Sentences with the word confusing

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.


The asylum process often appears confusing, frightening and humiliating.

Предоставление убежища часто представляется им как запутанный, пугающий и унизительный процесс.

We think it brings further confusion to this already confusing topic.

Нам кажется, что такая формулировка вносит только дополнительную путаницу в и без того запутанный вопрос.

However, players can still access them amidst the confusing legislative guidelines.

Тем не менее, игроки по-прежнему могут получить доступ к ним среди запутанных законодательных принципов.

We get that digital marketing strategies are complex, often confusing concepts.

Мы понимаем, что стратегии цифрового маркетинга — это сложные, часто запутанные концепции.

Cameron ultimately dropped this idea after deciding the audience would find it too confusing.

Кэмерон в конечном итоге отказался от этой идеи, решив, что это покажется зрителям слишком запутанным.

What I saw was pretty confusing.

Differentiation between policy support and policy advice is perhaps more confusing than helpful.

Возможно, дифференциация между поддержкой на уровне политики и программными рекомендациями является скорее запутанной, чем полезной.

Somehow, an already confusing system became even murkier.

И без того запутанная система, в итоге, стала еще запутанней.

The story was confusing in itself.

При этом сюжет сам по себе был запутанным.

It can all get very confusing, especially when terms overlap.

Это может сделать всё очень запутанным, особенно когда термины накладываются друг на друга.

Thus can I summarize this confusing situation.

Таким образом, можно подвести итог в этом запутанном вопросе.

I know this is probably very confusing.

Я знаю, что это, вероятно, очень запутанно.

It is one of the most confusing questions.

Гувер: Нет, это один из самых запутанных вопросов.

Speaking of HSBC, everything is very complicated, confusing and ambiguous.

К слову о HSBC, тут все обстоит очень сложно, запутанно и неоднозначно.

Microsoft licensing is complex and confusing.

Лицензионная политика Microsoft — вещь достаточно сложная и запутанная.

Worried about confusing signals from Washington.

Но он тоже заботится о запутанных сигналах из Вашингтона.

Even more confusing is how they get there.

Гораздо более спорным является вопрос о том, как они здесь очутились.

It can get confusing trying to choose one.

Это только может запутать при попытке выучить один из них.

Having two governments within one country sounds confusing.

А двум правительствам в одной стране, как известно, тесно.

As your identity changes it can become confusing.

Но тот факт, что ваша личность меняется, приводит в замешательство.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Результатов: 8996. Точных совпадений: 8996. Затраченное время: 186 мс


Корпоративные решения




Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

смущать, смешивать, сбивать с толку, спутывать, создавать путаницу


- сбивающий с толку

confusing instructions — нечёткие указания

Мои примеры


confusing reflector — дезориентирующий отражатель  
confusing coloration — меняющаяся окраска  
confusing hieroglyphics of advanced mathematics — загадочные символы высшей математики  
confusing statement — сбивчивое заявление  
confusing trademark — товарный знак, вводящий в заблуждение; путающий товарный знак  
confusing proposal — предложение, вносящее путаницу; нечёткое предложение  
confusing registration — регистрация, вводящая в заблуждение  
confusing situation — запутанная обстановка  
confusing track — ложный трек  
confusing similarity — сходство до степени смешения; вводящее в заблуждение; сходство  

Примеры с переводом

It is just flat out confusing.

Это просто абсолютно сбивает с толку.

You must be confusing me with someone else.

Вы, должно быть, путаете меня с кем-то другим.

It was a very confusing situation.

Положение было очень запутанное.

It was confusing to listen to the testimony.

Свидетель сбил всех с толку.

I asked him a simple question and he gave me a long and confusing answer.

Я задал ему простой вопрос, а он дал мне длинный и запутанный ответ.

To an outsider, the system seems complex and confusing.

Человеку постороннему эта система кажется сложной и запутанной.

I understand the text but the diagrams are confusing me.

Я понимаю текст, но диаграммы сбивают меня с толку.

The movie’s ramshackle plot is confusing and not believable.

Небрежно сляпанный сюжет этого фильма запутан и неправдоподобен.

The documents were full of confusing officialese.

Документы изобиловали путаным бюрократическим жаргоном.

The young scientist felt bound down by a lot of useless and confusing rules.

Молодой учёный чувствовал, что эта куча ненужных и противоречивых правил связывает ему руки.

The plot was a little confusing.

Сюжет был немного запутанным.

Choosing the right software can be time-consuming at best and confusing or frustrating at worst.

Выбор правильного программного обеспечения может, в лучшем случае, занять много времени, а в худшем — совершенно сбить с толку и огорчить.

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

The instructions were really confusing.

The phrasing of the instructions was confusing.

Teachers find the report’s terminology so indefinite that it is confusing.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

confused  — спутанный, смущенный, сбивчивый, беспорядочный, поставленный в тупик
confusion  — путаница, замешательство, беспорядок, смятение, беспорядки, смущение, неразбериха
confusable  — очень похожий, с трудом различимый, ведущий к путанице

Sentences with the word Confusing?



  • «you are confusing me with the other candidate»; «I mistook her for the secretary»
  • «a confusing jumble of road signs»; «being hospitalized can be confusing and distressing for a small child»
  • «sent confusing signals to Iraq»; «perplexing to someone who knew nothing about it»; «a puzzling statement»
  • «Congress…gave the impression of…a confusing sum of disconnected local forces»-Samuel Lubell; «a league of disunited nations»- E.B.White; «a fragmented coalition»; «a split group»
  • «the fundamental revolution in human values that has occurred»; «the book underwent fundamental changes»; «committed the fundamental error of confusing spending with extravagance»; «profound social changes»

About 7353 results found using ‘CONFUSING’. Source: ‘Daily Use’.

  • Even if you are using only one service, the software may be buggy and confusing.  (open, save, copy)

  • Unfortunately, both are confusing, neglected and often not the safest available.  (open, save, copy)

  • She thought it was cute until people started to confusing her with the caterers.  (open, save, copy)

  • My hotel, the Masseria Torre Maizza, was a living symbol of this confusing past.  (open, save, copy)

  • The 180 to 300 ppm range is correct, but I can see why you found this confusing.  (open, save, copy)

  • It wasn’t Len, but it was a version of Len that was near enough to be confusing.  (open, save, copy)

  • It was terribly confusing, and I finally used the one Martha Stewart had online.  (open, save, copy)

  • The AP repeatedly found advice that is conflicting, confusing or simply missing.  (open, save, copy)

  • Maybe that’s how it got the name prime rib, although that term can be confusing.  (open, save, copy)

Web Definitions for ‘confusing’:

  1. Mistake one thing for another; «you are confusing me with the other candidate»; «I mistook her for the secretary» [source]
  2. Be confusing or perplexing to; cause to be unable to think clearly; «These questions confuse even the experts»; «This question completely threw me»; «This question befuddled even the teacher» [source]
  3. Cause to feel embarrassment; «The constant attention of the young man confused her» [source]
  4. Jumble: assemble without order or sense; «She jumbles the words when she is supposed to write a sentence» [source]
  5. Make unclear, indistinct, or blurred; «Her remarks confused the debate»; «Their words obnubilate their intentions» [source]
  6. (confused) baffled: perplexed by many conflicting situations or statements; filled with bewilderment; «obviously bemused by his questions»; «bewildered and confused»; «a cloudy and confounded philosopher»; «just a mixed-up kid»; «she felt lost on the first day of school» [source]
  7. Confusion (from Latin confusĭo, -ōnis, from confundere: «to pour together;» «to mingle together;» «to confuse») is the state of being bewildered or unclear in one’s mind about something. [source]
  8. (Confused (song)) «Confused» is a song by Tevin Campbell, released as the seventh single from his debut album T.E.V.I.N. on October 29, 1992. [source]
  9. ConFusion is an annual science fiction convention organized by the Stilyagi Air Corps and its parent organization, the Ann Arbor Science Fiction Association. Commonly, it is held the third weekend of January. … [source]

Synonyms for ‘confusing’:


  • confound
    , muddle
    , mix up
    , perplex
    , bewilder
    , disconcert
    , puzzle
    , embarrass
    , jumble
    , abash
    , addle

Translate ‘confusing’ in :

Native speakers pronounce  ‘confusing’:

used a confusing number of analogies and metaphors that

This is very confusing

“You’re a little late, aren’t you? Isn’t this supposed to be delivered first thing in the morning? While it is morning, it most certainly is not first thing,” Ackers rambled, trying to get some sort of information out of the paper boy while confusing him at the same time

There is an effort to reach out but the state is generally confusing

It’s confusing when you’re in a situation like that

«Probably Alan,» Ava answered, confusing her grasp of reality a little more

—> This I did at times confusing, my other personal-

Since then we’ve been running rehearsals on the set which meant that some of the moves had to be altered to accommodate the furniture, which was confusing at first, but it all seems reasonably comfortable now

There was a herd of large beasts on the riverbank confusing the sensors at first, but they quickly stampeded out of the area and left it pretty clear

Does that sound easy or does it sound confusing? Either way, it doesn’t matter

Billy and Bex enjoy the smallness of domesticity, breaking the back of a confusing, sometimes threatening world by carving life up into manageable chunks

Thoughts raced around his head, confusing him

“This is confusing

“I don’t really know that Himla was here when she was Tdeshi? Do I have that right? Your tale is a little confusing

‘Give ‘em a mo’, Wilf, the trail’s a bit confusing

She was probably just confusing him with all this blather like he was any old tourist hiking thru

A real mathematical representation of all those otherwise confusing labels the older man had been referring to all this time in their discussions

But if you deal anywhere with any government, you find it is very complicated, very confusing and takes a long time

The brown grass was a pleasant sight, confusing to the eyes that had for so

a confusing experience touring the northern shores of the

city was very confusing and I knew I would need to plan my trip,

taken, but the sounds were confusing in the swirling mist

Writing some confusing

“Yes, yes, yes!” he added to the already confusing yes’s listen!

It’s confusing for your customers if they land on a web-page that looks

apparent that police was confusing Pappi with some Mr

I think Tragus will agree, though it might be confusing, since we already have an old ewe I call by that name

You are confusing me

Whenever there is much confusing going on, believe me, I am

them life is hard enough without confusing them about what to believe and

attends to them–and you’ve no idea how confusing it is all the things being

This may seem confusing, but bear with me for a while

«It’s all very confusing

“I’m sorry too for confusing you

That could be a confusing experience, to suddenly have an out of body experience whilst in TIAR

We’ve both been through a very confusing time

“It was touch and go there for a bit, and it’s all pretty confusing

The public was standing around, not knowing what happened and it was a confusing situation

Innocence breeds Tolerance, or perhaps it‘s Ignorance I‘m confusing it with

It is very confusing to the dog who wants a master he can trust

It was the sign of the times and very confusing for us who were used to sort thing out in our usual violent mean streets way

Of times when life wasn’t so confusing, of times when nothing in life was complicated, and, for a few seconds I felt like young girl, madly in love and with friends as young and silly as she

It’s confusing and it just makes me so angry

When Darkburst finally regained consciousness he felt weak and knew that if he didn’t find some nourishment quickly he would never find his way out of this confusing place

Getting to his feet, he looked around, deciding that he would leave this confusing wood

His mind was a whirl of confusing questions

What is confusing to individuals seeking salvation, is the troubling notion that Grace should be the ―arbitrary‖ by-product of God‘s (purposeful) designs in accordance with His Divine Will and that ―earnest‖ appeals and (hopeful conference) remain an ―uncertain‖

It was a bit confusing

‘What is the use of repeating all that stuff,’ the Mock Turtle interrupted, ‘if you don’t explain it as you go on? It’s by far the most confusing thing I ever heard!’

It was said that the text had recurrent mentions such as a leader must be �serene and inscrutable� and capable of comprehending �unfathomable plans�, which was confusing for Western readers who lack the awareness of the East Asian context

Or, was she remembering what Gene Frazer said about her fights with her son? She wasn’t sure but, in a confusing whirl of knife blades, ceiling beams, fat cheeks waggling with laughter, squinty-eyed grimaces while his cock befouled her, taut shoulder muscles, angry shrieking, a dagger penetrating the soft flesh below her chin as she contorted her neck to escape it, blood trickling along her neck, the color red, a wash of green, a snickering cockroach crawling over her, red again, the ceiling, black, all black, it ended

“Truman, I’m getting a lot of confusing signals from you and it’s driving me crazy

messages and were confusing her in many ways, which we then had the chance to

Even as Kevin attempted to mount, the stallion completely ignored the confusing series of tugs he applied to the reins, and tossed its head to slacken them, spinning in tight disobedient circles

It was confusing, she didn’t know if there was any difference between the Pagan God, as the convent had called the God of magick, and the Christian God, or if they were one and the same

It was a little confusing

“OK, now this is confusing

There are just enough facts in the claims to be confusing to those who do not know the history of these nations in detail

so confusing, all of it

To him, it was a confusing array of buttons and options that would take a computer scientist to understand, and the most annoying device he had ever laid eyes on

“No, that would be very confusing

She kept confusing me

Men, women, children, dogs, chickens, goats and pigs roamed freely in a confusing sea of activity: just the sort of scene she had once dreamed of capturing on film

There are now a confusing number of evangelical associations and pressure groups representing a wide cross section of views

You were confusing three and five and when you finally got it right you stood on the seat of the chair and counted all the way to twenty without a mistake, just for grandpa

If Job’s story came into the Old Testament after Abraham, it might have been His way of offering a reminder that Abraham had gotten something right in his time, but Man’s longstanding rituals had insisted upon confusing the real message once again

program “has become a maze of confusing and often contradictory guidance that, on average, requires

That part was all so confusing

Some of it became confusing, as what worked in one area seemed of somewhat lesser use in another

copy? The more confusing question that Junya had was how did Lani know

It is confusing when postulations prove false and theories are challenged by repeatedly discovered exceptions

He peered carefully into both written history and then less clearly into oral history, and the rather confusing stories of mythology

It was always a bit confusing when speaking of the future because he saw it as if it were happening in the present

Therefore they made a free interpretation of the narrative and end in this confusing idea of solid skies and fixed stars in the firmament, beyond the abode of God and the angels that would be a theme rather focused on the philosophical

who am I? The spirit of Liam or the human Liam? This is getting confusing, but the journey goes on

It’s all a bit confusing

I am used to always whining about the smallest hurdle and making it the theme of the day, always letting my mind take the lead over me in a confusing and painful state of resentment and drama

“We have seen footage of what ultimately happened to you in the control room,” says Niles, “but it is confusing

The rest was confusing

The past months had been confusing and unhappy for her too

To drive from the city of Johannesburg to Pretoria (really just a town in those days) was via circuitous roads, confusing for someone unfamiliar with the way

He touches the screen again, and the screen changes, but it remains just as confusing, a web of lines, tangled threads of numbers

“It’s a confusing place

I don’t know what killer she’s referring to—Jeanine Matthews’s predecessor, maybe?—but more confusing even than that is that she didn’t join Erudite

They told me a little of their experiences, but they had no idea of the big picture, only of their own small parts and, frankly, the telling was rather confusing

· Not confusing honest admission of error with guilt, which is traps one in the past and creates an identity of being a «bad» person

one, confusing him slightly

I had seen a map of the old land once in Tlatelolco, but the style was confusing, and it was a little hard to follow since it had a lot of Hanjen writing on it, and I had never learned that

This was getting confusing, so I asked what his ship was doing off our coast

“And the counter marches and confusing orders,” Watomika pursued

It was because of the storm of confusing feelings why she had to stop visiting Earth

“It is very confusing to people outside of Itsati

I suspected it would be very interesting, if confusing

Because of all the intermarriage among kings and nobles, things could get rather confusing, especially if a king died without any direct heirs

It is rather confusing

Where it gets confusing is that the soldiers can be royal troops, directly subject to the king; noble troops, subject to one of the nobles; city troops, raised in the larger cities; mercenaries hired by a group called Santa Hermandad; members of the military orders; and finally a group called homicianes, men convicted of capital crimes who could fight instead of being executed

spel ing of geographic names, thus constantly confusing the rest of the world

I’m confusing my personal thoughts with what I’m trying to say

Oh! This is too confusing

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