Sentences with the word acquainted

acquainted — перевод на русский

Pardon me, pearl, are you acquainted with Monstro, the whale?

Прошу прощения, вы не знакомы с чудовищем?

How long before the death of Carlsen were you acquainted with Joe Fabrini?

Как долго Вы были знакомы с Джо Фабрини?

Are you two already acquainted?

Уже знакомы?

I’m sure my brother wasn’t aware they were so well acquainted when he hired Halliday.

Уверен, мой брат не знал, что они настолько знакомы, когда он брал Хэллидэя на работу.

— You’re not acquainted with Paris?

— Вы не знакомы с Парижем?

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Might as well get acquainted.

Неплохо бы нам познакомиться.

Why shouldn’t they get acquainted?

А почему бы им не познакомиться поближе?

— That’s why we have to get acquainted.

Вот почему нам нужно познакомиться.

I figured it was about time for us to get acquainted.

Может, пора нам познакомиться?

Well, you and your wife will have a chance to get acquainted.

Ну, теперь у вас с женой будет время чтобы познакомиться поближе.

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Some people pick the best time to keep others from becoming acquainted.

— Хорошо, доктор. Зачем вы его отослали? Ну почему некоторые люди мешают другим… знакомиться и общаться.

Well, let’s get acquainted then. I’m Alexei.

Что ж, давайте знакомиться Алексей.

Shall we get acquainted?

Будем знакомиться?

Let’s get acquainted.

Давайте знакомиться.

Well, I’ll let you two get acquainted.

Ну, я оставлю вас двоих знакомиться.

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No, Alex and I want to investigate Black Island and get acquainted with the spooks.

Нет, мы с Алексом исследуем Чёрный остров и заведём знакомство с призраками.

So, we got acquainted, as people say.

Итак, как говорится, мы завели знакомство.

I assure you, once Bob and I are done getting acquainted everyone else will get their turn.

Я уверяю вас, как только Боб и я завершим знакомство каждый желающий получит долю!

— You were more than acquainted, I think.

— Думаю, это было больше, чем простое знакомство.

A pleasure to meet you, though I fear we shan’t be acquainted for too long.

Приятно познакомится, хотя, боюсь, знакомство наше будет недолгим.

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I’m not acquainted with it.

Я не знаю это стихотворение.

I am not acquainted with the mechanisms, sir.

Я не знаю, как это делается, сэр.

Sir John, Sir John, I am well acquainted with your manner of wrenching the true cause the false way.

СэрДжон,сэрДжон, я отлично знаю вашупривычкуизвращатьистину.

Are we acquainted?

Я его знаю?

You are acquainted with Lieutenant Feraud?

Вы знаете лейтенанта Феро?

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Get well acquainted with the rule book.

Хорошенько ознакомьтесь со сводом правил.

Gentlemen, acquaint yourself with the roof.

Джентльмены, ознакомьтесь с крышей.

Acquaint yourselves with the case files.

Ознакомьтесь с материалами дела.

And get acquainted with that bad boy.

И ознакомьтесь с чертовкой.

Get acquainted. We go out tomorrow afternoon.

Ознакомьтесь тогда, завтра вечером мы выезжаем.

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I am Admiral Bullock and I’ll be acquainting you with our facility.

Я адмирал Буллок и я познакомлю вас с нашим комплексом.

«I should be pleased to acquaint your own dear son,

«я с удовольствием познакомлю твоего дорогого сына,

I’ll get acquainted with you later.

Я познакомлю вас позже.

Acquaint him with the instruments of torture.

Познакомьте с орудиями пыток.

Sergeant Tucker, acquaint Lieutenant Greeves with Widowmaker.

Сержант Такер, познакомьте лейтенанта с Вдоводелицей.

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«i wish to acquaint you with some of the occurrences «of the present, past and future.

Желаю ознакомить вас с некоторыми событиями настоящего, прошлого и будущего.

My father asked me to acquaint him with all things Grayson Global.

Мой отец попросил меня ознакомить его с делами Грэйсон Глобал.

It’s simply a question of acquainting you with the more formal methods that will benefit our future work together.

Это всего лишь для того чтобы ознакомить вас с более формальными методами Это пойдёт на пользу нашей будущей работе.

Make yourself and all the officers acquainted with those orders.

Ознакомьтесь сами и ознакомьте всех офицеров с приказом.

Dear Vaso, have the comrade acquainted with our specifics, let him familiarize himself with the collective.

Уважаемый Васо, ознакомьте товарища со спецификой, ПУСТЬ ОСВОИТСЯ С коллективом.

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Mercedes, in our family we need time to get acquainted.

Знаешь, Мерседес, в нашей семье считают, чтобы узнать друг друга, нужно время.

Actually, your brother and I are well acquainted.

Вообще-то мы с вашим братом хорошо друг друга знаем.

Might give you two an opportunity to get better acquainted.

У вас двоих появится возможность узнать друг друга получше.

I thought we got acquainted pretty well, you and me.

Ведь мы друг друга так хорошо изучили.

But why don’t we just get acquainted?

Может, хотя бы немного узнаем друг друга.

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— Still building your pyramid? Perhaps I should acquaint you with the fact that those pyramids became their builders’ tombs.

Тебе будет полезно узнать, что пирамиды стали могилами для их строителей.

I’ve got plenty of time to get more acquainted with the woman… who’s made my boy so happy.

У меня полно времени, чтобы узнать девушку, которая так осчастливила моего сына.

Ought I acquaint myself with its meaning?

Позвольте узнать его значение.

Don’t you want to get acquainted with mine?

Разве не хочешь узнать мою?

We were just getting better acquainted with Kalinda.

Мы только начали лучше узнавать Калинду.

Отправить комментарий

знакомый, знающий


- знакомый (обычно не близко)
- знающий, информированный

Мои примеры


become better acquainted with — лучше познакомиться с  
acquainted with — знакомый с  
be acquainted — познакомиться; быть знакомым; знакомиться  
become acquainted with — знакомиться  
become acquainted — познакомиться; ознакомиться; знакомиться  
get acquainted — присматриваться; познакомиться; ознакомляться  
getting acquainted — ознакомление  
make acquainted with — ознакомиться  
to be acquainted with — быть знакомым с  
to get acquainted — знакомиться  

Примеры с переводом

Are you acquainted with him?

Вы знакомы с ним?

I want to get more acquainted with immigration laws.

Я хочу лучше познакомиться с иммиграционным законодательством.

She was well acquainted with classical literature.

Она была хорошо знакома с классической литературой.

Were you acquainted with a friend of mine, Daniel Green?

Были ли вы знакомы с моим другом Даниэлем Грином?

We would like to get better acquainted.

Мы хотели бы познакомиться поближе.

We acquainted him with the melancholy truth

Мы познакомили его с печальной правдой

The lawyer acquainted himself with the facts of the case.

Адвокат ознакомился с фактами по этому делу.

They were acquainted with the elements of farriery.

Они немного умели подковывать лошадей.

I am intimately acquainted with the state of my bank account.

Я хорошо знаком с состоянием своего банковского счёта.

There are peculiarities or notabilities of which I am not acquainted.

Существуют особенности и примечательные факты, которых я не знаю.

The lettered crowd is well acquainted with the author, but the average person probably hasn’t heard of him.

Этот писатель хорошо известен в литературных кругах, но обычные люди, вероятно, о нём и не слышали.

In some counties they are not much acquainted with admeasurement by acre.

В некоторых странах не очень знакомы с измерениями в акрах.

Возможные однокоренные слова

acquaint  — познакомить, знакомить, перезнакомить, сообщать, извещать
unacquainted  — незнакомый, не знающий о

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.


I never knew they were acquainted.

Мне неизвестно о том, что они были знакомы.

They may well have been acquainted since childhood.

Вы с ними хорошо знакомы, возможно, с самого детства.

Somewhat later, the US acquainted personally with this technique during its own intervention in Lebanon.

Несколько позже США ознакомились лично с этой техники в период собственной интервенции в Ливан.

Being a small group, we got acquainted quickly and talked about everything except politics, upon my request.

Будучи небольшой группой, мы все быстро познакомились и говорили обо всем, кроме политики — по моей просьбе.

On that day, after lunch, we «officially» became acquainted in the classroom.

В тот же день, после обеда, мы «официально» познакомились на занятиях.

Certainly their families would have been acquainted.

Однако нет сомнений, что семьи их были знакомы.

We were acquainted nearly 40 years.

Мы были знакомы едва ли не сорок лет.

Studies are acquainted to individuals from college once they were required to create them within the fundamental subjects.

Доклады знакомы студентам еще со школы, когда приходилось писать их по основным предметам.

I was closely acquainted to such a person.

А вот я была близко знакома с таким человеком.

Of course, the core members have been acquainted for much longer.

Хотя, безусловно, главы государств уже давно знакомы.

In very formal or business situations first names are not commonly used until people are better acquainted.

В очень формальных или деловых ситуациях имена обычно не используются, пока люди не будут лучше знакомы.

People involved in a chat are likely not acquainted in real life.

Люди, участвующие в чате, вероятно, не знакомы в реальной жизни.

You may prefer to stay in your current role, working with those with which you are well acquainted.

Вы можете предпочесть остаться в своей нынешней роли, работая с теми, с кем вы хорошо знакомы.

But there is a darker side to gambling with which ancient civilisations were also well acquainted.

Однако у азартных игр существует и темная сторона, с которой древние цивилизации были хорошо знакомы.

The actors are well acquainted and feel the game of each other, so the viewer can easily believe in their story.

Актеры прекрасно знакомы и чувствуют игру друг друга, поэтому зрителю легко поверить в их историю.

In life, young people are not even acquainted.

В жизни молодые люди даже не знакомы.

This was a private concert hall, and it is there that we got acquainted.

Это был частный концертный зал, и вот там-то мы и познакомились.

I have been acquainted enough with his energy to know the struggle he went through.

Я была достаточно знакома с его энергией, чтобы понять, через какую борьбу он прошел.

When communicating with a girl or boy who is newly acquainted, there is a personal zone between them.

При общении с девушкой или парнем, которые недавно знакомы, существует личная зона между ними.

As for the deceased, we are somewhat well acquainted.

Что касается российских отрезков, то они нам более-менее знакомы .

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Предложения, которые содержат acquainted

Результатов: 1560. Точных совпадений: 1560. Затраченное время: 126 мс


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Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word acquainted, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use acquainted in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «acquainted».

Acquainted in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word acquainted in a sentence.

  1. George Tucker and became acquainted with future president John Tyler.

  2. They said that both Sharp and Beauchamp had been acquainted with John W.

  3. Bloc Party took three sessions to get acquainted with Epworth’s methodology.

  4. In 1893 they became acquainted during summer vacations in Bar Harbor, Maine.

  5. Here Jackson became acquainted with their daughter, Rachel Donelson Robards.

  6. He was also well acquainted with Daniel Webster, Henry Clay, and Roger Taney.

  7. He became acquainted with Slovak; the two spoke months before Slovak’s death:.

  8. Wilson had become acquainted in 1977 during the filming of The Spy Who Loved Me.

  9. There he became acquainted with Juan de Valdés, a leader of the spirituali movement.

  10. Meanwhile, at Los Alamos, Tuck acquainted the US researchers with the British efforts.

  11. Aaron and Christian become acquainted after several encounters in the apartment complex.

  12. Sarabhai agreed and through her Cage became acquainted with Indian music and philosophy.

  13. Arnold called for 200 bateaux (boats) and for «active woodsmen, well acquainted with bateaux».

  14. In 1917 she became acquainted with a mother of newborn twins, one of whom was chronically ill.

  15. Yost, a manufacturer with whom he had been acquainted, who suggested showing the machine to E.

  16. Rimsky-Korsakov wrote that he became acquainted with budding music patron Mitrofan Belyayev (M.

  17. One of the first directors Kripke had become acquainted with and learned from was David Nutter.

  18. The two became acquainted at a Little Theater group when they were cast together in The Dark Tower.

  19. The Kruger and Steyn families were acquainted and Casper occasionally visited Bulhoek as a young man.

  20. Invited to a garden party at Martin’s home, it was there Houston first became acquainted with Margaret.

  21. Friedrich was acquainted with Philipp Otto Runge, another leading German painter of the Romantic period.

  22. Woolly mammoth tusks had been articles of trade in Asia long before Europeans became acquainted with them.

  23. Munni Dhawan, a close friend of Kapoor, suggested he consider Kapadia, having been acquainted with her father.

  24. Early in 1639, Hutchinson became acquainted with Samuel Gorton, who attacked the legitimacy of the magistrates.

  25. There, he became acquainted with Ana María Huarte, the wife of the future Emperor of Mexico, Agustín de Iturbide.

  26. McAleer became acquainted with the Spanish monarch during a European tour with the Red Sox in the winter of 1912–13.

  27. Although Shakespeare may have been acquainted with Robert Dover, there is no evidence that he ever attended the games.

  28. I was afforded the opportunity to become acquainted with the life and work of the leading state university of the time».

  29. He became acquainted with the future Empress consort Ana María Huarte and was made chaplain to the future imperial family.

  30. Wirt corresponded with men who had heard the speech and others who were acquainted with people who were there at the time.

  31. He is known for being people-friendly and particularly gentle with children who became acquainted with him prior to each game.

  32. Narita notes Cai’s role meant he would have had many chances to become acquainted with the most powerful people in the empire.

  33. Such a call was not unwarranted: Davison had been acquainted with Edward and shared that brother’s conservative musical views.

  34. Dürer who was acquainted with the Portuguese community of the factory at Antwerp saw the second letter and sketch in Nuremberg.

  35. The Ripper victims were not known to be acquainted with each other or Annie Crook, who lived on the other side of Central London.

  36. A knife was usually shared with at least one other dinner guest, unless one was of very high rank or well acquainted with the host.

  37. Though marketed as fiction, even people who were acquainted with the Terhunes and Lad reportedly believed that the stories were real.

  38. Within the CPGB the young couple became acquainted with Wal Hannington, leader of the National Unemployed Workers Committee Movement.

  39. During the early 1930s, he became acquainted with William Sowders’ School of the Prophets, a Pentecostal group in Kentucky and Indiana.

  40. Chopin was also acquainted with the poet Adam Mickiewicz, principal of the Polish Literary Society, some of whose verses he set as songs.

  41. He was friends with Théophile Gautier and Pierre-Marie-Charles de Bernard du Grail de la Villette, and he was acquainted with Victor Hugo.

  42. Garran was a keen supporter of the federation movement, and became acquainted with leading federalists like George Reid and Edmund Barton.

  43. He also became acquainted with several young gifted musicians, including fellow Liszt pupil Giovanni Sgambati and violinist Ettore Pinelli.

  44. While at Hillcrest, she became acquainted with records by Patti Smith, the Runaways, and the Pretenders, who later inspired her to start a band.

  45. During his time there, he became acquainted with a number of ecclesiastics, including the future Pope Adrian IV, and the writer John of Salisbury.

  46. He became acquainted with many prominent men of the day, including the writer Richard Hakluyt and the mathematicians Robert Hues and Edward Wright.

  47. Subsequently from 1964 onwards, Reagan began to attend church services at Bel Air Presbyterian Church, where he became acquainted with Donn Moomaw.

  48. The northern Chinese under the rule of the Jurchen Jin dynasty became acquainted with the windmills of the Islamic world in the early 13th century.

  49. In 1993, following a storyline in which he becomes acquainted with Marty Saybrooke, he initiates a gang rape on her with the help of Zach and Powell.

  50. Takashi Numazawa, who was the session drummer of Sheena’s album Utaite Myōri: Sono Ichi (2002), was acquainted with the drummer of Toto, Jeff Porcaro.

Synonyms for acquainted

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word acquainted has the following synonyms: acquainted with, familiar with and familiar.

General information about «acquainted» example sentences

The example sentences for the word acquainted that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «acquainted» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «acquainted».

Random good picture Not show

1. To be acquainted with the merit of ministry, we need only observe the condition of the people. 

2. I am acquainted of the facts.

3. Are you fully acquainted with the facts?

4. Are you acquainted with my brother?

5. Employees should be fully acquainted with emergency procedures.

6. I’m acquainted with that person.

7. I am not personally acquainted with the gentleman in question.

8. He was well acquainted with the literature of France(, Germany and Holland.

9. Were you acquainted with a friend of mine, Daniel Green?

10. The students are already acquainted with the work of Shakespeare.

11. It’strue we were acquainted, but no more than that.

12. He brought me acquainted with her.

13. He acquainted his classmate with my sister.

14. You will soon become fully acquainted with the procedures.

15. We would like to get better acquainted.

16. I would like to get acquainted with her.

17. Are you acquainted with my elder sister?

18. How did they become acquainted?

19. The General Secretary is already acquainted with the facts.

20. Are you fully acquainted with the latest situation there?

21. I am not personally acquainted with her.

22. He quickly got acquainted with the new regulations.

23. He acquainted his classmate with my younger brother.

24. She was well acquainted with classical literature.

25. Are you acquainted with the president of the university?

26. Are you acquainted with the works of Shakespeare?

27. We got acquainted at the conference.

28. I am well acquainted with her family.

29. I’m acquainted with the girl.

30. Once there were no two hearts so open, no feelings so in harmony. Now we are strangers, worse than strangers, for we may never become acquainted.

More similar words: painter, interested, integrated, maintenance, acquisition, acquiescence, maintain, talented, ain’t, faint, intent, intend, unprecedented, dainty, in tears, intense, Internet, internal, interior, interval, interest, interact, complaint, in the main, paintwork, intensity, interrupt, integrate, interpret, in terms of. 

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