Sentences with the word appearance

Antonym: disappearance. Similar words: forbearance, appear, disappear, happenstance, appeal, appease, appeal to, appealing. Meaning: [ə’pɪərəns]  n. 1. outward or visible aspect of a person or thing 2. the event of coming into sight 3. formal attendance (in court or at a hearing) of a party in an action 4. a mental representation 5. the act of appearing in public view 6. pretending that something is the case in order to make a good impression. 

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1. In appearance place no trust.

2. There is no trusting to appearance

3. Never judge people by their appearance

4. Judge not according to the appearance

5. Appearance often deceives.

6. Don’t judge by appearance.

7. He was always criticising his wife’s appearance.

8. An embroidered silk waistcoat contributed to his dandified appearance.

9. He’s very insecure about his appearance.

10. He doesn’t bother much about his appearance.

11. She made several insults about my appearance.

12. She had a decidedly down-at-heel appearance.

13. Inside, the house had the appearance of a temple.

14. I bought it for its portability, not its appearance.

15. The ruined house had a sinister appearance.

16. He gave every appearance of enjoying himself.

17. The two office buildings are somewhat alike in appearance.

18. He has the appearance of a rustic fellow.

19. He met with a woman with a formidable appearance.

20. The rows of houses were uniform in appearance.

21. The two visitors provided a startling contrast in appearance.

22. You should not be misled by a person’s appearance.

23. He observed well on her unusual appearance.

24. My father was meticulous about his appearance.

25. She had never been greatly concerned about her appearance.

26. She has managed to maintain her youthful appearance.

27. My boss criticized my sloppy personal

28. I was completely nonplussed by his sudden appearance.

29. He was fastidious about his appearance.

30. Don’t evaluate a person on the basis of appearance.

More similar words: forbearance, appear, disappear, happenstance, appeal, appease, appeal to, appealing, far and near, france, appliance, entrance, insurance, utterance, tolerance, severance, endurance, exuberance, perseverance, year after year, happen, appetite, happen to, happening, pear, apperception, apparatus, far and away, clear away, bearable. 

Sentences with the word Appearance?



  • «aboriginal forests»; «primal eras before the appearance of life on earth»; «the forest primeval»; «primordial matter»; «primordial forms of life»
  • «a suit of rather antique appearance«; «demode (or outmoded) attire»; «outmoded ideas»
  • «I tried to describe his appearance to the police»
  • «the rookie made a brief appearance in the first period»; «it was Bernhardt’s last appearance in America»
  • «a bad report card»; «his sloppy appearance made a bad impression»; «a bad little boy»; «clothes in bad shape»; «a bad cut»; «bad luck»; «the news was very bad»; «the reviews were bad»; «the pay is bad»; «it was a bad light for reading»; «the movie was a bad choice»
  • «at the time of its appearance, the movie must have seemed excitingly new, even revolutionary»
  • «the general appearance of sluggishness alarmed his friends»
  • «filled the door with her frowzy bulk»; «frowzy white hair»; «slovenly appearance«
  • «the music had a fullness that echoed through the hall»; «the cheap wine had no body, no mellowness»; «he was well aware of the richness of his own appearance«
  • «he emerged from his hibernation to make his first appearance in several years»
  • «he carried out the negotiations in person»; «a personal appearance is an appearance by a person in the flesh»
  • «the periodic appearance of the seventeen-year locust»
  • «physical exercise»; «physical suffering»; «was sloppy about everything but her physical appearance«
  • «A prepossessing appearance«
  • «strong and vigorous and of prepossessing appearance«
  • «a rare appearance«; «total eclipses are rare events»
  • «less scrupulous producers sent bundles that were deceptive in appearance«
  • «The candidate carefully timed his appearance at the disaster scene»
  • «an unkempt garden»; «native vistas and unkempt rambling paths»; «an ukempt appearance«
  • «wholesome attitude»; «wholesome appearance«; «wholesome food»

появление, внешний вид, вид, внешность, видимость, выступление, явление, наружность


- внешний вид, внешность, наружность

in appearance — по внешнему виду
to judge by appearances — судить по внешнему виду
to have a noble [a charming, a repulsive] appearance — иметь благородную [очаровательную, отталкивающую] наружность /внешность/
to be wonderfully improved in one’s appearance — необыкновенно похорошеть
everything resumed its usual appearance — всё вновь обрело свой прежний вид
appearances are deceitful — внешность обманчива

- видимость; маска

although hostile, he tried to preserve the appearance of neutrality — он был настроен враждебно, но скрывал это под личиной беспристрастия

- вид, изображение (на снимке и т. п.)
- вероятность, правдоподобие

in /to, by, from/ all appearances — судя по всему, по всей видимости, по всей вероятности
appearances are all against you — на первый взгляд всё против вас; видимо, всё складывается неблагоприятно для вас
he was to all appearances dead — по всем признакам он был мёртв

- появление (в поле зрения)

the time of the sun’s appearance — время появления /восхода/ солнца
the appearance of the warships — появление военных судов
the comet duly made its appearance as predicted — комета показалась точно в рассчитанный момент

- появление (на приёмах и т. п.)

to make one’s appearance in society — появляться /бывать/ в обществе
my appearance at the party was not very welcome — на вечере я был встречен холодно
to put in an appearance — появляться, показываться; прийти (обыкн. на короткое время)
I don’t want to go to the reception, but I’d better put in an appearance — мне не хочется идти на приём, но придётся заглянуть на минутку

- выступление (в театре, концерте и т. п.)

to make one’s first appearance on the stage — дебютировать (в качестве актёра)

- появление, выход (в свет), публикация (книги, периодического издания и т. п.)
- явка (в суд); выступление (в суде)

default of appearance — неявка на судебное заседание
to make one’s appearance — явиться (к назначенному сроку) на судебное заседание

- спорт. явка на соревнование
- явление (обыкн. странное)

a queer appearance in the sky — странное явление на небе

- призрак, привидение
- (пустая) видимость; парад
- pl. приличия; внешняя сторона (жизни, быта)

to keep up /to preserve, to save/ appearances — соблюдать приличия; делать вид, что ничего не произошло

- филос. чувственное восприятие предмета в отличие от реального его существования

Мои примеры


a prepossessing appearance — располагающая (к чему либо) внешность  
primal eras before the appearance of life on earth — первобытные эпохи до возникновения жизни на земле  
diet of appearance / compearance — день явки в суд  
a man of dignified appearance — человек благородной наружности  
diseased appearance — нездоровый вид  
appearance of a book — выход книги из печати  
disheveled appearance — неряшливый вид  
immaculate / neat appearance — безукоризненный внешний вид  
appearance de bene esse — временно-условная явка в суд  
general appearance — безоговорочное полное подчинение юрисдикции суда  
special appearance — подчинение юрисдикции суда для определенной цели  
voluntary appearance — добровольная явка в суд  

Примеры с переводом

Have you noticed any changes in her appearance?

Вы заметили какие-либо изменения в её внешности?

Her first appearance was a success.

Её дебют был успешным.

She has a complex about her appearance.

Она комплексует из-за своей внешности.

She’s very insecure about her appearance.

Она очень неуверенна в своей внешности.

He had a feverish appearance.

У него был лихорадочный вид.

She makes the best appearance possible.

Она старается выглядеть как можно лучше.

He made his last appearance for the club in the Cup Final.

Он в последний раз выступает за клуб в финале кубка.

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Примеры, ожидающие перевода

He was always criticising his wife’s appearance.

His wrinkled suit gave him a disheveled appearance.

They’ve changed the appearance of the whole building.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

disappearance  — исчезновение, пропажа
reappearance  — новое появление, повторное возникновение, повторное появление

Формы слова

ед. ч.(singular): appearance
мн. ч.(plural): appearances

A sentence using the word appearance. The sentences below are ordered by length from shorter and easier to longer and more complex. They use appearance in a sentence, providing visitors a sentence for appearance.

  • Mr. Elton made his appearance. (4)
  • Its appearance oppressed Stephen. (8)
  • You must make an appearance there. (10)
  • His appearance betokened complete security. (10)
  • I shall never forget her appearance this morning. (4)
  • The woman who could speak of him, and speak only of his appearance! (4)
  • I welcome the appearance of my friend Mr. Whitford. (10)
  • Clotilde likened his appearance to a strangled roar. (10)
  • After all, her appearance here was all that was wanted. (10)
  • There was no appearance in him of a man that has been shot. (10)
  • She was then obliged to be finished, and make her appearance. (4)
  • He had the appearance of one travelling in mind over the past. (8)
  • Kit Ines had an appearance of springy readiness to lead off again. (10)
  • The first discharges gave him the appearance of a thawing snowman. (10)
  • He had explained away all the appearance of neglect on his own side. (4)
  • He retired like a trumped card on the appearance of M. de St. Ombre. (10)
  • His appearance on the bench I consider literally an awful occurrence. (16)
  • The bell and the appearance of Conning effectually checked the flood. (10)
  • Manners as well as appearance are, generally speaking, so totally different. (4)
  • He had been met on his way by a lady unmistakeably foreign in her appearance. (10)
  • No gentlemen present bore a more distinguished appearance than Roderick Barclugh. (18)
  • The appearance of the butler cut short his protestation as to his powers of secresy. (10)
  • She made favourable remarks on his appearance, begging the ladies to corroborate her. (10)
  • We see more of Lady L. who always makes her appearance (highly rouged) at Dinner-time. (4)
  • She was a well-looking woman, strongly coloured, brown-eyed, and hearty in appearance. (22)
  • That which was proper to her position, complexion, and the hour, surely marked her appearance. (10)
  • She did not spare him certain apologies for the disorderly appearance of her person and her room. (9)
  • They made their appearance in the Lower Rooms; and here fortune was more favourable to our heroine. (4)
  • Curiosity and excitement were at high pitch when the caravan put in its appearance a fortnight later. (21)
  • I arrived last night about five, had scarcely swallowed my dinner when Mainwaring made his appearance. (4)
  • According to the rumours, Mr. Radnor had not shown the symptoms before the appearance of his daughter. (10)
  • The arrival of a young lady of fashionable appearance at Elba was matter of cogitation to Mrs. Cavely. (10)
  • He liked the look of him, but distrusted his ironic expression, and that appearance of blood to the head. (8)
  • A sound of retiring footsteps in the passage outside ensued, and the man was to all appearance a prisoner. (1)
  • Lord Ormont had no capacity to do the like, although they were strictly brother and sister in appearance. (10)
  • She could only distantly connect the appearance of the white-coated soldiery with the source of her trouble. (10)
  • She had worn out a man who, to judge from his actions and appearance, was naturally long-suffering to a fault. (8)
  • We then went through the house noting as many defects as we could, which were beginning to make their appearance. (17)
  • There was one form of public appearance which Lowell reluctantly allowed himself to take up in this winter of 1886. (14)
  • To judge by the instantaneous composure of her whole appearance, he did produce a temporary abatement of her malady. (10)
  • He sat still a long time, to all appearance watching the little blue butterflies playing round the red and tawny roses. (8)
  • And she overflowed with comments on my personal appearance, and plied me with questions, but would answer none of mine. (10)
  • Though she could not see herself, she appreciated her appearance, swaying along like that, past lonely trees and houses. (8)
  • They were within twenty yards of each other, and so abrupt was his appearance, that it was impossible to avoid his sight. (4)
  • If he was not lying, he was so shamefully inaccurate in dates (to his own advantage) as to have all the appearance of it. (14)
  • He thought his appearance familiar and had at first no doubt of having given him the pass which had satisfied the sentinel. (1)
  • It had the appearance of a temptation; and he was not tempted, though he admired; his thought being, Husband of the thing! (10)
  • He was struggling for the appearance of composure, and would not open his lips till he believed himself to have attained it. (4)
  • Dorothy, meanwhile, no less struck by your appearance, gazes on you in great agitation, and drops a few unintelligible hints. (4)
  • In the smaller cities his appearance at the local police station was almost simultaneous with the arrival of the circus train. (21)
  • One was the card of Dartrey Fenellan, naming an early time next day for his visit; and the other was the appearance of the Rev. (10)
  • Shifting his position, his eyes fell upon some outbuildings which had an oddly familiar appearance, as if he had dreamed of them. (1)
  • If I were not afraid of judging harshly, I should be almost tempted to say that there is a strong appearance of duplicity in all this. (4)
  • The truth was, that Elizabeth had been long enough in Bath to understand the importance of a man of such an air and appearance as his. (4)
  • She was shown into the breakfast-parlour, where all but Jane were assembled, and where her appearance created a great deal of surprise. (4)
  • But these had been corrupted by a more ambitious architecture since Basil saw them last, and were no longer purely French in appearance. (9)
  • Amongst them was an officer of a uhlan regiment, who had all the appearance of belonging to some aristocratic family of Austrian Poland. (10)
  • No animals were visible, but a few birds as uncommon in appearance as their surroundings glided through the air or perched upon the rocks. (7)
  • His appearance was greatly in his favour; he had all the best part of beauty, a fine countenance, a good figure, and very pleasing address. (4)
  • Where the stone has a natural tendency to cleave into long, flat shapes, the rough rubble may become more regularly coursed in appearance. (17)
  • His tanned face with its crisp grey moustache, his whole head indeed, took on, unconsciously, a more than ordinarily soldier-like appearance. (8)
  • She disentangled her bonnet from the array of her spreading hair, talking of Richard, and his handsome appearance, and extraordinary conduct. (10)
  • To the former she was an interesting object, and he saw with pleasure the general elegance of her appearance, and her being in remarkably good looks. (4)
  • His face in repose was rather devoid of expression, but when interested in anything, his eyes glowed with enthusiasm and his whole appearance changed. (3)
  • Lavender at once conceived an aversion from him; his appearance was unhealthy, and his eyes ravened from behind the spectacles beneath his high forehead. (8)
  • Felix, familiar with the appearance of London police courts, noted the efforts that had been made to create resemblance to those models of administration. (8)
  • First as a comfort to Fanny, then as an auxiliary, and last as her substitute, she was established at Mansfield, with every appearance of equal permanency. (4)
  • The side-show presents a most attractive appearance to the rural visitor, showing as it does upon huge banners the many wonderful sights to be seen within. (21)
  • I found that by the appearance of sentiment and Freindship nothing was to be gained and determined therefore to renew my attacks by Questions and suppositions. (4)
  • He had noticed her contracted shape and her eyes, and had talked magisterially to smother and overbear the something disagreeable prefigured in her appearance. (10)

Also see sentences for: air, aspect, bearing, custom, demeanor, dress, figure.

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The appearance of diathesis is not fully understood phenomenon, but there are factors that, one way or another, affect its appearance.

Появление диатеза является не до конца изученным явлением, но существуют факторы, которые, так или иначе, влияют на его появление.

The appearance of problems in school can lead to a deterioration in mood and the appearance of regular difficulties.

Появление проблем в школе может стать причиной ухудшения настроения и появление очередных трудностей.

The company products are mainly characterized by generous appearance appearance, simple operation, convenient repair.

Продукция компании в основном характеризуется щедрым внешний вид, простота в эксплуатации, удобный ремонт.

Your appearance naturally affects your confidence.

В первую очередь, Ваш внешний вид влияет на Вашу уверенность.

Finally, take appearance into account.

И наконец, обращайте внимание также на внешность.

Even today she was completely indifferent to her appearance.

Но. видимо, даже сегодня ей было решительно наплевать на свою внешность.

First impressions are indeed based on appearance.

И ведь, действительно, первое впечатление у нас складывается на основе внешности.

Despite their appearance, these dogs are cheerful and sociable.

Несмотря на свой внешний вид, эти собаки очень дружелюбные и жизнерадостные.

This includes three large areas: behavior, appearance and comfortability.

Это включает в себя три большие области: поведение, внешний вид и комфорт. подробней…

Men have tried to change its appearance.

Люди мечтали о том, чтобы изменить свою внешность.

In 1983 Corvalan secretly returned to Chile after changing his appearance.

Корвалан тайно вернулся из СССР в Чили в 1983 году, сменив внешность.

His appearance among us had to be ordinary, because no human appearance could possibly describe him.

Его появление среди нас должно было быть обычным, потому что никакая человеческая внешность не могла бы его описать.

Do not forget that the appearance of xanthus negatively affects our appearance.

Не забывай, что появление ксантом негативно сказывается на нашей внешности.

Thus no bad frame of mind must be concealed under a good appearance, but the instruction itself is based on a false appearance.

Так, под хорошей внешностью не должны скрываться никакие дурные намерения, но инструкция сама покоится на обманчивой внешности.

The inner world will certainly affect the appearance, but to monitor your appearance is no less important, especially for women.

Внутренний мир непременно отразится на внешнем виде, но следить за своей внешностью не менее важно, особенно женщинам.

Compare their appearance with the appearance of others leads to many unhealthy desire to be the prettiest of all.

Сравнение своей внешности с внешностью окружающих приводит многих к нездоровому стремлению быть красивее всех.

In men, corticoestroms provoke the appearance of female traits in appearance.

With regard to the causes of appearance, specialists in psychiatry and psychology did not come to unambiguous conclusions about what provokes its appearance.

Что касается причин появления, специалисты по психиатрии и психологии не пришли к однозначным выводам о том, что провоцирует её появление.

The period varies from appearance to appearance because of the gravitational effects of the planets.

Этот период меняется от появления к появлению из-за гравитационных эффектов планет.

In fact, their appearance tights owe the appearance of such a fashionable and popular accessories, like a mini skirt.

Фактически, своим появлением колготки обязаны появлению такого модного и популярного аксессуара, как мини юбка.

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