Sentences with the word archaic

These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.


I think vivisection is a crude, archaic method which must be completely reconsidered.

Я думаю, что вивисекция — это жестокий, архаичный метод, и его следует полностью пересмотреть.

Because they revived an archaic law that let them do it.

Потому что там возродили архаичный закон, который позволял им это делать.

The altar is constructed from a large section of archaic molding and four Hellenistic columns.

Алтарь состоит из большого участка архаического вейвлета и четырёх колонок эллинистического периода.

Abstract: The object of the research is the phenomenon of archaic mind, archaic vision, perception and understanding of the surrounding world.

Аннотация: Объектом исследования является феномен архаического сознания, архаического видения, восприятия и понимания окружающего мира.

He rallied against their system, one he thought was archaic and corrupt.

Он восстал против их системы, которая, по его мнению, была устаревшей и развращенной.

The voting system is pretty archaic.

Проблема в том, что система голосования немного архаична.

It remains unchanged and archaic because tradition contains wisdom that new invention cannot attain.

Обряд остается неизменным и архаичным, потому что древнее предание содержит мудрость, но в новых изобретениях мудрости нет.

These days the whole scheme seems pretty archaic and overcomplicated.

А сейчас, весь комплекс выглядит по меньшей мере архаичным и слишком громоздким.

However many international business and residents see the plan as unrealistic and archaic.

Однако, руководители многих международных компаний и граждане разных стран считают этот план нереалистичным и даже архаичным.

Such was the situation in archaic societies.

Во всяком случае, в архаических обществах было именно так.

Even that phrase sounds archaic now.

Даже эти слова, сейчас, звучат архаично.

Many companies have archaic practices and still use paper-based filing systems.

У многих компаний есть архаичные методы и все еще используют бумажные системы регистрации.

It can advance only by breaking the archaic system of affiliation solidarity.

Он сумеет продвигаться вперёд только в том случае, если согласится разрушить архаическую систему аффилиационной солидарности.

It might be a bit archaic by now.

Оно, может быть, несколько архаично для наших дней.

Their work was simply too archaic and medieval.

За то, что их мышление слишком архаично и средневеково.

But don’t think that Japanese interior design is something archaic.

Но не следует думать, что японский стиль дизайна интерьера это нечто архаичное.

Few words end in a consonant, except in such archaic dialects as Cantonese.

Лишь небольшое число слов заканчиваются на согласный звук, за исключением слов в таких архаических диалектах, как кантонский.

But your Brâhmans are very young in comparison with their archaic instructors.

«Но ваши брамины очень молоды по сравнению с их архаическими наставниками»1737.

This proposal failed because Old Church Slavic lacked modern words and was considered too archaic.

Это предложение было отвергнуто, так как в старославянском языке отсутствовали современные слова, и он считался слишком архаичным.

Rolls Royce combines archaic and high-tech elements.

В автомобилях марки Rolls Royce сочетаются архаичные и высокотехнологичные элементы.

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архаичный, архаический, устарелый


- архаичный, устарелый

archaic word — лексический архаизм
archaic traditions — отжившие традиции

- древний

archaic sculpture — древняя скульптура

- вышедший из употребления

archaic laws — устаревшие законы

Мои примеры


archaic / obsolete words — устаревшие слова  
archaic character — архаика  
archaic delusion — архаический бред  
archaic expressions — устарелые выражения  
the archaic jazz — архаический джаз  
archaic capital offence — устаревшие положения о преступлениях, караемых смертной казнью  
archaic style — архаистика; архаизмы  
archaic styles — архаистика; архаизмы  
archaic thinking — архаическое мышление  

Примеры с переводом

‘Agone’ is an archaic word for ‘ago’.

Слово «agone» является архаичной формой слова «ago» (тому назад).

‘Glistering’ is an archaic term.

Слово «блистающий» является устаревшим.

The company needs to update its archaic computer systems.

Фирме нужно обновить свои архаичные компьютерные системы.

Many smaller radio stations broadcast on archaic equipment.

Многие небольшие радиостанции вещают на устаревшем оборудовании.

‘Corporate’ is an archaic term.

Выражение «во плоти» является архаичным.

Socialism extinguished these archaic customs.

Социализм уничтожил эти архаичные обычаи.

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

‘swart’ is archaic

‘aweary’ is archaic

‘corrupt’ is archaic

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Sentences with the word Archaic?



  • «bugle beads all aglitter»; «glinting eyes»; «glinting water»; «his glittering eyes were cold and malevolent»; «shop window full of glittering Christmas trees»; «glittery costume jewelry»; «scintillant mica»; «the scintillating stars»; «a dress with sparkly sequins»; «`glistering’ is an archaic term»
  • «two years ago»; «`agone’ is an archaic word for `ago'»
  • «a ramshackle antediluvian tenement»; «antediluvian ideas»; «archaic laws»
  • «archaic forms of life»; «primitive mammals»; «the okapi is a short-necked primitive cousin of the giraffe»
  • «`aweary’ is archaic«
  • «what seemed corporal melted as breath into the wind»- Shakespeare; «an incarnate spirit»; «`corporate’ is an archaic term»
  • «a hotheaded decision»; «liable to such impulsive acts as hugging strangers»; «an impetuous display of spending and gambling»; «madcap escapades»; (`brainish’ is archaic)
  • «tainted bacon»; «`corrupt’ is archaic«
  • «a dark-skinned beauty»; «gold earrings gleamed against her dusky cheeks»; «a smile on his swarthy face»; «`swart’ is archaic«
  • «Let’s eliminate the course on Akkadian hieroglyphics»; «Socialism extinguished these archaic customs»; «eliminate my debts»
  • «the gloomy forest»; «the glooming interior of an old inn»; «`gloomful’ is archaic«
  • «had a preference for circumlocutious (or circumlocutory) rather than forthright expression»; «A periphrastic study in a worn-out poetical fashion,/ Leaving one still with the intolerable wrestle/ With words and meanings.»-T.S.Eliot; (`ambagious’ is archaic)
  • «slumberous (or slumbrous) eyes»; «`slumbery’ is archaic«; «the sound had a somnolent effect»

Archaic is an American comic book series created by writer James S. Abrams and artist Brett Marting. (Wikipedia) (See all definitions)

The MyiLibrary platform addresses two needs for libraries: first, it maintains a catalog of titles that rivals those of some bookstores, adding nearly 5,000 new books each month; second, it helps librarians shed the archaic search systems they’ve used for decades in favor of selected content from publishers.


However, with the coming in of new technological innovations, the way we learn is also undergoing a sea of change and set patterns are now becoming archaic.


Note: Tupperware parties are STILL a «thing» and have not been left in the 50’s with archaic notions of housewives, soused herring and Hopalong Cassidy.


In other words, when he’s fed up, he’s prone to wield archaic slurs about people with disabilities.


«The time is over-ripe for parliament to replace our patched-up archaic law with one that gives stronger protection to freedom of speech,» Lord Lester said.


Trautman called parts of the proposed translation «archaic» and «just clumsy language.»


It feels a bit slow and archaic compared to some modern roofs, and those 17 seconds feel very slow when the weather suddenly turns and you want speedy protection for you and the lovely Nappa leather.


The authors also suggest the new date of 65,000 years for the peopling of Australia pushes back the time when modern humans coming out of Africa mated with archaic species in Asia, such as Neandertals and Denisovans.


«Even if Speaker Silver were to leave tomorrow and you bring a new person, he or she would still follow the same archaic rules that are in place where we can’t get bills to the floor, where the Speaker assigns chairmanships, where we don’t have independent committees.


Writing in the Financial Times (#) yesterday, Menzies Campbell called for a re-think on nuclear policy, in particular scrapping the «Moscow criterion» — an archaic detail which gives Trident the power to destroy ballistic missile defenses around Moscow, should the United States not intervene first.


It seems to be based on an archaic notion that women and people of color don’t play video games and don’t consume «nerdy media».


So once again, Miami-Dade is looking at the possibility of removing its archaic breed ban.


Some refer to this as «paying points,» buts that’s a bit of an archaic term.


On the basis of its archaic language, Dahood considers it a very ancient psalm, probably pre-monarchial.


Reynolds says he’s a «confirmed bachelor» — that archaic euphemism for being gay — but he’s really married to his art, and in a way to Cyril, and of course to dear dead Mama, haunted by her scent, always hoping she can see his work: «It’s comforting to think the dead are watching over the living.»


The original Xenoblade Chronicles managed to push the archaic Wii to its absolute limits, offering a beautiful and grand scope on such an underpowered platform and lo and behold, the company has managed to do it again on the Wii U.


In The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker HD for Wii U, the original game ‘s slow, archaic sailing has, well, set sail.


Architectural in scale, these installation-based objects both literalized the sublimity of abstract expressionism and returned painting to its archaic roots as an intervention in, or on, a particular space, be it a cave or a church or an exterior wall.


After her parents» deaths, Kozloff unearthed folders of childhood drawings and mixed them with her meticulously painted archaic maps, charts, informational graphs and more, creating a dialogue between youthful wonderment and adult geographical knowledge.


Proponents of such a shift have said «Upper Canada» is an archaic term that points back to a period in history when unfair treaties were struck between indigenous communities and the government of the time.


«The KDA and its 39 members thank Rep. McCoy for his outstanding work to modernize our state’s archaic alcohol laws, create jobs, spur investment and strengthen Kentucky’s rightful title as the one, true and authentic home for Bourbon and distilled spirits.


But OK, if you want to think it animal/human blood sacrifice for sins is a politically acceptable, intelligent idea (albeit archaic) then whatever caveats gets you more friends, is fine with me.


However, although many of the archaic rules have been swept away, the new provisions may still prove to be a formidable obstacle to any shareholder seeking to bring a claim.


Handling like a very basic point-and-click game, Tokyo Dark feels almost archaic.


If you got 1200 Microsoft Points ($ 15) and even a passing interest in some archaic and chaotic multiplayer action, then Skydrift should have you covered.


Some sectors of the people of God have said that, in their view, the gospel of marriage proclaimed by Christ is impracticable and, consequently, non-pastoral; that it conveys no joy to them; that it is passé and archaic; in sum, that it is not good news at all.


«One important insight stems from the observation that modern non-Africans and archaic populations share more derived alleles than they should if there was no admixture between them,» Bohlender said, citing that sequencing of complete Neanderthal and Denisovan genomes offers insights into human history.


In opposition to traditional representation of women merely as nude object, she has used the naked body as a primal, archaic force which could unify energies.


While rejecting the practical doctrines of classical liberalism like laissez-faire, Hobhouse praised the work of earlier classical liberals like Richard Cobden in dismantling an archaic order of society and older forms of coercion.


After comparing the angle in a wide range of fossil hominids and representative modern peoples — urban, foraging and agricultural — Trinkaus concludes that the femoral neck-shaft angles of the Levantine Neanderthals (augmented with material from sites in Iran) are similar to those of other «archaic» humans.


By sequencing ancient DNA from the fossils of human ancestors, researchers have recently discovered new types of ancient humans and revealed interbreeding between our ancestors and our archaic cousins, including Neandertals.


My biggest weakness when playing Halo: Combat Evolved in the Master Chief Collection was getting used to the archaic controls.


Teachers seem so intent on having their profession as a whole treated «fairly», yet the institutionalize archaic unfair treatment within it relative to newer teachers.


It’s repetitive work, made even more strenuous by the archaic limitations on your inventory.


But while I treasure those 1950s time capsules as precious slut-shaming artifacts, I don’t expect to find equally archaic sentiments in contemporary advice columns — for contemporary mothers.


Ribstein suggests that these events might have been avoided but for archaic conflict of interest rules, intended to ensure that the law remains a profession rather than a business.


Football coach Harley McCullough of Blanchester (Ohio) High has come up with an innovative weapon by resorting to an archaic one.


Indeed, the disjunction between the initial impression and the lasting one is mirrored by the archaic look-and-feel of his images that bring into focus the vulnerability, manipulation, and discomfort often couched in interpersonal interactions.


• Implemented a foolproof way of ensuring that stock levels were well-maintained, replacing the old and archaic system.


Not only do the characters» controls feel archaic, but the camerawork is downright dizzying, and other gameplay elements that might otherwise be novel are made frustrating due to the controls.


I just think we can’t use archaic language in our present culture without explaining what it means (which Christians are, largely, guilty of… including using the word «Christian» as if everyone knows what THAT means).


This, in turn, allows Mercedes to convert all of the external accessories from their archaic belt-drive to more efficient, and more controllable, electric-driven accessories.


The other reason that Greensboro renters insurance is such a great deal is that North Carolina has an archaic and complicated system for setting insurance rates.


It will be a great step forward for mankind, and the planet, the day it is considered insane to believe in these archaic mind control methods.


In the suite of subtle works on paper and canvas, Burki all but abandoned the playful but enigmatic imagery — graphic, at times comical, icons loosely inspired by archaic mythologies and future visions — that characterized his earlier work.


The movement is much smoother, the characters walk faster, and the whole game feels like Dragon Quest finally crawled out of its archaic shell, while still keeping what makes the series unique.


Any large-scale human cooperation — whether a modern state, a medieval church, an ancient city or an archaic tribe — is rooted in common myths that exist only in people’s collective imagination.


Employing a vaguely expressionistic style, Zach Bruder’s subject matter ranges from the religious to the iconoclastic; the modern to the archaic.


While Madden «92 had its infamous, player-murdering ambulance and Madden «93 elevated the series to a full-fledged sports sim, this is the best embodiment of the old school Madden experience, complete with archaic «receiver boxes» at the top of the screen.


The CAGW social mania is a «Precious Conceit of the Western Elite», but I use both «precious» and «conceit» in a somewhat archaic fashion, so I am rarely understood.


It was now over a thousand Earth years old, and the characters were archaic and florid

Was it a monicker, though? It sounded archaic, almost like something out of a Greek myth

In archaic statuette, discovered anywhere in the

The inside of the fortress was cool and musty, smelling vaguely of old books, leather and smoke from kindling fire pits; it felt every bit as archaic as it looked from the outside

O‘Connor (privately) subscribes to the archaic notions oftentimes conveyed to his readers, his transparent agendum however, apparent to those properly schooled in divisive matters, must continue to sow confusion and reap resentment among the uninitiated and other individuals who are otherwise straddling the fence; whose (own) imbedded impressions about Race continue to color their thinking

These current archaic models induce the concentration of the wealth and it generates the financial prison, which always protects the interest of the profit, without solving the social problem of all

Only the archaic yellow lanterns

He could see street lights in the distants and old english arcutecture in a world which embodied modern technology yet with an archaic medievial system

My oil-slicked hair, carefully combed all to one side, completed the archaic outfit

“Sounds archaic,” I said, thinking of what I knew about medieval history

(probably an archaic term for German)

In general, it was written in terms that are overly grandiose and complex, and often used a great deal of specialized or archaic vocabulary

I arranged for the Mayan’s System to teach Nuke’s System their archaic language, and the translation was very quickly accomplished

current foundation of the RKU is stil rooted in an archaic

«Archaic usages,» he parroted

This is the only way we can overcome our archaic hatred towards the

this word, however, as the word seems archaic and has other connotations

Our leader doesn’t want to alarm the general populace and there are still a few archaic liberal laws floating around

Unrolling the thin sheet with careful hands, he saw the archaic writing that he and Raven had seen before

She yawned again, stretched lithely, and without any show of fear or surprize, shifted to a language he did understand, a dialect of Yuetshi which sounded strangely archaic

It looked archaic and meaningless to him

I turned the page and my eye automatically translated the old archaic date, the year 2569 A

‘I remember,’ he said in a strong, resonant voice, speaking Nemedian with a curious, archaic accent

Archaic hieroglyphics were scrawled across the lacquered lid, and, seeking back into his mind for tag-ends of learning, picked up here and there as incidentals of an adventurous life, he spelled them out, and said aloud: ‘Akivasha!’

Why did these East Germans seek to perpetuate their archaic salutations in such histrionic and fatuitous style? Valentin Zinoviev, well groomed and very conservative in outward appearance, a shrewd and ruthless planner inside, shook Komadze’s hand and permitted a brief salutary smile

wordsmith has used rare and archaic words

poetry becomes absent of rare and archaic words, and the readers

contained both archaic and modern surgical instruments

some of the more archaic words, phrases and references

Why then the “blood of the lamb” or other old and archaic traditions? Remember that there is an explanation for everything!

There was a way, albeit an archaic one, that he could possibly extract information, namely the truth, from them unwittingly by playing on their emotions, though he had largely dismissed the idea as melodramatic

“Come now, Reverend,” Lord Ashburn interjected, “where’s your sense of sport? We’ve all heard of her reputation, so why not give it a try?” He held open his hands as if questioning the preacher’s arguments and, upon receiving the same spiteful glance, mumbled to Lady Jane who was watching the preacher with interest, “Some archaic beliefs for a modern-day preacher, don’t you think, love?”

Though he considered the man’s investigative skills archaic, Feltus secretly admitted his skills of observation of the human behaviour were shrew and impeccable, probably making more sense than many of his own assumptive conclusions

And for the time being, the consumptive pattern of population growth was held in check, not by an all-powerful god or insightful planning, but by tiny organisms of archaic origin

Islam today is where Christianity was a few hundred years ago, still clinging to archaic tradition and obsessed with superstition and ritual

many Iranians who desire peace, appreciate friendly relations, and aren’t intent on forcing archaic myths on the rest of the world

Obviously the short, 28-day length of February is just a holdover of archaic origin, when February was the last month of the year

Surely, even the most archaic evangelical can see that unwanted pregnancies are not an inherent problem of same-sex relationships

powder guns and other archaic weapons

Clearly, this reminds us that we need a corrective to our own archaic

Since coming to Ar he had noticed the Arians had a diversity of highly advanced technology from the far reaches of the Galaxy mixed in with archaic machinery from their ancient Earth ties

The delivery system was archaic, but adequate

He also studied the archaic traffic patterns and wondered at the macro social dynamics created by the communication styles for vehicles lacking computer controlled anti collision devices

Tammas produced the archaic item Heart had requested, along with a pencil

L’Nora considered it archaic, magical thinking at its worst

They swear by open-mindedness but what they mean by that is selective openness if an idea appears archaic and exotic they cringe and cower to the depths of misconstruction

It was perhaps an archaic way of functioning, but many Congressmen felt it was the only system which worked

For those who see poetry either as an archaic form of written expression or just something artsy they couldn’t care less about, what I have just said must seem

with an alternative proposal for the archaic pickle-passivated mild steel specification

An archaic understanding of microbial retentive filtration would lead one to equate a filter’s

failure of these archaic chemistry attribute tests

The contamination of Adult-Child overlap affects in the form of feelings or archaic experiences which are inappropriately externalized in the present

His Parent and Child come on straight, frequently in a jumbled mixture of archaic data, a jumbled replay of early experiences that do not make sense now because they did not make sense when they were recorded

“On our ship we’ve got floating elevators and teleportation rooms, yet the most popular planet in the system can’t afford something better than archaic ladders? It is a laughably inconvenient tool

The archaic and brittle tree-fibre pages had survived the ocean by having been rolled up and contained within an airtight canister

Despite his archaic appearance, he carried

She chuckled at the use of the archaic language

Herne’s words had suddenly become very archaic and there was a formality to his actions that had not been present before

one carefully studies the ancient, archaic cultural layers

transition, a link between the archaic world of the tropical

understanding on courtship, is that it is an archaic procedure done centuries

“Oh, hmmm, where do you hear it’s an archaic thing?”

By actively reliving this archaic experience, the adult I can find the freedom and the strength it needs to definitively detach from its first love object and from its incestuous relationship with the mother

On the other hand, wouldn’t my speech become archaic? I’m afraid I would have a tendency that would grow to address Papa in blank verse

With an archaic bow, he turned and moved to the boardwalk, a sudden wind whipping his hair around his shoulders

The archaic attempts to utilize the Morgue for scientific investigation were the occasion for practices that shocked even the initiated

We held them proudly as we picked them up, excited about this archaic technology

It was some sort of archaic heavy artillery

To my surprise, he had a pen and paper, archaic tools for our society

Grimes, Akhim the mercenaries, and later joined by Mophi, had been flown directly to the hospital wing at Trai Giam Chi Hoa prison in Ho Chi Minh City, shackled and under constant guard, they were put in the hot, humid, clammy detention facility with its stained walls, archaic equipment and infested with insects

The Kinnaras started neighing ensemble and more squads rallied to this call; far-flung ones breaking through with archaic mortars and drills

may be used here in arelated sense to the archaic á primera

these archaic rules, it would not be unimaginable that Padraic and

{66-1} quien; this use of quien with an antecedent that isplural and does not denote persons is now archaic

preceded by another modifier, was once common, butit is now archaic or poetic

3] fue is intentionally archaic and is used for emphasis

profession, despite the oddities was that most seniors passed on this sick and archaic mentality

’70s, as you can find in their book, using the old archaic

rules are still archaic and the superior-subordinate divide is very pronounced

They need to change the old- fashioned mindsets, the archaic and bizarre rules of

This usage is now archaic or dialectic

The use of quien referring to inanimate objects isnow archaic

The trumpets gave place to an archaic beat decorated with

The words were archaic

The theory has its attractions, but there is this difference between the primitive archaic Greek or early Italian and the modern primitive; the early men reverently clothed the abstract idea they started with in the most natural and beautiful form within their knowledge, ever seeking to discover new truths and graces from nature to enrich their work; while the modern artist, with the art treasures of all periods of the world before him, can never be in the position of these simple-minded men

But he didn’t want to die, and something archaic and instinctive within him rallied up

During that archaic consultation the shaman went into a deep trance and speaking flawless

between us and I longed with an archaic longing to stay in that sate forever

There is something pleasurably archaic about

Sesha or Ananta, «the couch of Vishnu,» is an allegorical abstraction, symbolizing infinite Time in Space, which contains the germ and throws off periodically the efflorescence of this germ, the manifested Universe; whereas, the gnostic Ophis contained the same triple symbolism in its seven vowels as the One, Three and Seven-syllabled Oeaohoo of the Archaic doctrine; i

Even the most archaic of known religions disposed


not only primeval society that archaic forms of behaviour are peculiar

at research study of human mind archaic layers

thors we can observe that archaic elements may manifest themselves

bols in compliance with archaic behavioral scenarios

archaic psyche layers by images and symbols that are linked to these

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