Sentences with the word clumsy

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Each had some clumsy issue after another.

У каждого был какой-нибудь неуклюжий вопрос один за другим.

Today’s children are not really the ‘clumsy kinds’ around the kitchen.

Сегодняшние дети не очень-то неуклюжий видов на кухне.

I’ve been’s say clumsy with family matters.

Я всегда был, скажем так, неловок в семейных делах.

I am inert, inefficient, and clumsy.

Я безынициативен, нерасторопен, неловок. А также робок, Людмила Прокофьевна.

Faith, which was so full of life-affirming, clumsy and purblind XIX century.

Веры, которой был так исполнен оптимистический, неповоротливый и подслеповатый XIX век.

She still clumsy sheep and no beauty can not hide it.

Она всё равно неуклюжая овца, и никакой салон красоты не способен это скрыть.

Very rarely dancers are clumsy and unwieldy.

Действительно, очень редко танцоры бывают неуклюжими и неповоротливыми.

They are excellent swimmers, despite their, seemingly clumsy and ungainly body.

Также ехидны являются отличными пловцами, несмотря на свое, с виду неуклюжее и неповоротливое тело.

His movements were not slow or clumsy, just heavier.

Его движения были не то чтобы медленными или неуклюжими, а какими то тяжелыми.

Whatever it is contradictory, clumsy and unstable.

Какой бы она не была противоречивой, неуклюжей и нестабильной.

You know I inherited Mom’s slow, clumsy thumbs.

Ты же знаешь, что я унаследовал мамины медленные и неуклюжие пальцы.

Fortunately, Rusty, although clumsy, can handle problems.

К счастью, Расти, хотя и неуклюж, может справиться со многими проблемами.

The laws were clear and simple, the mechanical interpretations clumsy and contradictory.

Законы эти — ясны и просты; механистическое истолкование их — неуклюже и непоследовательно.

Avoid using pop-ups on mobile pages because it becomes quite clumsy to close these pop-ups on a mobile device.

Избегайте использования всплывающих окон на мобильных страницах, потому что закрывать эти всплывающие окна на мобильном устройстве становится довольно неуклюжим.

But events on the ground were moving faster than the clumsy wheels of diplomacy.

Но события на местах развивались быстрей, чем скрипели неуклюжие колеса дипломатии.

Their clumsy and awkward economy, which could never overcome its own difficulties by itself, is continually getting material and technological assistance.

Их неуклюжая и неловкая экономика, которая никогда не могла преодолеть собственные трудности самостоятельно, постоянно получает материальную и технологическую помощь.

It was a clumsy situation, but I desperately didn’t want my own feelings to overshadow their happy news.

Это была неуклюжая ситуация, но я отчаянно не хотел, чтобы мои собственные чувства затмевали их счастливые новости.

But about the novelistic aspect, you know, I am clumsy.

Но что касается беллетристического аспекта — знаете, я неуклюж.

Prosecutors interpret the law in such a clumsy manner that now any non-government professional are a potential problem for government bodies.

Прокуратура так неуклюже толкует закон, что теперь и любые негосударственные профессионалы — потенциальная проблема для органов власти.

At this point we might realize that our clumsy attempt to wear a mask has all along been pointless.

В этот момент мы можем осознать, что наши неуклюжие попытки натянуть на себя маску всегда были бессмысленными.

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clumsy — перевод на русский


I am very clumsy.

Я такой неуклюжий.

I’m just clumsy!

Я просто неуклюжий!

How clumsy.

Я такой неуклюжий.

You are really clumsy.

Какой вы неуклюжий.

This man is so clumsy!

Какой ты неуклюжий!

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You’re the most deliciously clumsy of women.

Ты — самая прелестно неловкая девушка на свете.

I’m so clumsy…

Я такая неловкая…

You clumsy woman!

Ты неловкая женщина!

I’m so clumsy lately.

Я такая неловкая в последнее время!

Fucking clumsy cunt!

Проклятая неловкая дурёха!

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— More like you’re clumsy.

— Ну ты и растяпа.

There you go, clumsy.

Держи, растяпа.

Oh, that was clumsy.

Ой, какая я растяпа.

Got a black eye because she’s so clumsy, she walked into a wall.

Синяк под глазом, потому что она такая растяпа, что в стену врезалась.

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My husband says I’m clumsy. He’s right.

Муж говорит, что я неповоротливая.

She’s clumsy and sprains her ankle often.

Она неповоротливая и все время подворачивает ногу

Clumsy, slow, lacking energy.

Неповоротливая, медленная, не хватает энергии.

Your style is plodding, clumsy.

Ваш стиль — неповоротливый и тяжелый.

You’re clumsy, you eat too much, and you behave like a 12-year-old boy.

Ты неповоротливый, ты слишком много ешь, и ведешь себя, как 12-летний мальчик.

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You clumsy little fool.

Безрукая маленькая идиотка!

Oh, clumsy girl, did i just erase the last number?

Ох, безрукая девочка, неужели я и вправду удалила последний номер?

Clumsy girl.

Безрукая девица.

Clumsy as always, and twice as dim.

Как обычно, безрукая и вдвое глупее.

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— No, I’m too clumsy.

— Во всем виновата моя неуклюжесть.

How clumsy of you.

Какая неуклюжесть.

It also means that I can’t tell her that I’m pissed when she’s so fucking clumsy that she spills wine over my house guest.

Но ещё я не могу объяснить, как меня злит её ебучая неуклюжесть, и проливание вина на гостя.

— Thank you. Just clumsy.

Просто неуклюжесть.

She might have fired it and hurt someone. But you’re not clumsy, are you? And yet you dropped it.

Вас в неуклюжести не обвинишь.

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It’s my fault for being so clumsy, about everything.

Я был таким грубым во всем.

They are fishy. They’re dumb, clumsy, obvious people.

Они тупые, грубые люди.

They’re clumsy.

Они… они грубые.

It’s transparent, and it’s clumsy.

Все прозрачно и грубо.

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— And I want to apologize for seeming clumsy.

Я хочу извиниться за неловкость.

But there are only cruel and clumsy meetings between you.

Но между вами только жестокость и неловкость.

— You were banished for being clumsy?

— Тебя изгнали за неловкость?

— Err… so clumsy.

— Нет… Твоя неловкость.

A pox upon me for a clumsy lout.

Прошу простить меня за неловкость.

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You’re always so clumsy, Atuat.

Ты всегда такая нескладная, Атуат.

Always straightforward… just a little clumsy.

Любовь Тсуру к Эри так и осталась прежней. Всегда двигаясь вперед… немножко нескладная.

I always look so clumsy, somehow.

Я всегда получаюсь как-то нескладно.

A bit clumsy for my taste.

Нескладно, на мой взгляд.

Cowardly, stupid, longing to be loved, clumsy, and in need of comforting.

трусливый, глупый, жаждущий любви, нескладный, нуждающийся в утешении.

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You clumsy idiot.

Ты невоспитанный идиот.

This must be my friend’s What a clumsy guy he is…

Это…моего приятеля Какой он невоспитанный…

Roger the clumsy alien!

«Роджер — невоспитанный инопланетянин»?

-You really are clumsy. -BARBARA:

-Вы действительно невоспитанная.

Guess I’m clumsy like he wrote in the book.

Похоже, я действительно невоспитан, как он и описывал в своей книге.

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About 1893 results found using ‘CLUMSY’. Source: ‘Daily Use’.

  • Cole is on hand with a slightly clumsy challenge but the ball falls to Derdiyok.  (open, save, copy)

  • Vainglorious and clumsy, the new titles at least achieve a certain hybrid vigor.  (open, save, copy)

  • Many Taliban operatives are just as clumsy when suicide is not part of the plan.  (open, save, copy)

  • Such notions are lost, however, amid clumsy plotting and sanctimonious dialogue.  (open, save, copy)

  • Palmerton keeps a close eye on his class, watching for mistakes or clumsy moves.  (open, save, copy)

  • Despite a somewhat clumsy and unsatisfying plot, this is going to be a huge hit.  (open, save, copy)

  • This is a heavy and clumsy solution, suited only to small-to-medium sized ships.  (open, save, copy)

  • Tsubasa Tsubame, a clumsy and shy girl, transfers into Ibuki and Yoichi’s class.  (open, save, copy)

  • Now, thanks to a clumsy move by Microsoft itself, Linux adoption could quicken.  (open, save, copy)

Define ‘clumsy’:

    1. Awkward in movement or in handling things
    2. Done awkwardly or without skill or elegance
    3. Difficult to handle or use; unwieldy
    4. Lacking social skills and graces

Web Definitions for ‘clumsy’:

  1. Gawky: lacking grace in movement or posture; «a gawky lad with long ungainly legs»; «clumsy fingers»; «what an ungainly creature a giraffe is»; «heaved his unwieldy figure out of his chair» [source]
  2. Awkward: not elegant or graceful in expression; «an awkward prose style»; «a clumsy apology»; «his cumbersome writing style»; «if the rumor is true, can anything be more inept than to repeat it now?» [source]
  3. Awkward: difficult to handle or manage especially because of shape; «an awkward bundle to carry»; «a load of bunglesome paraphernalia»; «clumsy wooden shoes»; «the cello, a rather ungainly instrument for a girl» [source]
  4. Bungling: showing lack of skill or aptitude; «a bungling workman»; «did a clumsy job»; «his fumbling attempt to put up a shelf» [source]
  5. (clumsily) in a clumsy manner; «he snatched the bills clumsily» [source]
  6. (clumsiness) awkwardness: unskillfulness resulting from a lack of training [source]
  7. (clumsiness) awkwardness: the carriage of someone whose movements and posture are ungainly or inelegant [source]
  8. Clumsy is the title of Canadian alternative rock band Our Lady Peace’s second studio album, released on January 23, 1997 by Columbia Records. The album is the band’s most successful to date, achieving diamond status in Canada (1,000,000 units sold) and strong sales in other countries. … [source]
  9. Clumsy is the major label debut album from the American band, Samiam. Released in 1994 on Atlantic Records, Clumsy is Samiam’s fourth studio album. The band gained critical recognition for the album and landed a slot opening for Bad Religion on the Stranger Than Fiction tour. [source]

Synonyms for ‘clumsy’:


  • awkward
    , maladroit
    , ungainly
    , gawky
    , gauche
    , unwieldy
    , hulking
    , heavy-handed
    , uncouth
    , unhandy
    , unskilful

Native speakers pronounce  ‘clumsy’:

«Clumsy» is a song recorded by American singer and rapper Fergie for her debut studio album, The Dutchess (2006). (Wikipedia) (See all definitions)

He’s clumsy, though, and easily frightened, and when he finds himself incapable of killing a mammalian vermin (Jack Bright), he unwittingly causes the death of his father.


Because of its giant size, the breed can become really clumsy, and very slow to mature both physically and mentally.


That’s an expensive and clumsy way to read comics; the paradigm has shifted, but the manga publishers haven’t responded.


There are many things about this paper that cause me to think there are problems, clumsy wording and long long claims.


Its one stand-out feature — long battery life — is great, but it’s not enough to put up with the below-average performance, clumsy design, old software, or mediocre camera.


A year later, Swanberg travels to New York on business and reconnects with Gerwig, in a series of clumsy encounters where neither knows what role they’re supposed to play.


Either way, you come across clumsy and unprofessional if you unknowingly lift someone else’s solution.


Last week, an open letter made the rounds from a developer who wanted to make apps for the PlayBook, but was appalled by how terrible and clumsy the experience is.


But in time I came to feel a kinship with him as we braved Impire’s clumsy micromanagement in search of hard-won glory.


The heavenly device was a bit clumsy although it answered how Dinah didn’t fully die after seeing «the light.»


The gestures are fumbling, tentative, and clumsy: Where do I put my hand?


Busy, curious, and appropriately clumsy little hands typically create food messes of the alternately marvelous and maddening variety.


Yet in his own way, which is at times crowded and quite clumsy (like placing Baziotes» «Mariner,» 1960 — 61, as the final painting in the show), Anfam continues to press the presence of women and outliers Mark Tobey (West Coast), Norman Lewis (African-American), Bradley Tomlin (homosexual), and photographers Barbara Morgan, Aaron Siskind, and Minor White.


The painting is was worth $ 130 million, so is this poor, clumsy woman now on the hook for $ 65 million in damages?


A veterinary assistant can provide helpful tips on how to secure the collar properly and offer advice on how to get your dog through this shameful experience (he does look silly and clumsy with a big cone on his head).


However, its execution is a little clumsy — flicking up and down in obvious increments rather than doing so smoothly.


Each artwork is already covered with UV glass (there are also no records of art recently being damaged by clumsy MPs or staff).


He’s a bit clumsy, which leads Jim’s dad (David Morse) to be a bit skeptical.


Fun seems like a clumsy word to describe a film trading in themes such as female empowerment and disaffected youth.


That statement doesn’t make up for the ridiculously clumsy sentence seen in the promo, but after wearing it I get the gist.


9876543210 as a success, masterfully drawing sentiment from poignant (though sometimes clumsy) words, moodily lit pixels and brooding, bubbling music.


In Heavy Nova «s case, they’d incorporated clumsy platforming levels in the single-player mode; with Revengers, they’d go with RPG, and hey, why not add a little shoot -»em — up as well?


The at times clumsy controls and simplistic graphics just go to show that Skyrim VR isn’t the best way to actually play Skyrim.


Even when traveling on twisty roads, the Rogue does not feel clumsy.


However, it was certainly a clumsy effort from the official, and it’s fair to say that Fabregas probably didn’t appreciate it…


Considering both its size and weight the M760 doesn’t embarrass itself in the bends, unless you get clumsy.


The combat feels clumsy and part of it is due to the controls.


Partially this is due to the slightly awkward, clumsy nature of the mechanics, creating a false sense of difficulty at times, but largely it’s because enemies attacks are swift and groups of foes can overwhelm you without mercy.


Other works are altogether more playful: one shows not bats but a pair of beetles in clumsy combat.


You’ll be clumsy when you begin, watching helplessly as a graceful Legiana freezes you and buffets you off a cliff, but fight more and you’ll soon be severing tails, breaking off scaly armour for valuable rewards, before watching your prey limp away, indicating you’re close to the kill.


Despite being a little clumsy, he loves to play with his laser light toy.


Combined with a firmer spring and damper setup, the weight balance helps keep the heavier 500 from feeling clumsy in the curves.


It’s definitely made a difference in how clumsy I tend to be, and best of all it (like all the other oils) is fragrance free


She was extremely «clumsy» as if she didn’t know she had legs underneath her.


Son had already appealed for a penalty, after being brought down by a clumsy challenge from Terence Kongolo, when Spurs responded to Ince’s effort by almost immediately scoring their second goal and securing all three points.


Schumacher had a clumsy first lap, spinning at the second chicane and dropping to the back.


One other person is always more than enough, when you believe that that person will listen to you until you run out of things to say, when you trust that that person will wait for as long as it takes for you to understand why you are the way you are, when you realize that that person will always impute the best of motives to your actions, however clumsy you feel inside.


I’m way too clumsy and would somehow manage to have the other shirts at my knees.


Lexus has ditched its «haptic» mouse-like single-point controller, replacing it with a touch-pad, which is a bit clumsy to use.


This — whilst not exactly executed to a satisfactory degree — actually works better than its big brothers often clumsy combat.


You’ll see the game’s final twist coming from a mile away, but it’s still fairly well-handled, a stark contrast to the extremely clumsy opening.


While this would be a typically acceptable video game trope, being a robotic T-Rex with the ability to bite and slash and breath fire is more clumsy than… omgwtfamazing.


Quite frankly I want Jenkinson nowhere near the first team, the guy might try hard but he is far too flat footed for a full back and clumsy at times.


But if you are going to a meeting without a backpack or briefcase, it is a bit clumsy to carry the two pieces.


Only through a clumsy and playful trial of errors can Anders shake his Euro-centric assumptions and embrace their snow-covered way of life.


Drove all the American muscle, very big and clumsy.


Great Dane puppies are also a bit clumsy and aloof, so supervising playtime in a safe outdoor area on soft grass or dirt is always good advice to follow.


They seemed to position these pushes like suggestions, but their attempts were clumsy.


Pseudo-hologram is too clumsy, maybe something like polygram.


A better understanding of climate communication may help us to progress towards what Verweij and colleagues call «clumsy institutions,» that is, «arrangements in which none of the voices -LSB-…] is excluded, and in which the contestation is harnessed to constructive, if noisy, argumentation.»


неуклюжий, неловкий, неповоротливый, топорный, грубый, мешковатый, аляповатый


- неуклюжий, неповоротливый

clumsy fingers — неуклюжие /неловкие/ пальцы
clumsy person — неуклюжий человек, увалень
clumsy landing — ав. неудачная посадка

- грубый, топорный

clumsy furniture — неуклюжая /топорная/ мебель
clumsy shoes — неудобные туфли
clumsy forgery — грубая фальшивка

- грубый, неизящный, топорный (о стиле, слоге)

clumsy verse — неуклюжий /нескладный/ стих
clumsy speech — нескладная речь

- грубый, бестактный

clumsy joke — неуместная /нелепая/ шутка

Мои примеры


clumsy as a cub bear handling his prick — крайне неловкий; неуклюжий  
clumsy child syndrome — синдром неуклюжего ребёнка  
clumsy gait — ковыляющая походка; неуклюжая походка  
clumsy movements — неуклюжесть движений  
clumsy phrasing — неудачно сформулированное положение; неудачная формулировка  
clumsy ship — плохо управляемый корабль  
clumsy walk — тяжёлый шаг  
clumsy wing — крыло грубой формы  
clumsy wording — нескладная формулировка; неудачная формулировка  
it is a shame he is so clumsy — жаль, что он так неловок  

Примеры с переводом

She made a clumsy attempt at a joke.

Она сделала неуклюжую попытку пошутить.

I have very clumsy hands and tend to drop things.

Я очень неуклюжий, и постоянно всё роняю.

I felt clumsy, shy and awkward at the party.

На вечеринке я чувствовал себя каким-то неповоротливым, робким и неуклюжим.

I’m sorry about spilling your wine — that was very clumsy of me.

Прости, что пролил твоё вино — это было очень неуклюже с моей стороны.

I can’t picture him skiing. He’s so clumsy!

Я не могу представить, как он катается на лыжах. Он такой неуклюжий!

Her clumsy attempt to cut the cake was the cause of much mirth.

Её неуклюжая попытка разрезать торт вызвала много веселья.

David made a clumsy attempt to comfort us.

Давид сделал неловкую попытку нас успокоить.

Tim was a clumsy boy, always bumping into the furniture.

Тим был неуклюжим мальчиком, постоянно натыкающимся на мебель.

You clumsy galoot!

Медведь ты неуклюжий!

The press caricatured him as clumsy and forgetful.

Журналисты изображали его неуклюжим и забывчивым.

Возможные однокоренные слова

clumsiness  — неуклюжесть, неловкость, топорность
clumsily  — неуклюже, грубо, топорно

Формы слова

срав. степ. (comparative): clumsier
прев. степ. (superlative): clumsiest

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