Sentences with the word amazing

Synonym: astonishing, awe-inspiring, awesome, awful, awing. Similar words: magazine, analyzing, drama, damage, as a man, pyjamas, dramatic, a matter of. Meaning: [-zɪŋ]  adj. 1. surprising greatly 2. inspiring awe or admiration or wonder. 

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1. Modern technology is amazing, isn’t it?

2. His amazing recovery confounded the medical specialists.

3. You work with amazing speed.

4. It’s amazing that a stranger suddenly become your world.

5. He’s an amazing player to watch.

6. It’s amazing how quickly people adapt.

7. Rain forests are filled with amazing creatures.

8. It’s amazing the difference a few polite words make.

9. It’s amazing how someone can break your heart, but you still love them with all the little pieces.

10. It’s amazing what people will do to get out of paying taxes.

11. It’s amazing how closely Brian and Steve resemble each other.

12. It’s amazing what we can re-member with a little prompting.

13. It was amazing how my mother coped with bringing up three children on less than three pounds a week.

14. The amazing thing is, he really believes he’ll get away with it.

15. It’s not about making the amazing saves. It’s the little things and small things that made great gatekeepers great.

16. The human body has an amazing capacity to repair itself.

17. It’s amazing how much computers have come down in price over the past few years.

18. He concocted the most amazing dish from all sorts of unlikely ingredients.

19. That’s amazing, isn’t it?Sentence dictionary

20. If she’s amazing, she won’t be easy. If she’s easy, she won’t be amazing. If she’s worth it, you won’t give up. If you give up, you’re not worthy.

21. It’s absolutely amazing, believe you me.

22. She has an amazing appetite for knowledge.

23. The minister had made an amazing error of judgement.

24. The film’s special effects are amazing.

25. The amazing thing is, he wouldn’t accept any money!

26. If you compare house prices in the two areas, it’s quite amazing how different they are.

27. His face was a study as he listened to their amazing news.

28. The best thing in life is finding someone who knows all your mistakes and weaknesses and still thinks you’re completely amazing.

29. Outstanding leaders go out of their way to boost the self-esteem of their personnel. If people believe in themselves, it’s amazing what they can accomplish.

30. He remembered our names from ten years ago—isn’t that just amazing?

More similar words: magazine, analyzing, drama, damage, as a man, pyjamas, dramatic, a matter of, alma mater, dramatically, as a matter of fact, wing, ring, bring, swing, saying, thing, cling, saving, landing, voting, dining, ruling, string, singer, timing, ring up, single, finger, rating. 

Sentences with the word Amazing?



  • «She learned dancing from her sister»; «I learned Sanskrit»; «Children acquire language at an amazing rate»
  • «she does an amazing amount of work»; «the dog was capable of astonishing tricks»
  • «New York is an amazing city»; «the Grand Canyon is an awe-inspiring sight»; «the awesome complexity of the universe»; «this sea, whose gently awful stirrings seem to speak of some hidden soul beneath»- Melville; «Westminster Hall’s awing majesty, so vast, so high, so silent»
  • «What ultimately frustrated every challenger was Ruth’s amazing September surge»; «foil your opponent»
  • «the structure consisted of a series of arches»; «she wore her hair in an amazing construction of whirls and ribbons»
  • «the difference in her is amazing«; «his support made a real difference»
  • «a diversity of possibilities»; «the range and variety of his work is amazing«

amazing — перевод на русский


It’s amazing what a nap can do.

Удивительно, что творит сон.

But it is amazing how the pulses stir at the mention of such subjects.

Но удивительно, как пульс учащается при упоминании этих вещей.

How amazing !

Как удивительно!

Isn’t that amazing?

Удивительно, правда?

Isn’t it amazing?


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But making it there is amazing.

Но то, что он смог добраться — это потрясающе.

Why, yes. This is amazing.

Это потрясающе.

— This is amazing.


Utterly amazing.


He is very amazing


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You know, it’s amazing how a man can twist logic to suit his own ends.

Знаешь, поразительно, как можно манипулировать логикой в нужную сторону.

— start amazingly early.

— Начали поразительно рано.

Amazing in this culture.


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Absolutely amazing.

Абсолютно невероятно.

But that’s … amazing.

Но это… невероятно.

You are amazingly kind.

Вы невероятно добры.

That’s what makes Pascal so amazingly modern.

Именно поэтому Паскаль невероятно современен.

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That’s amazing!


Isn’t that amazing?

— Разве это не изумительно?

Oh, it’s amazing.

О, это изумительно.

175, amazing!

175! Изумительно!

— This place is absolutely amazing!

— Это место просто изумительно!

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In the fall, it’s amazing.

Осенью там замечательно.

This is amazing.»

Это замечательно.»

Amazing, though.

Замечательно, правда.

Well, we were amazing.


You look amazing.

Ты замечательно выглядишь.

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Oh, my God, that sounds amazing. Yes.

Боже мой, звучит восхитительно.



This is amazing to see you here, and George dear.

Так восхитительно видеть тут Вас и дорогого Джорджа.

It’s amazing.

Это восхитительно!

Oh, that is amazing!


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Grifter, my dear, you were amazing.

Жулик, дорогой, ты был великолепен.


Да, он великолепен.

I was never good at talking to people in those days but Steve, he was amazing.

В те дни у меня были трудности в общении с людьми. Но Стив, он был великолепен.

He is so amazing.

Он так великолепен.

My friend, Mary, says he’s amazing in the hay.

Моя подружка Мэри сказала, что он великолепен на сеновале.

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That’s positively amazing.

Так здорово получается!

— It’s amazing.

— так здорово!

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Amazing Ha!

Да. Да. Прекрасно.

Isn’t it amazing what they’ve done here?

Разве не прекрасно, что они сделали здесь.

His talents and sensitivities which enabled him to become a great musician, to learn Tuvan, to throatsing, and to understand people are truly amazing.

Его таланты и чувствительность позволили ему стать великим музыкантом, выучить тувинский, горловое пение, и понимать людей, что по-настоящему прекрасно.

Stay, moment, you are amazing!

Остановись, мгновенье, ты прекрасно!

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Ana, you got amazing reviews downtown.

Ана, у тебя были потрясающие отзывы, когда мы выступали в даунтауне.

Not only a underestimated amazing vocalist with an amazing tone, but also an amazing songwriter.

It’s an amazing book and an amazing story.

I do amazing things with amazing people.

These two amazing professions give me an amazing balance.

Amy was amazing, she had amazing talent .

It is an amazing phenomenon, but no more amazing than the telephone.

The award press release briefly recalls the achievements of this amazing woman and her no less amazing husband.

Наградной пресс-релиз вкратце напоминает достижения этой удивительной женщины и ее не менее удивительного мужа.

10 amazing donations from 13 amazing people.

But I do think that we can reach an amazing number of people with an amazing modern, really cool information.

Но я думаю, что мы можем вовлечь удивительное количество людей используя удивительную современную, на самом деле крутую информацию.

And he’d be showing you these amazing statistics, these amazing animations.

This party was amazing, you’re amazing.

I have the most amazing daughter and the most amazing husband.

This is the best one in my opinion, amazing driving and amazing cars.

I am sure that you will be able to search all the amazing songs and have an amazing collection of free album downloads.

Я уверен, что вы сможете найти все удивительные песни и имею удивительная коллекция бесплатных загрузок альбома.

He was really amazing and had amazing music.

Its amazing returns and perfection of every movement made this dance segment in the highest emotional point of this amazing concert.

Ее потрясающая отдача, и совершенства каждого движения превратили этот танцевальный фрагмент в высшую эмоциональную точку это потрясающего концерта.

This is probably the most amazing and amazing picture in its simplicity.

There are groups of amazing rock formations that create an amazing landscape to observe.

Есть группы удивительных скальных образований, которые создают удивительный пейзаж для наблюдения.

Its amazing resorts are posited on the rocky cliffs, all boasting amazing views to the deep blue sea.

Его удивительные курорты расположены на скалистых утесах, все из которых могут похвастаться потрясающим видом на глубокое синее море.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Предложения, которые содержат amazing

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Sentence with word amazing. The sentences below are ordered by length from shorter and easier to longer and more complex. They use amazing in a sentence, providing visitors a sentence for amazing.

  • The effect was amazing! (1)
  • The cheapness was amazing. (9)
  • What an amazing match for her! (4)
  • That is an amazing horrid book, is it not? (4)
  • Only, in such a letter, they were amazing. (10)
  • I thought it amazing he should guess that in Germany. (10)
  • And this proves the great and amazing magnanimity of Beer. (10)
  • These letters of his were the most amazing portion of that fortnight. (8)
  • The marriage amazing everybody scarcely promised fruit, it was thought. (10)
  • It was amazing that she could have this feeling; yet there was no mistake. (8)
  • And the more he thought of that handkerchief, the more amazing his luck seemed. (8)
  • The feats of the equestrian were amazing in their daring, to the onlookers of that period. (21)
  • His blood was still too hot; it is amazing what incidents will promote the loftiest philosophy. (8)
  • We thought him extortionate, and we mostly walked through snow and mud of amazing depth and thickness. (9)
  • The celerity with which intelligent order is evolved from chaos is amazing to the inexperienced observer. (21)
  • Here I shall confine myself to their religion, certainly the most amazing form of superstition in the world. (7)
  • They are noted for their singularities, as their converse with the invisible and amazing distractions are called. (10)
  • At that amazing apparition, he made at first no movement and no sound, while her clear vivid glance ravished his heart. (8)
  • His assurance was amazing, but it was past supper-time, and hunger getting the better of my curiosity, I bade him good-night. (8)
  • At these feasts, which were often of after-dinner-speaking measure, he could always be trusted for something of amazing delightfulness. (9)
  • The crazed gabbling tongue had entire possession of the house, and rang through it at an amazing pitch to sustain for a single minute. (10)
  • You have influence, you have amazing wit, you have unparalleled beauty, and, let me say it with the utmost sadness, you have now had experience. (10)
  • I never mind going through anything, where a friend is concerned; that is my disposition, and John is just the same; he has amazing strong feelings. (4)

Also see sentences for: astonishing, astounding, striking, stupendous, surprising, wonderful.

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