Sentences with the word after all

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After all, I meant no harm; I was sure that you would

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Q: What is a sentence with the words after all?

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Tip: See my list of the Most Common Mistakes in English. It will teach you how to avoid mis­takes with com­mas, pre­pos­i­tions, ir­reg­u­lar verbs, and much more.

A common mistake among non-native speakers is inappropriately using the word “of” after “all”. However, it would be wrong to say that this can be fixed by simply omitting “of” every time because there are situations when it is required.

When talking about “all things of a certain kind”, only “all things”, not “all of things” is possible, e.g.

correct All humans are animals.

wrong All of humans are animals.

Similarly, when we talk about the total amount of a substance, such as water, we don’t use “of”:

correct All water on Earth will evaporate in about a billion years.

wrong All of water on Earth will evaporate in about a billion years.

Note, however, that the word “humanity” seems to break this rule, and both “all humanity” and “all of humanity” are in use:

All of humanity was at risk of being wiped out by the disease.

All humanity was at risk of being wiped out by the disease.

“All of” before pronouns

The situation is reversed when the thing in question is replaced by a pronoun; then the only correct variant is the one with “of” (but sentences employing the pattern “all of + pronoun” can almost always be rephrased in such a way that the pronoun does not follow “all”):

correct All of them are animals.

correct They are all animals.

wrong All them are animals.

wrong All they are animals.

correct All of it will evaporate.

correct It will all evaporate.

wrong All it will evaporate.

If you want to understand the real grammatical reason why this happens, here’s an explanation: In the examples at the beginning of this article, “all” was a determiner; it had the same function as words like “the”, “my”, “some”, and similar. On the other hand, in the sentence “all of them are animals”, “all” is a pronoun used as the subject of the sentence (“all are animals” is still a syntactically correct sentence) and “of them” only specifies it.

This still does not explain why “all they are animals” is not correct. “All”, as a determiner, is very unusual in that it can be combined with pronouns, but when this happens, the pronoun always precedes the word “all” (and the verb is usually placed between the pronoun and “all”). This is probably due to the fact that allowing “all” in front of a pronoun would often lead to ambiguous sentences; for instance, “all they know” could be understood either as “all that they know” or “they all know”.

All (of) the things

Finally, the case that usually causes the most doubt arises when “all” is combined with “the”, “my”, “this”, and other determiners. “All” often functions as what grammarians call a predeterminer. A predeterminer is a word that further specifies a phrase that already contains a determiner.

For example, when you say “my friends are eating pizza”, “my” is a determiner that makes it clear that you speak only about friends of yours, not about friends in general, but it still leaves a lot of room for interpretationare all your friends eating pizza? Are only some of them eating pizza?

“All” can be used as a predeterminer to further specify a noun. You can say, “All my friends are eating pizza.” However, as we have already seen, “all” can also be a pronoun, and just like we can say “all of them”, we can also say “all of my friends”. Both variants are grammatically correct:

correct All my friends are eating pizza.

correct All of my friends are eating pizza. (see below)

correct They drank all the water they had.

correct They drank all of the water they had. (see below)

correct All the people I know were there.

correct All of the people I know were there. (see below)

Having said that, the variant without “of” is significantly more common than the variant with “of”, to such a degree that the variant with “of” might be considered unnatural (or colloquial) by some native speakers in certain contexts. My advice is: If in doubt, do not use “of” between “all” and another determiner.

It is also worth noting that only a small number of English determiners can be used as predeterminers, namely all, what (as in “What a mess!”), a lot of (“a lot of my friends”), lots of (“lots of the people”), and both (“both the parents are …”). Other determiners are never used as predeterminers. We cannot say “many my friends”, “those the books”, etc., so we are forced to use “of”, as in “many of my friends” and “those of the books”.

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Complete the sentences using the words from the box.

around, off, through, to

1) She knew him well enough to see … his behaviour. 2) Will you come to the airport to see Lilian …? She is flying to New York. 3) John said he would see … our luggage. 4) Will you see … the children while I’m away? 5) My elder brother saw … my plan at once and told me about it. 6) He saw his relatives … at the bus station. 7) I must go, Dan. See you … . 8) After all those years she had learnt to see … his little tricks and lies. 9) Don’t you think about the puppies. I’ll see … them. 10) Kevin will make a flowerbed. I’ll see … it.

ГДЗ Английский язык 8 класс (часть 2) Афанасьева. UNIT 3. Step 8. Номер №8


Перевод задания
Дополните предложения, используя слова из рамки.

around, off, through, to

1) Она знала его достаточно хорошо, чтобы видеть … его поведение. 2) Ты приедешь в аэропорт, чтобы увидеть Лилиан …? Она летит в Нью−Йорк. 3) Джон сказал, что увидит … наш багаж. 4) Ты увидишь … детей, пока меня нет? 5) Мой старший брат сразу увидел … мой план и рассказал мне о нем. 6) Он видел своих родственников … на автовокзале. 7) Я должен идти, Дэн. Увидимся … . 8) За столько лет она научилась видеть … его маленькие уловки и ложь. 9) Не думай о щенках. Я увижу … их. 10) Кевин сделает клумбу. Я увижу … это.

1) She knew him well enough to see through his behaviour. 2) Will you come to the airport to see Lilian off? She is flying to New York. 3) John said he would see to our luggage. 4) Will you see to the children while I’m away? 5) My elder brother saw through my plan at once and told me about it. 6) He saw his relatives off at the bus station. 7) I must go, Dan. See you around. 8) After all those years she had learnt to see through his little tricks and lies. 9) Don’t you think about the puppies. I’ll see to them. 10) Kevin will make a flowerbed. I’ll see to it.

Перевод ответа
1) Она знала его достаточно хорошо, чтобы видеть насквозь его поведение. 2) Ты приедешь в аэропорт, чтобы проводить Лилиан ? Она летит в Нью−Йорк. 3) Джон сказал, что присмотрит за нашим багажом. 4) Ты присмотришь за детьми, пока меня нет? 5) Мой старший брат сразу увидел насквозь мой план и рассказал мне об этом. 6) Он проводил своих родственников на автовокзале. 7) Я должен идти, Дэн. Увидимся. 8) После всех этих лет она научилась видеть насквозь его маленькие уловки и ложь. 9) Не думай о щенках. Я позабочусь о них. 10) Кевин сделает клумбу. Я позабочусь об этом.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

предложение словом

предложение со слов

фразу словом

предложение со слова «

I’m sure you know somebody who can’t say anything about any idea, plan, or activity without crutching the sentence with the word but.

Уверен, вы знаете людей, которые не могут говорить об идее, плане или деятельности, не испортив предложение словом «но».

He started a sentence with the word «atomic» or «nuclear» and then randomly chose words from the auto-complete suggestions.

«Я начинал предложение со слов «ядерный» или «атомный» и потом выбирал одно из автоматически предложенных вариантов.

Do not start a sentence with the word «but».

He just started every sentence with the word atomic or nuclear and gave the phone to fill in the rest.

Он просто начинал каждое предложение со слова «атомный» или «ядерный» и давал телефону заполнить остальное.

I made up a sentence with the word that I had just learned.

Starting a sentence with the word «you» almost guarantees a non-productive conversation.

Начинать фразу со слова «ты» — верный путь к непродуктивному разговору.

You don’t need to finish every sentence with the word «sir.»

You should avoid beginning a sentence with the word «also.»

You should avoid beginning a sentence with the word «also.»

It is grammatically incorrect to end a sentence with the word «and,» but I get so upset when I think about Ike.

Грамматически неправильно заканчивать фразу словом «и», но я так расстраиваюсь при мысли об Айке.

Insert a period after C, delete whereas and begin new sentence with the word Domestic.

Mr. de GOUTTES wondered whether it was necessary to introduce the second sentence with the word «Nevertheless».

Mr. Lallah suggested replacing the words «as to» in the third sentence with the word «affirming» rather than «stressing» or «suggesting».

Г-н Лаллах предлагает заменить в третьем предложении выражение «что касается» словом «подтверждая» вместо слов «подчеркивая» или «предполагая».

The United Nations Appeals Tribunal, by its decision of 10 October 2011, decided to adopt an amendment to article 5, paragraph 1, by replacing the word «two» in the second sentence with the word «three».

В своем решении от 10 октября 2011 года Апелляционный трибунал Организации Объединенных Наций постановил принять поправку к пункту 1 статьи 5, заменив во втором предложении слово «две» словом «три».

There are two reasons why a writer would end a sentence with the word «stop» written entirely in

СУЩЕСТВУЕТ две причины, почему писателю может захотеться закончить фразу словом «точка», написанным целиком заглавными буквами (ТОЧКА).

And it’s incredibly more for the control group that did the sentences without money and way less not only for the people who unscrambled the sentence with the word salary but also way less if they saw Monopoly money in the corner.

Большинство из контрольной группы, получившие предложения без упоминания денег, гораздо реже из людей, получивших предложение с упоминанием зарплаты, и даже люди, с деньгами из монополии, реже обращались за помощью.

Ok, Ferrari CEO Louis Camilleri implicitly stated that he does not intend to listen to «that word» in the very same sentence with the word Ferrari.

Во время презентации в прошлом году, генеральный директор Ferrari Луи Кэри Камиллери заявил, что не хочет слышать это слово «в той же фразе, в которой есть Ferrari».

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Результатов: 17. Точных совпадений: 17. Затраченное время: 50 мс


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