Sentences with the word annoyed

раздраженный, раздосадованный


- недовольный, раздражённый, раздосадованный

in an annoyed voice — недовольным /раздражённым/ тоном

Мои примеры


a roaring party that annoyed the neighbors mightily — бурная вечеринка, которая очень разозлила соседей  
a trifle annoyed — немного раздраженный  
he felt annoyed with the bad weather — ему наскучила плохая погода; ему надоела плохая погода  
he felt annoyed with the constant noise — ему надоел вечный шум  
he felt annoyed with the silly questions — ему надоели глупые вопросы  
he annoyed me by playing finger practice — он раздражал меня своими гаммами  
feel annoyed — досадовать  
he seemed annoyed some — он казался немного раздосадованным  
he was annoyed with the bad weather — ему наскучила плохая погода; ему надоела плохая погода  
to be annoyed about — быть недовольным чем-то  
be vexed / annoyed — досадовать  

Примеры с переводом

He was annoyed at / with the children.

Дети его раздражали.

She annoyed him with her stupid questions.

Она раздражала его своими глупыми вопросами.

He was annoyed to find his door unlocked.

Он был недоволен, обнаружив свою дверь незапертой.

She was annoyed at the tone of his letter.

Она была раздосадована тоном его письма.

It annoyed me to be kept waiting so long.

Я рассердился, что меня заставили ждать так долго.

It annoyed us that they took so long to answer.

Мы разозлились, что они так долго нам не отвечали.

Why did she get so annoyed? I was only trying to neighbour with her!

Почему она так разозлилась? Я же просто хотел подружиться с ней.

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Примеры, ожидающие перевода

Mr Davies was annoyed that the books were missing.

Instead of being annoyed, he seemed quite pleased.

…deliberately annoyed the elderly neighbor by walking across his lawn…

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Возможные однокоренные слова

annoy  — раздражать, досаждать, надоедать, докучать, наскучивать
annoying  — раздражающий, досадный, надоедливый, раздражение

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word annoyed, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use annoyed in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «annoyed».

Annoyed in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word annoyed in a sentence.

  1. One man seemed terribly annoyed.

  2. The British were annoyed at Canadian interference.

  3. His signature catchphrase, the annoyed grunt «D’oh!

  4. Notable expressions include Homer’s annoyed grunt «D’oh!

  5. When I’m annoyed I go home, you don’t see me for a month.

  6. This annoyed Nellie Taft, who never trusted the Roosevelts.

  7. Homer’s main and most famous catchphrase, the annoyed grunt «D’oh!

  8. He grew increasingly annoyed that McKechnie ignored most of his advice.

  9. He was assigned to training recruits, but this rear-echelon role annoyed him.

  10. It was not widely reviewed, and as usual, Manning was frustrated and annoyed.

  11. The end product had something that pleased and annoyed both sides of the debate.

  12. Sidney needs Bob’s help; Jeanie, Bob’s girlfriend, is annoyed at being stood up.

  13. Willis’s behavior in social groups annoyed fellow poet Henry Wadsworth Longfellow.

  14. Harries was able to get the second series moved to 9 pm, which annoyed advertisers.

  15. I got more annoyed with the smugness of religious people and I went to church less and less.

  16. As Todd explains, he was constantly annoyed by their noise, demanding silence while he worked.

  17. Shy and self-conscious, he was annoyed at repeatedly being asked about the size of his clothes.

  18. Their relationship was strained; Cole’s diaries revealed that Wheeler hit her when she annoyed him.

  19. Andrew, Rebecca’s father, enters and becomes annoyed when he sees people hiding in different places.

  20. Chris Kraft took a very offensive approach to the Committee, which of course, annoyed the Committee.

  21. Eden was annoyed that the accusations against Knight arose during a trial in which he played no part.

  22. Parker said he and Stone decided to spoof King only because «it’s just sort of who annoyed us that week.

  23. When Janie becomes annoyed with Rita for staying at her home for an extended period, Rita persuades J.T.

  24. At this point, Bokassa told friends he was annoyed by Dacko’s treatment and was «going for a coup d’état».

  25. He also annoyed his fellow-pupils by parading his acquaintance with a range of famous and important people.

  26. Rand was annoyed that Bobbs-Merrill allowed the edited version to be published without her approval of the text.

  27. As a student, she had previously been annoyed at the «smugness of religious people», and had attended less often.

  28. When annoyed, an orangutan will suck in air through pursed lips, making a kissing sound known as the «kiss squeak».

  29. Hahn was annoyed that while Bohr mentioned his and Strassmann’s work in the note, he cited only Meitner and Frisch.

  30. Hand had a habit of turning his seat 180° on lawyers whose arguments annoyed him, and he could be bitingly sarcastic.

  31. The resulting rough landings annoyed his commanding officer, Major Wilfred McCloughry, brother of ace Edgar McCloughry.

  32. Diefenbaker, for whom such correspondence was very meaningful, was annoyed at the President-elect’s slowness to respond.

  33. I was so annoyed with him and went in and gave him a piece of my mind but he just turned round and told me to fuck off.».

  34. On August 28 at Forest Hills Tennis Stadium, the group was heckled by an audience still annoyed by Dylan’s electric sound.

  35. He writes, «I can quite understand the Prince of Wales being much annoyed at his son’s name being coupled with the thing ..

  36. Hinault claimed to have been annoyed into attacking by one of Gandarias’s teammates and offered to carry him to the finish.

  37. Romney was used to being listened to and making his own decisions; he annoyed Nixon by casually interrupting him at meetings.

  38. Additionally, his gambling problems at the race track and distrust of Giants’ management annoyed team owner Charles Stoneham.

  39. The Norwich players were already annoyed by the match situation, and their perception was that the decision was «really dodgy».

  40. Throughout the 1930s many factories and plants also asked to take on his name, which is something Fitzpatrick notes may have annoyed Stalin.

  41. Fraser began to become annoyed with correspondence between himself and Gledhill, and between himself and the customs commissioners in London.

  42. Daily Herald’s Matt Arado was annoyed that «the Transformers [are] little more than supporting players», and felt the middle act was sluggish.

  43. While Truman and Eisenhower had previously been on good terms, Truman felt annoyed Eisenhower did not denounce Joseph McCarthy during the campaign.

  44. Clarke was annoyed at what he saw as a power grab and at the sudden high profile of deception operations (Bagnold’s promotion was widely publicised).

  45. This annoyed Markham all the more, and he subsequently rebuked the RGS librarian Hugh Robert Mill for attending the Southern Cross Expedition launch.

  46. I can quite understand the Prince of Wales being much annoyed at his son’s name being coupled with the thing but that was the case before I left it ..

  47. The new president preferred to deal directly with only a trusted handful, and was annoyed when Agnew tried to call him about matters Nixon deemed trivial.

  48. Taft saw nothing wrong with making his views on possible appointments to the court known to the White House, and was annoyed to be criticized in the press.

  49. The annoyed Brandle called a strike, but Brennan’s workers refused; the police shut down the site after a brawl, but Brennan got court approval to continue.

  50. Truman was a very hard worker, often to the point of exhaustion, which left him testy, easily annoyed, and on the verge of appearing unpresidential or petty.

Synonyms for annoyed

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word annoyed has the following synonyms: harassed, harried, pestered, vexed, troubled, irritated, miffed, nettled, peeved, pissed, pissed off, riled, roiled, steamed, stung and displeased.

General information about «annoyed» example sentences

The example sentences for the word annoyed that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «annoyed» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «annoyed».

The spokesman added that Brown was «very annoyed» by the story about Blears» expenses and that, if there had been a leak from Downing Street, «it would be something he did not authorise, did not know about and would condemn».


If it had been something important or serious I probably wouldn’t have been so annoyed with myself, but it was design/craft things I was thinking about LOL


We like the idea of friendships that span decades, but we don’t always like sticking it out once we’re bored, annoyed or disillusioned.


i am gentle and respondsible girl who love reading and i also love travel, i love to chat and i dont like ppl get annoyed easylly i am 5» 7.


Substitute a different word for «annoyed» and just sit with how you really feel.


One of them is very kind and reverent and the other is angry and annoyed.


It would still be their right, but if they aren’t exercising their characters, then I’d be annoyed too.


It’s OK to be annoyed and not as able to give attention.


As Reischel notes in her post, Rosenthal’s tone in the opinion is «clearly annoyed» and includes «a condescending» [sic]» at the end of a long quote from Wolf’s opinion.»


However, fans are not convinced, with one annoyed Twitter user suggesting that if they were willing to make a poor choice casting the Argo star, then why not just bring back past actors Michael Keaton and Geroge Clooney, who both played the role in the 80s and 90s.


Could you talk to him about how annoyed and insecure you feel when she is around and he calls you by her name, maybe he needs to see less of her and make more of an effort to get your name right?


Also, people got annoyed how the Yakuza were dragged into the plot needlessly, but the first one had the Asian triads and the second one was pretty much all about Columbian drug rings.


In traditional publishing everyone seems to be annoyed and stressed all the time, why would we prefer that?


The irritated and often annoyed Grouchy Smurf had the rough and scratchy voice of George Lopez, whose complaining comedy really added zest to the character.


Make New Friends If you’ve tried to arrange get-togethers with a friend or two but they seemed annoyed and distant, it’s okay to let those friendships go.


I’m not saying you have done this Robert, but I get very annoyed when believer’s claim they know what’s going on in someone elses head (or heart).


He gets frustrated and annoyed when he doesn’t sleep, but as soon as I suggest nap time, he runs away.


Tammy Blanchard is effortlessly off-putting as the hostess with a painfully disingenuous smile plastered across her face; Logan Marshall-Green cleverly modulated performance goes from annoyed to suspicious to infuriated right along with the audience; and John Carroll Lynch (best known as Frances McDormand’s lovable husband in Fargo) is like a dark cloud that hovers over the entire evening before finally exploding in horrific fashion.


My approach is this: If I know I’m going to be negotiating with a child over a meal I would actually like to enjoy rather be annoyed because of said negotiating, then I want something out of it.


I get annoyed very easily with music that lacks quality and/or aesthetics just because it is designed for children.


As it was, quiet euthanasia, some voluntary, some not, took place among the elderly Baby Boomers, tired of being labelled sponges on society, or picked off by annoyed caretakers.


It is pretty clear that some of her associates probably signed weird leases that require them to cover their landlord’s property taxes, and are annoyed that increasing property values, which they as renters are not even seeing the upside of, are making their effective rent go up.


Well, I’d be lying if I said I didn’t roll my eyes when my alarm went off because I needed to get up early to create sale posts before everyone else did, or get so annoyed when I HAD to get an Instagram post up at 9:30 PM even though I’m out with my friends.


Saddled as the guardian of his employer’s love child, Will is annoyed and burdened.


So they were a little annoyed at that.»


I get so annoyed as the shoes I buy online don’t always fit me and I have to return them time to time.


It’s hard to stay annoyed for long, though, as the game quickly draws you back in with its gameplay, and its presentation.


I proceed to tell the postman off for blocking the drive; I am especially annoyed because I had to holler repeatedly for his attention whilst he was leaned back in his seat with feet up.


I am usually quite annoyed when the mobile-formatted version of a site comes up on my Fire.


But get it wrong and you can be messing around with an annoyed child on you trying desperately to hit the sweet spot.


Ideally, when you get that annoyed or irritated feeling, you will see it as a sign of your child’s lack of connection and will strive to find a way to connect even as you continue with your task.


Your future self will be annoyed looking at that sweater and you will wish that it was in its rightful place — in the closet!


The frame-rate drops a noticeable amount whenever the player enters a new area (it’s otherwise acceptable), and load times are long enough that I grew annoyed with them very early on.


Unlike leisure travelers, who are likely to be annoyed and frustrated by travel delays, business travelers are facing a different scenario.


I was annoyed and tired, but she was my furbaby.


From what I’m hearing of MGS4 I would be annoyed too with hours of cut scenes and minutes of gameplay.


If you have not settled, you’d better be ready to explain to an annoyed judge why, in a legal world where there is very little new under the sun, the lawyers could not, with a high degree of accuracy, determine how a sensible and informed judge would rule, and instead exchange sensible offers to settle and then settle.


Betsy is a funny, supportive wife even when she’s annoyed with Isaac; Chris» semi-feared mother is a little overbearing, but warm.


I thought maybe she would be annoyed though and think, «who is this crazy woman?!»


Firstly I was surprised about this trend about other countries getting to see these movies before they are launched in the USA (and more annoyed that this trend was not in South Africa when I was there), typical right?


Frankly, had I been married to a man and given him children, then proven incapable of getting child support from him, I would be too ashamed to get publicly annoyed with a woman who didn’t have to marry a man to get her to pay the bills.


After countless early morning phone calls to the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services in which I pestered, bothered, annoyed and informed them that I would be their worst nightmare and would not leave them alone until I got my money back, I received a refund cheque in the mail.


It irritates you, and I was a little annoyed, but I quickly put it behind me.


If they ask you questions about trans issues don’t get annoyed.


So I’m usually careful to avoid mentioning how annoyed I get by all his dirty socks tangled in the bed sheets or the horrifying length of his fingernails.


I’d just be extremely annoyed if 10,000 of them tried to stick their fingers into my work.


@darragh if shay given were to become available and the boss was to ignore him again i think i would cry, really happy christmas to all, especially andy, ice, gunnerboss, spanishgunner, radads, darragh, nonny ah hell any1 ive argued with or annoyed dis year!!!! heres to more of the same in 2010.


If you are annoyed and bored of your existing relationships and want more from your life then search for cougar women at local cougar dating websites.


If you are doing a long period of interviewing, check with your employment references every couple of weeks in order to make sure they are still on board and not getting frustrated or annoyed with calls from your interview process.


She is annoyed too at exam structures, comparable outcomes, primary testing, the abolition of levels, the way the national curriculum was written.


1. His air of calm superiority annoyed her intensely.

2. His brash answers annoyed the interviewers.

3. Tim really annoyed me in the meeting this morning.

4. The winner’s complacent smile annoyed some people.

5. It annoyed me to be kept waiting so long.

6. I’ll be annoyed if we don’t finish by eight.

7. If you’re annoyed with him, you should tell him.

8. She was annoyed at his invasion.

9. His attitude made me extremely annoyed.

10. Their ceaseless noise annoyed the neighbours.

11. He became excessively annoyed at newspaper reports.

12. Her nervous giggles annoyed me.

13. She frowned at me, clearly annoyed.

14. She was obviously annoyed that the man had happened along.

15. Anne was fond of Tim, though he often annoyed her.

16. Lewis was annoyed that Adam did not show enough respect and deference to him.

17. I was annoyed by hecklers during the last half of my speech.

18. What annoyed him most was that he had received no apology.

19. I was annoyed, indeed furious, over what happened.

20. The membership is/are very annoyed at your suggestion.

21. Susan felt slightly annoyed with herself.

22. His frequent hesitations annoyed the audience.

23. I’m very annoyed at your rashness.

24. He was annoyed, to put it mildly .

25. I was a little annoyed about the whole thing.

26. He was annoyed to find himself going red.

27. I was quite annoyed by her remarks.

28. for Christ’s, God’s, goodness’, heaven’s, pity’s, etc. sake used to emphasize that it is important to do sth or when you are annoyed about sth: Do be careful, for goodness’ sake.

29. I merely suggested you should do it again.There’s no need to get annoyed.

30. Life without regret, dead things like a gust of wind; life without regret, it will still have to come; life need not be annoyed, anxious white hair to black; life need not be lamented, loss of self-confidence will lose everything!

Sentences with the word Annoyed?



  • «tapping an annoying rhythm on his glass with his fork»; «aircraft noise is particularly bothersome near the airport»; «found it galling to have to ask permission»; «an irritating delay»; «nettlesome paperwork»; «a pesky mosquito»; «swarms of pestering gnats»; «a plaguey newfangled safety catch»; «a teasing and persistent thought annoyed him»; «a vexatious child»; «it is vexing to have to admit you are wrong»
  • «He became annoyed when he heard the bad news»; «It must be getting more serious»; «her face went red with anger»; «She went into ecstasy»; «Get going!»
  • «his bureaucratic behavior annoyed his colleagues»; «a bureaucratic nightmare»
  • «the edict was subject to many interpretations»; «he annoyed us with his interpreting of parables»; «often imitations are extended to provide a more accurate rendition of the child’s intended meaning»
  • «he was much annoyed«
  • «The actor walked off before he got his cue»; «I got annoyed and just walked off»

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