Sentences with the word ambiguous

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The friendship between man and woman remains rather ambiguous.

Вопрос о возможности существования дружбы между мужчинами и женщинами довольно неоднозначный.

«Smallest Nation» is somewhat ambiguous.

Критерий — «самая большая страна» немного неоднозначный.

Whatever happens by way of propaganda remains ambiguous.

Все, что делается с помощью пропаганды, остается двусмысленным.

Wait, that’s still too ambiguous.

Это недостаточно ясно, это все еще остается двусмысленным.

We also nurture our ability to interpret ambiguous moments without self-contempt.

Кроме того, мы также развиваем у себя способность интерпретировать двусмысленные моменты без осуждения самого себя.

And all the words either ambiguous or meaningless.

И все эти слова или двусмысленны, или вообще лишены смысла.

The accepted truth that he committed suicide is ambiguous.

Общепринятая истина о том, что он покончил жизнь самоубийством, неоднозначна.

The document contains some ambiguous norms that are unacceptable in a democracy.

Как пояснили эксперты, документ содержит неоднозначные нормы, которые являются недопустимыми в демократическом обществе.

An ambiguous one, I would say.

Видите, я скажу одну двусмысленную, может быть, вещь.

English as a language is often ambiguous.

Национальные языки, как, например, английский, часто двусмысленные.

It seems that this ambiguous situation requires a trial.

Для разрешения этой двусмысленной ситуации, по всей видимости, потребуется судебное разбирательство.

If she gives positive or ambiguous responses ask for specific examples.

При позитивных или двусмысленных ответах пациента на подобные вопросы важно попросить его привести конкретные примеры.

One approach it employs is allowing physicians to override protocols in ambiguous situations.

Один из подходов, которые они используют, это позволение врачам изменять протокол в неоднозначных ситуациях.

It is a reflection of the current ambiguous situation.

Вероятно, это и стало одной из причин сложившейся на сегодня двусмысленной ситуации.

One drawback to sensitivity analysis is that it gives somewhat ambiguous results.

Один из недостатков анализа чувствительности состоит в том, что он всегда дает несколько двусмысленные результаты.

Avoid ambiguous terms and flowery language.

Избегайте сложных двусмысленных выражений и витиеватых словесных оборотов.

Guys feel your ambiguous position and unwillingness to be bound with obligations.

Парни чувствуют твою неоднозначную позицию, а от желания не быть скованной обязательствами веет холодом.

Rules for determining eligibility for financial support in ambiguous cases.

Ь) правила для определения права на получение финансовой поддержки в неоднозначных случаях.

Morally and ethically ambiguous actions which use that objective as justification merely hinder efforts to eradicate terrorism.

С моральной и этической точек зрения двусмысленные действия, к которым прибегают для оправдания этой цели, попросту подрывают усилия по искоренению терроризма.

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двусмысленный, неопределенный, сомнительный, неясный


- двусмысленный

ambiguous words [allusions] — двусмысленные слова [намёки]

- неясный, нечёткий; неопределённый; допускающий двоякое толкование; неоднозначный

ambiguous answer — неопределённый /невразумительный/ ответ
ambiguous terms — неопределённые /нечёткие/ условия
ambiguous statement — заявление, допускающее двоякое толкование
ambiguous style — неясный стиль
undeniably ambiguous — безусловно допускающий разное толкование
eyes of an ambiguous colour — глаза неопределённого /меняющегося/ цвета

- лингв. неоднозначный; омонимичный

the sentence is two ways ambiguous — (это) предложение двузначно

Мои примеры


the ambiguous position of women in modern society — неоднозначное положение женщин в современном обществе  
an ambiguous situation with no frame of reference — неоднозначная ситуация, не имеющая чётких ориентиров  
ambiguous case — случай неоднозначного рншения  
ambiguous class — неоднозначный класс  
ambiguous cryptogram — неоднозначная криптограмма  
ambiguous data — неопределенные данные  
ambiguous definition — неоднозначное описание  
ambiguous expression — неоднозначное выражение  
ambiguous function — неоднозначная функция  
ambiguous grammar — неоднозначная грамматика  
ambiguous decision — двусмысленное решение  
ambiguous information — неопределенная информация; двусмысленная информация; неясная информация  

Примеры с переводом

His role in the affair is ambiguous.

Его роль в этом деле непонятна.

We were confused by the ambiguous wording of the message.

Мы были озадачены неоднозначной формулировкой сообщения.

He looked at her with an ambiguous smile.

Он посмотрел на неё с двусмысленной улыбкой.

The legislation had been ambiguously worded.

Законодательство было сформулировано неоднозначно.

Due to the ambiguous nature of the question, it was difficult to choose the right answer.

Из-за неоднозначного характера вопроса было очень трудно выбрать правильный ответ.

The language is often elliptical and ambiguous.

Этот стиль речи часто туманен и неоднозначен.

The language in the Minister’s statement is highly ambiguous.

Данное заявление министра составлено чрезвычайно двусмысленным языком.

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

…believing that poetry need not be as perspicuous as prose, he writes poems that are intentionally ambiguous…

…a codicil to the treaty was necessary to clarify certain provisos that had proved to be ambiguous…

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

unambiguous  — недвусмысленный
ambiguously  — двусмысленно, неясно
ambiguousness  — двусмысленность, неясность, неопределенность, неоднозначность

ambiguous — перевод на русский


That’s quite ambiguous.

Это очень двусмысленно.

Because it is so old and ambiguous few lawyers waste their time with it, or mine.

Потому что оно так старо и двусмысленно, что мало кто из адвокатов тратит на него свое время, и мое тоже.

He always presented sex in a supremely ambiguous way.

Он всегда показывает секс крайне двусмысленно.

Saying nothing’s not ambiguous, Dominic.

Молчание не двусмысленно, Доминик.

A London girl would know not to talk of wedding days in such ambiguous terms.

Лондонские девушки не говорят о свадьбе столь отвлеченно и двусмысленно.

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It’s ambiguous; definitely open to interpretation.

Неоднозначно, свободно к интерпретированию.

Who decided this was ambiguous?

И кто решил, что это было неоднозначно?

-I mean, it’s ambiguous, really.

— я хочу сказать, это на самом деле неоднозначно.

That was ambiguous.

Это было неоднозначно.

It was ambiguous.

Это было неоднозначно.

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Ambiguously accepting social standards while transgressing them

Сомнительно принятие социальных, стандартов при нарушении их.

Yes, because the stomach and massive ankles were too ambiguous.

Да, конечно, большой живот и набряклые ноги это очень сомнительно.

— Anyway, that’s ambiguous.

— Это сомнительно.



That’s a bit ambiguous, after what you’ve done to her.

О, это весьма сомнительно после того, что вы с ней сделали.

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It’s meant to be ambiguous.

Это нужно для придания двусмысленности.

«No ambiguous explanation nor attachment of a sexual nature could be detected in the affection which united Christine and Lea.»

И обе сестры были признаны полностью вменяемыми. Согласно заключению экспертов: «В мотивах Леа и Кристин не было ни малейшей двусмысленности.»

Oh, I assure you, there’s nothing ambiguous about me.

Уверяю вас, в моём случае — никакой двусмысленности.

No clear messages, ambiguous at best.

И не кристально чистые сообщения, двусмысленность лучше.

And in every iteration, it is better for you to remain ambiguous about your sexual orientation than to admit to taking illegal amounts of out-of-state money.

И в каждой итерации, для вас лучше двусмысленность вашей сексуальной ориентации, чем признание, что вы взяли большее, чем положено, количество денег в другом штате.

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That it’s ambiguous, that it doesn’t prove its point.

Что все неясно, что возможны различные толкования.

— Go ambiguous.

Выражайтесь неясно.

I delivered a baby with ambiguous sexual genitalia.

— Родился ребенок. С неясными гениталиями.

It’s you who’s being ambiguous.

Ты становишься неясной.

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You play this character with a slightly ambiguous… sexual past, let’s put it that way.

Ты играешь героя с неопределенным сексуальным прошлым, если можно так выразиться…

But I hope you weren’t as ambiguous with korra As you were with asami.

Но надеюсь, что с Коррой ты не был стаким же неопределенным, как с Асами.

Ambiguous sexual identity.

Неопределенная сексуальная ориентация.

Our position within the army is ambiguous enough.

Наше положение в армии и без того неопределенно.

Wait a minute… Forcing someone to be one sex sounds like one of those ethically ambiguous morally-gray-area— type situations.

Заставить кого-то зависнуть в одном состоянии похоже на этически-неоднозначную неопределённую моральную ситуацию.

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Ambiguous (曖昧, Aimai) aka Waisetsu Netto Shūdan Ikasete!! (猥褻ネット集団 いかせて!!) (Wikipedia) (See all definitions)

If the effect of a reform is so ambiguous, it can not have been very significant.


If you’re not sure whether to throw something away, like graded worksheets or other ambiguous papers the kids bring home, use a set of stacking trays, one for each child, as a holding place.


Dogs that responded to the ambiguous tones demonstrated that they expected the sound to lead to a reward.


Some people have tried skipping their breakfast as a purportedly helpful weight loss tactic, but it’s been shown to deliver an ambiguous result, that’s why just to be on the safe side eating more instead of skipping meals has proven to be a better strategy when it comes to boosting your metabolism.


What about data for student consumption… have you seen strategies which ensure students have a clear idea of where they are and where they are going rather than relying on rather ambiguous letter grades?


Don’t shorten the objectives just to a few words it sounds ambiguous and raises questions.


In terms of iconic moments from the original movies, both the chainsaw and and the tree rape are in there, and it’s actually left ambiguous whether this is a reboot or actually a continuation of the original series, leaving open the possibility of a triumphal Bruce Campbell return somewhere down the road.


Compared to the clinch and ground games, though, striking is the most straightforward part as you’ll be doing all kinds of ambiguous rotating to try to execute/block takedowns, passes and submissions.


The main character’s central conflict is hardly a revolutionarily original idea, even if it is more morally ambiguous here, and the execution (outside of the aforementioned conflict-zone scenes) isn’t particularly noteworthy.


Was expecting a more general ambiguous list but pleased to see you actually committed to ideas on the list!


I accept that it was a mistake to include the abstract you mentioned (and some other rather ambiguous ones) in my critique of the Oreskes essay.


In terms of how it looks, what it has to say and how it says it, with its intended or implied meanings ranging from the ambiguous to the sublime, abstract painting has long been and still can be almost anything an artist wants it to be.


Throughout her practice she has explored the ambiguous boundary between a secure place and an insecure one, between the real and the imagined, drawing the viewer into her world of provocative sexual politics.


If that all sounds pretty ambiguous and uncertain, that’s because it is.


Bearing in mind that the sex of the figures in some illustrations is ambiguous, here’s what she found.


The Government went into the June 2001 election ambiguous on the matter, but in the Budget of April 2002, Chancellor Gordon Brown announced that the rate of NICs would rise by 1p in the pound from April 2003.


Kids» online communication is often purposely ambiguous or accidentally cruel — both of which can lead to misunderstandings.


It is ambiguous whether she is exasperated, in thought or dazed.


This is the most ambiguous of the reasons given.


Part of me wants to support women whenever they find themselves in that anomalous position, regardless of their, shall we say, «ambiguous» past.


Cline’s paintings are engaged in a contemporary social critique in which ambiguous narratives are supported by poignant details, obscuring as much as they reveal.


When ambiguous documents are drafted, avoidable disputes are, well, avoided.


Bauserman reported that 26, possibly 27, of the 33 studies were by women (he wasn’t sure of one ambiguous name and apparently did not discuss his meta-analysis with the studies» authors.)


Throughout the narrative The Turing Test attempts to tackle a lot of sci-fi staples, including questions about humanity, what makes a person and whether an A.I. can become essentially human, before wrapping up using the kind of ambiguous ending that writers always seem to think is clever To be brutally honest it’s never as smart as it would like to believe.


Why is his «inspired word» so ambiguous and open to multiple interpretations?


While that’s ambiguous in the brief mention here, it’s clear in his talk that he means this only as the cost for sparing a hen the additional suffering that comes with battery cage production systems, and that the animals affected will still suffer in other ways and be killed earlier than their natural lifespan.


The purposes underlying the rule of lenity for interpreting ambiguous statutory provisions are served by construing § 241 and § 1584 to prohibit only compulsion of services through physical or legal coercion.


Doig plays with shadows to render his bather racially ambiguous.


Lucas’s fleshy, stuffed, sausage-y and weirdly sexual effigies hang from Rodin’s brass nudes, subverting their classical authority with ambiguous, charged power.


Jesus was never ambiguous about the state of the world we’d be born into.


They insist on her ambiguous forms wrested out of male control, materials unfamiliar to sculpture like resin and polyurethane, imagery like lamps and lips at a time of Pop Art, and softer wrinkles in the years before her death.


In the Arctic (which is in a different regime than in the south), GHGs appear to have an effect, but whether it has yet been demonstrated in the real world is ambiguous.


The term «ambiguous» most basically refers to that which has several meanings.


It takes eight different themes, some of which seem very idiosyncratic at first, including an entire room devoted to the sexually ambiguous Jewish artist Claude Cahun, who created a series of self-portraits throughout her life.


Globe-trotting was contrived, backpacking too ambiguous, so finally he came up with «vagabonding».


Whether you were fired, laid off, or dismissed under ambiguous circumstances, you parted ways on your employer’s terms, not yours.


«However, such objects as starfish, bacteria, etc. have an ambiguous status with respect to the class of animals.»


In a new analysis, Kate Walsh, president of the National Council on Teacher Quality (NCTQ), examines the extent to which teacher education has moved away from the rigors of specific training in favor of ambiguous personal and social goals that leave new teachers unprepared.


The noble Scepticus Hath told you Climate was ambiguous.


Using ambiguous terms, such as «Gross Rent» or «Total Net Lease», etc., can result in confusion due to the wide range of definitions used in the industry.


It is true that the «trapping» terminology is a bit ambiguous.


But I withdraw from describing it to myself in a precise way because I want it to remain ambiguous.


Some pot businesses have tried to open bank accounts by setting up management companies or nonprofit organizations with ambiguous names — in other words, by misleading the banks.


«Guise and Dolls» explores the «particular disguises, characters and ambiguous personalities» that both Warhol and Mapplethorpe employed in their work, with a particular focus on their portraits of each other.


The adjectives «wild,» «untamed,» and «domestic» are sometimes used but are ambiguous and can incorrectly suggest that some cats are inherently fierce or dangerous — clearly not qualities that describe community cats.


Fear and hatred of the body and ambiguous beliefs and feelings about sexuality produced negative views of women, another instance of men experiencing «evil» but projecting it elsewhere.


Often this takes the form of an exploration of the conditions of possibility allowing these different practices to produce meaning, and of how this signifying function is a precarious, elliptical and rather ambiguous endeavor.


Critic Jean-Christophe Ammann has suggested that the crux of Holzer’s work lies in the fact that, «At first reading it may elicit agreement, rejection or indifference, yet simultaneously it asserts the difficulties with which one forms an opinion in an ambiguous situation, and forces the reader to at least try to sort himself out.»


As a last film, The Wind Rises is wonderfully ambiguous.


What exactly are we looking at, given the ambiguous title of the exhibition?


Sentences with the word Ambiguous?



  • «ambiguous words»; «frustrated by ambiguous instructions, the parents were unable to assemble the toy»
  • «an ambiguous situation with no frame of reference»; «ambiguous inkblots»
  • «an equivocal statement»; «the polling had a complex and equivocal (or ambiguous) message for potential female candidates»; «the officer’s equivocal behavior increased the victim’s uneasiness»; «popularity is an equivocal crown»; «an equivocal response to an embarrassing question»
  • «what is the meaning of this sentence»; «the significance of a red traffic light»; «the signification of Chinese characters»; «the import of his announcement was ambiguous«
  • «sexually ambiguous«

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