Sentences with the word confident

1. I’m sure we’ll win./I’m confident about our victory.

2. He was confident of success.

3. She sounded more confident than she felt.

4. She was in a relaxed, confident mood.

5. I feel confident that we will win.

6. She sauntered onto the set, looking serenely confident.

7. Marina was a confident, happy child.

8. His confident leadership inspired his followers.

9. He’s got more confident as he’s got older.

10. I am confident of my future.

11. We are confident next year’s profits will be higher.

12. The teacher wants the children to feel confident about asking questions when they don’t understand.

13. I am confident that everything will come out right in time.

14. Be confident with yourself and stop worrying what other people think. Do what’s best for your future happiness.

15. We are confident in our expectation of a full recovery.

16. They were doubly confident after this that he would win.

17. I’m hopeful and confident that the graduation ceremony will really be a completely new tart.I believe that the knowledge you have acquired will enable you to be successful in whatever field you may enter.

18. Ally was confident that we would be ready on time, but I had my doubts .

19. Beneath his confident and charming exterior, lurked a mass of insecurities.

20. I’m hopeful and confident, too, that the graduation ceremonies will really be a commencement and that satisfying and rewarding experiences await you.

21. We are confident that…

21. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.

22. There is nothing sexier than being confident and taking care of yourselves.

23. I’m hopeful and confident that the graduation ceremony will really be a completely new start.I believe that the knowledge you have acquired will enable you to be successful in whatever field you may enter.

24. I am confident that we can restore peace, stability and respect for the rule of law.

25. Her drama teacher is confident Julie is a star in the making.

26. Be confident, not arrogant.

27. The awkward boy I knew had metamorphosed into a tall, confident man.

28. When people put on uniforms, their attitude becomes more confident and their manner more officious.

29. In contrast with your belief that we will fail, I am confident that we will succeed.

30. Confidence doesn’t need any specific reason. If you’re alive , you should feel 100 percent confident.

I’m feeling pretty confident.
Я вполне уверен.

Pretty confident of you to front up like this.
Довольно самонадеянно вот так подойти.

And feels even more confident.
И чувствует себя еще увереннее.

You sound surprisingly confident, Malick.
Ты говоришь на удивление уверенно, Малик.

I like a strong confident man.
Я люблю сильных уверенных мужчин.

We are firmly confident of victory.
Мы твёрдо уверены в победе.

You are confident in your work.
Вы уверены в своей работе.

Are you confident in your skills?
Вы уверены в Ваших умениях?

But Royal is confident in her fate.
Но Рояль уверена в своем будущем.

Clinton was confident, relaxed and good-natured.
Клинтон выступала уверенно, вела себя непринужденно и излучала добродушие.

You’re confident James Barca’s guilty?
Вы же уверены, что Джеймс Барка виновен?

You act like a confident man, Mr. Purvis.
Вы довольно уверены в себе, мистер Пёрвис.

I’m confident we’re in the homestretch.
Я уверен, мы на финишной прямой.

But we weren’t confident in our measurements.
Однако мы не были уверены в качестве наших расчётов.

Master Yip, are you confident of beating him?
Мастер Ип, вы уверены в победе?

Even though I present confident, I was scared.
Несмотря на то, что я кажусь уверенной, я боялась.

The operations require professional knowledge and confident presentation.
Деятельность требует специальных знаний и уверенных действий.

Confident face, an air of compassion and strength.
Уверенное лицо, брызжущее состраданием и силой.

I’m confident that we’ll find one.
Я уверен, что мы его найдём.

Skip was the more outgoing and confident one.
Скип был более открытым и уверенным в себе.


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These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.


I mean, she played tremendous, confident tennis.

Но, очевидно, что теперь она играет в замечательный, уверенный теннис.

Nevertheless, the authors seem confident.

Тем не менее, авторы, похоже, уверены в этом.

He was confident, he knew what he wanted.

Он вошел в жизнь уверенно, знал, чего он хочет.

Their supporters were confident in their candidates.

Судя по всему, люди были уверены в своем кандидате.

I’m confident that even bigger things lie ahead.

Я уверен, что впереди нас ожидают еще более громкие события .

We are confident enough to do it .

Сейчас мы достаточно уверены, чтобы идти на такое».

He’s confident he’ll be champion again.

Он даже был уверен, что сможет стать чемпионом снова.

The girl was confident that she could handle any situation.

Она была уверена в том, что способна справится с любой ситуацией.

I’m confident that what you’re offering is competitive.

Я уверен, что то, что вы предлагаете, является конкурентоспособным».

All this because I was confident in my work.

Все это потому, что я был уверен в своей работе.

I am actually quite confident that we will ban these weapons…

«Я на самом деле абсолютно уверен, что мы запретим это оружие…

Nowadays women are confident and men are confused.

В наши дни женщины уверены в себе, а мужчины пребывают в смущении».

Graduates who leave us are confident to enter the business world.

Выпускники, которые оставляют нас уверены в том, чтобы войти в мир бизнеса.

Albanians were confident that they would very quickly gain independence.

Албанцы были уверены в том, что они очень быстро получат независимость.

I feel far more confident than in 1917 or 1918.

Я чувствую себя гораздо более уверенным, чем в 1917 или 1918 году.

I’m confident that 2467 will address this.

Я уверена, что резолюции 2467 удастся заняться этой проблемой.

You can feel especially confident about a particular goal or idea.

Тем не менее, вы можете чувствовать себя особенно уверенно в конкретной цели или идее.

It includes many more sayings about being strong and confident.

Она включает в себя еще много высказываний о том, чтобы быть сильным и уверенным.

I will feel confident when I have suitable car and clothes.

Я буду чувствовать себя уверенно, когда у меня будет подходящая машина и одежда.

They almost always feel comfortable and confident, since they are essentially extroverts.

Они почти всегда чувствуют себя комфортно и уверенно, так как по сути своей являются экстравертами.

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Confident is the fifth studio album by American singer Demi Lovato. It was released on October 16, 2015, by Hollywood, Island and Safehouse Records. (Wikipedia) (See all definitions)

«Although cautious, we’re confident we have enough statistical power to detect an influence of the moon,» he says.


By the end of the 19th century the scholars of Protestant liberalism had fully accepted the humanistic origins of the Bible, come to terms with the scientific notion of biological evolution, and were completely confident that the essential core of Christian doctrine could be salvaged intact and re-expressed in terms relevant to the modern age.


While some confident ladies strolled around the pool decked in studded -LCB- basically -RCB- thong swimwear, I wisely went for more coverage.


With a fast metabolism, you can easily maintain a healthy weight, burn fat, and enjoy feeling confident and strong by building and maintaining youthful muscle.


Say it together multiple times, until you are confident that your child knows it.


Find out how Michael can help you or your employees present ideas in a more confident, effective, and inspiring way so that ideas become action.


She created ground rules to help employees feel confident that they would be safe if they told her their true feelings about Xirrus.


The current president of the Ghana Journalists Association (GJA), Affail Monney, is confident that he will be given another term as president of the Association in tomorrow’s [Friday] elections.


Interrupting successfully is more about how you use your voice than engaging with your body; the more extreme body movements you do, the less confident you appear.


We have many ongoing issues in downtown Flushing and I feel confident that through this collaboration, we can work together in moving forward.»


But Alli was just took quick for Harrison McGahey, who hacked him down, and Kane’s confident penalty looked to have secured Tottenham victory only for Davies to engineer the most unlikely of finishes.


«We are confident this partnership will be sustainable over the long term and will be beneficial to both parties.


I’m a bigger girl, and even though I’m confident, outgoing, and sexy, I used to have a hard time meeting guys when out with my friends.


I’m confident this won’t be the only recipe from this book fueling our workouts in the future.


«Although safety and effectiveness in treating episodic and chronic migraine still have to be confirmed in phase three studies, I am confident that we will have access to new medicines that have been specifically developed for this indication to help us tackle the problem of primary headache,» Prof Sprenger added.


With the holidays on their way I’m confident you will be enjoying plenty of fun gatherings.


«I want to be very clear that we are very confident in the payout percentage coverage and the sustainability of our current dividend of $ 0.66 per share per quarter.


All of the critical details are covered, and then some, but it’s presented in a way that makes you the confident financial expert you need to be.


When I find an amazing pair of jeans I feel: Like I could literally be wearing a potato sack on top and still feel confident.


When Cecelia Tate found herself in need of a job 28 years ago, she wasn’t feeling confident but encouragement from her then-boyfriend (now-husband) gave her the push she needed.


Staff will assist you in breastfeeding so that you feel more confident.


«I’ve finished the Bikini plan and i’m feeling stronger and more confident than ever.


She started Kids & Company in 2002 with the goal of establishing a unique national child care model that would allow parents to return to work, confident that care was available on a full, part-time and emergency basis.


With the help of BASC members taking up this fantastic offer, we are confident The Game Fair will go from strength to strength over the next three years.


When you’ve been married for thirteen years, you know exactly what kind of humor your partner will appreciate when she’s actively pushing a baby out of her body, and Dan, sensing it would make me feel confident and safe, had the entire delivery room in stitches that night.


For the frosting, I used 16oz brick of cream cheese because I hate to have leftover cream cheese and not confident of my scale, etc., plus, I always seem to run out of frosting, so having more would help.


PARIS, France — Shares in French cosmetics group L’Oréal rose on Friday after its fourth quarter sales beat expectations, with a confident outlook for 2018, while comments regarding its intentions on Nestle further buoyed the stock.


A bigger athlete is also usually a more confident athlete, and more intimidating athlete to his or her opponents — not a bad thing in a tough, contact sport like rugby.


He was kind and confident, and I liked how up-front he was about the risks of the surgery and how hard recovery could be.


Once they get called out and we address them you will feel so much more confident and lighter.


Fast, skilled, confident on the ball, a good header, a calming presence.


When we noticed that all home dogs had produced a record of 2,871-2,340 with just -5.54 units, we were fairly confident that layering a few more simple filters could result in significant profits.


«We are confident that our enhanced proposal sufficiently addresses any concerns that led Family Dollar’s board of directors to reject our prior proposal without any discussions between our companies,» Dollar General chief Rick Dreiling said in a press release.


«I am confident that (Trump) will make a good call and put someone in that position that can handle the responsibilities and obligations of that high-level cabinet spot,» Reed said.


With these lofty goals, I approached the kitchen last weekend feeling confident.


We were too confident going into the match, talks about winning the title and crap like that.


But Lee, who’s projecting $ 4.5 million in revenues for 2001, remains confident.


Know that we’re in a time where we have access to professional, medical, and friendly support by the click of a button, so reach out, you’re just going to be a better you for your baby and a stronger, more confident you for YOU!


I want everyone to feel included, confident, and cared for while establishing a new rhythm with baby.


But we can be reasonably confident that certain macroeconomic variables — like GDP or population — or specific factors, like snow coverage, do have predictive power for future performance.»


But like his older brother, after a few minutes with our hoverboard expert, he was confident enough to try it on his own.


«I’m still confident that in the end, we’ll get to a place where the state and the city get together to deal with the MTA,» Heastie said.


The Prime Minister has been confident that an insatiable demand for cheap energy meant the environmental file wouldn’t ever become a real priority in either country.


I can understand why Pico is over confident, the guy has been the best of the best at everything he does since a little kid.


I feel like this combo elongates my silhouette, and makes me more confident.


«I was relatively confident myself,» Roueff says.


He wrestled smart, intelligent, confident matches.»


Further, it’s claimed that «various sources are confident» that the deal can be completed by next week, which suggests that we could be seeing a conclusion to the matter in the near future.


«I knew I wanted to do a natural birth and felt confident I could handle it,» she says.


Harpers Ferry, West Virginia (CNN)- Democratic strategists are becoming increasingly confident that the West Virginia Senate seat of the late Robert Byrd will remain in Democratic hands, believing that momentum is on the side of popular Governor Joe Manchin.


Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word confident, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use confident in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «confident». In addition, we also show how different variations of confident can be used, the variations for which we also have example sentences are confidential, confidentiality, confidentially and confidently. If you click on the variation of confident that you are interested in, you will be taken to the list of example sentences for that particular form.

Confident in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word confident in a sentence.

  1. He’s confident in his abilities.

  2. We’re confident we’re going to win.

  3. I think I can be confident for the race».

  4. The doctors seemed hopeful, even confident ..

  5. I think he was totally confident about the songs.

  6. Structurally, this may be his most confident novel.

  7. The fiercely confident Ayla dwells in 65,000,000 BC.

  8. Hopley was confident that he would be found not guilty.

  9. They were confident they could defeat any French attack.

  10. I think the question is really: Are you confident in us?

  11. Waugh seemed nervous and uncertain, whereas Warne appeared assured and confident.

  12. Feeling confident, the French established a forward post just upstream from Stein.

  13. Evans was confident in his own training methods and refused to bend to the coaches.

  14. The opener arrived three days later, confident in his ability to complete the tour.

  15. Árbenz was initially confident that his army would quickly dispatch the rebel force.

  16. McKinley was a noted protectionist, and was confident of winning an election fought on that question.

  17. Newcastle United denied any wrongdoing and stated that they were confident no case could be escalated.

  18. Labour were confident following a near victory in the Wellington North by-election earlier in the year.

  19. By late 1948, Kennan became confident that positive dialogue could commence with the Soviet government.

  20. He was so confident that he talked openly of marrying Sidney, though she was unaware of his intentions.

  21. The English batsmen progressed steadily although Ring had one confident appeal for lbw against Compton.

  22. By that time Fraser, confident of victory, was content to sit back, avoid specifics and make no mistakes.

  23. There was no pain, and becoming more confident, he was able to increase his pace with no adverse effects.

  24. Knowing the personnel, I was confident that here at last was the great opportunity which I had longed for.

  25. Klotter, Chandler was confident of his ascension to the presidency and saw the Senate as a stepping stone.

  26. By that time Fraser was confident of victory and content to sit back, avoid specifics and make no mistakes.

  27. His doubts suggest that he was confident the war would end in a favourable outcome for Germany by mid-1940.

  28. So confident were Las Vegas sportsbooks in Michigan’s chances that no betting line was issued for the game.

  29. Barton feels close to the theatre, confident that it can help him create work that honors «the common man».

  30. Doctor has just returned most enthusiastic and confident that the little boy is as husky as his big brother.

  31. Miller felt confident that he could make a career out of sport and therefore felt that further education was unnecessary.

  32. She has said that the relationship had a profound effect on her, transforming her into a more confident and social person.

  33. He told them: «We are trying to tell you that we are confident in our management, and in our engineering and in ourselves.

  34. He resigned from C&S on July 8, 1940, confident that even if he lost his presidential bid, he would not lack for work.

  35. Kerry was confident in his ability to perform at international standards with sporadic preparation after long sabbaticals.

  36. While on tour, the xx acclimated themselves to the increased attention and became considerably more sociable and confident.

  37. Then 19 years old, Walford was a confident and «hard-hitting» drummer who typically played one of his drums behind the beat.

  38. At the time, Enqiadi seemed confident that the whole of Helmand province would fall to the Taliban in the winter of 2007–08.

  39. Fanning has been described as having a strong vocal range when singing, but has said he is not highly confident in his voice.

  40. Chamberlain was confident that improvements in British defence since Munich would bring the dictator to the bargaining table.

  41. Biffle was confident he could secure a top-five finishing position, and stated if his car’s handling were good, he believed he could be in contention for winning the race.

  42. During training, Armstrong had, on several occasions, landed with fewer than 15 seconds of fuel; he was also confident the LM could survive a fall of up to 50 feet (15 m).

  43. Despite the short notice, Owen was confident of his ability to make the step up against Griffiths and was proved right when he recorded a points victory over the champion.

  44. While a Japanese counter-landing could potentially deposit a large force in the Cape Torokina area, the United States Navy was confident that it could stop any such operation.

  45. Leopold was sufficiently confident of Nannerl’s recovery to announce the appearances of both prodigies at a concert to be given at the hall of the Oude Doelen on 30 September.

Confidential in a sentence

Confidential is a variation of confident, below you can find example sentences for confidential.

  1. McCartney and Sony agreed a confidential settlement in June 2017.

  2. Szilard drafted a confidential letter to the President, Franklin D.

  3. McCartney and Sony agreed to a confidential settlement in June 2017.

  4. For many years following the ANAK Society’s founding, membership was not confidential.

  5. Szilard drafted a confidential letter to the President of the United States, Franklin D.

  6. It was resolved that details should be provided to ICC on a private and confidential basis.

  7. In the older stories, the Boys’ mysteries are often linked to their father’s confidential cases.

  8. She believed that her response, which was largely coaxed from her, was private and confidential.

  9. In August 1939, Szilard drafted a confidential letter to the President of the United States, Franklin D.

  10. Realising this, Campbell left the men in the boats, destroyed all confidential papers and radioed for help.

  11. Davis told Baca «I’m familiar with the material», and called it «the confidential scriptures of the Church».

  12. The resolution failed, ensuring that ANAK membership rosters and meetings would continue to remain confidential.

  13. In advance of the meeting, confidential negotiations took place between Britain and Russia in April and May 1878.

  14. Although not founded as a secret society, it has kept its activities and membership rosters confidential since 1961.

  15. It was also alleged that he shared confidential information with Seattle after his contract with the Crew had ended.

  16. In February 2007, it was reported that the corporation had again obtained private confidential information from CAAT.

  17. Her investigative work was greatly helped by her confidential informant, a drug addict known as Bubbles (Andre Royo).

  18. She also took advantage of her connections with many government scientists, who supplied her with confidential information.

  19. Shlomo Ashkenazy is a gay psychotherapist who has run a confidential support group for Orthodox gay men for nearly 20 years.

  20. At the same time, a confidential report was sent to the New South Wales Cricket Association confirming that Jackson had, «..

Confidentiality in a sentence

Confidentiality is a variation of confident, below you can find example sentences for confidentiality.

  1. The terms of the settlement are protected by a confidentiality agreement.

  2. At lower levels, however, the dives were surrounded by some confidentiality.

  3. She continued to criticise the ministers of violating their mandate of confidentiality.

  4. The appeal was upheld in 2012; David was acquitted of defamation and breach of confidentiality.

  5. Despite the promise of confidentiality, the AEC released an edited transcript of the hearing in June 1954, after press publicity of the hearing.

  6. Despite some MEPs calling for the report to be published, Parliamentary authorities had refused until an MEP broke confidentiality and leaked it.

  7. She complained that a standard witness oath would conflict with an oath she had previously sworn to maintain confidentiality about meetings with her king.

  8. As its existence was revealed to him through confession, Garnet was prevented from informing the authorities by the absolute confidentiality of the confessional.

  9. To maintain confidentiality, the Central Statistics Office (CSO) amalgamates 32 EDs with low population into neighbouring EDs in the presentation of detailed census data.

  10. Rosen pointed out that Lewis did not support absolute protection for journalists from breaking confidentiality with their anonymous sources, even in situations involving criminal acts.

  11. The UK government has not published those sections «because of the necessity for great confidentiality and because of the use that such information would be to other would-be nuclear states.

  12. To ensure confidentiality, the society passed a bylaw that enforced a fine of five dollars on any member who published either his own or another member’s speeches delivered before the society.

  13. The church avoids mention of Xenu in public statements and has gone to considerable effort to maintain the story’s confidentiality, including legal action on the grounds of copyright and trade secrecy.

  14. Part of the reason why evidence of PPP performance is often unavailable is that most financial details of P3s are under the veil of commercial confidentiality provisions, and unavailable to researchers and the public.

Confidentially in a sentence

Confidentially is a variation of confident, below you can find example sentences for confidentially.

  1. Barrie—a close friend of Scott, who had become Shackleton’s rival late in his career—had confidentially donated $50,000 (about £10,000).

  2. From 1966 until 1968, the UK confidentially discussed with Argentina the transfer of the Falklands, assuming its judgement would be accepted by the islanders.

  3. The results were published in the «Worms Book», which they confidentially presented to a prince on each side of the religious divide: Philip of Hesse and Joachim II, Elector of Brandenburg.

Confidently in a sentence

Confidently is a variation of confident, below you can find example sentences for confidently.

  1. The only specimen that can confidently be assigned to C.

  2. The next morning, Lindwall batted confidently from the outset.

  3. According to Taylor in 2009, this specimen can be confidently referred to B.

  4. Up until this point, Washbrook had been beginning to find some fluency and was striking the ball confidently.

  5. Orfeo enters, leading Euridice and singing confidently that on that day he will rest on his wife’s white bosom.

  6. In 2012, proteins were confidently identified for the first time, collected from a 43,000-year-old woolly mammoth.

  7. Despite the relatively small changes in votes totals Roscoe Conkling confidently claimed that the «[m]embers of the N.Y.

  8. She acquired an agent, who advised her that she could confidently expect a regular and comfortable income as a novelist.

  9. Now aged 40, Bradman’s reflexes had slowed and he no longer started his innings as confidently as he had done in the past.

  10. As a journalist, he wanted to convey his findings confidently and in a way that would entertain and provoke his readership.

  11. Many batsmen only played them with difficulty, particularly on the occasional fast-paced pitch, but Jardine played them confidently.

  12. Pups open their eyes in their fourth week, begin walking in their fifth, and are able to swim confidently between 12 and 14 weeks old.

  13. It is as certain as anything in a man’s life can be confidently postulated, that had he continued to play in English county cricket ..

  14. Sir Thomas Beecham, who had presented many Covent Garden seasons between 1910 and 1939 confidently expected to do so again after the war.

  15. Playing more confidently and fluently in 1921, Jardine began the season well, scoring three fifties in his first three first-class matches.

  16. Morris confidently went out of his crease when the ball was of a full length and rocked onto the back foot to drive and cut if it was short.

  17. At least two major Mayan languages have been confidently identified in hieroglyphic texts, with at least one other language probably identified.

  18. Roxanne Blanford from Allmusic gave the album three out of five stars, stating, «Godsmack confidently brought metal into the technological age».

  19. A 2001 study compared the Glen Rose footprints to the feet of various large theropods but could not confidently assign them to any particular genus.

  20. Tallon and Lindwall batted confidently from the start of the play, and the latter hit two cover drives for four from Bedser after the new ball was taken.

Synonyms for confident

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word confident has the following synonyms: assured, cocksure, overconfident, positive, reassured, self-assured, self-confident, convinced, certain, sure, surefooted, sure-footed and capable.

General information about «confident» example sentences

The example sentences for the word confident that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «confident» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «confident».

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