя ответственность

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