Sentences with book word

Sentences with the word Book?



  • «felt abashed at the extravagant praise»; «chagrined at the poor sales of his book«; «was embarrassed by her child’s tantrums»
  • «kept abreast of the latest developments»; «constant revision keeps the book au courant»; «always au fait on the latest events»; «up on the news»
  • «the book met with modest acclaim»; «he acknowledged the plaudits of the crowd»; «they gave him more eclat than he really deserved»
  • «the student’s essay failed to list several important citations»; «the acknowledgments are usually printed at the front of a book«; «the article includes mention of similar clinical cases»
  • «This book deals with incest»; «The course covered all of Western Civilization»; «The new book treats the history of China»
  • «adopt a book for a screenplay»
  • «sketch the outline of the book«; «outline his ideas»
  • «the aesthetic faculties»; «an aesthetic person»; «aesthetic feeling»; «the illustrations made the book an aesthetic success»
  • «read the book clear to the end»; «slept clear through the night»; «there were open fields clear to the horizon»
  • «they were trying to find a peaceful solution»; «the answers were in the back of the book«; «he computed the result to four decimal places»
  • «Did your latest book appear yet?»; «The new Woody Allen film hasn’t come out yet»
  • «a book not appropriate for children»; «a funeral conducted the appropriate solemnity»; «it seems that an apology is appropriate»
  • «A new religious movement originated in that country»; «a love that sprang up from friendship»; «the idea for the book grew out of a short story»; «An interesting phenomenon uprose»
  • «After he published his book, he had arrived»; «I don’t know whether I can make it in science!»; «You will go far, my boy!»
  • «the publisher was responsible for all the artwork in the book«
  • «step aside»; «stood aside to let him pass»; «threw the book aside»; «put her sewing aside when he entered»
  • «he was arrogant and occasionally callous»; «open areas are only occasionally interrupted by clumps of trees»; «they visit New York on occasion»; «now and again she would take her favorite book from the shelf and read to us»; «as we drove along, the beautiful scenery now and then attracted his attention»
  • «a remarkably attractive young man»; «an attractive personality»; «attractive clothes»; «a book with attractive illustrations»
  • «this book is the final authority on the life of Milton»
  • «The author autographed his book«
  • «an autographed copy of his latest book«
  • «the book had a leather binding»
  • «the title and author were printed on the spine of the book«
  • «this book is, to put it baldly, an uneven work.»
  • «the doctor will soon be here»; «the book will appear shortly»; «she will arrive presently»; «we should have news before long»
  • «belittling comments»; «managed a deprecating smile at the compliment»; «deprecatory remarks about the book«; «a slighting remark»
  • «This book belongs to me»
  • «bewitching smile»; «Roosevelt was a captivating speaker»; «enchanting music»; «an enthralling book«; «antique papers of entrancing design»; «a fascinating woman»
  • «block the book cover»
  • «the author got all his friends to write blurbs for his book«
  • «I am reading a good book on economics»
  • «the book of Isaiah»
  • «he bought a book of stamps»
  • «they run things by the book around here»
  • «he used a large book as a doorstop»
  • «a bookish farmer who always had a book in his pocket»; «a quiet studious child»
  • «a flash car»; «a flashy ring»; «garish colors»; «a gaudy costume»; «loud sport shirts»; «a meretricious yet stylish book«; «tawdry ornaments»
  • «The book dealer would not break the set»
  • «the history is summed up concisely in this book«; «she replied briefly»; «briefly, we have a problem»; «to put it shortly»
  • «produce a movie»; «bring out a book«; «produce a new play»
  • «We find this idea in Plato»; «I happened upon the most wonderful bakery not very far from here»; «She chanced upon an interesting book in the bookstore the other day»
  • «a canonical book of the Christian New Testament»
  • «he used a book as a stop to hold the door open»
  • «a challenging hypothesis»; «a thought-provoking book«
  • «that book is a fraud»
  • «close the circuit»; «close a wound»; «close a book«; «close up an umbrella»
  • «His book commingles sarcasm and sadness»
  • «a short and compendious book«; «a compact style is brief and pithy»; «succinct comparisons»; «a summary formulation of a wide-ranging subject»
  • «condense the contents of a book into a summary»
  • «a central and contentious element of the book«- Tim W.Ferfuson
  • «the issue of the death penalty is highly controversial»; «Rushdie’s controversial book«; «a controversial decision on affirmative action»
  • «the cut pages of the book«
  • «She dedicated her book to her parents»
  • «his book demolishes an old myth»; «demolished my reputation»; «the professor demolished the student’s argument»
  • «every description of book was there»
  • «the book was in good condition except for a dig in the back cover»
  • «amusingly digressive with satirical thrusts at women’s fashions among other things»; «a rambling discursive book«; «his excursive remarks»; «a rambling speech about this and that»
  • «the book contains an excellent discussion of modal logic»; «his treatment of the race question is badly biased»
  • «scandalous behavior»; «the wicked rascally shameful conduct of the bankrupt»- Thackeray; «the most shocking book of its time»
  • «The publisher wants to distribute the book in Asia»
  • «This book upset me»; «A troubling thought»
  • «the high priest’s divinatory pronouncement»; «mantic powers»; «a kind of sibylline book with ready and infallible answers to questions»
  • «not openly liberal but that is the trend of the book«; «a broad movement of the electorate to the right»
  • «a dry book«; «a dry lecture filled with trivial details»; «dull and juiceless as only book knowledge can be when it is unrelated to…life»- John Mason Brown
  • «easily the best book she’s written»
  • «he wrote the book primarily for economic reasons»; «gave up the large house for economic reasons»; «in economic terms they are very privileged»
  • «Edit a book on lexical semantics»; «she edited the letters of the politician so as to omit the most personal passages»
  • «he performed a great feat»; «the book was her finest effort»
  • «the company was enjoyable»; «found her praise gratifying»; «full of happiness and pleasurable excitement»; «good printing makes a book more pleasurable to read»
  • «the book is episodic and the incidents don’t always hang together»
  • «the book was full of errors»
  • «trying to lose excess weight»; «found some extra change lying on the dresser»; «yet another book on heraldry might be thought redundant»; «skills made redundant by technological advance»; «sleeping in the spare room»; «supernumerary ornamentation»; «it was supererogatory of her to gloat»; «delete superfluous (or unnecessary) words»; «extra ribs as well as other supernumerary internal parts»; «surplus cheese distributed to the needy»
  • «excessive charges»; «a book of inordinate length»; «his dress stops just short of undue elegance»; «unreasonable demands»
  • «The book stimulated her imagination»; «This play stimulates»
  • «one of the excused jurors planned to write a book«
  • «world fair»; «trade fair»; «book fair»
  • «paid a flying visit»; «took a flying glance at the book«; «a quick inspection»; «a fast visit»
  • «that book is one of my favorites»
  • «both those for and against are fervently convinced they speak for the great majority of the people»; «a fierily opinionated book«
  • «finger the binding of the book«
  • «He slammed the book on the table»
  • «the fundamental revolution in human values that has occurred»; «the book underwent fundamental changes»; «committed the fundamental error of confusing spending with extravagance»; «profound social changes»
  • «in the book of Ezekiel Gog is a ruler from the land of Magog but in the book of Revelation Gog and Magog are nations under the rule of Satan»
  • «good music»; «a serious book«
  • «the etchings, drypoints, lithographs, and engravings which together form his graphic work»- British book News
  • «in his haste to leave he forgot his book«
  • «a book so serious that it sometimes subsided into ponderousness»; «his lectures tend to heaviness and repetition»
  • «The novel holds many surprises»; «The book holds in store much valuable advise»
  • «He is writing his book and is holing up in his study»
  • «a hot temper»; «a hot topic»; «a hot new book«; «a hot love affair»; «a hot argument»
  • «illustrate a book with drawings»
  • «the book was entitled, immodestly, `All about Wisdom'»
  • «the book had an important impact on my thinking»; «the book packs a wallop»
  • «the book was published under a distinguished imprint»
  • «loves Bach, particularly his partitas»; «recommended one book in particular»; «trace major population movements for the Pueblo groups in particular»
  • «in truth, moral decay hastened the decline of the Roman Empire»; «really, you shouldn’t have done it»; «a truly awful book«
  • «at incredible speed»; «the book‘s plot is simply incredible»
  • «index the book«
  • «the book is an indictment of modern philosophy»
  • «indifferent about which book you would give them»; «was indifferent to their acceptance or rejection of her invitation»
  • «leaf through a book«; «leaf a manuscript»
  • «this book shows American letters at its best»
  • «this is a lucidly written book«
  • «a lost child»; «lost friends»; «his lost book«; «lost opportunities»
  • «before they publish any book they try to determine the size of the market for it»
  • «a commercial book«; «preached a mercantile and militant patriotism»- John Buchan; «a mercenary enterprise»; «a moneymaking business»
  • «a book that is must reading»
  • «the margins of his book were generously supplied with pencilled NBs»
  • «the problem with achievement tests is the narrowness they impose on students»; «the attraction of the book is precisely its narrowness of focus»; «frustrated by the narrowness of people’s horizons»
  • «the house had its large windows oriented toward the ocean view»; «helping freshmen become oriented to college life»; «the book is value-oriented throughout»
  • «the original inhabitants of the Americas»; «the book still has its original binding»; «restored the house to its original condition»; «the original performance of the opera»; «the original cast»; «retracted his original statement»
  • «an outstanding fact of our time is that nations poisoned by anti semitism proved less fortunate in regard to their own freedom»; «a new theory is the most prominent feature of the book«; «salient traits»; «a spectacular rise in prices»; «a striking thing about Picadilly Circus is the statue of Eros in the center»; «a striking resemblance between parent and child»
  • «He picked up the book and started to read»
  • «piratical editions of my book«
  • «The book portrays the actor as a selfish person»
  • «a posthumous award»; «a posthumous book«; «a posthumous daughter»
  • «we’ve got to get that story into print»; «his book is no longer in print»
  • «the differences are profound»; «a profound insight»; «a profound book«; «a profound mind»; «profound contempt»; «profound regret»
  • «an inordinate proportion of the book is given over to quotations»; «a dry martini has a large proportion of gin»
  • «David is called The Psalmist because he is believed to be the author of the book of Psalms»
  • «replace the book on the shelf after you have finished reading it»; «please put the clean dishes back in the cabinet when you have washed them»
  • «the foundling’s putative father»; «the putative author of the book«
  • «The tattered old book is valuable and we need to rebind it»
  • «upon the restitution of the book to its rightful owner the child was given a tongue lashing»
  • «He represented this book as an example of the Russian 19th century novel»
  • «he received royalties on his book«
  • «sanitize a document before releasing it to the press»; «sanitize history»; «sanitize the language in a book«
  • «a timely warning»; «with timely treatment the patient has a good chance of recovery»; «a seasonable time for discussion»; «the book‘s publication was well timed»
  • «He sequestered himself in his study to write a book«
  • «My book will be typeset nicely»; «set these words in italics»
  • «the reviewers gave his book a sound slating»
  • «sophisticated young socialites»; «a sophisticated audience»; «a sophisticated lifestyle»; «a sophisticated book«
  • «it was stuff I had heard before»; «there’s good stuff in that book«
  • «a particular bird, exactly and tersely described in the book of birds»
  • «She was tenured after she published her book«
  • «thin wire»; «a thin chiffon blouse»; «a thin book«; «a thin layer of paint»
  • «read this book through»
  • «performed well in the titular (or title) role»; «the titular theme of the book«
  • «the uppermost book in the pile»; «on the topmost step»
  • «her book was a treasure trove of new ideas»; «mother’s attic was a treasure trove when we were looking for antiques»
  • «turn a page of a book«
  • «in the book, a tycoon unaccountably becomes the hero’s friend»
  • «an unbound book«
  • «a book with its leaves still uncut»
  • «a book well worth reading»; «was well aware of the difficulties ahead»; «suspected only too well what might be going on»
  • «their neighbors spoke well of them»; «he thought well of the book«
  • «a large but wieldy book«
  • «a competent job»; «the book is a workmanlike job with chronology and bibliography and index»
  • «a worthwhile book«
  • «The pages of the book began to yellow»

Synonym: Bible, Book, Christian Bible, Good Book, Holy Scripture, Holy Writ, Koran, Quran, Scripture, Word, Word of God, account book, al-Qur’an, book of account, hold, ledger, leger, playscript, record, record book, reserve, rule book, script, volume. Similar words: book for, notebook, textbook, boot, boom, boost, booth, look. Meaning: [bʊk]  n. 1. a written work or composition that has been published (printed on pages bound together) 2. physical objects consisting of a number of pages bound together 3. a record in which commercial accounts are recorded 4. a number of sheets (ticket or stamps etc.) bound together on one edge 5. a compilation of the known facts regarding something or someone 6. a major division of a long written composition 7. a written version of a play or other dramatic composition; used in preparing for a performance 8. a collection of playing cards satisfying the rules of a card game 9. a collection of rules or prescribed standards on the basis of which decisions are made 10. the sacred writings of Islam revealed by God to the prophet Muhammad during his life at Mecca and Medina 11. the sacred writings of the Christian religions. v. 1. record a charge in a police register 2. arrange for and reserve (something for someone else) in advance 3. engage for a performance 4. register in a hotel booker. 

Random good picture Not show

1. Beware of a man of one book

2. A book that remains shut is but a block. 

3. A good book is a light to the soul. 

4. Use a book as a bee does flowers. 

5. Jadge not a book by its cover. 

6. You can’t judge a book by its cover. 

7. Never judge a book by its cover. 

8. A good book is your best friend. 

9. Judge not a book by its cover. 

10. Old wood is best to burn,( old book to read. 

11. A wicked book is the wickeder because it cannot repent. 

12. That is a good book which is opened with expectation and closed with profit. 

13. A good book is a best friend who never turns his back upon us. 

14. A good book is the best of friends, the same today and forever. 

15. A book is the same today as it always was and it will never change. 

16. A book is like a garden carried in the pocket. 

17. Only Tommy and I have read the book.

18. That book is a load of rubbish.

19. His book was in parts written in verse.

20. She always has her head in a book .

21. The book presents a fundamentally distorted picture.

22. It took me an hour to skim the book.

23. He has the copyright of his book.

24. She had misread a date in the Tour Book.

25. Writing a history book entails a lot of work.

26. You’d better book up if you want to go.

27. Liberty and civilization are only fragments of rights wrung from the strong hands of wealth and book learning. 

28. There is a great deal of difference between the eager man who wants to read a book, and the tired man who wants a book to read. 

29. He that gains well and spends well needs no account book

30. There is no friend so faithful as a good book

More similar words: book for, notebook, textbook, boot, boom, boost, booth, look, hook, look in, look up, look to, look out, look on, look for, cookie, look at, look into, look over, look back, overlook, look down on, look after, look through, look forward to. 

book — перевод на русский


«He’s read every book in the case — he likes to read!»

«Он прочёл все эти книги. Видишь ли, любит читать!»

He wrote some books.

Он пишет книги.

No, I have read your books.

Нет, я прочёл ваши книги.

Here, put your books down.

Отложи сюда пока свои книги.

I come to bring the money back and fix up the books.

Я пришёл вернуть деньги и подправить книги.

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Would you like to take his pay book?

Ты возьмешь его солдатскую книжку?

Take the little book.

Возьмите книжку, мистер Тракерн.

Read a book if you’re bored.

Будешь скучать, почитай книжку.

Miss Owen, my date book.

Мисс Оуэн, мою записную книжку.

You look in your brother’s check book without his knowledge?

— Вы заглядываете в его чековую книжку без спроса?

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The phone book and Bradstreet.

Телефонный справочник и Брэд-стрит.

Andersson. No, this is the phone book!

Нет, это телефонный справочник.

— Well, there’s always a phone book.

— Всегда есть телефонный справочник.

Bring me the phone book.

Дай телефонный справочник.

The guests are coming. The same names, the entire phone book seems to be here.

Прибывают гости — смотри телефонный справочник.

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Caussat and Colin, bring me your algebra books

Косса и Колен, дайте ваши учебники по алгебре!

Take out your book.

Можете достать учебники.

I’d still need books and clothes and a decent piano.

Но мне все равно нужны будут учебники, одежда и нормальное пианино.

Are these all school books?

Это что, всё учебники?

«This old gent whose backside I jab… «already has his name in the history books.

«Этот старик, которому я делаю уколы в задницу, уже вошел в учебники истории.

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I’m going to read books the rest of the trip.

Я собираюсь читать до самого нашего прибытия.

We could sit in there after supper, and you could read out of them books to me.

Мы могли бы сидеть здесь после ужина, и ты могла бы читать мне что-нибудь.

You really do love books.

Это правда, Вы любите читать.

I never did none of that there book learning, you know.

Я никогда в жизни не учился читать, знаете ли.

Until they can read a book and do arithmetic, just like Master Tomás.

Чтобы они могли читать и считать, как господин Томас.

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So when I left the office I put my rate book on the desk as if I had forgotten it.

…поэтому, уходя, я положил на стол блокнот, будто забыл.

I told him I’d forgotten my rate book and needed some dope… on the public liability bond I was figuring.

Я попросил его напомнить тарифные ставки выплат, так как забыл блокнот.

The office bottle hadn’t sparked me up… so I’d taken out my little black book and decided to go grouse hunting.

Бутылка в офисе меня не взбодрила я достал блокнот и решил найти девочку.

Then I’d better get another book.

Тогда я лучше возьму новый блокнот.

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Just read the comic books I buy for you.

Лучше читай комиксы, которые я тебе покупаю.

What about the rest of my comic books?

— А еще комиксы?

I got some comic books and a little toy for Farron.

Там у меня комиксы и игрушка для Фэррона.

He spent his afternoons in the store… reading newspapers, comic books, anything… until we closed.

Он приходил в магазин каждый день… читал газеты, комиксы, всё подряд… до самого закрытия.

-lt’s a comic book.

-Это комиксы.

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— You threaten to book me?

— Ты угрожаешь заказать меня?

Don’t we have to book at this place?

Может, нам стоит заказать место в ресторане?

I’d like to book passage on the Queen.

Я хочу заказать билеты на Quееn. Так зачем ты ко мне пришла?

‘You can arrive without prior reservation, ‘because you can book retrospectively ‘in advance, as it were, ‘when you return to your own time.

Вы можете посетить ресторан, не заказывая столик предварительно, потому что его можно заказать задним числом после посещения, когда вернетесь в свое время.

She picked out the apartment, she booked the moving trucks.

Она выбрала дом, она заказала грузовики для переезда.

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Have you got an autograph book?

А у тебя есть книжечка для автографов?

If anything happens to me, your little black book will go right to the Police.

Случись что-то со мной,.. …и твоя чёрная книжечка попадёт в полицию.

I’ve got a little black book with my poems in

У меня есть черная книжечка с моими стихами,

Well, the book is relly interesting.

— Ну да, книжечка занимательная.

I cannot worry about that when the amount in my black book is already over 400 pesos.

Это не страшно, потому что сумма в моей книжечке уже перевалила за 400 песо.

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The cemetery… to book you in if you screw it up

На кладбище, хотел забронировать могилу на случай, если ты не будешь вести себя как надо.

Once, I got as far as booking the passage but…

Однажды меня хватило на то, чтобы забронировать билет, но…

Could you book some seats?

Вы могли бы забронировать нам места?

— Can I book a room?

— Я бы хотела забронировать номер.

Well I tell you what, when you get the hotel fixed up, I’ll come and stay there so you can book me a room now.

Ладно, я скажу вот что, когда вы почините отель я приеду и остановлюсь там, так что можете забронировать мне комнату.

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книга, книжка, журнал, том, заказывать, книжный


- книга

picture book — книжка с картинками
to be at one’s books — сидеть за книгами, заниматься
to hit the books — амер. студ. жарг. зубрить

- глава, том, книга

Milton’s Paradise Lost consists of 12 books — «Потерянный рай» Мильтона состоит из 12 книг

- (the Book) библия

to swear on the Book — клясться на библии

- сброшюрованные листы чистой или разграфлённой бумаги; (конторская) книга

an account book — бухгалтерская книга

- что-л. в виде книги, книжечка

a book of stamps — книжечка марок (для наклейки на письма)
a book of bus [tram] tickets — автобусная [трамвайная] книжечка
a book of matches — книжечка спичек

ещё 5 вариантов


- (тж. book in) заносить в книгу; записывать, регистрировать (в гостинице и т. п.); оформлять (заказы и т. п.)

to book the addresses and birthdays of one’s friends — записывать адреса и дни рождения своих друзей
I always book the titles of the books lent — я всегда записываю, кому какую книгу дала почитать
he booked all names — он зарегистрировал /записал/ все фамилии

- заказывать заранее; бронировать (комнату в гостинице, билет и т. п.), брать билет (железнодорожный и т. п.)

to book seats for a performance — брать билеты на спектакль
to have one’s luggage booked (in good time) — заранее отправить багаж
all seats are booked — все билеты проданы
seats for the theatre can be booked from 12 p. m. till 6 p. m. — билеты в театр продаются с 12 до 18
have you booked your passage? — вы позаботились о каюте?, вы купили билет на пароход?

- принимать заказы

we are heavily booked — у нас много заказов

- оплатить перевозку багажа
- выписать счёт

shall I book it for you? — вам выписать счёт?

ещё 6 вариантов


- относящийся к книгам

book trade — торговля книгами
book salesman — книготорговец

- книжный

book learning /knowledge/ — книжные /теоретические/ знания
book lore — знания, почерпнутые из книг

- записанный в конторской книге

the net book profit is 1 million — чистая прибыль, согласно конторским книгам, составляет 1 миллион

Мои примеры


a book for young people — книга для молодёжи  
a blurb on a book jacket — издательская реклама на обложке книги  
a précis of the book’s plot — краткое изложение сюжета книги  
turn a page of a book — перевернуть страницу книги  
to be in smb.’s black book — быть у кого-л. в немилости  
black-letter book — старопечатная книга  
rare book — редкая книга  
children’s book — книга для детей  
illustrated / picture book — иллюстрированная книга  
library book — библиотечная книга  
book of complaints — книга жалоб  
to translate a book — переводить книгу, делать перевод книги  

Примеры с переводом

He is an open book.

Его легко понять.

I’ll book you in at the Hilton.

Я забронирую Вам номер в отеле Hilton.

Take this book too.

Возьмите и эту книгу.

Give that book to me.

Дайте мне ту книгу.

I brought him a book.

Я принёс ему книгу.

The policeman booked her when she tried to solicit a man.

Полицейский задержал её при попытке приставать к мужчине на улице.

You can book seats online.

Вы можете забронировать места через Интернет /онлайн/.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

… I had a big insight and a little insight about the book.

…he shoved the oversized book in edgeways so it would fit between the shelves…

In the sentence “The book that you ordered is out of print,” “that you ordered” is a restrictive clause.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Фразовые глаголы

book in — зарегистрироваться, заказывать заранее, бронировать номер в гостинице
book off — отметить табель при уходе с работы
book out — выписаться из гостиницы, заплатить по счету
book through — покупать транзитный билет
book up — закупать, занимать

Возможные однокоренные слова

booked  — заказанный, занятый
bookish  — книжный, ученый, литературный, оторванный от жизни
bookless  — необразованный, не имеющий книг
overbook  — продавать больше билетов, чем имеется мест, регистрировать большее количество, перебронировать
booking  — заказ, продажа билетов
booker  — бухгалтер

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: book
he/she/it: books
ing ф. (present participle): booking
2-я ф. (past tense): booked
3-я ф. (past participle): booked

ед. ч.(singular): book
мн. ч.(plural): books

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Examples of Sentences with the Word Book

The sentence as the basis of a good writing is essential its correct construction. With the study of different examples of sentences with the word book you will know its daily and symbolic use.

66 Examples of Sentences with the Word Book

The book, defined by the SAR, is a scientific, artistic, literary work or of any kind that constitutes a publication in one or several volumes of bound sheets.

In this sense, an example would be:

  1. The book is the fundamental pillar that supports letters and grammar.
  2. Moreover, Book is a word of masculine noun which can be used in the plural. You can also indicate the 1st person singular of the present or the 3rd person singular of the indicative past tense from the verb free (book).

    As an example we have:

  3. He did not like romantic novels, he preferred to read the books of the police genre.
  4. Today I book to visit the dentist.
  5. Short Sentences with the Word Book

    We show you some examples of short sentences with the word “Book”, to help you in your study of these phrases and the use of book in these:

  6. Julian gave me a book which deals with the middle ages and I am fascinated.
  7. My sister and I take turns reading a good book.
  8. That book Seems like a complete waste of time to me.
  9. The original plan was to go to the park and read a good book.
  10. the writing of that book saved his life.
  11. opened the book marked on the page where he had last stopped reading.
  12. El book talks about philosophy, numbers and music.
  13. A good book he is the best friend, and he remains the same now and always.
  14. That book It is unique, every time I read it it fills me with joy.
  15. I got so excited about it book of the Mexican writer that I cried.
  16. She is always absorbed in a book.
  17. From the balcony I saw him, reading a book
  18. The couple bought a book of names to decide the name of your future name of your child.
  19. At the end of book the periodic table is found.
  20. Sentences with the Word Books

    Book has its plural which is «books”, we indicate below, some prayers where the word is used when dealing with more than one.

  21. From Jules Verne, they are my books
  22. People should put their thoughts into books.
  23. Around him, there were some books old ones scattered in the room.
  24. I started in literature reading books
  25. The books bulky ones are almost always treated.
  26. Some prefer the books of meditation.
  27. She hated the books, whatever they were.
  28. You can give your opinion on the books.
  29. When my grandmother died, she was found in her house by many books.
  30. He bent down to pick up the books fallen on the ground.
  31. I have to read a portion of books.
  32. I have read in one of the books potato, which are bees.
  33. If any of these books interested in you, you can take them with you.
  34. In the library there are several books that deal with the history of my city.
  35. Connotative Sentences with the Word Book

    El connotative language uses words symbolically, figuratively, or metaphorically to convey sensations, emotions, or feelings in a message.

  36. It’s a book really good.
  37. John is a book
  38. Andrew devours books in a week.
  39. A powerful book is book by Louis Hay.
  40. El book of life, you write it yourself.
  41. There are books that heal the soul when reading them.
  42. The book I read last night is a book
  43. Book big blue
  44. i love that book about the birds.
  45. Sentences with the word Librote

    Study at this point how to use the word “book you” within sentences. Here are their examples-

  46. Finally brings a thick book you.
  47. He immediately looked at an old book you that I had found.
  48. The information is in those booklets what do you see there
  49. Of the experiences, he wrote those booklets that no one reads
  50. He doesn’t take care of the party, because he lives busy browsing booklets.
  51. He started with the idea that the lines of those booklets they were true.
  52. In the store on the next block, they sold very well the booklets of the godfather
  53. Sentences with the Word Children’s Book

    we show you some examples of sentences with the word children’s book, which will help you to correctly understand the meaning and its application to this area.

  54. To the school, they must send a book per month for children to read.
  55. The protagonists of book they are a cat and a dog, it is reading for children.
  56. The best way to teach a child is to inherit a book at every Christmas.
  57. I finished reading the book from the Harry Potter saga, it was my gift when I turned 9 years old.
  58. El book tells of a ghost that befriends children.
  59. Every subject in the school is going to be taken with a book.
  60. My little book of sentences, is an excellent choice for first grade.
  61. The books teach and educate children.
  62. El book It was a story about Little Red Riding Hood and the wolf.
  63. El book of the jungle is a beautiful Disney movie.
  64. Sentences with the Word Book with Different Meanings

    The word book is defined as the set of sheets of paper, parchment, handwritten or printed, joined by one side and bound in a volume. However, from this meaning they can derive:

  65. pocket books, they are light and small in size, also economical.
  66. books of chivalry, who narrate prose recounting fabulous feats.
  67. choir books, it has the parchment pages, they are written for music.
  68. Books of Hours neighborhoods, are the books of prayers for the faithful.
  69. Textbooks used for study guide.
  70. Digital book or e-book, in the new era digitized content is used, through platforms.
  71. Diary book, well known by all, especially in the accounting and business area. The books newspapers They keep the accounting of any company, it is filled with the records and data to keep track.
  72. Some examples of sentences with the word book and different meanings could be the following:

  73. The books pocketbooks are considered a typical product aimed at the masses.
  74. In «Don Quixote» the books of cavalries.
  75. At the mass for the anniversary, a choir was presented, who had an illuminated book of choir
  76. The books textbooks use primary and secondary education.
  77. El Book soft of education.
  78. We buy the last book of the thriller as a ebook.
  79. I have the material of the house in a book
  80. An accountant friend keeps the daily books from the soft drink factory.
  81. The daily books They have a debit and a credit.


What is a Book?

It is a work of great extension, published in several units called volumes or volumes.

What is the oldest book in history?

Many think that the book oldest of all is «The Bible», but no. Is about «The Teachings of Ptahhotep», written by this same character. It is part of a literary genre of the ancient Egypt, that of wisdom teachings, which instruct from their own experience.

What is a connotative word?

La connotation it is a commonly understood cultural or emotional association that some word carries, in addition to its literal meaning, which is its denotation.

What is a diary book?

It is a document that reflects, on a daily basis, all the operations related to the company’s activity. It is made up of all the accounting entries of a company. It is the basis of the accounting record.

Sentences with the Word Book They are basic and essential for all of us who handle the Spanish language. So we invite you to study more examples, which will guide you in the proper structuring of sentences that contain other words.

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Title: Examples of Sentences with the Word Book
Author Antonio
Creation date: 23/09/2022
Last update date: 08/11/2022

Author Antonio
Last update date: 08/11/2022

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I read a book.He is writing a book.

The book is a good one.

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