Sentences with the word appeared

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.


One day she appeared before Callisto.

Однажды ночью в образе артемиды он появился перед каллисто.

Hy-Brasil appeared on ancient maps as early as 1325.

1325, остров Хай-Бразил впервые появился на древних картах в 1325 году.

Our first corporate environmental protection activities appeared in 2012-2013.

Рассказываем о корпоративных активностях по охране окружающей среды, которые впервые появились у нас в компании в 2012-2013 году.

Large arenas appeared only in the 1930-s.

Крупные арены появились только в 1930-х годах двадцатого столетия.

New recreation area appeared August 11 at Chelyuskintsev 9.

Новая зона отдыха появилась 11 августа по адресу Челюскинцев, 9.

In 2005 The Flying Spaghetti Monster appeared to Bobby Henderson.

Церковь Летающего Макаронного Монстра появилась в 2005 году по инициативе Бобби Хендерсона.

He appeared in all 19 games last year.

Появился он в сето 19 июля, в прошлый четверг.

Reading two pieces that appeared today helps clarify the basic dilemma.

Чтение послания из двух статей, которые появились на прошлой неделе, помогает прояснить основные дилеммы.

Research shows that the first modern humans appeared 200,000 years ago.

Исследования ученых доказывают, что первые люди появились здесь 200 тысяч лет назад.

Trends toward abusive behavior appeared even when we were dating.

Тенденции к абьюзивному поведению появились у него еще тогда, когда мы только встречались.

1830 The first railways appeared in England.

В 1830 г. появились первые паровозы в Англии.

In Hanoi, buses appeared in mid-2001.

В Украине шины Hankook появились в середине 1995 года.

The original Justice League first appeared in 1960.

Впервые графические новеллы «Лига Справедливости» появились в 1960 году.

It first appeared in The Transformers: The Movie.

Последний раз появился в фильме «Трансформеры: The Movie».

Later information appeared that runic symbols appeared in several more nations.

Позже появилась информация о том, что рунические символы появились еще у нескольких народов.

Computer music appeared relatively recently, since computers appeared.

Компьютерная музыка появилась относительно недавно, с тех пор, как появились сами компьютеры.

From the middle of the century special furniture appeared, sofas appeared.

According to another theory, first appeared metabolic processes, and then appeared the replicate nucleic acid.

Согласно другой теории, сперва появились метаболические процессы, а затем уже появились реплицирующие нуклеиновые кислоты.

One could say that the Western world appeared when the problems of change appeared.

Можно было бы сказать, что западный мир и появился тогда, когда появилась проблематика изменения.

The idea of a city zoo appeared in1935 and after a couple of years on the street appeared Konikova menagerie.

Идея о создании городского зоопарка появилась в 1935 году и спустя всего пару лет на улице Коникова появился зверинец.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Предложения, которые содержат appeared

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Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

  • Use the word appeared in a sentences

Sentence Examples

The book appeared in France in 1958, and a year later in America with an introduction by Jack Kerouac.

The first cases appeared in early summer.

They fought many great battles, but then, just after his crucifixion, Christ appeared.

Then God came down from heaven and appeared before Joseph Smith.

Don’t do what? — She appeared out of nowhere like this!

Sir, I realize that your wife appeared to die in the pool.

The soldier leaned over, touched a small hand, cold and trembling, and Assunta Spina appeared in the darkness.

Scores of books and hundreds of scientific articles appeared.

«Now, two learned applicants have appeared here before me.»

The picture appeared, so wondrously fine.

Look there… and ponder and try as I would, it appeared again and again.


In Mlle. Carolotta’s correspondence there appeared another letter, edged in black!

Encouraged by her mother, Carlotta defied every warning, and the following evening appeared as — «Marguerite’.

The towers of the Caliph’s city soon appeared before them

«What are the characteristics of this man who has appeared to you in these fantasies?»

My uncles appeared before me threatening me with a horrible death.

Metropolis, a novel by Thea von Harbou, appeared in the publication Illustriertes Blatt, Frankfurt, and in book form from August Scherl Verlag G.m.b.H.

Abandoned, mysterious, there appeared in the dark of night … the huge building of the Beely Circus, the gates of which had been closed for many years.

You have said that St. Michael appeared to you… in what form?

A beautiful girl appeared as if from nowhere.

In that moment, the fake Kurama Tengu appeared together with the bandits who sowed fear in Edo, and soiled Tengu’s name.

May I remind Your Highness… that Her Majesty the queen has not as yet appeared.

These five people had never appeared in front of a camera before.

He said she smelled of drink and appeared dazed on arrest.

At midnight appeared suddenly … our music professor.

He appeared in the opening sequence of Tod Browning’s Freaks in 1932, and in dozens of colourful cameos in major productions such as Morocco, Anna Karenina, and Camille.

They had appeared together, along with Fredric March, in the Broadway comedy The Devil in the Cheese in 1926.

She had played one of the young princes in John Barrymore’s Richard III, and appeared as Ophelia in Horace Liverwright’s modern-dress Hamlet.

Just prior to Dracula, she appeared in the screen adaptation of Sutton Vane’s drama Outward Bound, about a ship whose passengers don’t yet realise they’re dead and sailing toward judgment.

The ward attendant is Charles Gerrard, an actor who had appeared the previous year, along with David Manners, in the film of RC Sheriff’s acclaimed Worid War I drama Journey’s End.

A year before Dracula he appeared in seven pictures, including Journey’s End, directed by James Whale.

After the comet appeared, strange natural phenomena have been occurring all over the world.

You should know that the child’s guardian angel appeared.

Here, in seclusion, with only his two daughters and a few servants for company, lived the man who had appeared to Allan Gray earlier at the inn.

«would have appeared to them to be otherwise.»

What I said was, the minute you appeared on the lot, I wanted you to report immediately to my office.

I’ve only appeared in amateur performances.

The Lord has appeared to Peter.

What appeared like a show of political strength… for millions of Germans outside of our ranks.

Later, when Mr. Barry appeared to have knowledge of treasure… kill him also to keep secret.

Then about three months later, after I’d given up hope of ever seeing her again, she suddenly appeared.

The man that appeared in the ballroom, they say he’s a ghost!

They have appeared before all of the crowned heads of the world.

After all, we did advance you the money… but none of them has appeared

appeared before kings and queens.

This morning Wooster appeared with his man, got into their car and we followed them.

Then suddenly Ed Jackson appeared just as if from nowhere.

appeared in French music halls in 1936.

Synonym: look, seem. Antonym: disappear, vanish. Similar words: disappear, appeal, appeal to, happen, happen to, year after year, upper, pepper. Meaning: [ə’pɪə]  v. 1. give a certain impression or have a certain outward aspect 2. come into sight or view 3. be issued or published 4. seem to be true, probable, or apparent 5. come into being or existence, or appear on the scene 6. appear as a character on stage or appear in a play, etc. 7. present oneself formally, as before a (judicial) authority. 

Random good picture Not show

1. Speak [Talk] of the devil and he will appear

2. He refused to appear nude in the film.

3. You must try not to appear vulnerable.

4. Trust always can not stand test, appear so vulnerable.

5. The Democrats appear to have the election sewn up.

6. She will appear in court tomorrow.

7. Things often appear chaotic to the outsider.

8. Most Conservative MPs appear happy with the government’s reassurances.

9. The runners and riders appear in Friday’s Racing Post.

10. He will appear in the role of mediator.

11. They appear willing to talk to us.

12. She didn’t appear at all surprised at the news.

13. The stars are not afraid to appear like fireflies.

14. He will appear before the magistrates tomorrow.

15. Talk of the devil and he will appear.

16. She did not want to appear unreasonable.

17. The parallel lines appear to diverge.

18. Ministers must appear before parliament and justify their actions.

19. It would appear that this was a major problem.

20. These newly-designed devices will not appear on the exhibition.

20. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.

21. My book will appear in the shops next month.

22. Wish your Mr.Right/Miss Right will appear soon.

23. She tried not to appear envious.

24. those days when we were together appear in my mind time after time, because they were so joyful, happy, blest, disappointing, sad and painful.

25. Those days when we were together appear in my mind time after time, because they were so joyful, happy, blest, disappointing, sad and painful. I miss you ,and miss you so much. Do you know there is someone thinking of you and caring you all the time ? Your smiling eyes are just like the sparkling stars hanging on the curtain of my heart.

26. Talk of the Devil, and he is bound to appear

27. Talk of the evil, and he is sure to appear

28. Wherever in the world a people knows desperate want, there must appear at least the spark of hope, the hope of progress—or there will surely rise at last the flames of conflict. 

29. Talk of the devil, and he is sure to appear

30. Norman’s brain was reeling, but he did his best to appear calm.

More similar words: disappear, appeal, appeal to, happen, happen to, year after year, upper, pepper, peak, speak, peanut, speak up, at peace, peasant, speaker, speak for, European, apply, happy, apple, so to speak, to speak of, repeatedly, apply for, approve, happily, apply to, appoint, apparent, approval. 

появляться, казаться, предстать, проявляться, выступать, показываться, являться


- появляться, показываться

to appear simultaneously [mysteriously] — появляться одновременно [таинственно]
to appear on the horizon [in the south of France] — появляться на горизонте [на юге Франции]
the town appeared below us — внизу под нами показался город
he promised to be home at four o’clock but did not appear until six — он обещал быть дома в четыре часа, а явился только в шесть

- бывать в обществе, на приёмах и т. п.

to appear in society — появляться в обществе
to appear at social gatherings — бывать на вечерах

- выступать (об актёре, лекторе, музыканте и т. п.); исполнять роль (в фильме)

to appear as /in the character of/ Hamlet — выступать в роли Гамлета
to appear in every big concert hall in Europe — выступать /играть, петь/ во всех больших концертных залах Европы

- появляться (в печати); выходить (в свет), издаваться (о книгах, периодических изданиях и т. п.)

the book appeared last month — книга вышла /появилась/ в прошлом месяце

- находиться, быть

the idea appears in many old books — эту мысль можно найти во многих старых книгах

- казаться, представляться, производить впечатление

to appear as helpless as a child — производить впечатление беспомощного ребёнка
the work appears to be interesting — эта работа представляется интересной
it appears to me that you are all mistaken — мне кажется /по-моему/, вы все ошибаетесь
you appear to know everything — похоже на то, что вы всё знаете
there appears to have been a mistake — похоже, что произошло недоразумение
strange as it may appear — как ни странно это может показаться
will she win? — It appears so [it appears not]

- явствовать, следовать; быть явным, очевидным

it appears /will appear/ from this that … — из этого ясно, что …
it appears from what you say — из того, что вы говорите, следует

- преим. юр. предстать перед судом; являться в суд; выступать в суде

to appear before a judge [a tribunal] — предстать перед судьёй [трибуналом]
to appear for the defendant — выступать (в суде) в качестве защитника обвиняемого
to appear for the prosecution — выступать в качестве адвоката истца или в качестве представителя обвинения

- как глагол-связка в именном составном сказуемом выглядеть, иметь вид

to appear sad [ill, decrepit] — выглядеть печальным [больным, дряхлым]
he appeared not at all disconcerted — у него был совершенно не расстроенный вид

Мои примеры


doubts appear / arise — сомнения появляются, возникают  
to appear on the horizon — появляться на горизонте  
recognizance to appear when called on — обязательство явиться в суд по вызову  
to appear far away — показываться, появляться вдали  
to appear ill — выглядеть больным  
to appear in equation — входить в уравнение  
to summon to appear — вручить приказ о явке в суд  
to appear in the case — выступать по делу  
to appear on the cheap side — разг. прибедняться  
appear before the court — представать перед судом  

Примеры с переводом

Suddenly a face appeared at the window.

Неожиданно в окне появилось чьё-то лицо.

I don’t want to appear rude.

Я не хочу показаться грубым.

Small cracks appeared in the wall.

На стене появились небольшие трещины.

A man suddenly appeared from behind a tree.

Вдруг из-за дерева появился мужчина.

Homo sapiens appeared about 400 000 years ago.

Человек разумный появился около четырёхсот тысяч лет назад.

He suddenly appeared at the wedding.

Он неожиданно явился на свадьбу.

Two faces appeared at our window.

В нашем окне показались два лица.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Возможные однокоренные слова

disappear  — исчезать, пропадать, скрываться, деваться, сгинуть, улетучиться, теряться
reappear  — снова появляться, возрождаться, снова показываться
appearance  — появление, внешний вид, вид, внешность, видимость, выступление, явление, наружность
appearing  — фигурирующий, являющийся
appeared  — появившийся

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: appear
he/she/it: appears
ing ф. (present participle): appearing
2-я ф. (past tense): appeared
3-я ф. (past participle): appeared

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