Sentences with the word candidate



- кандидат

presidential candidate, candidate for Presidency /for President/ — кандидат на пост президента
the Republican candidate for governor — кандидат в губернаторы /на пост губернатора/ от республиканской партии
candidate for a degree — соискатель учёной степени
a candidate for the gallows — шутл. кандидат на виселицу

Мои примеры


a surge of support for the candidate — неожиданный всплеск поддержки этого кандидата  
eligibility of a candidate for office — право кандидата на занятие должности  
gave only lukewarm support to the candidate — оказал лишь вялую (слабую) поддержку кандидату  
to give lukewarm support to a candidate — вяло, слабо поддерживать кандидата  
unsuccessful candidate — проигравший кандидат  
ballot for a single candidate — голосование отдельной кандидатуры  
to adopt a candidate — брит. принять кандидатуру  
available candidate — амер.; полит. приемлемый кандидат  
fringe candidate — амер.; полит. кандидат-аутсайдер, не имеющий шансов на успех  
parachute candidate — амер.; неодобр. «пришлый кандидат» (кандидат, участвующий в выборах по чужому избирательному округу)  
candidate to vacancy — кандидат на вакантное место  
withdraw a candidate — снять свою кандидатуру  

Примеры с переводом

Which candidate are you voting for?

Вы за кого голосуете?

We rank you as our best candidate.

Ты у нас лучший кандидат.

Neither candidate won the debate.

В дебатах не победил ни один из кандидатов.

Is she a viable candidate?

Она — реальный кандидат?

Your candidate has a slight lead.

Ваш кандидат немного впереди.

She is an ideal candidate for the job.

Она — идеальный кандидат на эту должность.

The SNP candidate won by a landslide.

Кандидат от Шотландской национальной партии победил с большим перевесом.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

He is a candidate for ordination.

The candidate espouses Republican ideals

The program has several doctoral candidates.

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Возможные однокоренные слова

Формы слова

ед. ч.(singular): candidate
мн. ч.(plural): candidates

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.


Candidate should be unmarried and without children

кандидат должен быть не замужем и не иметь детей

Since 1990 — Candidate of Economics.

С 1990 г. — кандидат экономических наук.

Candidate should be ready to travel.

Претендент должен быть готов к поездкам в командировки.

Candidate must have the ability to work under pressure.

Некоторые должности подразумевают то, что кандидаты должны иметь возможность действовать под давлением.

Candidate took phone interview in the bathroom — and flushed.

Кандидат проводил собеседование по телефону прямо в ванной комнате — и спустил бачок.

Candidate should possess good physiques and…

Кандидаты должны были иметь отличную физическую подготовку и…

Candidate D receives fewer that 5,000 votes.

Кандидат А получил больше на 5 тыс. голосов, чем кандидат.

Candidate choices have mostly been weak.

«Кандидаты у них были в основном слабые.

Candidate should not be working somewhere else.

Кандидат не собирается работать по найму в другом месте.

Candidate should not be employed somewhere.

Кандидат не собирается работать по найму в другом месте.

Candidate of economic sciences, specialization in marketing and PR.

Кандидат экономических наук, доцент, специализация в области маркетинга и PR.

Why he’s running: Candidate did not respond to this request.

Почему это работает: Кандидаты не могут выдать моментальный ответ на этот вопрос.

Candidate must pass a selection process.

Кандидаты должны пройти сложный процесс отбора.

Candidate nominations were held just five days before voting, he said.

Снять кандидата с выборов можно только за 5 дней до их начала, рассказал он.

Candidate B never managed to hold down a job because of his arrogance.

Кандидату В не удалось удержаться на должности из-за своего высокомерия.

Candidate calls the cause, but the interviewer did not believe.

Кандидат называет причину, но интервьюер не верит.

In the first case, Candidate X’s immorality (real or invented) is offered as proof of the falsehood of his argument.

В первом случае безнравственность кандидата Х (подлинная или мнимая) предлагается в качестве доказательства лживости его доводов.

Candidate lists are now available in Braille.

В настоящее время имеются списки кандидатов, набранные шрифтом Брайля.

Candidate b) He’s been kicked out of political office twice.

Кандидат Б: его два раза выгоняли с работы.

And the risk was justified, as «The Candidate» became popular.

И риск был оправданным, так как «Кандидат» стал популярным.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Предложения, которые содержат Candidate

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April 11, 2023
All Dictionary

Hewitt, the Tammany candidate, and received a smaller vote than Henry George, the candidate of the United Labor party.

When the Democratic national convention met at Cincinnati in June 1856, Pierce was an avowed candidate for renomination, but as his attitude on the slavery question, and especially his subserviency to the South in supporting the pro-slavery party in the Territory of Kansas, had lost him the support of the Northern wing of his party, the nomination went to James Buchanan.

The National Convention of the Republican Party in 1856 cast i ra votes for Lincoln as its vice-presidential candidate on the ticket with Fremont, and he was on the Republican electoral ticket of this year, and made effective campaign speeches in the interest of the new party.

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In a campaign largely restricted to the question of free-silver coinage he was defeated for re-election in 1894, and subsequently was also defeated as the Democratic candidate for the United States Senate.

Debs, former Socialist candidate for president, who was sentenced to 10 years in a Federal prison for a speech opposing the war and denouncing war as the work of capital.

In 1920 he was again the Democratic nominee for governor, but was beaten in the overwhelming Republican landslide of that year; he lost, however, by only 73,000 votes, whereas the Democratic candidate for president was at the same time defeated by a million votes in New York state — a remarkable testimony to his own personal popularity.

In 1891 Mills was a candidate in the Democratic caucus for Speaker of the house, but was defeated by Charles F.

An electoral assembly is formed for the purpose consisting 1 of the twelve members of the Holy Synod, the eight lay members of the National Mixed Council, twentyeight representatives of as many dioceses (the remaining dioceses having only the right to nominate a candidate by letter), ten representatives of the parishes of Constantinople, ten representatives of all persons who possess political rank, ten representatives of the Christian trades of Constantinople, the two representatives of the secretariat.

In 1753 he accepted the curacy of Durley, and in 1757 he was a candidate for the provostship of Oriel, but failed to secure election.

The Duke was anxious to obtain a capable candidate to aid him in regaining his ascendancy over the rebellious borough.

  • Use the word CANDIDATE in a sentences

Sentence Examples

This time, it’s freshman candidate Richard Fitzpatrick dropping out of today’s debate

And think of all that sympathy for you… and a certain freshman candidate who wants to shake up the status quo.

«Since Dame Margarete insists on her right, we have asked her to come here tonight so the candidate may have a look at her.»

Mallet can no longer be the candidate of honest men.

…and a candidate Tournament.

«Please be our candidate for mayor!»

We don’t need your speeches, Mr. candidate!

That’s Jane Atwill, daughter of the candidate for mayor!»


I’m here to ask you if you will consider being the Republican party’s candidate for the presidency.

Made him candidate for Mayor.

I have been a candidate of theology I don’t know what this is all about, cavalry captain…

Two days before election… us without a candidate.

Oh, this is terrible. The best candidate we ever had.

Your Good Government League has lost a standard bearer… whom I highly respected as a rival candidate.

Morgan says we can substitute any candidate we want… so long as we’re sure he’s a pushover.

We may need an especially weak candidate this time.

The kind of a guy… we’re looking for as a candidate.

Must be Jake’s new candidate.

Why, we haven’t elected a candidate in 12 years… and it’s a cinch you ain’t gonna spoil our record.

Gentlemen, if there’s no chance of my being elected mayor… why do you wish me to become a candidate?

Mayo’s got his new candidate for mayor… up in the City Club.

Hey, Jake, where’s your new candidate?

Is that the new candidate?

What’s the idea of bringing… the Reform candidate into a place like this?

That’s Ezekiel Cobb, the new candidate for mayor!

Well, what do you expect me to think… parading the Reform candidate around like that?

Allowing a Reform candidate to put on an act like that!

They made me a candidate… of the Good Government League… and I can’t even govern myself.

You’ve got a candidate, why won’t you take him?

They tell me that his cases in your court… have taken on the appearance of a personal feud… now that he’s a candidate for your job.

Now that I am a candidate for the exalted offce… which you have held for so many years… those differences have reached a point… where for the protection of the people… I must demand an impartial trial judge.


Congressman Robert Manning, candidate for mayor, and Albert Panker, candidate for district attorney, both conceded their defeat shortly after midnight tonight.

Important to this constituency that at this crucial by-election… our candidate should be returned by an adequate majority.

Your future Member of Parliament, your candidate, Mr…

He doesn’t know the candidate‘s name.

I know your candidate will forgive my referring to him… by the friendly nickname by which he’s already known in anticipation… in anticipation, mark you…

I ask your candidate and all those who love their fellow men… to set themselves resolutely to make the world a happier place… a world where no nation plots against nation… no neighbour plots against neighbour… where there is no persecution or hunting down… where everyone gets a square deal and a sporting chance… and where people try to help and not to hinder… a world where suspicion and cruelty and fear have been forever banished!

I see, the first candidate a candidate?

That makes me a candidate for your guard, don’t it?

It will be difficult to find a more suitable candidate for extermination.

Ladies and gentlemen… I will now introduce that great guy… our candidate.

The candidate, Frank Taylor, is ready.

candidate Frank Taylor, you will kneel and take the oath of allegiance.

«Jack O’Leary, candidate for mayor.

Listing Results Candidate Recipes

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LowCarb Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner & Dessert Recipes Food …

WebMustard-Maple Roasted Salmon. Recipe Courtesy of Food Network Kitchen. Total Time: 20 minutes. 243 Reviews.


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41 Healthy, LowCarb Recipes That Are Full of Flavor

WebA good place to start? These chicken «enchiladas» made with zucchini ribbons instead of tortillas — a simple hack that cuts the …

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50 Healthy LowCarb Dinner Recipes Cooking Light

WebView Recipe: Pistachio-Crusted Pork Cutlets This delicious dinner is just under 400 calories and packs lots of protein, calcium and potassium. Make sure the cutlets are no more than a half-inch thick so they’ll cook quickly. …


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1,300+ Delicious Low Carb Recipes Recipe Diet Doctor

WebWe offer 1,333 nutritionally approved and tested low carb recipes that are easy to follow, created by some of the most loved low carb cookbook authors, chefs, and dietitians from around the world. The Diet …


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LowCarb Recipes

Web30-Minute Meals Soups, Stews & Chili Comfort Food Main Dishes Sheet Pan Dinners View All Meals Meals Breakfast & Brunch Lunch Healthy Appetizers & Snacks Salads Side Dishes Soups Bread Drinks Desserts …


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85 LowCarb Dinner Ideas to Make During the Week Taste of Home

WebLowCarb Shrimp Sushi Bowl Sushi is one of our family’s favorite treats. This is an easy-to-prepare version that can be ready in less than 30 minutes. It’s low carb and packed with vegetables. With all the flavor, no one misses the carbs. If you don’t like shrimp, you can substitute cooked shredded chicken or firm tofu.


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125 Quick Low Carb Dinners Ready in 30 Minutes or Less

Web1. Baked Shrimp and Broccoli Foil Packs with Garlic Lemon Butter Sauce. 125 Quick Low Carb Dinners Ready in 30 Minutes or Less. This baked shrimp foil pack meal is ready in under 30 …


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Top 30 simple & delicious low carb recipes — Diet Doctor

WebTop 30 The keto bread 1 3 g Whipped dairy-free low carb (Dalgona) coffee 2 1 g Keto seed crackers 3 1 g Keto pizza 4 6 g Keto Fathead pizza 5 8 g Creamy venison …


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Web1. A cauliflower pizza crust. Not being able to order pizza after a stressful day is one of the sad, sad truths of a low-carb diet. And while nothing can compare to the doughy …


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WebGinger Beef Stir-Fry with Peppers. This vibrant, colorful dish is great for those who love a little heat. Adjust the amount of chile-garlic sauce according to your preferred …


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25 Easy LowCarb Dinners You Can Make in 20 Minutes

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WebJust simmer the meat on low for 2-3 hours and keep it covered. Check every 20-30 minutes to make sure it doesn’t simmer dry. Add water or broth if needed. Last, if …


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A Low Carb Diet Guide for Beginners – Diet Doctor

WebA low carb diet is one that limits carbohydrates, primarily found in sugary foods, pasta, and bread. Instead of eating carbs, you focus on protein-rich whole foods …


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WebLemon Garlic Baked Salmon and Asparagus — LOW CARB, LOW FAT, KETO. Lemon, garlic and parsley are infused in One Pan Lemon Garlic Baked Salmon …


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Frequently Asked Questions

What are the best low carb recipes?

Pizza, grilled cheese, enchiladas and more can be found somewhere on our list of these best low-carb recipes. Bread is simple to substitute with more nutritional alternatives, like cauliflower crust or zucchini slices. For busy nights when you’re in need of a quick, easy dinner, allow these low carb dinners to be your saving grace.

How easy is it to follow a low carb diet?

Following a low-carb diet has never been easier (or more delicious). We have pulled together 20 of our favorite dinner recipes that will be on the table in 20 minutes of less.

What is a good low carb casserole?

This loaded cauliflower broccoli casserole with bacon is an easy keto/low-carb recipe that’s ready in 30mn and tastes incredible. 10. Garlic Butter Chicken with Spinach and Bacon This garlic butter chicken recipe with spinach and bacon is rich, creamy, and hearty — everyone will love it! 11. Pepper Chicken Stir Fry (15 Minutes)

Do you need to prep for a low carb meal?

However, numerous tasty low carb meals require minimal prep and only a handful of ingredients. Here are 12 simple, healthy low carb recipes, along with a few meal-prep tips. Here are some strategies to help you succeed with your low carb eating plan. Check this table for easy low carb substitutes for some of your favorite foods:

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