Sentences with the word canteen

canteen — перевод на русский


I’ll see you at the canteen.

Увидимся в столовой.

You can’t simplify reality without understanding it first, so I asked the woman who ran the studio canteen to equip the kitchen as if it were her own, the way she would feel at ease in it.

Нельзя упростить реальность, не понимая её в первую очередь, так что я попросил женщину из студийной столовой организовать кухню так, как если бы это была её собственная, так, чтобы ей было на ней удобно.

There will be a workers assembly in the canteen with the three united unions… thank you!

В столовой будет собрание рабочих с представителями трех объединенных профсоюзов!

And that’s why you spend your time attacking canteen managers?

И поэтому ты нападаешь на работников столовой?

Make an order just like at the canteen.

Заказывайте, как в столовой.

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Give me that canteen.

Подай мне флягу.

Mom, do you know where my canteen is?

Мам! Ты не видела мою флягу?

See your canteen?

Видишь свою флягу?

Upham, give me your canteen!

Апхэм, дай флягу!

You will fill your canteen and repeat all 12 miles of the march.

Вы снова наполните свою флягу и ещё раз пройдете 20 км.

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Where’s the canteen?

Где буфет?

The only canteen in these regions is out looking for supplies.

Единственный буфет в этом районе ушёл на поиски провизии.

She gets into the lobby and the canteen.

Она попадает в холл и буфет. И все.

I’ll see if the canteen’s free.

Посмотрим, если буфет бесплатный.

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Driver, canteen please.

Кучер. Фляжку.

I lost my canteen.

Я потерял свою фляжку.

It’s like asking for someone’s canteen in the desert.

Это все равно что просить у кого-то фляжку в пустыне.

Give me your canteen.

Дайте мне вашу фляжку.

Throw me that canteen.

Дай мне фляжку.

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Nothing but salt beef every day in the canteen.

В столовке солонина каждый день.

Compared to what you serve up in that dirty little canteen of yours, this is a three-star supper.

По сравнению с тем, что ты подаешь в своей маленькой грязной столовке, это ужин на все три звезды.

Matt and Luke are post-Goa-modernists. They live in a canteen armed only with their Golden Virginia and Blue Rizla+.

Они обитают в столовке, вооруженные только золотой Виржинией, бумагой для самокруток, бесконечно болтая о своих психоделических клише.

You laugh at the pilots in the canteen

Обсмеял пилота-стажера в столовке.

You’re not dressing down a few beer-breaths in the coppers’ canteen.

Это тебе не отчитывать пьяниц в полицейской столовке.

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It has 24 hours open canteen with the best quality food.

У нас есть столовая, открытая 24 часа, с едой самого высокого качества.

Right, that’s the gym, art and canteen blocks.

Так, здесь спортзал, студия и столовая.

Well, I brought a canteen.

Ну, у меня с собой фляга.

Stem, ammunition, pack, canteen, knife.

Пушка, патроны, пакет, фляга, нож.

The branch has a canteen with a flexible system of fees and prices for staff and students.

В филиале функционирует буфет с гибкой системой расценок и цен для персонала и студентов.

She gets into the lobby and the canteen.

Она попадает в холл и буфет.

More regulations on what to sell inside the schools canteen are needed.

Больше правил относительно того, что продавать внутри нужны школы, столовой.

In an office environment, you’ll usually find these chairs in the canteen or cafeteria.

В офисной среде, вы обычно будете находить эти стулья в столовой или кафетерии.

Since 2009, they have been producing natural fruit and vegetable juices for the charity canteen and other social projects.

С 2009 года производят натуральные фруктовые и овощные соки для благотворительной столовой и других социальных проектов.

Where there are canteen facilities (mensa), a small contribution is generally required.

Там, где есть помещения для столовой (mensa), обычно требуется небольшой взнос.

According to a lawyer, they are systematically prevented from making purchases at the prison canteen or receiving visits from relatives.

По словам одного из адвокатов, им постоянно не разрешают делать покупки в тюремной столовой и встречаться с родственниками.

The canteen can provide food for 50 thousand students belonging to local schools.

Столовая способна обеспечить питанием 50 тысяч учеников местных школ.

He visited the prison canteen where prisoners could buy additional food and where prices were controlled by a commission composed of inmates.

Он посетил буфет в тюремной столовой, где заключенные могут покупать дополнительные продукты питания, и цены на товары контролируются комиссией, состоящей из заключенных.

I can get almost anything you want from the canteen.

Я могу заказать в столовой почти всё.

I know what’s going round the canteen.

Я знаю, что творится возле столовой.

Solar energy is used to heat the water for the canteen, bathrooms, and gym showers.

Солнечная энергия используется для нагрева воды в столовой, туалетах и душевых спортзала.

There had been some rumours in the canteen to that effect.

Слухи об этом давно ходят в нашей столовой.

He’s waiting for you in the canteen.

Yes, there were children who worked in the canteen

Да, были дети, которые работали в столовой.

I found it downstairs in the canteen.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Результатов: 1073. Точных совпадений: 1073. Затраченное время: 73 мс


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Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word canteen, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use canteen in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «canteen».

Canteen in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word canteen in a sentence.

  1. It now functions as the National Park Service canteen.

  2. Once the first canteen (located in A block) was built the kitchen was furnished by N.

  3. Working in Folkestone during the Second World War, Nagle managed a canteen for the ARP.

  4. Barrett joined Gilmour’s wedding reception in the EMI canteen, but left without saying goodbye.

  5. Truman also ran the camp canteen with Edward Jacobson, a clothing store clerk he knew from Kansas City.

  6. In the early 1950s Kneale met fellow BBC screenwriter Judith Kerr, a Jewish refugee, in the BBC canteen.

  7. Hornung joined the YMCA, initially in England, then in France, where he helped run a canteen and library.

  8. A kitchen and military canteen were built on top of the tombs of Andrianampoinimerina and Andriamasinavalona.

  9. The latter’s facilities included a gymnasium, four squash courts, two swimming pools and a canteen, which was operated by NAAFI.

  10. Towards the end of the year, he was accepted as a volunteer in a YMCA canteen and library «a short distance behind the Front Line».

  11. On July 8, he was seriously wounded by mortar fire, having just returned from the canteen bringing chocolate and cigarettes for the men at the front line.

  12. He traded alcohol and souvenirs from the AATTV’s canteen with US Marines to acquire equipment for RF units, and also donated food and supplies to an orphanage.

  13. There has been a new school building constructed, providing four new Biology labs and a new canteen to expand on the outdated old canteen in the main school building.

  14. The Museum of New Mexico holds several items excavated from Chetro Ketl, including pieces of turquoise, a black-on-white pottery canteen, and a fourteen-foot-long stone and shell necklace.

  15. More recent developments include the Atwell building — which houses Maths and Geography — and the Ashton building — which houses the school’s new canteen as well as four Biology laboratories.

Synonyms for canteen

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word canteen has the following synonyms: and mobile canteen.

General information about «canteen» example sentences

The example sentences for the word canteen that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «canteen» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «canteen».

Canteen most often refers to:
Canteen (bottle), a water container
Cafeteria, a type of food service location within an institution in which there is little or no waiting staff table service
Canteen may also refer to: (Wikipedia) (See all definitions)

A black water repellent leather ankle boot ideal for use in canteens, warehouses, and industrial workplaces.


While the bedrooms are just for sleeping, the lobby and canteen provide some hangout space.


Ribal et al. (2015) describe an optimization model (goal programming), which was used to design meals for school canteens by taking into account nutritional, climate change, and economic aspects.


However, the lack of a canteen in the London office is a notable bugbear.


Some schools have developed their policies based on the 2010 National Healthy School Canteens Guidelines, and others base their policies on their state nutrition guidelines for school canteens.


From school trips to work canteens, I was always gagging whenever someone unleashed the deathly eggy odour of an egg sarnie!


This could be used as a model for pupils to use to write their own canteen review.


When the rebels retreated, they left the field scattered over with blankets and canteens and, most regrettably to Belle, only twenty-one Yankee wounded and three Yankee dead.


There are also the traditional idiocies of a protest party in its first few years in power — things like meat-free Mondays in council-run canteens, which died an ignoble death, or the «no fracking zone» policy, which applied to an area where there were no plans for fracking.


Country votes into law provision that public canteens must offer diners at least one meat free option


The cashew-and-avocado smoothie sat 10 feet away, staring at my daughter and me, laughing at our misfortune from its paper cup — a cup that, by the way, was evil according to a nearby aluminum canteen vendor.


We have [world famous musicians here — like violinist Hilary Hahn]… and when they have a break, they eat in the canteen just sitting among all the kids.


There’s a new little canteen that just moved into my building that makes the best avocado toast, but I’ve gained like 12 pounds in the past three weeks — I have to stop!»


The legendary location, which once served as the canteen of the former Town Hall, is now a place where gourmands can savour the delights of restaurant Bridges, Le Petit Bistro, the Foodbar and the Cocktailbar.


And so, it might seem that at this time of high tensions, a caper film revolving around genteel southern manners and what might charitably be termed as the «hillbilly» archetype, would be about as welcome as a canteen full of watery grits.


Round Bags / / Circle purses, canteen bags, call them what you will.


I have a total bag obsession, and I am loving the return of the canteen bag!


Boothroyd earned seven pounds, ten shillings a week, with an extra one and ninepence (spent on egg and chips from the policeman’s canteen in Westminster Hall) gained by writing letters dictated by Barbara Castle.


Early on in Monster Hunter World, you’ll be able to take on a quest for your furry friend at the canteen.


The sharp, dry air seems to suck body fluids from every pore, and the moisture is notimmediately replaceable because our canteens have frozen.


I had a friend in high school who bought a slice of banana bread from the canteen almost every day.


When you home educate, you don’t have to worry about your children eating junk food at the school canteen.


Shortly after Labour’s landslide victory in 1997, for some perverse reason I invited Ken Clarke to attend one of our monthly Tribune dinners in the Gay Hussar restaurant, that old canteen of the Labour Left, in London’s Soho.


• Restricted sales of sugar-sweetened soft drinks to primary schools and complied with all relevant school canteen guidelines.


Two years ago, his nephew and his Muslim colleague in the army were seized from a military canteen and killed the same day.


The Tate has been criticised after it asked members of staff, many of whom are not paid the London living wage, to contribute towards a boat for their departing director, Nicholas Serota, just one week after the staff canteen discount was taken away.


ADDITIONAL BENEFITS: On site subsidised canteen, staff discount, opportunity of a permanent role, excellent working environment.


A senior lawyer claimed that he underwent a traumatic experience at the Colombo Law Library canteen while he was having his lunch.


Eating at the canteen before going into the field can give bonuses to your max stamina and keep your meter from slowly depleting when you’re out on a quest for a long time.


We liked having lunch in the staff canteen at The Hermitage’s storage facility.


As you can also see from my attached CV I have excellent communication skills and have previous and relevant experience of working in pubs, canteens and cafeterias.


The collective now runs a bookshop and a nextdoor canteen.


please suggest me a way to take a loan to set up a mobile canteen business, which at least requires 1.75 lakhs.


The CHOICE investigation follows on from last week’s decision by the Australian Consumer and Competition Commission (ACCC) to fine Smith’s and Unilever for misleading «school canteen approved» food labelling.


A good company always needs a good canteen.


WCRF head of education Kate Mendoza said: «There is no doubt Jamie Oliver helped achieve great things for the food served in school canteens.


Our services cover everything from devices to servers, networking infrastructure and even point of sale equipment for your canteen.


Located inside the old train station of Ornano, along la Petite Ceinture de Paris, la REcyclerie is a kind of canteen / restaurant but it is also an urban farm, a cultural space and a «do it yourself» reparation workshop.


Jacket potato is something you get a lot in the UK and is canteen staple where I work, yet I’ve never been drawn to it.


This is augmented by an extended bladder that allows them to retain generous amounts of water, so much so that the local Bushmen will sometimes dig up the frogs to use as living canteens.


A military canteen can typically hold one litre of water and maintain its cool temperature for about 30 minutes in our tropical climate.


She describes entering a staff canteen beneath the Louvre museum in 1930 where she worked as a guide — a prestigious job obtained by her astonishing grasp of art history — to find «a hell of people with amputated limbs, people who have been wounded in the war.


Located only 3 km from Pefkohori beach, there’s a canteen and sunbeds set out at the beach overlooking the crystal clear waters and strikingly light sand.


This wasn’t just about photography, or even creativity — it was about giving people agency and confidence — and the success of the canteen shoot inspired Cumber and her collaborators to make this a regular thing, organising weekly workshops for hostel residents.


Familiar faces kept sticking their heads in the canteen window for a chat or exchanging quips on their way to the freezer with bags of ice.


The emphasis was on pupils being at the heart of the design and planning process for their new canteens and the competition received entries from over 1,000 schools.


It’s a search for the blueberry cheesecake ice cream I remember eating from the canteen at camp.


Me, a twenty-something girl, working at ASOS, hence daily in the same canteen as Cara D. as she was the ASOS model back then, walked on the cobble stones of Covent Garden, in her high heels, leather biker jacket, and skinny jeans to this event.


Carry it like a bottomless canteen, so that when times are more than difficult, you can find the refreshment it provides.


You’ve got storage tabs brimming with canteens full of fresh water.


столовая, буфет, войсковая лавка, походный ящик


- военный магазин; войсковая лавка

dry [wet] canteen — войсковая лавка без продажи [с продажей] спиртных напитков
canteen service — розничная военно-торговая служба

- ист. лавка, повозка маркитанта
- столовая, буфет (на заводе, в учебном заведении и т. п.)
- амер. воен. солдатский клуб-столовая
- фляга
- погребец
- походный или дорожный ящик с кухонными и столовыми принадлежностями
- ящик для хранения столового серебра и т. п.

Мои примеры


dry canteen — войсковая лавка без продажи спиртных напитков  
canteen keeper — маркитант  
army canteen — военный магазин  
canteen cover — чехол для фляги  
canteen data — данные по столовой  
canteen installation — торговая точка  
canteen van — автомобиль службы питания  
canteen waste — отходы столовой  
cold weather canteen — фляга-термос  
install a canteen — открыть столовую  

Примеры с переводом

The canteen holds fresh water

Фляжка содержит свежую воду.

His canteen contained a small tea-service and many other useful things.

В его походном ящике был небольшой чайный сервиз и множество других полезных вещиц.

…there were only a few droplets left in the canteen…

..во фляжке осталось лишь несколько капель воды…

Формы слова

ед. ч.(singular): canteen
мн. ч.(plural): canteens

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