Sentences using word little

little — перевод на русский


My friends who blow horn say it’s the best little jazz boîte in town.

Мой друг хвастался, что это самый лучший маленький джаз бар в городе.

«My little Carrot Top…»

«Мой маленький Рыжик…»

«My little Carrot Top, go feed the dog.»

«Мой маленький Рыжик, иди покорми собаку.»

«My poor little boy…»

«Мой бедный маленький мальчик…»

Why, you little…

Ах, ты, маленький….

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Do the right-side brakes on your dad’s SUV squeak a little bit? Yeah.

Тормоза на джипе твоего отца немного скрипят?

When Allison’s father tells her that she’s going to be the leader of her family, I think she’s probably slightly intimidated by that, but also, I think, a little challenged.

Когда отец Элисон сказал ей, что она станет лидером их семьи, думаю, это её немного напугало, но также, немного изменило.

It was a little… scary.

Это было немного… пугающе.

Tell them that an important meeting has become longer and that I’ll be a little late.

и я немного задержусь. Извинитесь за меня.

Pali, your kidney is taking a little trip to close out the domino.

Пали, ваша почка немного попутешествует, чтобы закрыть домино.

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Had a nice little fire.

У меня был хороший небольшой костер.

I dropped my pair somewhere in the arena and Roger was in desperate need of a little trim.

Я обронила ножницы где-то за ареной, А Роджер отчаянно нуждался в небольшой обработке.

Suppose I have a little plan that’ll take care of both of us.

Предположим, у меня есть небольшой план, который позволит перестать волноваться.

How about a little exercise?

— Как насчет небольшой разминки?

— For a little action? Heh-heh.

— Для небольшой движухи?

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-Come along, you little man.

— Давай иди, малыш.

Nobody’s asking you, my little man.

Вас-то никто не зовет, малыш.

Imagine our little Danny being invited to all the weekend parties at Malibu beach and the big social doings in Beverly Hills.

Хорошо. Знаете, наш малыш Дэнни все выходные кутил на пляже в Малибу потом вечеринка в Беверли-Хиллс.

The long Poll and the little Peter!

А, верзила Пролл и малыш Петер. Старые знакомые.

— But a little boy… muchacho’s dying.

— Но ведь мальчик, малыш умирает. — Пусти!

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Your little girl’s an absolute doll, by the way.

Ваша девочка хорошенькая, как куколка, кстати.

My poor little innocent.

О, моя бедная невинная девочка.

Now blow your nose like a good little girl.

А теперь высморкайтесь, как хорошая девочка.

It’s a little girl.


That’s a good little girl.

Хорошая девочка.

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«My little Orie darling!»

«Моя милая малышка Ори!»

I think you’re about the prettiest little thing I’ve ever seen.

Я думаю, что ты, пожалуй, самая хорошенькая малышка, которую я когда-либо видел.

You see, my little one?

Видишь, малышка?

Just a little gal who sings torch songs in a naughty nightclub.

Малышка, которая поет зажигательные песни в ночных клубах.

Little Mary’s doing all right for herself.

Малышка Мэри своего не упустит.

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I just pushed her a little bit on the bed, just jokingly, like pretending that I’m like scaring her.

Я просто прижал ее слегка к кровати, шутки ради. типа притворяясь, что как бы пугаю ее.

You’re right. I do miss a little bit, but I threw them away without any lingering thought.

слегка заботит… но я без колебаний все отбросил.

— Oh, I was just a little dizzy.

Слегка закружилась голова.

I’m afraid I’m a little bit confused.

Боюсь, я слегка запутался.

She was a very pretty little thing and she seemed to be quite frightened.

Она была милашкой и казалась слегка испуганной.

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Well… he was a little.

Ну… разве что немножко.

It’s a little tight. Needs something taken out.

Немножко жестко.

Have another little drink, comrade.

Выпей ещё немножко, товарищ.

Just a little more of this, then easy downhill going.

Ещё немножко, по склону будет легче.

Shall we take a little sprint around the deck?

Может, немножко прогуляемся по палубе?

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Please allow a little more time.

Пожалуйста, дайте мне еще время.

He’s still breathing a little.

Он ещё дышал.

Cheap little what? Maybe I’m wrong.

Ну что еще за тип хотел меня увидеть?

Gentlemen, how about a little lunch?

Господа, предлагаю пообедать! — Вы еще…

— You will be in the Argentine for a little time?

— Вы ещё побудете в Аргентине?

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a little… a lot…

чуть-чуть… сильно…

On second thought, perhaps a little… to check my malaria.

Я тут подумал, возможно, чуть-чуть… проверить свою малярию.

Just a little further.

Еще чуть-чуть. Вот!

Oh, just a little, and we still have so much to do.

Всего чуть-чуть, и у нас впереди еще так много дел.

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1. Little употребляется с неисчисляемыми существительными (необходимо отличать от прилагательного little, которое употреблятся с исчисляемыми существительными), а few – с исчисляемыми:

I have little interest in politics.
Few politicians are really honest.
We’ve got a little bacon and a few eggs.

Little выражает маленькое количество, почти никакое (т.е. имеет негативный оттенок), а a little – некоторое небольшое, но уже значимое количество (т.е. имеет позитивный оттенок):

I have little interest in politics (почти никакого).
The average MP has little real power.

There’s no need to hurry. We still have a little time left.
Would you like a little soup?

То же самое с few и a few (a few близко по значению к some):

He’s a man of few words. He rarely says anything.
He’s not friendly. He has few friends.
Few people can speak a foreign language perfectly.

We have a few moments to spare. There’s no need to hurry.
You don’t need to go shopping. We’ve got a few potatoes and some steak.

Cactuses need little water.
Give the roses a little water every day.

His ideas are difficult, and few people understand them.
His ideas are difficult, but a few people understand them.

Very little и very few «усиливают» недостаточность чего-либо:

We’ve got very little butter.
He has very few clothes.

Only a little и only a few имеют выраженный негативный оттенок:

Say that you’ll call him later. We’ve only got a little time.
The beach was empty. There were only a few swimmers.

Quite a few означает довольно большое количество:

She’s been away from work for quite a few weeks.
We’ve got quite a few friends in the village.

□ Со значением «мало», «недостаточно» можно употреблять the little по отношению к какой-то части чего-либо и the few – по отношению к группе предметов/лиц:

We should use the little time we have available to discuss Jon’s proposal.
It’s one of the few shops in the city centre where you can buy food.

Вместо the few/the little можно употреблять what few/what little (со значением «небольшое количество/число»):

She gave what little money she had in her purse to the man./ She gave the little money…)
What few visitors we have are always made welcome / The few visitors…

Если смысл понятен из контекста what little/the little и what few/the few можно употреблять как местоимения:

She gave what/the little she had…
What/The few we have…

Few (но редко little) можно употреблять с личными определителями, а также c these и those:

I learned to play golf during my few days off during the summer.
She put her few clothes into a bag, and walked out of the house for ever.
These few miles of motorway have taken over ten years to build.

2. (A) few и (a) little могут употребляться как местоимения:

Little is known about the painter’s early life.
Some more soup? — Just a little, please.
It is a part of the world visited by few. (= few people)
Do you want a chocolate? There’s still a few left. (= a few chocolates)
The password is known by only a few. (= a few people)
Do you know anything about car engines? — A little. (= I know a little about car engines)

Можно употреблять обороты (a) little of и (a) few of перед существительными с другими определителями (the, this, my и т.п.) и местоимениями:

Few people can say that they always tell the truth.
Few of us can say that we always tell the truth.

Could I try a little wine?
Could I try a little of your wine?

Only a few children like maths.
Only a few of the children in this class like maths.

3. В разговорной речи вместо little и few обычно употребляют not much/many или only/just… a few/little, и вместо a littlea bit (of) (совсем разговорно):

Sorry I haven’t finished, I haven’t had much time today. (лучше, чем ‘…I had little time…’)
I won’t be long. I’ve only got a few things to get. (лучше, чем ‘…I’ve got few things…’)
Want a bit of chocolate? (лучше, чем ‘…a little chocolate?’)
Come on! We haven’t got much time!
Only a few people speak a foreign language perfectly.

Little и few уместнее в более формальном контексте:

The results take little account of personal preference (лучше, чем ‘…don’t take much…’)

Но very little и very few употребляется и в разговорной речи:

He’s got very little patience and very few friends.

4. Little обычно не употребляется в качестве наречия для определения прилагательных и наречий:

It’s not very interesting. (не ‘It’s little interesting’.)

(A) little может определять прилагательные в сравнительной степени:

How are you? – A little better, thanks.
The new model is little faster than the old one.

A little может употребляться с тем же смыслом, что a bit перед прилагательными и наречиями:

You must forgive her — she’s a little confused.
They arrived a little late.

Употребляется оборот little known:

He’s studying the work of a little known German novelist.

□ И little и few имеют степени сравнения:

Please make less noise.
George gives me the least trouble (меньше, чем любой другой).

There were fewer people today than yesterday.
Harry made the fewest mistakes (из всех, кто делал упражнения).


1. Less употребляется с неисчисляемыми существительными, а fewer – с исчисляемыми:

You should eat less pasta.
There are fewer cars on the road today.

2. Less иногда употребляется в разговорной речи (хотя грамматически это неправильно) с исчисляемыми существительными во множественном числе – ‘less cars’ и т.п.:

I’ve got less problems than I used to have.
There were less than twenty students present (правильнее ‘…fewer than…’)

3. Less употребляется, когда речь идет о расстояниях, периодах времени, количествах, процентах и т.п.:

I used to earn less than a pound a week when I first started work.
The beach is less than a mile away.
Profits have increased by no less than 95% in the last year (лучше, чем ‘…no fewer than…’)

4. Чтобы подчеркнуть, что количество к удивлению велико, можно употреблять и no less than и no fewer than:

The team has had no fewer than ten managers in just five years/ …no less than…)

5. Less и fewer можно употреблять в качестве местоимений, когда смысл ясен из контекста:

Some people go to church, but less/fewer than 20 years ago.

Less of и fewer of употребляются перед другими определителями (the, my, this и т.п.) и местоимениями:

I’d like to spend less of my time answering letters.
At the college reunions, there are fewer of us each year.

Но если определителей нет of не употребляется:

If you want to lose weight, eat less food. (не ‘… less of food’.)
Fewer people make their own bread these days. (не ‘Fewer of people… ’)

6. Less употребляется для образования меньшей степени прилагательных:

This watch is less expensive than that one.

7. Less может употребляться как наречие (противоположно по смыслу наречию more):

I worry less than I used to.

8. Устаревшая форма lesser употребляется в некоторых сложившихся выражениях со значениями «меньший» и «не так много»:

the lesser of two evils
a lesser-known writer


1. The least употребляется как превосходная степень little (противоположно по смыслу the most):

I think I probably do the least work in this office.

Когда смысл ясен the least можно употреблять как местоимение:

Jan earns the most money in our family; Pete earns the least.

Перед существительными, выражающими отвлеченные понятия, the least of означает «наименьший»:

What will your mother think? — That’s the least of my worries.

The fewest употребляется как превосходная степень few:

The translation with the fewest mistakes isn’t always the best.

Least часто употребляется вместо fewest перед множественным числом, а также с исчисляемыми существительными в единственном числе, хотя это и считается неправильным.

The translation with the least mistakes isn’t always the best.
He faints at the least (=smallest) sign of blood.

2. С существительными, выражающими отвлеченные понятия, в единственном числе the least может означать ‘any … at all‘:

Do you think there’s the least chance of Smith winning the election?
What’s the time? — I haven’t got the least idea.

3. The least может употребляться для образования наименьшей степени сравнения прилагательных:

The least expensive holidays are often the most interesting.
I’m least happy when I have to work at weekends.

4. Least может употребляться как наречие (со смыслом противоположным most).

She always arrives when you least expect it.
I don’t much like housework, and I like cooking least of all.

5. Least употребляется в выражениях

a) at least – не меньше, чем:

How old do you think he is? — At least thirty.
He’s been in love at least eight times this year.

At least может быть вводным словом:

We lost everything in the fire. But at least nobody was hurt.

b) not in the least – совсем не (в формальном стиле):

I was not in the least upset by her bad temper.

The comparative and superlative forms for adjectives have a few grammar rules we need to pay attention to. Most of those rules come from the number of syllables the adjective has. This article will explore the two forms of “little” and how to use them.

What Is The Comparative Form Of “Little”?

“Littler” and “more little” are both correct comparative forms for the adjective “little.” We can use both to compare one thing as more “little” than another. Since “little” is a two-syllable adjective, we can choose whether we prefer “more” or the “-er” suffix in the word.

little comparative

Comparative rules can be pretty confusing with two-syllable adjectives. That’s because they vary based on the word we use.

Generally, most two-syllable adjectives allow us to choose our favorite form, and we can stick with that form in our writing. For example:

  • I am the littler of the two.
  • She is more little than I am.

Both of the sentences above are correct. One uses the standard “-er” ending for the comparative form, while the other uses “more” to compare something before the adjective.

The beauty of two-syllable words is the choice we get with them. However, this choice also leads to confusion. It’s best to try and remember that if a word has two syllables (lit-tle), then we can play around with the comparative form.

What Is The Superlative Form Of “Little”?

“Littlest” is the correct superlative form of “little.” Unlike the comparative form, the superlative form is strict. We usually include the “-est” ending with the superlative form for two-syllable adjectives. “Most little” is correct, but it’s not nearly as common to see.

The superlative form works to show that someone or something is the most “little” thing in a group. There has to be more than one other thing to compare to when using the superlative form.

However, things get a little more complicated with “little” when you look at its superlative form.

Most shorter words allow for an “-est” ending, which is great when trying to establish that something is comparatively the “most” little of a group of things. However, some people like to think that “most little” also works since “more little” does.

The truth is, they’re not wrong. “Most little” is correct. Grammatically, there is nothing wrong with it. However, it’s better to use “littlest” because it’s the most conceptually appropriate form that most native speakers default to in their own writing.

  • Correct: That is the littlest object I’ve ever seen.
  • Incorrect: He has the most little guitar in the world!

What Are The Different Forms Of “Little”?

It would help for you to understand the different forms of “little” a little closer. There are only three forms we need to worry about here.

Adjective  Little
Comparative  Littler / More little
Superlative  Littlest

“Littler” and “more little” are both correct as the comparative forms, allowing us to choose. However, we must only stick to the one superlative form (littlest) if we want to be correct.

How Prevalent Is The Use Of “More Little” And “Littler”?

Now that we’ve covered everything you need to understand about the comparative form, it’s time to look into the popularity of the different choices. Since there are two choices, it would help to know which is more likely.

According to Google Ngram Viewer, “more little” is the most common choice, but not by much. “More little” is more common because it sounds a little more appropriate, while “littler” almost seems to lose the “-er” ending when you say it aloud.

littler,more little

Most people prefer “more little” because it’s more obvious when they write the comparative form:

  • That is more little than I would have imagined it.

Sometimes, “littler” is overlooked as a typo or an error because only an “R” is added to the end of the world. Also, when you try to pronounce it, you might notice that it’s not the easiest word that rolls of the tongue.

  • This bag is littler than my last one.

Still, both are common. We just prefer “more little” in most cases.

How Prevalent Is The Use Of “Most Little” And “Littlest”?

The graph for the superlative form is vastly different. After all, there is only one common choice that most people stick with.

According to Google Ngram Viewer, “littlest” is by far the most common superlative form for “little.” We use it because it follows the rules where two-syllable words have an “-est” ending added to them.

This is the preferred version:

  • He is the littlest man I’ve ever met!

While “most little” is correct, it does not do the superlative form justice. We do not want to use it in most cases because the additional word can be a bit too much in most sentences.

  • You are the most little person I’ve seen in a long time.

The extra word “most” can sometimes put people off reading the sentence. That’s why “littlest” is more common.

Examples Of How To Use The Comparative Form Of “Little” In A Sentence

  1. I am littler than my brother, even though I’m older than him.
  2. You are more little than me, but that’s okay.
  3. This bag is littler than my last one, and I’d like to return it.
  4. My phone is more little than yours!
  5. You have grown littler since we last met! I’m sure of it.
  6. I am more little than they say I am, but I don’t like to admit to that.
  7. You are littler than her, so you should swap positions in this lineup.

Examples Of How To Use The Superlative Form Of “Little” In A Sentence

  1. I am the littlest person in my class.
  2. She is the littlest girl I’ve ever seen.
  3. You are the littlest person here.
  4. This is the littlest I’ve ever cared about a subject.
  5. This is the littlest I’ve seen you speak.
  6. You are the littlest idiot on this planet.
  7. I have the littlest ego, I swear.

Is “Littler” Grammatically Correct?

“Littler” is grammatically correct. It is one of the two choices we have for the comparative adjective form of “little.” While it’s not the most popular choice (“more little” is), we can still use it to compare one thing as more “little” than another.

You may also like:
“Shy” – Comparative and Superlative Forms Explained
“Funnier” Or “More Funny” – Comparative & Superlative Forms
“Much” And “Many” – Comparative and Superlative Forms Explained

martin lassen dam grammarhow

Martin holds a Master’s degree in Finance and International Business. He has six years of experience in professional communication with clients, executives, and colleagues. Furthermore, he has teaching experience from Aarhus University. Martin has been featured as an expert in communication and teaching on Forbes and Shopify. Read more about Martin here.


Мы используем much (много) и little (мало) с неисчисляемыми существительными:

much time

much luck

little energy

little money

Мы используем many (много) и few (мало) с существительными во множественном числе:

many friends

many people

few cars

few countries


Мы используем a lot of / lots of / plenty of как с неисчисляемыми существительными, так и с существительными во множественном числе (lot и lots – тоже ‘много’):

a lot of luck
a lot of friends

lots of time
lots of people

plenty of money
plenty of ideas

Plenty = более чем достаточно:

  • There’s no need to hurry. We’ve got plenty of time – У нас полно/куча/уйма/масса времени.


Much – нехарактерен для утвердительных предложений (особенно в разговорном английском). Сравните:

  • We didn’t spend much money.


We spent a lot of money. (not We spent much money)

  • Do you see David much?


I see David a lot. (not I see David much)

Мы используем many (много) и a lot of (много) во всех типах предложений:

  • Many people drive too fast. илиA lot of people drive too fast.
  • Do you know many people? или Do you know a lot of people?
  • There aren’t many tourists here. или There aren’t a lot of tourists here.

Заметьте, что мы говорим many years / many weeks / many days (не a lot of…):

  • We’ve lived here for many years. (not a lot of years)


Little и few (без неопределенного артикля a) несут в себе негативный смысл того, что чего-то (сильно) не хватает (= not much / not many):

  • Gary is very busy with his job. He has little time for other things. (= not much time, less time than he would like = не много времени, меньше, чем бы он хотел)
  • Vicky doesn’t like living in London. She has few friends there. (= not many, not as many as she would like = не много, не так много, как бы ей хотелось)

Вы можете сказать very little и very few:

  • Gary has very little time for other things.
    У Гари очень мало времени на занятие другими делами.
  • Vicky has very few friends in London.
    У Вики очень мало друзей в Лондоне.


A little и a few имеют более позитивное значение (‘немного’ все-таки есть).

A little = some, a small amount = немного, небольшая величина:

  • Let’s go and have a coffee. We have a little time before the train leaves.
    (a little time = немного времени, но его достаточно, чтобы выпить чашечку кофе)
  • ‘Do you speak English?’ ‘A little.’ (поэтому мы можем немного поговорить)

A few = some, a small number = немного, небольшое количество:

  • I enjoy my life here. I have a few friends and we meet quite often.
    (a few friends = немного друзей, но их достаточно, чтобы хорошо провести время)
  • ‘When was the last time you saw Clare?’ ‘A few days ago.’ (= some days ago = несколько дней назад)


  • He spoke little English, so it was difficult to communicate with him.
    He spoke a little English, so we were able to communicate with him.
  • She’s lucky. She has few problems. (= not many problems)
    Things are not going so well for her. She has a few problems. (= some problems)

Вы можете сказать only a little и only a few:

  • Hurry! We only have a little time. (not only little time)
    Поторопись! У нас совсем немного времени.
  • The village was very small. There were only a few houses. (not only few houses)
    Деревня была очень небольшой. Всего лишь несколько домов.


1. В некоторых из этих предложений much использовать нельзя или оно будет неестественно. Измените much на many или a lot (of), если необходимо. Напишите ‘OK’, если предложение правильное.

We didn’t spend much money.

Joe always puts much salt on his food.

We’ll have to hurry. We haven’t got much time.

It cost much to repair the car.

Did it cost much to repair the car?

I don’t know much people in this town.

I use the phone much at work.

There wasn’t much traffic this morning.

You need much money to travel round the world.


2. Закончите предложения, используя plenty (of) + следующее:

hotels money room things to see time to learn

  1. There’s no need to hurry. There’s .
  2. He’s got no financial problems. He’s got .
  3. Come and sit with us. There’s .
  4. She knows a lot, but she still has .
  5. It’s an interesting town to visit. There .
  6. I’m sure we’ll find somewhere to stay. .


3. Выберите much/many/few/little.


4. Добавьте неопределенный артикль a, если необходимо.


5. Выберите little / a little / few / a few.


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  • Sentences with the word beforehand
  • Sentences using word follow
  • Sentences with the word beautiful in them
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  • Sentences with the word beaten

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