Sentences with the word caring

заботиться, ухаживать, беспокоиться, тревожиться, питать интерес, иметь желание


- внимательный, заботливый
- относящийся к социальной помощи

Мои примеры


a free clinic on caring for roses — бесплатный семинар по уходу за розами  
caring lipstick — гигиеническая губная помада  
caring function — функция ухода  
go beyond caring — перестать заботиться  
stop caring — разлюбить  

Примеры с переводом

Deep down, she is a caring person.

В глубине души она заботливый человек.

Jane spent years caring for her sick aunt.

Джейн годами ухаживала за своей больной тёткой.

Arthur was a very gentle, caring person.

Артур был очень нежным, заботливым человеком.

She does some voluntary work caring for the elderly.

Она добровольно помогает ухаживать за престарелыми.

Children need a caring and happy home life.

Дети нуждаются в заботе и счастливой семейной жизни.

I’m past caring about my appearance (=I do not care about it any more).

Моя внешность меня уже не волнует.

Barry’s kind, caring and generous to a fault.

Барри добрый, заботливый и до безобразия щедрый.

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Примеры, ожидающие перевода

…a saintly man who devoted his life to caring for the dying…

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Возможные однокоренные слова

car  — автомобиль, машина, вагон, легковой автомобиль, автомашина, тачка, тележка
carer  — тот, кто ухаживает за больным, инвалидом, пожилым человеком, лицо

caring — перевод на русский


Don’t worry about them, because I can take care of them now.

Не беспокойтесь о них, потому что теперь я позабочусь о них.

Here, I’ll take care of her.

Эй, я позабочусь о ней.

I’ll take care of him myself.

— Я позабочусь о нем сам.

I’ll take care of him.

— Я сам позабочусь о нем.

— I’ll take care of him.

— Я позабочусь о нем.

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I’ll work for him. I’ll take care of him.

Я буду работать для него, заботиться о нем.

I could take care of you, Miss Flaemmchen, if you’d let me.

Я могу заботиться о вас, мисс Флемхен, если вы позволите.

You’re going to be a big boy now and take care of Mumsie, and I’ll be seeing you in a few weeks.

Теперь ты становишься самым старшим в семье и будешь заботиться о мамочке. Мы увидимся через несколько недель.

-A strong fellow should take care of himself.

Такому здоровяку надо заботиться о себе.

You’ve got to figure out how you’re going to take care of her.

Я хочу понять, как вы собираетесь заботиться о ней.

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Who cares what becomes of the likes of me?

Кого волнует, что случится с такой как я?

— But I don’t care.

— Но меня это не волнует.

And I don’t care what happens to your show or to you.

И меня не волнует, что там будет с твоим шоу или с тобой.

But who cares if there’s a plot or not When they’ve got a lot of dames?

Кого волнует , есть сюжет или нет, если в шоу будет много девушек?

I don’t care, really, with you.

Меня это не волнует, на самом деле, с Вами.

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Guys don’t care.

Парням плевать.

I don’t care what nobody says. That man is a patriot.

Мне плевать что говорят остальные.

I don’t care about a factory.

Мне плевать на фабрику.

I don’t care whether you know it or not.

Мне плевать, понимаешь или нет.

I don’t care if he is your son.

Плевать, твой ли он сын.

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— What do you care?

— Какое тебе дело?

They’re already talking about us anyway! They should better care about their own shit!

— Пусть на лезут не в свое дело!

Why the hell should I care?

Какое мне дело?

What the hell do you care?

Тебе-то какое дело?

— I’ll take care of that.

— Это моё дело.

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Would you care to see them?

Не хотите взглянуть, мадам?

— I don’t care what you wear. For a circus pony, it’s all right.

Хотите выглядеть, как цирковой пони — я не против.

Would you care to work for me again?

Вы не хотите вернуться ко мне?

— Would you care to come along?

— Не хотите присоединиться?

Would you care to roll yourself a cigarette, Mister…

Хотите скрутить себе сигаретку, мистер…

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Yeah, just take care.

Ты береги себя.

As for you, take care of yourself.

А ты береги себя.

Take care of yourself, my darling.

Береги себя, любимый.

Now do take care of yourself.

Но будь очень осторожна, береги себя. Да.

And, Dan… take good care of her.

И Дэн,.. …прошу, береги её.

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Who cares about the case?

Наплевать на дело!

I don’t care what anyone says!

Мне наплевать, кто что скажет!

You’ll find nobody cares.

Ты увидишь, всем наплевать.

If you don’t care what folks says, I does!

Вам, наверное, наплевать, что толкуют про вас!

I guess anybody who did what you’ve done today can take care of Sherman.

Любой, кто сделал бы то, что сделали вы может наплевать на Шермана.

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— That’s why I propose to take care of her myself.

Именно поэтому ей займусь я!

— Well, I’m going down into town and personally take care of the lady’s sparklers.

Сегодня я лично спущусь в город и займусь безделушками этой дамочки.

I’m taking care of this job myself.

Я сам займусь этим делом.

I’ll take care of it right now.

Я займусь этим сейчас же.

I will take care of her personally.

Я займусь ей лично.

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I’ll rely on you to take care of Jae Sin.

Я доверяю вам заботу о Джэ Шин.

Thank you for taking care of the master every day.

Благодарю вас за ежедневную заботу о нашем хозяине.


Мы берем всю заботу о ней.

I’m sorry I didn’t send something for the new year to thank you for taking care of my boy.

Простите, что я ничего не смогла послать вам на Новый год. И большое вам спасибо за заботу о моём мальчике.

In case I don’t see you again, how much do I owe you for taking care of that girl?

Вдруг, мы не увидимся снова, сколько я должен вам за заботу о той девушке?

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Sentences with the word Caring?



  • «The nurse was caring for the wounded»
  • «caring friends»
  • «a drained marsh»; «a drained tank»; «a drained and apathetic old man…not caring any longer about anything»
  • «relieve the pressure and the stress»; «lighten the burden of caring for her elderly parents»
  • «the girl’s motherliness made her invaluable in caring for the children»
  • «they devote their lives to caring for the sick»

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I mean how caring you are.

Sometimes I think he really is quite caring.

Иногда мне кажется, что он и впрямь очень заботливый.

I really believe that music requires attentive and caring attitude towards it.

Да, я действительно считаю, что музыка требует внимательного и бережного отношения к ней.

Unfortunately, not every employee has caring and attentive colleagues.

К сожалению, не у каждого работника имеются заботливые и внимательные коллеги.

Children need access to adequate adult supervision, role models and caring family life.

Дети нуждаются в надлежащем присмотре со стороны взрослых, в образцах для подражания и в заботливой семейной обстановке.

Moldova is rich in fertile soil and in hardworking and caring people.

Молдова — богатая страна с плодородной почвой и много солнца, с трудолюбивыми и заботливыми людьми.

She prefers courteous and caring men, reads the description.

Она предпочитает обходительных и заботливых мужчин», — говорится в описании.

We advocate «being a caring and responsible person».

Мы выступаем за то, чтобы быть «заботливыми и ответственными людьми».

There has never been such a conscientious and caring manager.

У меня никогда больше не было такого справедливого и заботливого начальника».

Most of these employees are excellent and caring, but mistakes do happen.

Большинство сотрудников авиакомпаний очень внимательны и заботливы, но ошибки, тем не менее, случаются.

She said the church had been caring.

Она сказала, что ее церковь была очень заботливой.

Her daughter has a caring stepfather and an older stepbrother she adores.

У её дочери есть заботливый отчим и старший сводный брат, которого она обожает.

Anyone who needs a gentle caring woman by his side.

Тот, кто нуждается в нежной и заботливой женщине рядом с ним.

This includes supportive therapy, psychosocial support, and excellent, caring staff.

В список предоставляемых услуг входит поддерживающая терапия, психосоциальная поддержка, а также превосходный и заботливый персонал.

Tell him he is a responsible and caring sibling.

Дайте ему понять, что он — ответственный и заботливый человек.

She is so caring and always thinks of the family first.

Такой человек очень заботлив, всегда думает, в первую очередь, об общине, о семье.

These people are generally very devoted and caring.

Эти люди, как правило, очень преданные и заботливые.

He said she seemed gentle and perhaps caring.

Он сказал, что она казалась нежной и, возможно, даже заботливой.

Sandrine and Charlotte seek two caring dads… altruistic and energetic…

Сандрина и Шарлотта подыскивают двух заботливых папаш… Основные характеристики: альтруисты и энергичные…

Must be caring and loyal because I am too.

Он должен быть трудолюбивым и организованным, потому что я тоже такая.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Предложения, которые содержат caring

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Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

I have been deprived of the luxury of caring what my beloved thinks of me, and so I write

‘Oh yes, she had the right temperament – caring but without getting emotionally involved, if you know what I mean

You made your choice, Dan, live with it! You abdicated any right you may have had to caring about my welfare …

One has to realize that women evolved as child bearing and home defender- hence nurturing, loving and caring while men evolved as hunter (chaser!), protector, provider and problem solver

A very caring and thoughtful friend of yours

«That God damned mother fucking God damn bishop!» he bellowed, not caring that there could be monitoring for all he knew

Caring — Moses cared greatly for the people he was leading

Once I get inside the house, despair takes over … I sit and stare into space for hour after hour, forcing myself to eat something, yet not caring what it is … and the tears never stop

She was warmer, more caring

As my eyes focused better I could see there was a dragon caring for two rather large eggs that seemed to be cracking

‘Karalintze Thwaite was a caring and creative woman

and I can’t stand the caring and worrying anymore

Positive thinking is only the foundation; it is caring for your mind, nurturing it, avoiding anxiety and worry

ROBERT: My first witness will demonstrate to the jury that my client is a loving, caring, and a considerate young man

Caring for the skin in this way will result in a more natural glow

Daniel, you will ride with Kate and me while my Queen is caring for her eggs

Over the years you have both looked to each other for strength in caring and teaching these children

She and John had done the right thing in staying and caring for them

This is what it is all about, caring and loving someone, being loved in return; watching out for each other, helping your fellow man, trying to make a difference

in case I see a reflection from a caring soul,

They tried to climax under water but came up sputtering without really finishing but not really caring because they still had fun

Not caring which way is up, I just float about in space, utterly content

Sam looked at Lucy with new eyes after that, he was very caring and gentle with her

Berndt had been quiet for a day or so after our conversation – neither of us caring to pick up the thread of that particular subject again

I let go, not caring if I stumbled or not, watching the stars, a smile in my heart for Athena

It was no wonder that his Hold was so friendly and its people so caring

If you are in the business of caring for people in need, you understand that resources are needed to do the work effectively

Lord Boras took in orphans, all the orphans he could under the pretense of caring for them

you’re kind and caring and you have a heart of gold»

I do remember a show recently where the news anchorwoman was taking small tidbits and building a strong case of child abuse when, in fact, there was a tremendous amount of love and caring happening

“But I never knew anything of where I came from as a young woman,” Ava said, obviously not caring that this woman wasn’t up to the mental exercise of going with her

“Everyone with a caring mother has heard of shonggot,” Kulai told her in return

Detective Inspector Jarvis was at the hospital an hour before he had arranged to meet with Chrissie’s mother, partly because he wanted to see the woman in question for himself and partly because he wanted to talk to the medical staff caring for her

I spent many sleepless nights praying that I’d stop caring for him or at least that I’d learn how to manage it

’ Dubois simply shrugged in reply – not caring

She is lucky to have such caring friends

The motion of it was greater than that of the ship thru the void, more caring than sleeping in a mothers arms, more primeval than rocking in ocean swells

Caring for the children of their closest friends was quite satisfactory and rewarding enough

Unfortunately, hiring additional people to assist in caring for the place got in the way of that too

“There I would live by myself in a tiny cage, caring for a few other lab animals for a few years

Hipolyta strolled with Kaitlyn, or sat, or read stories with Mandy, sometimes one or the other had the privilege of caring for Hannah during their companionship

‘The Sovereign will be a caring lord

I like gentle, loving, quiet, caring, and easy – going (like you) and then decided to find an introduction service and correspond with the Orient

He couldn’t help himself, she did him right there, with everyone else around and no one caring because they were all involved with each other

To be held once by a caring mother ,

Walking through life alone, not caring that I was astray

not caring that I was astray—

Because I had never taken any business courses, I wanted to learn something about business and I wanted to learn something about auto mechanics so I figured that this would be the first time I would have fun in college, not caring at all whether I got a degree or not

He was not only blessed with a warrior’s heart, but a caring soul as well – a most rare, and special combination

Oh she was polite enough and considerate enough and physically pleasant enough, but even a quick ‘let’s fuck’ from a casual encounter in a concert hall seemed like a deeper and more caring involvement than this

But Lemoss was past caring as his dreams went into the garden with Rosecare beside him, gathering petals for Granny’s Potpourri

family was as caring and considerate as ever

«I thought Alan was a fine lad before he fell under the influence of native narcotics,» the captain said, not caring to be distracted from his belief that the natives had to have a government of some kind somewhere

How could one so caring have lasted so long against the Plague? The light of his halo was so pure it was almost painful to behold

Caring for others is the most precious gift one can give

The giant for instance; so fierce, brave and caring

Another elf entered the room: a cautious, white eye on the hallway behind her and a caring eye on the Magi and elves, assuring they were all safely deposited into the room

shall keep the household, caring for children,

then three steps to the left, and I hopelessly followed, not caring

You are the most loyal and caring person I know

A boy child only became a man after having spent the best years of his young life out there caring for his father’s sheep and goats

While Mary played the role of loving wife and caring mother and home manager, her mate fulfilled his duties as a responsible breadwinner and attentive husband and father

” She took Helez’s hands in hers and held them tight; a kind, caring smile on her lips

It’s just that the real Sally, the emotionally caring and spiritually grounded Sally that is the true essence of your being seems to be bottled up

He was gentle and caring and he took it slowly as he used his experience and knowledge to tantalise and please her

In consequence of those different advantages, it seems from the beginning to have borne an agio; and it is generally believed that all the money originally deposited in the bank, was allowed to remain there, nobody caring to demand payment of a debt which he could sell for a premium in the market

It must comprehend the whole original capital of the bank, which, it is generally supposed, has been allowed to remain there from the time it was first deposited, nobody caring either to renew his receipt, or to take out his deposit, as, for the reasons already assigned, neither the one nor the other could be done without loss

Edward accepted his new focus without even caring

Promoting well-being and protective factors involve personal attributes of the individual, close and caring family ties, and support from the community

Over time, children learn to monitor and control their feelings of frustration, anger and fear – it’s a lifelong process that begins with an intimate, caring connection to our parents

The bases for such intellectual and emotional capabilities are built through caring, consistent nurturing and age-appropriate challenges

Caring is so important that it creates the world you see

” At this point she started to cry, but I was past caring

The self-centered self sits at the center of all of this caring, feverishly orchestrating

Compassion is a deep sense of caring about others

The closeness and caring of real compassion should be the same for enemies as for friends

I had just started driving, not caring where I would end up once I was out of here

The farmer thanked the Priest, and spoke to him for several minutes, and he found Rignslin a kind and caring person

” When he interviews an applicant he looks for certain things: A down-to-earth personality, a caring about others, a desire to make one’s self better, and a conscience

It was as if most people just wanted their yards cut instead of caring about the loss of their language and culture

He left the compound, not caring that he was being observed and most likely followed by his b’tari supervisor

The stars were so close I knew God was looking down, caring for the woman who would bear His child

” Ruth stated, her voice calm and caring

Russell slammed into his room, not caring the echoing thump of the door probably made over a dozen Arrows turn in their beds

When he answered, Joseph»s voice was calm and caring

They never mentioned their Brother except in a caring way

“However your friend there will be leaving on the next hospital ship in two days time at home he can be taken care of better and they have more expertise of caring for his face wounds and the depression that is gripping him

The look of shock on Dr Durkin’s face was priceless al the colour had drained out of it and it looked like an old bag of suet but I was past caring anymore the whole world could go swing for me

So she preferred to think of it as caring — family

Her aunt was such a wonderful woman, kind and considerate and caring

the background caring, nurturing, protecting and

between bouts of extreme caring

was sensitive and caring with a warm personality that immediately

Simple meant caring

She was past caring now

I have emerged a strong, spiritual, positive and caring woman, and I have only God to thank for that

The responsibilities of a job, caring for her and my father, who suffered from a plethora of his own health issues, in addition to my own household chores wore on me heavily

of new leadership in Washington, but it was not the same caring

I didn’t blame him a bit for she was a very forbidding woman but I could sense underneath that she was also warm and caring

Why would caring parents tart up a six year old girl and parade her around in costumes that she should not have been wearing until she reached maturity? Just how much did this tarting up have to do with her murder?

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