Sentences using the word space

Synonym: area, dimension, expanse, extent, measure. Antonym: time. Similar words: pace, keep pace with, face to face, pack, spate, spark, impact, Hispanic. Meaning: [speɪs]  n. 1. the unlimited expanse in which everything is located 2. an empty area (usually bounded in some way between things) 3. an area reserved for some particular purpose 4. a blank character used to separate successive words in writing or printing 5. the interval between two times 6. a blank area 7. one of the areas between or below or above the lines of a musical staff 8. (printing) a block of type without a raised letter; used for spacing between words. v. place at intervals. 

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1. From words to deeds is a great space

2. Ill news comes space.

3. Please answer questions in the space provided.

4. I couldn’t find a parking space near the shops.

5. There’s a lot of storage space in the loft.

6. He hates anyone parking in his space.

7. The world exists in space and time.

8. Early booking is essential, as space is limited.

9. In the space marked ‘occupation’ she wrote ‘police officer’.

10. The rocket was launched from a space research base.

11. The tug eased into the narrow docking space.

12. There is very little storage space in the department.

13. She is always interested in space science.

14. Bacterial reproduction is accelerated in weightless space.

15. She was staring into space,( her mouth slack.

16. There’s a space here for your signature.

17. The rocket boosts the astronaut into space.

18. The philosopher speculated about time and space.

19. People have travelled through space to the moon.

20. There’s space for a table and two chairs.

21. Let’s hope we can find a parking space.

22. I wanted a little breathing space between jobs.

23. The device simulates conditions in space quite closely.

24. Keep your office space looking good, particularly your desk.

24. try its best to gather and build good sentences.

25. The space rocket was launched and went into orbit.

26. Spacecraft are vehicles used for flight in outer space.

27. That desk takes up too much space.

28. Keep some space between you and the car ahead.

29. There’s parking space in front of the hotel.

30. We must make good use of the available space.

More similar words: pace, keep pace with, face to face, pack, spate, spark, impact, Hispanic, Spanish, package, newspaper, face, place, trace, palace, surface, in place, replace, at peace, embrace, face up to, take place, in place of, out of place, make a face, placement, workplace, marketplace, replacement, make peace with. 

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Space is wonderful place with many marvelous planets out there.

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Q: What is a sentence using the word space?

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  • #2

The way I see it:
Steve, I meant to increase the depth if we have the space. :tick:
Steve, I meant to increase the depth if we have space. :cross:

Steve, I meant to increase the depth if we have the room. :tick: (or tickish …not as definite as)
Steve, I meant to increase the depth if we have room. :tick: (definite)

Keith Bradford

  • #5

…I’d be interested to know at what point the word ‘space’ becomes »the region beyond Earth’s atmosphere» ?

When the context requires it. I don’t remember ever being in doubt about which one a writer meant, though if you can imagine an ambiguous example, let’s hear it.

  • #8

That does seem a little ambiguous.


  • #10

I don’t think that «if we have space» is ambiguous. The BNC gives 48 results for «have space», and (unless I missed one or two) all of them are synonyms of «have room», and none of them has anything to do with outer space.

Last edited: Nov 29, 2012

space, six-hour, take, typical, short, couple, personal, each other, r перевод - space, six-hour, take, typical, short, couple, personal, each other, r русский как сказать

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space, six-hour, take, typical, short, couple, personal, each other, rock, wet

Shuttle, day, of hours, space walk, to help, sponge, photos, break, song

fill in the words from the list then make senteces using the completed phrases


Результаты (русский) 1: [копия]


пространства, шесть часов, принять, типичный, короткие, пара, личное, друг друга, рок, влажныеТрансфер, дня, часов, открытый космос, чтобы помочь, Губка, фотографии, перерыв, песняЗаполните слова из списка, а затем сделать предложения, используя завершенный фразы

переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..

Результаты (русский) 2:[копия]


пространство, шесть часов, принимать, типичные, короткие, пара, личная, друг друга, рок, мокрый Shuttle, день, часов, космос, чтобы помочь, губка, фото, брейк, песня заполнить слов из списка и нажмите сделать senteces помощью заполненные фразы

переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..

Результаты (русский) 3:[копия]


Пространства, шесть часов, принимать, типичный, короткое замыкание, пару, личных, друг с другом, рок, влажные

Shuttle, день, часов, космической прогулки, помочь, губка, фотографии, перерыв, песни

заполните слова из списка, а затем сделать senteces с помощью завершена фразы

переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..

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Complete the sentences. Use the necessary forms of the words in capitals to fill in the blank space.
1. The young researcher has received a grant to continue his project. RESEARCH
2. I think he is the most talented Arctic … . EXPLORE
3. The astronauts started their … for the space flight five months ago. PREPARE
4. What is the film about? − About a Russian … who crossed the Pacific Ocean in a small boat. TRAVEL
5. Jules Verne was an outstanding science−fiction … . Have you read any of his books? WRITE
6. They use different means of … in their work. COMMUNICATE
7. Have you read their latest article about space …? − Not yet. Is it worth reading? ESPLORE

Английский язык ENJOY ENGLISH Английский с удовольствием 8 класс Биболетова. SECTION 4. Do We Need Space Exploration. Номер №71


Перевод задания
Закончите предложения. Используйте необходимые формы слов, написанных заглавными буквами, чтобы заполнить пропуск.
1. Молодой исследователь получил грант на продолжение своего проекта. ИССЛЕДОВАТЬ
2. Я считаю, что он самый талантливый … Арктики. ПРОВОДИТЬ ИССЛЕДОВАНИЯ
3. Астронавты начали свой … в космический полет пять месяцев назад. ПОДГОТОВИТЬ
4. О чем фильм? − Про русского … , который пересек Тихий океан на маленькой лодке. ПУТЕШЕСТВОВАТЬ
5. Жюль Верн был выдающимся … фантастом. Вы читали какие−нибудь из его книг? НАПИСАТЬ
6. Они используют разные средства … в своей работе. ОБЩАТЬСЯ
7. Вы читали их последнюю статью о космическом …? − Еще нет. Стоит ли? ПРОВОДИТЬ ИССЛЕДОВАНИЯ

1. The young researcher has received a grant to continue his project.
2. I think he is the most talented Arctic explorer.
3. The astronauts started their preparation for the space flight five months ago.
4. What is the film about? − About a Russian traveller who crossed the Pacific Ocean in a small boat.
5. Jules Verne was an outstanding science−fiction writer. Have you read any of his books?
6. They use different means of communication in their work.
7. Have you read their latest article about space exploration? − Not yet. Is it worth reading?

Перевод ответа
1. Молодой исследователь получил грант на продолжение своего проекта.
2. Я считаю его самым талантливым исследователем Арктики.
3. Астронавты начали подготовку к космическому полету пять месяцев назад.
4. О чем фильм? − О русском путешественнике, пересекшем Тихий океан на маленькой лодке.
5. Жюль Верн был выдающимся писателем−фантастом. Вы читали какую−нибудь из его книг?
6. В своей работе они используют разные средства общения.
7. Вы читали их последнюю статью об освоении космоса? − Еще нет. Стоит ли ее прочитать?

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Space ESL Worksheets, Activities and Games

  • Intermediate (B1)
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Solar System Superlatives

ESL Planets Activity — Speaking: Gap-fill, Reading Sentences, Guessing — Pair Work — Intermediate (B1) — 25 minutes

In this fun planets activity, students complete facts about the solar system with superlatives and then used the sentences in a quiz. In two groups, students complete each solar system fact with one of the adjectives shown on the worksheet in its superlative form. Students then pair up with someone from the other group and take it in turns to read their solar system facts to their partner who tries to guess the correct answer. For each correct guess, students score a point. The student with the most points at the end of the activity is the winner.

Solar System Superlatives Preview

Space Odyssey

ESL Space Vocabulary Game — Vocabulary: Gap-fill, Guessing — Pair Work — Intermediate (B1) — 25 minutes

Here is an engaging space vocabulary game to help students review and practice words related to space. In two groups, students begin by completing facts about space with the vocabulary provided. Next, students pair up with someone from the other group and take turns reading out a space fact to their partner, who tries to guess the answer by choosing a number from the box at the bottom of their worksheet and, if necessary, a suitable word. Their partner has two chances to guess the correct answer. If they manage to do this, the student puts a tick next to the sentence. When all the space facts have been read out and guessed, students add up their partner’s ticks, giving them a point for each one. The student with the most points at the end of the game wins.

Space Odyssey Preview

A Journey into Space

ESL Space Vocabulary Worksheet — Vocabulary Exercises: Labelling, Matching, Gap-fill, Multiple Choice — Speaking Activity: Drawing and Describing a Picture — Pair Work — Upper-intermediate (B2) — 35 minutes

In this space worksheet, students learn and practice vocabulary associated with space and space travel. Students begin by naming the star and planets in our solar system. Next, students match other space-related words with their correct definitions. Students then move on to complete sentences with the space vocabulary. After that, students circle the correct space-related word to complete each sentence. Next, students read space trivia questions and choose the correct answers. In the last exercise, students draw a space scene using as many words from the worksheet as possible. Students then describe their space picture to a partner for them to draw. Afterwards, students compare their pictures to spot the similarities and differences.

A Journey into Space Preview

The Universe

ESL The Universe Worksheet — Reading and Vocabulary Exercises: Matching, Gap-fill, Guessing — Speaking Activity: Asking and Answering Questions — Pair Work — Upper-intermediate (B2) — 30 minutes

This space worksheet helps students to learn and practice words associated with the Universe. First, students read a text that contains vocabulary related to the Universe and match the words with their correct definitions. Next, students do a gap-fill exercise where they complete sentences using the Universe vocabulary. Students then read statements and guess whether they are true or not for a partner by writing true or false. Next, students ask their partner whether the statements are true or not and write down their answers to see how many of their guesses were correct. Students also ask follow-up questions to gain more information and discuss each item. When the students have finished, they share what they found out about their partner with the class.

The Universe Worksheet Preview

What to See in the Solar System

ESL Space Board Game — Vocabulary: Gap-fill — Group Work — Upper-intermediate (B2) — 35 minutes

In this space board game, students answer quiz questions about the Solar System in order to practice space vocabulary. The aim of the game is to be the first player to cross off all the space-related words on a checklist by answering questions with the space vocabulary. Players take it in turns to move their counter to a new location on the game board and choose a number 1 to 4. The student on the player’s right then reads the quiz question corresponding to the player’s location and chosen number, e.g. The Sun is the only ‘blank’ in our Solar System’. The player answers with one of the space words shown on their checklist, e.g. ‘The Sun is the only star in our Solar System’. If the player answers correctly, they check off the word on their checklist. The first player to complete their checklist is the winner.

What to See in the Solar System Preview

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    • Gerunds & Infinitives
    • Have got & Has got
    • I wish & If only
    • Imperatives
    • Irregular Verbs
    • Narrative Tenses
    • Noun Clauses
    • Noun Phrases
    • Passive Voice
    • Past Continuous
    • Past Perfect
    • Past Perfect Continuous
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    • Past Simple Passive
    • Past Simple Regular Verbs
    • Past Simple vs. Past Continuous
    • Past Simple Was and Were
    • Past Simple Wh Questions
    • Past Simple Yes/No Questions
    • Past Tense Review
    • Present Continuous
    • Present Perfect
    • Present Perfect — Ever and Never
    • Present Perfect — For and Since
    • Present Perfect — Just, Yet & Already
    • Present Perfect vs. Past Simple
    • Present Perfect Continuous
    • Present Simple Affirmative & Negative
    • Present Simple Passive
    • Present Simple vs. Present Continuous
    • Present Simple Wh Questions
    • Present Simple Yes/No Questions
    • Present Tense Review
    • Question Words
    • Relative Clauses
    • Reported Speech
    • Subject-Verb Agreement
    • Tag Questions
    • There is & There are
    • Used to
    • Verb to be
    • Wh Questions
  • Parts of Speech
    • Abstract Nouns
    • Adjectives
    • Adjective-Noun Collocations
    • Adjectives of Feeling & Emotion
    • Adjectives of Opinion
    • Adjectives of Quantity
    • Adjective Opposites
    • Adjective Order
    • Adjective-Preposition Collocations
    • -ed and -ing Adjectives
    • Adverb-Adjective Collocations
    • Adverb Order
    • Adverbs of Affirmation and Negation
    • Adverbs of Degree
    • Adverbs of Frequency
    • Adverbs of Manner
    • Adverbs of Time
    • Adverbs of Place
    • Articles — a, an, the
    • Causative Verbs
    • Collective Nouns
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    • Compound Adjectives
    • Compound Nouns
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    • Conjunctions
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    • Parts of Speech
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    • Prepositions of Place
    • Prepositions of Time
    • Proper Adjectives
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    • Reflexive Pronouns
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    • Suffixes
    • Too and Enough
    • Transition Words
    • Verb-Noun Collocations
    • Verbs
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    • Air Travel
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    • At the Doctor’s
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