Sentences with the word beard

beard — перевод на русский


Elise, where is my beard?

Элиза, где моя борода?

If you wait for her to tell the truth, you’ll have a long gray beard.

Если Вы будете ждать, пока она расскажет правду, у Вас отрастет длинная седая борода.

Maybe there’s something very gentle under that beard of yours.

Знаете, если бы не борода, ваше лицо было бы мягче.

— Maybe he is wearing a false beard.

— Может, у него фальшивая борода?

— It was a false beard, you know that.

Вы же знаете, борода была фальшивая.

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We called him Baby Beard. He was a kid who always needed a shave.

Мы звали его Бородатый Гном,ибо он был маленького роста и всегда небрит.


Один из них бородатый, и еще с ними белая женщина.

You still believe in that big bearded Boss up there?

Ты все ещё веришь, в то, что там наверху сидит большой бородатый Босс.

Monstrosity! Bearded freak!

Поганец бородатый!

That would be the bearded one feeding the seagull

Бородатый, кто кормит чайку

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You can’t forgive me my beard.

Бородка вас заела.

Well at the time I still had a small beard.

Ну у меня тогда ещё бородка была.

-What happened to your beard thing?

— А где твоя бородка? — Ах это?

Scraggy little beard.

Козлиная бородка.

I like that beard.

Симпатичная бородка.

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Brown as a berry and with a fine growth of a beard.

Загорелый, как индеец, и отрастил бороду.

You’ve grown a beard.

Ты отрастил бороду.

He grew a beard.

— Он отрастил бороду.

You got a beard!

Отрастил бороду?

Son of a bitch has a beard, sunglasses…

Этот сукин сын отрастил бороду, надел солнцезащитные очки…

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My bearded man.

Мой бородач.

The young bearded stranger turns, the rabbi goes, «don’t touch me, I’m on total disability.»

— А когда бородач повернулся, раввин воскликнул: «Не трожь, я инвалид!»

Red bearded man.

Рыжий бородач.

Strange bearded thing.

Странный бородач.

And weird beard over there profits off my words, My autograph, my memories of sweet gifted kelly.

А странный бородач вон там наживается на моих словах, моем автографе, моих воспоминаниях о чудесно одаренной Келли.

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— How’s your beard? — I’m not being defensive!

— Как твоё прикрытие?

Well, mostly I was his beard for all his family functions.

Он водил меня, как прикрытие, на семейные торжества.

Well, if you need a beard for your sister’s wedding, my social calendar is woefully empty.

Ќу, если тебе нужно прикрытие дл€ свадьбы, мой календарь выходов в свет удручающе пуст.

Rick doesn’t know he’s my beard.

Рик не знает, что он — мое прикрытие.

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No talent, no charisma, but we like his beard.

Ни таланта, ни внешности, зато как носит бороду!

When I was a girl, I thought God had a beard.

В детстве я думала, что Бог носит бороду.

Just because he has a beard you label him as evil?

Только потому, что он носит бороду, ты повесил на него ярлык — Дьявол?

I mean, he doesn’t have a beard, but he’s not clean-shaven.

Я имею ввиду он не носит бороду но он и не гладко выбрит.

He’s a friend of my husband but he has a beard now.

Он друг моего мужа но теперь он носит бороду.

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— You are? — I was interviewed for Hindsight, with John Beard.

— У меня взял интервью Джон Бирд.

Billy Gibbons, Frank Beard.

Билли Гиббонс, Фрэнк Бирд.

This is Beard Papa.

Это Бирд Папа.

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Paint her a mustache and a beard.

нарысовать её еще усы и подбородок надо

— Are you pulling my beard?

-Ты выдерешь мне усы!

Who’s to blame for the fact that we don’t know why we’re growing beards?

Кто виноват, что мы не знаем, когда у нас вырастут усы?

If you have a beard, you can have an empire.

Если есть усы — можно получить империю?

Does he have a beard or a moustache?

У него были баки, или усы?

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That beard is most unpleasant.

Ваша щетина отвратительна.

It sees beard!

— Какая то щетина.

His beard grew an inch between pitches.

Да у него уже щетина растёт.

Watch the beard.

гы! осторожно, щетина! . :)

— You have a five-day beard.

Во-первых, у тебя пятидневная щетина.

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These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.


The possibility he has a beard.

Есть возможность, что у него есть борода.

Probably laughing ’cause I can’t grow a beard.

Наверно, смеются над тем, что у меня борода не растет.

Never enough for a full beard.

И часто этого не достаточно для полной бороды.

The beard oil can be used on moustache also.

Масло для бороды можно также использовать в качестве масла перед бритьём.

I said take away the beard.

Я сказал, «если убрать бороду«.

Baseball cap, with like a beard.

Такой, в бейсболке, и с бородой вроде.

Male age also greatly affects how much a beard grows.

Мужской возраст также сильно влияет на то, сколько будет расти борода.

The problem is that most guys were never taught proper beard care.

Парадокс в том, что большинство мужчин никто никогда не учил как правильно ухаживать за бородой.

This year having beard is fashion.

В этом году носить бороду стало опять модно.

A passerby stopped him and admired his long white beard.

Один прохожий остановил его, и выразил свое удивление его длинной белой бородой.

My boss also has a beard.

Ну и что, у моего начальника тоже борода.

So young he had no beard.

Если поросёнок совсем юный, у него нет бороды.

Men were ordered to wear a beard.

Мужчин, в свою очередь, обязали носить бороды.

A beard is the same hair.

По сути, борода является такой же прической.

Apparently its all in the beard.

А потом понял: всё дело в бороде.

Use this beard oil recipe to keep beards looking sharp.

Используйте этот рецепт масла для бороды, чтобы ваша борода постоянно выглядела элегантно.

He had no beard and short hair.

На этот раз он был без бороды и с короткими волосами.

On the face should be eyebrows and not too long beard.

На морде в обязательном порядке должны быть брови, а также борода, но не слишком длинная.

Welcome to our epic beard styles article.

Добро пожаловать в нашу эпическую статью о стилях бороды.

He even had a beard like mine.

У него даже борода уже седая, как и у меня.

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борода, ость, растительность на лице, смело выступать против


- борода

to shave off one’s beard — сбрить бороду
to trim one’s beard — подстригать бороду
to grow a beard — отпустить бороду
to stroke one’s beard — поглаживать бороду
long [flowing, grey, red] beard — длинная [волнистая, седая, рыжая] борода

- борода и усы, растительность на лице
- бородка (у животного)
- сл. битник, «бородатый интеллигент», «бородач», «сердитый молодой человек»
- бот. ость (колоса); мочка (растения)
- энт. волоски
- зубец; зазубрина
- головка вязального крючка или крючковой трикотажной иглы

knitting spring beard-needle machine — вязальная машина с крючковыми иглами


- хватать за бороду
- разг. смело выступать против (кого-л.)
- очищать от зазубрин; отёсывать (края доски) по линейке
- брить бороду
- стричь (животных)

Мои примеры


designer beard — модная небритость, стильная щетина  
beard moss — мох, свисающий с деревьев  
to one’s beard — открыто, в лицо  
to speak in one’s beard — говорить невнятно; бормотать себе под нос  
to laugh in one’s beard — смеяться исподтишка; ≅ усмехаться в усы  
to take by the beard — говорить смело; ≅ брать быка за рога  
to beard a lion in his den — лезть в логово зверя, смело подходить к опасному /страшному/ человеку  

Примеры с переводом

He had a long, white beard.

У него была длинная белая борода.

He grew a beard and mustache.

Он отрастил бороду и усы.

My beard needs a trim.

Мне нужно подстричь /подровнять/ бороду.

A long beard does not make a philosopher.

Длинная борода ещё не делает человека философом.

Please don’t shave off your beard, I like your face with it.

Пожалуйста, не сбривай бороду: с ней ты мне больше нравишься.

His beard was white with eld.

С возрастом его борода поседела.

He stroked his long beard

Он поглаживал свою длинную бороду.

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Примеры, ожидающие перевода

Jim seemed to have sprouted a beard.

Houses bearded the top of the heights

His beard gives him a very professorial look.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

bearded  — бородатый, остистый
beardless  — безбородый, безусый, безостый, неопушенный, юный, неопытный, лишенный мочки

Формы слова

ед. ч.(singular): beard
мн. ч.(plural): beards

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word beard, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use beard in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «beard».

Beard in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word beard in a sentence.

  1. Long dark curls and a short full beard.

  2. Gawlikowski also disputed the presence of a beard.

  3. Some depict the artist with a beard, others without.

  4. The beard was also a sign of his break with the past.

  5. He grew a beard to hide a facial scar left by smallpox.

  6. He also likely had a beard that was not particularly long or heavy.

  7. Finally, Hurley is visited by Jack, who is thinking of growing a beard.

  8. The face is oval and a long, drooping, curved moustache joins the beard.

  9. According to the actress, «the beard actually determined Lila’s voice.».

  10. It took Russell about a year to grow his hair and beard out for the role.

  11. Gossip, with his long, flowing beard, looks like one of the old-time monks.

  12. At age sixteen, Lila already sported a beard and married for the first time.

  13. There’s one guy with his camera up in the air taking a picture with a beard.

  14. He had thick hair, manicured nails, a well-trimmed beard and an athletic figure.

  15. To make Vaseegaran look mature, the team made Rajinikanth sport an Oakley beard.

  16. For his role, Pemberton wore an Eddie Large-inspired wig, but had his own beard.

  17. Though largely hairless, males’ faces can develop some hair, giving them a beard.

  18. The lower part of the face is broken, only the first row of beard curls surviving.

  19. He developed it in 1974, spending the summer seeing what kind of beard he could grow.

  20. S*perm*n (Superman) has gone into hiding from society, sporting a beard and moccasins.

  21. The establishment will irritate you pull your beard, flick your face to make you fight.

  22. The window is adorned with Celtic motifs, including the bronze spirals around his beard.

  23. Biographers described him as a person who loved hunting and who had long, dark-red beard.

  24. The beard binds to the hair at the temples and is placed low on the cheeks with a stiff, clean cut.

  25. Visual differences between sheep and goats include the beard of goats and divided upper lip of sheep.

  26. Cranmer mourned Henry’s death and it was later said that he demonstrated his grief by growing a beard.

  27. Tall, with a red beard, he was seen as trustworthy and, like Fawkes, capable of looking after himself.

  28. Hill let his beard grow and visited several mosques in New Jersey, showing up for morning prayers at dawn.

  29. It consists of a full, luxuriant beard and a moustache, and is typically accompanied by short, styled hair.

  30. Frank was not envisioned with a beard, however, the writer-producers allowed Fahey to keep it for the role.

  31. Bostock’s deposition describes Teach as a «tall spare man with a very black beard which he wore very long».

  32. A Ned Kelly beard is a style of facial hair named after 19th-century Australian bushranger and outlaw Ned Kelly.

  33. The Australian National Dictionary Centre cites this photograph as the inspiration for the term Ned Kelly beard.

  34. The authors of the RTP postulated the presence of a beard, and considered it possible that the king is Odaenathus.

  35. In the Seleucid dynasty, currency struck during campaigns against a rival (or usurper) showed the king with a beard.

  36. The mask also contained locks of hair on either side of its head, a beard on its chin, and a pair of bullock’s horns.

  37. The mature Roberts now projected a persona evocative of the Old West, with an imposing beard and patriarchal demeanor.

  38. Robey resented having to grow a beard for the role and disliked the French climate and gruelling 12-week filming schedule.

  39. He abandons his faith, shaves his beard, and lives a life as a miserly businessman in a penthouse with a gentile mistress.

  40. Tragos is Greek for a male goat, and refers to the tuft of hair that grows in the eland’s ear which resembles a goat’s beard.

  41. Five years later, Woodruff disguises himself with a beard and monocle and assumes a new identity in an attempt to court Allen.

  42. Also around this time he shaved off his moustache and most of his facial hair, leaving the chinstrap beard he kept thereafter.

  43. Lady Zhang was said to be overbearing and fierce, often abusive to Shen Kuo, even attempting at one time to pull off his beard.

  44. Later descriptions mention that his thick black beard was braided into pigtails, sometimes tied in with small coloured ribbons.

  45. Although he is a sephardic rabbi whose photos show him without a beard, he has a following within the Orthodox Ashkenazic community.

  46. The historian Ronald Hutton described the Ooser as «a terrifying horned mask with human face, staring eyes, beard, and gnashing teeth».

  47. Modern scholars noted that Seleucid currency, struck during campaigns against a rival (or usurper), portrayed the King sporting a beard.

  48. Seleucus VI was depicted with a beard, which was later removed from coins, indicating the fulfilment of a vengeance vow to avenge his father.

  49. In Hawaii, Rosenberg was known for his long white beard and his personality, which was described by those who knew him as charming and witty.

  50. The beard sported by Antiochus XI on his jugate coins from Tarsus is probably a sign of mourning and the intention to avenge Seleucus VI’s death.

Synonyms for beard

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word beard has the following synonyms: byssus, face fungus and whiskers.

General information about «beard» example sentences

The example sentences for the word beard that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «beard» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «beard».

A beard is the collection of hair that grows on the chin and cheeks of humans and some non-human animals. (Wikipedia) (See all definitions)

He looks striking, with gentle features framed by a salt-and-pepper Afro and a full beard.


For pet owners, you should plan on setting aside several hours three or four times per year at a minimum to clipper the back, trim the beard and eyebrows, and scissor the leg and stomach furnishings.


About the only perk the Uber Visa doesn’t come with for millennials is beard trimmers, or perhaps built-in career coaching and mentoring that people in their 20s are said to crave.


He keeps his beard, hides his long mane of hair in a turban, and endures the occasional racial taunt.


One of the most distinct look of theirs however, is that they have beards!


If you remember, a large majority of social media chatter after the new Avengers: Infinity War trailer debuted included fans talking about Captain America’s brand new beard.


I will never forget encountering the young man on a terrace in Turin, a bit chunky with a gray beard, wearing a 1970s-style suit and glasses.


It is important for men to express their inner style and personalities through their hairstyles and beard styles.


When he eats, his beard absorbs food so that when he sniffs your face or presses his head against your leg, YOU end up dirty, too.


See all Jessie J’s marriages, divorces, hookups, break ups, affairs, and dating relationships plus celebrity photos, latest Jessie J news, gossip, and Jessie J has reverted back to dating men (Picture: Getty) «I get really bad stubble rash so any guys that I’m seeing or whatever have to condition their beards so it’s soft,» she told Radio 1.


Some men find the open combs line up longer growth and can power through a heavy beard with fewer shave passes.


Use a small comb like this one to smooth down the beard.


Anonda Bell investigates this phobia by portraying its opposite — a woman standing in a typical «bee beard» pose, calm and prepared to invite as many bees as possible to cover her face and body.


You’ll then feel obligated to grow a long-white beard, and wear funny-scratchy robes 24/7.


But however one might have imagined it being translated to the big screen, it probably didn’t involve Jim Carrey in a Letterman retirement beard doing «an accent» as an emotionally stunted cop.


How many combinations of wigs, beards, and glasses can you create for each member of the squad?


Also, while big beards do seem to be «in’these days, that doesn’t mean you should look like you’ve been stranded on an island for months.


[In] another nod to what kind of person Cindy is, she said, «Come to my lab and photograph me wearing a beard


Offering heroic portraits of men with bubble beards.


I’d fall against the mic, you’d hear my beard scruff scraping against the microphone, I was throwing things against the wall.


I’m the creative half of indie duo Brain & Brain: drawer of beards and writer of salty exclamations in folktale adventure Burly Men at Sea, coming to both PS4 and PS Vita on September 19.


Hey Charles, I’m glad you rock that beard.


At a concert in Scotland, Adele told fans «When I got pregnant, I had so much testosterone in me that I grew a beard.


In a photo we took of our face, fine details like the individual hairs in our beard became lost in a blur.


Like all the rest of us, they start with childish ideas of God — a venerable bookkeeper, with white flowing beard, standing behind a high desk and writing down everybody’s bad deeds, was the way Professor John Fiske of Harvard in his boyhood pictured God.


Finer details like textures on the walls of the bunker and the hairs in Howard’s beard benefit nicely from the added resolution.


Jarvis Cocker sits with unblinking patience as syringes of salt and sugar are applied to his beard and hair and he is transformed into a frosted Arctic explorer…


The Northern Parula, a warbler common in the Ozarks, depends on old man’s beard to build its nests.


I am attracted to a man with long hair and a beard.


While a customer who was refused entry threw punches at the doormen and a crowd built outside, Alec Baldwin, wearing a gray beard and blue polo shirt, ambled about recording interviews for NPR.


These dogs are characterized by their bushy beard on their eyebrows and face.


Using Google’s Cloud Vision API, user profile pictures are scanned for a number of features — including hair and eye colour, whether the image shows a beard or moustache as well as «has cleavage» and «deduced BMI».


Well, Max himself is looking awful; older, fatter, drunker, and sporting a beard that only serves to highlight his more than passing resemblance to Humphrey Bogart.


Barney’s rounder face and beard stubble seem almost an aberration.


This is a great choice for anyone looking for a great beard trimmer that is versatile.


Jetpacks, sweet beards, even sweeter mustaches, and scary monsters.


The Bouvier des Flandres, also known as the Flanders Cattle Dog, the Belgian Cattle Dog, the Koehond («cow dog»), the Toucheur de Boeuf («cattle driver»), the Pic («cattle drover»), the Vuilbaard («dirty beard») or simply the Bouvier, is a large, rough-coated breed with its origins in Flanders, an area that covers parts of Belgium, France and the Netherlands.


One unlucky Redditor even bet the community that if Xur sold the gun, he would shave his head and glue his hair to his face like a beard.


Introduce him to big people, small people, bald men, men with beards, and people of different races.


Nick was born and raised in Amish country, has a beard, but isn’t Amish.


Roger wanted his team to be clean-shaven, but John was attached to his beard and said he’d only shave it off if he won a race.


From facial masks and serums to hair pomades and beard oil, these formulas from California will leave you feeling beautiful and healthy.


With his stringy dark hair, scraggly beard and lithe physique, he’s in excellent form throughout the film, whether battling his way through imaginatively staged fight sequences or handling an impressive array of firearms and lethal blades.


It isn’t made easier by the fact that an ex-girlfriend has reappeared with a flashier bloke, the goatee beard still as glorious as the last time I saw it.


Baseball beards are common facts of life — especially in the postseason — and college baseball players know well the value of #GraveBeforeShave come tournament time.


Now, he might be right, and me wrong on this point (with my gray beard, though I am younger than he is).


While Violet’s career takes off under the tutelage of a rock star professor (Rhys Ifans), Tom is stuck making sandwiches at a local deli and takes up hunting, growing a ludicrous beard, and knitting to compensate for his lost dreams.


As Knuckles McGinty, the prison’s fearsome chef who is won over by Paddinton’s patience and marmalade, Gleeson suggests that underneath his walrus beard and booming bluster, there’s a cuddly teddy bear just waiting for a hug.


This Santa Needle Crafting set (from Amazon) or the same kit but on Etsy would make the perfect decorations for the tree — look at how great the wool roving looks to make a beard.


A grey beard on an ethics panel may not follow the arguments too well.


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