Sentences using the word wave

Synonym: flap, flutter, gesture, move, signal, sway, swing. Similar words: have, cave, leave, slave, weave, have on, save up, have to. Meaning: [weɪv]  n. 1. one of a series of ridges that moves across the surface of a liquid (especially across a large body of water) 2. a movement like that of a sudden occurrence or increase in a specified phenomenon 3. (physics) a movement up and down or back and forth 4. something that rises rapidly 5. the act of signaling by a movement of the hand 6. a hairdo that creates undulations in the hair 7. an undulating curve 8. a persistent and widespread unusual weather condition (especially of unusual temperatures) 9. a member of the women’s reserve of the United States Navy; originally organized during World War II but now no longer a separate branch. v. 1. signal with the hands or nod 2. move or swing back and forth 3. move in a wavy pattern or with a rising and falling motion 4. twist or roll into coils or ringlets 5. set waves in. 

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1. He beckoned her over with a wave.

2. A huge wave capsized the yacht.

3. He raised his hand to wave.

4. The wave swept over the deck.

5. The pool has a wave machine .

6. The wave heaved the boat on land.

7. They announced that a cold wave would come soon.

8. A large wave upset the boat.

9. A large wave swept away half the sandcastle.

10. The new tax sparked a wave of public protest.

11. A wave of nostalgia came over him.

12. A great wave overwhelmed the boat.

13. A rogue wave swamped the boat.

14. Political leaders united yesterday to condemn the latest wave of violence.

15. The shock wave from the blast blew out 22 windows in the courthouse.

16. He saluted his friends with a wave of the hand.

17. The government is facing a new wave of opposition in the form of a student strike.

18. He greeted Charles with a languid wave of his hand.

19. The news sparked a wave of euphoria across the country.

20. A tidal wave caused by the earthquake hit the coast causing catastrophic damage.

21. With a wave of his hand, the magician made the rabbit vanish.

22. The crisis has set off a wave of nationalist feelings in Quebec.

23. He called for a halt to the recent wave of emigration.

24. He felt a brief wave of tenderness towards his old teacher.

25. Once the last boxes were packed away, he was overtaken by a wave of tiredness.

25. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.

26. The country is in the grip of a teenage crime wave.

27. The band are riding on the crest of a wave with the worldwide success of their number one selling single.

28. He greeted me in the street with a friendly wave of the hand.

29. Several villages have been destroyed by a huge tidal wave.

30. Speaking through an interpreter, a Japanese fisherman gave his account of the tidal wave.

More similar words: have, cave, leave, slave, weave, have on, save up, have to, save for, cave in, leave out, slavery, leave off, traveler, have a ball, leave alone, leave behind, have to do with, machiavellian, have a good time. 

Sentences with the word Wave?



  • «a green toad with small black stripes or bars»; «may the Stars and Stripes forever wave«
  • «The heat wave finally broke yesterday»
  • «the train hit the truck broadside»; «the wave caught the canoe broadside and capsized it»
  • «huge government spending»; «huge country estates»; «huge popular demand for higher education»; «a huge wave«; «the Los Angeles aqueduct winds like an immense snake along the base of the mountains»; «immense numbers of birds»; «at vast (or immense) expense»; «the vast reaches of outer space»; «the vast accumulation of knowledge…which we call civilization»- W.R.Inge
  • «The highway buckled during the heat wave«
  • «a lackadaisical attempt»; «a languid mood»; «a languid wave of the hand»; «a hot languorous afternoon»
  • «The scientists set up a shock wave«
  • «they rode the same wave of popular patriotism»; «British nationalism was in the air and patriotic sentiments ran high»
  • «a barely palpable dust»; «felt sudden anger in a palpable wave«; «the air was warm and close—palpable as cotton»; «a palpable lie»
  • «the principle of superposition is the basis of the wave theory of light»
  • «the quiescent level of centimeter wave-length solar radiation»
  • «a sound wave causes periodic rarefactions in its medium»
  • «His glasses rode high on his nose»; «The child rode on his mother’s hips»; «She rode a wave of popularity»; «The brothers rode to an easy victory on their father’s political name»
  • «the explosion created a shock wave«
  • «a sonic wave«
  • «tidal wave«
  • «a tidal wave of nausea»; «the flood of letters hit him with the force of a tidal wave«; «a tidal wave of crime»
  • «a wave of settlers»; «troops advancing in waves»
  • «a wave of emotion swept over him»; «there was a sudden wave of buying before the market closed»; «a wave of conservatism in the country led by the hard right»
  • «a heat wave«
  • «she asked the hairdresser to wave her hair»

волна, сигнал, вал, колебание, волновой, махать, махнуть


- волна, вал

breaking waves — прибой
wave marks — следы прибоя
the wave(s) — поэт. море, морская стихия

- подъём, волна, взрыв

a wave of indignation — взрыв негодования
a crime wave — волна /подъём/ преступности
cold wave — волна холода
waves of protest — волна протеста

- демографический взрыв
- наплыв (переселенцев, мигрирующих животных и т. п.)
- махание

a wave of the hand — взмах руки, сигнал /приветствие/ рукой

ещё 7 вариантов


- развеваться (о флаге); качаться (о ветке)
- развевать (флаг и т. п.); размахивать, махать

he waved a pistol menacingly — он угрожающе размахивал револьвером

- волноваться (о ниве и т. п.)
- волновать (ниву и т. п.)
- виться (о волосах)
- завивать (волосы)
- подавать знак (рукой)

to wave a farewell /in farewell/ — помахать рукой на прощание
to wave smb. nearer — подозвать кого-л. знаком
to wave aside /away, off/ — отстранить (рукой); дать знак удалиться (кому-л.)
to wave back — а) махать в ответ; б) дать знак удалиться, отступить

- (aside) отмахнуться (от чего-л.); отклонить, отвергнуть

my objections were waved aside — мои возражения были отвергнуты

Мои примеры


a sound wave of high frequency — звуковая волна высокой частоты  
a languid wave of the hand — вялый взмах руки  
on the crest of a / the wave — на вершине славы, успеха  
to differentiate a wave — дифференцировать колебательный сигнал  
electrical wave filter — электрический фильтр  
crime wave of epic proportions — волна преступлений грандиозных размеров  
to wave a fan — махать, обмахиваться веером  
to wave a flag — махать флагом  
to show / wave the flag — демонстрировать свой патриотизм  
foamy top of a wave — пенный гребень волны  
a wave of nausea — приступ тошноты  
savage wave of violence — беспощадная волна насилия  

Примеры с переводом

She waved her arm at me.

Она помахала мне рукой.

He gave a wave of his hand.

Он махнул рукой

Flags were waving in the breeze.

Флаги развевались на ветру.

She has a natural wave in her hair.

У неё от природы вьются волосы.

She decided to wave her hair.

Она решила сделать завивку.

He waved down a passing car.

Он подал сигнал проезжающей машине.

We came to warmer waves.

Мы приблизились к тёплым морям.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

Waves of warm air washed over us.

A giant wave upended the surfers.

The highway buckled during the heat wave

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Фразовые глаголы

wave aside — отмахнуться, делать знак удалиться, не принимать, не соглашаться
wave away — отмахнуться, отмахивать, отмахнуть, не принимать, делать знак удалиться
wave off — отмахиваться

Возможные однокоренные слова

waved  — волнистый, завитой
waver  — колебаться, дрогнуть, колыхаться, полоскаться, развеваться
wavily  — волнообразно, волнами, завиваясь, волнуясь, бурно
waviness  — волнообразность, волнистость, извитость, рифленость, струйчатость

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: wave
he/she/it: waves
ing ф. (present participle): waving
2-я ф. (past tense): waved
3-я ф. (past participle): waved

ед. ч.(singular): wave
мн. ч.(plural): waves

Then, with a hand wave, Raj was dismissed

He had been hunched over, trying to make himself smaller when he had gone into the room, and now he straightened up and gave a small wave to everyone

My friends say I should have slurped up his liquefied remains a long time ago, but marriage should last forever, shouldn’t it? But now, looking at him wave around that big jaundiced hourglass on his backside, I’m not so sure

Limitations: Cannot reach all parts of the house, best combined with either liquid nitrogen or heat or micro wave

coastline atop a tidal wave of cheap beer, dirty hookers, and salt water

A wave smacked him in the face, but he felt invigorated and shot up to the surface

BobbingTwo would stay with him the longest and wave his eyes at him like he was a keda

The Third Wave By Alvin Toffler

see any kind of wave that you can

wave in the end, isn’t it?

When Dave is about halfway across, they wave to one another

One of the few unarmed forces in the world, they had the utmost regard of the European superstar policeman; fighting a tidal wave of international organized crime with only their bare hands, hopelessly outnumbered, out-gunned and underfunded, technology from the stone age, forensics from the middle ages

He starts to wave, thinks better of it, turns back and gets on the bus

like a wave of the sea driven and tossed by the wind

In this wave of harmony and gentleness is dom-

erating a wave of crimes and terror

Unless the corpses are frozen, all the pressure of the impact builds up in this fluid wave inside a body and within a couple thousandths of a second…

Burn pulled up out of the field and accelerated ahead of that deadly bow wave of debris so hard that he thought she’d rip the nacelles off their mounting

The Squidies that got hit with that wave vented clouds of snowy gas out their ruptured suits

The walls of the interstellar transit tore away everywhere, seemingly rushing at the still open terminus of the transit in a fiery wave

into the wave to avoid the undertow

’ Came the familiar voice of Renald and with it a wave of relief … for a moment she’d almost panicked

they wave towards the riding surf

They wave to him

carefully shutting the gate behind him with a final wave

bow wave through the heat, paying out sharp

in wave furrow wake lines across the harbour

his friends and gave them a wave

try to explain that you’re just not on the same wave,

» She dismissed them with her tone of voice and her wave, knowing she was capable of breaking the backbone of any nyobba before it could worry any appendage off her

He collects up his belongings and, with a cheerful wave, runs off across the sands towards the village

“Oh yeah man, out of sight!” Steve turned and bowed to Jake with an exaggerated wave of the hand

His wife was lost in the first wave of attacks

I watch the leviathan’s bow wave

there’s nothing to stress about, the wave is where the worry goes

These men and women will be the first wave in a battle for our very existence

circled Buttercup so that Joe, Fred and the Queen could all wave

He crouched to spring out, but the wave was much too big for that little motion

the pressure wave, flood the night

Then he felt a wave of lust hit him

head down, arms out, diving through the wave wall,

Mighty was the song from that volcano, a massive, thunderous drone, chords actually changing too fast for some ears to pick from the static, each cycle of the wave was a different note, in the chords chirping above

“Let me introduce you to our Riders and their Dragons,” he said with a wave of his arm towards the riders and dragons behind him

of shore wave and wheeling gull,

Then she opened the kitchen window and started to wave a dish cloth in the air saying, «Goodness me, what a terrible pong

At the gate, I turn for one last look and wave to Gilla

“Curl a wave baby, it’s a go!” They all turned and looked back towards the blue dragons

This massage put me out for the time being and a wave of relief came over them

Her hand was stopped and a wave of paralysis went thru her, making her feel like her arm had gone to sleep

Another town appears on our right and for a time the trackway is populated by wagons and other riders … some wave at us in a friendly way, but most hardly give us a glance

We both wave her apologies away, bringing a look of relief to her face

Not an hour later they spotted the first wave of the black bull’s army approach

The sun beat down on my stinging forehead and from somewhere nearby I thought I saw Alexis wave but then he swam from view

Nikos kept the rugged and desolate coast of northern Stephanos at a safe distance and whenever a wave broke over the bow and showered me with salty balls of foam Alexis would collapse in fits of laughter at my cringing and groaning

Wave after wave of flickering colours entertained me on the wheel of half-asleep with echoes of some dream

She was still staring at him, «It’s just the way you depicted it I guess, most would represent this as a square wave

The light from its eye focused on the ferry as though it knew what we had done, calculating its next move, and for a while nothing happened, nothing, not even a wave

A tremendous wave broke the stern, tore the rudder off, and left them at the mercy of the gods

As your brain perceives these tones, it creates a ―pulse‖ that triggers a different brain wave frequency

” With a wave of his hand the little man requested assistance from his aide to lean forward

Then he brought her to the brink and watched as she cried out, holding tightly to him, riding the wave of pleasure

raised his hand to wave to Mama and Hasmukh-ji

the first wave of popular enthusiasm for the anti-war march had

I notice him glance across at Sally’s empty house, then, with a cheery wave, he cycles off up the lane

a sound wave that is exactly opposite in phase

kitchen window and started to wave a dish cloth in the air saying,

Smiling at her, I wave back and join the queue at the bar

She then turned around and smiled, and with a wave of her hand, bid the entire party to sit

By thinking very exact thoughts, they could cause the exact wave train and therefore quantum state changes they needed to, and get data into the detectors in Thom’s condensates

State changes so rapid that an atom is far too big a structure to support the bandwidth if the wave must move across that atom at the speed of light

“You have to understand that is really a decrease in the Planck frequency,” Darryl said, “not a wave front moving faster than light

We wave to Owen who is waiting to put his car in the drive and drive off

There would be direct sun for a good fraction of an hour before the next wave of clouds strode in

We also had short wave radio equipment, but usually other

With a wave, he disappears back towards the flats

here,” – he indicated Bram with a wave of his hand – “Has persuaded

Yassap nodded and with a wave of his hand lead the

that harmony was broken and a tidal wave of

wave had washed over my body

He hit one of the rocks and bounced off it, splatting against another just as a massive wave struck the cliff

With so much emotion screaming through her head she finds it difficult to hear one voice in relation to another, but she can feel the pressure wave

Billy walks out of the canteen with a vague wave in the direction of Carol’s table and turns left

The panel of judges sitting out in the audience wave the boring little shit away and insist that the show goes on

Harry stood, looked up to his Great-uncle, who nodded, and with a wave of thanks said, “Thank you so much; I didn’t know half of you could carry a tune

George and Belle gave a bit of a wave for the congratulations now directed to them

Each in turn removed from under her vest an envelope and placed it into his hand, kissed him on the nearest cheek and backed slowly to join their parents under the platform lamps in a final wave of farewell

A wave of laughter threatened to burst out of Andy; he contained it

fast walk, turning to wave briefly at the two men

Then with a wave of insight, saw his intentions at last

She offers me a lift but I’m nearly there now so it is hardly worthwhile so she drives on with a cheery wave

In a moment’s pause, during which they might hope for the performance to continue, it was finally recognized for the end it was, and a wave of applause and genuine pleasure sounded through the room like a clap of thunder as it washed back upon Kaitlyn and her father

He looks up at the house; I wave … and am rewarded with a big grin

Roman gave a brief wave

Christendom!’ said Sandini with a dismissive wave of his

They wave as they walk off up the path

sticks were picked up off the riverbed, as the horizontal wave of soldiers ran closer

Plassan with a brief wave of dismissal

With a cheerful wave, she goes off

cafeteria like a wave at a baseball game

Only the wave held firm as it reached the

She noticed a fisherman about a thousand yards out had turned his glass on her so she waved and posed

Henry waved weakly and then sat back down on his hard chair

«We’ll have to take an aisle out over here to get it out of there on a dolly,» their guide waved his arm at a pile of crates at least twelve feet high

He only got his fourth eye up at first and it waved a series of polite negations before getting the middle eye up, the one that was like a thonga in that it was bigger than the others

His yard boy, who was friendly with Estwig, though half a decade younger, ran a few blocks after them, then snatched off and waved his shorts as they rumbled out of sight

Demtriou waved his hand and tried not to look into her eyes, all

‘Fine’, she said, and waved him away

‘Emma and Adrian … they dropped me at the house … Barney waved to me as they drove off …

I just wonder at the worth of all this,» he waved his arm at the harem, the fine carvings, the fountains, the sky and fields in the distance

Ribbons and medals and statuary waved and banked around him

The Man smiled and waved his hand as if giving us the ‘at ease

He stood up then and waved our thanks away, clearly feeling good with the giving of gifts

He waved his arms about, trying to regain his balance, but still he started to topple over

Coachman Yarbeem waved the kedas out smartly and they clattered away

His red hair waved in the soft breeze, his green eyes sparkled like emeralds in the weird diffuse light

Demtriou waved his hand and tried not to look into her eyes, all the time flicking his rosary beads against his thigh

Half a dozen ducks splashed in the shallows near a small wharf that apparently served the glasshouses nearby … there was a boy sitting on the wharf fishing … he waved as they passed

She smiled and waved back

I stood and waved my hand about

the shop and waved goodbye to Boobie

He waved as the girlfolk walked off

waved them goodbye and went into the cave

She waved the crossbow around to cast shadows on the fronds

Joe and Fred waved as they left

He waved to Poopsie and Lardyme and

It was obvious that she knew what they were doing when she smiled and waved

The Jodechians all waved down to Joe and Jack

waved to each other

” She looked right at Collin and held up her hand, “not a word, it’s her choice, and hers alone!” She patted him on the head, gave a quick kiss to Daniel, waved to the others and left the Hall

Both the old gentlemen waved as the helicopter flew past

He waved his hand over the egg

” Collin waved at them

Towards the end of the village, sat a grove of windmills, their blades pushing at an endless sky but the highest point was the tower of a church or basilica and close to that waved the noble blue and white national flag of Greece — a part of the nation, yet apart from the nation

Nuran waved a cheerful goodbye but Desa was sure Alan would have argued if Nuran wasn’t there

She waved her hand at the figure, desperate to shoo the person away, and continued to spill bitter tears upon her red flushed cheeks, but the figure came towards her, knelt at her feet and held her hands

Byia waved cheerfully to them as they rode calmly up the thru canal in a line of traffic that reached out of sight ahead and behind

“You’re the voyeur here,” Alan said, “I never came and waved any of this in your face

“I can see that, you’re looking rather dumbstruck,» she said, and waved the floater pilot away

With one hand on my shoulder, he waved an arm around him, ‘My friend, look at all this

As soon as he was sure it was us, he waved and for the first time, didn’t smile

We shook hands, waved to each other and then I ran to catch up with my chauffeur

«How could the war depend on this?» she waved her arm at his lab

From a room at the back I was waved in to join a larger group of young men in another candlelit circle

‘Sure,’ Ish waved a hand

What if he’d fallen and knocked himself unconscious? I waved Alessandra in from the water

‘ Daphne waved to Charon in the wheelhouse and the boat eased away from it’s mooring without a sound

Auntie waved and waved as the van coughed and farted down the mountain to the airport for the second time that day

There are plenty of state changes in response to stimulus, we see all these here,» she waved at the screen where they had saved many of those plots from atoms in verons simulating other parts of her brain

She waved and indicated she wished to speak to him

He waved at

little miss!” He grinned at Karen as he waved his right hand over

waved to her with long and dirty fingers

“I’ll try and be more considerate,” and waved her to a seat

Shouts of “yes” filled the air; and Naria smiled, waved, and turned to Rytal

“I have been to many, many planets, but none, none can compare in beauty with this!” She waved her hand about to indicate the forest before her

«No way, things weren’t even this nice in my time,” she waved her hands around the room

“You know my wife Yellelle,” he waved his hand in her direction, “and this is Ava Bancour, the System’s Administrator of Gordon’s Lamp

” She waved her arms, they were halfway along this beach by now

She blushed and waved her hands in the air as she talked

Righli waved a hand

He waved his notebook to emphasise the point

“We’d waved and chatted briefly a few times before that day, and not long after that, you disappeared

The flat spray of flowers waved at the end of its long stalk as though protesting at such cavalier treatment

Bram waved his hand, and the lettering faded instantly

Several moments later, he sat up then stood, cast a glance to Amanda and Damash, waved and walked north along the tracks

waved where he had pushed through

waved away by Bram’s mother

appeared, waved briefly at the driver, and then proceeded to push

He smiled and waved as

waved his arm to stop the machines

” And he moved over to the hand tools shelf and methodically picked up each displayed tool, twisted, waved, or pushed it through the air

Illick and B’theen turned and the girl smiled and waved

He stood swaying and waved his arms plaintively, hoping against hope that the driver would take pity on him and give him a lift

“And leave all this?” Roman said as he waved his hand toward the lake

He waved back

young men arriving, she called out and waved vigorously to attract

He waved at the others

They were waved through

Mackie waved a finger for him to approach

” Harry waved his arm, taking in the tangled gardens and damaged structures

As they gained the road, waved farewell, and headed back into town

Mike waved a greeting as I dumped the heap of cables in the vicinity of the stage

” He waved his arm at the atrium

She chewed slowly and waved that off

They waved farewell to the departing couple in their barouche from under the porte-cochère at the side hall entrance

Justice waved a hand and a third of the battalion exploded in a wave of fire

Alex, who had stepped out of the house, just behind her, waved back as well

face as her husband collected his things and waved

Bobby waved Boochie and Johnny

But then she remembered the way he waved coppers around and wondered if he might not even miss it

«What’s wrong?» she shouted to the pair but there was no response, except the large manila envelope, they waved above their heads

gut you like a pig,” Bobby said as he waved the blade in front of Johnny

So it was, that on a still chill morning in the first week of April, Lawrence Spelman bid farewell to his daughter, while White Feathers, George and Belle waved goodbye to their three loved ones

As he pulled the remains of her blouse, from his pocket and waved it about in front of his face

Roman waved his arm as he backed away from the doorway

After a moment the latter looked up and waved

Kallo then waved his hand, seconds later all the lights in the hall went out, people started to shout; also some people were now on their feet

«Jake, I can’t» she waved her hand to tap the cast, she was still totting around

«And just what are we going to do with her?» Jim waved his hand in Emma’s direction

Fields of wheat waved back and

headed for the rocks, the accompanying Sea Rescue helicopters had to return to base as the waves were now high enough to be sucked

” Kevin scratches his head and waves me through

The waves are not as languid here and the lagoon is far too small, but yes, that is what I miss the most

” They glare at each other until Kevin throws up his hands and waves for us both to continue

Dad waves a hand dismissively, pulling the sheets up to his mouth and coughing mucus into them

“Oh, that…” he waves a dismissive palm, pushing his lips out into a kissy-face

John-In-The-Window raises his hand and waves slowly

around four and went to the beach just to listen to the timeless roll of the waves

I will walk the beach in a swim suit that is stretched over a bulging body, and will dive into the waves with abandon if I choose to, despite the pitying glances from the jet set

There is a stone patio next to the building overlooking the pounding waves and a couple of local men sit drinking a beer at a plastic table and talking

He waves her away with a dismissive hand gesture, looks up, sees John standing in the doorway with Dave

John walks under the starry sky, the waves crashing to shore just to his left

They listen to the waves pounding on the shore

Slowly, the rest of the stars and the moon fade until the sky is pitch dark, the waves stop

He searches the waves frantically, sees nothing but the boat’s wreckage and the storm

The waves crash against him and the storm roars on

He hears the waves pounding outside, sits up, throws off the blanket, sits on the side of the cot and looks about

Do you see those waves down there?

The waves stop and the sea is calm

Bush snaps his fingers and the waves begin again, a gentle breeze blows

the waves of madness

Russ closes the binder, waves his hand dismissively

The officer waves them away and the two head to the bus

He waves at Russ, smiles happily

The moonlight streams in through a window, we hear the crashing waves outside

’ Stephen announced, relief pouring down the telephone line in waves

The prosecutor waves a pointer at it

across the unseen radiation waves of His thought, but He loved each and every aspect

She turned to walk in the spume of the waves as they strolled up the sand

He drifted on waves of nausea

He kept walking, staring at the waves around his feet

the sun rises between the beautiful waves

In the days that followed Smiler’s callous little display of brutality I counted the passing moments of my life through the waves of pain that accompanied my steps along the corridor for the morning’s ablutions

» Tig’s head swam a little hearing that and the sound in his ears, the rushing waves came back

Naturally, there are still lights on in one or two of the houses – this lot never sleep from what I can see — and Henry waves across at us … he’s taking Buster out for a late night walk

Whatever dimensional membrane made up the walls of the transit echoed with the detonation, rippling with waves so violent, the walls of that great vein seemed to reverberate against each other before they tore

We have admired the panoramic view of the city of Zakynthos from the hill of Bochali, and swum in the wild waves of Tsilivi

This morning we went on an boat ride around the island: Picturesque caverns with blue, crystal waters; white arched rocks looming over emerald waves; swimming in the open sea near the Cave of Keri

Slowly, as if a soft, breezeless tide were creeping up a gently sloping sandy shore line, I became aware of waves in the distance, and slowly I tuned into the echo of my exhalations

Once he was five or six miles from shore, it was finally just them and the waves and distant sails

It was now run by a slender and creamy-skinned Wood Elf with a little button of a nose and thick waves of black hair that reached the middle of her back

The landscape was magical: A vast seaside of rosy sand stretched before me, an odd treasure of tiny pink diamonds turning white under the shallow sea waves in the distance

She has long, thick, straight hair, shining like chrome in slow waves to the center of her back

«I never saw waves forty feet,» she told them, «not more than ten

It flows back to you in waves

Smith loved the Universal Light Programme that fizzed across the unseen radiation waves of His thought, but He loved each and every aspect of silence as if, for a fleeting moment, it was the only silence He had ever heard

 Ride out the waves as the matrix of reality restores

I stand and direct the crowds that surge through the shallows of our old world on waves of violence

lifted on waves of warm air and smoke trails

slips the waves in silence,

waits for the surge and roll of waves to push her up

Waves, counting time through daylight hours,

Both of them stood with their hands to their mouths, backing slowly away from the water where the waves slowly subsided

there is the static hum of radio waves and hoodless voices on talk shows

amongst the waves and deeps and storm laced airs,

makes my head heave towards the breaking waves

with wind in your hair and sand kicking up, the waves on a roll,

along the break top waves that cracked

no bones, not a sound but the waves running

’ He stopped, looking down over the side of the boat at the waves undulating gently beneath us

from his lungs in loud burst of hyperbole, sending waves

Later, lying in my cabin, rocked by the waves, I drowsily contemplate this complicated man

I have completely lost my bearings and haven’t the faintest idea where we are in relation to the coast … Joris, first checking all is clear, waves us across, and we disappear quickly into the woods on the other side

that we draw of ourselves, and in the ripple of waves

of the darkling waves

carousing with the falling waves,

‘I’ve had a word with Berndt, we are going to commit him to the waves this afternoon

We stand there in silence for some minutes, the only sound the slapping of the waves against the side of the boat

Belatedly, I send a thought skimming across the waves to the woman I never really knew … she’d have been about the same age that I am now … that thought stuns me

Outside a stiff wind blew the spume about the waves where windsurfers danced and bobbed on the water while grit and dust blew everywhere on the land

I stand by the rail, my hair tossing in the strong breeze, just enjoying the sheer exuberance of the waves

White-grey clouds scud across the sky, torn here and there to reveal a chilly blue sky; white foam from the waves batters me in the face

he pitches back into the waves

We’d been picnicking at the local beach, watching the surfers and water-skiers riding the long, rolling waves, waiting for their perfect moment, and uncle was applauding their commitment and patience

His stories always made me feel odd and out of place but that day, after watching the surfers having so much fun, I gave in and agreed to let him give me my first lesson, as long as we stayed in the sheltered corner, away from the waves

The waves were getting higher

as the freshness of the piranha waves bite

And yet, before surrendering myself to the unknown, I wanted to walk along the sand with half-closed eyes and let the cooling waves wash my tired feet, to fill my palms and contain some of that wrinkled and wizened sea, and leave my footprints there with no others in sight

And you see those pointy rocks out there, half hidden by the waves? They’re The Manacles

waves of attraction at foreign matter,

that her skin shifts in transparent waves,

‘We committed him to the waves

So with Captain Dimitris in the wheelhouse keeping a weather eye on the horizon, and me sipping the concentrated aniseed drink, I began humming the one sea shanty in my repertoire, Liverpool Lou and it wasn’t long before the Princess of Stephanos was gliding over the waves along her way

She waves her delight before dropping her arm suddenly as she realises that Black Hoffnarr has no rider

As his wife surfaced from beneath the rolling waves of slumber she groaned and mumbled, feeling for a tumbler full of bathroom tap water that should have been on her bedside table

Waves of nausea hit her and she raced for the bathroom

The cries of their flying comrades echo emptily … lost souls in the waste of waves

I stand staring into the waves as the sounds crash around my head

This bay is least exposed to wind and high waves, and is the closest natural harbour to both Sophia and Faria

Alexis and I sat in the doorway of the tool shed sipping thick black coffee, eating lemon cake and watching the waves through the open back gate

Tendrils of hair snaked over her shoulders and tumbled down her bathrobe in waves of moonlight as she flowed to the left and the right then stopped

Of course, he knew that wasn’t really the case, but once the thought had thrown its grappling hook and caught on the battlements of Tom’s mental castle, there was nothing he could do about the waves of nausea that battered at the door of his mental redoubt

The yacht swayed on the waves

I thought I saw Mount Hymettos, sitting on waves as solid as the clouds in the sky

The waves, increasing in size and force, continued to invade the boat

How much do I owe you?’ Anna asked reaching for her purse, but Alastair waves away the suggestion that she should pay for her food

Chanting a mantra (short word or phrase) can have the same effect on your brain waves as

’ Katie said as she waves him off

around us in the form of radio waves, x-rays, infrared,

thought waves and emotions

He loved being out with that lawnmower, waving to the neighbors

“Real boring, I know,” Jesse adds, waving his hand in the air

It was stomping around, waving its elephantine truck through the air

’ I said calculating slowly and waving my fingers in the air explaining

It probably wasn’t her aluminum Tahlmute was waving

BobbingTwo was clearly working on BigThree, prodding him with his snout and waving and coiling his eyes like flowers in a windstorm

CLERIC 3, leaving the mosque, spies him, begins waving his hands frantically and shouting angrily in Arabic to Bolt

’ I said, waving a finger in the direction of the open jewellery box at the back of the dressing table

I stand on the pavement outside my house and watch them drive off up the road, Barney’s little hand waving energetically

Having finished work this afternoon, I was walking along Academy Avenue to the bus terminus, when I suddenly saw Persephone and her mother just a few metres away, waving at me happily! They looked thrilled to see me, they ran towards me at once and I could do nothing to avoid them

» Horcheese’s eyes looked up out the dome at the cloud layer waving above

The junk drifted close to the twisting stars and the waving wall of the transit

All the children are gabbling about Christmas, Henry and Maureen are mobbed by toddlers waving new toys which Father Christmas brought for them

Very few vessels were under power like his, most were pulled from the shore with a steersman and a teamsman waving to each other with bright red and blue paddles

“You are here at last, Sandra Nox!” announced Lady Chimaera in a sonorous voice, her long blond hair slightly waving at the graceful motion of her arms

‘That’s him!’ she whispered to Iain, waving at the man in question now busy scanning the crowds

was waving frantically at them

Waving up to the palm fringes of coffee shade

As to the others, that will take some thinking,” he tilted his head and smiled at her, waving as she went off

’ He said, waving the hammer I have returned to him vaguely in the direction of the village

the only flag of St George seen waving this warm

’ Drens explained, waving a hand in the direction of the back end of the boat

As if I would recognise them if they were waving flags! Honestly, Lintze, you are a complete prat at times

There is a lot of arm waving and giving of directions to which Berndt pays considerable attention … at least that is what it looks like

Godfrey! Over here!’ A stocky man about my own age with a goatee beard was waving and laughing and obviously glad to see me

When he saw the door, he threw a fit, ranting and waving his hands in the face of the culprit

Bougainvillea, morning glory, hollyhocks, dusty white acanthus, all waving and grinning from everyday, ordinary tins brightened with casual splashes of paint — they just wouldn’t look the same in Britain

At the water’s edge I found tiny bits of waving, organic fluff clinging to the pebbles just where the bubbles melt away; curious purple pieces of seaweed no bigger than a crumb lying on the beach and spiky bits of crab shell attached to the occasional limb

He cackled out loud, and waving them away he turned to resume his seat in the stalls

I look up to see him waving a hand in the direction of a hillside in front of us

Just then the doors to the boardroom crashed open and the combined weight and wealth of the Cameron and Flashman-Pebble clans surged into the room, waving glasses of bubbly and cheering loudly as they celebrated the perfect society couple locked in true love’s wonderful embrace

«Dunno», he said, «looks some old twat an’ a dog what’s waving at us»

Hey, I know all this because your father told me,’ a huge grin spread across his face and he slapped his thigh, nodding and waving a finger in my face

‘Yes, she was, wasn’t she?’ Alastair interposed, waving his fork for emphasis, ‘That aria at the end of the first act, you know … the one when you finished in tears … it got me every bloody performance! How you coped with the emotional blast I do not know

Alexis was right, it was hard not to crunch bits of pottery or sea shells underfoot, and I was forced to step over a gang of red ants, dragging off a caterpillar and waving nasty-looking pincers at anything that threatened their mission

I was so startled I jumped up and down, waving my arms, laughing and shouting, spitting fluff and feathers from my mouth but more to scare my demons than because I found it funny

She was waving a piece of paper above her head as though she’d won the Lotto

The people crowded round the crates cursing, grumbling to one another and waving their arms, unable to believe their eyes

her looks and waving her knitting at his groin

streets, waving to her grown up friends and schoolmates as she

On it were big brass knobs and levers, a few tall, cylindrical and deeply indented push buttons, and a few large meters with very thin needles that were waving slowly, but remaining in the green

They are sitting in the lounge with Treacle – Jake is on the floor rubbing Treacle’s stomach as the stupid cat lies there waving his feet in the air … Obviously, he’s only just arrived, Alastair is only now unwrapping the present he has brought

elections by waving from the car

«Ah, Kelvin, we’re in Heaven now,» she said, waving a finger, «and such brute things don’t work any more

He cackled out loud, and waving them away he turned to resume

room, waving glasses of bubbly and cheering loudly as they

Jo and Alastair are in conversation with Peter again so we don’t disturb them, just waving as we pass them

I push my way through the swing doors and scan the crowd in the bar, oh, there’s Kerry waving frantically

exclaimed, waving their order papers in the air above their heads

‘I think you’ll find everything you need in there …’ he said, reaching for his dressing gown and waving a hand in the vague direction of the shower room

“Help yourself to a brew,” he said, waving casually in the

There was a short interval with much waving of hands and a

“SEE!!!” he shrieked, waving his arms so hard, they whacked the ceiling

“Are you leading to anything with this?” Kulai asked, waving his hand as much to brush Enjteen back as stir the air

Probably for the best, he thinks, most of the time, but there is a case to make for the exercise of peremptory powers in the case of a thirty-seven-year-old man waving his willie around outside a shopping centre

’ He said waving the keys in the air

Hipolyta had indeed received a new skirt and made a point of waving the flouncing hem every few steps

waving as he approached, ‘They lie in ambush

“I was about to give up on you,” she said, waving the cup

The impatient arm is waving a single digit in the mirror

’ Andy replied, waving an arm in the air

They stopped advancing upon each other, and even slowly lowered their arms, transfixed as under a spell, watching the woman’s waving skirt

“I have to get these names and figures sorted in my head before we arrive in Chicago, Saturday afternoon, and it takes me longer these days to cement new things into my mind than it once did,” he admitted, waving the papers in his hands

He had some eyecopy with the department logo that he was waving

their counters, some began waving their trader’s

Kids waving their giant

“What the hell are you doing? What’s all this?” I said waving my hand at

crowd were waving their fists, and those closest to the

At seven-thirty that evening, with the baby in her arms and waving her little hand ‘bye-bye’ to her parents, Kaitlyn saw them off and went back to her suite—Harry’s suite

The awaiting crew were jumping and waving their hands

waving us towards the now vacant picnic area with a sad

Unfortunately they were waving their hands to show sizes and where the lens really goes

piece of paper I was waving under his nose

«Does this represent a real place?» he asked, waving his arm at the view

and headed in the direction of his waving arms

«I meant the vedn’s, I figured on this for after or maybe at,» he said, waving the bottle

The crowd was waving cups and fists with thumbs sticking up before they even hit the chorus

followed by a waving hand

But tonight she saw someone in the audience waving to her

end of a stick, his legs waving in the air

foreigner and, as he began raving and waving his hands in

‘Steady!’ Shouted Axel, waving his hand at the villagers so that they kept down

The lads quickly glanced into the spoons and indeed saw a fading Dingle waving, as he tended his herbal and vegetable patch

Pierre began waving his hands about

they saw Etienne waving

Patrice shakes her head, waving it off

arity at the waving Legion colors set against the striking towers

Mitzka ran to join her mother and Zarko, waving her hand in farewell, all smiles as they made their way down the steps towards the buggy

A group of men was standing and others were shouting at them and waving their arms

She looked at Rosabell’s waving hand and saw the SmartWrist on it

Victor insisted — waving his hand to an area

gestured with his hand waving around the

Rex — waving them on

They were waving at him as he headed down the sidewalk towards the incline that ran up the side of the Bluff to the Security Office

and waving to the car as it drives away

He heard shouting and could see the Security man on top waving his arms and scrambling down the side of the embankment

Things are so different,” she said waving him towards the kitchen door using the shotgun as a pointer

He is among a throng of girls, parents, and luggage that exits the school building’s side door and makes its way out to the parking lot where there is some last minute chit-chat, the honking of horns, and waving good-bye

In the meantime, I had fired the cannon a second time and returned to waving the flag

Appearing faceless and dark as night, waving an elongated finger and shaking their heads in admonishment, as if to a small child

Continue Learning about English Language Arts

How would you use the word brandish in a sentence?

To brandish something is to wave it around in a menacing way. An
example sentence is: How dare you brandish that firearm at me!

What is the meaning of example sentence?

An example sentence is a sentence written to show usage of a
particular word or phrase. This sentence is an example of an
example sentence!

What is an example sentence with the word garb?

sentence with the word bedlam

Can you have an example sentence with the word intellect?

You, you can indeed have an example sentence with the word
intellect. For example «my intellect is insulted by your

Make a sentence with the word amplitude?

The amplitude to a wave is high.

And when morning broke Surya, rising red above the eastern hills, watched the hungry waves cast up beside her fourteen white corpses, the remnants of her crewsilent suppliants for the last great rites which open to man the passage into the next world.

Before you roll the waves of the sea which has been announced to you, and which no doubt encloses the immense riches we have heard of.

« When Jack was able to look again he saw far in among the trees a moving wave of light now and then, as the heavy curtain of smoke was lifted by the wind.

Dorn felt a wave of air that was not wind.

She was so large and strongly built as to resist the waves as long as they broke upon her from the seaward; but when the wind changed and blew directly off the shore, the ship, which now met the waves directly with her head, was in great danger of going to pieces, while to let her drive out to sea again now that it was so rough, and the wind changed so frequently, seemed more terrible than to remain where they were.

Once more He heard the drenching waves on that rough shore

So many nights to cut the frothy waves, But Hero‘s love, that lay inclos’d in Sest?

So in the coolest people, certain persons, objects, episodes, may send a wave along an old line of nerve cells and paths which lead to the adrenal medulla, and so flood him with fear, terror or even panic before his usual cortex response occurs.

Where, heretofore, the water had been choppy and whitecapped, the water now broke in longer, foamcrested waves.

[RULE, BRITANNIA] AN ODE: FROM ALFRED, A MASQUE When Britain first, at Heaven‘s command, Arose from out the azure main, This was the charter of the land, And guardian angels sang this strain: Rule, Britannia, Britannia rules the waves!

Above, the boundless expanse of blue sky, with fleecy little white clouds passing here and there, looking like islands in a sea of azure; below, an unending sea of tossing waves, with perhaps not even a fishing vessel in sight.

Then he slowly fell backwards out upon the sea, and falling upon the sea caused so mighty a wave that it went high over the black rock and washed the face of the cliff, sweeping Martin back among the rocks.

The water below was lashed into fury, in the midst of which a mighty death agony beat back the troubled waves of the trade wind.

For the thirty blocks of its course Gertie Slayback followed that wave of men, half run and half walk.

Against the tidewall of history, beaten by many a storm, and battered by many a thundering wave, there is about to sweep the incoming wave of a new life for the race: there is about to pass a greater than the spirit of Tsze,even the Spirit of God!

Sometimes, in shape of a snowwhite fowl, he gave voice to sounds sweeter than those of the dying swan, and anon, changing to a young bull and fitting horns to his brow, he bellowed along the plains, and humbled his proud flanks to the touch of a virgin‘s knees, and, compelling his tired hoofs to do the office of oars, he breasted the waves of his brother‘s kingdom, yet sank not in its depths, but joyously bore away his prize.

Neptune returning from visiting his favourite Æthiopians, from the mountains of the Solymi, descried Ulysses ploughing the waves, his domain.

The disabled craft also was riding the waves gently perhaps five hundred yards away.

&c (drone) 683 V. be useless &c adj.; go a begging &c (redundant) 641; fail &c 732. seek after impossibilities, strive after impossibilities; use vain efforts, labor in vain, roll the stone of Sisyphus, beat the air, lash the waves, battre l’eau avec un baton

Brought up from infancy to feel herself in a constant circle of invisible spiritual agencies, Agnes received this wave of intense feeling as an impulse inspired and breathed into her by some celestial spirit, that thus she should be made an interceding medium for a soul in some unknown strait or peril.

The followers of Sextus alarmed their opponents by the way they dashed up the waves: and they knocked holes in some ships by assailing them with a rush and bursting open the parts outside the oars, but as they were struck from the towers in the combat and brought alongside by grappling irons, they suffered no less harm than they inflicted.

The wind must have an in making the waves as they do.

Say, Father Thames, for thou hast seen Full many a sprightly race Disporting on thy margent green The paths of pleasure trace, Who foremost now delight to cleave With pliant arm thy glassy wave?

A couple of hundred yards ahead a long, white, viciouslooking craft was racing swiftly towards us, throwing up a wave on either side of her bows that spread out fanwise across the river.

The sorrel horse on the side next him tossed his head, and chewed the bit, with a defiant air that set waves of memory in motion.

  • crest
  • flood
  • influx
  • movement
  • outbreak
  • rash
  • rush
  • sign
  • stream
  • surge
  • swell
  • tide
  • upsurge
  • bending
  • billow
  • breaker
  • coil
  • comber
  • convolution
  • corkscrew
  • crush
  • curl
  • curlicue
  • drift
  • foam
  • gush
  • heave
  • loop
  • ridge
  • ripple
  • rippling
  • rocking
  • roll
  • roller
  • scroll
  • signal
  • sweep
  • tendency
  • tube
  • twirl
  • twist
  • undulation
  • unevenness
  • uprising
  • whitecap
  • winding
  • ground swell
  • brandish
  • flap
  • flutter
  • fly
  • shake
  • swing
  • twirl
  • twist
  • wield
  • beckon
  • billow
  • coil
  • curl
  • direct
  • falter
  • flourish
  • flow
  • fluctuate
  • gesticulate
  • indicate
  • motion
  • oscillate
  • palpitate
  • pulsate
  • pulse
  • quaver
  • quiver
  • reel
  • ripple
  • seesaw
  • sign
  • signal
  • stir
  • stream
  • surge
  • sway
  • swell
  • swirl
  • swish
  • switch
  • tremble
  • undulate
  • vacillate
  • vibrate
  • wag
  • waggle
  • waver
  • whirl
  • wigwag
  • wobble
  • move to and fro

On this page you’ll find 199 synonyms, antonyms, and words related to wave, such as: crest, flood, influx, movement, outbreak, and rash.

  • untwist
  • calm
  • leave alone
  • mislead
  • persist
  • remain
  • stay
  • steady
  • straighten

Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


See how your sentence looks with different synonyms.


Don’t Be A Nincompoop! Take This Word Of The Day Quiz!


How to use wave in a sentence


OCTOBER 26, 1985


  • allure
  • ask
  • attract
  • bid
  • coax
  • command
  • demand
  • draw
  • entice
  • gesticulate
  • gesture
  • invite
  • motion
  • nod
  • pull
  • sign
  • summon
  • tempt
  • wave
  • allured
  • asked
  • attracted
  • bade
  • coaxed
  • commanded
  • demanded
  • drew
  • enticed
  • gesticulated
  • gestured
  • invited
  • motioned
  • nodded
  • pulled
  • signed
  • summoned
  • tempted
  • waved
  • beachcomber
  • breaker
  • crest
  • roller
  • surge
  • swell
  • tide
  • wave
  • balloon
  • belly
  • bloat
  • bounce
  • bulge
  • ebb and flow
  • heave
  • pitch
  • puff up
  • ripple
  • rise and fall
  • rise up
  • rock
  • roll
  • swell
  • toss
  • undulate
  • wave
  • ballooned
  • bellied
  • bloated
  • bounced
  • bulged
  • ebb and flowed
  • heaved
  • pitched
  • puffed up
  • rippled
  • rocked
  • rolled
  • rose and fell
  • rose up
  • swelled
  • tossed
  • undulated
  • waved
  • departed
  • hit the road
  • split
  • took a hike
  • took a powder
  • went

Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.

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  • Sentences with the word assemble
  • Sentences with the word asked
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  • Sentences using the word under
  • Sentences with the word as long as