Sentences with the word anything

что-нибудь, все, что-либо, что угодно, сколько-нибудь, в какой-либо мере


- indef pron в вопросительных и условных предложениях
- что-нибудь

Is there anything you want? — Вам что-нибудь нужно?
if you need anything they will help you — если вам что-нибудь понадобится /будет нужно/, они вам помогут
if anything should happen to him … — если бы с ним что-нибудь случилось …
I’m going to the post. Anything I can do for you? — я иду на почту. Вам ничего не нужно?

- разг. сколько-нибудь

do you see anything of your friend? — вы когда-нибудь видите своего друга?
if he is anything of a gentleman he will apologize — если в нём есть хоть капля порядочности, он извинится

- в отрицательных предложениях ничего; ничто; никто

he hasn’t taken anything — он ничего не взял
he doesn’t do anything at all — он совсем ничего не делает
not that he knows anything about it — вряд ли он что-нибудь об этом знает; наверно, он ничего об этом не знает
I was cut a little in the fight, but it wasn’t anything — в драке меня немного поранили, но это ничего /но это пустяк/
he isn’t anything in the local government — в местных органах власти он никто /не имеет никакого влияния/

- в утвердительных предложениях всё; (всё) что угодно

he will do anything to help you — он сделает всё, чтобы помочь вам
I would give anything to know — я бы отдал всё на свете, чтобы узнать (об этом); я бы многое дал, чтобы узнать (об этом)
he eats anything — он ест всё подряд
anything you say — всё, что вы хотите; как хотите, так и будет


- сколько-нибудь; в какой-либо мере

is this article anything like his? — разве эта статья (хоть) сколько-нибудь похожа на его статью?
is her dress anything like mine? — разве её платье хоть чем-то напоминает моё?

Мои примеры


to be game for anything — быть готовым на все, ничего не бояться  
have you anything to do with it? — вы имеете к этому отношение?  
hardly anything — почти ничего  
anything goes — все сойдет  
in this case anything goes — в этом случае все сойдет /пройдет/  
run to any anything — пойти на что угодно  
an anything goes approach — нетребовательность; неразборчивость  
an anything goes attitude — нетребовательность; неразборчивость  
anything but satisfactory — совершенно неудовлетворительный  
anything goes approach — нетребовательность; неразборчивость  

Примеры с переводом

Is there anything you want?

Вам что-нибудь нужно?

You can buy anything you want.

Можно купить всё, что угодно.

He will do anything to help you.

Он сделает всё, чтобы помочь вам.

He hasn’t taken anything.

Он ничего не взял.

We didn’t talk about anything much.

Мы мало о чём говорили.

I’ll do anything I can to help.

Помогу, чем только смогу. / Сделаю всё, что в моих силах.

If you’re not sure what to say, just say anything that comes to mind.

Если не знаешь, что сказать, просто говори всё, что приходит в голову.

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Study Vocabulary Words anything
a thing of any kind; something that is not specified

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Used with verbs:

«He is so hungry, he’ll eat anything.«
(eat, have, consume)

«She doesn’t do anything around the house.«
(do, help with, clean)

«Do you have anything for this headache?«
(have, recommend, suggest)

«He doesn’t know anything.«
(know, understand, comprehend)

Used with prepositions:

«She doesn’t know anything about the accident.«

«There wasn’t anything in the refrigerator.«

«Can you see anything over the fence?«

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Study Vocabulary Words anything
at all

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Used with verbs:

«Is the movie anything like the book?«
(like, close to, similar to)

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Hello English learners! Today, we are going to discuss when to use something and when to use anything. This question has its roots in the negative realm. I am going to start with the word something.

The word something is generally used as a pronoun. This means that it replaces a noun. The word something has a definition of a specific undermined or uncertain thing.

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For example

  • My daughter told me something about Shopkins, but I can’t remember it now.
  • There is something about that car, it is magical.
  • Is something wrong with Frank? 

The word something can also mean a person or a thing of great value.

When it follows this definition then the word something is a noun (a person, place or thing).

For example

  • She sure is something!! I think I am in love with her. 
  • Tom has something to say that is very important.

For the most part, English speakers use something in positive/affirmative sentences.

This is also true for somebody, someone and some.

For example

  • I have something to tell you. 
  • Give me something in exchange for my cookies. 
  • If you order food from that Indian restaurant, could you order me something too?

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It is also possible to use something in questions.

We can use the word something to represent a thing that we know exists or we are pretty sure it exists.

For example

  • Do you think that there is something in the Loch Ness lake in Scotland? 
  • Is there something else I can help you with? 
  • Did your mom get you something from Paris?

The word something can also be used in a question when you ask for things or if you offer something.

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For example

  • Did you want something to eat? 
  • Would you like to put something on your salad? We have Ranch dressing. 
  • Could I have something spicy to eat?

Now let’s talk about something more complicated which is the word anything.

Similar to the word something, the word anything is generally used as a pronoun.

My definition of the word anything is whatever; I don’t care what it is.

The word anything is generally used in negative sentences:

Here are some examples to help clear this up:

  • I didn’t get anything for my birthday. 
  • That guy can handle spicy foods, he didn’t drink anything after eating Indian food. 
  • When he opened the closet, he didn’t find anything there.

The word anything is used in sentences where the meaning is negative.

This is the major difference between the words something and anything.

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Something can NEVER be used in negative sentences!

For example 

  • Hardly anything makes Tom smiled these days. 
  • There wasn’t anything about verbs on the English exam. 
  • She didn’t have anything in his bank account.

Most questions in the English language use anything when we don’t know if the thing exists.

Here are some examples

  • I don’t think anything will help is financial situation.
  • There isn’t anything you can say to make me feel better. 
  • She didn’t bring anything to the party.

Returning back to my definition of anything meaning I don’t care.

Here are some better examples:

  • Could you give me anything to write with? (It could be a pencil, pen or crayon, I don’t care. I just need something to write with.)
  • Do you have anything to drink? It is very hot. (I am so thirsty that I will drink coffee, I don’t care.)
  • Can you turn on some music? You can play anything that you want. (Any music is better than working in silence.)

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The word anything is used with the word if. The word if indicates a condition.

For example

  • If there is anything I can do for you, just let me know. 
  • If anything happens, don’t hesitate to call. 
  • If anything wakes up my child, I will be very upset.

In summary, the word something cannot be used in NEGATIVE sentences, whereas the word anything CAN be used in NEGATIVE sentences.

Well, that is it for using something and anything.

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Try out your English for free and leave your own sentence in the comments below.

See you next time with some more interesting posts!

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62 месяца назад

1. I think … is burning. 2. … told me about his job. 3. I couldn’t find my umbrella …. 4. Sorry, I can do … for you. 5. There was … to answer the phone in the office. 6. We can find better food … else. 7. We didn’t buy …. 8. Is there … here who can help me. 9. We have to go … today, because it’s very cold and windy. 4. Complete the sentences with modal verbs: can, could, must, may, should 1. … you give me the recipe for this cake? 2. Interpreters … translate without dictionaries. 3. … I use me your bike for today? 4. You … stop smoking. You know you cannot buy health. 5. I… read this book in Italian. 5. Complete the sentences with ’’-self” pronouns 1. Tom built the house …. 2. They amused…….by teUing anecdotes. 3.1 really enjoyed…….at the seaside. 4 Kate hurt…….while she was playing volleyball. 5 We wished……. good luck before the exam. 6 It’s very delicious! Did you invent the recipe ?


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