Sentences with the word assume

предполагать, принимать, брать на себя, допускать, принимать на себя


- принимать, брать (на себя)

to assume responsibility — взять на себя ответственность
to assume charge of a business — принять на себя ведение дел (фирмы)
to assume the command — воен. принимать командование

- предпринимать

to assume measures — принять меры
to assume the offensive — воен. перейти в наступление

- присваивать, узурпировать

to assume a right to oneself — присвоить себе право
he assumed the reins of government — он узурпировал власть
he assumed a new name — он принял псевдоним /вымышленное имя/

- предполагать, допускать

let us assume that this is true — допустим, что это правда
to assume his innocence /him to be innocent, that he is innocent/ — исходить из предположения о его невиновности /что он не виновен/
he is not such a fool as you assumed him to be — он не такой дурак, каким вы его считаете
assuming her surmises are true … — если исходить из того, что её предположения правильны …
assuming it rains tomorrow what shall we do? — предположим /допустим/, завтра пойдёт дождь, что мы будем делать?

- притворяться, напускать на себя

to assume a look of innocence — принять невинный вид
to assume airs — напускать на себя важность, важничать
they assumed to have knowledge of the fact — они заявили, что (они) якобы знают об этом факте

- важничать; вести себя высокомерно
- принимать (определённый характер, форму)

to assume the original form — принять первоначальную форму
to assume new habits of life — изменить свои привычки
his illness assumed a grave character — его болезнь приняла серьёзный характер
the campaign assumed world-wide proportions — кампания приобрела мировые масштабы /охватила весь мир/
to assume a formation — воен. построиться

Мои примеры


to assume / take control of (over) smth. — взять на себя управление чем-л.  
to assume / take on a dimension — становиться важным  
to assume a disguise — маскироваться  
to assume human form — принимать человеческий вид  
to acquire / assume importance — приобретать важность, значимость  
to assume an air of innocence — сделать невинное выражение лица  
to assume / take on / take over the leadership — выходить в лидеры, получать превосходство  
to accept / acknowledge / assume / incur / take on a liability — принимать (на себя), нести ответственность  
to assume / take on the mantle of smb./smth. — принять полномочия, занять пост  
to assume / put on / wear a mask — притворяться, скрывать свои истинные намерения  

Примеры с переводом

I can only assume that it was a mistake.

Я могу лишь предположить, что это была ошибка.

I assume his train was late.

Наверное, его поезд опоздал.

Assume the contrary.

Допустим обратное.

He is not such a fool as you assumed him to be.

Он не такой дурак, как вы думали.

The problem is beginning to assume massive proportions.

Проблема начинает принимать массовый характер.

I didn’t see your car, so I assumed you’d gone out.

Я не видел вашей машины, вот и подумал, что вы уже ушли.

She assumed from his expression that he was confused.

Глядя на его лицо, она решила, что он в замешательстве.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Возможные однокоренные слова

assumed  — предполагаемый, допускаемый, вымышленный, притворный
assuming  — самонадеянный, высокомерный, надменный, заносчивый

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: assume
he/she/it: assumes
ing ф. (present participle): assuming
2-я ф. (past tense): assumed
3-я ф. (past participle): assumed

assume — перевод на русский


— I assume Mrs. Van Ryn is at dinner?

Полагаю, мисс ван Райн ужинает?

I assume that John Van Buren is to prosecute the trial, is he not?

Полагаю, обвинителем будет Джон ван Бурен, разве нет?

I assume your twisted little friend is offering up suitable prayers for your safe return?

Полагаю, твоя корявая подружка произносит соответствующие молитвы за твое безопасное возвращение?

I assume you’re still interested in keeping

Я полагаю, ты хочешь сохранить ваш брак?

No. I assumed they were the ones in Switzerland.

Ќо € полагаю, где-то в Ўвейцарии.

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But ifwe assume that a heat beam can bore the earth’ then… Ah!

Но если предположить, что тепловой луч может бурить землю, то…

Since there hasn’t been report Professor Fate has crossed your border I assume that I’m in the lead.

Ну раз уж не поступало никаких сообщений о том, что профессор Фэйт пересек вашу границу, то могу предположить, что я сейчас впереди.

Safe to assume that they would receive the necessary instructions.

Можно предположить, что они получают необходимые инструкции.

Now, one must assume that the relative connection is constant. Now, let me see.

Теперь, нужно предположить, что относительная связь является постоянной.

Then it is logical to assume that there is a connection between the psychokinetic power and the eating of the native foods.

Затем, логично предположить, что есть связь между психокинетической энергией и здешним питанием.

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I assumed Chicago.

Я предполагаю, в Чикаго.

I assume that the owners have entered into a proper contract

Я предполагаю, что владельцы подписали надлежащий договор…

But the idea was to discourage the Ruskies from any hope… they could knock out Washington, and yourself, as part of a sneak attack… and escape retaliation because of lack of proper command and control. I assume the planes will return automatically… once they reach their fail-safe points.

Но главной идеей было лишить русских всякой надежды на то они могли стереть с лица земли Вашингтон и избежать ответного удара из-за плохо отлаженной системы реагирования но я предполагаю, что самолеты должны вернуться автоматически если не поступит подтверждения приказа.

I, um… assume from your presence here that you’re interested in my proposition.

Я предполагаю, что вас интересует мое предположения, раз вы здесь.

Assume depth of olivine at 5 kilometers.

Глубину оливина предполагаю пяти километрах.

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Ms. v. Racket, I assumed all matters concerning this house were safe in your hands.

Фройляйн фон Ракет, я думаю, что лучше вас в вопросах по ведению хозяйства никто не разбирается.

Am I correct to ass… to assume that you’re not interested?

Я правильно думаю, вам это не интересно?

I assume you’re complimenting Mr. Spock on his ability to decode.

Думаю, это комплимент способностям м-ра Спока к расшифровке.

Well… we must assume Dr. Sapirstein knows where of he speaks.

Ну, думаю… мы можем доверять доктору Сапирстейну, он знает, о чем говорит.

I assume you’ve already promised your fair, freckled, first-form hand in marriage to this young gentleman?

Не уверена, сэр. Я думаю, вы уже дали обещание выйти за него замуж?

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I’ve been told that the family has completely died out and since no protest has yet been entered, one may assume that in six months more the name will be legally mine.

Мне сказали, что их род иссяк. А так как до сих пор не поступило никаких протестов, можно считать, что через полгода я буду законно владеть именем.

Let’s assume I’m a foundling.

Потому. Будем считать, что я подкидыш.

Bones, Spock, since you’re playing this tape, we will assume that I am dead, and the tactical situation is critical, and both of you are locked in mortal combat.

Боунс, Спок, если вы смотрите эту запись, будем считать, что я мертв, ситуация критическая, и вы сошлись в смертельной схватке.

I think you can safely assume that I’m aware of that.

Я полагаю, вы можете считать, что я знаю об этом.

In your defence, I will assume that that parvenu next door influenced you in an unfortunate way.

В вашу защиту, я буду считать, что выскочка по соседству повлиял на вас неудачным образом.

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— My client, being cognizant Of his obligations as a husband… wishes to assume his duties in regard to the Farley interests.

— Мой клиент осознает свои обязательства и как супруг… желает принять на себя обязанности в отношении интересов Фарли.

Well, since the senior officers are incapable, and I am of flag rank, I am forced by regulations to assume command.

Ну, так как старшие офицеры не в состоянии, а я командир, по уставу я вынужден принять командование.

Computer could the described entity assume physical form?

Компьютер могло бы такое существо принять физическую форму?

A creature without form that feeds on horror and fear, that must assume a physical shape to kill.

Существо без формы питающееся ужасом и страхом которое должно принять физическую форму, чтобы убивать.

In a moment, we’ll ask you to assume crash positions.

— Через пару минут мы попросим вас принять аварийное положение.

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The world assumed that disaster had overtaken the mission.

Весь мир решил, что миссию постигла неудача.

I just assumed that you’d want to know and want to help him.

И я решил, что вы захотите об этом узнать и сможете ему помочь.

Why do you assume that’s what I wanted?

Почему ты решил, что я хотела спросить именно это?

No doors had been forced open, so I assumed that he had your key.

Двери не были взломаны, и я решил, что у него — твой ключ.

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Let us assume that the boy really did commit the murder.

Допустим, мальчик действительно совершил убийство.

Assuming that I am on my deathbed And I must admit adultery.

Допустим, я лежу на смертном одре и должен покаяться в прелюбодеянии.

Let’s assume that…


Think about it. If Favraux marries you, assuming we can find him when Jacqueline tells him what you did to her last night…

Допустим… мы найдем его, Фавро женится на тебе но когда Жаклин ему расскажет о событиях прошлой ночи…

Now, assume I’m pointing to the field of the disturbance force which has shown to be always along this tangent line.

Теперь, допустим, я указываю на область, где наблюдается возмущение Которая, распростроняется вдоль этой касательной линии

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I assume Allison and I are better people than you guys?

Я так понимаю, что Элисон и я гораздо лучше вас, ребята?

I assume the investigation is concluded?

Я так понимаю расследование завершено?

I assume you no longer consider the Federation to be an enemy to Bajor.

Я так понимаю, вы больше не считаете Федерацию врагом Бэйджора.

I assume everyone’s affairs are in order?

Я так понимаю, вы все привели свои дела в порядок?

I assume there’s no locking mechanism on the hatch.

Я так понимаю, на люке нет замков.

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— Well, so I assumed.

— Я так и подумал.

— Well, that’s what I assumed at first.

— Я так и подумал сначала…

We noticed the robot was gone when we came out and everyone assumed that someone else had got it.

Мы заметили, что робот пропал, когда вышли и каждый подумал, что робот у кого-то другого.

But I assumed that I’d read the book years ago and I’d forgotten.

Но я подумал, что уже читал эту книгу с год назад и просто забыл об этом.

if this child is yours, as you let it assume, it is because you ran the beggar-woman;

если этот ребенок ваш, как вы утверждаете, то он родился от распутства. А я никогда не подумал бы жениться на дефлорированной девственнице.

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Synonym: adopt, believe, presume, put on, suppose, suspect, think, understand. Antonym: conclude. Similar words: assumption, resume, consume, consumer, assure, issue, tissue, dress up. Meaning: [ə’sjuːm]  v. 1. take to be the case or to be true; accept without verification or proof 2. take on titles, offices, duties, responsibilities 3. take on a certain form, attribute, or aspect 4. take on as one’s own the expenses or debts of another person 5. occupy or take on 6. seize and take control without authority and possibly with force; take as one’s right or possession 7. make a pretence of 8. take up someone’s soul into heaven 9. put clothing on one’s body. 

Random good picture Not show

1. They assume most who know the least. 

2. By ignorance is pride increased; those most assume who know the least. 

3. She unsuccessfully attempted to assume the mantle of presidency.

4. Many daughters assume that their mothers are invulnerable.

5. Don’t always assume the worst .

6. We can’t just assume her guilt.

7. We cannot assume anything in this case.

8. We can’t assume anything in this case.

9. It is reasonable to assume that he knew beforehand that this would happen.

10. Let’s assume they’re coming and make plans on that basis.

11. A good life is when you assume nothing, do more, need less, smile often, and realize how blessed you are for what you have.

12. Let us assume for a moment that the plan succeeds.

13. It is a great mistake to assume that your children will agree with you.

14. It is reasonable to assume the economy will continue to improve.

15. Willing to assume responsibilities.

16. It is a misconception to assume that the two continents are similar.

17. We were wrong to assume that she’d agree.

18. It seems reasonable to assume they’ve been tested.

19. Fish populations assume highly localized distributions within each river.

20. They naively assume things can only get better.

21. Jim Paton will assume the role of managing director.

22. I assume her politics must be fairly conservative.

23. I can only assume that it was a mistake.

24. We mustn’t assume the suspects’ guilt.

25. Let’s assume A knows B is guilty.

25. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!

26. The problem is beginning to assume massive proportions .

27. These relationships assume great importance in times of crisis.

28. The problem is beginning to assume mammoth proportions.

29. These issues now assume even greater importance.

30. The most frightening assumption in this world is that most people assume you are intelligent.

More similar words: assumption, resume, consume, consumer, assure, issue, tissue, dress up, volume, sum up, costume, summer, summit, monument, document, numerous, summary, instrument, summation, sumptuous, documentary, presumably, consumption, pass, mass, asset, class, vassal, pass out, assign. 

These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.


You cannot just pick any VPN service and assume it will serve.

Вы не можете просто выбрать любой VPN-сервис и предположить, что он будет служить верно.

So we can assume there is a secret underground implanter base in Australia.

Так, что мы можем предположить, что там, в Австралии расположена секретная база имплантёров.

Business leaders should never assume they know what their employees think.

Лидеры бизнеса никогда не должны предполагать, что они знают, что думают их сотрудники.

While many assume this was Satoshi, it officially remains unproven.

Хотя многие предполагают, что это был Сатоши, это официально остается недоказанным.

So you can assume I killed them.

Вы можете считать, что это я их убил.

Let’s just assume the vegetables are inconsequential.

Давайте будем пока считать, что овощи — это не важно.

If they have coffee, they often assume foreigners prefer it to tea.

Если у них есть кофе, они часто считают, что иностранцы предпочитают его вместо чая.

Every couple fights, and probably more often than you assume.

Каждая пара ссорится, и, вероятно, чаще, чем вы предполагаете.

Anytime you travel internationally, assume you’re already in the defensive position.

В любое время вы путешествуете на международном уровне, предположим, вы уже в оборонительной позиции.

Don’t assume the client is wrong before seeing the evidence.

В любом случае, не предполагайте, что клиент ошибается, прежде чем увидите доказательства.

Always assume you’re continually under attack from outside threats.

Всегда предполагайте, что вы постоянно подвергаетесь нападению со стороны внешних угроз.

They assume you are submitting other places.

Вы верно предполагаете, что будут предлагать иные должности.

You can assume anything that you want.

Вообще, вы можете считать, как вам захочется.

AK: Let’s assume your political party remained in power.

А.К.: Давайте предположим, что ваша политическая партия осталась у власти.

We all assume it might be China.

If you must assume something, assume something easy to test.

However more men than women assume this responsibility.

Вместе с тем мужчины в большей степени, чем женщины, берут на себя такую ответственность.

We often assume our thoughts are facts.

So let’s assume you’ve made that decision.

Everyone knows what happens when you «assume«.

Всем известно, что происходит, когда «едешь тише».

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Even if you’ve been an avid golfer, a fiend for tennis, loved playing hockey or zooming downhill on skis, you can’t assume you’ve retained your sense of balance

Assume realistically inflation, spending pattern and life expectancy

Also define the risk you need to assume, which should be in tune with your comfort level

Taktor would assume Tahlmute’s claim was valid because doostEr was there to haul for him

‘The future … that Lisle man is out of the running, I assume

They could only assume that the people Herndon was opposed to were hauling the crate into the shuttle cargo bay

«We will err on the side of caution and assume that the existence of that virus is fact,» Vincef said, «I can assume we are immune in the afterlife, but it is unlikely we will find a way to undo its effects in converted and trained natives

Calling that name would cause her to assume these settings and appear

Fred drops in just after half eleven – he’s been round to see his lady friends and doesn’t comment at all about them being ill, so I can assume they haven’t had any adverse reaction to the food

‘I assume it’s Andy Scott then

They might not know they are, but we can assume Talstan counts them as one

Tales of creation vary according to time and place in any given universe, and yet, when you hear those dusty tales it is the similarities between them that strike you the most, and from these similarities we assume that there must at least be a grain of truth shared amongst our stories of beginning

I have primed Wiesse that we are expecting an extra incomer and assume, again from what you wrote, that it is someone with Errdian heritage – unless they are totally unsuitable, and I sincerely doubt you would be sending them across if that were the case, there will be no problem allowing him or her to stay

‘Somewhere between here and Bristol? I assume he’s going to be relying on the train for transport?’

Already there was a fair bit of activity in the streets – people wandering around in what she could only assume was special holiday attire for men of brightly coloured shorts and tops, some women in absurdly brief skirts, others in long muslin affairs that wouldn’t look out of place on Errd, most of them carrying bags of towels and dragging small noisy children laden with buckets and spades

which assume the shape of giants

when her rags and hanging mules assume the dull

‘I assume you want to use that bay of yours, Berndt

Assume the first stage of the posture which by now will be familiar to you, bat this time bend your left leg until your heel touches your right buttock

In this third and final stage you assume the second pose as in figure 51 but instead of placing your left arm outside the left knee you place it inside as I have demonstrated in figure 50

I assume things weren’t very good because the brain’s defense mechanism doesn’t filter out good events

She doesn’t seem to feel any of this is unusual so I assume they get lots of people here who need help … but that cannot be, surely?

It was safe to assume they didn’t come back either

‘In that case I can only assume that you’ve been promoted, won the lottery or that your man, Alastair, has got his act together at long last

«Then it would be natural to assume there will be activity in the impactors also would it not?»

Now for many women, they would automatically assume the man had cheated

Everyone I have to deal with appears to be behaving like a total idiot and then, in addition to that, my nerves are such that if I hear a conversation stop as soon as I walk into the room, I assume they are talking about Alastair and me

Since we are still receiving time slices, we have to assume she’s on our side

“There’s a war on, we have to assume

To try the Sway Test, assume a standing position and

‘Jane said toddling – so I assume eighteen months to two years

our explanation here, we will assume that the emotion

Okay, so let’s assume that the M is Margaret Stevenson

Then in the panic that would follow, he would step in and assume control

“Lady Rayne, we assume you will be planning a visit to our Lord Tarak’s assailants,” they said bowing

People that assume there is no soul are in one way

Taking my hand, he leads me into the dining room where, as he said, there are candles on the table, illuminating a simple supper of pâté, red wine and, I assume toast, at least there is a pile of bread beside an electric toaster

He’s looking a lot calmer than he was on Friday so I assume Ginny is better than she was

I assume I probably look much the same as I sit sipping my tea, grateful for the warm liquid and highly appreciative of the fact that the world has returned to normal

Not surprising considering what Ozzie put her through – but she’d married him after all, it was reasonable to assume she knew what she was doing at the time

Shaun seemed to assume that she would be on his side, but all she wanted was some light, and the simple ease of chemical contentment

Should he assume that the mystery

You are not the one under investigation here anyway, do not assume it is Kulai either

“Since the professor is here, I assume you are talking about the investigation of the charges Ava brought,” Delurna replied

We can only assume they set up some sort of trap for Dan as he was accessing the database

I can assume that Dan is somewhere in the lower regions because that is where Kallo’s apprentices are most active

It was reasonable to assume it was the size of the room above in at least one of its dimensions

«We can only assume his death was at the Demon’s hands,» the elder child, Carillign, said, drifting to her sister’s side

«We should assume he was taken there

We can assume it is the equivalent of their executive offices or royal palace or Pentagon, whatever serves for a seat of government in this society

but, was Sevron right? Were they the mad ones to assume it was otherwise?

For the sake of this exercise, let’s assume that we have deemed a thought interesting and valuable and that we would like it to materialize

assume the whole and is able to impose its will

I assume that, for admission

To assume that death is relaxation

the beginning, and assume other companies will copy you

passing wind, and, waking up, you assume that this is where you

I assume that the license was

Assume full responsibility for whatever the problem is

(or listen when adults assume that children can’t hear them

Clopping hooves behind her had echoed in her ear for a few minutes, but she wanted to assume that it was but a random traveler sharing the road with her

He is said to have done so with great equity, though without any of the formalities of justice; and it is not improbable that the state of that part of the country at that time made it necessary for him to assume this authority, in order to maintain the public peace

The subsequent downer (ho hum…) leaves us frantically looking for our next fix, which we identify and find, and skyrockets us up into the clouds once again, only to…well, I assume you’re getting the picture of how this works

The statesmn, who should attempt to direct private people in what manner they ought to employ their capitals, would not only load himself with a most unnecessary attention, but assume an authority which could safely be trusted, not only to no single person, but to no council or senate whatever

“No, it’s not…I assume the patrols have been notified to keep a look out?”

While you may assume that you see the ball bouncing “now,” in reality you do not, because much of what you think you see now is what you remember from the past

Some practices examined in this book assume the presence of the Divine, or God

Every attempt has been made to ensure that the information provided within this ebook is accurate however, we are human and sometimes we make mistakes therefore we cannot assume responsibility for any inaccuracies within this document

Even as the years have passed, it’d be foolishly optimistic to assume that they’ve lost any of their proficiency with age

Within this belief, these people opine that they are required to assume great designations so as to allow them the opportunity to make ‘big’ decisions

Perhaps, in most cases we do not witness instant karma, so we fret and assume that life is unjust

Therefore, when young souls are given the opportunity to assume important roles such as leaders of countries, the citizens of those countries might suffer from reckless decision making

Why ask why? Why ask how? We assume that there

at cause and can therefore assume the godlike ability of

I am going to assume that, since you have read this far,

For now the only intelligent approach was to assume they were on their own, that no rescue would be coming in the near future

He could have been a farmer but that GPS feedback put him into the overall description, so we’ll assume it was him

It is only natural someone who knew what she was being treated for would assume more exposure to immortal blood…”

But we should stop just waiting, and maybe we should assume that the Captain and his team are not coming back

It seemed reasonable to assume that the block only started to affect the radio system when it was suddenly within range

We have to assume that anything we do now is going to end up in the media

We can’t just assume that alien intelligences would not also be able to

He was not arrogant enough to assume that humans would be winning the technology race

“I assume you know why I am here?” started Novikov, removing her hat and placing it on the table before her

5 Considering that the majority of the science community accepts that the speed of light has always had a constant value; the only explanation that would fit this phenomenon, would be to assume that objects are in fact, moving away from us and that the red-shift, is caused by the resulting Doppler Effect

So, if the speed of light can be varied, can we conclude with absolute certainty that the beam of light we observe has not been affected by any gravitational influence? How has the second law of Thermodynamics affected the speed of light over time?7 Since we cannot accurately measure the change today, due to a lack of time, is it safe to assume that the speed of light has always been constant?

While it continued to run fast he could assume it was shallow and deal with it, but if it slowed,

In those small republics, therefore, the magistrate very soon found it necessary, for the sake of preserving the public peace, to assume to himself the right of presenting to all vacant benefices

Let’s assume that some chimps did

Another question is, if Jesus is the Messiah who has already fulfilled more than 300 prophecies from the Old Testament, was He aware of the fact that he was the Messiah, or did this just happen by chance from his point of view? Also, can one assume that someone could plan to live their lives in such a way that they would fulfil prophecies intentionally? It may be possible if those prophecies did not include facts such as your genealogy, your birthplace, the nation into which you were born

How then should we treat those statements or sections from the Bible which we are unable to verify authenticity? Would it be accurate to assume that if we can prove 100% factual truth in all cases, would it be fair to treat the sections or passages for which we lack the evidence or foresight into the future, with exactly the same attitude? Would it be stretching it too far to think that we can demonstrate scientifically that the Bible as a whole is a supernatural unity and that we can accept with certainty that it contains true information on all aspects — even on subjects that we are unable to validate, due to our limitations? If we know that the information contained in this Book, predicted events that would happen in the future with 100% accuracy and continue to predict future events which we cannot assess from our point in time, should we not pay serious attention to what it says about those future events?

With this information available and considering the fact that the Bible contains truthful facts, there is really no valid reason why one would assume that the Author of the Bible would intend the reader to understand a time period that is different to what was written, or to apply special interpretations to the information as presented in Genesis 1

Also, if the Earth was not to be empty before God started describing his creative work to us, would there be any sense in describing it at all, if we assume that it should all have happened on the first day? To demonstrate this more clearly: When an artist describes how he goes about creating a painting, we would not find it strange that he would start by telling us that he would need a clean canvas mounted on an easel

It would be illogical to assume that his explanation of starting with a clean canvas and providing the sequence of his actions to arrive at a finished product, actually implies having removed (erased) an earlier painting

B: — Uniformitarianism, an integral part of the Evolutionary thought pattern, is also anticipated long before it happened, as stated in the passage above, since many people today assume that God does not intervene in history by using the passage that mentions: since the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as they were from the beginning of the creation

turbed that he would assume everything was alright, like

If we consider that the firmament was created in a day and that it divided the waters; we may as well assume that God put it there himself, just because he could do whatever he pleased and has the power to do so by just uttering the words

New Testament don’t assume that is His intent

As I had left my Cat Woman suit at home that day, I natural y assumed that these comments were aimed elsewhere

Menopause was assumed to mark an end in women’s interest in sex

” Sam assumed his adoring look as he followed her to the limousine

Some things had to be investigated instead of assumed, and now that he knew for sure the door was locked, he knew exactly how to proceed

We had assumed he

‘I always assumed that they were mistaken

I’d naturally assumed that she’d driven here

they assumed that previous x-ray analysis was wrong, but i knew

He kept smiling, and assumed the relaxed, legs crossed,

Glenelle didn’t really understand all of that, assumed she meant back to the main expedition

He had a light breakfast, reviewed his plan for the day and then checked his voice mails There were three from unknown caller which he assumed were from his creditors

had assumed the revolutionary name of Marat was, according to the press and the

When the door to my cell opened and he squatted down in front of me I had assumed that he was as nonchalant about all of this as he looked

I assumed, given that they had not put a bullet in my head yet, that I was valuable to them

It was assumed they could find a large area with a climate like Talstan’s that was uninhabited, they were easy to find on the low res maps they had

They think they are leading the church closer to God, but are actually taking the church away from God because they have assumed a role that is

Now if you assumed that they allowed twelve millivolt logic over there, you could get enough logic to run one soul at a time, serially

Where once I had assumed that defiance through starvation might change things for the better, I now felt that an end was the only answer, my end

I assumed that the journey west continued and I tried to think of places that they might have brought me to; Oxford, perhaps, or Reading

I assumed this was where they held Menachem Dov

Native astronomers assumed it had collided with a smaller asteroid in a solar orbit and that had changed its orbit

We assumed at first that it was thunder, a spring storm rolling over the Cotswold Hills, perhaps, but then Menachem pointed down towards the road outside our building

What about before you came across? Renald had jumped to the conclusion that you were looking into the problem of illegal immigrants … what if someone had picked up on that and assumed it was correct … yes, that would present a valid reason for someone to try to kill her

I know I have assumed a lot in sending her across without permission, but thought it would save time – as well as being convenient

The man who had assumed the revolutionary name of Marat was, according to the press and the revolutionary council, dead and buried

Satan assumed that he had overpowered the Son of God

The header assumed one already had a context set up that was bigger than the message

I have to say that I still find it a mental leap too far to realise that you are Ambassador to a society that I always assumed was a myth

New Speak, assumed the position and the style

Any time that she would speak to me the truth straightforwardly, I assumed that she was bullying me

‘And who told you that?’ he asked, a sharp curiosity breaking through his assumed man-about-town manner

(rather than to any supposed images of an assumed reality

’ Berndt replied defensively, ‘I assumed he would have told you

She couldn’t remember a thing about the end of the evening and assumed that her bloke had buggered off somewhere

In olden days she would have been called a witch, but the soldier, being thoroughly modern in his outlook, just assumed that she had wandered off from her care home

From this Alan assumed that Ava had spoken to Elmore and Elmore had spoken to the captain

There was a look of madness in every elected representative’s eyes, and the reporters in the gallery, having assumed they were in some way mentally sub-normal, were ready to hang on every word that the great politician might say

«Using the entanglement ratios we assumed earlier

‘Where would we live?’ … then realise that I have calmly assumed it would be ‘we’ … he’s latched onto that as well, with a delighted grin, he reaches across the table and grabs my hand

Of course he assumed their society would grow with souls from the planet, though they didn’t age, millions died every year and at least some of the bodies could be recovered

Lucy asked her step-brother if he was awake and receiving no reply assumed that he had fallen asleep at the table

They both assumed that the song was being played on the television when they heard the now familiar first few notes settle on top of the thick walls of late afternoon air that folded around them like hot summer blankets

circles too, although it assumed a slightly more hushed and

They assumed, as did everyone else who had stopped to look at

assumed that her bloke had buggered off somewhere

soldier, being thoroughly modern in his outlook, just assumed that

at least, I’ve always assumed that was the

having assumed they were in some way mentally sub-normal, were

” I assumed that the emotion would be fear or

) It could be assumed that

Having heard nothing, he naturally assumed that everything was going according to plan

reply assumed that he had fallen asleep at the table

They both assumed that the song was being played on the

He’d said something about seeing you last night before he left the office and I assumed you’d be together

I guess I must have just assumed that was the house where you were born, I never really thought about it I guess

‘When you didn’t text or call or anything, I assumed that I

what Tom assumed to be one of the commando regiments

The path she was used to taking turned off to the right outside the barracks and led down to the cove, a junction part way along leading off to the dig … but what if she went left outside the barracks? With one finger, she traced the route of the path as it wound through the marsh, concluding that it appeared to end up further along the coast at a stretch of beach shown on the map by a splash of yellow … at least she assumed that’s what it meant

assumed that the driver had volunteered to direct them himself

He already assumed

Tom had assumed that he would walk to Bram’s family home

English, Yise had assumed that Tom’s understanding of the other

late in returning, we initially assumed he had simply got lost

Later, when we could speak, he’d explained that he had fallen for me more or less as soon as he met me but had assumed it was hopeless as he could see no reason why someone as talented and attractive as me could ever consider him

, and then assumed a more observational role for the rest of the meeting

There was no sign of Katie or Abi so I assumed they were upstairs getting dressed

There was no hint of problems, she spoke of how much she loved him, and a small water spot on the edge, Emma assumed was left by a warm tear of love

musical note with a line through it, which Heather assumed was for a silent alarm

It was always assumed the enemy would come from within the Wall, from the Black Door

Because of the silence, they assumed everyone beyond the city avoided Lock Core because it was under siege, or they were already dead and infected

And though they were rumors and as of yet lacking any evidence to support their existence, Alec assumed that it was because of these rumors that the Death Guard had come

He had always assumed the mage would’ve been far from the war

» She must have assumed that, like normal people, they would have left the room unlocked when they left

The defenders’ strategy assumed its fall

Janice assumed that he must have some sort of gas camping stove

They pointed out there was light-speed communication all over the planet, it had to be assumed that the majority of the population of the planet below had heard about the expedition by now

It can be assumed that each one is a deeper pit of sex and drug crazed orgies than the last

Those that found the courage to near him, assumed he was asleep – or possibly dead – so still was the man as he leaned on his gnarled staff

If in the past the church assumed this role, today

As he assumed, the servants had a lot of their hopes invested in possessing the giant

All my inhibitions assumed the form of a giant demon and

their conversation but assumed it to centre round me and my

His soft clean skin sparkled As he assumed a momentary posture that might invoke A rapturous cry from his audience

Again this will build assumed trust

The train had assumed what must be its fastest pace after

It is to be assumed that the West will wake up

But I assumed the spirits here were Oreads,

Joe remained faithful to his wife and attentive to his children, but he carried out his assumed conjugal obligations more by a passive inertia than with the throbbing, emotional energy that had formerly been present

“The Earth, and therefore us humans, are not the center, focus, and wonder species of everything cosmic as we have so egotistically assumed in a collectively gloating fashion

The thief could finally acknowledge what he assumed Penelope had encountered during her visit here

“I’ve always assumed I’d live this sort of

She assumed the rule was

It was assumed that they were representative of some sort of faction, though it was anyone’s guess from there

He had designs on things not unlike whatever he assumed this chest might hold

As she looked to the side and up and down, she soon saw the snarling face she had assumed was a defector in this battle

As the waves of sound rose and fell and rose again, he could hear the muffled conversation between a certain yellow-haired Nord woman hawking her available accommodations and what Delvin assumed was an Imperial man, whom he had never seen before

And it was then that Delvin assumed that all would settle back down soon enough: Talen-Jei would clean up the shards and dark wine on the floor and Vulwulf would go back to drinking and bellowing

«Leastways, she was trilling to herself like a linnet when I left her this morning, so I assumed she was in fine spirits

Our colonies, however, are by no means independent foreign countries; and Great Britain having assumed to herself the exclusive right of supplying them with all goods from Europe, might have forced them (in the same manner as other countries have done their colonies) to receive such goods loaded with all the same duties which they paid in the mother country

When, by the act of navigation, England assumed to herself the monopoly of the colony trade, the foreign capitals which had before been employed in it, were necessarily withdrawn from it

never happen unless someone assumes the authority and puts everything

This man assumes the power over the situation

assumes the weightless nature of water,

Billy assumes it’s the muscle

Everyone assumes something

This is because once again Access recognises fields with identical names and assumes it is the primary and foreign key

Suffered again? The machine assumes

one assumes, rest and air to tired students in between lectures

The mind assumes that the world and the things in it are the sources of happiness

The reader assumes full responsibility for the use of the information within this document

The maintenance of this monopoly has hitherto been the principal, or more properly, perhaps, the sole end and purpose of the dominion which Great Britain assumes over her colonies

He assumes the girls have merely moved it to another part of the parking lot, so he looks around, but fails to see it

As a military officer submits, without reluctance, to the authority of a superior by whom he has always been commanded, but cannot bear that his inferior should be set over his head; so men easily submit to a family to whom they and their ancestors have always submitted; but are fired with indignation when another family, in whom they had never acknowledged any such superiority, assumes a dominion over them

In the progress of despotism, the authority of the executive power gradually absorbs that of every other power in the state, and assumes to itself the management of every branch of revenue which is destined for any public purpose

assumes the mantle of captain, one assumes much more than merely the command of a ship

“When one assumes command of a ship, Commander, it’s always

This is not some recent phenomenon, although it may oftentimes appear that way in light of the many enhancements that continue to emerge without reprieve, but a cross-generational work in process, rather, that often assumes different sizes and shapes yet whose fundamental principles remain constant

(evolutionary) mission; overbearing in the manner it assumes a (uniquely) higher moral authority predicated on vague, oftentimes mistaken (historical) assumptions (improperly) formed by modern ideology

God remains, of course, the ―Primary Mover‖ or ―First Cause‖ of the material universe; that is to say, God is/was not an initial event, that assumes pre-existing causal factors, but a ―Being‖ rather, existing outside the boundaries of external causes

Moral Relativism lacks a supporting structure; that is to say, lacks a universal standard by which to (correctly) assess the proposed merits of some moral or ethical proposition whereas Moral Absolutism, drawn to its own (unconditional) point(s) of reference or final conclusions, oftentimes assumes too heavy a burden that must otherwise be lessened by degrees or fall under its own weight

Prevention is always better than cure but this Guide assumes the worst case scenario – your employee travelling in Africa is kidnapped

This responsibility assumes far greater importance for our public officials who many of us otherwise expect to lead by example

That assumes Mexico would take the offer, since they had turned down two previous US offers to buy Texas

But that assumes the war ends with US nuclear weapon use

The death of a dear friend, wife, brother, lover, which seemed nothing but privation, somewhat later assumes the aspect of a guide or genius; for it commonly operates revolutions in our way of life

As symbols go, is there a significant difference? Each assumes a belief that the other is there, and a faith that can act upon the premise

In the second quote Jesus is answering the question that assumes that marriage is a covenant that exists beyond the grave

Chapter 5, “So when did mere hominid become Man? The so-called Homo erectus seems to have been a simple, tool-making ‘animal,’ which assumes an ability to retain in memory certain procedures of manufacture, along with an occasional fortuitous accidental improvement that could then have been purposefully replicated…At what point can we say that (this) proto-man became Man?”

Command hypnosis works only with people that exhibit a high level of suggestibility, and the hypnotist assumes authoritative control over the subject, imposing her or his domination and control over the subject’s mind

one assumes the function of the other; however they will act

these verses do not state that God will resurrect the cremated, the good doctor ASSUMES this

If STEP value is not mentioned then by default computer assumes it to be +1

didn’t mention the step value, thus, computer automatically assumes it by 1 and updates the value

“But that assumes they are completely unprepared

” He paused there and then continued, “It also assumes that each of you has a strong moral core which extends well beyond our primary objectives

Man assumes that he gets his

Jaden can’t see its face, but assumes it’s someone on Bellona’s team

One test assumes a building engineer who discovers toxic gas in a school’s forced air heating system that would kill five children in a room if not diverted

intently and you will see how the mind assumes innumerable

Only when a pawn assumes the role of the powerful,

Unless a pawn who assumes the role of

It establishes, then, in a somewhat lyrical language at times, an epitome of experiences and personal accounts, writing pad or diary of cultural pilgrimage, without the religious emphasis that such concept normally assumes

Allen assumes constantly, which is a direct result of his huge ego

This method assumes that the

The Alexis de Tocqueville institution reports that ―EPA consistently assumes that future sites will include children, who will live there for 70 years, ingesting less than one teaspoon of local dirt every day, and rely exclusively on contaminated local ground water for bathing and drinking‖

One assumes that the adorned

for granted and given no appreciable role in the persistence of the pen, and it is enough to study the molecular makeup of the pen in an imagin-ary isolation, an isolation that is completely mysterious and nonphysical because it assumes that nothing need exist outside the pen for the pen to 34

that he was shitty to me at any time in our lives, he assumes that I

Anyone who has ever been taken advantage of by someone he trusted would, one assumes, become paranoid or at least skeptical

one who assumes his mistakes, and learns from it, and follows his path, and once more

Krishna then assumes a human form, but is sexually neutral, equally male and female

I know that the soul assumes many different forms and identities

John Macarthur: Appendix — Coronation of the high priest (6:9–15), Messiah assumes the office of both King and Priest

Google assumes that when 1 webpage links to another webpage, it’s actually «casting a vote» for the webpage

The newly ordained warrior assumes his post and takes a gift from each of the warlords present, normally a sword or armour, but there have been more inventive and extravagant offerings in the past

The family thus assumes that

mental spherical space in his mind gradually so that it assumes the forms

Avery takes advantage and assumes control of increasing portions of trucking, container distribution, and all of South American prostitution, melding it into his complex shell game of companies

His face assumes a meager

“He assumes you work for the Human Police

“I concur it may not be quite a simple as young Edwin assumes,” said Captain Rathbone, still pacing restlessly upon the carpet

assumes that there is an inherent conflict of interest between one’s self and others, and that the

It assumes that there is an

dress of any kind, except on the rare occasions when He assumes the yellow

known to me is that when a new Bodhisattva assumes the office of World-

More and more he depends upon the ultimate guidance of his heavenly Father while he assumes the fatherly role of guiding and directing the children of his earth family

Only when one religion assumes that it is in some way superior to all others, and that it possesses exclusive authority over other religions, will such a religion presume to be intolerant of other religions or dare to persecute other religious believers

assumes that new system would not be

However, you need to keep in mind that this method assumes that you undergo the regular 28 day cycle

The current ‗Paradigm‘ (1) assumes that space, time and matter constitute the basic framework of reality, and consciousness somehow arises from this reality

Entering the front room that overlooks the street he sees Eric sitting at the window and, he assumes, it is Stella laying on the couch snoring softly

Steve assumes that Cheesey has no money, hence the offer; �You only got paid three days ago, you can’t have spent that already?� Steve laughs covering his annoyance

The device incorporated into Alexander Finda’s chip appeared to be also a receiver and Grailem assumes that it is able to control the brain electronically, if needed

» replies Kifele with what Grailem assumes is a smile as he bares his mouth of sharp teeth

Grailem assumes that the streets have been emptied so that he may be ferried to the government buildings as soon as possible

They had never really got on in the past and Lewis assumes that with Doug out of the way Darren thought he was in with a chance with Suzy

Lewis assumes that the man and his daughter live locally and to get home they would have to pass him, then it would be just a simple matter of following them home

Yan assumes she is not just a cosmic traveler like him

This preliminary stage of the psychology project process assumes that you have a

2) The Mind Reader assumes that he or she knows what others are

-The victim likely assumes that the officers who show up

“That assumes they have someone left to send,” Elizabeth commented

Let’s begin by dissecting the question, as the knowing how to sell something assumes

Note: this guide assumes that you have already set up your wireless network, but

Contrary to Mentoring, coaching assumes a formal and

dream, and design and assumes that every organization, group

that assumes that in every piece of art there is beauty

This assumes that we have the manpower to do it but that is only a simple scheduling of help problem

This assumes you buy a single ticket

That assumes that they’re nothing more than el toro crappo

His command assumes He will thrust you out first, and with such intense action, that you must go—so pray for others to go with you into this ripe spiritual harvest

It also assumes that the universe started out basically as a point in

Freddie has lost all hope, assumes that he will at long

‘I know, and she probably assumes I’m up to something

This assumes he keeps putting in the same yearly contribution until that age

This assumes that evaporated silicon is available inside the central chamber at the rate consistent with the pumping time for each open/close door sequence

(This assumes that they’ve seen and understand this information on health care administration and would rather see wasteful spending in industry (over $150B /yr) than the same moneys used for the provision of care to the people

This assumes that the people and companies switch to the less expensive quality service of the single care system and that doctors reduce their procedures with no threat of suit

But two witnesses are a must (assuming that they too won’t be killed in action or go under)

«Assuming you wish to help of course

He nodded vigorously, assuming that this would provide the necessary proof

The thug, and I was assuming this was Sammy the Shark, would have cut a ruggedly stylish figure except for the filthy looking street tattoos all over his arms and creeping up the visible side of his face to the left temple

«We are assuming that we will need to use coercion to convert the natives, is there no chance the message alone might be enough?»

I heard odd scufflings and the opening and closing of doors, assuming that it was my guards moving about my new and as yet undiscovered home

I tried to rationalise my way through the long days, assuming that it must be far too risky for my fellow prisoners to communicate every day

That being the case, and assuming it was nothing to do with the JJ issue – after all, why would anyone bother with such a personal thing? – it had to be something to do with her job …

They knew Alan intended to reach this city, but they couldn’t manufacture enough probes to watch the piers, assuming he would get here across these docks

But leaving that aside, the journey to Minca will take several weeks, I should think, and assuming that I retrieve that Element and return safely, I shall have a long journey across Europe to get to the last touching place … if I don’t get going on that fairly quickly, the winter will take hold and I shall not be able to go until the spring

‘No …’ he conceded ‘Also, they can’t know which order you are intending to retrieve them … the Ercolano episode may just have been them assuming you would act because the volcano was near to eruption

“need I remind you what it said?” She stood, assuming her role as leader, “Never again will a world die because of us

Rather than assuming it is related to you and leaping to negative conclusions about your promotion, you could say to yourself, “He»s probably just stressed about a deadline or other problem

«Assuming the one doing the encapsulating has perfect knowledge of the universe or universes he is simulating

His wife looked at him sternly, crossing her arms and assuming

‘ Mandy followed her glance and was about to boast of her recent tour in the new bungalows, anxious to to share her experience with some friendly ear; when the woman remarked snidely, “I can’t see where they get off, putting on airs and assuming they can just buy a station in the community that’s so obviously above their rank or right place!”

When the mortuary technician found him on his knees in the mortuary’s ante-room, he tried to help, making a sustained but weary effort to persuade Billy to sit down and have a cup of tea, assuming that he was related to the girl on the trolley, but there were no handles by which he could get a hold of the flaking singer

She knew from his old pictures that he had looked like a very old man for many centuries, not assuming his present appearance til the 40th century

‘So, assuming that she stays in this condition – what options are there?’ he asked, looking directly at the doctor standing beside him

“I wonder if this is a case where we can make progress by assuming lie minimization?” Shaney asked

Assuming a fierce face, with tea towel in hand, I storm into the kitchen to face my assailant

Who’s to say how long each of us has to spend here, in the physical world? We go along assuming we have three score years and ten, or nearer four score and ten these days, and consider ourselves short changed if a lifespan is anything less

I explain: someone says something to you assuming you will understand exactly what he has in mind

“You’re assuming he was raped

of the city, assuming that this is an honest

Perfect awareness—having passed the swell of time, I remain in history—looked at as an ass for assuming To communicate what I might—repressing some saving Grace from myself, not knowing if I deserve it—“I would Have it as it is, rather than not have it at all?”—Should A saving grace be given to thieves, tress-passers, Law-breakers—a solution is pain reduction, and life sustenance, Not pride games and social repression—the endorphins Replete of all respect find endurance through pompous Wanderings of the ego in control—the ego who would Take the blame and ends up being the only one to know Its great reward—to hide this scar, to pretend it did not 68

on your side, the faster things can move, that is, assuming they are

give me some money, assuming that I no

His mistake lays in assuming that Romania could

with someone who has the technical skills (assuming you do not)

in assuming that? But first the bandits, and now this! I could hear

twenty year old murderer for the next 50 years (assuming his life span to be

But she could pick at it as she made her way back down the ridge to the cave, assuming and hoping that Mercer had limped his way into it by now

“You know, you really have a bad habit of assuming things, especially about me

A few soldiers rushed to come to the stranger’s aid, assuming he had been a victim of highwaymen or wild animals

«Are you okay?» I shouted, assuming they were uninfected

So, does that mean the remaining seven billion people on Earth are assuming unimportant or insignificant roles? Obviously not, because our incarnation here grants us an opportunity to perform a role, which helps complete the mosaic of life on this planet

shuttles assuming they were on his side

Even given the wonders of micro-surgery, if it was a couple of weeks before she received proper medical attention then most of her foot would already be dead, assuming she survived that long herself

Assuming we can get there and seal the door before the fuel ignites, we should be quite safe in there

That’s assuming he took this crazy trail in the first place

In India, their principal settlements or Madras, Bombay, and Calcutta, which had before been altogether independent of one another, were subjected to a governor-general, assisted by a council of four assessors, parliament assuming to itself the first nomination of this governor and council, who were to reside at Calcutta ; that city having now become, what Madras was before, the most important of the English settlements in India

There had been no further sign of the Elusiver, no word of leaving, assuming it really had visited

lived a life without worry, always assuming

One would be entering speculative territory by assuming that the Bible should be interpreted differently

He picked it up, and while he was close to the door he quietly fitted the door chain into its slot, just in case Ronnie decided to get in, assuming he wasn’t

Assuming that these layers would have had inconsistencies and that they were not perfectly smooth and spherical, some parts of the inner and outer rock layers may at some point have come into contact with each other

‘ He buckled his belt, assuming a Cowboy drawl

far by assuming the laity is too busy or spiritually

anything else and I’m assuming that other than my

Assuming Mom would follow, I rushed over to the cat cages

He imagined how the endgame would be described in his memoirs (assuming he lived long enough): his reluctance to accede to the final act of destruction, the conflict within his own mind

» Assuming the magazine still has a motto, I would wager that the current motto would be along the lines of: „Send me a man who can read

She asked him with a confident, assuming tone, “So, Raven, how does it feel to be in the yard again? It’s been a while

Assuming they had similar armaments, it would only take a matter of seconds to render her unconscious

Assuming it was today’s paper, she had lost four days between the dungeon and the sickness

What was it that I said about once assuming power?

By competence, I‘m assuming that Scientologists are referring to technological competence and not spiritual ―competence‖ inasmuch as no such thing exists

Ideas perfect a thinking individual in a manner that unites the two; that is to say, cause and effect become one, each assuming a ―mutual‖ consciousness of its (own)

Assuming that the only reason — or the main reason why you still communicate with her is because of your children — then you should keep that up front in your mind

I believe that you are incorrectly assuming that possessing a soul provides an automatic passport to heaven

Performing ―good‖ deeds for their own sake because it is good to do so does not address the question: by what conventional standards are such acts of goodness, good to begin with; and assuming that they are, whether the ―Will to Goodness‖ is driven by some inherent factor; that is to say, an (essential) moral goodness that resides within the doer of good deeds or conditioned, rather, by rewards and punishment, reciprocity or perhaps, fear, in which case, such acts of ―goodness‖, sullied by questionable (intent), are motivated, in part, by self-serving designs that are not (inherently) good in themselves

A tolerance for increasingly lazy study habits has a way of assuming a life of its own, however

One is denial, wanting to blame most deaths on accidental disease, wanting to blame Natives themselves, assuming this was ordinary warfare, or even justifying conquest and genocide as inevitable, as best for American progress

―nominal‖ decline in revenue impact, assuming that it does, the French economy? It wouldn‘t take much imagination to predict the

«Do you want me to do it, then?» I asked, assuming he was too upset to do it himself

Assuming you could avoid running afoul of the law, or assuming at least that the fines didn’t cut too deeply into profits; you could do anything

also see the surprised look from Luke and she’s assuming that he also

” But she’s wrong in assuming that her sticks-to-the-ribs snack had anything to do with it

‘I will get this’ said Adrian Smith in an assuming manner

Now, I’m assuming that you use local equipment too, as

There was no sense assuming that the two guys who took a run at me earlier were the only two players in this game

It does help a great deal when going to war to not have to devote precious time on finding the right chair, serving the proper tea and using the protocol-bound appellations of rank and office all the time,” the General said while easing up on his chair, his body assuming a more relaxed position

“Based upon my minimal knowledge of human physiology, and assuming the water, the most dangerous thing in there, was properly processed, it seems unlikely

I cannot help feeling just a little resentful when people look down their noses at overseas qualifications, assuming that they are all worthless

Whilst there are people coming forward to train for diaconate and readership, there is not enough to go round, assuming a status quo model

Unfortunately we have a habit in the church of assuming that once something is established, it must be continued unchanged for ever

Further, it also takes millions of years to fill a valley system with silt, assuming stable environmental conditions

Lewisohn and told him he wanted to have the following Tuesday off, after sick call was concluded, and assuming that there was no one to transport to Kummersfeld

In possibly only hundreds of years, the life of this valley could have reestablished itself at a somewhat higher level than before, assuming no long-term climatic changes would have occurred as a result of these disturbances

Working any of the unskilled jobs, you can pay this off in thirty to thirty five years, assuming you live in the shanty town and eat from the rubbish heap

Agrippa went on, once more assuming the role of the man with all the answers

Assuming that I’m correct in the dating of the story of Abraham to the middle of the seventeenth century, the flood story now appears to be, thanks to Gilgamesh, much older than any beginning “guestimate

” And this is assuming that the “kingship” period didn’t suffer a lapse in time after such a horrific event

Over a snifter of the French cognac, Colling explained that as soon as the weather cleared, and assuming that the Russians did not discover them by then, that he and Elizabeth would be leaving for Krakow to take the train to Vienna

we worry? Even assuming that no cash flows in, there is always plenty

“Besides, I’m assuming you haven’t had any visions about me today

Assuming that it is, then when two like folks with mild autism get together, there is more of a chance it will pop out in their offspring

Assuming you know little to nothing about locks what would be the best way to unlock the door

Assuming I could even do it, we don’t have time for that

assuming – that he’s done his best

Assuming he agrees, can you remove them, as you did for me?” I asked telepathically

This will have to wait,” he said, assuming I didn’t have the clout that Shamansky carried

“But haven’t you already spent the last ten years assuming they were dead,” said Itsuki’s voice of reason

My hosts were quite pleased with my decision, incorrectly assuming it meant that I trusted them now

I’m assuming the helm at his wishes for the foreseeable future

Assuming it occurs

assuming and exercising a power of dispensing with and suspending of laws and the execution of laws without consent of Parliament;

“I see you are having a private conversation in my lecture hall, I’m assuming you know everything I’m talking about,” the professor said

I’m assuming it is the shark’s mate or spouse

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