Sentences with the word candle

candle — перевод на русский


Come and get your candles.

Берите свечи.

I’ll take half of the candle and leave half for you.

Половину свечи мне, половину тебе.

Light a couple of those candles.

Зажги вон те свечи.

Give me the candles.

— Дай мне свечи.

Keep your eye on that candle.

Не своди глаз с свечи.

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Get up and put that candle out.

Вставай и погаси свечку.

I’II light a candle to you…

Поставлю Вам свечку. Я не плачу за неё… пока!

I gave him a shot of vodka, a candle in his hand, an apple to eat, and he was happy.

дала ему порцию горилки, свечку в руку, яблочком закусить, он и рад.

I owe you a fine votive candle.

Я обязан поставить за вас добрую свечку.

When you light the candle, it smells of…

Когда ты зажигаешь свечку, то пахнет…

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Go to your room, lock the door, light some candles, put on some al green and make an evening of it.

Иди в свою комнату, запри дверь, зажги свечи, включи Эла Грина и хоть весь вечер занимайся.

— Aiko light the candles.

— Айко, зажги свечи.

Light some candles, draw a bath

Зажги свечи Наполни ванну

Uh, Frank, please do the candles.

— Фрэнк, пожалуйста зажги свечи. — Дэннис, включай песню.

I was just thinking… get some candles, close the curtains, have yourself a little sã©ance.

Я просто подумал… Зажги свечи, задвинь шторы, устрой небольшой спиритический сеанс.

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I’ll be down to blow out the candles.

А потом спущусь и задую свечи.

The moment I hear a shot, I shall blow out the candles and roll myself up in bed with my ears well covered.

Если я услышу выстрел, я задую свечи и свернусь в клубок в кровати, крепко зажав уши.

Wanna watch me blow out the candles?

Хочешь посмотреть, как я задую свечи?

Blow the candles together. 1, 2, 3…

Задуйте свечи вместе. 1, 2, 3…

Blow out the candles, get rid of the flowers, get rid of the stuff!

Задуйте свечи, выбросьте цветы, все выбрасывайте. Эта комната будет частью квеста.

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— Wax of candle, my friend.

Свечной воск.

Candle wax?

Свечной воск?

And the sunlight burns my skin like candle wax.

И от солнечного света моя кожа сгорает как свечной воск.

He was smothered with a burning down pillow While… He drank candle wax.

Он задушили горелой подушкой, пока он пил свечной воск.

Then I opened my own little business in the back of a candle shop in Sherman Oaks.

Затем я открыла свое маленькое дело в задворках свечной лавочки в Шерман Окс.

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And to be able to relieve themselves, they have to light candles to the Madonna.

А чтобы излить чувства, им нужно поставить свечки Мадонне.

How else will we get candles in empty wine bottles?

Конечно. Как ещё мы сможем поставить свечки в пустые винные бутылки?

Because I heard one of your customers say that when Halloween comes around we should stick a candle in your mouth.

Я слышала, как посетители говорят, что когда придет Хэллоуин мы должны поставить свечки в рот.

I wanted to ask which saint I should light a candle to?

Скажите, пожалуйста, кому мне лучше поставить свечки?

If they hanged my man, I’d burn a candle for St. Anthony. Cheer up. They don’t hang just anybody.

Если бы они схватили моего мужа, я бы поставила свечку Святому Антонио.

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We are lighting the candles.

Мы зажигаем свечи.

We’re about to light the candles on the cake.

Мы уже зажигаем свечи на торте.

People go there and hold candles in your honor.

Люди идут туда и зажигают свечи в память о тебе.

Thousands are gathering, leaving candles and flowers.. at the doors of the U. S..

А тем временем в Пекине тысячи людей зажигают свечи и несут цветы к посольству.

Blessed be thou, our God, King of the universe, who make thus light the Chanukah candles…

Благословен ты, Господь наш, царь Вселенной, повелевший нам зажигать свечи Хануки…

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Women who were not good she even hold a candle.

Женщин, которые не годились ей даже в подмётки.

Man, that girl you cast on your show cannot hold a candle to her.

Мужик, та девушка, которую ты выбрал для своего сериала ей в подмётки не годится.

I overheard one judge say that not one of them holds a candle to Emma.

Я слышала, как один из судей сказал, что все они в подметки Эмме не годятся.

I gave her a candle to no good.

Я ей в подметки не гожусь.

She’s a good person, and Martin couldn’t hold a candle to her as a scientist.

Она хороший человек, и Мартин ей в подметки не годился как ученый.

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Could you light this candle?

Ты можешь эту свечку зажечь?

Good thing we didn’t light the candles.

Хорошо ещё, что мы свечки не зажгли!

Light a candle for the Archbishop.

Зажжет свечку архиепископу.

Maybe there’s a candle burning for you outside the protein bank

Может быть, для тебя зажгли свечку у входа в протеиновый банк.

I’ll light a candle of my own.

Я тогда тоже зажгу свечку.

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Because they’re too afraid to blow out the candles.

Потому что они слишком боятся задувать свечи.

It’s a little early for candles and cake.

Тише, тише. Рановато задувать свечи на тортике.

Blow out the candles!

Можешь задувать свечи!

Ooh, listen, I wouldn’t mind a piece of birthday cake, provided the old gal’s candle blow is clean and dry.

Слушай, я не откажусь от кусочка праздничного торта, если только старушка не забрызгает его, когда будет задувать свечи.

But in four more years, you’re gonna be 18, and when you blow out those candles, you better wish for an ass-kicking, ’cause that’s what you’re gonna get!

Но через четыре года тебе исполнится 18, и когда будешь задувать свечи, лучше загадай, чтобы тебе надрали задицу, потому что именно это ты и получишь!

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Synonym: candela, cd, standard candle, taper, wax light. Similar words: handle, kindle, bundle, swindle, kindled, endless, dwindle, spindle. Meaning: [‘kændl]  n. 1. stick of wax with a wick in the middle 2. the basic unit of luminous intensity adopted under the Systeme International d’Unites; equal to 1/60 of the luminous intensity per square centimeter of a black body radiating at the temperature of 2,046 degrees Kelvin. v. examine eggs for freshness by holding them against a light. 

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1. Do not hold a candle to the devil. 

2. A candle lights others and consumes itself. 

3. Better to light one candle than to curse the darkness. 

4. Better to light a candle than to curse the darkness. 

5. It’s better to light a candle than curse the darkness. 

6. Man’s life is often compared to a candle.

7. A candle had set the curtains on fire.

8. There was only a stump of the candle left.

9. I need a wax candle now.

10. The candle flickered in the wind.

11. You cannot burn the candle at both ends.

12. A single candle illuminated his face.

13. Half the candle had burnt away.

14. A teacher is often compared to a candle.

15. A candle gutters when the melted wax runs down its sides.

16. I felt a cold draft and the candle started to flicker.

17. The candle went out.

18. May the glow of Christmas candle fill your heart with peace and pleasure and make your New Year bright. Have a love filled Christmas and New Year!

19. May the glow of New Year candle fill your heart with peace and pleasure and make your New Year bright.Have a love filled New Year!

20. Life is a candle . If burned out (, there will not chance for you to start again . Let’s value life.

21. When the candle was only half an inch high it flickered out and the room became dark.

22. It’d be better to light up the candle than curse the darkness.No one can give you brightness expect yourself.

23. I lighted a candle.

24. The candle guttered out when the melted wax ran down its sides.

25. The candle flickered out.

26. May the bright and festive glow of Christmas candle warm the days all the year through. Hoping you will have a wonderful time enjoying Christmas Day and wishing you a New Year that is happy in every way.

27. She watched the wax as it dripped down the side of the candle.

27. try its best to gather and make good sentences.

28. May the bright and festive glow of New Year candle warm the days all the year through. Hoping you will have a wonderful time enjoying New Year that is happy in every way.

29. She could just see by the light of the candle.

30. My jumper started to singe when I leaned over a burning candle.

More similar words: handle, kindle, bundle, swindle, kindled, endless, dwindle, spindle, bundle up, manhandle, handlebar, a bundle of, burn the candle at both ends, landlord, spindly, friendly, by and large, dwindling, high and low, unfriendly, profoundly, idle, addle, sidle, peddle, poodle, paddle, meddle, puddle, saddle. 

A candle is an ignitable wick embedded in wax, or another flammable solid substance such as tallow, that provides light, and in some cases, a fragrance. (Wikipedia) (See all definitions)

I have been pinning all these kitchens on pinterest but they can’t hold a candle to yours.


A collage of overlapping iron squares and rectangles finished in dark bronze alludes to a midcentury-modern aesthetic, and removable glass inserts await candles to create dreamy luminance.


That evolved into a full table setting (later in this post — doubles as my dining room reveal) with leaf decorated candle sticks.


Reminded me that I want to order one of those Snickerdoodle candles Liz was talking about the other day.


Doncaster, UK About Blog The leading supplier of candle making supplies in the UK & EU.


Another traditional way Americans celebrate this time-honored holiday is by setting off rockets, roman candles, smoke bombs, spinners, sparklers, snaps, snakes, and other fun-filled fireworks to their hearts» content.


Maybe I have other friends that don’t do this — that don’t put candle rings all over to add touches of fall around the house.


Practically speaking it means not being able to keep the lights on (whether electric lights, kerosene lamps, candles etc.) preventing productive industry and studying at night, it means not being able to boil and purify contaminated water, it means cooking food to the bare minimum and not taking full advantage of potential nutrients, it means not being able to preserve food through refrigeration or dehydration.


That melancholy couldn’t hold a candle to my sadness at completing Sailor Moon (Vol.


(Type Ia supernovas are roughly the same throughout the universe, so they provide an ideal «standard candle» by which to measure the rate of expansion of the universe.)


Each torchiere holds a large candle which is actually hollow.


There are two ways of spreading light: to be the candle, or the mirror that reflects it.


last week i attended the @KendraScott candle launch party.


The oversized snowflake is from Marshalls and is actually a candle holder.


These are great alternatives for candles that are so dangerous and prone to accidents.


I think I would be totally content with a bunch of candles and nail polish for Christmas!


The candlelight, with timer function, is powered by the batteries housed inside the plastic container located in the base of the candle.


Ombre is in and these pretty, easy to make candles are perfect for gifting or make a stylish addition to your holiday table.


At one time, a summer village that harvested candle fish was located here.


The colors are so vibrant in New England and even though I know it won’t be around much longer (as shown by the thick layer of leaves I need to rake off my lawn…), I’m so happy to light my favorite candle and curl up with my favorite blanket!


The idea of building a community exceeds the monetary aspect, inviting supporters who have purchased a nightlight to participate in a permanent candle light vigil, keeping them glowing as a reminder of the millions more that are currently, or will soon be, in need of saving.


In another work, two candles (47 mins / 1 hour 52 mins) appear as if melted down at different rates, conveying two ephemeral lifespans, though carved in marble.


No decorations in that room, please, especially not lit candles!


Once we finally decided to get out of our nice warm bed, I immediately went into the living room, lit my new Pumpkin Cupcake candle from Bath and Body Works (YUMMY!!)


While the Kindle didn’t perform terribly, it really couldn’t hold a candle to the highly optimized version of Safari on the iPad Air.


These 13 parents weren’t sure how to react when their kids exhibited some very bizarre behavior, from asking to peel their skin off to sleeping with scented candles in lieu of stuffed animals.


Blow out the candles and I can cry if I want to!


Second, the candle will either be clearly white or dark (this is called being strongly marked) and lastly it will tell you if the market is bearish or bullish so you will know as to which direction to place the trade.


Mix items into your grouping such as small mirrors, candle holders, or antler heads like I did here to allow this area to come to life by popping off the wall a bit (full tour of the space below HERE)


Setting the table with a moss base and using terra cotta pots as the candle holders is clever and fitting for a autumn gathering.


And I never like to spend too much money on candles.


Features selection of elegant dining venue starting 50 person capacity International restaurants, stylist of launch Until private candle light dinner for your Unforgettable memories.


On one side of the centerpiece I placed a crackled glass hurricane that holds an ivory colored taper candle.


Will and I also made a trip to Pottery Barn and picked up these sheer curtains (I ordered the cheap ones I linked to in last week’s post and they were dreadful in person), this faux fiddle leaf fig (obsessed), and a candle for this lantern that we received as a wedding gift and that my mom suggested bringing into our living room.


It’s impossible to brainstorm Christmas lighting ideas without involving candle projects.


Feed Me Diamonds, 2014; Media: Ceramic (head), Peacock chair, papier-mâché, wire, marbled paper, wax, candles, wig, antlers, real and faux fur, shells, cards, press-on nails, flock, yarn, fake plants, crystals, feathers, sand, spices, dice, money; 6 x 8 x 6 feet


Cramming candles with boomerangs and axes is hard work, you jerks!


Our candles and room diffusers deliver the same fragrances enjoyed by guests of Relâche Spa at Gaylord Hotels resorts, plus a couple of extra aromas created just for you at home.


These dainty vintage-style floral coaster and candle makes will add an extra special touch


Add a few soy candles in various sizes for a finishing touch.


Examples might be going to get a facial, go for a long drive, soak with a book and candles in a warm bath etc..


I’d bought decorations, decorated the house, invited lots of friends and family, hand-made little candle holders from baby food jars as party favors, found a cake maker who would make a cake to match the theme (and drove 25 miles round trip to get it), cleaned the house and bought a special first birthday dress for my little Sweetness.


It is a good way to lighten up a traditional dark wood dining table.The metal candle sticks are from World… Read More


Hit your local dollar store to stock up on party hats, streamers, balloons and noisemakers or votive candles to keep the lighting intimate and dim.


These Easter egg candles are not only super easy to make (took this blogger 30 minutes), but they are a unique and inexpensive way to decorate your home.


Thanks so much for sharing your gorgeous patriotic log candle at Monday Funday link Party Jules!


Our lavish range features a selection of luxury labels and offers high quality treatments including nourishing shampoos, restorative lotions, natural oils and sensual aromatherapy candles to name but a few.


Decorate your bedroom with winter sculptures of reindeers and make a cozy vibe in the space using lamps and candles.


The rest of the cast is still outstanding, but they don’t hold a candle to Crowe and Gosling.


In fact, Leon encouraged him to believe in Obeah, to participate in the chanting, the use of candles and handkerchiefs and the various rituals of the belief system, as only then could he help him defeat those who wished to harm him.


свеча, свечка, газовая горелка, проверять свежесть яиц


- свеча, свечка

wax [tallow] candle — восковая [сальная] свеча
candle grease — свечное сало

- физ. международная свеча
- газовая горелка
- воен. дымовая свеча
- пиротехническая свеча


- спец. миражировать, проверять просвечиванием (яйца и т. п.)

Мои примеры


the faint light of a distant candle — слабый свет далёкой свечи  
to burn the candle at both ends — безрассудно тратить силы, энергию  
to light a candle — зажечь свечу  
to blow out / extinguish / snuff out a candle — задуть свечу  
the candle was burning — свеча горела  
the candle was sputtering — свеча горела, потрескивая  
wax candle — восковая свеча  
to candle eggs — проверять свежесть яиц на свет  
to read by the light of a candle — читать при свете свечи  
an unlit candle — незажжённая свеча  
cannot /is not fit to/ hold a candle — не выдерживает сравнения с  

Примеры с переводом

She lit a candle.

Она зажгла свечу.

The game is not worth the candle.

Игра не стоит свеч.

I blew out the candle and sank into a deep sleep.

Я задул свечу и крепко заснул.

A single candle illuminated his face.

Лицо его осветила одинокая свеча.

The candle flickered.

Пламя свечи задрожало.

Suddenly the candle went out.

Вдруг свеча погасла.

He sat gazing into the burning flame of the candle.

Он сидел, созерцая пламя свечи.

ещё 15 примеров свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

The wood was singed by the candle.

Peg struck a match and lit the candle.

The candle tipped over and the hay caught fire.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

candling  — миражирование, проверка просвечиванием, проверка сквозным просвечиванием

Формы слова

ед. ч.(singular): candle
мн. ч.(plural): candles

Looking for sentence and phrases with the word you? Here are some examples.

1. Do not hold a Candle to the devil. 
1 2. A Candle lights others and consumes itself. 
18 3. Better to light one Candle than to curse the darkness. 
18 4. Better to light a Candle than to curse the darkness. 
11 5. It’s better to light a Candle than curse the darkness. 
7 6. Man’s life is often compared to a Candle.
16 7. A Candle had set the curtains on fire.
4 8. There was only a stump of the Candle left.
3 9. I need a wax Candle now.
14 10. The Candle flickered in the wind.
19 11. You cannot burn the Candle at both ends.
0 12. A single Candle illuminated his face.
10 13. Half the Candle had burnt away.
17 14. A teacher is often compared to a Candle.
15 15. A Candle gutters when the melted wax runs down its sides.

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