Sentences with the word charming

These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.


Remember, extremely friendly and charming.

Clean-cut, charming, very handsome.

Not to mention stylish and charming and incredibly handsome.

Не говоря уже о том, что элегантный, обаятельный и невероятно привлекательный.

Maxim — a charming and successful sculptor.

О фильме: Максим — обаятельный и успешный скульптор.

All of them are charming girls.

Although many sociopaths can be extremely charming, they harbor strong antisocial inclinations.

Несмотря на то, что многие социопаты могут быть очень обаятельны, у них сильные антисоциальные наклонности.

I shall find some other charming lady with green eyes who appreciates my taste.

Я постараюсь найти для нее другую очаровательную леди с зелеными глазами, которая сумеет оценить мой вкус».

She can be as charming as unexpectedly stubborn and impulsive.

Она может быть как очаровательной, так и неожиданно упрямой и импульсивной.

People like him can be charming, dynamic.

Такие люди, как он, могут быть очаровательными, общительными…

For finding you such a charming nurse.

She was smart, charming, multi-lingual.

Она была умна, очаровательна и владела несколькими языками.

Please remember me to your charming mother.

Пожалуйста, передайте от меня привет ваше очаровательной матушке.

And what charming underclothes you both have.

You need energy to be charming.

Давай, тебе нужна энергия, чтобы быть обаятельным.

I thought you were engaging and charming.

Snakes used in snake charming performances respond to movement, not sound.

Змеи, используемые в змеиных очаровательных спектаклях, реагируют на движение, а не звук.

They were after all, very charming people.

В конце концов, они были на редкость обаятельными людьми.

Being charming means being simple and funny.

Быть обаятельной — это значит быть простой и весёлой.

I tightly pressed this charming fluffy creature to myself and from…

Я крепко прижала это очаровательное пушистое существо к себе и с этой минуты почти…

I never thought I was beautiful or charming.

Я никогда не слышал, что я красивая или обаятельная.

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Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word charming, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use charming in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «charming».

Charming in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word charming in a sentence.

  1. Ebert said Allen gives Marion a charming toughness.

  2. He, in turn, was at his most charming, says Hichens.

  3. Vladimir Yazdovsky wrote, «Laika was quiet and charming ..

  4. He would probably have made of it a charming light English opera.

  5. In July 1939, Walter Allen introduced Manning to the charming Marxist R.

  6. Her portraits of the first Hackett babies were charming studies of childhood.

  7. The interior is charming and richly detailed, making full use of the tight space.

  8. I find him charming, and go to bed happier than I have ever done yet in my life ..

  9. His 1894 Romance for violin and piano was praised as «a charming, musicianly work».

  10. Foss as «a work of art, a charming and penetrating study of a musical poet’s mind».

  11. Gunnar Wingård, a popular and charming actor, was also the subject of public grief.

  12. In public, Alexandra was dignified and charming; in private, affectionate and jolly.

  13. His batting is true to himself, charming and good mannered but reliant and thoughtful.».

  14. Fleder said of his behavior, «I have to admit, I’m not the most charming guy on the set.

  15. Herbert Sutcliffe said he could be charming when not playing, but his wit could be sharp.

  16. Mapleson thought her «one of the most charming vocalists it has been my pleasure to know».

  17. By this time, he had built a reputation as a charming student, sometimes prone to misbehavior.

  18. They wrote, «Chris Carter the writer has come up with something playful and light and charming.

  19. Also after a point you dislike visualizing the charming actress as the moustached male player».

  20. Marmontel said of him «A charming child, a truly artistic temperament; much can be expected of him».

  21. The New York American review was similarly positive, describing it as «a light but charming comedy».

  22. Max Beerbohm, who was in a later audience, said «Isn’t Marie Lloyd charming and sweet in the pantomime?

  23. Reviewer Takurō Yamaguchi gave the film an 85% rating, and found the treatment of its subject charming.

  24. In the dream, Betty is successful, charming, and lives the fantasy life of a soon-to-be-famous actress.

  25. Aubrey’s critics acknowledged that he could be charming and went to great lengths to please performers.

  26. Plutarch described Cleopatra as having had a stronger personality and charming wit than physical beauty.

  27. Birds commonly seen in the park include the common raven and the western meadowlark, known for its charming song.

  28. Critics have called the book candid, sincere, and charming, with insightful commentary if occasionally flat stories.

  29. He could be charming and witty or ruthless and harsh, while many people who knew him believed him to be innately shy.

  30. Elisabeth Dhanens describes it as «the most charming, delicate and appealing work by Jan van Eyck that has survived».

  31. His friends and colleagues described him as charming, well-mannered, and thoughtful, with a lively boyish sense of humor.

  32. The Bennet sisters also meet the handsome and charming soldier, Lieutenant Wickham, who is connected to the Darcy family.

  33. His charming, intelligent, and cultured cousin Emma Wedgwood, nine months older than Darwin, was nursing his invalid aunt.

  34. They write that he is articulate, charming, and at ease in front of the public, as well as in television and radio studios.

  35. Beatty described Pelly at the time as «a very charming person and, what is more important just now, a very efficient officer».

  36. I have been searching for two years for a home in the country and the site is the most beautiful and charming I have ever seen».

  37. Delius’s first orchestral compositions were, in Christopher Palmer’s words, the work of «an insipid if charming water-colourist».

  38. In his autobiography, Mandela noted that his first wife «was a very good woman, charming, strong and faithful, and a fine mother.

  39. The features, which conferred «a charming, boyish quality», could sometimes convey that Todd was less dangerous than he actually was.

  40. The Relapse even alludes to their real-life relationship, in meta-jokes such as Berinthia’s exclamation, «Well, he is a charming man!

  41. Rita goes from job to job and from relationship to relationship, hoping that «my charming prince was going to appear out of the blue».

  42. Bill O’Reilly stated that he disliked Jardine at the time of Bodyline, but on meeting him later found him agreeable and even charming.

  43. Wisden described him as a «cricketer of remarkable powers» who batted with «a charming skill, coolness, thoughtfulness and certainty».

  44. Rawley noted that Sarah Polk’s grace, intelligence and charming conversation helped compensate for her husband’s often austere manner.

  45. Vanity Fair thought that «the music in the piece itself is charming throughout, and promises for the first time a rival to Offenbach…

  46. When he arrives at Bly, Ann finds Miles to be charming, and although he does not explain what happened at school, she does not push him.

  47. All the things that have recently been said about Oliver that she was beautiful, intelligent, charming could also be said about the work.

  48. Although he lacked Aeschines’ charming voice and Demades’ skill at improvisation, he made efficient use of his body to accentuate his words.

  49. In Hawaii, Rosenberg was known for his long white beard and his personality, which was described by those who knew him as charming and witty.

  50. In a retrospective review, Sputnikmusic’s Channing Freeman named it as one of the few albums that can be charming and powerful at the same time.

Synonyms for charming

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word charming has the following synonyms: magic, magical, sorcerous, witching, wizard, wizardly, supernatural and pleasing.

General information about «charming» example sentences

The example sentences for the word charming that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «charming» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «charming».

Sentences with the word Charming?



  • «a country life of arcadian contentment»; «a pleasant bucolic scene»; «charming in its pastoral setting»; «rustic tranquility»
  • «endowed with charming manners»; «a charming little cottage»; «a charming personality»
  • «charming incantations»; «magic signs that protect against adverse influence»; «a magical spell»; «’tis now the very witching time of night»- Shakespeare; «wizard wands»; «wizardly powers»
  • «a charming Oriental fluidity of manner»; «a certain fluidness in his perception of time made him an unpredictable colleague»; «demographers try to predict social fluidity»
  • «a charming but thoroughly insincere woman»; «their praise was extravagant and insincere»
  • «some words in her dialect had a charming quaintness»
  • «a charming host without any touch of stiffness or pomposity»
  • «he is suavely charming and all the ladies love him»
  • «a vibrant group that challenged the system»; «a charming and vivacious hostess»; «a vivacious folk dance»

1, To forgive our enemies is a charming way of revenge. 

2, She describes him as urbane and charming.

3, She’s a very charming and very pretty girl.

4, It was a charming piece of music.

5, Her charming face was framed with raven hair.

6, The village is charming and the surrounding scenery superb.

7, He is polished, charming, articulate and an excellent negotiator.

8, Fundamentally, women like him for his sensitivity and charming vulnerability.

9, A smile is the most charming part of a person forever.

10, I think he’s the most charming, most considerate man I’ve ever known.

11, They live in a charming house in the shadow of the cathedral.

12, Beneath his confident and charming exterior, lurked a mass of insecurities.

13, He’s a charming rogue.

14, Your smile is charming.

15, He was a charming mixture of glum and glee.

16, What a charming young man!

17, They live in a charming old cottage.

18, He was gifted with a charming smile.

19, He was charming and urbane, full of witty conversation.

20, They found him to be charming.

21, She looked small and gentle and altogether charming.

22, She had married a charming but rather vague Englishman.

23, To begin with he was Prince Charming.

24, The hotel has a charming roof garden.

25, He can be charming to his friends.

26, He’s a bit of a rogue,[] but very charming.

27, Beneath her charming exterior lies a very determined woman.

28, This brings a birthday message especially to say how much I love you and you are as young and charming in my calendar as before,and the extra year seems indeed to have improved your looks and grace.

29, Happy birthday to my sweetheart who is always so charming and good-looking.

30, In striking contrast to their brothers, the girls were both intelligent and charming.

очаровательный, обаятельный, прелестный


- очаровательный, обаятельный, прелестный

charming girl — очаровательная девушка
charming smile — обаятельная улыбка
what a charming idea! — какая чудесная мысль!
that would be charming of you — это было бы очень мило с вашей стороны

Мои примеры


a charming little café by the sea — милая кафешка у моря  
a talk show host who is known for charming her guests with disingenuous flattery — ведущая ток-шоу, которая известна тем, что очаровывает гостей своей неискренней лестью  
a charming Oriental fluidity of manner — очаровательная восточная плавность манер  
a charming but thoroughly insincere woman — очаровательная, но совершенно неискренняя женщина  
a charming host without any touch of stiffness or pomposity — обаятельный хозяин, без какого-либо намёка на чопорность или напыщенность  
a house with a charming entourage of trees and flowers — дом в милом окружении деревьев и цветов  
a prince charming — сказочный принц  
charming personality — харизматическая личность; притягательная личность; харизматическая  
have a charming appearance — иметь очаровательную наружность; иметь очаровательную внешность  
she is a more charming edition of her sister — она вылитая сестра но ещё более очаровательна  
you are charming — вы обаятельны  
prince charming — дамский угодник  

Примеры с переводом

She is charming to everyone.

Она со всеми любезна.

It was charming to watch them.

Наблюдать за ними было сплошным удовольствием.

His charming voice wafted on my ear.

Его чарующий голос донёсся до моих ушей.

Harry can be very charming.

Гарри бывает очень обаятельным.

The charming bride outbraved all.

Очаровательная невеста затмевала всех своей красотой.

She became so vivacious, so debonair, so charming.

Она была так жизнерадостна, так обходительна, так мила.

He imagines himself to be a charming conversationalist.

Он воображает, будто он приятный собеседник.

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Примеры, ожидающие перевода

The houses are grouped together in a charming tableau.

Snake charming is always fascinating and at times mystifying.

…a charming man who had no problem winning women’s hearts…

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Возможные однокоренные слова

charm  — очарование, шарм, обаяние, чары, брелок, очаровывать, заколдовывать, прельщать
charmer  — чаровница, волшебник, чародейка, очаровательный
charms  — чары
charmed  — очарованный, заколдованный
charmful  — колдовской, магический
charmless  — непривлекательный, неприглядный, некрасивый, не располагающий к себе

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