Sentences with the word come down

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.


Just remember what goes up must come down.

Просто помните о том, что то, что поднимается, должно спуститься.

But Marxists believe that what goes up must come down.

Тем не менее, аналитики считают, что все, что поднимается, должно спуститься.

He’d come down the stairs the same way yesterday.

Спускаться пришлось тем же способом, по лестнице.

People come down from the mountains to the plains, where labor is not so heavy… .

Люди спускаются с гор на равнины, где труд не так тяжел…».

I wish the statue had come down earlier.

«Я думаю, что ставки должны были снизиться раньше.

Your price can come down even further if you sign a long term contract for maintenance.

Цена может снизиться, если вы заключаете договор аренды на долгий срок.

Hope those prices come down soon.

Будем надеяться, что цены в ближайшее время снизятся.

He indicated the hallway they’d come down.

Он дал указание на подачу автолестницы, по которой они спустились.

Surprisingly, the bills might come down.

Но, как ни странно, суммы могут снизится.

The first benefit is that your power bills come down.

Единственное его преимущество в том, что у вас снизятся расходы на электроэнергию.

For an Angel come down troubled the water.

И после того, как ангел спускался в воду, вода возмущалась.

And then they come down from the mountain.

Congress could make every single oil speculator in the world disappear tomorrow, and yet gas prices would not come down.

Конгресс может заставить каждого нефтяного спекулянта в мире завтра исчезнуть, но цены на газ не снизятся.

However, I come down a bit on the side of waiting to publish.

Однако, я спустился немного в стороне, ожидая, чтобы опубликовать.

And a second question about inflation: you repeated your assessment that inflation will come down in 2013.

И второй вопрос по поводу инфляции: вы повторили, что инфляция снизится в 2013 году.

Finally, prices have come down significantly, with some reaching below $20 .

Наконец, цены значительно снизились, а некоторые достигли уровня ниже 20 долларов».

Editorial: Of course house prices must come down.

Ю.К.: Да, цены на жилье должны снизиться.

I mean come down this way.

Нет. Я имел ввиду слезайте с этой стороны.

What goes up must come down.

Все, что высоко взлетает, должно упасть.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Предложения, которые содержат come down

Результатов: 4558. Точных совпадений: 4558. Затраченное время: 294 мс


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Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

спускаться, опускаться, падать, набрасываться, ниспадать, рушиться, бранить, спадать


- падать

he came down on his nose — он упал носом
how the rain is coming down! — какой сильный дождь, идёт!, какой дождь льёт!

- спадать, ниспадать

her hair came down over her shoulders — волосы спадали ей на плечи

- приземляться

the plane came down safely — самолёт совершил благополучную посадку

- рушиться; валиться

when the tree came down — когда дерево было повалено
these houses are coming down soon — эти дома будут скоро снесены

- уменьшаться, снижаться, падать

prices came down — цены упали
rent came down — квартирная /арендная/ плата снизилась

- опуститься, потерять своё положение

to come down in the world — потерять положение в обществе /социальный статус/
he had come down to begging — он дошёл до того /он так опустился/, что стал просить милостыню

- переходить по традиции, по наследству и т. п.

the custom has come down to us from our ancestors — этот обычай перешёл к нам от наших предков

- (to) сводиться (к чему-л.)

the whole problem comes down to this — весь вопрос сводится к следующему

- (with) амер. разг. заболеть (чем-л.)

he came down with the flu — он заболел гриппом

- разг. раскошелиться, расщедриться

come down with your money! — раскошеливайтесь!, плати(те)!
he came down handsomely when I was hard up — когда я испытывал материальные затруднения, он дал мне порядочную сумму денег

- разг. (on, upon)
- наброситься (на кого-л.), бранить (кого-л.)

he came down on the boy for his carelessness — он отругал /отчитал/ мальчика за небрежность

- внезапно нападать

the treacherous enemy came down upon a sleeping village — коварный враг внезапно напал на спящее село

- приезжать из столицы на периферию, из университета домой, из центра на окраину

he is coming down (from Oxford) at Easter — на пасху он приедет из Оксфорда

- оставить университет (до или после окончания курса, особ. Оксфорд и Кембридж)
- австрал., новозел., южно-афр. разлиться (о реке)

to come down in favour of /on the side of/ smb., smth. — выступить в пользу или в защиту кого-л., чего-л.
the court came down on the side of the employees — суд решил дело в пользу служащих

Мои примеры


Примеры с переводом

Jane has come down with a bad cold.

Джейн слегла с серьёзной простудой.

The price came down.

Цена снизилась.

Several trees came down in last night’s storm.

Вчерашний ураган повалил несколько деревьев.

My weight has come down again.

Я снова похудела.

The director came down on Jim for being late again.

Директор отчитал Джима за очередное опоздание.

When we come down to details, the plan seems possible.

Если рассмотреть всё в деталях, план кажется выполнимым.

Mother came down on me to clean my room.

Мама сказала, чтобы я обязательно убрался в своей комнате.

ещё 10 примеров свернуть

Synonym: boil down, descend, fall, go down, precipitate, reduce, sicken. Similar words: lie down, take down, write down, close down, settle down, come home, armed, media. Meaning: v. 1. move downward and lower, but not necessarily all the way 2. be the essential element 3. fall from clouds 4. get sick 5. criticize or reprimand harshly. 

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2. He had come down to begging when his father found him.

3. They tried for hours to get her to come down from the roof, but it was no go.

4. It’s amazing how much computers have come down in price over the past few years.

5. She refused to come down squarely on either side of the argument.

6. Come down from that tree!

7. I watched the climbers come down into the valley.

8. I never thought he would come down to begging.

9. Interest rates should come down.

10. The name has come down from the last century.

11. When did you come down ?

12. He had come down with the flu.

13. Prices ought to come down soon.

14. We were forced to come down in a field.

15. Come down from there this minute!

16. Part of the ceiling had come down.

17. They all come down with influenza.

18. German interest rates will come down before long.

19. We hope to come down to London next week.

20. He had come down to begging.

21. We need to come down hard on young offenders.

22. Why don’t you come down for the weekend sometime?

23. Computers haven’t come down in price.

24. House prices have come down recently.

25. Inflation has come down twice in the last month.

26. Things like this don’t come down on one suddenly.

27. This ring has come down from my great-grandmother.

28. What do our choices in this come down to?

29. Can you come down another $30?

30. It’s a bad lookout for the company if interest rates don’t come down.

More similar words: lie down, take down, write down, close down, settle down, come home, armed, media, medal, medium, medical, washed out, weed out, feed on, immediate, based on, medication, a bed of roses, down, downs, widow, get down, go down, hold down, put down, run down, cut down, set down, lay down, window.

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word come down, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use come down in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «come down».

Come down in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word come down in a sentence.

  1. As a child, she would climb trees and refuse to come down.

  2. You should come down here more often, I do that every week.».

  3. They might come down and cover some part of the village again.

  4. Perhaps it will come down to a difference of say ten votes, or maybe less.».

  5. And on top of that, make him the best-lookin’ guy ever to come down the pike.

  6. Men and women threw their hats into the air, not caring where they might come down.

  7. That is, even when temperatures come down again, the ice will not immediately regrow.

  8. Brock Lesnar would come down to the ring to promote his match and to insult Goldberg.

  9. Bridges promised him the 4th Battalion, and ordered Blamey to come down and lead it up.

  10. In the event of an abort, the Gemini B spacecraft could have come down in the eastern Pacific Ocean.

  11. Unlike a nuthatch, it does not come down trees head first, but flies to the base of another nearby tree.

  12. Almost all of these stories are lost, although some have come down in the Gaelic or Scots oral tradition.

  13. When the stage backdrop failed to come down on time, Hammerstein was heard to mutter, «Damn and damn and damn!

  14. The tip has come down on the school»; the fire brigade, based in Merthyr Tydfil, received a call at about the same time.

  15. When ruffed lemurs come down to the ground, they continue to move quadrupedally, running with bounding hops and the tail held high.

  16. He sits without robes, in an ordinary business suit, and often leaves the bench to come down and perch on the step of the jury box.

  17. US Senator Lamar Alexander and US Congressman Chuck Fleischmann joined 1,500 workers to watch the final wall come down on 30 August 2016.

  18. According to Jones, «Sid wanted to come down and play on the album, and we tried as hard as possible not to let him anywhere near the studio.

  19. An agile snake and an adept climber, it is not commonly found on the ground though may come down to bask in the morning sun (thermoregulation).

  20. The momentum was against Labor, and it was expected that the election could come down to whether Labor would retain their marginal urban seats.

  21. It was at one time thought, since the animals were not observed to come down from trees often, that they were able to survive without drinking.

  22. The British women’s road team manager Julian Winn said «We were afraid someone might come down in front of her, so we told her to keep to the left.

  23. Another narrative on the constellations, three paragraphs long, is from a Latin writer whose brief notes have come down to us under the name of Hyginus.

  24. It is, however, unclear whether the compiler of the Liber used the exact text of the Gesta as it has come down to us, or a different, earlier manuscript.

  25. The English formed up in battle order, were addressed by Edward III and advanced slowly, hoping that the Scots would come down to fight them on the flood plain.

  26. When they were persuaded to come down, the soldiers discovered that the isolated natives knew nothing of the Prince and had never heard of King George II either.

  27. When reviewing Lust for Life, Pete Makowski of Sounds magazine felt The Idiot suffered from «being a part of Bowie’s come down,» calling it «a Low disco platter».

  28. The gray mouse lemur may even come down to the ground to catch insect prey, though it quickly returns to the protective cover of the understory to consume its catch.

  29. Within the last three months he has brought down six enemy aeroplanes, four of which were seen to come down in flames, the other two falling completely out of control.

  30. She would come down from the mountains into villages to grieve dramatically over the bodies of hunters, even those whose deaths she was responsible for in the first place.

  31. Reed Landis later stated, «[n]one of the other congressmen wanted Father impeached but they did want him to come down and defend himself because they knew what a show it would be.».

  32. Cicero’s Aratea is one of the oldest Latin poems to come down to us as more than isolated lines; this episode may have established the technique of including epyllia in non-epic poems.

  33. Robert Christgau described Year Zero as Reznor’s «most songful album», while Thomas Inskeep of Stylus magazine praised it as «one of the most forward-thinking ‘rock’ albums to come down the pike in some time».

Synonyms for come down

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word come down has the following synonyms: descend, fall, go down, fall in, , precipitate, reduce, boil down and sicken.

General information about «come down» example sentences

The example sentences for the word come down that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «come down» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «come down».

How to use come down in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for «come down» and check conjugation/comparative form for «come down«. Mastering all the usages of «come down» from sentence examples published by news publications.

You want CAT to come down, and come down now.
We’ve seen inflation come down, we’ve seen the oil markets come down.
As equipment costs come down and companies add customers, electricity prices could come down.
That extra precipitation could have come down as rain, or it could have come down as snow.
Not knowing when it’s going to come down translates as not knowing where it’s going to come down.
So it may come down from a certain platform, but it’s not going to come down from the internet.
So, our customer premises hardware capital has come down, and IP technology has allowed capital costs to come down.
«Not knowing when it’s going to come down translates as not knowing where its going to come down,» said McDowell.
So we&aposre having a fight about message and where the Democrats come down, judge is they come down just resisting Trump.
Not the first Confederate monuments to come down Silent Sam was not the first Confederate monument to come down in North Carolina.
It is concerning that a number of indicators of inflation expectations have come down a bit, but they haven’t come down that much.
Brent has come down from $86 in early October, its highest level in 4 years, while WTI has come down by around $29 since then.
Then there’s the whole risk that none of this will come down quite in the form — or the intensity — traders seem to think it will come down.
«Silicon Valley has gotten a bad rap over the last couple of years so folks move down here, engineers come down here, founders come down,» Ho added.
«On China, Barriers and Tariffs to come down for first time,» the president wrote on Twitter  On China, Barriers and Tariffs to come down for first time.
«Since it could come down at any time in [the estimated re-enty timeframe], it could come down anywhere it passes over during that period,» McDowell told Mashable recently.
» Theoretically, there is an unemployment rate below which inflation rises, and while estimates of that «have come down,» Yellen said, «it’s conceivable that they need to come down even more.
His tricks simply come down to one word — discipline.
» Still, she added, «What goes up must come down.
«Come Down» is a song so hot that Anderson .
TV: … the premiums might come down for other people.
» DeVos continued, «It does come down to individual kids.
» Manitowoc Company: «Manitowoc has come down almost 30 percent.
«The costs have come down and continue to come down a lot and that has enabled us to reach profitability in the last quarter and positive cash flow as well,» he said.
The Trump administration has come down hard on such cases.
Prices are expected to come down as the technology advances.
It could all come down to this one insane superpower.
Then you will come down here and board your plane.
The curtains come down on the awards season on Feb.
And he expects similar trials will come down the pipeline.
The recent splits come down to a number of reasons.
If I come down on a side then I’m preaching.
Birds and rodents have come down with tumors and cataracts.
You’ve got to let that thing come down a little.
Only 210 detainees have come down with mumps so far.
Only 20143 detainees have come down with mumps so far.
«It’s going to come down to the end,» Tulowitzki said.
They always go out of their way to come down.
Whether that matters to you can come down to taste.
Charlson predicts that fees will come down with greater competition.
Our motivation here has always come down to helping humans.
Mr López does not expect the monuments to come down.
Other countries, including China, have come down hard on cryptocurrencies.
Calling, texting and the like will come down the road.
I’ll come down to earth to spend it with you.
Where are these candidates going to come down on impeachment?
I think the price needs to come down a ton.
How have they not all come down with a cold?
Volunteers from California come down to help build the houses.
Already, price growth for some drugs has come down recently.
«They really won’t come down 20 minutes?» one staffer wrote.
An alien was going to come down in the spaceship.
Canadians shouldn’t expect anything similar to come down on Facebook.
So you have seen confidence come down a little bit.
It had come down to this: safety versus the game.
Overall, earnings growth expectations have come down in recent months.
It can always come down to a point or two.
It could come down to which defence is more ruthless.
The bank wants inflation to come down toward 2015 percent.
In Iowa, it actually does all come down to turnout.
So it really does come down to you, and humanity.
Or maybe your decision will come down to simple aesthetics.
«Once they work, costs will come down,» he wrote confidently.
The vote is expected to come down to the wire.
Allow me to explain: What goes up, must come down.
And if you come down one way or the other?
Hopefully, it’ll come down and be able to go tomorrow.
Get him to come down and do some fried chicken.
Where do you come down on the controversy this week?
And finally, it may all come down to Trump himself.
And many volunteers said they would come down and help.
What can we expect to come down the cosmetics pipeline?
I asked him to come down to the Ephin shop.
You come down here to set up for the illusion.
He said that it will likely come down on Thursday.
We were up there, and we’ve come down to this.
«But encouragingly, capital spending and costs continue to come down
I felt my guard come down just a little bit.
It can even come down to body language, some say.
«What goes up must come down,» another Chinese buyer said.
It may also come down to cost for some consumers.
There’s little to suggest those volatility premia will come down.
That’s going to come down to pricing, connectivity and apps.
Much of the push will also come down to Azar.
The statue could come down as soon as next week.
The wrath has come down, good and hard, since Sunday.
In the end, it really does come down to messaging.
But they don’t let the water come down to us.
Smith suggested the cost could come down with scale, though.
To state the obvious, it will come down to turnout.
But it probably will come down to a snail vs.
But you just can’t come down and take bad shots.
It’s just going to come down to curating these images.
Fortunes come down to gold as much as luck, here.
They were screaming and calling for me to come down.
Much of Atlanta’s success will come down to Dennis Schroder.
We see the walls come down and the humanity show.
Her parents, fortunately, didn’t hear my cries and come down.
But the choice may have all come down to timing.
TV pricing has come down over the past few years.
That figure has come down as some flights have resumed.
«People literally cheer when these things come down,» he said.
The variations come down to just one thing: facial expression.
«They didn’t offer for us to come down,» she replied.
Why was it important to come down today and protest?
The judge says more charges are expected to come down.
«Once you say that, a lot of barriers come down
These temporary displays come down again after a few days.
Starting today, that circus ends and these tents come down.
Whether that happens may come down to who blinks first.
Some of these products may soon come down in price.
«It may come down to user preference,» said Dr. VanZile.
The cloud shapes one visualized come down to earth. God.
It does yield 4%, I want it to come down.
The great foot has come down to stamp on you.
Much will come down to the will of the majority.
It may come down to who has his ear last.
«If the price doesn’t come down, we would,» he said.
This approach is expensive, but costs have come down markedly.
And we know this will come down to the economy.
Jokowi’s government has come down relatively hard on the culprits.
And that, as they say, will come down to turnout.
For Disney, success might just all come down to execution.
But many of the crashes come down to reckless driving.
Duties would come down more rapidly for some car components.
As for the cost, he thinks it will come down.
We’ve seen revisions across all of the sectors come down.
If the election does indeed come down to Trump vs.
Now, seemingly, it’s come down to this: whatever it takes.
But the decision shouldn’t come down to fund fee alone.
You’ll see earnings go up but operating margins come down.
» Micron Technology: «Let’s let it come down a little bit.
The cost structures have come down all around the world.
And then they finally come down, and all is well.
«Here’s where I come down: I adore Square,» Cramer said.
«It’s going to come down to executing pitches,» Ventura said.
Those costs have come down over the past eight weeks.
Troutbeck wonder why their son hasn’t come down to lunch.
Symbols of old fights, grudges and regimes must come down.
The nature of diversity doesn’t come down to one mechanism.
Florida, in turn, might come down to the Latino vote.
But I think what goes up must also come down.
But crime rates peaked, and then began to come down.
This is all going to come down to local advocacy.
» He says he wants to beg the person at the other end to be near him, then he trails off into a melancholy refrain: «Let the rain come down / Let the rain come down.
And investment-grade bonds have also come down in the world.
In the video, his hands come down well before he’s shot.
Gasoline prices, which move with a lag, should also come down.
European regulators have come down hard on Google for squelching competition.
Of course this season would come down to Philip versus Elizabeth.
I’m glad that he’s come down on the refugee immigration stance.
That request will have to come down to meet Trump’s goal.
And experts say it’s unlikely a criminal indictment will come down.
Is anyone else thinking this must simply come down to cost?
But I would come down and talk to them at night.
Why’d you decide to come down and see it in person?
Hegyaljai suggested the fence could come down if the situation improves.
I would rather have you come down on the strong side.
You buy a little and then you let it come down.
But since then, Chinese regulators have come down hard on cryptocurrencies.
Yet, despite the news, the stock has refused to come down.
And state legislative races sometimes come down to hundreds of votes.
I mean, it’s not going to come down to one vote.
We’re flying, and next, of all the oxygen masks come down.
You know you want to come down here and join us.
And SoftBank may come down to the series A one day.
Employment in other sectors may grow as freight costs come down.
The cost of treating a patient needs to come down dramatically.
A lot of it can come down to when you book.
Absolutely, and I think ad loads are going to come down.
«Every time you come down that tunnel, it’s cool,» Fisher said.
What goes up must come down, said food and livestock analysts.
So the whole case will come down to her single credibility.
Yes, the system is expensive, but the price might come down.
Naturally, it will come down to execution like any other startup.
It does come down to personal responsibility, I firmly believe that.
Goliath is written, how much will come down to a jacket?
This could all come down to expert art direction, of course.
He opposed Gorsuch but has not come down firmly on Kavanaugh.
Oh, the price of course needs to come down a ton.
That may come down to a political decision by his staff.
Lower right back down into your squat as you come down.
Instead of the negativity, come down and take a great photo!
High trade barriers have not come down since Jokowi became president.
MDMA seems like proof that what comes up must come down.
They come down to us in the order assigned by some
That you have to come down a couple of f—— notches?
It is expected to come down as soon as September 4.
But, as the saying goes, what goes up must come down.
But often, such decisions come down to a matter of nuance.
It will come down to what’s most important to you: Pricing?
It is the third monument to come down in the city.
«I would say the ticket sizes have come down,» he said.
Maybe Giuliani should come down here because it feels pretty bleak.
A great interview can come down to the tiniest of details.
And as the saying goes, what goes up must come down.
It can also come down to where you choose to live.
«We will come down hard on illegal cannabis businesses,» Goodale added.
But numbers don’t come down for a decade and a half.
It will again come down to voter turnout, political observers say.
When I come down, Mona is already up and making pancakes.
When you come down to it, negotiation is about human interaction.
What all my fashion phobias really come down to is exposure.
Occasionally he would come down testes first onto his opponent’s heel.
«It doesn’t always come down to the fourth quarter,» Casey said.
On China, Barriers and Tariffs to come down for first time.
«It’s going to come down to, John, the debate,» Malloy said.
The time has come for the Confederate plaque to come down.
Sooner or later, he’ll come down and start working on dinner.
It may come down to your location, age and, yes, sex.
«We’re anxious to see what they come down with,» he said.
JOSÉ DÍAZ-BALART: Are you planning to come down to Orlando?
You always want to come down on the side of caution.
» The Southern Company: «Southern’s come down too much, as has Dominion.
Why has the labor force participation rate come down so much?
Other luxury brands have felt the ASA’s hammer come down, too.
Those bullets come down like raining lead, injuring and killing people.
The fantastic ideas you have will finally come down to earth.
Both candidates said the race could come down to independent voters.
«There’s two ways to come down,» Feeley said to Oliphant O’Neill.
But I’d still come down on the side of reporting them.
Labor: Building costs really come down to who’s behind the labor.
«There was a cotton trade that would come down,» Melinda explained.
I said, ‘Listen, I gotta come down and talk to you.
Comedy gets the audience to come down that road with me.
Once again, it could all come down to Senator John McCain.
Why is it important to come down today and protest Trump?
Its benchmark stocks have come down from earlier highs this year.
It was, more simply put, an opportunity to come down hard.
The developing problems here, I think, come down to Trevor Siemian.
Of course, teller job trends don’t all come down to ATMs.
But hard-nosed bettors have come down heavily for the Panthers.
When the indictments come down, Trump won’t play by the rules.
Once the posts are up, who cares where they come down?
We’re going to come down hard on you if you do!
I don’t think that people come down to scores, flat out.
Ultimately, it may not come down to how talented they are.
«It will come down to luck,» he said of Justify’s chances.
Here are the stars who have come down with the coronavirus.
Then I put a hat on and come down and greet.
No athletes are known to have come down with the virus.
The officer tells him to come down with his hands up.
You’d watch them come down — there was nobody going after them.
«Dreams are wonderful, but dreams have to come down to reality.»
«If I say, ‘No, come down‘, they must listen,» he says.
So, it’s really going to come down to the earnings growth.
None of them have come down with the virus, he said.
But a house is not static — tiles change, walls come down.
For some candidates, it may come down to their performance tonight.
But many of those forecasts have come down towards 2% recently.
They literally risk their life to come down to the ground.
Obviously, I’ve come down on the side of breakfast for now.
How does inverting yourself make you feel after you come down?
Keeping deepfakes fun, not fearsome will come down to human psychology.
Many of these failures come down to a lack of leadership.
Let’s stick with some of the majors that have come down.
I might come down sometime again, just to mess with Pop.
Default rates have come down but remain at very high levels.
In the end, though, it does come down to the barbecue.
You come down the hallway, and he’s just waiting for you.
It has come down a lot and it’s the right price.
Stock levels have come down tremendously over the last three years.
He predicted fees will come down, while employee costs will rise.
How Barr would come down on a Stone pardon remains unclear.
Where people come down depends on how they balance those rights.
The study’s results largely come down to what the cows eat.
Much of it will come down to the president, he said.
Microsoft bets costs will come down, but that is not guaranteed.
That may come down the line as he negotiates with Disney.
If Pokémon goes up, must it and will it come down?
Watch him perform «Come Down» below: Follow Kyle Kramer on Twitter.
Two days before surgery, I come down with a terrible flu.
It’ll come down to two main things: sacrifices from everybody, and unity.
But it’s not guaranteed that their price will come down a lot.
I come down to Florida, I say, ‘What the hell is that?
The dollar also needs to come down from multiyear highs, she said.
It will all come down to what the Senate parliamentarian will permit.
Mastering your money can come down to establishing a few smart habits.
And don’t come down from the side, come in from the top.
It could come down to an interpretation of what qualifies as control.
«The numbers might have to come down for those companies,» Cramer said.
It was a high that was frankly hard to come down from.
When everyone returns what they bought, the actual numbers will come down.
The woman, part of the Trump resistance movement refused to come down.
While cannabis company revenue is up, share prices continue to come down.
The decision to come to the U.S. would come down to economics.
Said Rush: «We don&apost plan to come down again anytime soon.»
What made you want to come down here and check it out?
«I didn’t think it could have come down to this,» he said.
Extending a show doesn’t always come down to a creative decision, either.
No doubt the 24% interest benchmark rate will have to come down.
» NRG Energy: «NRG has come down enough that we actually like it.
His political survival may come down to who he faces next year.
Heaven forbid some double dates and matching outfits come down the pipeline.
Insiders worry it will come down too hard on ICOs, stymying innovation.
Ultimately, it will come down to who needs the joint venture more.
So the dividends are too high, they’ll probably have to come down.
In other words, if you have a problem, you just come down.
I mean, the whole thing could come down to 0.7 seconds again.
Watching the Wall come down was a different kind of stomach-churning.
Jose has slowed somewhat, its winds having come down to 145 mph.
Though that number’s come down recently, Fitch said Thursday that dangers remain.
Since then, that figure has come down to 28 percent last month.
» Intuitive Surgical: «The stock has come down enough … The quarter was fine.
The horses come down the final stretch, and then the crowd gasps.
If you get a strong dollar, EEM is likely to come down.
It’s just so many emotions … you really never come down from it.
» Adds Jade, «I saw Tanner come down and I immediately felt something.
Later, we had ten people come down to Virginia from Sandy Hook.
When the rand falls production costs calculated in dollar come down too.
Eventually someone will miss a seat and come down with a bump.
And you knew it would come down to the keepers, didn’t you?
Would you want him to personally come down and campaign for you?
Now, I didn’t come down on anyone for clogging up my inbox.
Ultimately, it could come down to Netflix not campaigning for the show.
It is not unusual to come down with something nasty after flying.
If they come down, a current-account surplus could swell up again.
» He continued: «Seeing her come down the aisle, that was just gorgeous.
If you’re an Amazon Prime member, it might come down to price.
And as I said, prices continue to come down every single year.
Turkey’s finance minister, Berat Albayrak, reiterated comments that inflation would come down.
It may come down to how much consumers are willing to pay.
In many cases, he suggests, the issue will come down to leverage.
How come you ain’t never come down to Miami or South Florida?
» A protester responded, «You f***ing neo-Nazi prick, come down here.
It’ll all come down to how he performs in his next fight.
The difference between silver and gold can come down to decimal points.
Interest rates have come down materially over the course of the year.
Google has pretty clearly come down on the side of the latter.
But some weeks, it’s clear everyone needs to come down to earth.
In Chicago, two patients have come down with the illness, ABC7 reported.
I’d buy half here and then hope literally it does come down.
Presidential debates, like life, all come down to a series of moments.
But everything has a timespan, and what goes up must come down.
He said, ‘Koj, come down‘ and I was like, ‘Nah, fuck that.
Syracuse people come down to the federal building to finish them off.
It had come down a bit, but now it has increased again.
Then she would come down and sort the pictures on her phone.
You come down here and face Kershaw and get your hands full.
But a choice must be made, and that’s where I’d come down.
«Stock valuations have come down much quicker and more than we thought.»
On that point, he’s right — this race will come down to turnout.
Tyler Matakevich has come down with an unexpected case of puppy fever.
It’ll signal weakness and a hawk will come down and grab me.
On infrastructure, «it’s all going to come down to financing,» she noted.
They had me come down to Ottawa for the Electric Pow Wow.
Most of G.M.’s advantages come down to size and operational efficiency.
To me, it seems like it’ll all come down to the data.
Ahead, seven reasons it doesn’t always come down to a paycheck: 1.
It may come down to the City Council to decide the issue.
So Goodell didn’t necessarily come down strongly one way or the other.
But since the Weinstein news broke, barriers seem to have come down.
But they did not come down in favor of any specific regulations.
We advise people to come down and move closer to the camps.
The timetable will allow poorer countries to wait until prices come down.
The birds will come down to you when they visit the feeders.
Which, really, is what Beauty and the Beast’s problems come down to.
And that can simply come down to where you choose to live.
It’s anyone who publicly fought for them to come down — myself included.
Regulators in China and South Korea have come down hard on cryptocurrencies.
Madeya’s problems come down to the fact that she had no sons.
«I’d come down here fishing, and I liked it,» he said recently.
No word on where Brie might come down on this elopement issue.
Where do you come down on the possible solutions in play here?
Loads of people come down here and write messages on the walls.
But it’s still going to come down to actually improving the product.
I didn’t want the conversation to come down to the economic aspect.
But the good news is that what goes up must come down.
People think they just come down here, and the sun is great.
Three Women doesn’t come down firmly on one side or the other.
Washington (CNN)In the end, it may come down to the tweets.
Ms. González said she had come down with it four times herself.
The bull market’s future may come down to just one economic chart.
This game may come down to one side making a tired mistake.
We knew this game was going to come down to the end.
«They would come down along the East Coast of Africa,» Sauther said.
It was as if an angel had come down from the sky.
In the end, it might come down to how cynical everyone is.
Their divergence in opinion could come down to differences in personal taste.
The big issue is visas and that the doors might come down.
What Trump said If you know, China has come down tremendously. Tremendously.
They are going to come down here, drink beer and have fun.
Those prices could come down for you with a trade-in, though.
«I’m not going to come down there and walk into a mess.»
«A lot of it does come down to personality,» Mr. Lynch said.
The decision is likely to come down to which team drafts him.
«I would go up five steps and come down 10,» she said.
Manchin insisted Tuesday he hasn’t figured out where he will come down.
One of the apple trees is rotten and needs to come down.
The game could come down to a single mistake on either side.
But these decisions often do not come down to bank statements alone.
Now most scientists come down on the side of removing the dams.
«It’s going to come down to what regulators will tolerate,» he says.
«The old banner will have to come down someday,» as Wark concludes.
Ultimately, he said, the choice of method would come down to funding.
«It’s going to come down to that issue of winnability,» she said.
I will defer and suggest you wait for that to come down.
Of course, it will come down to the games (and the price).
The problems in this case seem to come down to sheer scope.
But it’s not clear where it will come down on the issue.
All product and service sales come down to usage and aggregated value.
It could all come down to how often you buy new smartphones.
You might want to do that one, but let it come down.
But in reality, next week’s votes will come down to raw politics.
Walls come down, the supporting beams of a shared life are strengthened.
My, my, my, we have come down a long way, haven’t we.
The Grammy Awards may come down to a battle of the superdivas.
Lau believes that as the technology matures, the cost will come down.
About three days in, a wall started to come down around him.
What if my wife or I come down with a major illness?
By the time this article is published, it will have come down.
When supply exceeds demand for extended periods, prices have to come down.
It’s come down since, but it’s still higher than most places nearby.
Then again, fish oil’s mixed track record may come down to type.
CFO David Wehner said that ad load could come down meaningfully in 2017.
We don’t come down like Batman so we must go through the wall.
He&aposd come down to the runway, and I would talk to him.
«There were large chunks of concrete starting to come down,» Stafford told CNN.
That decision happened to come down on the 46th anniversary of Roe v.
«Fortunately, we haven’t found anything that’s come down on the house,» he said.
In the end, that may come down to the trust of individual users.
Of course, for audiophiles, it’ll all come down to sound and format support.
Ultimately, the Bank of England’s inflation worries come down to one thing: sterling.
Meanwhile, Friedman said the race in AI could potentially come down to politics.
Though Zingano started strong, this one would ultimately come down to Peña’s grappling.
So, is it going to come down to those two Republican women, Ned?
Blood tests also suggested she had come down with some sort of infection.
«It seemed like it took forever for it to come down,» said Rep.
INGRAHAM: I think everybody&aposs rhetoric needs to come down a little bit.
When the police come down, the police aren’t in charge, we’re in charge.
Many said their vote would come down to who gave the best barnburner.
This project is installed with painted aluminum, and will come down in October.
Would you recommend that other people come down here and check this out?
Here’s the description of the final episode: It’s all come down to this!
«Current account deficits have come down, and the fundamentals have improved,» Mishra said.
In all, nine people have come down with symptoms consistent with the virus.
Compared with other prepaid cards, these fees come down on the expensive side.
Privacy is a global issue Policy decisions ultimately come down to trade-offs.
Eight of 520 crew members have come down with norovirus, the CDC said.
I wish it would come down, my charitable trust wanted to buy it.
The families from Parkland asked me to come down and talk to them.
«The numbers have come down all the way through the quarter,» he said.
Many chalked that up to Amex’ higher fees, which have since come down.
The Chinese Consumers Association has come down hard on Apple in the past.
And a large part of pizza’s popularity may come down to its price.
The decision to grant an injunction, then, might come down to adverse inference.
The reasons for Heroes’ success likely come down to a handful of factors.
Still, market watchers have come down too harshly on big banks, Harte said.
As supply goes up, I’d expect the price and profits to come down.
It will come down how Trump and Xi are feeling during the meeting.
Per-pupil spending should come down as costs are spread across more sites.
Now those drones have come down from the mountains and into the city.
Bianca is annoyed that she, too, has to come down to the station.
Not to sound mushy, but it really does come down to emotional communication.
Well, one of the reasons is that Es have come down in price.
Many have already come down, potentially unclogging rivers and freeing space for roads.
Bertolini said some of those benefits should come down to ages like 55.
KEMP: I&aposd love to have the president to come down to Georgia.
We know of refinery shutdowns and (crude oil) production that has come down.
Cramer said he expects to hear that PepsiCo’s raw costs have come down.
«I just want to come down here and help out,» he told her.
It was common for printers to come down with ailments of all sorts.
The Capital One Cup final has come down to a suffix, hasn’t it?
But eventually, they all must come down to burn up in the atmosphere.
I think second-half numbers are going to come down a little more.
And the courts have, swiftly and decisively, come down on the detainees’ side.
I knew [Kevin] wanted to see me come down in something like that.
About 217% of Independents would also like to see the monuments come down.
«Failures often come down to the human part of a company,» said Ehrhardt.
Over the last two decades, the cost of that infrastructure has come down.
I’ve learned that you can’t come down on guys and harp on it.
After the rate cut, those deposit rates will come down to some extent.
Imagine you’ve come down with a cold while you’re away on a trip.
The struggle for the Iron Throne has come down to Cersei and Daenerys.
Employees say that what they’ve heard has come down from the executive level.
The last one set to come down is of General Robert E. Lee.
It had to come down to one of the Splash Brothers, didn’t it?
Now it’s become clear Trump’s decision could come down to a single sentence.
Ultimately, success in a job interview may come down to knowing your audience.
The whole thing, it’s going to come down like a stack of cards.
It basically come down to one central question: Do you know your customer?
These questions are not merely academic: Lives depend on where we come down.
And he’s been struggling over how to come down on Trump’s impeachment articles.
In both cases, U.S. bond prices rise and rates come down, Cramer added.
Signs will come down on four other structures in the park as well.
The various application vehicles often come down to a texture preference, says Robinson.
But the last domino can still come down: a shift in investing patterns.
Certain alternative energies, for example, present massive growth opportunities as prices come down.
Let it come down for three days, and then you can buy it.
It will all come down to whether we can turn our people out.
But many analyses of women and their appearance inevitably come down to hair.
I don’t want to discourage anybody in our audience to come down here.
The choice has come down to essential realities or a life of fantasy.
Robertson, a Louisiana resident, said she agreed that such statues should come down.
They use to come down and just nibble the tips of the palms.
The problem with Earnhardt’s sandwich of choice must come down to the mayo.
Nike has had such huge executive turnover and the stock doesn’t come down.
And social spending has risen even as the national debt has come down.
No matter where you come down on gun control, it’s hard to disagree.
«She didn’t come down and shake our hands,» Davis said, referring to Miller.
Someone would tap the net, and little bits would come down with dust.
Retail prices will be forced to go up and sales will come down.
As beef prices have come down, consumers have bought more, according to Cargill.
Ask, then Ask Again   Ultimately, increasing volunteerism may come down to simply asking.
The basic moves to master come down to simple concepts: pushing, pulling, hinging.
The powder has come down in price since then, and now costs $225.
He said that could come down by 100,000 to 250,000 barrels a day.
With a tough decision that will come down to a judgment of character.
Eighteen-wheelers suddenly come down with the wiggles, like segmented caterpillar pull toys.
The study authors suspect these differences from straight peers come down to bias.
We come down here, it feels like we’re actually Division I football players.
How the Supreme Court would come down, however, is less of a mystery.
«Certain things come down to respect,» Mike tells John later in the episode.
In two hours, you’re welcome to come down and have a cigarette break.
And it’s come down and I like the data center group very much.
In the end, the race will come down who makes the fewest mistakes.
Landrieu’s office has not revealed when the two remaining statues will come down.
The first pieces come down light, the snowflakes still distinguishable on the pavement.
The guy goes, ‘You can come down here and pick up some spray.
It’s not like come down into this murky dungeon of disrepair and misery.
Seeing the thing come down would be like Smith dying all over again.
You need someone like Roots Manuva to come down with the real talk.
«We had the police come down to the beach one time,» Mazhari says.
Later on, Bill called and asked me to come down to the station.
The difference may come down to how people think about sleep, Lichstein suggests.
And when the winds come down the mountains, they dry out even more.
He refused to come down, so there’s just been a standoff with police.
But the race, Sorenson knew, was always going to come down to turnout.
Four days later, you come down with a fever and a dry cough.
The heat would come down so they’d cook to an even golden-brown.
Why was it important for you to come down today and protest Trump?
I wear a lot of sweaters that come down to my mid thighs.
You have to put everything on the shelf and come down from it.
«It doesn’t have to come down,» Wilpon said during a luncheon with reporters.
«Korea is starting to flatten and maybe come down a little,» he said.
The problems they’re trying to solve mostly come down to inefficiency and fraud.
And, as they say, «what goes up must come down» and vice versa.
Control of a $30 billion company doesn’t often come down to an auction.
«It’s always better to come down and see it for real,» he said.
Let the fever, the temperature of the world come down before earth asphyxiates.
«Encephalitis deaths have come down to less than five per day,» he said.
It could be time for markets to come down from their sugar highs.
As is often true, then, upcoming primary races could come down to turnout.
The future of Mastercard&aposs growth may come down to its noncard businesses.
The Neumans, of Washington Heights, had come down to ride back and forth.
Cale is not interested in circumventing or prettifying anguish: let it come down.
Paak, Kendrick Lamar»Clique» — Kanye West, JAY-Z, Big Sean»Come Down» — Anderson .
Kristina is relieved, but her walls aren’t going to come down right away.
Steve O’Neil: There’s no doubt costs are going to continue to come down.
And the cost of sequencing genomes has come down significantly in the process.
He needed to come down and face trial at one of their courts.
And I think it will come down to who deals with it better.
Whether or not Tesla actually goes private could come down to its shareholders.
Technology has advanced so that the costs of components have come down dramatically.
Ultimately, it will  come down to a vote and three swing Republicans: Sens.
If costs don’t come down, it might make no money from that contract.
Money issues: The reasons vary, but the most common come down to money.
«Starting today, the circus ends, and the tents come down,» Sheriff Penzone said.
The race for Scripps Networks Interactive may have come down to one finalist.
«The injunctions must be obeyed and the barriers must come down,» said Trudeau.
And as our creative guards come down, it helps us have better ideas.
Flight prices may need to come down to entice travelers to tropical locations.
A second person in the US has come down with the Wuhan coronavirus.
«Prices will come down,» Trump promised in his State of the Union address.
Ultimately, though, this category is going to come down to Dern vs. Lopez.
It’s probably pretty clear which side I come down on in this battle.
«The president took a chance, he didn’t have to come down,» he said.
«We come down here once a month and record four songs,» Conte says.
Paulsen expects choppiness to continue until valuations come down to more normal levels.
As launch costs have come down, space has become more accessible than ever.
«The amazing part is we forget how fast markets come down,» Hogan said.
Now it’s come down a lot and I think, frankly, it’s a buy.
«It could come down to a match between me and Novak,» Murray said.
Their seed will come down to conference record and what happens around them.
A job interview shouldn’t come down to the words you use — you think.
And, if that’s the case, we may see earnings revisions will come down.
It always seems to come down to the last games no matter what.
Kavanaugh’s SCOTUS confirmation is supposed to come down to a vote this Thursday.
After the rate cut, those rates likely will come down to some extent.
Let that one come down, although I did like the quarter very much.
«This race is going to come down to razor-thin margins,» Scholten said.
The law in America will come down to what Roberts says it is.
Having my family come down and be in the crowd, that’s pretty special.
Taxes and interest rates did not come down dramatically, and Nixon did lose.
We completely agree that the cost must come down, must become more efficient.
Because you think the tax cuts will allow for premiums to come down?
But this game could come down to a pair of guys named Melvin.
As you get older, the questions come down to about two or three.
And then come down off it with ‘Midnights,’ which gets a little sweeter.
It had come down with very little fanfare, and I was inexplicably heartbroken.
But so much will come down to the four days of the tournament.
I was at university in Leeds, but I had come down to London.
It’s hard to deny how much this seems to come down to gender.
And really, so much of all of this does come down to money.
The tipping point, as is often the case, will come down to economics.
«We are very optimistic that food prices will come down, and as they come down it will help to complement the reduction in core inflation,» Emefiele told journalists on the sidelines of an investment conference at the London Stock Exchange.
The truth is, margins are going to have to come down in this business.
And the doctor said, ‘Would you like to come down and watch and help?
«I would do coke and I would use alcohol to come down,» he said.
As the market share starts to come down, people get more and more concerned.
I have a feeling that&aposs what it was going to come down to.
At first glance, it may seem to come down to the experience of speed.
«It could really come down to that killer app not being there,» said Abbruzzese.
The government is right to come down hard on the $6 billion 1MDB scandal.
It’s hard to predict where his administration will come down on the marijuana industry.
That alone has taken on more significance now that growth forecasts have come down.
There are very smart economists who come down on both sides of that question.
But, uh, for Golden State, concern now, as their coaches and trainers come down.
The Haidong fire brigade director said that the lanterns often come down still ignited.
That&aposs going to come down to the pace at which we negotiate this.
Many, many, many times before, police have come down, and I’ve left them speechless.
Look for areas that still make sense fundamentally and (where) valuation has come down.
An oppressive barrier between men and women has finally come down in Saudi Arabia.
I felt my euphoria shrivel up and the corners of my mouth come down.
The heavy hand of the state has already come down on cadres in Liaoning.
Federal judges throughout history haven’t often come down on protecting the President from investigation.
Let’s home in on the general differences, which admittedly come down to personal preference.
These should encourage interest rates, already falling, to come down further, and lift employment.
«Where we really come down to is, you need to start over,» Wisconsin Rep.
A lot of our friends ask why we come down so far to compete.
We see Violet’s guard come down a little, but she walks away, still hurt.
Santa’s not real, he doesn’t actually come down the chimney, but we understand that.
We’re not trying to come down on the side of breastfeeding or not breastfeeding!
But as in Newtonian physics, a market that goes up will also come down.
If history is any guide, this election could come down to one state: Ohio.
I have argued that part of the problem might come down to Ford’s communications.
If any problems came up, I would come down on the side of reason.
My mom even got a chance to come down and see me on set.
The balloon, shortly after, would compact itself and come down under its own parafoil.
How do you come down right now and what should these tech companies do?
Come down into a squat while holding a medicine ball straight ahead and overhead.
But in this case, another unnamed executive called for the video to come down.
It rarely rains, but when it does, it tends to come down as hail.
After Hilton stepped into the courtroom and saw the verdict come down, he relaxed.
Because of that, it’s nearly impossible to pinpoint where the station will come down.
The decision was to move back to that camp and then to come down.
The number of malicious crimes such as murders, kidnappings and extortions have come down.
The difference may simply come down to people’s decision to cultivate joy from within.
«As far as I’m concerned, your premiums are going to come down,» Trump said.
This might all come down to a new Senate parliamentarian, but so be it.
«I invited mama @pink and Jamo to come down while I rode,» Hart wrote.
And the prices have come down even in high- income countries to lower levels.
A more pessimistic view is that wages were bound to come down to earth.
It’s that establishment guardrails of 2017 come down — and Trump’s actual instincts take over.
Does a woman have a responsibility to come down even harder on the perpetrator?
And sometimes, what makes a «good» photo can come down to a flattering pose.
It’s come down a lot, and I think it’s time to buy, buy, buy.
Trump invited House Republicans to the , pledging that premiums and deductibles would come down.
And indeed Saturday, at least precinct reportedly come down to a game of War.
«I suspect that the $621 number on defense will likely come down,» Dent said.
It’s sumptuous, full of tricky samples, and perfect for the late night comedown.
For re-entry, Skylon won’t come down in the same way as the Shuttle.
And the doctor said, ‘Would you like to come down and watch and help?
For one, they had to wait for the price of components to come down.
That gap began to narrow significantly in 2012 and has come down sharply since.
That number has come down significantly, however, since it hit 10.5 percent in 2013.
The president has come down strongly against illegal immigration and has vowed tighter borders.
I’m not going to come down too firmly on that, because it’s purely hypothetical.
Bad as Rockport looks, a neighbor warns worse is to come down the road.
And they can come down on a Friday night and have a good time.
That meant Kavanaugh’s nomination would come down to two Republican moderates, Collins and Sen.
The essence of this past year has come down to team effort for Leicester.
The defense is likely to come down hard on Gates in their cross-examination.
It’s that establishment guardrails of 2017 come down—and Trump’s actual instincts take over.
No decision on the Fed chair job is expected to come down this week.
And I do like the fact that the group has come down a lot.
Instead, his chances may come down to the whims of 254 unpledged Pennsylvania delegates.
The yield on Greece’s 10-year government bond has come down significantly since 2015.
Transaction fees have come down as technology has improved — but hacks are still commonplace.
Can he interrupt without the next day having everybody come down on his head?
That’s the one to own and it’s come down a lot from its high.
Cotton’s lead and come down like a hammer on this concentrated drug of death.
» He separately wrote that barriers and tariffs would «come down» for the «first time.
That outcome may come down to us to spot the warning signs and act.
The main issue with the word doesn’t come down to the fates of celebrities.
It will probably come down a little bit next month, but it’s overall encouraging.
Their divergent seasons had come down, fittingly, to the final match of the year.
This is a company also like 3M that has come down quite a bit.
Feehery emphasized that the election is going to come down to those battleground states.
A boy being told by Yuyuantan Park officials to come down from a tree.
Mr. Dumbai’s aunt had already come down with the same sickness — fever, vomiting, weakness.
» But, he said, «a presidential race cannot come down to one or two comments.
With the addition of «Come Down,» the two parties are obviously an amazing combination.
The problem seems to come down to three main issues: conflicts, drought, and flooding.
And I think that’s the line most of my buddies have come down on.
If the incarceration rate is to come down further, though, it will be necessary.
For Cruz, Rubio’s closest rival, Super Tuesday has come down to one state: Texas.
The CRISPR technique itself is not expensive and has rapidly come down in price.
So many of my feelings about Dragon Quest XI come down to wondering why.
Voting must come down to the results that each voter wants for the country.
The biggest question, however, may come down to this: Does cashierless technology really matter?
And then those screens come down, stored away for use in the next game.
But it will not come down much; the old ones were still $15,000 each.
They have come down the catwalk for designers including Adrian Alicea and Andre Emery.
» And he said, «Why don’t you come down and tell that to my face.
Perhaps with more competition, Dr. Herrmann said, prices for TAVR valves will come down.
If that happens, it will come down to deal-making to form a coalition.
You know, and again, the safety arguments here really all come down to statistics.
Mr. Macron has done well to come down from the heavens to show contrition.
And where it goes from here will come down to the next prime minister.
Lennu, Mr. Niinisto announced, had come down with «dog flu,» worrying his many fans.
That’s still significantly higher than they were, but they’ve come down from the stratosphere.
Total debt has not come down the way Chinese officials hoped a year ago.
PITTSBURGH — The case for Joseph R. Biden Jr. has always come down to Pennsylvania.
Gilmore invited her parents to come down from New Haven and offer political guidance.
I saw a small object come down about 4 feet in front of me.
KRISTALINA GEORGIEVA: Where we come down is in terms of how we set priorities.
He told them another guard was on duty, and called him to come down.
But McDowell speculates that it should come down over the next couple of years.
Prices to us have not gone up, and in some cases, have come down.
It sounds like the way to balance things out will come down to cash.
«This definitely has to come down to the new policy,» Blessinger told BuzzFeed News.
I’d love to see our corporate rates come down, as the White House proposes.
The recovery workers come down for breakfast in their work clothes around 6 a.m.
Any contest of wills would likely come down to a contest of bank accounts.
In the case of a tie, contests can come down to a coin toss.
But does that mean women’s salaries will go up, or men’s will come down?
When that decision does come down, there’s no guarantee that it will overrule Roe.
More zoonotic diseases are expected to come down the pike in the years ahead.
Profits have begun to come down in recent years as wage growth has risen.
Whether Netanyahu qualifies may come down to him holding onto the leadership of Likud.
One soldier who had come down from the mountain with Arif was Kaefe Ahmed.
«It’s been up for six years and it’s time for it to come down
So ultimately, success in a job interview may come down to knowing your audience.
Sledgehammers will be employed, as walls must come down to make a house dreamy.
Every little thing that goes up my perilous staircase has to come down again.
Holland America has said that no one onboard has come down with the virus.
«There’s no doubt that costs are going to continue to come down,» he said.
And that’s good because it is an incentive for system costs to come down.
But it has been two weeks and the barricades need to come down now.
Sussman said all these conflicts come down to communication skills — or a lack thereof.
The future of US-Cuban relations could come down to the upcoming US election.
Nonetheless, the analyst expected levels to inevitably come down, perhaps sooner rather than later.
Silent Sam was not the first Confederate monument to come down in North Carolina.
I had to come down past Westminster, had to take the long way round.
I stood outside to watch it come down and catch a little secondhand smoke.
At a certain point, it does come down to how big the battery is.
Getting unstuck: The fate of the tax credit approach may come down to money.
Juarez climbed on a rooftop, afraid the hillsides were going to come down again.
It’s a solid reminder that what goes up must come down — and vice versa.
The survival of his culture had suddenly come down to a sole, complicated man.
Ultimate struggles come down to the same fundamental question: Whose humanity will we recognize?
Could the price come down as cage-free becomes the norm for the industry?
If that’s what this game has to come down to, so be it. Millimeters.
But adoption could come down to consumers’ confidence in those companies, Meeker’s slides reveal.
Prime Minister Paolo Gentiloni said Italy would come down heavily on anyone promoting violence.
The 22019 year has come down almost 22 basis points since the Fed announcement.
Life onboard the ships come down to a few things: work, eat, sleep, recreation.
«It will all come down to turnout,» Ossoff told his supporters at his rally.
The problem with universal background checks may come down to poor implementation and enforcement.
I was just looking at him, like, Damn, it’s all come down to this.
«If it doesn’t come down by 6 months, it’s not going to come down on its own,» said Dr. Thomas F. Kolon, a pediatric urologist at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia and professor of urology at the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine.
But, as crime continued to come down as we reduced stops, and as it continued to come down during the next administration, to its credit, I now see that we could and should have acted sooner and acted faster to cut the stops.
You can come down in the afternoon—I’ll be here in the morning as usual.
But the bigger question is whether money predicts where leaders will come down on policy.
The potential similarities between then and now don’t just come down to the weather outside.
Sample email: Hi [Manager name], I’ve unfortunately come down with [insert illness or condition here].
Meaning, nobody to yell at me meaning I had to come down from this thing!
Asked whether he is confident the painting will ultimately come down, Ryan said, «I am.»
Share of capital procurement had come down to 18% from 21% during the same period.
Whether you decide to sign up will come down to the channels and content offered.
I’m so amped that I’m ready to come down a bit before I dip out.
When the cost for LEDs started to come down, then it started to make sense.
It’s crucial that you come down to earth as you examine these emotionally charged topics.
She wants me to come down to their office today for a confirmatory blood draw.
EW thinks this category will come down to BlacKkKlansman and If Beale Street Could Talk.
But as they come down, remember that Canopy and Constellation [are] the ones to buy.
Trump’s choice for chief of staff was believed to come down to Priebus and Bannon.
But where do you come down on what he said specifically about the Spygate question.
China’s tech barriers have come down in recent years, especially for homegrown companies expanding abroad.
That’s important for determining how hard Washington will come down on China, according to Kennedy.
Onlookers said the crossing arms didn’t come down until after the train was coming through.
An opinion like that would have come down in the heat of the next election.
At the end of the day, this dance is going to come down to confidence.
Why don’t you just come down to Panama and check it out, as a friend?
You know, and it&aposs all of our business when you come down to it.
She lives another hour or so north of Nanna’s, so she’s come down for brunch.
Cases have come down from the Supreme Court in the context of Guantanamo Bay detainees.
It seems to all come down to how much time and spare cash you have.
The Democratic nomination does not just come down to which candidate gets the most votes.
Also, we don’t know if the company’s numbers can still come down further, he added.
They come down the runway, catch your attention, and every show thereafter features that trend.
«When things crescendo, it’s ultimately going to have to come down a bit,» she says.
But when those come down to community choices, those are made at the council level.
Expansion beyond New York  could come down the line, but nothing is set, Radfar said. 
«If the siding was ever to come down, it’s still the same building,» he said.
A lot of guys keep downgrading the stock and it never seems to come down.
The hope is that the cost will come down over time as production ramps up.
In a speech in Ankara, Erdogan also said he believed rates would come down rapidly.
The final curtain on Rosie’s talk show would come down in the summer of 2002.
But the anti-Confederate momentum seemed to ensure that other memorials would come down soon.
«It’s getting very difficult to get Chinese workers to come down to Florida,» Brad said.
«We all come down here and it’s our city, it’s our second home,» Lopez says.
The nuns were the sisters of Providence, and they had actually come down from Quebec.
Farooq Tirmizi, an analyst, predicts a fight that will come down to «guns versus textbooks».
Property prices have come down since, posting their worst performance since the global financial crisis.
Strategists from both parties think it’ll come down to how suburban voters react to Trump.
Mr Walker attacks his Democratic opponent, Tony Evers, for saying prison numbers should come down.
So, as the tax cost of capital has gone up, business investment has come down.
The Coast Guard convinced them to come down after a standoff that lasted for hours.
It has come down, but not low enough to be able to pull the trigger.
«It’s going to come down to the public seeing something, seeing her or seeing him.»
I feel like I’m always taking even money on things that come down to fate.
The series opens with Sylvan Esso’s, «Come Down» which sounds like a beautiful, whispered curse.
«To see a pylon come down like papier-mâché is an incredible thing,» he said.
«I think it’s more likely to come down to the Medicare Advantage issue,» Newshel said.
I think it’s fun for us to come down here and get a little revenge.
Far-right extremism surged during the refugee crisis in 2015 and has not come down.
Share of capital procurement had come down to 18% from 21% during the same period.
Borrowing costs have come down and even Greece has been able to tap the markets.
As you come down for the push-up, bring out that hand to the side.
It has come down, but not low enough to be able to pull the trigger.
CNBC Metro 20 The market has come down from a venture capital–funding manic high.
But, as is always the case with Broad City, what goes up must come down.
The answers come down to watches, men’s shirts, and, hilariously, arm hair, as previously theorized.
Our Halloween decorations have yet to come down and sale season is already starting ya’ll!
More companies have jumped in as the cost of lithium-ion batteries has come down.
So, in short: the cost of VR — financial, logistical, and physiological — needs to come down.
Beyond infrastructure spending, it’s not clear where Congress may come down on many critical issues.
Meeting participants appeared to be unanimous in agreeing that it should indeed have come down.
We capped our emissions at 2012 levels, and every year they continue to come down.
But this number might need to come down further as recent shipments have been unremarkable.
So much of notions of disruption come down to the intersection of cool and necessity.
As Frank’s position shows, the issue won’t come down to a predictable Sanders-Clinton divide.
However, Cramer thinks it may have come down so much that it could be intriguing.
Braga Netto said in the last few months some indicators of violence had come down.
If you keep doing the fake news, fake content, your credit rating will come down.
At the highest levels of combat sports, the majority of knockouts come down to fatigue.
It could come down to the US Senate to preserve funding for global family planning.
Once it wears off, and the come down kicks in, it’s a whole other conversation.
Of course, these valuations are volatile and could come down below the $1 billion mark.
Christmas can kind of come down to a fight between a ham and more turkey.
A wall can come down, to create private spaces in an otherwise open studio apartment.
But ad load could «come down meaningfully» after mid-2017, Wehner said at that time.
But it has to come down to how good you are at what you do.
They’ll come down in price after the new models are introduced, so you’ll save money.
According to the Fed’s latest projections, no members think rates should come down that far.
I actually got a bit misty watching that wall of the conference room come down.
He says it’s «heartbreaking» to watch his rigs come down after only a few hours.
» NVIDIA Corp: «NVIDIA has come down to a level where I think you pull it.
«Existing borrowers will benefit, because their rates will come down by that amount,» Njoroge said.
The divergence in pre-earnings and post-earnings volatility may well come down to coincidence.
This Supreme Court case will come down, as so many do, to Justice Anthony Kennedy.
«There’s been some heavy betting, but it’s come down,» said David Lewis at Astec Analytics.
The major differences between these two pairs come down to their resolution, imaging, and soundstage.
Would justices really come down along strict party lines, as they did in Bush v.
It’s all going to come down to turnout: which candidate can better mobilize their base?
Well, there’s no easy answer to that that doesn’t just come down to human panic.
On which side — or sides — will the security forces, Mr. Mugabe’s bedrock support, come down?
«I don’t know how the courts are going to come down on that,» she said.
Trump has loomed large in all three races as they come down to the wire.
As the final barriers to entry come down, many anticipate a flood of new businesses.
Wikipedia has come down emphatically in favor of the free-culture side of the debate.
And Goldman Sachs expects estimates will come down further to about 6% growth in 2020.
American regulators have previously come down hard on entrepreneurs who sold investments using virtual currencies.
«At that point, where do these conglomerates come down on pro-vegan legislation?» he said.
Has the age of smoking initiation come down more rapidly for women than for men?
Investment gains can be volatile, and what goes up can and often does come down.
And as costs come down, more companies gain access to the growing commercial space industry.
Where any line would be drawn on gay civil rights has come down to Kennedy.
Abrams is in a tight race that could come down to a few thousand voters.
This is likely to come down to an interpretative difference in what Trump was demanding.
The GOP race is seen as likely to come down to either former state Sen.
The homes have slowly been going up, but the barriers have not all come down.
The trial could come down to how well they made their argument for the merger.
«The sky will open, the light will come down, celestial choirs will be singing,» Mrs.
The company did not provide an explanation as to why the aircraft had come down.
It will come down to who can and will expend resources to reverse this decision.
«We had a plow come down our street overnight, but it’s impassable again,» she said.
«In the end, it has to come down to the people wanting it,» she said.
Ideally, we’ll get to a point where the cost for electric vehicles has come down.
Their capacities as workers were affected, yet the change had come down from on high.
Public opinion has really come down very firmly on the side of the Windrush migrants.
A lot of it will come down to what some riders choose in the end.
PLEASE BEAR WITH US … as the market price comes down our price will come down.
However, there’s some intriguing potential as the pricing and weight come down in future iterations.
You come down firmly on the capitalist side, but see the need for major changes.
«The grown-ups just aren’t allowed to come down here and do it,» says Johannes.
Manley said «very, very cost conscious» Chinese consumers sat waiting for prices to come down.
Her family pleaded with her as the punishment would come down on all of them.
Until the very end, there’s no way of knowing which decisions will come down when.
Whether it supports or opposes upload filters will come down to every single member’s vote.
About three or four years ago, right around 2015, prices started to come down significantly.
I broke up with him once and that made the emotional abuse come down harder.
The all-important business tax rate will come down to 20 percent from 35 percent.
The primary arguments to kill the act come down to two things: competition and innovation.
Quality, style, fit, and comfort will deliver — so it really does come down to budget.
The matchup could come down to which team gets more from its superstar wide receiver.
Over time, 5G smartphones will surely come down in cost, just like 4G phones did. 
«I knew on Monday that it was going to come down to this,» Tracy said.
«And where I come down is that every single day counts,» the surgeon general continued.
For all I know they’re paying United a bunch of money to come down here.
But that’s why when the IRS catches bullshit, they come down like Lauryn Hill–hard.
Worse, the government, emboldened by the deal, could well come down even harder on them.
We come down looking glamorous, because, as we see it, this is our night out.
Cédric Topical, a 42-year-old baker, had come down from France’s north to demonstrate.
This matchup might come down to which members of the supporting cast provide the most.
«It has merely, I suppose, come down a notch by deciding to cover the nipples.»
It took hours to «come down» from that experience even when there was no contact.
If you were born before 1960, you might have come down with a measles infection.
«Hey, come down to Tony’s,» he says, while air dancers wriggle and piss behind him.
At least 37 more buildings in Saint Jacques were slated to come down, he said.
So it’s not surprising to see shares come down amid a market freefall on Monday.
«Nothing is irreversible: The panels come off and the bars come down,» Ms. Schur said.
MoMA made significant changes to those designs, but the Folk Art Museum did come down.
» Health Catalyst: «Wait for it to come down more because that was our ultimate verdict.
The government’s decision to pursue this case, Toren says, may come down to two factors.
That’s the fundamental trade-off, and where you come down turns on what you value.
«Please come down to the front desk and bring your luggage,» a woman’s voice commanded.
«Come down into the boat,» he says suggestively to Antony after the two unexpectedly kiss.
A rapidly escalating outbreak has plateaued, and come down faster than would have been expected.
It could come down to identifying a sewn seam versus a bonded or taped one.
But both are planning to come down, at least temporarily, in Virginia later this month.
Ultimately, such a decision would come down to the 424 lawmakers in the state legislature. 
The corporate tax rate would come down to 15 percent, from 2003 percent, he promised.
And those costs are going to continue to come down as we develop the technology.
Sometimes, at night, the stars come down to the horizon almost all the way around.
When that happens, it will all come down to who’s sitting in those nine seats.
A whole lot of investor confidence would come down particularly at the SME, manufacturing level.
If one company has its way, the cloud is about to come down to earth.
It may come down to our brain&aposs reward center, and specifically, the neurotransmitter dopamine.
Tell whomever it belongs to that they need to come down to get yelled at.
The contest may come down to the student vote, which helped Mr Western last time.
«It will come down to cost and what providers will pay for,» Dr. Novelli said.
We knew it might come down to the final minutes and then maybe to overtime.
But if they only end up capping the deduction, rates won’t come down very much.
It will all come down, most likely, to the outcome of U.S.-China trade talks.
We have the knowledge that communism doesn’t win, and the Berlin Wall does come down.
Although the interior scaffolding at Chartres has come down, this is only a temporary measure.
Now, my take is very clear here: let ’em come down and then buy ’em.
It’s not the biggest discount, but this product doesn’t come down in price very often.
In time, prices will come down, screens will get stronger, and devices will get thinner.
Here, Ms. Terror allows herself to come down from all the highs she’s chasing elsewhere.
They had just done a twirl, and she hadn’t yet quite come down to earth.
Tolls on bridges in the outer boroughs — including the Verrazano and Triborough — would come down.
Both past-due loans and non-accrual loans have come down over the past year.
That means President Trump’s promise to repeal Obamacare could come down to one issue: abortion.
Sir Isaac Newton’s Law of Universal Gravity states that what goes up must come down.
Israel said the results come down to one central factor: «It’s all turnout,» he said.
«But with the remuneration changes, what they can afford has also come down,» he added.
I think I ultimately come down on the side of affirming the appellate court decision.
«If they come down hard on the defendants, they will deter future whistleblowers,» said Maus.
The answer will most likely come down to the price tags for Strasburg and Cole.
When it does come down to cost, the impact of the storm could be devastating.
While they have come down, his actions are not the reason insurers are lowering premiums.
And so it leans more toward that than, let’s come down and crank out 3s.
But it’s not clear exactly how the Nebraska delegation as a whole will come down.
» The culprit may come down to declining housing affordability, he said, which is the «No.
When that capacity is in place, «then the cost will automatically come down,» he predicted.
FHN’s capital levels will come down from current levels as a result of the transaction.
I’m not bringing the kids, my wife is going to come down and some family.
Company valuations will come down as the cost of acquisition financing goes up, Baratta said.
Whether the plant proceeds will probably come down to how it will be paid for.
«You could tell Mr. Boyd made the decision to come down the mountain,» Sandy said.
Analysts say the final decision is likely to come down to London and New York.
«Kobe, Kobe, Kobe, hey Kobe, come down here a sec,» one of the detectives said.
Between 2003 and 2012, sugar consumption in adults and kids has come down a bit.
Christie should come down here and get in his fishing waders and live my life.
«They tend to come down faster and harder,» Miller said of those types of stocks.
Tim was then running for governor, and I was asked to come down and campaign.
The answer will come down to how much Washington is willing to pay, he said.
If you happen to come down with malaria, there’s a widely believed treatment for that.
Depending on which is the organizing principle of politics, the coalitions would come down differently.
Ford told Reuters that ultimately, self-driving cars will come down to trust by customers.
» Benioff adds, «He’s a very strong-willed person, he didn’t come down there to bend the knee, he didn’t come down there to join her in her fight against Cersei — none of that matters at this point; all that matters is fighting the dead.
«The cash market is where innovation increases and prices come down,» Reitano said, noting that costs for services like Lasik eye surgery and cosmetic procedures continue to come down because they’re not covered by health insurance and patients pay out of their own pockets.
«20173 has been a difficult year, prices have come down, sales have come down, and I think ’19 and ’20 are going to be also not easy years,» Hussain Sajwani, chairman of Dubai real estate heavyweight DAMAC Properties told CNBC’s Hadley Gamble on Wednesday.
Where you come down on that fact is, of course, entirely a matter of personal preference.
«The performance of wells continues to look very encouraging, costs continue to come down,» he said.
China’s started to come down in the 13s and declined steadily, flattening out in recent years.
The two main caveats for me come down to the weight of the scooter and safety.
China’s started to come down in the 1990s and declined steadily, flattening out in recent years.
They have already come down and will probably continue to slide for the next few quarters.
You can look, there’ve been tech leaders throughout history that have come down on this side.
In that, the bass gets raised, and it’s noticeable, and the drumbeats can come down hard.
Expectations for fourth-quarter earnings have come down a lot over the last month or two.
Some have argued the decision could come down to Tatel, who Bill Clinton appointed in 1994.

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