Sentences with the word afterwards

afterwards — перевод на русский


And then afterwards you’ll come with me to the fête?

Но потом ты придешь ко мне в кафе?

And set the body on fire afterwards.

А потом сжечь тело.

We’ll get married, and then we’ll work out some way what we’ll do afterwards.

Мы поженимся, и тогда уж будем думать, что делать потом.

— I did afterwards!

— Но потом я играл!

I once met Alice Alquist. I was taken to hear her… at a command performance when I was 12 years old… and afterwards to meet her in the artists’ room.

Когда мне было двенадцать, я слышал ее в опере, а потом встретился с ней.

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And afterwards…

А позже…

I didn’t tell you afterwards because there were so many things coming up to make me worry.

Я не сказал вам об этом позже, потому что всплыло много новых подробностей, которые заставили меня волноваться.

I’m afraid you’ll do or say something you’ll be sorry for afterwards.

Я боюсь, сейчас ты можешь сказать что-то, о чем позже пожалеешь.

— Yes, sir. But afterwards…

Да, сэр, но позже…

«Afterwards … when we were grabbed,»

Позже… пока мы скрывались,

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Well, the first time, yes, but then afterwards, of course…

Ну да, первое время, но впоследствии, конечно…

But it’s only afterwards, once we’ve won, that the real difficulties begin.

И лишь впоследствии, когда мы победим, начнутся настоящие трудности.

Hope you can often come afterwards

Надежда вы можете часто приехать впоследствии

If will have a meteoric rise afterwards , will hope you take care of more

Если будете иметь meteoric увеличение впоследствии, понадеетесь вы заботитесь о более

And who uses young delinquents. He gets rid of them afterwards in the same way as the other witnesses.

Он берёт в сообщники лишь молодых напарников, от которых впоследствии избавляется, как и от любых свидетелей.

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Afterwards you’ll come to the Rue de Brea. -Exactly. Why do you come into the Rue de Brea?

Затем ты пойдёшь на Рю де Бриард, чтобы встретиться перед ломбардом.

Afterwards a pump is lead into the tube and the loose earth is sucked up.

Затем к трубе подсоединяют помпу и раздробленная земля высасывается.

— Come and have some food with us afterwards.

— Летите, а затем перекусим вместе.

Afterwards we’ll fly to all the settlements.

Затем мы полетим по всем поселениям.

Afterwards I asked him for a job.

Затем я завел разговор о работе.

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He was killed shortly afterwards in a duel.

Вскоре он погиб на дуэли.

He was killed right afterwards.

Он вскоре тоже был убит.

Shortly afterwards I was a woman — and for years my pride was constrained to submit.

Вскоре я стал женщиной — и годы был принуждён держать в узде свою гордость.

A few moments afterwards, at a corner house on the other side of the street, a young officer appeared.

Вскоре на одной стороне улицы из-за угольного дома показался молодой офицер.

I knew a woman once, but she died soon afterwards.

Когда-то я знал одну женщину, но она вскоре умерла.

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Afterwards, Spock rose to commander in chief of the Empire by preaching reforms, disarmament, peace.

Позднее Спок возглавил империю, проповедуя реформы, разоружение и мир.

Yes, a limited supply of free drink afterwards.

Позднее будет ограниченное количество бесплатной выпивки.

And then afterwards, when he played it alone with his finger…

И потом, позднее, когда он сыграл эту песню один с этим своим пальцем…

Shortly afterwards,


He even suggested afterwards I’d be ready for bed.

Он даже предположил позднее, что я буду готов пойти в постель.

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If he didn’t do so then, he must have realised very soon afterwards that this was the most important discovery of his life.

Быть может не сразу, но в скором времени к нему пришло осознание, что тогда он совершил самое важное открытие в своей жизни.

Immediately afterwards, it is explained.

Сразу же следует объяснение:

Since even I was surprised at myself, I ran away right afterwards.

Я сама себе удивилась, поэтому я сразу же убежала.

It’s a five-minute conversation, and then you get to have sex afterwards.

Поговорите каких-то пять минут, а потом сразу займётесь сексом.

Only, it’s just your brother-in-law Mark told us he’d come up here to tell you the news straight afterwards and couldn’t find you.

Но ваш деверь, Марк, сказал, что приходил сюда, чтобы сразу же сообщить эту новость, и не смог вас найти.

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A lot of times kids who are awake during surgery don’t remember afterwards.

Дети, которые долгое время бодрствуют на операции, в последствии ничего не помнят.

Notify Family Afterwards.

Уведомить семью о последствии.

What about Notify Family Afterwards?

А что на счет семейном уведомлении о последствии?

Sometimes they might even thank you for it afterwards.

В последствии вас за это могут даже отблагодарить.

She must have altered the orders afterwards.

Она должно быть изменила чеки в последствии

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And useless afterwards.

Дальше нет смысла продолжать.

Afterwards, I don’t remember anymore.

Дальше я ничего не помню.

— But what happens afterwards?

— Но что будет дальше?

What will we do afterwards?

И что дальше?

What will we do afterwards?

Что нам делать с этим дальше?

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Pleasure it brings you afterwards.

В конце концов это доставляет удовольствие.

Afterwards, women couldn’t compete in the games.

В конце концов, женщины не могли соревноваться в играх.

We thought she’d come home afterwards, but…

Мы думали, что в конце концов она вернется домой, но…

But afterwards too, you kept her around, even though she has her own family and home.

Но, в конце концов, вы продолжали держать её у себя, хотя у неё есть и семья, и дом.

Afterwards I have a henhouse he can guard.

В конце концов, он может охранять мой курятник.

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I didn’t eat for a week afterwards.

Не думаю, что я съел что-нибудь в течение недели после этого.

I also remember how I felt afterwards.

Но также я знала из-за того, как чувствовала себя после этого.

However afterwards people told me I did well.

Однако впоследствии, эти же люди говорили, что я все сделал правильно.

Alberto spoke to me afterwards but I will never forget that episode.

Альберто говорил со мной впоследствии, но я никогда не забуду этот эпизод».

What happened afterwards is more important.

А то, что произошло потом, имеет еще большее значение.

The boy did not know what happened to the little prisoner afterwards.

Этот парень ничего не знал о том, что случилось с этим маленьким узником потом.

One middle-ranking police officer with whom I spoke afterwards admitted this.

Один из офицеров полиции среднего звена, с которыми я впоследствии беседовал, признал это.

However, she discovered that the tiny pieces still functioned as sensors afterwards.

Она обнаружила, после этого, однако, что мелкие кусочки все еще функционировали как датчики.

What happened to them afterwards was obviously horrible.

Но то, что произошло после этого, было, конечно, ужасающе.

He afterwards attacked five enemy machines, destroying two.

После этого он напал на пять вражеских машин, уничтожив две из них.

I felt terrible afterwards, though.

После этого я, конечно, чувствовал себя ужасно.

My hand never made me buy it dinner and cuddle afterwards.

Моя рука никогда не заставляла меня платить за ее ужин или ласкать ее после этого.

I’ll let you yell at me afterwards.

Я позволю вам кричать на меня после этого…?.

You practically lived with him afterwards.

The difference is you didn’t disappear afterwards.

Разница в том, что ты не исчезаешь после этого.

Well, I hope you felt appropriately guilty afterwards.

Ну, я надеюсь, что вы чувствовали соответствующим виновным впоследствии.

Take it somewhere where you can rest afterwards.

Прими ее там, где ты сможешь после этого отдохнуть.

He told what happened right afterwards.

Впоследствии он рассказал, что на самом дело произошло.

Well, afterwards he had a meeting.

I think something happened at that movie or just afterwards.

Я думаю, что кое-что случилось в том кино или только впоследствии.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

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Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word afterwards, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use afterwards in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «afterwards». In addition, we also show how different variations of afterwards can be used, the variations for which we also have example sentences are afterwards—she. If you click on the variation of afterwards that you are interested in, you will be taken to the list of example sentences for that particular form.

Afterwards in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word afterwards in a sentence.

  1. He left the UK soon afterwards.

  2. We’ll meet afterwards, shall we?

  3. Hit it first and think afterwards.

  4. He died shortly afterwards in 1843.

  5. It was demolished shortly afterwards.

  6. What happened afterwards is disputed.

  7. She learned to snake-dance afterwards.

  8. The coins were melted soon afterwards.

  9. Shortly afterwards, James was deposed.

  10. However, it weakened quickly afterwards.

  11. Talha ransomed Abu Ubayda but died shortly afterwards.

  12. This was reduced to a single track shortly afterwards.

  13. The kick missed and the game ended shortly afterwards.

  14. This forced Donauwörth to surrender shortly afterwards.

  15. However, she becomes depressed a few months afterwards.

  16. Law collapsed shortly afterwards and his son accused Alizon of being responsible.

  17. Soon afterwards, Joseph Beecham secretly committed his wife to a mental hospital.

  18. In 1920 and afterwards, Ruth was aided in his power hitting by the fact that A.J.

  19. Soon afterwards, Gabbar and his goons attack Ramgarh during the festival of Holi.

  20. He would continue to wear number 10 to pay tribute to Sparky Anderson afterwards.

  21. The gift was afterwards confirmed by Mathew, Bishop of Aberdeen, within whose diocese the church sat.

  22. Shortly afterwards, three German torpedo boats sortied from Le Havre to attack the bombardment group.

  23. Soon afterwards, the stipulation for the CAS to be a member of the General Duties Branch was removed.

  24. Wenger said afterwards: «We can complain and cry the whole night but that will not change the result.

  25. Rizo’s ships joined the garrison by bombarding the Ottoman attackers who withdrew shortly afterwards.

  26. Soon afterwards, Waters began touring his first solo album, The Pros and Cons of Hitch Hiking (1984).

  27. During the journey, he fell from one of the carriages, and died from his injuries shortly afterwards.

  28. Soon afterwards, he participated in the Battle for No.3 Post, an effort to capture a Turkish outpost.

  29. Shortly afterwards, he handed over command of the Inshore Squadron and transferred back aboard Stuart.

  30. Before this, Quiriguá had been a vassal state of Copán, but it maintained its independence afterwards.

  31. Anning’s family said she had been a sickly baby before the event but afterwards she seemed to blossom.

  32. Shortly afterwards Johnson caught a cold that developed into bronchitis and lasted for several months.

  33. Shortly afterwards, they are attacked by the Ya̧nomamö tribe as revenge for the girl’s rape and death.

  34. Welzl clipped the post shortly afterwards before a Peters cross was headed home by an unmarked Metgod.

  35. Max Mehl purchased 10,000 pieces at an unknown price, selling them for years afterwards at $2.50 each.

  36. Shortly afterwards, the electromagnetic nature of light was demonstrated by the experiments of Heinrich Hertz in Germany.

  37. Hardy and Wright states that «the proofs were afterwards modified and simplified by Hilbert, Hurwitz, and other writers».

  38. Searching the offices afterwards, the POWs found thousands of letters and three months’ worth of Red Cross food packages.

  39. The British government attempted unsuccessfully to block this unilateral act—Rhodesia’s first—for some months afterwards.

  40. Soon afterwards, Grade offered to sell him Northern Songs for £20 million, giving the ex-Beatle «a week or so» to decide.

  41. Soon afterwards, though, RCA executive Bill Enders left RCA for Magnavox and convinced them to look at the console again.

  42. Sarah spent much of her time with him, accompanying him to Tunbridge Wells and Bath, and he recovered shortly afterwards.

  43. The attacks would continue right through the announcement of the Japanese surrender, and indeed for some time afterwards.

  44. After an hour fighting Orient alone, Bellerophon’s mizzenmast collapsed, followed shortly afterwards by the mainmast.

  45. Both Swordfish squadrons disembarked afterwards to make room as she prepared to resume her role as an aircraft transport.

  46. Jim Elliot first heard of the Huaorani in 1950 from a former missionary to Ecuador, and afterwards indicated that God had called him to Ecuador to evangelize the Huaorani.

  47. This came about because it was overseen by Agrippa when he served as aedile, and was even funded by him afterwards when he was a private citizen paying at his own expense.

  48. Sales figures through January 12, 2020, released shortly afterwards, were subject to further adjustment by the Mint, but subsequent figures as of 2021 revealed no changes.

  49. During the Second World War, he was a lieutenant in the amenities service of the Australian Defence Force, and afterwards was a personnel officer at Prince Henry Hospital.

  50. Blythburgh, a mile from Bulcamp and situated near the fordable headwaters of the Blyth estuary, was afterwards believed to be the location of the tombs of Anna and Jurmin.

Afterwards—she in a sentence

Afterwards—she is a variation of afterwards, below you can find example sentences for afterwards—she.

  1. Woodward was killed by his wife shortly afterwards—she claimed she mistook him for a prowler—and when Diamonds Are Forever was published, it was dedicated to Bryce, Cuneo and «the memory of W.

Synonyms for afterwards

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word afterwards has the following synonyms: subsequently, later, afterward, after and later o.

General information about «afterwards» example sentences

The example sentences for the word afterwards that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «afterwards» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «afterwards».

1. A word in time is worth two afterwards

2. Some persons do first, think afterwards, and then repent for ever. 

3. Afterwards I felt a great sense of relief.

4. We saw the film and afterwards walked home together.

5. Shortly afterwards, police arrested four suspects.

6. His heart stopped beating and he died soon afterwards.

7. Charles arrived shortly afterwards .

8. Travel and see the world; afterwards, you will be able to put your concerns in perspective.

9. Afterwards she relented and let the children stay up late to watch TV.

10. Afterwards he spent five minutes with the President of whom he is an unashamed admirer.

11. Don’t worry, your luggage will come on afterwards by taxi.

12. We had tea, and afterwards we sat in the garden for a while.

13. Soon afterwards he left to begin his career in the metropolis.

14. Before the race(, he is fine. But afterwards he is worn out.

15. Afterwards, retrospective fear of the responsibility would make her feel almost faint.

16. Shortly afterwards, Dawson received an invitation to speak at a scientific conference.

17. We had a chuckle about it afterwards.

18. She wondered where they were going to rendezvous afterwards.

19. We all had a great laugh about it afterwards.

20. They separated, and soon/shortly afterwards Jane left the country.

21. Soon afterwards death overtook him.

22. They were very happy ever afterwards.

23. Soon afterwards he separated from his wife.

24. I hope she was suitably apologetic afterwards.

25. Afterwards(Sentence dictionary), we picnicked on the riverbank.

26. Keep your eyes wide open before marriage, and half shut afterwards

27. Expericence is a hard teacher because she gives the test first, the lesson afterwards

28. Everyone would go into the hall for assembly and then afterwards we’d go to our respective classes.

29. The music and the dialogue spoken by the German and French were dubbed in afterwards.

30. ‘The pilot did a super job,’ a passenger said afterwards.

Частота употребления

Кол-во употреблений afterwards на 1 миллион слов: 16.

Примеры предложений

Tom died shortly afterwards.
Том умер вскоре после этого.

The church we went past crumbled five minutes afterwards due to a huge earthquake and more than a 100 churchgoers were buried alive.
Церковь, мимо которой мы прошли, рухнула через пять минут из-за мощного землетрясения, и более ста прихожан были похоронены заживо.

She regretted it afterwards.
Впоследствии она об этом пожалела.

He studied English and afterwards math.
Он позанимался английским, а потом математикой.

One hour of sleep before midnight is better than two afterwards.
Один час сна до полуночи лучше двух после.

Have a bath! You’ll feel fresh and relaxed afterwards.
Прими ванну! Посвежеешь и расслабишься сразу.

He waited until ten and left shortly afterwards.
Он ждал до десяти и вскоре после этого ушёл.

Keep your eyes wide open before marriage, half shut afterwards.
Держи глаза широко открытыми до брака, полузакрытыми — после.

Those who openly declare themselves to be his enemies do not survive for very long afterwards.
Те, кто открыто объявляют себя его врагами, долго после этого не живут.

The art of teaching is only the art of awakening the natural curiosity of young minds to satisfy it afterwards.
Искусство преподавания — лишь искусство пробуждения природного любопытства в молодых умах, которое им предстоит удовлетворить в будущем.

Before tidying up, all my things were lying scattered about in their proper places; afterwards, everything was neatly arranged the devil knows where.
До уборки все вещи валялись на своем месте; после нее все стало аккуратно лежать фиг знает где.

Afterwards when they went out there was not a soul on the sea-front. The town with its cypresses had quite a deathlike air, but the sea still broke noisily on the shore.
Потом, когда они вышли, на набережной не было ни души, город со своими кипарисами имел совсем мёртвый вид, но море ещё шумело и билось о берег.

We went for a swim in the sea and afterwards dried our wet bathing things, sticking them under the windscreen wipers of the car.
Мы ездили купаться в море, а потом сушили наше мокрое бельё, прижав его дворниками машины.

Afterwards I’m gonna watch a movie with a friend.
Потом я буду смотреть с подругой фильм.

Do you plan to join us for a drink afterwards?
Вы не планируете присоединиться к нашей компании, чтобы выпить что-нибудь попозже?

Tom regretted it afterwards.
Том потом пожалел об этом.

In addition, we will issue the ’employee of the month’ award afterwards.
Кроме того, позже мы вручим награду «работник месяца».

Afterwards, he assumed a new identity.
Затем он принял новую личность.

I felt bad afterwards.
Потом я себя плохо чувствовал.

Where will we go afterwards?
Куда мы потом пойдём?

The woman cries before the wedding and the man afterwards.
Женщина плачет до свадьбы, а мужчина после.

Keep your eyes wide open before marriage and half shut afterwards.
Держи глаза широко открытыми до свадьбы и полузакрытыми после.

Where to afterwards?
Куда потом?

And call me afterwards!
И позвоните мне потом!

The worst comes afterwards.
Самое худшее происходит потом.

I don’t know what happened afterwards.
Я не знаю, что было потом.

Come and see me afterwards.
Зайдите ко мне потом.

He will come afterwards.
Он придёт потом.

I’ll do it afterwards.
Я это потом сделаю.

I don’t go to the movies alone because I like to talk to someone about the movie afterwards.
Я не хожу в кино один, потому что после сеанса мне нравится поговорить с кем-нибудь о фильме.

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