Sentences with the word cancel

cancel — перевод на русский


I suppose I can cancel the Vienna contract.

Гастроли в Вене можно отменить?

But I couldn’t cancel a sale.

Но я не могу отменить продажу.

Because it’s still not too late to cancel your tuition.

Ведь еще не поздно отменить ваш отъезд на учебу.

«Tell me to cancel my marriage.

«Скажите мне отменить мою свадьбу.

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That flight has been canceled until further notice.

Этот рейс отменён до особого уведомления.

It’s been canceled.

Он отменён.

— Your dance is canceled for this evening.

-…сегодня отменён.

Attention all male nurses. Your dance is canceled for this evening.

Внимание, всем санитарам, танцевальный вечер отменён.

Is it true you were ready to go and the flight was cancelled?

Это правда, что вы готовы были отправиться, и полёт был отменён?

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And we couldn’t possibly cancel the honeymoon.

И нельзя было отменять медовый месяц.

Daddy says we can’t afford to cancel it and do it all over again.

Папа не станет отменять ее и начинать все сначала.

— Don’t cancel it.

Не надо отменять.

You see, his bird suffered a kind of trauma and has attached itself to the scalp, and we were just thinking that we’d hate to cancel dinner, but—

Видите ли, птица пострадала от эмоциональной травмы и вцепилась в кожу черепа и нам бы не хотелось отменять ужин, но…

No reason to cancel our dinner plans.

Не вижу причин, чтобы отменять наш обед.

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We’re cancelling today.

Сегодня все отменяется.

Cancel target run and circle for further instructions.

Стрельба по цели отменяется, встать в круг для получения новых инструкций.

— It’s cancelled.

— Оно отменяется.

We’ve just heard, we’re canceled out.

Пришло сообщение, что все отменяется.

Cancel the security squad and stand by for further instructions.

Отряд охраны отменяется, ждите указаний.

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I had to cancel the theater tickets for this evening.

Я отказался от билетов в театр.

But the next day, I learned from Grandma that the tenant …had cancelled his contract and was leaving.

А назавтра я узнала от бабушки, что жилец отказался от аренды и… — …что он, наверное, уехал.

He’s cancelled his reservation.

Он отказался от номера.

I shouldn’t have cancelled my Belgian tour so soon.

Думаю, я слишком рано отказался от турне по Бельгии.

I cancelled my Belgian tour too quickly. Maybe it’s not too late…

Думаю, я слишком рано отказался от турне по Бельгии.

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This hand is cancelled — Yes…

Этот кон надо аннулировать, так?


Но, пожалуйста, отдай его мне, чтобы мне не приходилось аннулировать мои кредитки.

I’ll go to the library, get on the Net, see if I can’t cancel those cheap flights into San Jose.

Ладно, я пойду в библиотеку, выйду в интернет и посмотрю, могу ли я аннулировать те дешевые билеты в Сан-Хосе.

And what’s more, I’m not gonna cancel it.

Более того — я не стану его аннулировать.

And I mean the whole unit dedicated to going through your health history for the last five years, looking for anything that would indicate that you concealed something, you misrepresented something, so that they can cancel the policy

В том смысле, что вся моя команда прочёсывает вашу историю болезни за последние 5 лет, в поисках чего бы то ни было, что могла бы означать что вы что-то скрываете, неправильно преподносите, чтобы компания могла аннулировать полис,

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Well, I really do think you should cancel Bristol and come home with me.

Думаю, тебе правда надо отменить встречу и поехать со мной домой.

Well… canceling a date like that… the way he’s been so distant lately…

Ну… вот так отменить встречу… то, как сильно он отдалился в последнее время…

If I cared about someone as much as you care about Andrew he’d have to do a lot more than cancel a date before I’d get suspicious.

Если бы кто-то нравился мне настолько, насколько Вам нравится Эндрю, ему пришлось бы сделать что-то посущественнее, чем отменить встречу, для того, чтобы разбудить во мне подозрительность. Вы правы.

— Mr. Jameson has to cancel.

— Мистер Джеймсон был вынужден отменить встречу.

Well… the problem is I have to cancel on Mel tonight.

Проблема в том, что мне придётся отменить встречу с Мэл.

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Cancel that order.

Отмена приказа.

I’m not so sure that cancelling a flight or cutting off appropriations means America folds up.

— Не надо ее переоценивать! Я лично не считаю, что отмена полета или… финансирования программы означает крах Америки.

This is the second time you’ve canceled on us.

Это уже вторая отмена.

Cancel Red Alert.

Отмена красной тревоги.

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Taxi has been canceled.

«Такси» закрыли.

I found out today that Taxi has been canceled.

Как раз сегодня «Такси» закрыли.

Not since my cop show got canceled.

С тех пор, как закрыли моё полицейское шоу, нет.

That show was cancelled two years ago.

Шоу закрыли 2 года назад. Спроси…

We were canceled?

Нас закрыли?

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The hero gets his leave canceled, and he’s — And she spends the rest of her life wishing that she’d —

Герой вдруг узнаёт, что его увольнительная аннулирована, и он скоро узнаёт, что его любимая, проводит время с кем-то другим, что она…

It’s cancelled. It’s worthless.

Она аннулирована, не имеет силы.

Operation «Jumping» is cancelled.

Операция «Бег с препятствиями» аннулирована.

I’m sorry, sir. This card’s been cancelled.

Извините, сэр, эта карта была аннулирована.

Has it been cancelled?


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Отправить комментарий

отмена, аннулирование, погашение, аннулировать, отменять, уничтожать


- зачёркивание
- аннулирование, отмена
- вычёркивание (в гранках)
- перепечатанный лист; перепечатка
- муз. бекар
- обыкн. pl компостер (тж. a pair of cancels)
- вчт. отмена

cancel character — символ отмены


- вычёркивать, вымарывать, зачёркивать (написанное)
- стирать (изображение, запись)
- аннулировать, отменять

to cancel a treaty — аннулировать /отменить/ договор
to cancel a debt — аннулировать долг
to cancel an order — отменить заказ
to cancel a power of attorney — объявить доверенность недействительной
to cancel a contract — расторгнуть контракт /сделку/
to cancel a subscription — прекратить /аннулировать, не возобновлять/ подписку (на журнал и т. п.)

- взять обратно, отказаться (от обета, обещания)
- погашать (марки)

- изгладить (впечатление)
- загладить (вину)
- мат. сокращать
- юр. отзывать
- полигр. вычёркивать (в корректуре)
- вчт. прерывать (выполнение программы или операции)

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Мои примеры


to cancel debts — аннулировать долги  
to cancel each other — взаимно уничтожаться  
to cancel flight plan — аннулировать план полета  
to cancel in pairs — попарно сокращаться  
to cancel like terms — сокращать подобные члены  
to abrogate / cancel / repudiate a contract — аннулировать контракт, расторгнуть соглашение  
to cancel an engagement — отменить встречу  
to cancel insurance — аннулировать страховой полис  
to cancel a lease — прекратить аренду  
to cancel one’s leave — досрочно выйти из отпуска  

Примеры с переводом

We canceled our dinner reservation.

Мы отменили заказ столика для ужина.

Our flight was cancelled.

Наш рейс был отменён.

I cancelled my name from the list.

Я вычеркнул своё имя из списка.

She canceled her appointment with the dentist.

Она отменила свой визит на приём к стоматологу.

His good qualities and his faults cancel out.

Его достоинства уравновешивают его недостатки.

In my speech there is one paragraph which I should now cancel.

У меня в речи есть одно место, которое я теперь должен вычеркнуть.

The $1 I owed him and the $1 he owes me cancel out.

Я должен ему доллар, и он мне — значит, мы в расчете.

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Примеры, ожидающие перевода

We canceled our magazine subscription when we moved.

Luke was forced to cancel the family vacation to Acapulco.

His secretary was instructed to cancel all his engagements.

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Фразовые глаголы

cancel out — уравновесить, сбалансировать, свести на нет, уравновешивать

Возможные однокоренные слова

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: cancel
he/she/it: cancels
ing ф. (present participle): cancelling
2-я ф. (past tense): cancelled
3-я ф. (past participle): cancelled

cancel (v): to decide that an organized event will not happen, or to stop an order for goods or services that you no longer want

Use “cancel” in a sentence

I canceled my hotel reservations and stayed with friends.
I’d like to cancel my order.
The contract was canceled without prior notice.
He was forced to cancel his visit.
All flights have been cancelled because of fog.
His visa has been cancelled.
Our trip was canceled due to the heavy snow.
The flight was canceled due to bad weather.
I’m afraid I’ll have to cancel our meeting tomorrow.

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  • Use the word Cancel in a sentences

Sentence Examples

So can I, so every bondman in his own hand bears the power to cancel his captivity.

I need you to cancel that thing today, the debate.

I have to cancel that thing today… the debate.

My dear Mrs. Erlynne— please do not come tonight My wife is so upset about your invitation that I am forced to cancel it…

«cancel my appointments, please.

«If there is another hotel in Cocoanut Beach, cancel our reservations.»

I suppose I can cancel the Vienna contract.

Death cancel his debt to me.

And I’ll cancel my hairdresser’s tomorrow.

I want to cancel my table for after the theater tonight.




I’ll cancel my contract with Warren and Dubin.

No, I’m sorry, dear. I’m afraid we’ll have to cancel that tomorrow.

For a hundred we’ll cancel the whole bill.

The taking of the cross will cancel a pledge?

You can’t just cancel at the last minute!

Then I’ll cancel the order about the bags. Thank you.

Just cancel the whole thing.

If she doesn’t do what I tell her, you cancel her contract.

Maybe you would like to cancel my contract.

Mm-hmm. May as well cancel dinner now.

Maybe we’d better cancel the Yale game.

He’s trying to cancel an engagement and have lunch with us. All right?

And why, at 9:30, soon after the murders… you make the second telephone call and cancel the order for the plane.

If that call’s what I think, she can cancel those roses and make it lilies for me.

Oh, well. Just cancel those pansies.

Your sister would probably have to cancel her wedding

Mr. Powell will have to cancel that appointment.

Father, you’re going to cancel everything you bought.

The baroness’s husband is Minister of Propaganda, he can cancel his tour.

And to prove it’s a deal, I’ll cancel that 5 bucks I owe you.

I had to cancel the theater tickets for this evening.

Tell Dr. Sutton’s man to cancel all his appointments for tomorrow.

I gotta get hold of Roxy Lewis and cancel the match.

I don’t think it’s necessary to cancel, Tom.

He’d sell his heart not to cancel a bout.

I’m just about to cancel him.

Then I will cancel the special train for tomorrow morning… because my king will not go to Frankfurt without King Wilhelm.

I was afraid they’d cancel if you cut his face.

Ring up the Crescent Dancing Academy and cancel my rumba lesson.

From cancel culture to cancelled flights, the word ‘cancel’ can present itself in different ways, depending on the context. Writers of all levels have struggled with words like this. Let’s get into the details on the difference between cancelled and canceled and when to use them.

Canceled or Cancelled?

Canceled, with one L, is used in American English, and cancelled, with two L’s, is preferred in British English and outside of the U.S.

Why Cancelled and Canceled are Different

Cancelled and canceled are only different in spelling and origin. Obviously, one word has a double L, while the other only has one. But the most significant difference between them is that cancelled is British English, while canceled is American English. 

So, what’s the logic behind American English’s use of a single L? In the 19th century, Noah Webster of the Webster’s Dictionary thought some words kept their value with a letter removed. 

Even with a simplified spelling, canceled still sounds and means the same as cancelled. The same is accurate with other American spellings, like honor/honour and color/colour.  

Thanks to Noah Webster’s dictionaries, these American spellings became official. However, these orthographic variations were already present before. 

The present progressive form of the verb may also use single or double L. This means canceling and cancelling are also acceptable. 

When to Use Canceled vs. Cancelled

Spelling variations of the same word can be confusing. Like, authorise vs authorize, or apologise vs apologize. 

Use canceled when writing in American English, and use cancelled for British English. Don’t get confused about their definitions because they are the same. Cancelled and canceled come from the simple verb form, cancel, which means:

  • To annul, make void, or revoke. E.g., She canceled/cancelled her transaction.
  • To call off an event or occurrence. E.g., My sister’s flight was canceled/cancelled.
  • To compensate for one another. E.g., Our opposing votes always cancel each other.

Here are other examples that use American English and British English in a sentence:

  • Allan canceled our reservation because I already had dinner.
  • Allan cancelled our reservation because I have already had dinner.

Here’s a bonus lesson, which you’ll find helpful later on: American English usually uses simple past tense. And British English uses present perfect tense. 

Other words with spelling differences that follow the same guideline include modeled and modelled and bejeweled and bejewelled.

More American Examples

Take a look at these other American examples of canceled and canceling in a sentence:

Many flights have been canceled, forcing more passengers to connect at big and increasingly crowded hubs. [New York Times]

Under current law, it is scheduled to rise to 6.8% on July 1, an increase that Obama has called for canceling. [Los Angeles Times]

Moriarty added that an earlier cancellation could have allowed the slot to be resold, which would have resulted in a credit being issued. [Boston Globe]

But there’s a catch. Some verbs that end in L use a double L for their American past tense. Here are some examples:

  • Rebel, rebelled, and rebelling.
  • Compel, compelled, and compelling.
  • Enrol/Enroll, enrolled, and enrolling.
  • Dispel, dispelled, and dispelling.

If you want to know whether you should double the L or not, try to pronounce the word. If the final syllable is heavy, a double L is the preferred spelling. If not, use single L. Some American publications also use cancelled to emphasize the last syllable. 

More British Examples

Check out these British differences in spelling for cancelled and cancelling in a sentence. Note the double-L spelling:

It emerged yesterday that the girl, named only as Merthe, had gone into hiding with her family after cancelling the party. [Irish Times]

Allegations of black market touting by foreign Olympic committees could see thousands of tickets cancelled. [Independent]

British English vs. American English

British English and American English differ in sentence structure and spelling. One instance is when you maintain or double the last letter when adding inflections like -ed, -ing, -er, and -or.

You already know that British English always doubles the L. Hence the word cancelled. And American English uses a single L, except when you stress the last syllable. 

To tell the difference between the two, just remember that American books and publications use words that are shorter most of the time for an American audience. The terms have “reformed” spellings which many Americans advocated for in the past. Some pushed the change as a form of protest, while others aimed to simplify the language. 

Even American sentences are shorter. Remember our previous example on using simple past and present perfect tenses? Americans would say, “I already had dinner,” while British people would say, “I have already had dinner”.

British and American Usage Trends

As the Ngram below shows, American English has only recently adopted the one-l spellings of canceledcanceling, etc., and the change is not fully engrained in the American language. In web searches of American publications covering the last couple of years, cancelled and cancelling still appear about once for every five instances of canceled and canceling. Outside the U.S., meanwhile, the one-spellings appear only very rarely. This is true even in Canada, which is usually friendlier to American spelling idiosyncrasies than is the rest of the English-speaking world.

canceled vs cancelled American English 2

American English Trend

Similar Ngrams for British books (shown below)show the one-forms beginning to gain ground in British English—likely due to the strong American influence on web-only publications from around the world—but the two-forms still prevail by a large margin.

cancelled vs canceled Brtish English

British English Trend

Spelling Exception: Cancellation

Now that you know the difference between canceled and cancelled, let’s talk about cancellation. This word is a spelling exception because it’s the standard term in American and British English.

No matter who your audience is, use cancellation instead of cancelation. Take a look at these examples:

  • British Airways suggested rescheduling instead of a flight cancellation.
  • I’m disappointed about the cancellation of Beyonce’s concert.
  • You better go if you don’t want to pay a cancellation fee of £80. 
  • An annulment is a proper term for the cancellation of a marriage.
  • She requested a cancellation of the event because she was afraid of being cancelled. 

Cancelable or Cancellable

Cancelable, with one L, is the adjectival form of cancel and is the preferred spelling in American English. Cancellable with two L’s, is the preferred spelling outside of the U.S.

Does Canadian English Use Canceled or Cancelled?

Canadian English uses two L’s when spelling cancelled, cancelling etc. American and Canadian accents might sound the same, but their writing styles in English are very distinct.

Canadian English also uses other longer words as a spelling rule. It adopts “ou” in words like humour, behaviour, and romour. And they prefer “er” instead of “re,” as in centre and theatre.

Canadian Example

Student groups say organizers of the Canadian Grand Prix overreacted in cancelling the free opening day of the event. [CBC]

Does Australian English Use Canceled or Cancelled?

Australians also spells the word with a double L like Canadian and British spellings. Australian English uses cancel, cancelled, cancelling, and cancellation. Australians also spell humour instead of humor and favourite instead of favorite. 

In Conclusion

Both canceled and cancelled are acceptable varieties of English, correct spellings, and have the same definitions. However, American English employs the version with a single L, while British English prefers double L. The key to avoiding any confusion is remembering that Americans use simpler spelling.

Remember to consider who your target audience is before using canceled or cancelled. Otherwise, people might cancel you!

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