Sentences with the word among

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The most prominent among them is self-reliance.

Одним из самых важных среди них является, без всякого сомнения, религия.

More proof that aliens were once among us.

В последнее время появилось слишком много доказательств о том, что инопланетяне находятся среди нас.

Lords divided their land among lesser nobles.

Вассалы короля делили свою землю между более мелкими дворянами, которые служили им.

Facilitate closer cooperation among non-governmental organizations on ageing.

Содействие налаживанию более тесного сотрудничества между неправительственными организациями в деятельности, связанной с проблемами старения.

This certainly affects relationships among individuals.

И это, безусловно, отражается на отношениях между конкретными людьми.

Consequently, there is fierce competition among charities.

В то же время, мы заметили, что между благотворительными организациями существует большая конкуренция.

I saw no other food among them.

Я уверен, что я не ел никаких других съестных припасов между ними.

When? intellectual competition among the students.

Когда?», в которых соперничают между собой команды студентов и преподавателей.

Venezuela was among those that participated and pledged.

Венесуэла была среди тех, кто участвовал в ней и кто взял на себя обязательства.

HIV/AIDS spreads twice as quickly among uneducated girls.

Вирус, вызывающий СПИД, распространяется в два раза быстрее среди неграмотных девушек и женщин.

Males outnumber females among children and youth, but females predominate among adults.

Среди детей и молодежи наблюдается преобладание мужского населения над женским, но среди взрослых женское население является преобладающим.

Cooperation among countries is chief among them.

Сотрудничество между странами стоит среди них на главном месте.

Information-sharing has to take place among all stakeholders: among companies, among government authorities and among government authorities and companies.

Обмен информацией должен осуществляться между всеми заинтересованными сторонами: между компаниями, между государственными органами и между государственными органами и компаниями.

Examples of these are preferential trading agreements among developed countries, among developing countries and among the two groups of countries.

К их числу относятся соглашения о преференциальной торговле между развитыми странами, между развивающимися странами и между двумя группами стран.

The development literature often refers to three kinds of solidarity: among people, among regions and among generations.

В литературе, посвященной вопросам развития, нередко говорится о трех видах солидарности: между людьми, между регионами и между поколениями.

Economic inequality is the difference between various measures of economic well-being among individuals in a group, among groups in a population or among different countries.

Экономическое неравенство — это различие по показателям экономического благосостояния между отдельными лицами в группе, между группами населения или между странами.

Separately, another tournament was held among representatives of rural professions — driving of a tractor among machine operators and the assembly of a milking device among milkmaids.

Отдельно состоялся турнир среди представителей сельских профессий — вождение трактора среди механизаторов и сборка доильного аппарата среди доярок.

Using anabolic steroids widely distributed among athletes, especially among those who are interested in a certain physical form, among bodybuilders, for example.

Использование анаболических стероидов широко распространено среди спортсменов, особенно среди тех, кто заинтересован в определенной физической форме, среди бодибилдеров, к примеру.

Peace agreements among the primary protagonists often remain fragile because of recurring tensions among communities, and among organized civic, religious and political groups.

Мирные соглашения между основными участниками конфликтов часто недолговечны из-за повторяющихся вспышек напряженности между общинами и среди организованных гражданских, религиозных и политических групп.

The second panellist focused on the issues related to how investment agreements dealt with the interaction among provisions, among chapters and among different IIAs.

Второй участник дискуссии заострил внимание на том, каким образом в инвестиционных соглашениях решаются вопросы, касающиеся взаимодействия между положениями, между главами и между различными МИС.

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Word index: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Expression index: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Phrase index: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Synonym: amid, between, in with. Similar words: diamonds, dream of, amount to, in a moment, money, lemon, month, salmon. Meaning: [əˈmʌŋ]  prep.1. in, into, or through the midst of; in association or connection with; surrounded by: He was among friends. 2. in the midst of, so as to influence: missionary work among the local people. 3. with a share for each of: Divide the cigars among you. 4. in the number, class, or group of; of or out of: That is among the things we must do. 5. by all or with the whole of; by most or with many of: popular among the people. 6. by the joint or reciprocal action of: Settle it among yourselves. 7. each with the other; mutually: They quarreled among themselves. 8. familiar to or characteristic of: a proverb among the Spanish.. 

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1) Among the blind the one-eyed man is king. 

2) There is honour among thieves.

3) Among a people general corrupt, liberty cannot long exist. 

4) Every kind of peaceful cooperation among men is primarily based on mutual trust and only secondly on institutions such as courts of justice and police. 

5) There’s honour among thieves.

6) When the belly is full the mind is among the maids. 

7) He is immortal 6, not because he alone among creatures has an inexhaustible 7voice, but because he has a soul, a spirit capable of compassion 8and sacrifice9 and endurance. 

8) I felt very inferior among all those academics.

9) Mary is popular among the students.

10) Ice cream is popular among children.

11) The incident caused discussion among the public.

12) Peer pressure is strong among young people .

13) Alternative medicines are now winning greater acceptance among doctors.

14) Shakespeare is a giant among writers.

15) It’s OK, you’re among friends now.

16) Among her many virtues are loyalty, courage, and truthfulness.

17) The conquered territories were portioned out among the victors.

18) The bees are buzzing away among the flowers.

19) She lives in that house among the trees.

20) That old temple is hidden among trees.

21) I number her among my closest friends.

22) His appointment caused disquiet among members.

23) A goose was hatched among ducks.

24) The company distributed its profits among its workers.

25) You are definitely among the minority.

26) The secret was spread among the crowd.

27) Discontent among junior ranks was rapidly spreading.

28) In a co-operative profits are distributed among the work-force.

29) I noticed a certain reluctance among the teachers.

30) He who has lost his good name is a dead man among the living. 

More similar words: diamonds, dream of, amount to, in a moment, money, lemon, month, salmon, in common, hormone, monkey, monthly, monster, monitor, harmony, commonly, long., long, ceremony, monument, testimony, along, strong, long for, demonstrate, all along, ongoing, go wrong, prolong, get along. 

среди, между, у, из, в числе, из числа, посреди


- указывает на:
- положение среди группы предметов или лиц среди, посреди, между

a village among the hills — деревня среди холмов
a house among the trees — дом, окружённый деревьями
one among many — один из многих

- движение предмета или лица среди других предметов или лиц среди; через

he passed among the crowd — он пробирался через /сквозь/ толпу
the explorers had to grope their way among the ruins — исследователям пришлось ощупью пробираться среди развалин

- связь предмета или лица с другими предметами или лицами среди

among guests were two actors — среди гостей были два актёра
several among the audience heard it — кое-кто из публики слышал это

- превосходство над другими предметами или лицами (обыкн. при прилагательных в превосходной степени) из, среди

fairest among women — красивейшая из женщин
pre-eminent among the writers of his day — самый выдающийся из писателей того времени
Paris is among the largest cities in the world. — Париж — один из самых больших городов мира.

- распределение чего-л. среди нескольких человек между

to divide property among the heirs — разделить имущество между наследниками
not five pounds among them — у них нет и пяти фунтов на всех

- взаимность отношений или связанность действий между, между собой

lasting peace among the peoples — прочный мир между народами
they quarrel among themselves — они ссорятся между собой
settle it among yourselves — уладьте это между собой; договоритесь об этом сами
you have, among you, spoiled the child — вы все вместе испортили /избаловали/ ребёнка

- соотнесённость действий с какой-л. средой, эпохой и т. п. у, среди, в эпоху

it was the custom among our ancestors — таков был обычай наших предков
among the ancient Greeks — у древних греков

Мои примеры


Примеры с переводом

Paris is among the largest cities in the world.

Париж — один из самых больших городов мира.

She was the eldest among them.

Она была среди них самой старшей.

I rate him among my friends.

Я считаю его своим другом. / Я причисляю его к своим друзьям.

The girl quickly disappeared among the crowd.

Девушка быстро исчезла в толпе.

He is numbered among the dead.

Он числится среди погибших.

We were among the crowd that gathered there.

Мы были среди собравшейся там толпы.

The problem is causing widespread concern among scientists.

Эта проблема вызывает глубокую озабоченность среди учёных.

ещё 16 примеров свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

There were several hecklers scattered among the crowd.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.



  1. в числе (из числа, к числу, в среде)
  2. наряду

Синонимы: aside, betwixt.


  1. среди
  2. между
  3. из
  4. у
  5. посреди
  6. помимо

Синонимы: against, off, between, beyond, except, under, besides, near, outside, with, amongst, intra, forth, in, along, on, amid, betwixt, about, across, for, from, additionally, out, amidst.


among them
среди них

relations among States
отношения между государствами


They divided the money among themselves.
Они поделили деньги между собой.

Divide this among yourselves.
Поделите это между собой.

Seasonal Allergic Rhinitis is a common condition among the general population in Western countries.
Сезонный аллергический ринит — частый недуг большинства населения в западных странах.

The money was divided among the three.
Деньги разделили на троих.

The fortune was divided among the three brothers.
Наследство было разделено между тремя братьями.

Tom was among the few who survived.
Том был среди тех немногих, кто выжил.

The movie is popular among the youngsters.
Фильм популярен среди молодёжи.

The word became flesh and lived for a while among us.
Слово стало плотию, и обитало с нами.

The abuse of alcohol among young people is a serious problem.
Злоупотребление алкоголем среди молодёжи — серьёзная проблема.

A squirrel hid among the branches.
Белка спряталась в ветвях.

I sat among them.
Я сел среди них.

Divide the cake among you three.
Раздели торт между вами троими.

I lost him among the crowd.
Я потерял его в толпе.

Soccer is very popular among Japanese students.
Футбол очень популярен среди японских студентов.

Mary was chosen from among 500 applicants.
Мэри была выбрана из пятисот претендентов.

Among the five of us, he’s surely the one who can speak the most languages.
Среди нас пятерых он определённо тот, кто говорит на наибольшем количестве языков.

He stands out among the painters of his time.
Он выделялся среди прочих художников своего времени.

The future belongs to the few among us who are still willing to get their hands dirty.
Будущее принадлежит тем немногим из нас, кто всё ещё готов замарать руки.

Among the guests were two foreign women.
Среди гостей были две иностранки.

Bees are flying among the flowers.
Пчёлы летают среди цветов.

Tom was listed among the missing.
Том числился среди пропавших без вести.

The criminal is among us.
Преступник среди нас.

A harmony prevailed among them.
Между ними возобладала гармония.

Choose any one from among these.
Выберите одно из них.

The telephone is among the inventions attributed to Bell.
Телефон находится среди изобретений, приписываемых Беллу.

Shopping malls are popular among teenagers.
Торговые центры популярны у подростков.

Was anybody among your relatives ill with cancer?
Кто-либо из ваших родственников болел раком?

Tom and Mary were among the new arrivals.
Том и Мэри были среди вновь прибывших.

London is among the world’s largest cities.
Лондон — один из самых больших городов мира.

Cuban cigars are among the best in the world.
Кубинские сигары считаются одними из лучших в мире.

April 11, 2023
All Dictionary

As he was being led up to some object he noticed a hesitation and uncertainty among his conductors.

Two psychological errors, among many others, constantly meet us in the history of idealism — the arbitrary hypothesis of a sense of sensations, or of ideas, and the intolerable neglect of logical inference.

This way and that her yards were swung round; starboard and larboard, she continued to tack; now she beat against a head sea; and again it pushed her before it; while all the while, her masts and yards were thickly clustered with men, as three tall cherry trees, when the boys are cherrying among the boughs.

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The hospital possesses many artistic treasures, among them the mural paintings of the 17th century in the Salle St Hugues and an altar-piece, the Last Judgment, attributed to Roger van der Weyden.

It is a curious circumstance, in view of the subsequent history of Irish politics, that it was from the Protestant Established Church, and particularly from the Orangemen, that the bitterest opposition to the union proceeded; a,nd that the proposal found support chiefly among the Roman Catholic clergy and especially the bishops, while in no part of Ireland was it received with more favour than in the city of Cork.

This greatly incensed the king, who summoned the archbishop and some of his clergy — among whom was Pomuk — to appear before him.

A most instructive passage in this respect is i Kings xxii., where we find some four hundred prophets gathered together round the king, and where it is clear that Jehoshaphat was equally convinced, on the one hand, that the word of Yahweh could be found among the prophets, and on the other that it was very probable that some, or even the mass of them, might be no better than liars.

Until recent years the forest birds did much to atone for this deficiency, for among them the tui and makomako rank high as songsters, while the apteryxes, kakapo, weka and stitch-bird are of peculiar interest to science.

It has an Evangelical and seven Roman Catholic churches, among the latter the cathedral of St Wilibald (first bishop of Eichstatt), — with the tomb of the saint and numerous pictures and relics, — the church of St Walpurgis, sister of Wilibald, whose remains rest in the choir, and the Capuchin church, a copy of the Holy Sepulchre.

He excited the admiration of the youth of Germany, and it was soon the fashion among the petty princes to imitate his methods of government.

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