Sentences using word soil

soil — перевод на русский


It has an assortment of highly romantic names… the rights of man, life, liberty, the pursuit of happiness and such… and all those will be yours with the titles to a few acres of soil.

У этого нечто целый набор очень романтичных названий: права человека, свет, свобода, поиск счастья и тому подобное… И все это вы получите вместе с бумагой на несколько акров почвы?

The pressure and soil resistance figures in tons per square inch.

Давление и сопротивление почвы исчисляются в тоннах на кв. дюйм.

Soil samples?

— Образцы почвы?

From the soil where death and evil Reigned.

Из почвы, где злой повелитель сеял смерть.

I’ve been collecting specimens. Soil. Blood of a sheep.

Я собирал образцы: почвы, крови овец.

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And I’m now on French soil.

А сейчас я на Французской земле.

You men, look at this picture. It shows the first time American Marines were in a fight on foreign soil.

— Эта схема показывает первое сражение морских пехотинцев на иностранной земле.

From soil enriched by their blood out of their fever to explore and build came lakes where once were burning deserts came the goods of the earth, mines and wheat fields orchards and great lumber mills all the sinews of a growing country.

Благодаря их страсти на земле, смешанной с их потом и кровью, выросли шахты и лесопильные заводы, пшеничные поля и фруктовые сады, на месте горящих пустынь появились озера. Страна росла и развивалась.

Mind my words, never there will be the Tartar’s foot on Russian soil.

Помяни мое слово, не будет ноги татарской на русской земле.

I think I don’t like cemeteries, they’re cold prisons where they lock up the dead, to get rid of them under the frozen soil.

Я думаю, я не люблю кладбища, это холодные тюрьмы, в которые запирают мертвых, чтобы избавиться от них, оставив в промерзшей земле.

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The treaty negotiations have been difficult because Gideon has consistently refused the presence of a delegation from the Federation on its soil, or any surveillance by the ship’s sensors.

Переговоры идут очень сложно, так как Гидеон упорно отказывается принять делегацию Федерации на своей территории или разрешить наблюдение корабельными сенсорами.

Last night, for the first time… Poles opened fire on German regulars… on German soil.

Польша этой ночью стреляла впервые… на нашей собственной территории… используя даже обычных солдат.

The first missile to hit Russian soil… will set off our entire retaliatory force.

В случае, если ракеты ударят по русской территории, активизируется весь арсенал ответного удара.

And you’ll never build a Turkish castle or mosque on Romanian soil.

И вы никогда ,никогда не будете строить турецкие крепости или мечети на румынской территории.

So all enemy aliens on British Empire soil are now prisoners of war.

Все вражеские подданные на Британской территории теперь военнопленные.

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Native American, that means that they were the first to be born on American soil.

Коренной американец, это означает, что они были первыми, кто родился на американской земле.

All you did was come out of your mother’s pussy on American soil.

Всё что вы сделали — вылезли из маминой пизды на американской земле.

Something tells me they don’t look kindly on North Koreans doing illegal research on American soil.

Что-то подсказывает мне, им не понравится о врач из Северной Кореи проводит нелегальные исследования на Американской земле.

do you have any idea what it would mean if I could manufacture a clean, nontoxic biofuel right here on american soil?

Ты хоть понимаешь, что бы это значило, если бы я смог производить чистое, нетоксичное биотопливо прямо здесь, на Американской земле?

KGB on American soil?

КГБ на американской земле?

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Next, Viking prepared to sniff the air and taste the soil.

Затем Викинг приготовился вдохнуть воздух и попробовать грунт.

But the walls… the walls are but humble masonry behind which is only the soft, loamy soil deposited over centuries by the Old Man, the meandering’ Mississippi, as it fanned its way back and forth across the great alluvial plain, leaving earth.

А стены сделаны из непрочного кирпича, за которыМ лишь Мягкий суглинистый грунт, векаМи приносиМый сюда СтарикоМ — извилистой рекой Миссисипи, ведь река пробивала себе путь через обширную наносную равнину, оставляя после себя зеМлю.

Last weekend’s rainstorm loosened the soil and a 60-year-old palm tree fell on a transformer line next to the studio.

В прошлые выходные ливнем подмыло грунт и 60-летняя пальма рухнула на провода возле трансформатора.

in manhattan, over the centuries, saturated soil around the empire state building’s foundation pilings have allowed the building to lean.

На Манхэттене, в течение веков, насыщенный водой грунт, вокруг ростверка Эмпаир-стеит-билдинг, вызвал наклон здания в сторону.

You’d hit particulate soil In a colloidal suspension.

Ты бы всунул и в мелкодисперсный грунт в виде коллоидной суспензии.

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We do not do it on American soil.

И позволь мне прояснить ситуацию — … на американской земле этого не будет.

So when an international political figure is assassinated on American soil by two men taken into custody by a Homeland security agent who, by appearances, has gone rogue you tell us what we’re supposed to think.

И когда международная политическая фигура была убита на американской земле двумя людьми, взятыми под стражу агентом МВД который по всем сведениям был убит вы говорите нам, что мы должны думать о том, что происходит.

Universally considered the greatest pound-for-pound fighter who ever lived, the mighty, mythical Russian has never fought on US soil in his legendary career

Повсеместно считающийся величайшим бойцом MMA из всех, могучий, мифический русский никогда не дравшийся на американской земле за всю свою легендарную карьеру.

Yes, and as far as I’m aware, the C.I.A. Does not have the authority to operate on American soil.

Да, и, насколько мне известно, у ЦРУ нет полномочий осуществлять боевые действия на американской земле.

You will be removed from American soil immediately.

Вас немедленно вывезут с американской земли.

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The pages were soiled. The cover counts.

Страницы грязные были, главное же обложка!

The holy, soiled hands.

Святые, грязные руки.

Here are your soiled rags.

Вот твои грязные лохмотья.

The police seized every item of soiled laundry from the Horn residence.

Полиция изъяла все грязные вещи из стирки из дома Хорн

I said, get your soiled hands out of my goods!

Я сказал, убери свои грязные руки от моего товара!

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I’d argue that the baby has presumptive civil rights Which will be violated If his mother is removed from u.s. soil.

Я бы доказал, что этот ребенок предположительно имеет гражданские права, которые будут нарушены, если его мать вышлют из США.

More spies were arrested on U.S. soil in 1985 than any other year in history.

В 1985 году в США было арестовано больше всего шпионов, нежели в другие годы.

Because we’re not allowed to operate outside US soil.

Кроме того, мы не имеем права работать за пределами США.

You help me bring him to U.S. soil, and you can have all the diamonds for yourself.

Поможете мне вернуть его в США, и можете забрать себе все его бриллианты.

It’ll be timed to follow a terrorist attack on U.S. soil.

Придёт время, и они начнут террористическую атаку в США.

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You soiled the sanctity of my home!

Ты испачкал неприкосновенность моего дома!

— All right, the truth is I soiled myself during some turbulence.

— Ладно, если честно я испачкал себя во время турбулентности.

Ma’am, he has a tummy ache, I think he soiled his pants.

У него живот болит. Думаю, он испачкал свои штаны.

You have soiled my shirt.

Ты испачкал мою рубашку.

I’ve soiled myself.

Я испачкал себя.

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No, we mustn’t soil her pure young mind.

Да, конечно, мы не должны пачкать ее чистого юного воображения.

-Oh, no, I can’t soil that.

-О, нет, я не могу его пачкать.

How dare you soil the pure and noble art of modeling?

Как вы смеете пачкать чистое и благородное искусство моды?

Wait, soil as in, like…

Стоп, пачкать в смысле…

«It robs his pocket, soils his clothes… and makes a chimney of his nose.»

«Он опустошает свой карман, пачкает свою одежду и превращает свой нос в дымоход.»

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Отправить комментарий

почва, грунт, земля, территория, удобрение, пачкать, пачкаться, запятнать, грязнить


- почва, грунт

poor soil — бедная /неплодородная/ почва
rich soil — плодородная /богатая, тучная/ почва
unbroken /virgin/ soil — новь, целина
alkali soils — солончаки
permanently frozen soil — вечная мерзлота
playground soil — спорт. грунт поля /игровой площадки/

- земля, страна

on foreign soil — на чужой земле /стороне/
on one’s native soil — у себя на родине, на родной земле
a child /a son/ of the soil — а) уроженец данной страны /местности/; б) крестьянин, земледелец; в) дитя природы

- грязь, пятно
- экскременты, нечистоты; отбросы
- навоз; компост
- охот. болото или ручей, где прячется загнанное животное


- пачкать, грязнить, марать; покрывать пятнами

to soil one’s clothes — запачкать одежду
splashes of paint soiled the wall — краска забрызгала стену
I would not soil my hands with it! — образн. не стоит руки марать!

- пачкаться, грязниться, мараться

white shirts soil easily — белые рубашки быстро пачкаются

- порочить, осквернять, бесчестить

to soil one’s reputation — запятнать свою репутацию
his actions have soiled the family name — своими поступками он запятнал честь семьи

- тускнеть
- валяться в грязи, плескаться в воде (о животных)
- охот. спасаться от преследования в болоте или в воде (о животных)
- унавоживать, удобрять
- давать скоту зелёный корм

Мои примеры


a chemical analysis of the soil — химический анализ почвы  
the garden’s crumbly black soil — рассыпчатый чернозём в этом саду  
This snake swims through the soil where it lives. — Эта змея плавает в почве, где она живёт.  
to chalk the soil — известковать почву  
clay soil — глинистая почва  
to exhaust a soil of fertility — истощить почву, лишить почву плодородности  
exhausted soil — неплодородная почва, истощённая почва  
to fertilize soil — удобрять почву  
to live off the soil — жить на доходы с земли  
new soil — целина, новь  
to rake the soil — разрыхлять землю граблями  
to ram piles into the soil — забивать сваи в землю  
soil pipe — канализационная труба  

Примеры с переводом

The soil here is very poor.

Почва здесь очень бедная.

Flowers will not do in this soil.

Цветы не будут расти на этой почве.

This soil retains water.

Эта почва удерживает воду.

The soil has been skinned.

Почва была истощена.

In the summer months the soil dries out quickly.

В летние месяцы почва высыхает быстро.

Jerusalem’s hallowed soil

Священная земля Иерусалима

The soil in this area is very poor.

Почва в этом районе очень бедная.

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Примеры, ожидающие перевода

The soil is low in nutrients.

The soil was freshly plowed.

The farmers are tilling the soil.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

soilage  — зеленые корма, силосная культура
soilless  — незапятнанный
undersoil  — подпочва
soiled  — запачканный, испачканный, выпачканный, измазанный, захватанный

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: soil
he/she/it: soils
ing ф. (present participle): soiling
2-я ф. (past tense): soiled
3-я ф. (past participle): soiled

ед. ч.(singular): soil
мн. ч.(plural): soils

Sentences with the word Soil?



  • «a vast desert all adust»; «land lying baked in the heat»; «parched soil«; «the earth was scorched and bare»; «sunbaked salt flats»
  • «the aeration of the soil«
  • «don’t soil your clothes when you play outside!»
  • «the biramous appendages of an arthropod»; «long branched hairs on its legson which pollen collects»; «a forked river»; «a forked tail»; «forked lightning»; «horseradish grown in poor soil may develop prongy roots»
  • «black leather jackets»; «as black as coal»; «rich black soil«
  • «blown clouds of dust choked the riders»; «blown soil mounded on the window sill»
  • «the bountiful earth»; «a plentiful year»; «fruitful soil«
  • «the chemistry of soil«
  • «the clayey soil was heavy and easily saturated»
  • «compact soil«; «compact clusters of flowers»
  • «Work the soil«; «cultivate the land»
  • «cropped soil«
  • «domesticate oats»; «tame the soil«
  • «Dig we must»; «turn over the soil for aeration»
  • «Mars is a dead planet»; «dead soil«; «dead coals»; «the fire is dead»
  • «health care reform is needed urgently»; «the soil desperately needed potash»
  • «impossible to grow tobacco on the exhausted soil«; «the exhausted food sources»; «exhausted oil wells»
  • «fertile farmland»; «a fat land»; «a productive vineyard»; «rich soil«
  • «We should fertilize soil if we want to grow healthy plants»
  • «he praised the richness of the soil«; «weeds lovely in their rankness»
  • «furrow soil«
  • «the land had never been plowed»; «good agricultural soil«
  • «The heavy rain guttered the soil«
  • «the sacred name of Jesus»; «Jerusalem’s hallowed soil«
  • «soil sufficiently hospitable for forest growth»; «a hospitable environment»
  • «a hostile climate»; «an uncongenial atmosphere»; «an uncongenial soil«; «the unfriendly environment at high altitudes»
  • «the percolation of rainwater through the soil«; «the infiltration of seawater through the lava»
  • «leach the soil«
  • «light soil«
  • «richy loamy soil«
  • «loosen the soil«
  • «pervious soil«; «a metal pervious to heat»
  • «the partly porous walls of our digestive system»; «compacting the soil to make it less porous»
  • «This soil retains water»; «I retain this drug for a long time»; «the dam retains the water»
  • «moisture retentivity of soil«
  • «ridge the soil«
  • «strengthened by rootage in the firm soil of faith»
  • «We rotate the crops so as to maximize the use of the soil«
  • «crop rotation makes a balanced demand on the fertility of the soil«; «the manager had only four starting pitchers in his rotation»
  • «silty soil«
  • «American troops were stationed on Japanese soil«
  • «gypsum can be used as a soil conditioner»
  • «stir the soup»; «stir my drink»; «stir the soil«
  • «this snake swims through the soil where it lives»
  • «till the soil«
  • «unconsolidated soil«
  • «uncropped soil«
  • «watery soil«

Examples of how to use the word “soil” in a sentence. How to connect “soil” with other words to make correct English sentences.

soil (n): the material on the surface of the ground in which plants grow

Use “soil” in a sentence

The soil in this area is very fertile.
Nothing seems to grow in this soil.
Grass grows thickly in rich soil.

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Used with adjectives:

«You need good soil to grow fruit trees.«
(good, rich, fertile, deep)

«It will be hard to grow anything in shallow soil.«
(shallow, thin, poor, contaminated, dry, compacted)

«The gardener told him to keep the soil moist.«
(moist, damp, wet)

«My backyard is covered with rocky soil.«
(rocky, sandy, stony, loose, light, heavy)

Used with verbs:

«They’re planning to cultivate the soil.«
(cultivate, improve, turn, till, work, dig up)

«We need to fertilize the soil.«
(fertilize, loosen)

«Their soil doesn’t drain very well.«

Used with nouns:

«We are concerned about soil conservation.«
(conservation, conditions, quality, erosion, degradation)

«Soil samples were taken from the land near the nuclear plant.«

«He studies soil types before planting anything.«

Used with prepositions:

«The flowers grow well in rich soil.«

  • Use the word SOIL in a sentences

Sentence Examples

Perhaps he loves you now and now no soil nor cautel doth besmirch the virtue of his will.

This heavy-headed revel east and west makes us trauduc’d and tax’d of other nations they clepe us drunkards, and with swinish phrase soil our addition.

We can’t get a search warrant, it’s foreign soil.

until now no one would have considered farming in this dry rocky nutrient poor soil.

But thanks to our current understanding of nature’s natural processes one man has built up a nutrient rich soil upon this dry undesirable clay forming the foundation for a thriving ecosystem

So all of these fans are delivering air through these vertical risers which then underground distribute the warm air through these horizontal manifolds through these perforated tubes that deliver the heat and the moisture from that air into the soil for use later in the cold nights.

So we have flowers, we have other plants that support the insect populations for beneficial controls and for pollination, and we have all of the soil conditions and the climate conditions to grow tropical Banana plants, and Guavas and Figs and Papaya etcetera.

Amazingly, the soil has never been plowed…

The soil has never been turned over nor moved since about 40 years.

We kept as much as possible compost that the soil will get back, digest it to its own profit and to the one of the growing plants.

The soil‘s quality is incredible.

She hoped to replant in good soil the seed that had fallen among thorns.

Misao’s sweetness and kindness like that of camellia refresh his heart like spring rain on dry soil.

I will not let you soil my office!

Should I do nothing while dogs soil the name of Matsuzumi Eizan?

Together with medium and small farmers, bringing their grain to the cooperative … together with the farmers who receive a tractor from the cooperative … for the collective cultivation of the soil

You’ll find the real wealth of this land in the soil ! «

This soil is as rich as gold.»

They dig soil in search of vaults, want to steal our Ukrainian treasures.

I will go straight ahead, and you, old man, will lead a company of comrades and make a detour. But mind! Do not dig the soil without me.

More than one mother cried for her son both on the German and Ukrainian soil.

Waterflooded into a lake, the place where Roksana fell… soil gave way down into that ravine…

Such bandits soil the name of our movement.

«I maintain after many years of comparative analysis, «That the soil of the Moon countains more gold than the one of the Earth.» «One day will come when a spaceship will go to the Moon

Don’t want to feed the soil with our milk!

I’ll shoot on sight every Abolitionist who dares defile the soil of old Virginia.

For 75 years he has plowed the soil with oxen…

He packs 50 wooden boxes with his native soil.

Then he must have brought his native soil with him.

And, knowing that a vampire must rest by day in his native soil, I am convinced that this Dracula is no legend, but an undead creature whose life has been unnaturally prolonged.

Every foot of Italian soil must be regained.

You spend half his life in the soil, Ben.

One the wall is up, they have to look for fertile soil in the hills.

A thin layer of fertile soil now covers the plots.

The first year sees an abundant harvest, but then the soil is exhausted. There’s no nitrogen and it turns sterile.

Your Excellency, general Cooper says that the Sylvanian troops are about to land on Freedonian soil.

With sympathy and with reverence… we greetyou on the soil… ennobled by the blood ofyour-

With sympathy and with reverence… we greet you on the soil… ennobled by the blood ofyour courageous sons.

I am an ambassador on foreign soil.

The dry sea bottom provides new fertile soil.

Large dredging machines dredge this boulder clay a tough type of soil from the sea.

Ivan Ivanovitch… wants to till his soil… fill his stomach… embrace his wife… and Johann Muller in Pomerania wants exactly the same.

But they’ll kill each other… and rot… In the brown Pomeranian soil… while we play at politics and statesmanship and glory.

(CHUCKLES) J’ You shouldn’t soil your Sunday pants like those other foolish ants

But it is with great joy that I step for the first time on the soil of your so beautiful country.

We provide the farmer with new soil… forests and fields, land and bread… for Germany.

yes your majesty in the last years, just by building dams and canals, the crown prince has reclaimed more than 150 square kilometers of good wheat soil

All I’ll say is, I wouldn’t soil my hands with it… even though they’re the hands of a thief and a pirate.


The soil that is found resting on the rocks from which it was formed is known as _residual soil_. ❋ Unknown (N/A)

When the disintegrated rock consists of quite large particles, the soil is called a _gravel soil_. ❋ Kenelm Winslow (N/A)

The part of the soil which the water carried away to form the rich valley lands and deltas is known as _alluvial soil_. ❋ Unknown (N/A)

It was quite clear that the plants as they died would _decay in very wet soil_, and so the conditions are very different from those we have just been studying where the plants _decay in soil that is only moist_. ❋ E. J. Russell (N/A)

With this simple statement in view, we are quite prepared to consider the various conditions of soil, for the purpose of determining how far these will influence the future prospects of the crop, and we shall accordingly at once proceed to examine carefully into the _mechanical relations of the soil_. ❋ Henry Flagg French (N/A)

When soil is formed largely of clay we speak of it as a _heavy soil_. ❋ Unknown (N/A)

The unit of soil classification is the _soil type_, which is a soil having agricultural unity, as determined by texture, chemical character, topography, and climate. ❋ Unknown (1915)

Never forget that the most sacred right in the world is the right to the soil which a man wishes to till himself, and the most sacred sacrifice is the blood which he spills for this soil_. [ ❋ Various (N/A)

Those guys will clear out all the lead and heavy metals in soil in a year or two … you have to burn them at harvest, but in a few years the soil is more or less pure. ❋ Unknown (2010)

The term soil organic matter (SOM) is used to describe the organic constituents in the soil (tissues from dead plants and animals, products produced as these decompose and the soil microbial biomass). ❋ Unknown (2008)

This key distinction now has implications for inter-planetary geochemical studies, where it has been argued that the term soil should not be used on other planets because it implies the past or present presence of living organisms. ❋ Unknown (2007)

_ — The term soil is strictly confined to that portion of the surface turned over by the plough working at ordinary depth; which, as a general rule, may be taken at 10 inches. ❋ Thomas Anderson (N/A)

In such cases it has been the practice with some persons not to limit the term soil to the upper portion, but to apply it to the whole depth, however great it may be, which agrees in characters with the upper part, and only to call that subsoil which manifestly differs from it. ❋ Thomas Anderson (N/A)

From the highest points in any river valley to the sea level the broken-up rock, which we term soil, is in process of continuous motion. ❋ Nathaniel Southgate Shaler (1873)

All the rocks are levered out of place (I’m sure my stepdad’ll be thrilled with me for that — they weigh a ton so I used the spade for leverage), the soil is all strewn across the stone, and the mint is blissfully, at least for now, gone. ❋ Sarah (2009)

London once said, «I believe the soil is our greatest asset.» ❋ Unknown (2010)

I go into farming because my philosophy and research have taught me to recognize the fact that a return to the soil is the basis of economics … ❋ Unknown (2010)

Its fun because the soil is a mix of compost from my Naturemill along with leftover dirt from last year. ❋ Unknown (2009)

Here the divorcement from the soil is as apparent as in every other agricultural line in England. ❋ Unknown (2010)

[I hope] I [dont] soil myself. ❋ JHHWILD (2004)

«He got [THREE D’s] on his [report card]? [What a] soil ❋ Lolita (2004)

1. This [lingo] originated straight from my soil, [the Bay] [area]. ❋ NaturalBornHustla (2006)

1) I used some [the soil] from over there to plant my plant.
2) Ahh, i have a soil on my shirt.
3) [Cross my heart] hope to die, pluck out my f***ing eye, i am broken everywhere, [loveless] b****rd i don’t care. ❋ (2005)

Yo u saw that [cross over] my [lebron] that shit was soilexample2. That nigga needs to [take a shower] hes looks mad soil ❋ Tedwards52 (2010)

Wow, that [beruit] [shot] to [win] the game was soil. ❋ Dank Heezo (2006)

“A customer asked for a medium drink, and I gave him a large. I gave him a large! I’ve [soiled] the good [Krusty Krab] name! [Soiled it]! Soiled it! Soiled it! Soiled it!…” ❋ The Urban Definer (2017)

I was really [nervous] when I saw [Jimmy Jr]. and I [soiled] my pants. ❋ Angela W.👀👀 (2019)

man [av] shit ma pants [agen] or [fuck it] stinkslike hell ….gillyrules…. ❋ Gilly-c (2003)

[Yo] [lets go] get [soiled]. ❋ Swagsauce (2011)

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