Sentences with the word arrangement

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The menu selection may be adjusted upon previous arrangement.

Выбор меню может быть изменён по вашему желанию после предварительного соглашения.

But Ethiopia’s invariable intransigence precluded any arrangement.

Однако из-за непримиримой позиции Эфиопии достижение какого-либо соглашения оказалось невозможным.

Furthermore, the arrangement was ad hoc and consequently unpredictable and unreliable.

Кроме того, поскольку эта договоренность носит специальный характер, для нее характерны непредсказуемость и ненадежность.

It appears this arrangement may be rescinded under pressure.

Представляется, что эта договоренность может быть отменена, если будет оказано соответствующее давление.

The UK benefit substantially from this arrangement.

Великобритания, с другой стороны, получает от этой договоренности чрезвычайно большую пользу.

But that arrangement may end tomorrow.

Но предположим, что уже завтра эта договоренность закончится.

Our arrangement is something I consider with the utmost seriousness.

Наша договоренность это что-то, к чему я отношусь со всей серьезностью.

This new arrangement is effective 1 November 1993.

Эта новая договоренность вступила в силу 1 ноября 1993 года.

Please tell Asif this won’t affect our arrangement.

Кто нажал на курок. Пожалуйста, скажи Асифу, что на наши договоренности это не повлияет.

The contractual arrangement sets out the terms upon which the parties participate in the activity that is the subject of the arrangement.

Соглашение предусматривает условия, в соответствии с которыми стороны участвуют в деятельности, которая является предметом соглашения.

Rogers Communications previously had such an arrangement with OVH for its public cloud service, but that arrangement no longer exists.

Ранее у Rogers Communications была такая договоренность с OVH для ее публичной облачной службы, но такой договоренности больше не существует.

This arrangement should permit an equally participatory implementation.

С помощью этого механизма не менее активное участие должно быть достигнуто и в процессе осуществления программы.

Redistribution is then a political arrangement benefiting disadvantaged groups.

В этом случае перераспределение представляет собой политическое средство, осуществляемое в интересах находящихся в неблагоприятном положении групп.

Therefore, both are deeply interested in such an arrangement.

Таким образом, обе стороны в равной степени заинтересованы в подобной сделке.

This arrangement affords them untold advantages.

Именно поэтому программа дает вам такие непередаваемые преимущества.

If the custody arrangement in your decree no longer works…

Вот только в настоящее время пристав, вынесший такое постановление, уже не работает…

Understand the arrangement for the same better.

Значит и объяснить этот механизм лучше с тех же позиций.

About 15 years ago this arrangement started to break down.

И, приблизительно, пять лет назад эта система начала давать сбои.

My role in this arrangement is solely financial.

А всю роль, которая ему отведена в этой сделке — чисто финансовая.

That short-term arrangement eventually became permanent.

Однако эта временная мера вскоре превратилась в постоянную.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Предложения, которые содержат arrangement

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Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

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расположение, договоренность, устройство, соглашение, механизм, аранжировка


- приведение в порядок; расположение в определённом порядке, расстановка, классификация, систематизация

the arrangement of a library — систематизация библиотеки
arrangement by size — расстановка по размеру, форматная расстановка (книг)

- договорённость, соглашение

to come to an arrangement — прийти к соглашению
to make an arrangement — сговориться, условиться
the price of the house is a matter of arrangement — о цене дома надо будет договариваться

- ком. договорённость между должником и кредиторами о льготах по обязательствам на основании компромиссного соглашения
- разрешение (спора); урегулирование

arrangement of conflict — урегулирование конфликта

- pl. меры, мероприятия; приготовления

to make arrangements (for) — принимать меры (к); делать приготовления (к)

- компоновка, составление (чего-л.)

the art of flower arrangement — искусство составления букетов, икебана

- композиция

there were some beautiful arrangements at the flower-show — на цветочной выставке были /можно было видеть/ прекрасные композиции

- переделка, приспособление
- муз. аранжировка
- тех. монтаж
- спец. компоновка; схема расположения, планировка

arrangement of the lanes — спорт. распределение дорожек

Мои примеры


the collection and arrangement of data — сбор и организация данных  
a cozy arrangement with the police — удобная договорённость с полицией  
an arrangement of assorted spring flowers — композиция из разнообразных весенних цветов  
the helter-skelter arrangement of the papers — беспорядочное расположение бумаг  
medical arrangement — медицинское обеспечение  
arrangement by number / size / weight / price — сортировка по числу, размеру, весу, цене  
arresting arrangement — тормозное устройство  
trilateral arrangement — трёхстороннее соглашение  
organizational arrangement — организационная структура  
contract arrangement — мероприятия по контракту  
verbal arrangement — устная договоренность  
to make an arrangement with smb. — договариваться, условливаться (с кем-л.)  

Примеры с переводом

They made arrangements to meet in Chicago

Они договорились встретиться в Чикаго

This arrangement must be kept confidential.

Эту договоренность необходимо держать в секрете.

They changed the arrangement of furniture in the room.

Они изменили расстановку мебели в этой комнате.

I’ve agreed to help with arrangements for the party.

Я согласился помочь с подготовкой вечеринки.

Her job includes arrangement of her boss’s travel plans.

Её работа включает в себя организацию /подготовку/ плановых командировок начальника.

The family are making arrangements for his funeral.

Семья занимается организацией его похорон.

This will preclude from consenting to any arrangement.

Это помешает прийти к какому бы то ни было соглашению.

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Примеры, ожидающие перевода

The arrangement may throw up problems in other areas.

We tried several different arrangements of the parts.

…a tasteful arrangement of white flowers and dark greenery…

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

disarrangement  — расстройство, беспорядок, дезорганизация
rearrangement  — перестройка, перестановка, переделка, приведение в порядок
misarrangement  — неправильное, неверное расположение, неправильное расположение

Формы слова

ед. ч.(singular): arrangement
мн. ч.(plural): arrangements

Sentences with the word Arrangement?



  • «an artistic flower arrangement«
  • «an alphabetic arrangement«; «dictionaries list words in alphabetical order»
  • «an analphabetic arrangement of letters»; «Jesperson’s system of phonetic transcription is analphabetic»
  • «a flower arrangement«
  • «he changed the arrangement of the topics»; «the facts were familiar but it was in the organization of them that he was original»; «he tried to understand their system of classification»
  • «the arrangement of the furniture»; «the placement of the chairs»
  • «an arrangement of assorted spring flowers»; «assorted sizes»; «miscellaneous accessories»; «a mixed program of baroque and contemporary music»; «a motley crew»; «sundry sciences commonly known as social»- I.A.Richards
  • «this arrangement must be kept confidential»; «their secret communications»
  • «a cozy arrangement with the police»
  • «the ultrasonic dimensioning measurement»; «an ultrasonic dimensioning arrangement of the heart»
  • «the flower arrangement was created as an echo of a client’s still life»
  • «he enjoyed the flexibility of his working arrangement«
  • «politics is an impermanent factor of life»- James Thurber; «impermanent palm cottages»; «a temperary arrangement«; «temporary housing»
  • «in typical Greek and Latin verse of the classical period the rhymic system is based on some arrangement of long and short elements»
  • «radial symmetry»; «a starlike or stellate arrangement of petals»; «many cities show a radial pattern of main highways»

Antonym: derangement. Similar words: arrange, management, engagement, range, orange, commencement, element, movement. Meaning: [-mənt]  n. 1. the thing arranged or agreed to 2. an orderly grouping (of things or persons) considered as a unit; the result of arranging 3. an organized structure for arranging or classifying 4. the spatial property of the way in which something is placed 5. a piece of music that has been adapted for performance by a particular set of voices or instruments 6. the act of arranging and adapting a piece of music. 

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1. I’ll try to fit my arrangement in with yours.

2. They proposed to make arrangement beforehand.

3. The arrangement of the furniture formed a pleasing ensemble.

4. The committee is reviewing the current arrangement/situation.

5. They cleaned up on their recent business arrangement.

6. I’m sure we can come to some workable arrangement.

7. We made a tentative arrangement to meet again next Friday.

8. To follow the arrangement of fate is human; the master of his own fate is strong; not strong-minded is blindly, think thrice before acting is the wise man.

9. They made an arrangement to meet at 3 in a cafe.

10. Can I leave the arrangement of the tables to you?

11. That arrangement differs from the one I had in mind.

12. The chairs were placed in a semi-circular arrangement.

13. The company has a special arrangement with the bank.

14. He professed to be content with the arrangement.

15. This arrangement will have to do pro tem.

16. We can come to an arrangement over the price.

17. That’s a very artistic flower arrangement you have there.

18. We decided to make the arrangement permanent.

19. He finally came to an arrangement with his landlord.

20. A four course dinner is available by prior arrangement.

21. The school has an arrangement with local businesses.

22. The arrangement is only temporary.

23. This arrangement is only temporary.

24. I hope this arrangement will be satisfactory to you.

25. Are you satisfied with the new arrangement?

26. My flower arrangement needs more foliage.

27. He grumbled out his reasons from disliking the arrangement.

28. The arrangement was only intended as a stopgap.

28. try its best to gather and build good sentences.

29. We both benefited financially from the arrangement.

30. The caves can be visited only by prior arrangement.

More similar words: arrange, management, engagement, range, orange, commencement, element, movement, basement, statement, implement, placement, retirement, enforcement, settlement, excitement, elementary, requirement, measurement, chastisement, replacement, involvement, announcement, advertisement, finite element, implementation, array, angel, narrative, change.

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word arrangement, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use arrangement in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «arrangement». In addition, we also show how different variations of arrangement can be used, the variations for which we also have example sentences are arrangement’s, arrangements and arrangement—have. If you click on the variation of arrangement that you are interested in, you will be taken to the list of example sentences for that particular form.

Arrangement in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word arrangement in a sentence.

  1. This arrangement did not last.

  2. In George’s 1981 arrangement, B.

  3. Foran consented to this arrangement.

  4. In Brown’s arrangement of Banksia, B.

  5. In Brown’s arrangement of the genus, B.

  6. Under Brown’s taxonomic arrangement, B.

  7. It was a difficult arrangement at times.

  8. Evans explained the business arrangement:.

  9. Thiele and Ladiges’ arrangement retained B.

  10. The new arrangement began on October 1, 2017.

  11. Under George’s taxonomic arrangement of Banksia, B.

  12. Although displeased with the arrangement, he obeyed.

  13. The French were deeply unhappy with this arrangement.

  14. He likens the arrangement and iconography to the Te Deum.

  15. Very few pre-dreadnoughts deviated from this arrangement.

  16. This arrangement continued even during Manuel’s brief return to the city in 1475.

  17. Under this arrangement, Curaçao was still part of the Kingdom of the Netherlands.

  18. Higham has called these «the greatest known linear arrangement of stone carving».

  19. Its placement in Nelson’s arrangement of Adenanthos may be summarised as follows:.

  20. His analyses suggest a phylogeny that is very different from George’s arrangement.

  21. This arrangement contrasts with most fixed-wing aircraft, which have engine nozzles only at the rear.

  22. This arrangement was formally approved by the Combined Policy Committee meeting on 19 September 1944.

  23. The arrangement featured 276 lights in seven colors equally distributed across the towers four faces.

  24. Instead the arrangement «almost inevitably fostered an unproductive rivalry» between the two officers.

  25. This group is characterised by an unusual abdominal scute and a different arrangement of the hypurals.

  26. That arrangement was not accepted by George, and was largely discarded by him in his 1999 arrangement.

  27. Among known rhinoceroses, this arrangement is unique to Paraceratherium and the related Urtinotherium.

  28. The arrangement of the sculptural elements may have been influenced by Claus Sluter’s Well of Moses (c.

  29. Astronomers spotted four separate images of the supernova in an arrangement known as an Einstein Cross.

  30. Pei himself considered the project a success, even as he worried about the arrangement of its elements.

  31. Nevertheless, this arrangement remained a cheaper option than electromagnetic generators for some time.

  32. It was this arrangement that allowed Johnson to coach the team without receiving any additional salary.

  33. George promoted it to species rank on the basis of its distinctive leaf arrangement and midrib in 1996.

  34. In the meantime, if Mast and Thiele’s nomenclatural changes are taken as an interim arrangement, then B.

  35. Multiple episodes of the TV series Westworld use an orchestral arrangement of the song by Ramin Djawadi.

  36. Greenwood said he saw Radiohead as «just a kind of an arrangement to form songs using whatever technology suits the song.

  37. The temple of Bziza is an aedes that follows this arrangement; its elevated adyton was reached through a flight of steps.

  38. Most power chords are also played with a consistent finger arrangement that can be slid easily up and down the fretboard.

  39. This arrangement probably reflects the original position in the living animal since both hands show the same arrangement.

  40. The arrangement of the bells depends on the space, height and construction of the tower, and the number and size of bells.

  41. She was equipped with a main battery of twelve 28 cm (11 in) guns in six twin turrets in an unusual hexagonal arrangement.

  42. Instead, the plan to use a three-shaft system was abandoned and the ships reverted to the standard four-shaft arrangement.

  43. The arrangement of his colours is admirably successful, and we could instance individual passages of extraordinary beauty.

  44. In December, the propriety of Day’s arrangement with Sidney was questioned by the local community, especially Anna Seward.

  45. Historian Eric Lott has identified the irony of this arrangement: a black man imitating a white man imitating a black man.

  46. Bottomley was made editor for life, but a year later Odhams terminated this arrangement with a final pay-off of £25,000, which ended Bottomley’s connection with the paper.

  47. She accused Tedder of using the same arrangement on both «Already Gone» and «Halo», and complained that people would, incorrectly, assume she was stealing it from Beyoncé.

  48. In 2014, Andhra Pradesh was bifurcated to form Telangana and Hyderabad became the joint capital of the two states with a transitional arrangement scheduled to end in 2024.

  49. A similar arrangement was adopted when the Kingdom of Great Britain and the Kingdom of Ireland merged into the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland in January 1801.

  50. Her secondary armament consisted of sixteen BL 4-inch Mk VII guns, most of which were mounted in casemates on the forecastle deck, unlike the arrangement in the Lion class.

Arrangement’s in a sentence

Arrangement’s is a variation of arrangement, below you can find example sentences for arrangement’s.

  1. As Chorale from the Easter cantata Christ lag in Todesbanden the arrangement’s score was copyrighted in 1950 and published by Broude Brothers.

Arrangements in a sentence

Arrangements is a variation of arrangement, below you can find example sentences for arrangements.

  1. Morris arrangements into a cocked hat».

  2. The exhaust arrangements were modified on No.

  3. We learnt so much about the power of arrangements.

  4. Proximity to humans can disrupt social arrangements.

  5. Few arrangements had been made for a potential siege.

  6. The family left the funeral arrangements up to Marjory.

  7. The sound was raw, but the arrangements were sophisticated.

  8. I noticed his tone, his arrangements, and his storytelling.

  9. Separate arrangements have to be made for biasing in finline.

  10. Below are two proposed arrangements of fossil millipede groups.

  11. Bedaux offered to organise the Duke’s side of the arrangements.

  12. Master of Puppets features dynamic music and thick arrangements.

  13. Many of the arrangements on Silent Alarm are strongly percussive.

  14. Similar arrangements are in place for retailers such as 7-Eleven.

  15. These arrangements stabilised the number of area commands at five.

  16. The arrangements consist of strings, saxophone solos, and a piano.

  17. He handled the project’s administration and financial arrangements.

  18. Oliver made meticulous arrangements for her final show, says Oxley.

  19. Four possible plate arrangements have been proposed over the years:.

  20. These arrangements facilitated the future dominant power of the U.S.

Arrangement—have in a sentence

Arrangement—have is a variation of arrangement, below you can find example sentences for arrangement—have.

  1. A multitude of other species and genus names—mostly based on differences in size, snout shape, and front tooth arrangement—have been coined for various indricothere remains.

Synonyms for arrangement

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word arrangement has the following synonyms: agreement, arranging, transcription, musical arrangement, organization, organisation, system and placement.

General information about «arrangement» example sentences

The example sentences for the word arrangement that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «arrangement» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «arrangement».

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