Sentences with the word beaten

избитый, битый, разбитый, побежденный, чеканный, проторенный, измученный, утомленный


- битый, избитый, побитый
- разбитый, побеждённый

beaten enemy — разбитый /побеждённый/ враг
beaten champion — побитый /потерпевший поражение/ чемпион

- обессиленный
- взбитый (о сливках и т. п.); воздушный (о тесте)
- протоптанный; проторённый

beaten path /track/ — а) хоженая /протоптанная/ тропинка; б) проторённый путь
off /out of/ the beaten path /track, line/ — а) в стороне от лёгких дорог; на своём собственном пути; б) оригинальный, самобытный

- тех. раскованный

ornaments of beaten silver and beaten gold — украшения из чеканного серебра и золота

- тех. расплющенный, фольговый
- воен. обстреливаемый; поражаемый

beaten area — обстреливаемый участок /район/
beaten zone — площадь падения снарядов

- охот. пройденный загонщиками (об участке)
- p. p. от beat

Мои примеры


a well-beaten path through the forest — хорошо протоптанная тропинка через лес  
a beaten man who had lost his job — подавленный, убитый горем человек, потерявший работу  
beaten to death — забитый насмерть  
to admit oneself beaten — признавать себя побеждённым  
beaten path — торная дорожка, протоптанная дорожка  
weather-beaten trunk — повреждённый ураганом ствол дерева  
weather-beaten ropes — порванные бурей канаты  
old man with a weather-beaten face — старик с обветренным лицом  
weather-beaten seamen — загорелый моряк  
be beaten out — быть в изнеможении; изнемогать; изнемочь  
beaten down at the ankles — быть совершенно без сил  
beaten-up egg white — взбитый яичный белок  

Примеры с переводом

He was questioned and beaten.

Его допрашивали и избивали.

He was savagely attacked and beaten.

На него варварски напали и избили.

He did not stray from the beaten path.

Он не свернул с проторенного пути.

The ship will be beaten into toothpicks.

Корабль разобьётся в щепки.

Brazil were beaten, 2-1.

Сборная Бразилии проиграла со счётом 2:1.

The prisoner was stripped and beaten.

Пленника раздели и избили.

The dented metal was beaten flat.

Помятый металл расплющили.

ещё 22 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

…felt beaten after three months of 90-hour workweeks…

Hitachi has beaten its competitors to the punch with its new palmtop.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

unbeaten  — непревзойденный, непроторенный, небитый, не испытавший поражения

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.


He was transferred to a police station and further interrogated and beaten.

После этого он был переведен в полицейский участок и снова подвергнут допросу и избит.

I was shot, beaten, half-drowned.

Послушайте, я был подстрелен, избит, почти утонул.

Her singles like single ladies and halo cannot be beaten

Ее синглы, такие как одинокие дамы и гало, не могут быть избиты

Five other people were also arrested and beaten.

Вместе с ними было арестовано и избито еще пять человек.

Two other boys arrested with him were also allegedly beaten.

Два других юноши, задержанные вместе с ним, также, как утверждается, были избиты.

The slower ones were severely beaten by centurions and officers with their staffs.

Как и ожидалось, «медленные удары» были жестоко избиты центурионами и офицерами со своими посохами.

Roy was beaten several hours before he was shot.

Рой был избит за несколько часов до того, как его застрелили.

Many, including women and minors, were violently beaten.

Многие из них, включая женщин и несовершеннолетних, были жестоко избиты.

It looked as if someone was being beaten.

И выглядела она так, как будто была избита кем-то.

Women and children were whipped and beaten.

Женщины и дети были подвергнуты наказанию плетью и избиты.

Several people, including women, were brutally beaten.

В результате были жестоко избиты несколько человек, в том числе женщины.

Several people, including women, were brutally beaten.

Однако множество людей, в том числе — женщин было жестоко избито.

He says he was beaten and robbed.

По его словам, он был избит и ограблен.

She looked like someone had beaten her.

И выглядела она так, как будто была избита кем-то.

Karpov was reportedly beaten and held in custody for approximately 10 hours.

Как сообщалось, Карпов был избит и удерживался под стражей на протяжении около 10 часов.

Supporters of Kumar as well as journalists were violently beaten.

При этом десятки сторонников оппозиции, а также журналисты были жестоко избиты.

After liebknecht and luxemburg had been beaten unconscious, they were shot.

После того, как Либкнехт и Люксембург были избиты до потери сознания, их застрелили.

Sedik Beyter was allegedly beaten and died two hours later.

Как сообщалось, Седика Бейтер была избита и скончалась двумя часами позже.

Makarov was also beaten in December 2017.

«Макаров был также избит в декабре 2017 года.

In June 2016 in Irkutsk was beaten the ambulance.

В июне 2016 года в Иркутске была избита бригада скорой помощи.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Предложения, которые содержат beaten

Результатов: 8005. Точных совпадений: 8005. Затраченное время: 92 мс


Корпоративные решения




Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

San Miguel de Allende looked so charming, and I do always love seeing places a bit off the beaten tourist track.


College football is almost literally off the beaten path.


Liverpool found that out in February when out-fought and beaten 2-0.


We take you off the beaten tourist track to show you the true


Add the beaten eggs, and mix again to combine.


About Blog A soft adventure travel blog geared towards off the beaten path destinations and culinary affairs.


One dish should have 1/3 cup flour (all purpose is fine), the next should contain one beaten egg, and the last one should have one cup of panko bread crumbs.


Brush with the beaten egg and place in the oven.


Increase the speed to moderately high and carefully and slowly pour the hot sugar syrup into the beaten whites in a thin stream.


ATV tours in Tamarindo get you off the beaten path and out into the tropical forest.


There will also be a shift towards a more eclectic material mix, where contrasting finishes like distressed wood, weathered ceramics, blown glass and beaten metals all sit alongside one another.


Push the veggie-rice mixture to one side of the pan and add the beaten egg to the empty side.


It’s a little off the beaten path but if you’re in London for Frieze and anywhere near the town’s northwest section (or «Zadie Smith country,» as the locals colorfully call it), you owe it to yourself to swing by the Camden Arts Centre to see Glenn Ligon’s tight show of new work there.


Paul labors, is beaten times beyond number, continually faces death; he is lashed, shipwrecked, in danger from Jews and Gentiles, threatened in city and country, hungry, thirsty, cold.


For an even more authentic experience, travelers can trek from coast-to-coast, with an itinerary that offers exposure to off the beaten path rural locales and exciting cultural discoveries.


This allows you to keep your pet on the beaten path and teach him or her not to stop for potty breaks every five feet.


It’s definitely off the beaten path and requires some hiking, but you’re rewarded by a lovely set of waterfalls and swimming holes in a secluded and wild setting.


Explore the off the beaten track route between Ceres and Citrusdal (R303) and climb to where you’ll find local fruit farms, a valley and a climate so different it will inspire the poet in you.


Meanwhile, mix together the buttermilk, stewed apple and beaten egg.


Shape dough into 1-inch balls and roll in beaten egg white then into 3/4 cups finely chopped cashews.


It appears the late, great David Bowie characteristically fell way off the beaten path, opting to drive a 1981 Volvo 262C Bertone in period.


Soul Sacrifice Delta is essentially the definitive version of last year’s Vita exclusive third-person action game Soul Sacrifice, where, as suggested by the title, sacrificing the souls of your beaten opponents shapes your character’s development and stats.


But we don’t just offer the classic treks; our comprehensive range of trekking holidays and cultural tours take you around the world, from off the beaten track adventures along forgotten pathways to tours that visit vibrant Buddhist festivals and stunning cultural sights.


South Water Caye has good off the beaten reef diving and snorkeling in a tropical setting and the beach is one of Belize’s sandy beauties.


After Arsenal were beaten heavily away to Bayern Munich in Germany a few weeks ago our manager looked a beaten man but the very next day he was looking more positive and was even saying that the tie was not over despite the 5-1 scoreline from the first leg, but I do not think there are many Arsenal fans who agree with Arsene Wenger on that idea.


I had never heard about this area — it’s fun that it is a bit off the beaten path!


The original all-terrain buggy, urban jungle is a versatile all rounder that is perfect for adventures in the city or off the beaten track — the ideal, comfortable sized buggy for parents who desire flexibility.


Along with his in-depth coverage, including color photos from his journeys and numerous maps, Dier includes unique trip ideas and off the beaten path itineraries.


So while I was driving through the streets of Byron Bay or racing down the Great Ocean Road or going off the beaten track in Coober Pedy, the diversity of the areas that can you visit truly reflect Australia and really freshen up this fun driving game that feels like you’re actually there.


For the moments when your adventure takes you off the beaten path, the GLC is still able to provide you with the legendary performance you’ve come to expect from Mercedes-Benz vehicles.


Brush the pastry soup-cover with slightly beaten egg yolk.


Our Myanmar travelogues are extended travel stories about off the beaten track vacations in Myanmar.


The Mall Tavern is tucked just a little bit off the beaten track in London’s Notting Hill.


With a rubber spatula, gently fold the beaten meringue and the whipped topping into the cooled chocolate mixture until no streaks of white remain.


Known for its beauty and its off the beaten track destination, Naue is one of the most hidden Kauai beaches you will find on your Kauai vacation.


But they share some common traits: they are unglamorous, usually tucked away from the beaten path, serve a limited range of drinks, their patrons are mostly regulars, and the dimly lit and dated décor puts the «funk» in «functional.»


A Pavlova belongs to the meringue family but it is an unusual meringue in that a little cornstarch (corn flour) and vinegar are added to the beaten egg whites and sugar.


But the distressed or off the beaten track type securities need a catalyst.


The Crabby Pirate was off the beaten path with a lovely view of the marsh.


I brush the balls with a beaten egg, top with diced red bell pepper and small shavings of Parmesan cheese, Let rise until double, bake at 400 until golden brown.


I try to eat at local restaurants off the beaten tourist track — or even better: with local families, and I have worked as a volunteer on different projects.


Different good and different bad, but titles that stray off the beaten path deserve to be celebrated.


Cream the margarine, peanut butter and sugar together and add the beaten egg.


Gently fold in walnuts and beaten egg yolk.


Comprising many islands, a holiday in Palau means that visitors can really get off the beaten track.


This free dating website for travelers wants to help you get off the beaten path and connects you with those who really know the city and lifestyle.


Also, for those of you who are fans of quinoa patties — I made patties out of the leftovers by combining a scant 3 cups of leftovers with 4 beaten eggs, and enough breadcrumbs to thicken things up a bit — 1/2 cup or so.


If you’re looking to go a bit more off the beaten path and into the wild, Cottars Safari Camp in Kenya’s Maasai Mara game reserve is one of the most romantic safari camps in the world.


Add half of beaten eggs and cook, stirring vigorously, 10 seconds (no, really, 10 seconds).


It offers the peace of a location off the beaten path, while still having the conveniences of city attractions just a few minutes drive away.


April 11, 2023
All Dictionary

Dean turned away and like a beaten boxer long after the bell had sounded, slowly returned to his room.

With less easy terms for payment than were usual in Manchester, prevented any great numbers from departing from the beaten track.

Local Veto and Disestablishment of the Welsh Church were put in the forefront of the party programme, but the government was already to all appearances riding for a fall, when on the 24th of June 1895 it was beaten upon an adverse vote in the Commons in regard to a question of the supply and reserve of small arms ammunition.

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But the hero of heroes was Prince Bagration, distinguished by his Schon Grabern affair and by the retreat from Austerlitz, where he alone had withdrawn his column unbroken and had all day beaten back an enemy force twice as numerous as his own.

The conservative and timid Leibnitz was beaten on the battlefield of politics and public law, and the aggressive spirit of Pufendorf aggravated yet more the dispute, and so widened the division.

On finding nearly all the ammunition for their heaviest ordnance in the Narrows to be used up, viewed the prospect of a possible fresh fleet attack with some apprehension, as they were under the impression that the assailants had been beaten off on the 18th by the guns and not by the mines.

Equally praiseworthy is the generous pardon that the emperor, after much intercession, granted to the seditious people of Antioch, who, out of anger at the growing imposts, had beaten down the imperial statues of their city (387).

It was a long time before the dragoons could extricate the bleeding youth, beaten almost to death.

And there’s another has been beaten too—they say he’s nearly done for….

Restless committed men, whose time was an taken up in getting a living or keeping it; ministers who spoke of God as if they enjoyed a monopoly of the subject, who could not bear all kinds of opinions; doctors, lawyers, uneasy housekeepers who pried into my cupboard and bed when I was out—how came Mrs.—to know that my sheets were not as clean as hers?—young men who had ceased to be young, and had concluded that it was safest to follow the beaten track of the professions—all these generally said that it was not possible to do so much good in my position.

  • Use the word BEATEN in a sentences

Sentence Examples

Yah, it’s time for her to get beaten up. Wait a second, I’ll be back.

I’ve beaten Dr Evil before, and I’ll beat him again.

And he was beaten so badly that he died on the same day.

Those who refuse will be beaten and put in the stocks!

You let my father be beaten to death!

I call it a shame, Lady Kriemhild that you let heroes, who could not be beaten in battle, perish in fire’s fury!

You’ll probably be beaten.

How will it look at the coronation if 2,000 poor cripples must be beaten to the ground?

I won’t be beaten by Martial and Werster.

Off your beaten path a bit tonight, aren’t you?

Come along. We’re not beaten.

Hillcrist… you’ve got me beaten. And disgraced hereabouts.

He had been beaten on the head with an iron, I guess.

Now they want to help me after having beaten as they have done.

The remains of the beaten army retreat to the north, worn out, dead tired and desperate.

in a short time we will either have beaten the enemy or we’ll never see each other again

Your Excellency, our men are being badly beaten in open warfare.

I’d have beaten her though if I hadn’t tripped and fell.

Now I’m lonely, down the slope, lonely and beaten. So I want to confess, if that mouth was lying, about the love it offered if those sorcerer’s eyes asked for more I would give.

You’ve lived so long being beaten thin by things… that you shrivel up inside to protect yourself… and you forget that anything outside exists.

Sir, you have beaten my wife, and she has gone off with another man. — You are a dirty dog.

You leave my home to live God-knows-where like a pauper. You reject me to go to your clubs to honor the memory of your idiot father who let himself get beaten with his Bonaparte at Waterloo.

Exactly: Let himself get beaten. You become a window smasher, and now, four years later, just because you’re penniless, you stop by to ask, as a mere formality, my consent for you to marry.

We’ve beaten every inch of the riverbank for miles.

Now, thanks to the decisive actions of the detachment and its commander, the enemy’s been beaten off and made to flee.

Who’s beaten the patrician sword into collective farm’s apiary!

Your Excellency, if my poor husband were alive- he has been in the enjoyment of God for the past 15 years- he’d have beaten her black and blue.

We’ve beaten the sea itself.

And that’s why you’re beaten.

And beaten up some before the strangling set in.

I’ve been beaten so much.

I’ll have you beaten and thrown out! Little slut!

but my last breath is beaten awake by the drummer with the beat of the drum.

And tonight, after the fight… Say, listen, have you ever seen a fighter… after he’s been very badly beaten?

This is the first time I’ve ever beaten Cornelia, and you helped me do it.

Nature’s proving she can’t be beaten, not by the likes of us.

We’ve got to admit that nature can’t be beaten.

You? — Don’t you see? We’re beaten.

Why should I be beaten like this?


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