Sentences with the word accord

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V6 Accord оснащен новой стабильной системой и улучшенной подвеской.

V6 Accords are equipped with a new stable system and improved suspension.

Читайте также: Honda реагирует на давление продаж, сокращает цены аренды accord

Honda Responds to Sales Pressure, Cuts Accord Lease Prices

Accord шестого поколения на момент своего выпуска отвечал самым строгим критериям безопасности.

The sixth generation Accord at the time of its release met the most stringent safety criteria.

В английском языке слово «accord» означает соглашение, гармонию, взаимопонимание.

In English, the word «accord» means agreement, harmony, mutual understanding.

Corda — игра английских слов «accord» (соглашение) и «cord» (прямая линия между двумя точками в круге).

Corda is a play on words incorporating ‘accord‘ (agreement) and ‘cord’ (the straightest line between two points in a circle).

В дипломатических кругах высказывают острое недовольство поведением России, не в меньшей мере потому, что она является одним из подписантов Дейтонских соглашений (Dayton accord), которые в декабре 1995 года положили конец боснийской войне.

There is acute frustration in diplomatic circles with Russia’s attitude, not least because it is a signatory to the Dayton accord, which ended the Bosnian war in December 1995.

В 1979 году истёк срок пребывания британского военно-морского флота на Мальте, и он был вынужден уйти в соответствии с соглашением Нейлсена (Neilsen accord).

In 1979 the British naval presence in Malta was ended and they were evicted under the Neilsen accord.

of one’s own accord добровольно, по собственному почину

Sua sponte — of one’s own accord; voluntarily

Данный вопрос вторит вопросам, заданным Махатмой Ганди в связи с его «политикой согласия» («politics of accord«) (ср. L. Gandhi 2011).

This question echoes those posed by Mahatma Gandhi regarding his «politics of accord» (cf. L. Gandhi 2011). ↩

Он должен использоваться с стенами Accord 22 дюйма.

It must be used with the Accord 22 in. walls.

Более длинная колесная база Accord предоставляет кабине дополнительные 2,4 кубических фута внутреннего пространства.

The Accord’s longer wheelbase lends the cabin an extra 2.4 cubic feet of interior space.

Благодаря оцинкованному кузову, Accord этого поколения хорошо сопротивляется коррозии.

Thanks to the galvanized bodywork, this generation Accord resists corrosion well.

За эти годы Accord приобрел репутацию пуленепробиваемой надежности, внимания к деталям и веселой динамики вождения.

Over the years, the Accord developed a reputation for bullet-proof reliability, attention to detail, and perky driving dynamics.

Седан Accord увидел свет только год спустя.

Accord sedan saw the light only a year later.

Впервые Accord будет доступен с двигателем с турбонаддувом.

For the first time, the Accord will be available with a turbocharged engine.

Honda предложила ряд стилей тела и различных вариантов модели Accord.

Since its beginning, Honda has offered several different body styles and versions of Accord.

Сегмент седанов среднего размера противоположный, поскольку Самгу превосходит Accord почти на 43000 единиц.

The mid-size sedan segment is the opposite as the Camry is outselling the Accord by nearly 43,000 units.

Модели CL и TL созданы на платформе Accord последнего поколения.

The CL and TL models are built on the Accord platform of the latest generation.

Модели CL и TL созданы на платформе Accord последнего поколения.

The CL and TL are created on the platform of the last generation Accord.

Поэтому в 2013 году LPP стала единственной польской компанией, подписавшей международное соглашение ACCORD.

Therefore, in 2013, LPP was the only Polish company to sign the international ACCORD agreement.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

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соответствие, согласие, соглашение, предоставлять, соответствовать


- согласие, единство; гармония

true accord of hearts — подлинный союз сердец
to be in accord, to be of one accord — сходиться во взглядах, придерживаться одного мнения
to bring into accord — согласовывать, приводить к согласию

- гармоничное сочетание, гармония (красок и т. п.)
- муз. аккорд
- соглашение; договор; договорённость

of its own accord — само по себе, самотёком
of one’s own accord — добровольно, по собственной воле, по собственному почину
with one accord — единодушно, единогласно
in accord with smth. — в соответствии с чем-л., согласно чему-л.
out of accord with smth. — вразрез с чем-л., в противоречии с чем-л.


- предоставлять, жаловать

to accord a warm [hearty] welcome — оказать тёплый [радушный /сердечный/] приём
to accord smb. permission — дать разрешение кому-л.
to be accorded permission to do smth. — получить разрешение сделать что-л.
to be accorded wide recognition — получить широкое признание

- (обыкн. with) согласовываться, гармонировать, соответствовать

his conduct and his principles do not accord — его поведение плохо согласуется с его принципами
to accord with smb.’s hopes [wishes] — отвечать чьим-л. надеждам [желаниям]

Мои примеры


to come to accord, to reach an accord — достичь договорённости  
to accord with what has gone before — согласовываться, совпадать с тем, что было прежде  
to accord with smb.’s wishes — отвечать чьим-л. желаниям  
to accord a hearty welcome — оказать радушный прием  
to accord smb.’s request — выполнить чью-л. просьбу  
to accord / give (smb.) a reception — встретить кого-л., оказать кому-л. приём  
of one’s own accord with — быть в согласии  
the accord between smb and smb — соглашение между кем-л. и кем-л.  
in accord with smth — в соответствии с чем-л.  
international accord — международное соглашение  

Примеры с переводом

We are in accord with your proposal.

Мы согласны с вашим предложением.

It doesn’t accord with what you said yesterday.

Это не соответствует тому, что вы говорили вчера.

He decided to go of his own accord.

Он решил идти по своему усмотрению.

Our information does not accord with his report.

Наша информация не совпадает с его отчётом.

They came to an accord that profits would be shared equally.

Они договорились разделить доходы поровну.

We accorded him a hero’s welcome.

Мы встретили его как героя.

In many cases the disease will clear up of its own accord.

Во многих случаях болезнь проходит сама по себе.

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Примеры, ожидающие перевода

…claims that the newspaper’s quote does not accord with what he actually said…

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Возможные однокоренные слова

disaccord  — разногласие, расхождение, расходиться во взглядах
accordance  — соответствие, согласие, предоставление, гармония
accordant  — созвучный, соответственный, согласный
according  — следовательно
accordion  — аккордеон, баян, гармоника

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: accord
he/she/it: accords
ing ф. (present participle): according
2-я ф. (past tense): accorded
3-я ф. (past participle): accorded

ед. ч.(singular): accord
мн. ч.(plural): accords

Definition of Accord

agreement or concurrence of opinion

Examples of Accord in a sentence

The entire table was in accord that mozzarella sticks would be the appetizer.


Because all the members were already in accord, the council decided to cancel the meeting.


The parents were arguing because they were not in accord with how to discipline their teenager.


All the singers were in accord with one another during the performance.


To be in accord, the team wore the same color shirts to the rally.


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  • Use the word ACCORD in a sentences

Sentence Examples

Then eighteen-fourteen came and with it accord;

And since he realizes that despite all his love he would always only be his wife’s husband, he leaves of his own accord,

But you told me you became that monster tonight… not of your own accord.


Besides, you came to me of your own accord to offer your apologies, but those apologies are worthless unless repeated before your peers.

Why don’t you ever kiss me of your own accord?

They accord a civic welcome to this relic of medieval superstition…

The count intervened on your behalf to accord you an unlimited leave.

But if the juice dries up of its own accord that’s an act of providence.

Fill the heavens with sweet accord

A Leo and Sagittarius might do it if Saturn were in accord.

And he’s so stupid, so stubborn, so pigheaded that he’ll never return of his own accord unless I humble myself to him.

Now, I suggest that you allow him to remain here till he’s perfectly ready to go home of his own accord.


«In granting a full pardon to Frank James… «he has shown himself to be a man… «who acts in full accord

«I wish to state that Mr. Alfred Kralik leaves my employ of his own accord.

Or else it just got up and walked away of its own accord.

Who ever heard of a body getting up and walking away of its own accord?

Sorry, but I’m not in accord.

Now it’s only a question of how long it will take the world to accord him the honour he deserved during his life.

Then, Duke of Burgundy, you must gain that peace with full accord to all our just demands.

I was in complete accord with her on that point.

Don left at 6:30 this morning, of his own accord.

My client feels, and I am in complete accord with her, that she has been irrep…

We are in accord, Mr. Holmes.

And in advance The critics are all in accord

However, I shall tell you that on account of conversation with Sir Edward… we are in accord with British government… regarding consulates and other matters relating to security of this nation.

You know, a relationship without purpose or mental accord is sterile.

Hmm… That’s love that’s in accord with reason and one’s parents’ judgment.

It’s my tribute to a woman who can keep her husband and her lover… in perfect accord with each other for 1 0 years.

You talked to me of your own accord.

This gentle and unforced accord of Hamlet… sits smiling to my heart.

That’s why I want him to come back and confess of his own accord.

A gentleman she’d gone to of her own accord… who asked her to give up her pals, which she did?

I thought so. By the mutual accord presented before me…

Dardo. I must insist that we accord our lovely guest the respect due her position.

Or are you coming of your own accord?

You went with him of your own accord, didn’t you? Didn’t you?

Counsel for the defense, are you in accord?

I d like to strike a note of accord in time for the inspection… give an impression of a factory full of happy employees.

Dr. Praetorius, may I suggest to begin with… in order to avoid both the embarrassment and time involved in examination… that you give of your own accord… a pertinent account of your life and professional activities… prior to your arrival in this city and this university.

Because I do not intend to tell things about myself… of my own accord which are nobody’s business but my own.

Plautius may not be in accord with this.

I walk in here of my own accord

Your Highness, we are in full accord.

Gone there of his own accord, he has.

Gone there of his own accord?

Of course, you realise Frank’s Fleet Air Arm boys can only deal with very easy targets, ships that are sinking practically of their own accord and so on.

What does the word accord mean?

According to the Merriam-Webster Unabridged Dictionary of the English Language and other sources like American Heritage and Collins English Dictionary, the word accord can be used as a transitive verb or intransitive verb to mean to being into agreement, to grant or give as appropriate, to agree with, and archaically and obsoletely to arrive at an agreement or give consent. As a noun, the word accord refers to agreement, conformity, the voluntary or spontaneous impulse to act on something, or harmony, as well as a formal reaching of an agreement. The pronunciation of accord is əˈkɔrd. It is two syllables, ac-cord.

Many different languages also contain words meaning accord. You may notice that some of these translations listed below look and sound similar to the word accord. These are called cognates, which are usually formed when two words have the same language of origin such as Latin or Greek, or the same root word. The below list of translations of accord is provided by Word Sense. 

  •  Japanese: 合意‎
  •  Cebuano: panaghiuyon‎
  •  Indonesian: sepakat‎, setuju‎
  •  Polish: porozumienie‎
  •  Portuguese: acordo‎ (masc.)
  •  Bengali: সামঞ্জস্য‎
  •  Estonian: kokkulepe‎
  •  Arabic: تَفَاهُم‎ (masc.)
  •  German: Übereinstimmung‎ (fem.)
  •  French: entente‎ (fem.)
  •  Romanian: acord‎ (neut.), înțelegere‎ (fem.)
  •  Italian: accordo‎ (masc.)
  •  Czech: souhlas‎ (masc.)
  •  Russian: согла́сие‎ (neut.)
  •  Hebrew: הסכם‎
  •  Spanish: acuerdo‎ (masc.), convenio‎ (masc.)
  •  Ido: akordo‎
  •  Bulgarian: съгласие‎
  •  Korean: 협정‎
  •  Interlingua: accordo‎

How can the word accord be used in a sentence?

The word accord can be used in many different sentences in the English language. Using a word in a sentence is a great way to memorize its definition. You can also make flashcards or quizzes for yourself to memorize the meaning of the word accord. Try using this word of the day in a sentence today! Below are several examples of accord.

The editors at Harpercollins Publishers and Random house were in accord about the copyright infringement. They decided to go after the criminal together and file a suit.

He received due praise for acting of his own accord and saving the people from the building. Later, he was given the key to the city and a medal of honor from the fire department. 

The beautiful accord of light glistened over the lake. We sat in the shade and looked on with satisfaction. It was the perfect honeymoon, and we didn’t ever want it to end. Thankfully we had a whole marriage ahead of us.

The Geneva Accord ended the French-Indochinese War in 1954, bringing peace to the countries.

The Honda Accord was slapped with a lawsuit – everyone was in accord that there should be a recall. The company was furious.

Nobody in the English class could accord on whether the verb was in the past tense, past participle, or present participle. There was much debate over the simple word and tense.

The groups of people were in accord that they expected a particular kind of treatment at the hotel, not the tumultuous welcome they received when all of their baggage had been mixed up.

What is the origin of the word accord?

According to Etymonline, the word accord has been used as a verb to mean to agree or be in harmony since the early 12th century. It has been used as a noun since the late 13th century written as the Middle English accourd or acord, which come from the Old French acorde, Old French acort and Old French acorder, all meaning an agreement or to agree from the 12th century. These come from the Vulgar Latin accordare meaning to make agree, literally translating to “to be of one heart.” This comes from the Latin prefix ad meaning to and cor, the genitive cordis meaning heart. This comes from the Proto-Indo-European root kerd meaning heart. One can add the suffixes ing, ed, and ly to make the related words according, accorded, and accordingly.

What are synonyms and antonyms for accord?

There are numerous different words that have the same definition as the word accord and can be used interchangeably with it. These are called synonyms. Learning synonyms is a great way to easily expand your vocabulary and avoid repeating the same word over and over again. This list of synonyms for accord is provided by Thesaurus.

  •  verifying
  •  assenting
  •  concurring
  •  correspondence
  •  accommodation
  •  compromise
  •  treaty
  •  authorizing
  •  compliance
  •  good vibrations
  •  agreement
  •  sympathy
  •  complying
  •  pact
  •  good vibes
  •  concert
  •  approving
  •  granting
  •   harmony
  •  10-4
  •  affiliation
  •  arrangement
  •  adjustment
  •  suitableness
  •  verification
  •  concord
  •  union
  •  acknowledging
  •  similarity
  •  mutual understanding
  •  consistency
  •  bargaining
  •  unanimity
  •  concession
  •  rapport
  •  reconciliation
  •  understanding
  •  amity
  •  concurrence
  •  unison
  •  congruence
  •  alliance
  •  congruity
  •  compatibility
  •  concordance
  •  affinity
  •  endorsing
  •  ratifying
  •  mediation
  •  conformity
  •  deal
  •  accession
  •  arbitration
  •  okay
  •  accordance
  •  acceding

There are also numerous different words that have the opposite meaning of accord. These opposite words are called antonyms, which are another easy way to build your English vocabulary. This list of antonyms for the word accord is provided by Thesaurus.

  •  atmospherics
  •  divisiveness
  •  feud
  •  dissidence
  •  fight
  •  falling out
  •  ill will
  •  rupture
  •  disagreement
  •  quarrel
  •  ill feeling
  •  animosity
  •  tension
  •  clashing
  •  contention
  •  squabble
  •  bickering
  •  wrangle
  •  conflict
  •  jarring
  •  misunderstanding
  •  argument
  •  dissent
  •  clash
  •  altercation
  •  controversy
  •  split
  •  variance
  •  breach
  •  disunity
  •  spat
  •  division
  •  strife
  •  difference
  •  discord
  •  break
  •  friction
  •  hostility
  •  hassle
  •  antagonism
  •  vendetta
  •  disunion
  •  debate
  •  contest
  •  discord
  •  words
  •  opposition
  •  cross-purposes

Overall, the word accord (əˈkɔːrd) means a concurrence of opinions, harmonious union of sounds, or some formal agreement or written agreement. This word has Indo-European roots and comes from the Medieval Latin accordāre and Latin ad and stem of cor heart.


  1. accord | Origin and meaning of accord | Online Etymology Dictionary 
  2. ACCORD Synonyms: 86 Synonyms & Antonyms for ACCORD | Thesaurus 
  3. DISAGREEMENT Synonyms: 84 Synonyms & Antonyms for DISAGREEMENT | Thesaurus 
  4. accord: meaning, origin, translation | Word Sense 
  5. Accord | Definition of Accord | Merriam-Webster 


Kevin Miller is a growth marketer with an extensive background in Search Engine Optimization, paid acquisition and email marketing. He is also an online editor and writer based out of Los Angeles, CA. He studied at Georgetown University, worked at Google and became infatuated with English Grammar and for years has been diving into the language, demystifying the do’s and don’ts for all who share the same passion! He can be found online here.

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