Sentences with the word arrogant

These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.

You know, I forgot how arrogant you were.

Знаешь, а я уже и забыл какой ты был высокомерный.

They thought you were the most arrogant resident they ever interviewed…

Они думали, что ты самый высокомерный резидент, у которого они когда-либо брали интервью…

Fourth — have a high self-esteem, sometimes even arrogant.

Четвертые — с высоким самомнением и чувством собственного достоинства, иногда даже надменные.

Too busy singing about arrogant millers in bloody Chester…

Мы были слишком заняты, распевая песни о заносчивых мельниках из несчастного Честера…

He never became conceited and arrogant.

Однако это не сделало её заносчивой или высокомерной.

They think I am being arrogant.

He was skeptical, but never obtuse or arrogant.

Он был скептичен, но никогда не был тупым или высокомерным.

And everyone said he was arrogant, entitled, selfabsorbed.

И все говорили, что он был высокомерным, тщеславным, эгоцентричным.

Well, better arrogant than foolish.

I hope I’m less arrogant.

You do not want to seem arrogant.

С одной стороны, вы не хотите выглядеть высокомерным.

But his expression remained cold and arrogant.

Но отношение к нему знати оставалось по-прежнему холодным и высокомерным.

You don’t want to appear arrogant.

С одной стороны, вы не хотите выглядеть высокомерным.

Everyone says I am rude and arrogant.

Their own path is another trait that makes them stubborn and arrogant.

Их собственный путь — еще одна черта, которая заставляет их быть упрямыми и высокомерными.

Outside of their heroic personas, most are arrogant and corrupt.

Однако вне своих героических амплуа большинство из них высокомерны, жестоки и злоупотребляют своей славой.

That doesn’t mean we should be arrogant or overbearing.

Но это не означает, что мы должны быть высокомерными или дерзкими.

He was over-confident to the point of being arrogant.

Он был, вероятно, слишком интеллигентен, чтобы быть высокомерным.

Be confident, without being arrogant.

He often was arrogant and selfish toward friends and patrons.

Он часто был высокомерен и эгоистичен по отношению к друзьям и покровителям.

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высокомерный, надменный, заносчивый, самонадеянный, кичливый


- высокомерный, надменный, заносчивый; самонадеянный
- наглый; бесцеремонный

arrogant claims — наглые претензии

Мои примеры


celebrities who have an arrogant sense of entitlement — знаменитости, которые себя ведут себя высокомерно из-за своего положения  
he was arrogant and occasionally callous — он был высокомерным и иногда чёрствым  
arrogant critics who contemn the general public’s taste in art — высокомерные критики, презирающие художественный вкус широкой публики  
arrogant / cavalier / imperious / overbearing manner — высокомерность, надменная манера держать себя  
arrogant tone — надменный, высокомерный тон  
arrogant / conceited / haughty / lofty person — спесивица; спесивец  
arrogant man — гордец  
arrogant woman — гордячка  
be arrogant — куражиться  

Примеры с переводом

I found him very arrogant and opinionated.

Он показался мне очень высокомерным и самоуверенным.

He was unbearably arrogant.

Он был невыносимо заносчивым.

She’s first in her class, but she’s not arrogant about it.

Она — первая в (своём) классе, но совсем из-за этого не задаётся.

He took the arrogant student down a peg.

Он поставил заносчивого студента на место.

His administration was arrogant and despotic.

В качестве руководителя он вёл себя высокомерно и деспотично.

She sometimes comes across as being rather arrogant.

Иногда она бывает очень высокомерной. / Она иногда производит впечатление довольно высокомерной особы.

Evans is an arrogant bully who needs taking down a peg or two.

Эванс — это высокомерный хулиган /заносчивый задира/, которого нужно поставить на место.

Unfortunately, his arrogant attitude annuls the many generous favors he does for people.

К сожалению, его высокомерие сводит на нет те многие щедрые милости, которые он делает для людей.

The arrogant young lawyer elbowed his way to the head of the line of customers, declaring that he was too busy to wait like everybody else.

Этот высокомерный молодой юрист протолкался к началу клиентской очереди, заявив, что он-де слишком занят, чтобы ждать, как все остальные.

an arrogant scholar who never passes up an opportunity to posture and perorate on stunningly unimportant matters

заносчивый грамотей, который никогда не упускает возможности порисоваться и порассуждать о потрясающе незначительных вещах

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

He is still addressing rallies in his usual tub-thumping, arrogant way.

To anyone ignorant of the underlying physics, it might seem the most arrogant and pretentious necromancy.

…during the war some of the British were narked by their American allies, who were perceived as arrogant…

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Возможные однокоренные слова

arrogantly  — высокомерно, надменно, самонадеянно, заносчиво

Definition of Arrogant

one who rudely acts as though he is better than other people

Examples of Arrogant in a sentence

The arrogant young man quickly discounted his friends’ suggestions.


When the arrogant actress arrived at the hotel, she insisted upon jumping to the front of the line.


The young professor thought he knew everything and was too arrogant to listen to his mentor’s advice.


Although Matt is a great football player, he is very arrogant and refuses to talk to his fans.


Once Danielle married the wealthy doctor, she became arrogant and would not associate with people in her old neighborhood.


Patients dislike arrogant doctors who talk down to them as though they are stupid.


As soon as the arrogant woman walked past the homeless man, she turned her head away from him.


Although Pam could have won the contest, she was so arrogant she ignored her vocal teacher’s advice and made a poor song choice.


Hal is so arrogant and vain that no one can picture him volunteering at a homeless shelter.


Because the criminal was arrogant and never thought he would get caught, he tried to rob a store next to a police station.


Other words in the Stuck-up category:

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Arrogant is the first extended play released by Danish-Chilean singer Medina. (Wikipedia) (See all definitions)

I absolutely think the world of you but to ask such a question seems so human and arrogant.


Don’t obsess over sex, don’t be arrogant and if you don’t have any goals and dreams, you better find them.


What it is is arrogant and stupid to ignore the feelings of parents — however poorly informed you think they are.


Having children is no excuse for noise you arrogant sod.


You write in your recent column, Mr. Fuller: «Since the «warmist» position seems to be that the discussion can not be reopened at all costs, it leads to an impasse where the «warmists» tend to look truculent and arrogant, while the skeptics look reasonable and rational.»


If i were you, I would never be an arrogant person.


However, always make sure that you are not bragging, exaggerating, or coming across as arrogant.


If you seriously think you are giving up your buyers negotiating position or his/her confidence — well you’re just being arrogant and being «difficult to be difficult».


The four main characters are all different types of magicians: arrogant slight-of-hand artist Daniel Atlas (Jesse Eisenberg), mentalist Merritt McKinney (Woody Harrelson); shock magician Henley Reeves (Isla Fisher), and street magician Jack Wilder (Dave Franco).


According to some, he can be arrogant and rude at times.


This pressure comes from fear and insecurities, but if you think about it, it’s quite arrogant to carry an impossible standard for ourselves and not for others.


Malcolm Rifkind — arrogant, notable for making a remark to US Congressmen including a certain Senator John McCain and some other Vietnam vets that they had no concept of what it was like to be at war, went off in a huff when he wasn’t given the role of Shadow Foreign Secretary.


An especially arrogant example of the «if you don’t like it, piss off» attitude.


He told the conference that far from it being arrogant or presumptuous to make detailed plans, it was the reverse.


But even good old irresponsible, arrogant, drunk, horny Stark seems to be feeling the weight of all the plot that’s crammed in «Iron Man 2».


But it is arrogant to suggest that the only authentic condition of congregational life is one of perpetual — especially artificially engineered — change and to think that one can measure a congregation’s faithfulness by its capacity to leave its tradition behind.


It’s nice to be confident, but you’ll come across as arrogant if you turn your username into a selling tool.


Well, the American authorities are certainly better at prosecuting uppity women (Martha Stewart) and arrogant foreigners (Conrad Black) and they know when to issue pardons to their own kind (Marc Rich).


Now I’m not trying to be arrogant or anything but my bundt cakes really never stick so this was the last thing I expected to happen.


For instance, he will be kind, gentle, and self-assured, without being arrogant or crude.


No, it becomes arrogant to think you have it right and everyone else is wrong when you can’t objectively demonstrate your god any more than believers of other gods can.


The bigger risk is about the message that this kind of bad and arrogant behavior often sends — it’s a culture killer.


«Detachment» follows a troubled and hardened high school teacher as he deals with a new school with arrogant teenagers, a dying grandfather, and a devoted teenage whore.


You have to make yourself as appealing as possible without over doing it and seeming arrogant.


Asking him to step aside is arrogant and wrong…


And the fact is, it’s very arrogant and people are turned off by that.»


In my experience, although some of the more arrogant lawyer/authors with whom I have dealings enjoy playing down the importance that a publishing opportunity brings to enhancing their reputation, I think the opposite.


It’s the timeless tale of an elegant, arrogant china rabbit with fine clothes and a gold pocket watch who takes love for granted.


He was also described as a curmudgeon, even arrogant; one person went as far as to call him an a #sh * le.


It’s okay to be confident, but not arrogant


I mean, it sounds arrogant, but actually I think it was the truth.


You want to come across as confident, but not arrogant.


«Chris Collins’s arrogant disregard for his constituents and his support for extreme policies that directly hurt New Yorkers has remade NY-27 into a competitive district.»


Look around you at the rest of the dang world you selfish, arrogant moron, male or female.


And yet, Buckley’s young — and, in truth, fairly arrogant — use of his Catholicism was, in many ways, typical of the generation to which he belonged.


Then there is the FACT that you continue to use inflammatory language such as «lack of intellectual honesty,» «too busy,» and «naive» and my developing THEORY that your arrogant attitude may be what is preventing both riches and fame from making their way into your life.


You could talk about a physical feature such as «My unusually green eyes» but beware of sounding arrogant.


Whilst some people read it as equally clueless, others saw his approach «I have a huge c*ck», or words to that effect, as arrogant and dismissive of women.


It’s hard to take an objective look at your accomplishments and then describe them succinctly without sounding boastful or arrogant.


Despite how many mountains, growers and rivers I’ve been to, we are not a bunch of arrogant brand managers.


If someone thinks you’re arrogant, you can bet that when the topic of lawyers come up, they’ll share that opinion, further impacting your potential client base.


Do not be arrogant if you feel you are the most qualified for the job, and don’t be discouraged if you feel that you know a little less than the other applicants.


So, whether it is an abusive boss who hasn’t found another way to get dependable results, a high-potential employee with a reputation for seeming arrogant, an angry, overwhelmed parent, A partner who withdraws and another who pursues, or someone who has tried diet after diet to lose weight, it all makes sense after exploring it together.


Don’t know why fans give him the time of day dishonest egotistical arrogant and… Worst of all… A decade of second string results….


Others blame the prime minister’s aloof and arrogant treatment of his backbenchers.


Employers want employees who are confident in their abilities, but not someone who is arrogant and refuses to learn.


A band of arrogant thieves target the Los Angeles Federal Reserve Bank because, every day, it sends $ 120 million in U.S. currency to be destroyed.


«And for four years in Southwark I made cracking speeches in the town hall, I don’t think it’s arrogant to say that.


What hurts so much is that this Moron is arrogant and seems un touchable at the moment regardless of all fading hopes.


There’s complete «the rules don’t apply to me»; it’s very arrogant.


Synonym: cavalier, haughty, insolent, humble, meek, modest. Similar words: arrogance, surrogate, interrogate, abrogate, derogatory, arrow, harrow, carrot. Meaning: [‘ærəgənt]  adj. having or showing feelings of unwarranted importance out of overbearing pride. 

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1. He gave an arrogant sneer.

2. I found him arrogant and rude.

3. Her arrogant behaviour on court psyched her opponent completely.

4. He’s an arrogant little swine!

5. He was so arrogant.

6. Be confident, not arrogant.

7. That sounds arrogant, doesn’t it?

8. That boy’s too arrogant by half.

9. Is she aloof and arrogant or just shy?

10. I thought him conceited and arrogant.

11. John Steed was an arrogant, swaggering young man.

12. She found him arrogant and domineering.

13. His manner is supercilious and arrogant.

14. He is not only arrogant but also selfish.

15. He’s an arrogant little twit!

16. I’ve never met anyone so arrogant and opinionated.

17. People are waking up that he is arrogant.

18. Tom Hanks was miscast as an arrogant city high-flier.

19. I dislike his arrogant demeanour.

20. She sometimes comes across as being rather arrogant.

21. She was selfish,[] arrogant and often callous.

22. He’s an arrogant little shit.

23. She was said to be proud and arrogant.

24. I found him very arrogant and opinionated.

25. She recognized his arrogant strut.

26. I disliked the arrogant cast to her mouth.

27. I found him pugnacious and arrogant.

28. He said that the press had misrepresented him as arrogant and bullying.

29. She has an authoritative manner that at times is almost arrogant.

30. Love is patient and kind, love is not jealous or boastful(, it is not arrogant or rude.

More similar words: arrogance, surrogate, interrogate, abrogate, derogatory, arrow, harrow, carrot, narrow, garrote, sparrow, elegant, gigantic, warrant, warranty, groggy, gang, program, progeny, organ, began, programme, organic, organism, hooligan, organize, programming, progressive, organized, error. 

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