Sentences with the word ambassador

An ambassador is an official envoy, especially a high-ranking diplomat who represents a state and is usually accredited to another sovereign state or to an international organization as the resident representative of their own government or sovereign or appointed for a special and often temporary diplomatic assignment. (Wikipedia) (See all definitions)

During the past 18 years, Sandoval’s career as a chef and restaurateur has evolved to include serving as a culinary consultant, television personality, cookbook author and brand ambassador.


Sue Parke is a fitness instructor, certified running coach and brand ambassador for fitness gear companies.


Joshuah Berman’s article about the 1979 Iranian revolution from Wired Magazine is the basis for Chris Terrio’s Argo script, wherein six American members of the country’s U.S. embassy manage to seek refuge in the home of a Canadian ambassador — after Iranian militants storm the establishment.


Former communications director (yes, another one) Michael Dubke lasted less than three months (86 days) and former national security adviser Michael Flynn might as well have Mooched, resigning after just 24 days on the job amid reports of potentially illegal communications with a Russian ambassador.


Nicole Winhoffer, creator of the NW Method and global ambassador for Adidas by Stella McCartney, Eve Lynn Kessner, a Soul Cycle instructor and holistic nutritionist, as well as a few other experts, created plans and advice for you.


This part of owning a breed ambassador weighs mostly on us humans.


Along with protecting these operatives as they go out in the field, the security detail finds out that the ambassador is returning to the city the next day, and they will need to ensure his safety as well.


Brooklyn Daily article on BP Adams honoring the Colon Cancer Alliance and its Brooklyn ambassador, Dan Foster.


We travelled to Frankfurt, where Hyundai Europe has its Headquarters to take a closer look on the 2016 Hyundai Tucson, a car that according to the the South Korean carmaker, is the new brand ambassador for Europe.


Rome (CNN)- John Paul II was a rock star of a pope, arguably the most effective ambassador of religious belief in a highly secular age.


Lawyer Carl Gardner told the Today programme that Britain was in «uncharted territory», while Britain’s former ambassador to Russia Tony Brenton suggested the Foreign Office had «overreached themselves for both tactical and legal reasons».


Love the fact that you are a blood bought born again ambassador of Christ’s and that your home & family are so important to you.


I’m a 30-something mom to three, brand ambassador.


While still opposition leader, Cameron held half an hour of talks with Obama and his most senior staff at the US ambassador‘s residence in London.


I’d like to think that we’re both ambassadors for what’s best in Finland; open-mindness and an energetic attitude for getting things done.


With social media being so much more prevalent in society, have you noticed any progressive issues arising with athletes, especially when being brand ambassadors or involved with sponsors?


A core group, consisting of a nurse, teacher, administrator, parent, nutritionist, and food service and district public relations employees coordinated contests, high school and community ambassadors programs, a milk and cookie break activity, posters, and publicity in the school and local media.


We want to encourage positive portrayals of these «monsters» as a way to change public perception and fight dog discrimination and abuse by showcasing dogs who are exemplary ambassadors for the breeds (therapy dogs, Canine Good Citizens) or just loving family members regardless of their often horrific pasts.


blackmailing a the japenese ambassador to get water pipes?


As a brand ambassador for Dior, J. Law is often photographed wearing pieces from the acclaimed design house.


And you are our best ambassadors to new members!


They must be engaged, informed and trained to be ambassadors.


Twiggie pictured above is our Adoption Gallery ambassador.


«We hope that the olinguito can serve as an ambassador species for the cloud forests of Ecuador and Colombia, to bring the world’s attention to these critical habitats.»


As owners of Splash Dive Center they want to ensure that our customers have a memorable experience in Belize and that our customers become ambassadors for Placencia, Belize and Splash Dive Center.


Beverly Wheeler a teacher at the Together Trust’s Ashcroft School has been selected as a UK Parliament teacher ambassador.


The Paleo Potluck is a fresh and easy to use recipe App featuring Paleo recipes submitted by well known bloggers, recipe creators, wellness ambassadors, chefs and paleo foodies.


About Blog Milly Voice is a long distance runner, and brand ambassador for Salomon.


Cuomo was joined by Canadian Ambassador Gary Doer and outgoing United States ambassador to Canada, David Jacobson.


In what could be the beginning of the end for booth-dwelling workers, the MTA is in negotiations with the transit union to create a new title, «customer service ambassador,» with new duties.


In other words, this is how you turn apathetic customers into brand ambassadors.


On Nov. 25 the Ministry of Culture contacted the republic’s embassy in London, and the Azeri ambassador sent a letter to MacDougall.


As Samantha Power (U.S. ambassador to the U.N.) said, Putin may not WANT to believe the internet exists, but it does, and it’s filled with images and stories countering his attempt to obscure territorial ambitions behind a screen of bullshit.


Benjamin Ho, the Taiwanese ambassador to Belize, and Dr. Jane Usher, matriarch of the Holy Redeemer Credit Union were awarded this prestigious honor for their long service to the country.


What Our Lady said to St. Juan Diego, she now says to us: «You are my ambassador, most worthy of my trust.»


First of all, I think You are a good ambassador for this kind of lifestyle / diet, Tristan (maybe the best on Youtube,).


The handler or owner of these champions may have received Pro Plan dog food as Purina ambassadors)


In a statement dated March 26, the Bitcoiin ICO operators announced that the token sale had been a «fantastic success» and informed the community that they — along with brand ambassador Steven Seagal — will now «exit» the project.


To begin, Monday, December 3, the Climate & Development Network (RC & D) coordinates and I had a meeting with the French delegation and the French ambassador for climate change, Serge Lepeltier in the hall of the Delegation European French Pavilion.


The Honorable Juan Gabriel Valdés, ambassador of Chile to the United States, visited the College of Veterinary Medicine recently, meeting with university officials to review and propose expansion of the College’s successful exchange program with veterinary colleges in Chile, most notably Austral University in Valdivia.


Story number 2: Malaysian astrophysicist Mazlan Othman has been named by the U.N. as Earth’s official ambassador to any aliens who land on our planet.


I’m a shoe ambassador for them, but I have to admit I never expected their «luxe shoe line» (which is designed and some made in Italy) to be this damn good.


As an Adidas ambassador and a blogger determined to «harness your inner badass,» Chinae’s photos are all about being your best self and rocking your fitness.


To kick off the start of trials, Amanda Boxtel — an ambassador for Ekso Bionics — will demonstrate Ekso live at Kessler Foundation’s 10th Annual Stroll «N Roll at Branch Brook Park.


«Few of us actually do planetary science,» Hummels says of his departmental colleagues, but NASA encourages its ambassadors to tackle subjects that are grounded in things the public can easily visualize.


Craig Murray, a former British ambassador to Uzbekistan, suggested in a blog post that large Western media entities aren’t involved because the ICIJ and its parent are funded by prominent U.S. organizations, such as the Ford Foundation and financier George Soros.


As an ambassador for Manitoba Harvest, I was so excited when they reached out to me to write a blog post about how to eat hemp hearts.


For the past four years, Sir Steve has been an ambassador for Sporting Promise, an initiative that ensures children across the UK have vital access to sports activity in school.


It has included attempts to tie Iran to terrorism on American soil — with a purported plot, so laughable that almost no one believed it, to hire a Mexican drug cartel to kill the Saudi ambassador to Washington.


Another donkey, Chewbacca, was also trick-trained and became an ambassador for rescued donkeys.


ambassador — перевод на русский


Don Diego, the Spanish ambassador.

Дон Диего, испанский посол.

His Excellency, the ambassador from San Rafaelo,

Его Превосходительство… посол из Сан-Рафаэло.

the French ambassador, American millionaires, Princess Retski…

Французский посол, американские миллионеры, принцесса Рэтски…

Vera Marcal, Ambassador Trentino.

Вера Маркал, это посол Трентино.

Ambassador Trentino…

Посол Трентино…

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You’re an ambassador representing America.

Ты — представитель Америки.

— The UN ambassador is in Portugal.

Представитель ООН в Португалии. — Хорошо.

You’re an ambassador for the hotel.

Вы представитель отеля.

I’m not an ambassador of football.

Я не представитель футбола.

Well, I have an ambassador in the neighborhood-

Ну, у меня есть представитель среди местных

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Ah, there’s the French ambassador!

Не кузен, а троюродный брат. А вот и сам французский посланник.

I am Eustace Chapuys, the Emperor’s Ambassador.

Меня зовут Юстас Чапуи посланник Императора.

I am an ambassador.

Я посланник.

I’m a peace ambassador.

Я посланник мира.

Peace ambassador?

Посланник мира?

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It’s Dad’s ambassador friend.

Это папин друг из посольства.

April ’71, appointed Second ambassador to Stockholm,

В апреле 1971-го года его назначают вторым секретарем посольства в Стокгольме,..

This is mister Mansur. Assistant to the ambassador of Turkey.

Это месье Менсур, культурный советник посольства Турции.

He found it in the garbage can of the US ambassador!

Он нашёл её в мусорке американского посольства!

Recently, the record… Tomorrow please have your men lie in undercover to ambush at the Ambassador’s Headquarters

Завтра устройте так, чтобы ваши люди устроили засаду у посольства.

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I’ve failed, Ambassador.

Господин посол, я потерпел неудачу. — Я в курсе!

— Traveling, Ambassador.

— В путешествии, господин посол. Да?

Thank you, ambassador.

Спасибо, господин посол.


Господин посол.

Right away, Ambassador.

Хорошо, господин посол.

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I was not trying to suggest that you not be the ambassador

Я не пытался намекнуть, что ты не будешь постпредом,

The truth is, you have no business being ambassador any more than I do being First Lady.

По правде говоря, у вас нет прав быть постпредом, не больше, чем у меня — быть первой леди.

— I should’ve never made you ambassador.

— Мне не следовало делать тебя постпредом.

You never wanted me to be ambassador.

Ты никогда не хотел, чтобы я была постпредом.

His recent stance against Russia is a continuation of strong-arm diplomacy, carried out by his wife, whom he appointed UN ambassador despite the Senate voting her down.

Его недавняя позиция по России — продолжение дипломатии силы, которую осуществляет его жена, назначенная постпредом ООН, несмотря на отклонение ее кандидатуры Сенатом.

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In two days, you are due at the Ambassador East in Chicago. And then at the Sheraton-Johnson Hotel in Rapid City, South Dakota.

Через два дня вы должны быть в Амбассадор Ист в Чикаго, затем в отеле Шератон-Джонсон в Рэпид-Сити в южной Дакоте.

Three o’clock, Beverly Ambassador, he wants to see everybody.

3 часа, отель Беверли Амбассадор. Он хочет видеть вас всех.

You sure that’s how you get to the Beverly Ambassador?

— Флойд, ты уверен, что правильно описал, как добраться до Беверли Амбассадор?

At the Beverly Ambassador.

В Беверли Амбассадор.

Um, is the Ambassador Suite available for tonight?

А люкс «Амбассадор» сегодня свободен?

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«Crash the French Ambassador’s Masquerade Ball.»

«Взорвать французский посольский бал-маскарад.»

The ambassador suite is quite lovely as well, sir.

Посольский номер тоже весьма недурен, сэр.

The ambassador’s limousine will drive her directly from the consulate to the plane, which only leaves us a few moments between the consulate and the limo to acquire its contents.

Посольский лимузин доставит ее непосредственно от консульства к самолету, и это оставляет нам только несколько минут между консульством и лимузином чтобы заполучить содержание пакета.

I can have the Ambassador Suite ready for you right away, Mr. Secretary.

Я сейчас же скажу приготовить для вас посольский люкс, господин секретарь.

The counsel wants to kick you out of the ambassador program.

Консул хочет выгнать вас из посольской миссии.

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I’m only in the mood for good news today, Ambassador.

Я настроена сегодня только на хорошие новости, г-н посол.

I assure you, Ambassador, my people had nothing to do with this attack.

Уверяю вас, г-н посол, мои люди непричастны к этому нападению.

If you want my cooperation, Ambassador, you’re going to have to do better than that.

Если вы расчитываете на мое сотрудничество, г-н посол, вам прийдется это разрешить.

I’d Iike to resolve this situation peacefully, Ambassador, but let me clarify my position.

Я бы хотела разрешить эту ситуацию мирно, г-н посол, но позвольте мне объяснить мою позицию.

Thank you. I’m honored you could make it, Ambassador Scholl.

Спасибо, рада, что вы пришли, госпожа посол Шуль.

Sorry I had to cuff you, Ambassador.

Простите, что мне пришлось надеть наручники, госпожа посол.

— All due respect, Ambassador, but you know where we are.

– При всём уважении, госпожа посол, но вы знаете ситуацию.


Госпожа Посол.

Car is ready, Ambassador.

— Машина готова, госпожа посол.

Отправить комментарий

посол, представитель, посланец, вестник


- посол (должность и дипломатический ранг)

- (Ambassador) посол (титулование)

Ambassador Harriman — посол Гарриман

- постоянный представитель (государства) при международной организации

the US Ambassador to the UN — постоянный представитель США при ООН
the Danish ambassador to NATO — представитель Дании в НАТО

- посланец, вестник

an ambassador of peace — посланец /вестник/ мира
goodwill ambassador — посланец доброй воли

- посредник, представитель

to act as smb.’s ambassador in a negotiation — выступать в качестве чьего-л. представителя в переговорах, быть чьим-л. посредником, вести переговоры от чьего-л. имени

Мои примеры


a beloved entertainer who has often been sent abroad by the president as his country’s goodwill ambassador — всеми любимый эстрадный артист, которого президент страны часто отправляет за границу в качестве посла доброй воли  
to appoint an ambassador — назначить послом  
to recall an ambassador — отозвать посла  
plenipotentiary ambassador — полномочный посол  
to attend an ambassador — сопровождать посла  
ambassador extraordinary and plenipotent — чрезвычайный и полномочный посол  
ambassador of goodwill — посланник доброй воли  
ambassador at large — посол, полномочия которого не ограничены территорией одного государства  
ambassador-at-large — посол по особым поручениям  
act as somebody’s ambassador — быть представителем кого-то  
ambassador of peace — посланец мира  

Примеры с переводом

The ambassador was recalled to his country

Посол был отозван в свою страну

They said the president was acting under the influence of the ambassador.

Говорили, что президент действовал под влиянием посла.

The ambassador was recalled from abroad.

Посол был отозван из-за границы.

His Excellency the Swedish ambassador

Его превосходительство шведский посол

Not only an ambassador, but an ambassadress had been asked to meet them.

Встретить их попросили не только посла, но и его жену.

His Excellency the French Ambassador

Его превосходительство посол Франции

He has made some good films and he is a good ambassador for the industry.

Он является автором нескольких хороших фильмов и достойным представителем киноиндустрии.

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Примеры, ожидающие перевода

Embassy officials met with the ambassador.

She was offered the post of ambassador to India.

…the provisionary ambassador to the United Nations…

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Возможные однокоренные слова

ambassadorship  — ранг посла, должность, полномочия посла, должность и полномочия посла

Формы слова

ед. ч.(singular): ambassador
мн. ч.(plural): ambassadors

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word ambassador, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use ambassador in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «ambassador». In addition, we also show how different variations of ambassador can be used, the variations for which we also have example sentences are ambassador’s, ambassadorial, ambassadors and ambassadorship. If you click on the variation of ambassador that you are interested in, you will be taken to the list of example sentences for that particular form.

Ambassador in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word ambassador in a sentence.

  1. Elizabeth sent a new ambassador, Dr.

  2. US ambassador Henry Cabot Lodge, Jr.

  3. The British ambassador to Brazil, W.H.D.

  4. Averell Harriman, the ambassador to the USSR.

  5. He was later appointed as the club’s ambassador.

  6. An outraged Howe told Canadian ambassador Lester B.

  7. He is also an ambassador for elephant conservation.

  8. He was later appointed ambassador to the Court of St.

  9. She had two little dogs who barked at the ambassador.

  10. Warren Barbour presented it to the German ambassador.

  11. He served as English ambassador to France in the early 1570s and witnessed the St.

  12. She has served as an ambassador for SOS Children’s Villages in Belgium since 2010.

  13. Richard reconciled with the Canadiens in 1981 and resumed his team ambassador role.

  14. In early September, Congress carried the Tunisian ambassador back to Washington DC.

  15. She was named the global ambassador for the cosmetics company Elizabeth Arden, Inc.

  16. Since Minogue’s breast cancer diagnosis in 2005, she has been a sponsor and ambassador for the cause.

  17. One Western ambassador thought that the raids signaled «the end of the gallant American effort here».

  18. His role as ASO’s brand ambassador was taken over by Stephen Roche, winner of the 1987 Tour de France.

  19. He planned to introduce himself as Apostolic Nuncio and Pereira as ambassador of the King of Portugal.

  20. Morgan is an Australia Day ambassador, and travels to regional towns promoting the annual celebrations.

  21. In 2016, Hathaway was appointed UN Women Goodwill ambassador based on her advocacy for gender equality.

  22. They are considered an ambassador species and are kept for tourism, education and conservation purposes.

  23. In December 1951, President Truman nominated Kennan to be the next United States ambassador to the USSR.

  24. After some indecision, Hay, who did not think he could decline and still remain as ambassador, accepted.

  25. After Jean-Marie Leblanc took over the role as general director, Hinault was named the Tour’s ambassador.

  26. In May 1612 the Duke of Bouillon came to London as the ambassador of Marie de’ Medici, dowager of France.

  27. In his ambassador role, Achebe traveled to European and North American cities to promote the Biafra cause.

  28. The Jordanian ambassador immediately refused and the other five said they would consult their governments.

  29. There she met the 10-gun brig-sloop, Lyra, despatched earlier to herald the arrival of Britain’s ambassador.

  30. Admitting he was «overruled and worn down,» Truman relented and sent an ambassador and made loans available.

  31. Williams has featured as the brand ambassador for the fashion label Band of Outsiders and the luxury brand Louis Vuitton.

  32. The wedding was described by Friedrich Christian Weber, the ambassador of Hanover, as «solemnized by the court in masks».

  33. She then sent a letter to Soviet ambassador to the United States Anatoly Dobrynin asking if Andropov intended to respond.

  34. According to Taliaferro, «only after the deed was accomplished and Hay was installed as the ambassador to the Court of St.

  35. Queen Victoria commented that she had never seen an ambassador who «created so much interest and won so much regard as Mr.

  36. Cornelius Nepos notes his incorruptibility, describing his rejection of a Persian ambassador who came to him with a bribe.

  37. On his retirement from the Navy, McNicoll was appointed by the Australian government as its inaugural ambassador to Turkey.

  38. When the Thai ambassador disagreed, citing his own previous monastic training, Thơ taunted him in front of other diplomats.

  39. Set on an ocean liner, it starred Marlon Brando as an American ambassador and Sophia Loren as a stowaway found in his cabin.

  40. According to Gale, «for a full decade before his appointment in 1897 as ambassador to England, Hay was lazy and uncertain.».

  41. He also arranged for the counterfeit notes to pay the Turkish agent Elyesa Bazna—code named Cicero—for his work in obtaining secrets from the British ambassador in Ankara.

  42. Hay and the British ambassador, Julian Pauncefote, agreed that the United States could control a future canal, provided that it was open to all shipping and not fortified.

  43. Efraim Tendero, born in the Philippines, is an Evangelical leader, an ambassador of the World Evangelical Alliance, former Secretary-General of World Evangelical Alliance.

  44. But getting over a fear is a continuous process and I have been successful so far.» Since 2006, Zinta has been the brand ambassador for the Godfrey Phillips Bravery awards.

  45. British Foreign Secretary Michael Stewart reacted with alarm, convening an urgent meeting the same day with Hughes and Sir Archibald Ross, Britain’s ambassador to Portugal.

Ambassador’s in a sentence

Ambassador’s is a variation of ambassador, below you can find example sentences for ambassador’s.

  1. He never did see the ambassador’s daughter.

  2. The battleship was christened by the ambassador’s wife, Olga Budge de Edwards.

  3. The battleship was christened by the ambassador’s wife, Olga Budge de Edwards, and weighed 10,700 long tons (10,900 t) at the time.

  4. The school moved into a mansion originally intended as the French ambassador’s residence, but it was unable to pay the $3,000 mortgage.

  5. Defying Taylor earned Khánh heightened approval among his junta colleagues, as the ambassador’s actions were seen as an insult to the nation.

Ambassadorial in a sentence

Ambassadorial is a variation of ambassador, below you can find example sentences for ambassadorial.

  1. After the second coup in 1968, El-Shibib was given several ambassadorial posts.

  2. In 1841 Granville suffered a severe stroke which caused partial paralysis, and he resigned his ambassadorial post a few months later.

  3. In addition to his ambassadorial duties Warelwast acted as a royal justice under King William; the records of one case have survived.

  4. During his first spell at Fulham, Robson participated in two ambassadorial Football Association tours in the West Indies in 1955 and South Africa in 1956.

  5. The first group of people claiming to be an ambassadorial mission of Romans to China was recorded as having arrived in 166 AD by the Book of the Later Han.

  6. In 1950, Kennan left the State Department—except for a brief ambassadorial stint in Moscow and a longer one in Yugoslavia—and became a realist critic of U.S.

  7. After the end of his brief ambassadorial post in Yugoslavia during 1963, Kennan spent the rest of his life in academe, becoming a major realist critic of U.S.

  8. In September 1933, Bruce was appointed by Lyons to replace the ailing Sir Granville Ryrie as High Commissioner to the United Kingdom, giving him ambassadorial rank.

  9. Jo Ellison of Vogue writes that she has an «authoritative, almost ambassadorial aura», and Kira Cochrane of The Guardian considers her to be «articulate, sophisticated, [with] a definite hint of grandeur».

  10. Despite an intense schedule of parade ground drill, the main purpose of the visit was ambassadorial and ceremonial, so leave was granted most afternoons and evenings and there were many offers of hospitality.

  11. Since winning the National Australia Bank-sponsored AFL Rising Star Award, Selwood has been involved in several promotions for the bank, in an ambassadorial role and in several television advertisement appearances.

Ambassadors in a sentence

Ambassadors is a variation of ambassador, below you can find example sentences for ambassadors.

  1. And they were, on the whole, great ambassadors for Canada.

  2. Information was also funnelled to US ambassadors and Congresspeople.

  3. Instead, the Guise brothers sent ambassadors to negotiate a settlement.

  4. Later, Persian emperor Khosrau II exchanged ambassadors with Pulakeshin II.

  5. In 1520 Nubian ambassadors reached Ethiopia and petitioned the Emperor for priests.

  6. After the match, Raonic said: «Our goal here is pretty much as ambassadors to Canada.

  7. Smaller ceremonies such as the reception of new ambassadors take place in the «1844 Room».

  8. The Stampede Showband was created in 1971 to serve as the organization’s musical ambassadors.

  9. Previously, in 227 BC, two ambassadors from Megalopolis had been sent to Macedon to request help.

  10. Foreign diplomats, with the exception of the British and Vatican ambassadors, hastily left Warsaw.

  11. In late 202 BC, the Aetolians sent ambassadors to Rome in order to form an alliance against Philip.

  12. Burger and his predecessor, Earl Warren, and ambassadors from 83 nations at the Century Plaza Hotel.

  13. A few days later, he learned that Roman ambassadors were also at Athens, and decided to go there at once.

  14. He finally outmanoeuvred the Thessalians, and secured the release of the two Theban ambassadors without a fight.

  15. The Epirote ambassadors met Vatatzes at Vodena, where they offered Theodore and the young Nikephoros as hostages.

  16. In 2018, The Economic Times considered Vidya to be one of the most prominent celebrity brand ambassadors in India.

  17. David Warner, Charles Cooper, and Cynthia Gouw play the Federation, Klingon, and Romulan ambassadors to Nimbus III.

  18. An emphasis is placed on horsemanship skills and ability to serve as ambassadors for both the Stampede and the city.

  19. The group was named UNICEF goodwill ambassadors in 2008; they held a special concert to raise money for the organisation.

  20. In January 2021, Egyptian authorities were found to be using Instagram influencers as part of its media ambassadors program.

Ambassadorship in a sentence

Ambassadorship is a variation of ambassador, below you can find example sentences for ambassadorship.

  1. In September 1952, Kennan made a statement that cost him his ambassadorship.

  2. He received his first political appointment, the ambassadorship to the Kingdom of Spain 20 years later.

  3. Kennan found his ambassadorship in Belgrade to be much improved from his experiences in Moscow a decade earlier.

  4. News and World Report described the ambassadorship as «one of the most difficult and delicate in all the diplomatic world».

  5. Republican leaders encouraged Cooper to return from India and seek the seat, but Cooper was reluctant to give up his ambassadorship.

  6. His successor, Gerald Ford, officially appointed Cooper to the ambassadorship, and Cooper took leave from Covington & Burling to accept it.

  7. Although Kennan had not been considered for a job by Kennedy’s advisers, the president himself offered Kennan the choice of ambassadorship in either Poland or Yugoslavia.

  8. Adams then went to The Hague to take formal leave of his ambassadorship there and to secure refinancing from the Dutch, allowing the United States to meet obligations on earlier loans.

  9. The following month, in a letter, Hay set forth his own case for the ambassadorship, and urged McKinley to act quickly, as suitable accommodations in London would be difficult to secure.

  10. Cooper initially rejected the offer of the Indian ambassadorship from Secretary of State John Foster Dulles but was convinced to accept it by a personal request from President Eisenhower.

Synonyms for ambassador

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word ambassador has the following synonyms: embassador.

General information about «ambassador» example sentences

The example sentences for the word ambassador that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «ambassador» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «ambassador».

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.


She is pretty much our ambassador.

Она для нас, правда, как посол.

And so the ambassador began with this inelegant phrase.

И вот посол начинает свою речь не с самой элегантной фразы.

You never wanted me to be ambassador.

Ты никогда не хотел, чтобы я была постпредом.

They might pull the ambassador without breaking diplomatic relations.

Стороны могут не ограничиться отзывом послов, а разорвать дипломатические отношения.

As ambassador, it was my job to accompany him.

И, поскольку я был послом, моя работа заключалась в том, чтобы его сопровождать.

I stayed with the ambassador and wrote about what happened.

Я находился с послом и писал о том, что происходило».

Tell his ambassador I want to see him.

Скажи его послу, что я хочу встретиться с ним.

Thank you for your time, ambassador.

Спасибо, что уделили мне свое время, посол.

I appreciate you seeing me, ambassador.

Я благодарен за то, что вы захотели увидеть меня, посол.

I knew that ambassador was crazy.

Так и знал, что посол полный псих.

Our ambassador has been accused of meeting with someone.

Нашего посла обвиняли в том, что он с кем-то встречался.

One ambassador called for any exit to be followed by post-conflict peace-building efforts.

Один посол призвал к тому, чтобы за любым выводом следовали постконфликтные усилия в области миростроительства.

The network also has the role of mainstreaming ambassador.

Сети также принадлежит роль «посла» в деле учета гендерной проблематики.

Like a museum, added the ambassador.

Мы так похожи в этом плане, добавил посол.

Aluprof is an ambassador of passive construction.

Aluprof — производитель алюминиевых систем — стал послом пассивного строительства.

The procedure for appointing an ambassador is time-consuming.

Что касается конкретных сроков назначения послов, то это требует времени.

Since 2010 she is a brand ambassador.

А с 2010 года она выступает послом этой марки.

I am proud to be a sports ambassador.

Я горжусь тем, что являюсь послом от спорта».

The person he appointed as an ambassador.

Я был одним из тех, кого он назначил послом.

The ambassador said that he always enjoys the gymnastics competitions in Baku.

Посол отметил, что всегда с большим удовольствием наблюдает за соревнованиями по гимнастике в Баку.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Предложения, которые содержат ambassador

Результатов: 40278. Точных совпадений: 40278. Затраченное время: 116 мс


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Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

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