Sentences with the word assemble

assemble — перевод на русский


Assemble your weapons. All right, start.

Собрать оружие.

Assemble all hands in the chart room.

Собрать всех в штурманской рубке.

You realise the Daleks might just… assemble a force and conquer us!

Представьте, Далеки могут просто… собрать силы и завоевать нас!

Only the Daleks know how to assemble the Time Destructor.

Только Далеки знают, как собрать Деструктор Времени.

It takes time to assemble 40 or 50 aircraft at 15,000 feet.

Для того, чтобы собрать 50 самолётов нужно время, сэр.

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Which to reduce into our former favour, you are assembled.

Чтоб родине вернуть благообразье, Мы собрались.

Two thousand people are assembled here.

Две тысячи человек собрались здесь!

Here’s a toast to the marriage of Alice and Ray, for whom we are here assembled today, and to reconsecrate the church.

Произношу тост за венчание Элис и Рея, ради кого мы собрались сегодня и ради кого вновь осветили церковь.

(OVER INTERCOM) Davros wishes all members of the Elite scientific corps to assemble in the main laboratory immediately.

Даврос хочет, чтобы все члены Специального научного корпуса собрались в главной лаборатории немедленно.

My fellow councillors, I’ve asked you to assemble here and not in our House of Congress as our meeting is of a most secret nature.

Друзья мои, я попросил, чтобы вы собрались здесь, а не в нашем Доме Конгресса, так как наша встреча носит секретный характер.

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You finish assembling the time element.

Вы закончили собирать временной элемент.

Assemble, testify, preserve.

Собирать, свидетельстовать, сберегать.

I’m going to have to go back to the runabout start assembling the generator.

Я пойду к катеру и начну собирать генератор.

How am I supposed to assemble the damn thing?

Как я должен собирать эту чертову штуковину?

It wasn’t long before workmen had opened them And begun assembling the various parts and pieces.

Прошло немного времени и рабочие открыли их и начали собирать различные части и детали.

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This violates the agreement by which this council was assembled.

Это нарушает договор, по которому был собран этот совет.

When the library complex was assembled, shielding was considered inappropriate to its totally academic purpose.

— Ни одного, капитан. Когда библиотечный комплекс был собран, щиты не соответствовали его академической цели.

So the machine was built in separate sections and assembled in space by magnetism?

Таким образом аппарат был построен в виде отдельных секций и собран в космосе, магнетизмом?

You said, if I remember, in our first conversation, that once it was assembled it would stop the entire universe and enable you to restore the natural balances of good and evil throughout the whole of the universe.

В нашу первую встречу вы говорили, насколько я помню, что как только он будет собран, он остановит вселенную и позволит вам восстановить естественный баланс добра и зла во всех ее уголках.

It’s just, well, the Key is already assembled, sir.

Просто, понимаете, Ключ уже собран, сэр.

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Together with powers of the outer galaxies, a war force is being assembled and…

Вместе с полномочиями внешних галактик, военные силы собираются и…

These are our demands. The men of the 32nd garrison will be assembled at 11:30 a. m.

Солдаты 32 гарнизона собираются в 11:30.

The men of the 32nd garrison will be assembled in front of headquarters at 11:30 a. m.

Солдаты 32 гарнизона собираются в 11:30.

The members are assembling.

Все собираются.

All of the ghosts are assembling for the party.

Все призраки собираются на ужин.

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— Is everyone assembled?

-Все в сборе?

Have you assembled your team?

Вся команда в сборе?

Now all are assembled.

Вот теперь все в сборе.

Now that we’re all assembled, I’d like to introduce the guest of honor.

Теперь, когда все в сборе, я хочу представить почетную гостью.

It is better to read it when everyone assembled.

Лучше его прочесть, когда все будут в сборе.

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You’re gonna assemble a team to play the first game against us.

— Соберёшь команду, чтобы сыграть с нами товарищеский матч.

You will be assembling a team to go to Tallahassee for three weeks to develop and launch a chain of Sabre stores.

Ты наберёшь команду для поездки в Талахасси на три недели для разработки и запуска сети магазинов Сэйбр.

To decide how much your electricity bills will rise, I’ve assembled a team of distinguished economists and placed plausible rate hike percentages on their backs.

Чтобы решить, на сколько подорожает электричество, я нанял команду выдающихся экономистов и приклеил им на спины таблички с процентами вероятного подорожания.

Another team is being assembled.

Созвали ещё одну команду.

At six bells tomorrow, you will assemble the crew. Inform them that we will be returning to Nantucket for repairs.

Завтра в шесть утра вы соберете команду и сообщите, что мы возвращаемся в Нантакет на ремонт.

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Ten super chimneys, Kidlat. Made of plastic quickly assembled.

10 суперкаминов быстрой сборки из пластика.

Its engine is made in a hermetically sealed lab to ensure the components don’t microscopically expand while it’s being assembled.

Его двигатель был собран в герметичной лаборатории, чтобы устранить возможность даже легкого расширения деталей во время сборки.

«Insert the parts for assemble which toy can have immediately.»

Соедините части для сборки которые игрушка может иметь.»

Once assembled, it will not only be faster than other PCs on the market, it will also be addictive.

После сборки он будет не только быстрее, чем другие ПК, от него будет не оторваться.

According to Flavius Josephus, once assembled, the weight of the Breastplate will activate the device.

Согласно Иосифу Флавию, после окончательной сборки вес Нагрудника всё активирует.

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Tonight’s programme presents an event… The leaders of the three major political parties, assembled together for the first time.

В нашей сегодняшней вечерней программе встретятся руководители трех политических партий, впервые собравшихся вместе на совместную встречу.


Властью, данной мне любовью и верой всех собравшихся,

Heavenly Father we thank you for thy bounty on this table and ask that you bless the entire Cleary family and all the friends here assembled.

Отец Небесный,.. …благодарим за ту еду, что ты послал нам. Благослови семью Клири и всех друзей ее, собравшихся за столом.

Heavenly Father, we thank You for Thy bounty on this table and ask that You bless the entire Cleary family and all the friends here assembled.

Отец небесный мы благодарим тебя за щедрые дары земные. Благослови семью Клири и всех друзей, собравшихся за этим столом.

Let every Greek assembled know the truth of this.

Пусть каждый грек из собравшихся здесь знает правду.

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You are free to assemble anywhere you wish, but not on university land.

Вы можете устраивать ваши собрания, где хотите, но только не на университетской земле.

We assembled peacefully.

Наши собрания были мирными.

And as they auctioned their clothes, soon they auctioned their bodies to the considerable delight of the cardinals assembled.

И как только они продали свою одежду, они начали продавать свои тела, к большому удовольствию собрания кардиналов.

It seems basic to our constitutional principles that the extent of the right to assemble, and demonstrate and march along the highway in a peaceful manner ought to be commensurate with the enormity of the wrongs that are being protested and petitioned against.

Основным принципам нашей Конституции соответствует, что распространение права на собрания, демонстрации и мирные марши вдоль дорог должно быть прямо пропорционально серьёзности нарушений, против которых происходят протесты и подписываются петиции.

We have the right to assemble!

У нас есть право на собрания!

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These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.


The engines had been regularly modified and pioneers of auto production used them to assemble ‘real’ vehicles to hold folks.

Двигатели были постепенно модифицированы и пионерами производства транспортных средств использовали их, чтобы построить «реальные» автомобили для перевозки людей.

Only later, it became apparent that in Latin, LEGO can be interpreted as ‘I assemble’ or ‘I learn’.

Позже он понял, что на латыни «LEGO» переводится как Я собираю».

Can’t you assemble ‘em here?

Не можете здесь собирать, что ли?

The configuration app is built like a 3D construction kit and makes it possible to ‘assemble’ a unique model meeting each user’s individual requirements.

Созданный конфигуратор устроен по принципу 3D-конструктора и позволяет «собирать» уникальную машину, соответствующую индивидуальным требованиям каждого пользователя.

Nothing served to ‘assemble’ related vernaculars more than capitalism which, within the limits imposed by grammars and syntax created mechanically-reproduced print-languages, capable of dissemination throughout the market.

И ничто так не служило «собиранию» родственных устных языков, как капитализм, сотворивший в пределах, установленных грамматиками и синтаксисами, механически воспроизводимые печатные языки, способные к распространению вширь с помощью рынка21.

‘Diderot’s aim for his encyclopaedia was to assemble ‘each and every branch of human knowledge, creating a volume ‘that had the power to change men’s common way of thinking.

Цель Дидро, в создании этой энциклопедии, была в том, чтобы собрать воедино все и каждую области человеческого знания, чтобы создать книгу, которая могла бы изменить образ мысли человека.

After the events of ‘Avengers Assemble’ (2012), Earth and the Nine Realms come under attack from the powerful Malekith (Christopher Eccleston) and his age-old army that have existed since before the creation of the universe.

После событий «Мстителей» (2012), Земля и Девять Королевств попали под атаку от мощного Малекита (Кристофер Экклстон) и его вековой армии, которые существовали еще даже до создания Вселенной.

Other results

It is the vital creative force that produces energy, assembles ‘matter’ into form, and provides channels of perception and communication.

Именно эта жизненная творческая сила производит энергию, собирает «материю» в форму, прокладывает каналы и коммуникации.

Richard Ashcroft assembles ‘United Nations of Sound’

Ричард Эшкрофт собрал «Объединенные Нации Звука»

But this was not fast, as Ford still needed skilled labour teams to assemble the hand-built’ car.

Но это было недостаточно быстро, так как Форду все равно требовались обученные рабочие бригады для «ручной» сборки автомобиля.

He is trying to convene an ‘independent body of very reputable jurists and other blue-chip people to assemble a running dossier of impeachable abuses’.

Он пытается созвать «независимую комиссию из юристов с высочайшей репутацией и других важных персон», чтобы собрать досье о нарушениях, ведущих к импичменту.

The Plant Kommunist‘ assembles experimental and pilot warheads and devices.

Завод «Коммунист« производит сборку экспериментальных и опытных боеголовок и устройств.

Need a place to assemble and store em till we find a buyer.

Нужно место, чтоб собрать и хранить их, пока покупателей не найдем.

Gravity prepared an event called Adventurers assemble!

Компания Gravity подготовила специальное мероприятие под названием «Собрание авантюристов!

The smallest devices position molecular parts to assemble structures through mechanosynthesis — machine-phase’ chemistry.

Самые маленькие устройства установят молекулярные части и соберут структуры путем механосинтеза — химии «машинной фазы»…

In the coming weeks, President Trump and I will assemble a Users Advisory Group partly composed of leaders from America’s burgeoning commercial space industry.

На предстоящей неделе мы с президентом Трампом соберем консультативную группу пользователей, состоящую в основном из лидеров бурно развивающейся коммерческой космической отрасли США.

Under Russian law citizens are allowed to ‘assemble peacefully and without weapons.’

«Граждане РФ имеют право собираться мирно, без оружия…».

Who assembles the authors contributions?

Blueprints allow to assemble various modifications of Mjolnir’ which makes it one of the most expensive and desirable vessels.

Чертежи позволяют модифицировать «Mjolnir«, что делает его одним из самых желанных и популярных кораблей среди наемников.

Or, a contractor can configure and assemble a pump station from scratch.’

Или подрядчик может сконфигурировать и собрать насосную станцию «с нуля».

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Grammar Check

Help & about

Word index: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Expression index: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Phrase index: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

собирать, собираться, монтировать, составлять, созывать


- созывать; собирать

to assemble friends [pupils, followers] — собирать друзей [учеников, последователей]
to assemble an audience — собрать аудиторию
crowds of people assembled themselves on the bank — толпы народа собрались на берегу

- собираться

Parliament has assembled — собрался парламент

- подбирать, собирать

to assemble information for a report — подбирать данные для доклада

- составлять

to assemble a book — составлять книгу; делать сборник

- тех. монтировать, собирать
- кино монтировать начерно, подбирать кадры в сценарной последовательности
- вчт. транслировать (с языка ассемблера)

Мои примеры


to assemble a rifle — собирать винтовку  
to assemble a watch — собрать часы  
to assemble friends — собирать друзей  
to assemble a car — собирать машину  
to assemble equipment — монтировать оборудование  
cable assemble — жгут проводов  
assemble by a forced fit — напрессовывать  
ready-to-assemble furniture — сборная мебель  
assemble friends — собирать друзей  
assemble information for report — подбирать данные для доклада  

Примеры с переводом

Parliament assembled in November.

Парламент собрался в ноябре.

The cars are assembled on an assembly line.

Автомобили собираются на конвейере.

We assembled to say good-bye to Miss Applegate.

Мы собрались, чтобы попрощаться с госпожой Эпплгейт.

I was extremely proud of the team that we assembled to create the product.

Я очень гордился той командой, которую мы собрали для создания товара.

We assembled in the church basement.

Мы собрались в подвале церкви.

We will let you have the report as soon as we have assembled all the data.

Мы передадим вам отчёт, как только соберём все необходимые данные.

A team of scientists was assembled to study the problem.

Для изучения этой проблемы была составлена группа учёных.

ещё 9 примеров свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

A large crowd had assembled outside the American embassy.

A crowd had assembled in front of the courthouse during the trial.

The U.S. Constitution gives people the right to assemble peacefully.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

disassemble  — демонтировать, разбирать на части
assemblage  — сборка, монтаж, собрание, скопление, сбор, соединение, группа, коллекция, собирание
assembly  — ассамблея, сборка, собрание, монтаж, сбор, сборочный, монтажный
assembled  — собранный, смонтированный
assembling  — сборка, монтаж, установка
reassemble  — снова собираться, встречаться, повторно собирать, перебирать, снова собрать
assembler  — сборщик, сборщик, сборочное устройство, верстатка

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: assemble
he/she/it: assembles
ing ф. (present participle): assembling
2-я ф. (past tense): assembled
3-я ф. (past participle): assembled

Indeed they shall surely assemble, but not because of Me

We have an obligation to assemble

The very next morning the soldier watched through the bars of his cell as a huge crowd started to assemble in a public square outside the prison’s front gates

his cell as a huge crowd started to assemble in a public square

It takes a moment or two for him to assemble his thoughts and turn the random instructions flashing through his head into a coherent pattern of command

Indeed they shall surely assemble but

Spelman read the few lines aloud, “My apologies, I’m afraid I didn’t have time to assemble the view maps for your residence, but I am quite sure you will find that your vista of the river and lake are framed quite nicely by the near valley’s shoulders

For decades all the minds the Kassikan could assemble worked on the problem of building a starship of their own

assemble there and after the surprise, the party was to move in

He has summoned all of us to assemble at his palace tomorrow

At the end of shift, near to seven in the evening, the Elf made a general announcement that all hands should assemble in the galley for dinner

Anyway, the rest of these notes seem to be a checklist of sorts: Gain free access to the frontier; Assemble tools for expedition; Narrow down location of Pillars

The best option you guys have is to go back to ours and assemble your Arrows there, under the protection of all of our gods and the Guardians

Ethan promised to make radio contact as soon as he could to assemble another army, a more informed one, to take out the whole mountain

Upon such occasions the people assemble, and every one is said to declare with the greatest frankness what he is worth, in order to be taxed accordingly

we hold in relation to one another as we assemble

Why were his thoughts so fuzzy? It seemed like a child’s puzzle was before him, but someone had blown out the lamps, and he had to assemble it in the dark

“Tell the staff that there’s been a security breach and they must assemble in the canteen immediately

It cannot be forced, but what do I know? We would assemble on the main parade ground, have roll call and then march a couple of miles to the church which was a magnificent building

So Dorian had been able to assemble this group in a matter of minutes to come riding to my rescue

The mechanics were setting up their benches, polishing tools, and beginning to assemble planes in the big hangar tents

He would bide his time, watching and one-by-one assemble irrefutable facts

Step3: Assemble circuit components over bread board and test the circuit with power supply

Step2: Assemble the circuit making sure that electrolytic capacitors are

Step3: Assemble the circuit, you can use a switch to turn

Step2: Assemble the components and switch On the circuit

Step5: This is it, assemble the circuit on MY Kit and have fun

push buttons and assemble them on MY Kit

Step2: Assemble the components of timer circuit now and connect melody circuit with timer as shown in breadboard diagram

He began to assemble a plate of bacon and eggs

See if you can assemble them

“Even though he was the first Curator to assemble enough evidence to support such a theory, when he presented his work he was met with derision, laughed upon as another half-mad fool

Major Guighan saluted and walked briskly to the signals officer to assemble a suitable message per Tyrpledge’s request

development of a facility in South Carolina to assemble their products

4 Then said the king to Amasa, Assemble me the men of Judah within three days, and be you here present

5 So Amasa went to assemble the men of Judah, but he tarried longer than the set time which he had appointed him

12 And he shall set up an ensign for the nations, and shall assemble the outcasts of

20 Assemble yourselves and come; draw near together, you who are escaped of the nations: they have no

14 Why do we sit still? assemble yourselves, and let us enter into the

9 Mine heritage is to me as a speckled bird, the birds round about are against her; come you, assemble

assemble them into the midst of this city

almost ten minutes for the three to assemble, lurking in the

14 And they have not cried to me with their heart, when they howled on their beds: they assemble themselves for corn and wine, and

assembly: 16 Gather the people, sanctify the congregation, assemble the elders, gather the children, and those who suck the breasts:

palaces in the land of Egypt and say: Assemble yourselves on the mountains of Samaria, and see the great tumults in the midst of it,

Those that had willing hearts and obedient minds started to assemble the items, as

hearts, and assemble before their idols and say, «She is trodden down who often trod down; and she has been reduced to servitude that

How smooth are the hollow places and deep and dark to look at; Then Raphael answered, one of the holy angels who was with me, and said to me: ‘These hollow places have been created for this very purpose, that the spirits of the souls of the dead should assemble in it, yes so that all the souls of the children of men should assemble here; And these places have been made to receive them till the day of their judgement and till their appointed period till the period appointed, till the great judgement comes on them

21 And all the kings and princes resolved to assemble the sons of men, and to come to Enoch, thinking that they might all speak to him at the time when he should come out among them, and they did so

16 Also when a stranger came into their cities and brought goods which he had purchased with a view to dispose of there, the people of these cities would assemble, men, women and children, young and old, and go to the man and take his goods by force, giving a little to each man until there was an end to all the goods of the owner which he had brought into the land

21 And Joseph answered and said, If all the kings of the land should assemble they will not be able to take your brother from my hand; and Judah said, What shall we say to our father, when he sees that our brother comes not with us, and will grieve over him?

21 And Angeas saw this thing, and he commanded all his officers to assemble the hewers of stone in thousands and tens of thousands, and they hewed stone without number, and the builders came and they built an exceedingly strong bridge, and they conveyed the spring of water from the land of Chittim to Africa, and those waters were for Jania the queen and for all her concerns, to drink from and to bake, wash and bathe with it, and also to water with it all seed from which food can be obtained, and all fruit of the ground

22 And Pharaoh rose up and harnessed his chariot, and he ordered all the Egyptians to assemble, not one man was left excepting the little ones and the women

3 And when they shall blow with them, all the assembly shall assemble themselves to you at the door of the tabernacle of the congregation

How smooth are the hollow places and deep and dark to look at; Then Raphael answered one of the holy angels who was with me and said to me: ‘These hollow places have been created for this very purpose that the spirits of the souls of the dead should assemble in it yes so that all the souls of the children of men should assemble here; And these places have been made to receive them till the day of their judgement and till their appointed period till the period appointed till the great judgement comes on them

21 And all the kings and princes resolved to assemble the sons of men and to come to Enoch thinking that they might all speak to him at the time when he should come out among them and they did so

16 Also when a stranger came into their cities and brought goods which he had purchased with a view to dispose of there the people of these cities would assemble men women and children young and old and go to the man and take his goods by force giving a little to each man until there was an end to all the goods of the owner which he had brought into the land

21 And Joseph answered and said If all the kings of the land should assemble they will not be able to take your brother from my hand; and Judah said What shall we say to our father when he sees that our brother comes not with us and will grieve over him?

21 And Angeas saw this thing and he commanded all his officers to assemble the hewers of stone in thousands and tens of thousands and they hewed stone without number and the builders came and they built an exceedingly strong bridge and they conveyed the spring of water from the land of Chittim to Africa and those waters were for Jania the queen and for all her concerns to drink from and to bake wash and bathe with it and also to water with it all seed from which food can be obtained and all fruit of the ground

22 And Pharaoh rose up and harnessed his chariot and he ordered all the Egyptians to assemble not one man was left excepting the little ones and the women

“There was little we could do when we arrived, but even so, the sudden call to assemble and deploy was a valuable exercise for our fast response force

Then assemble a team to cast them during the mission, for I doubt that even I could maintain concentration on so many disparate spells, and still make effective observations

and easy to assemble, are much uglier than traditional yurts, but much

2 Do you think that there is no anguish for the angels in the presence of the Mighty One That Zion was so delivered up and that note! The Gentiles boast in their hearts and assemble before their idols and say «She is trodden down who often trod down; and she has been reduced to servitude that reduced others»? 3 Do you think that in these things the Most High rejoices; Or that His name is glorified? 4 But how will it serve towards His righteous judgment? 5 Yet after these things shall the dispersed among the Gentiles be taken hold of by tribulation; And in shame shall they dwell in every place

12 Then did there assemble to Alcimus and Bacchides a company of scribes to require justice

Assemble the best Healers we have, and we’ll bring you all here

When it was nearly time to assemble the hybrids, Sarah said 2400 of them would be present

assemble in the sanctuary as you requested

Sarah watched as Charlie began to assemble the tent he

First they had to indoctrinate the large crew on the goals of the project and then train them how to stamp out and assemble the bomb casings

That means all are to assemble as quickly as possible to where many stones are jumbled together, near the most sacred place

For nature, we could say that perfection consists of the ability to assemble the most

Assemble it in the same way outlined above for the bridal bouquet

The druids started to assemble around the fire, coming from the dark corners of the forest after a night of prayers

Reinhardt smiled, hesitated for a moment before he kissed her gently on the lips and walked away to assemble the men

Each year the Brookhaven Laboratory would assemble a medical team and organize a

information they are trying to assemble and use

Seated on the mattresses, we began to assemble the objects that we would take to Eisenbaum

It took to him two months to assemble the sufficient courage to ask the girl to go out with him – She stopped for a break, then continued:

They used the boulders to assemble a great, vented Hive

“I move that we assemble what weapons and defensive resources we can muster

I propose that we assemble the dwarves and humanoids aligned with our interests in the Midden of the stone giants

Our smiths will assemble steel plates to close the injuries on the bodies of the stone giants

I wish to assemble a similar militia here in Coermantyr

The gnomes used their ground-hoppers to assemble and bury the deceased that lay strewn about the battlefield

I agree with his idea and wonder if the time is ripe for the organized regions of Gaea to assemble an official militia such as the one described in the historic tomes

As the exhibition ends satisfactorily without any major mishap, the assembled adults applaud, the children beaming proudly at their respective families

“And being assembled together with them, He commanded them

And when they had prayed, the place where they were assembled

This was the twenty third time the whole crew had assembled since the final crew selection, so he hadn’t scratched his collection

When the Israelites were assembled at Shechem, Joshua

When all were assembled and the hubbub died down, Moamar spoke, «Do I speak for us all?» he asked the council

There were a few shouts with him, not one in eight of the men assembled, but still it was bedlam

Just as I started to get the image into some sort of focus, at the critical moment when I started to remember details about the garden, their clothes and the house, right then the truck would bounce or shake over rough English roads, and these carefully assembled pieces of the picture puzzle would break and scatter

He was, anyway, the fittest and fastest of the assembled pre-season breakers, playing at centre with all of the modern power and grace required of a rugger boy

Kara looked at him and, flinging a quick plea that Gotte would lend power to her words, assembled her thoughts

Shouted out by a million assembled voices, on cue,

As they glided over he could see that some were assembled on the soccer field, and others were running across the field to join them

Their mother, who hadn’t yet hit the cans, made a real fuss of them and told the assembled figures of authority that they were always running away and she was so relieved they had been found

The sound swells, becomes more complex and, as the non-Gottesmen drop out, transforms gradually into a peaceful, lyrical hymn casting a blessing over the assembled throng

Later that day, and as before, the girls assembled outside the shop and one of Tiffany’s friends was sent inside to ask, “She says you can have two kisses and she’ll think about a drink”

He took the great politician to one side and showed him page after page, reassuring everyone assembled in the room that it was only the stupid or the incompetent who wouldn’t be able to read a word

The two charlatans attended the cabinet and ran through the contents of the report with the assembled ministers of state, describing and explaining all of their arguments, summaries and conclusions in the clearest and simplest terms

They’re all assembled in the chamber»

In the galleries up above the assembled politicians there was a veritable host of media reporters, who were all fighting and scrapping for the best vantage points

He was going to have to spend more time with the assembler bot manuals to get his new hardware assembled and he would probably have to call Pete Maples to get it calibrated and tested

And the cries went up from the assembled crowd, “Hip, hip, hooray for the Amazonian Fritillary, three cheers for old Ted!”

To be honest, most of the assembled crowd neither understood the difference between an artichoke and an Amazonian Fritillary, nor did they care

All around the princess the ladies of the court sang and celebrated the occasion as the great and the good of the England’s green and pleasant land, the celebrities and the superstars, assembled to celebrate the marriage

At a signal from the Archbishop of Canterbury silence fell upon the assembled crowds

She stood before the man in the ruined and spectral television suit and called out to the assembled dignitaries, “He will be the one

He looked out across the crew assembled for this meeting and saw so few he wanted to share space with

Rayne turned and scanned the entire surrounding area; then she stepped forward and bowed to the assembled group, striking her chest once, as she had seen First Kai do

the earth were assembled and the prince built a great fleet of ships

spring day, and the assembled crowd was a refreshing mixture of

And so, after a tough but productive session, the assembled

Naria accepted his arm, a sign of great respect Alexei noted by the reaction of the assembled crew

assembled figures of authority that they were always running away

Later that day, and as before, the girls assembled outside the

reassuring everyone assembled in the room that it was only the

report with the assembled ministers of state, describing and

assembled in the chamber»

In the galleries up above the assembled

And the cries went up from the assembled crowd, “Hip, hip,

All of the judges assembled next to Ted’s amazing new flower,

To be honest, most of the assembled crowd neither understood

A half hour later all the Lords were assembled in the Queens Study listening as she informed them as to what had taken place

assembled to celebrate the marriage

television remote control, which he showed to the assembled

out to the assembled dignitaries, “He will be the one

Twenty minutes later they were assembled in the Great Hall, Lord Boras’ body on the floor in front of Naria’s throne

At the designated dining hour, Harry dressed nicely and announced to the assembled guests, “If you wish, I shall be most pleased to escort you to your evening’s suppers; those of you not otherwise engaged may follow me

So, bit by bit, slowly, day after day, I assembled the cabinet

He told the assembled

Allcock already had their luggage assembled neatly in their compartment

As forecast, after the parties were shown to their rooms, they assembled in the conservatory for afternoon tea

A little winded and with a well earned hunger, they assembled in a cafe opposite the little hotel, and looked back over the bay to the mainland

He looked through the collection of tools, assembled in a separate crate, and taking out a tape measure went about taking more specific measurements than those he’d made cursorily the day before

This attitude was diametrically counter to those of the other candidates who assembled in the ‘schoolroom

All the ladies of the gathered households, along with Mandy and Sarah, assembled in the Tea Room on Sunday afternoon for a good chat, the men being away

They talked as they assembled the effigy

Harry’s letters were assembled and the ladies spent a whole afternoon in a compiled reading session, as Belle and his sisters were once wont to do

Where they had all assembled for a cold soda, even Jimmy and Sara, were present

His family and friends were in such a state of sudden and complete awe at being present for this unexpected display of unprecedented passion from their Harry, that not a whisper of sound came from the assembled audience

At 17:00 the hijack team had assembled in the Sama-Sama hotel at the airport in a boardroom that Otto had rented for the day

Together with Pope Leo III, he assembled the base for

Theoton, Stenarch, and Aetes assembled in a small building behind the orchestra called

The terms have been originally assembled and used by the author

When the Scotch parliament was no longer to be assembled in it, when it ceased to be the necessary residence of the principal nobility and gentry of Scotland, it became a city of some trade and industry

The militia of the cities seems, in those times, not to have been inferior to that of the country ; and as they could be more readily assembled upon any sudden occasion, they frequently had the advantage in their disputes with the neighbouring lords

The speaker took the time to look at the faces of the men assembled in front of him for a while, noting the quiet expectation in their eyes, before he began

When the company was assembled together at last in the Captain’s ready room, the Elf sketched in for them the first gambit of the strategy

Once all the company was again assembled in the Captain’s ready room, Isin gave their report

She reached inside and removed the contents and held it in her palm before the assembled crew

As the officials assembled at the plush

team you called for are assembled in the

And as he stood in the battle lines assembled outside the Imperial City, the realization broke over him

assembled with the athletes in the media

The King and Queen of Hearts were seated on their throne when they arrived, with a great crowd assembled about them–all sorts of little birds and beasts, as well as the whole pack of cards: the Knave was standing before them, in chains, with a soldier on each side to guard him; and near the King was the White Rabbit, with a trumpet in one hand, and a scroll of parchment in the other

Two hours later, Sebastian shook Russell awake, and they assembled all of their belongings

The rest of the able-bodied Arrows and Guardians are already assembled, just awaiting instruction

He turned his head the other direction to look at his room, in which four chairs were assembled

assembly as those assembled are willing to yield to

assembled believers is connected to their relationship

Mother started out badly, saying to all those assembled, “Hello

It wasn’t until they were all assembled; however, that Orion explained that they would not be taking any of their weapons into the Archways

The other lords and ladies and their soldiers were assembled behind those forces, and the Dremelden were stationed to the east

ceremonies conducted, those assembled to pay their respects would leave the bay, and the long

where the usual characters were assembled and had a nice supper of chicken, fresh tossed salad, baked potatoes and strawberry pie for dessert

assembled in the City Hall

After Evaert’s defeat, Bawsen determined that such a thing would never happen again and assembled the first Custodians of The Way

The almost unbearable noise suddenly quietened and Brokin saw that a boar had entered the taproot chamber and was now staring down at the assembled badgers

As the Preceptor paused again, the badgers assembled in the Great Chamber exploded into a cheer that almost deafened Brokin in his hiding place, and it was as well that they did, because the shock of hearing the Preceptor’s words had wrung a loud gasp from his throat

My army is assembled; each man is being moved into position, each man to his appointment

The King and Queen of Hearts were seated on their throne when they arrived, with a great crowd assembled about them—all sorts of little birds and beasts, as well as the whole pack of cards: the Knave was standing before them, in chains, with a soldier on each side to guard him; and near the King was the White Rabbit, with a trumpet in one hand, and a scroll of parchment in the other

Beth filled her days joining tours that assembled each morning in the lobby

A team was soon assembled, all eager to begin

“Never hesitate! Just take the shot and worry about the CO’s approval rating later,” I told the assembled crew

Then I turned to the assembled men, a rapidly growing, but silent crowd

He quickly assembled a crew to unload the soda fountain components, uncrate them, and move them into the canteen

Badgers of all sizes had assembled

He assembled a plate of bacon and eggs…

The most battle hardened Badgers were assembled to guard Princess Ruby

They were assembled to escort a thin, strong willed, brave, nine-year old

At the edge of the forest, Ranger Oakmoss had assembled the largest collection of Wood Sprites ever seen

Moses assembles the Jews, and reminds them of the Sabbath day

assembles his materials, then goes to work

A RoboBox disperses and a cockpit assembles on the

casing and assembles into a massive robot

assembles all the school to

Moya then assembles the most appropriate skills for the

The word “star” in Arabic is used to express what brights and blazes, as well as it is used to express that which assembles around something and surrounds it

One hundred nanoteers builds a mouse, a thousand assembles a laptop, a million constructs a computer lab, and a trillion dedicates a Gamegineer Server to their own online Collaborative School of Competitive Design

He stands there looking at the pretty young parishioner as she assembles a plate with portions of strudels, cream puffs, and a host of fruit filled confectioneries

But it always looks up, from a distance, at the prison on the crag; and in the evening, when the work of the day is achieved and it assembles to gossip at the fountain, all faces are turned towards the prison

But he uses these as checks on the transactions-based valuations that he assembles from studying the market for control

As the sun comes up from behind a nearby mountain, everyone assembles with their gear

This section assembles the myriad answers the best investors give when asked to explain where they look for opportunity and to justify why they’ve chosen the focus they have

A crowd assembles

The teams were just assembling

Belle had spent the morning assembling trays of assorted flowers from beside the meandering overflow that emptied the pond when heavy rains filled it past its rim

Libby Barrett had no interest in playing Rugby, much preferring the calmer activity of assembling jigsaw puzzles

If quarks have no life, how come assembling a selection of them under some particular forms make life sprouts into creations?

Quickly assembling to establish his reign of hell in heaven, He beckoned a crowd of angels:

The assembling of saints in the New Testament was not

Most days he would dictate to the scholars and scribes who transferred the words to neatly cut square sheets of paper for assembling into a number of large books

“They’re assembling in the ballroom,” she said without introduction when we stepped inside

Truman had already proven he could be relied upon for discretion while assembling dossiers on students in Managua

The General from this distance could see the milling masses of men, assembling to receive their orders for the day, cleaning their swords and tending to their armor and shields

While everyone thought that he and Abdul Aziz were dead somewhere, he’d been laying low and quietly assembling his army

Rock: See also Stone: Safe refuge; the base of the assembling of the believers; to be buried or covered in Christ; the stone that causes stumbling

Soon the enemy would begin assembling their elite sorcerers to bring against my wizards, and that would turn the tide of battle back in their favor

19 And on the next day the sons of Jacob went to Sarton, for they heard that the men of Sarton who had remained in the city were assembling to fight with them for having killed their king, and Sarton was a very high and fortified city, and it had a deep rampart surrounding the city

“The CIA is assembling all the elite agents in New York

8 And he made the laver of brass, and the foot of it of brass, of the lookingglasses of the women assembling, which assembled at the door of the tabernacle of the congregation

lookingglasses of the women assembling, which assembled at the door of the

19 And on the next day the sons of Jacob went to Sarton for they heard that the men of Sarton who had remained in the city were assembling to fight with them for having killed their king and Sarton was a very high and fortified city and it had a deep rampart surrounding the city

With the reassuring rituals of the breaking of the fast completed, Youssaf again assisted Moses and Aaron in assembling the people into one large group

Moses and Aaron in assembling the people into one large group

Quarters: living space of the crew; assembling of all hands at designated stations for muster, drills and inspections

It is the most expedient way of assembling the product

Assembling the work shed happened to consume the epitaph of the project

-Not at all! We will not be left behind and less when we are all punished — She said and began assembling the things that wanted to take

It consisted of all the children in the school assembling in the huge school hall in a line with their classmates

5 Soon after the setting of the sun, as Jesus and the apostles still lingered about the supper table, Peter’s wife heard voices in the front yard and, on going to the door, saw a large company of sick folks assembling, and that the road from Capernaum was crowded by those who were on their way to seek healing at Jesus’ hands

Simon saw the nationalists springing into action as soon as the kingdom was announced, and himself in supreme command of the assembling military forces of the new kingdom

Utayatu was assembling a fleet, hopefully, destined for Earth

Set out before him is a large production area; a long conveyor belt with robots operating each side appear to be assembling more security robots

middle of a formation of Third Force ships who were assembling for an attack on New St

“Elizabeth pumped them into the factory ship that was assembling the drones

The probability that he would use the traditional Swordsman technique of assembling the force at a remote but visible location was slim

The lady assigned this manual operation, which related to property management (deprecation), was slow in providing the results to the woman in charge of assembling the monthly figures

and began assembling a chart documenting the most useful

Ugh! I’ve heard nothing but horror stories about these “work-at-home assembling products”

Often, you’ll never be paid for assembling these items

Nancy, drained by her last rescue, stood and watched as Schmidt started yelling orders, assembling his soldiers and giving directives to the civilians, the great majority of whom were women and children

Kay was leading him while assembling the other women when Jeffrey stopped and pointed his rifle towards the convent

As he recounted several previous battles in which he had been either directly or indirectly involved, the words flowed naturally from within, freeing his mind from the duty of assembling and consciously communicating the information and thus permitting him to carefully study the lounge and its occupants

She was however happy, first for having helped assembling a P-40F fighter at Eagle Farm Airfield, second for having had the chance to meet there an old friend she had known in the Philippines

Now, Gunn wore the ranks of captain and was in charge of assembling the planes brought by ship to Brisbane

As Yamamoto was assembling his battle staff to assess the situation after the attack, word came in that both Lieutenant General Homma and Lieutenant General Lida, the two senior army commanders for the operation, had been killed

Master Sergeant Harry Coyle had been able to enlist literally dozens of women who had been working for over a year on ammunition assembly lines, putting together shells and bombs, filling them with explosives and also assembling their intricate fuses

More women came from weapons assembly lines, where they had similarly been producing parts for weapons, assembling them and test-firing them

Coatl then told them of the network of friends that we were assembling so that if they were ever threatened by or ever received any information regarding Teotihuacan they were to send a messenger to a certain mountain ash that grew in the foothills west of Teotihuacan, the ash had been hit by lightning and was readily recognizable

Klaus Hummel nodded in understanding and started assembling his armed party

Then assembling her group and squadron commanders around her in the middle of the dirt road passing through the tent village, Ingrid passed around orders, first looking at Teresa James

We are assembling and reequipping other army divisions as fast as we can but, if the perimeter around Pusan doesn’t hold fast for at least another month, we then could lose every unit we have presently in Korea, be they Army, Marine or Air Force units

with final preparations assembling everything, packing the Humvee, and the Ford SUV

During this time, the village was filled with workmen for a week assembling the machinery and building the dome

Planning an invasion and assembling a fleet in a few weeks was clearly impractical, but timing was an essential part of the game of bluff that Hitler was playing

‘’In a week, as soon as General Smith could finish assembling and preparing his team

Doors opened and a straggle of people appeared from various directions assembling on the periphery of the machine, curious and expectant

Though the printing press was developed centuries earlier in China, the challenge of assembling the great variety of moveable type necessary to represent the unwieldy Chinese system of writing proved a great hindrance to prolific Chinese printing, whereas the small alphabets of Europe were much more easily managed

Before assembling the UPS, he tied a piece of thin wire to the tiny nuclear reactor of the UPS, then fixed the other end of the wire to the inside of the UPS’s back cover with a large piece of gaffer tape

King Charles had more than once already paid huge ransoms to the Vikings to make them go away, ransoms raised through crushing new taxes imposed on the merchants and peasants of the kingdom, instead of assembling a proper army and fight the northern invaders

Thankfully, this megastructure was built in modular form with the original goal of assembling it on Mirphak III, thus came fully equipped and stocked

‘’Jane Gee, be advised that our FLIR cameras have detected what seems to be a large concentration of troops assembling in the jungle at the foot of the hills south of the airstrip

A Japanese unit commander that had finally succeeded in assembling a coherent force launched a coordinated counter-attack from Malabang Airfield, to the East of Lae

Thus equipped, she hurried outside, where she found Saburo and his mixed squad of thirty harquebusiers and archers in the process of assembling with other ashigaru squads and a few samurai in the inner courtyard

Although assembling these things was fairly simple, improvising these

box, assembling the rest of the bomb would be a piece of cake

Jake Stennis, the big manager of the space habitat construction crew responsible for assembling and positioning the future research station, smiled and shrugged his shoulders

of robots assembling and wearing down the

back of his head, assembling the bullet resistant face

On Saturday afternoon, after thanking and paying her workers before sending them home, Nancy kept with her six women and four men, assembling them as a group in the courtyard

A period of frantic activity followed that decision, with Fernand and his associates put in charge of assembling in the inn the settlers living around it

the strategic assets or capabilities of the business, assembling the deal team,

They could see the Guardians are assembling their entire fleet

They are assembling an Armada

forsaking our own assembling together, as is the habit of some,

Tell them how the Apostle Paul enjoins us not «to forsake the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is» (Heb

A better management solution would be to place an order for 3000 pcs of B1 since this component is used in large quantities for assembling product A and it would be wise to have some inventory left in stock after the order for 100 pcs of product A is completed

electrostatic plastic powder coating, assembling AZKOITIA with the help of advanced equipments such as

Sub-assembly B5 is used for assembling several other models of products manufactured in the company

instruction guide so that kids can easily follow the steps in assembling the LEGO

The white scientist blessed by the Bible organizes a nanono – collector for assembling the carbon from China’s air pollution, making it diamond under high pressure

Yet, it was not until the co-teacher, the students, and I were assembling the model item by item on

It makes assembling easier

Community — make it a habit of assembling with others

freedom of the Press, and to guarantee the assembling of groups in meetings

carry out many biochemical functions, but they are incapable of assembling

Four-thirty, Dente Park, the ain’ts begin assembling

In short, it denotes that the dissimilarity among the natural phenomenon is quantitative one, that is, they are only an action of assembling and synthesizing for the bodies but their quality does not change

For the eye sees, the ear hears, and the tongue tastes, then these sensations move to the spirit which sends up the rays of these perceptions to the brain, when it is true in seeking truth, and there, the thought performs the processes of comparing, contrasting, disuniting and assembling then the spirit attains its demand

So, if man sets examples for himself from those who have lived before him of his parents, relatives and his forefathers, and acquaints his spirit with those who have dwelled in their dwellings, then he informs it about death and its awe, the grave and its loneliness, and repeats such lesson to it daily, there, it will fear and stop indulging in loving this world and turning to it, then it will seriously seek to know the Provider Who looks after it, where the spirit’s efforts gather with that of the thought which acts dashingly and searches earnestly, and it keeps comparing and contrasting, disuniting and assembling, asking itself by itself and answering until it reaches deciding the existing of the Great Creator who has created everything, then he continues researching till he comes to believe that He, the Almighty, is the Supporter Provider who provides the creatures and supplies them with their needs without forgetting them a twinkling of an eye

Assembling forms for the foundation

in assembling the bomb, the rest of it went together with electrical tape

Later, after hours assembling and re-examining records, he was troubled that nothing

knowledge in the innermost circles that both the United States and Russia were assembling

the Fire Hall, as Yakov helped Joseph and his deputy finish assembling the simple plywood

“We could use one dollar and we could use ten million dollars, but the simple fact is we are between a rock and hard place in assembling a capital campaign because the needs of the building are immense

Jamie was in tears over the thoughtfulness of the gesture of a clean house and incredibly pleased that the only things that had been done to the baby’s room was the assembling of the furniture

of Solstice was assembling in the square, and fi ne entertainment

assembling the tools and supplies they would need

separate pallets, got hold of a forklift and started assembling it with the door opening into the kitchen

They came all dismantled and crated but assembling them would not be a

  • Dictionary
  • A
  • Assemble
  • Sentences
  • There wasn’t even a convenient place for students to assemble between classes. [VERB]
  • Greenpeace managed to assemble enough boats to waylay the ship at sea. [VERB noun]
  • Animation Shop helps you create and assemble animations.
  • The armed services and the Red Cross have been asked to assemble blankets, lightweight clothing and general welfare stores as soon as possible.
  • To assemble the parts of a kit
  • He assembled the model ship.
  • To assemble the dish, Heat the oil in a deep pot to create a deep fryer, shaking off the excess flour, fry the jellyfish till golden and crunchy.
  • The parents assembled in the school hall.

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