Sentences using the word solemn

solemn — перевод на русский


Let us take the solemn vow.

Давайте торжественно поклянемся:

«You do solemnly swear that you will «diligently inquire on behalf of this state «when and in what manner and by what means

«Торжественно клянитесь, что вы тщательным образом исследуете, в соответствии с буквой закона, когда, при каких обстоятельствах и по какой причине этот человек умер.

Charles, I solemnly adjure realism.

Чарльз, я торжественно умоляю.

Calling it solemn.

Он сказал, это торжественно.

— Oh my! Why so solemn?

Почему так торжественно?

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Yes, Dad, I solemnly swear… I will not tell another living soul—

Да, клянусь, что не скажу ни одной живой душе.

I, Jeremy Wiœniowiecki, Ruthenian Governor, Prince of £ubnie and Wiœniowiec, do solemnly pledge, before you, God in Trinity,

Я, Иеремия Вишневецкий, воевода русский, князь Лубнов из Вишневца, клянусь тебе, святой Боже,

I solemnly promise so to do.


I solemnly vow to save myself for her.

Я клянусь, что сберегу себя для неё!

I do solemnly swear that the testimony I’m about to give before this court…

Я клянусь, что показания, которые я дам перед судом…

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I solemnly promise…

Я торжественно клянусь,..

«I solemnly promise, God helping me.»

«Я торжественно клянусь, да поможет мне бог.»

I do solemnly declare that I know not of any lawful impediment that I know not of any lawful impediment… why I, Lydia Jane Hibbott why I, Lydia Jane Hibbott… – …may not be johned in matrimony…

Я торжественно клянусь.. «Что я не знаю никаких юридических препятствий» Что я не знаю никаких юридических препятствий.

— «I solemnly promise so do so.»

— «Я торжественно клянусь. »


«Я торжественно клянусь!»

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As leader of the free world, it is my solemn duty to put an end to cartoon violence.

Ну ладно. Это мой священный долг, как лидера свободного мира — [СМЕРТЬ НАСИЛИЮ! ]

A solemn, sworn duty, by God, you do.

Священный долг, скрепленный под присягой.

A solemn duty.

Священный долг.

As general manager of the Medici Bank, its solvency is my solemn duty.

Как главный управляющий банком Медичи, следить за деньгами — мой священный долг.

Now, I could go on forever about the extraordinary contributions of our men and women in uniform and how it’s our solemn obligation to serve them as well as they’ve served us, but Rayna and Luke promised you all some music,

И я могу продолжать бесконечно об огромном вкладе наших мужчин и женщин в форме и что это наш священный долг служить им также как они служат нам. Но Рэйна и Люк обещали вам немного музыки

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It’s a solemn moment, you’re ready.

Это очень важный момент. Вот теперь ты готов.

This is a solemn day for all New Yorkers, in fact, for all Americans, as we pay tribute to the fallen heroes of that day.

Это важный день для всех ньюйоркцев, по сути, для всех американцев, т.к. мы отдаём дань уважения павшим героям в этот день.

You look so solemn.

Ты выглядишь таким важным.

Now you don’t look so solemn.

Теперь ты не выглядишь столь важным.

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They move away, away from the dawn, in a solemn dance, away to the dark country.

Они двигаются в другую сторону, куда-то вдаль, в мрачном танце, в сторону темной страны.

I would assume her place, so that her laugh may once again fill solemn air.

Я готов умереть вместо неё, лишь бы ее смех вновь зазвенел в этом мрачном воздухе.

Nor customary suits of solemn black

Ни плащ мой тёмный, Ни эти мрачные одежды, мать,

We come bearing solemn news.

Мы принесли мрачные вести.

If it were a brother lost, you would find the mood solemn.

Если бы это был кто-то из братства, настроение у них было бы мрачным.

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A Star captain’s most solemn oath is that he will give his life, even his entire crew, rather than violate the Prime Directive.

Капитан звездолета дает клятву, что скорее отдаст свою жизнь и жизнь экипажа, чем нарушит Главную директиву.

Tonight I give you my most solemn vow that justice will be swift it will be righteous and it will be without mercy.

Сeгoдня я дaю вaм cвoю cвятeйшую клятву чтo cпpaвeдливocть будeт быcтpoй пpaвeднoй и бecпoщaднoй.

— Look, when I get on that altar, and I make my solemn vows for the second and, I hope, the very last time, standing right behind my husband will be his best man.

— Слушай, когда я подойду к алтарю и произнесу клятву во второй и, я надеюсь, последний раз, прямо за моим мужем будет стоять шафер.

Hey… guy whose name I don’t remember, you’re awesome, or whatever, but I made a solemn vow, like, six months ago not to date any assholes for a year, so… mark your calendar.

— Привет… Парень, чьё имя я не помню. Наверняка ты крут, но я принесла клятву не встречаться с мудаками ещё полгода.

Oh… I made a solemn vow, like, six months ago not to date any assholes for a year, so… mark your calendar.

— Я принесла клятву не встречаться с мудаками ещё полгода.

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You heard my solemn oath.

Вы все слышали, что я поклялся.

I made her a solemn promise that you would be safe with me.

Я ей поклялся, что рядом со мной тебе ничего не грозит.

I gave her a solemn oath before God.

Я поклялся ей перед Богом.

— And that’s when I made a solemn vow Never to eat bark-onion soup again.

Тогда то я и поклялся никогда вновь не прикасаться к луковому супу.

People of Great Britain and the Commonwealth, when crowned King, I took a solemn oath to serve you all, to put the welfare of this nation first.

Народ Великобритании и Содружества, во время коронации я поклялся служить вам, ставить интересы страны превыше всего.

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Do you solemnly swear that the testimony you’re about to give in this cause will be the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help you, God.

Вы клянетесь говорить правду, только правду и ничего, кроме правды?

Do you solemnly swear to tell the truth… the whole truth and nothing but the truth, so help you God?

Вы клянетесь говорить правду… всю правду и ничего кроме правды, и да поможет вам Бог?

Do you solemnly swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth?

Вы клянётесь говорить правду, только правду и ничего кроме правды?

Do you solemnly swear that you will tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help you God?

Вы клянетесь говорить правду, только правду и ничего кроме правды, да поможет вам Бог?

Do you solemnly swear to tell the truth, so help you God?

Вы клянетесь говорить правду и ничего, кроме правды, и да поможет вам Бог?

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I give you my solemn word nothing irregular will occur.

Даю слово, ничего незаконного здесь не произойдет.

You have my solemn word.

Даю тебе слово.

You have my solemn oath that I will never abandon this ship.

Я даю вам слово. Я никогда не покину свой корабль.

I give my solemn guarantee, as a man of the law, that the young man will be confined to my house, under my responsibility, and I shall produce him whenever demanded.

Я даю свою серьёзную гарантию, как человек закона, что молодой человек будет заперт в моём доме, под мою ответственность, и я выдам его по первому требованию.

You have my solemn word.

Даю тебе слово

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Synonym: dismal, dreary, gloomy, glum, grave, serious, somber. Antonym: frivolous. Similar words: solemnly, solemnity, sole, solely, console, insolence, obsolescence, condemn. Meaning: [‘sɑləm /’sɒl-]  adj. 1. dignified and somber in manner or character and committed to keeping promises 2. characterized by a firm and humorless belief in the validity of your opinions. 

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1. We entered into a solemn bond.

2. I was awed by her solemn words.

3. His solemn little face broke into smiles.

4. He was very solemn and refrained from talking.

5. Their faces suddenly grew solemn.

6. He looked very solemn as he announced the news.

7. His comments were wholly inappropriate on such a solemn occasion.

8. All members had to swear a solemn oath never to reveal the secrets of the organization.

9. There was nothing portentous or solemn about him. He was bubbling with humour.

10. He addressed them all in very solemn tones.

11. She gave a solemn undertaking to respect their decision.

12. Erica was solemn(, pulling at her blonde curls.

13. His laughter was not becoming on that solemn occasion.

14. The Premier’s burial was a solemn occasion.

15. The solemn event rapidly degenerated into farce.

16. They have entered into a solemn bond.

17. Drums and cymbals beat out a solemn rhythm.

18. The new Embassador was received with solemn ceremonies.

19. His face suddenly turned solemn, his voice confidential.

20. Her mood was rather solemn.

20. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!

21. He wore an extraordinarily solemn expression.

22. The solemn procession wound its way through the narrow streets.

23. The mood of the meeting turned solemn when the extent of the problem became known.

24. Her face grew solemn.

25. His face grew solemn.

26. His jocose manner was unsuitable for such a solemn occasion.

27. She gave him her solemn word that she would give up drugs.

28. The solemn statement of the central government on this issue was featured in full in the newspapers.

29. She usually had a smile on her face, but now she looked solemn.

30. I’ll never be unfaithful again. I give you my solemn word .

More similar words: solemnly, solemnity, sole, solely, console, insolence, obsolescence, condemn, condemned, lemon, problem, dilemma, clement, element, elements, implement, settlement, elementary, finite element, implementation, solo, hole, pole, whole, role, solid, solar, solve, solace, soldier. 

торжественный, серьезный, важный, официальный, мрачный, темный, формальный


- серьёзный

solemn air [face, warning, music] — серьёзный вид [-ое лицо, предупреждение, -ая музыка]

- торжественный

solemn ceremony [oath, silence, occasion, promise] — торжественная церемония [клятва, тишина, -ый случай, -ое обещание]
solemn mass — церк., муз. торжественная месса

- внушительный, импозантный

solemn sight — волнующее /впечатляющее/ зрелище
solemn building [tread] — величественное здание [-ая поступь]

- напыщенный, надутый, важничающий

solemn fool — напыщенный дурак
to put on a solemn face — принимать важный вид, напускать на себя важность

- официальный, формальный

solemn declaration — официальное заявление

- тёмный, мрачный (о цвете)
- священный, святой

solemn rite — священный обряд
solemn truth — святая правда
solemn duty — священный долг

Мои примеры


a film with a solemn social message — фильм с важным общественным посылом  
solemn celebration — торжественное празднование  
solemn ceremony — торжественная церемония  
solemn edict — торжественный указ  
solemn hymn — торжественный гимн  
high Mass, solemn Mass — торжественная месса, праздничная месса  
solemn oath — торжественная клятва, торжественная присяга  
solemn tone — торжественный тон  
solemn word — торжественное обещание  
solemn promise — торжественное обещание, клятва  
solemn air — серьезный вид  

Примеры с переводом

We made a solemn promise to love each other forever.

Мы дали торжественное обещание любить друг друга вечно.

She made a solemn vow not to smoke again.

Она торжественно пообещала больше не курить.

He wore a very solemn expression on his face.

У него было серьёзное/важное выражение лица.

The place tuned me to a solemn mood.

Это место настроило меня на торжественный лад.

He explained it in his usual solemn mode.

Он объяснил это в своей обычной важной манере.

He spoke in a solemn and thoughtful manner.

Он говорил серьёзно и вдумчиво.

You can’t duck out now, you made a solemn promise.

Ты не можешь теперь уклониться, ты клятвенно пообещал.

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Примеры, ожидающие перевода

I’ll never lie to you again. You have my solemn promise.

…an indecorous joke for a solemn moment in the marriage ceremony…

His comments were wholly inappropriate on such a solemn occasion.

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Возможные однокоренные слова

solemnity  — торжественность, торжество, серьезность, важность, формальность
solemnize  — праздновать, совершать торжественную церемонию, торжественно отмечать
solemnly  — торжественно
unsolemn  — неторжественный, неофициальный

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word solemn, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use solemn in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «solemn».

Solemn in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word solemn in a sentence.

  1. His dedication to his art was not solemn.

  2. The meeting was undertaken with a sense of solemn pageantry.

  3. Norton’s funeral on Sunday, January 10 was solemn, mournful, and large.

  4. The critic was dismissive of the composer’s solemn Victorian choral music.

  5. Historian Ana Carden-Coyne described it as a «simple yet solemn memorial».

  6. As we arrived in a solemn procession the students pelted us with toilet rolls.

  7. George seems hesitant and unsure of himself in such a solemn and reserved setting.

  8. Porte writes that the music is often solemn and romantic, and curiously impressive.

  9. When the solemn ceremony was performed on the way to Drepana, the chickens declined to eat.

  10. Some parishes made the day a festive occasion, with public drinking and solemn processions.

  11. The 23-year-old Alexander had a broken voice and tears in his eyes as he made the solemn declaration.

  12. His remains were accorded solemn funereal honors in Rio de Janeiro, Rio Grande and lastly, Porto Alegre.

  13. A solemn thing it was I said –A Woman White to be –And wear if God should count me fit –Her blameless mystery –.

  14. The solemn prayer was then interrupted and Yusuf was carried to his royal apartment in the Alhambra, where he died.

  15. Initiation, known as Reception (receptio) into the order, was a profound commitment and involved a solemn ceremony.

  16. Brass can be solemn or brazen; the «Marche au supplice» in the Symphonie fantastique is a defiantly modern use of brass.

  17. Using either time signature, the anthem must be played in a solemn and singing manner (Russian: Торжественно and Распевно).

  18. I saw in my imagination a solemn pagan rite: sage elders, seated in a circle, watching a young girl dance herself to death.

  19. Gielgud felt that something serious or even solemn was necessary for wartime London, where most entertainment was light-hearted.

  20. In short, he had broken his coronation oath—here treated as a solemn contract with his people and country—and he must pay the price.

  21. He gave it bold classical contours and applied simplified modeling, reflecting the huge scale of the project and its solemn purpose.

  22. The soundtrack’s music includes both «ominous» and «light-hearted» tracks, and is noted for its use of bells and «dark, solemn pianos».

  23. The Archbishop of Paris ordered a mass, while radio performances were cancelled and replaced by solemn music, notably Berlioz’ Requiem.

  24. The judge then read the sentence, Hodgson records, «in a most solemn and affecting manner, which bathed many of the auditors in tears».

  25. A third controversy sprung up in 1180, when Manuel objected to the formula of solemn abjuration, which was exacted from Muslim converts.

  26. After graduation in 1857, Hanna attended Western Reserve College, but was dismissed for distributing mock programs at a solemn ceremonial.

  27. At the age of 12, Bhagat takes a solemn vow to free India from British rule after witnessing the aftermath of the Jallianwala Bagh massacre.

  28. In Noye’s song calling for the ark to be built, a flood leitmotiv derived from the first line of the opening hymn recurs as a solemn refrain.

  29. Bach incorporates the solemn rhythms of the French overture into this verse, reflecting the presence of the word «feiern» (celebrate) in the text.

  30. Before leaving Constantinople, he swore a solemn oath to Manuel that he would always «keep in mind the interests of the emperor and of the Romans».

  31. Lucius’s apparently solemn devotion to the Isis cult in this book contrasts strongly with the comic misadventures that make up the rest of the novel.

  32. According to Catholic teaching, this commandment does not preclude the use of God’s name in taking solemn oaths administered by legitimate authority.

  33. In Swedish folk music, songs are monophonic, unemotional, and solemn in character, though working and festive songs might be more lively and rhythmic.

  34. Most modern Maya were indifferent to the ceremonies, and the small number of people still practising ancient rites held solemn, more private ceremonies.

  35. A solemn baritone solo, the voice of Pater Ecstaticus, ends warmly as the key changes to the major when the trumpets sound the «Accende» theme from Part I.

  36. His winter scenes are solemn and still—according to the art historian Hermann Beenken, Friedrich painted winter scenes in which «no man has yet set his foot».

  37. He was also known for his sense of humour, including making a self-deprecating humorous response to a poem recited during the solemn ceremony of his ascension.

  38. The layout of the library, its courtyard and surrounding areas form a solemn, elegant, beautiful and peaceful academic environment full of cultural atmosphere.

  39. She appears quite timid and she presides well at the solemn functions of her court.» The British Museum holds a Ranavalona III ten centime coin struck in 1883.

  40. Because of the limitations of such roles, Brody said that the most significant challenge was balancing the film’s comedy with the otherwise solemn subject matter.

  41. Friedrich’s winter scenes are solemn and still—according to the art historian Hermann Beenken, Friedrich painted winter scenes in which «no man has yet set his foot.

  42. During Lent, kings and schoolboys, commoners and nobility, all complained about being deprived of meat for the long, hard weeks of solemn contemplation of their sins.

  43. The composer experimented with form in this piece, replacing the customary sonata form first movement with a more discursive structure, opening with a solemn cadenza.

  44. Carl Dyck wrote, «Those who have come out of this group give solemn evidence of the devastating effect that Branhamism had on them, both emotionally and psychologically.

  45. Roberto’s corpse was not found so soon, but was finally recovered by the Germans who took him to Trento and buried him with solemn funerals in the crypt of the cathedral.

  46. This juxtaposition of the humorous and the solemn pervades the opera; critic Ernest Newman suggests that it «keeps us perpetually suspended between the comic and the tragic».

  47. The crusaders agreed to help the King attack Lisbon, with a solemn agreement that offered to them the pillage of the city’s goods and the ransom money for expected prisoners.

  48. The anthem may be played for solemn or celebratory occasions, such as the annual Victory Day parade in Moscow, or the funerals of heads of state and other significant figures.

  49. Two choruses, one solemn and one jovial are repeated in reverse order around the central love-song «Rosa del ciel» («Rose of the heavens»), followed by the shepherds’ songs of praise.

  50. The work opens with an orchestral prelude of repetitive ascending phrases, after which a chorus of the Chinese military sings solemn couplets against a subdued instrumental background.

Synonyms for solemn

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word solemn has the following synonyms: earnest, sincere, serious, grave, sedate and sober.

General information about «solemn» example sentences

The example sentences for the word solemn that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «solemn» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «solemn».

«Solemn», song by Tribal Tech from album Dr. Hee 1987
«Solemn», song by Arcane Roots from Melancholia Hymns 2017 (Wikipedia) (See all definitions)

Côté is able to mine a wry humour from his animal subjects in places, as when the enormous eye of an ostrich flicks about the screen, or a solemn bull transfixes us with its glare.


Instead of being a quirky gimmick, this character trait enhances the film, turning what could be an average pulpy yarn into something at once more solemn and exciting to watch: a poetic meditation on mortality and honor that delivers the action and suspense of any good gangster film — all set to a moody rap score (by RZA).


In Exodus 31:15 is written «The seventh day is a Sabbath of solemn rest, Holy to the Lord.»


In short, it’s as self-important and solemn as usual, and if you’re a humour deficient petrolhead, you will absolutely adore it.


Section 17 (1)(b) of the Citizenship Regulations provides that a citizenship judge shall «administer the oath of citizenship with dignity and solemnity, allowing the greatest possible freedom in the religious solemnization or the solemn affirmation thereof» (my emphasis).


Parents and children across the nation cower in fear and sadness, and a solemn president declares that something must be done to keep them safe, to make sure nothing like this ever happens again.


The world of justice must be solemn and serious.


Even after Janet Yellen speaks, CNBC will talk about interest rates for the next year with the same solemn trust in centralized planning that gushes above a white-and-blue ticker tape that no one has read since the invention of Yahoo Finance.


The Times» Mark Olsen says that after a summer of mindless action movies, and before another solemn awards season,» «The World’s End» is the right movie for this moment, a comedy with action and wow-factor effects that’s also tinged by regret, a light sadness and a lacerating self-awareness.


The Financial Statement must be: (a) verified by the solemn declaration of the proposed managing broker or sole proprietor deposing to the accuracy of the financial statement; OR (b) certified by a chartered accountant or certified general accountant as to the accuracy of the financial statement.


The One Must-Eat Food in Every State — The TSA’s New Electronics Rule Means You’ll Have to Juggle Even More Bins Every state in our gluttonously blessed union shines in its own way, and as always-hungry Americans, it’s our solemn duty to find the single… t top.


Equality under and before the law is a solemn promise conveyed to all our citizens in the Constitution itself.


Several nearly ten-foot-tall paintings in the exhibition focus on individual figures, including a number of male and female nudes and a seemingly solemn bride whose expression is obscured behind a floor-length veil.


It should give us solemn pause that he has also received, final, irrevocable, eternal justice.


Whenever we confess the traditional words of the creed «I look for the resurrection of the dead», we are not comforting ourselves with the hope of personal immortality; we are making a very solemn confession about the serious purpose of life.


Other plus points include Ralph Fiennes, playing Michael’s careworn older self with a solemn detachment that marks him as an exemplar of what you might call the Reliable Family Solicitor school of acting — and I mean that as a compliment.


There’s a soft note of dejectedness ringing throughout, a tired and frustrated and solemn despair about what bad politics can do to good countries, and about the faceless civilians who are often tangled up and lost in these messes.


As they step ashore, where a solemn and towering Mama waits, they find a shimmering blue shell.


Catholic bishops around the world have been told to make mass more «solemn» by stopping the congregation… More


A nominal action film that boasts fear and exhaustion as its primary exports, Edge of Darkness is the more logical sequel to Campbell’s own Casino Royale than the one we actually got, the weight of Bond’s declaration «the bitch is dead» resonating with not the leaden vengeance of Quantum of Solace, but the solemn defeat of a man who has had his fill of violence and dead friends.


(a) by oral evidence given under oath by, or by the affidavit or solemn declaration of, the person claiming to have served, given or sent it; or


Subsequent proceedings that currently must be pursued in separate actions with different court files and file numbers, such as probate in solemn form and revocation, would be initiated instead by interlocutory application within the same estate file.


This Seventies-era period piece is the directorial debut of Federico Castelluccio (a/k/a ponytailed enforcer Furio from The Sopranos), who attempts to create the sort of gritty, solemn character study that probably could’ve come out during the Me Decade.


While her attire remained fittingly solemn, Kate never fails to give us just a little something to delight over with every one of her royal appearances.


In the immediate surroundings, the solemn and harmonious Temple of San Biagio (Sangallo il Vecchio) is set into a glorious natural scenery, while the seventeenth century Church of Santa Maria delle Grazie holds a precious polychrome terracotta by Andrea della Robbia.


But the film quickly feeds the paper, as it were, for a larger meditation on the magic of these physical word processors and a solemn reflection on what gets lost along the forward march of technology.


Now, before turning you loose to read the rest of the issue, a quick solemn note.


WHITE PLAINS, NY — In a solemn ceremony Friday night, Westchester County paid tribute to those who died in the tragic events of Sept. 11, 2001, including 111 Westchester residents and 12 former residents.County Executive Robert P. Astorino presided over the 14th anniversary ceremony that took place at The Rising, the county’s 9/11 memorial at Kensico Dam Plaza in Valhalla.


Rousing cheers met hundreds of lawyers and notaries as they filed into Place Émilie-Gamelin — one of the focal points for nightly protests in Quebec’s widening political and social crisis — following a solemn march in near silence that began almost two hours earlier at Montreal’s Palais de Justice, the main courthouse.


And yet it winds up embracing a solemn, softly-spoken and slow-moving Christian piety of its own.


This moving Israeli drama begins with a scene every parent with a child in the army fears — the knock at the door and the soldiers with solemn faces.


In all these years, our solemn vow to our esteemed customer and our distinguished customer service has positioned us a mile ahead of the rest.


At nearly 100 pages, it is a solemn, handsomely produced affair.


And he remembers Ukraine, which gave her nukes away against solemn international security guarantees.


There are definitely some sequences that feel a little slow and may disinterest today’s ADD-afflicted society (Piggy’s grainy dream romance upon laying her eyes on Kermit and Gonzo’s solemn desert campfire song come to mind), but these are few and far between, and a little bit of patience goes a long way.


While the powerful Holzer handprint can be read as a solemn, memorial portrait, Ellsworth Kelly’s enormous abstract print River II can be seen as a landscape.


After a baby elephant arrives, Ivan makes Stella a solemn promise that seems impossible to fulfill.


A conspiracy theorist might envision a gathering of black-robed Jesuit deans in a dark, candle-lit cellar, murmuring quietly among themselves before uttering solemn promises to support the brotherhood.


Through creating landscape art, Calvin spawns metaphors to resemble the harmonious and solemn beauty of the earth.


The folks at this blog site surprised me by their keen enthusiasms and their solemn seriousness about saving of the planet earth.


Increasingly, the focus is not just on Halloween, but the more solemn (yet deliriously festive) celebrations honoring the dead in Latin and Caribbean cultures.


To humans, the twin blue beams shining upward from lower Manhattan each Sept. 11 evoke solemn memories of the 2001 terrorist attacks.


Not quite 10, the eponymous heroine (Blanca Engström) is a solemn, ginger-haired, freckle-faced waif who is never called by name.


The senator, looking solemn and wearing a dark suit, walked silently into the building.


So, my fellow parents of soon-to-be one-year-olds, will you join me in this solemn vow?


One aspect of marriage is the promise that each person makes to the other — the solemn covenant that the parties have together.


Right after his conversion, they passed the Test Act of 1673, barring Catholics from public employment, by making the prerequisite to such employment a solemn oath against transubstantiation and a declaration that the Mass was idolatry.


Dr. Bowen was solemn, almost too hard to hear.


So finding a solemn spot like Via Vacare and developing her resort was like following her heart to offer this experience to others.


It’s a video game parable, and the ending left me feeling solemn and alone.


How to use Solemn in a sentence:- Sentence Examples of Solemn, Solemnly, Solemnity and Solemnness.

Solemn: Definition and Meaning

Solemn (adjective) means serious or grave. It can be used to describe any person, thing or situation which is sober or earnest.

Solemn can also refer to something which is sedate, even to the point of being gloomy.

The meaning of solemn may also refer to dignified, impressive or awe-inspiring.

The word can also be used in reference to anything which is ceremonially performed.

Solemn can refer any action accompanied with religious rites.

Create a sentence with the word solemn to express an underlined tone of seriousness in a person or situation. Associate it with a grave ceremony, earnest oath, plain beauty, heartfelt song, serious occasion, somber comments or staid color palette.

Solemn: Other Grammatical Forms

Solemnly (adverb)

Solemnity (noun)

Solemnness (noun)

Solemn in a Sentence Examples

1) The beautiful chords played on the guitar lent a solemn touch to the otherwise cheerful melody composed by my son.

2) She was not appropriately dressed at the solemn event of her boyfriend’s mother’s death anniversary. She should have picked something more sober.

3) The event manager gave us a choice between various violin and cello tunes to be used as the background music for the solemn occasion.

4) Her son apologized to all the people he had hurt emotionally and made a solemn promise to make up to them in due time.

5) The solemn blues and grays of the sky inspired me to write poetry, a skill that was buried inside the depths of my heart from a long time.

6) All the stalwarts of the industry got together to launch the business tycoon’s autobiography. It was a beautifully solemn and memorable event.

7) I wanted my kids to watch the socially relevant film because its message was extremely solemn and important for them at their age.

8) Some people are of the idea that no kids under thirteen years of age should be allowed to attend solemn affairs like memorial services and funerals.

9) The solemn tunes of the piano wafted in the air as I entered the airy room perched on the thirtieth floor of his ivory tower.

10) Her solemn efforts to complete the project despite all the confusion was appreciated by her teachers.

Solemnly in a Sentence Examples

1) She spoke solemnly on her last day in office. After all, she was leaving a place which had been like her second home from the last fifteen years.

2) While the event proceeded solemnly, people in the audience started to get a bid bored and restless.

3) He broke up with her solemnly as he had no intention of hurting her or making her feel bad in any way.

4) Everyone knows that he was not in a mood to come to the party. But if he decided to come, he shouldn’t have behaved so solemnly.

5) After the rivalry that had transpired between us from all these years, I was surprised to see him complimenting me solemnly.

6) He hates attending all those boring, solemnly conducted church events where he is required to do nothing but to watch and sit.

7) If he is in his office, he will talk to you solemnly. You will find him in a carefree mood only when he is at home.

8) She looked at him solemnly and he knew right away that she was going to start talking about his resignation.

9) The speech solemnly drew everyone’s attention to the homicides that took place in some parts of the country in the previous decade.

10) Since she had a vivacious and bubbly personality, she found it very difficult to behave solemnly while meeting her boyfriend’s parents.

Solemnity in a Sentence Examples          

1) The solemnity of the event was interrupted by the cacophonic rings of mobile phones and the wailing of infants in their parents’ arms.

2) If you want people to respect the solemnity of the occasion, ask them to turn their mobile phones off before they enter the venue.

3) Although the poem was about a young boy and girl who fall in love, there was a kind of solemnity in the way it was written.

4) The mood of the place changed instantly as the recital began. There was a certain solemnity in those melodies that touched everyone’s hearts.

5) All the children behaved decently, making their teachers successful in sustaining the solemnity of the occasion.

6) All the meetings proceeded with solemnity without any problems even though all her rivals and arch enemies were present at the consortium.

7) He isn’t the kind of person who can be trusted immediately but the solemnity of his words convinced me that he had turned a new leaf.

8) When he looked at me and vowed never to hurt me again, I found a lot of solemnity in what he said.

9) The solemnity of his speech was enhanced by the facts and figures he presented to support his point about investing more funds in educating children in rural areas.

10) When I first witnessed the solemnity of the religious monument and how peaceful it was, I felt like visiting it every day.

Solemnness in a Sentence Examples

1) We appreciated the solemnness of the situation and decided to attend the funeral even though we had severed ties with the rest of the family.

2) Our boss expressed solemnity with regards to all the employees who had been made redundant without any reason in the past six months.

3) He has inherited the solemnness of his demeanor from his father who was also a very dignified and earnest man.

4) Even though she was celebrating her success, there was a hint of solemnness in the occasion because of her father’s recent death.

5) The dress code of black tuxedos for men and gray gowns for women added to the solemnness of the occasion.

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  • Other types of questions

The meaning of «Solemn» in various phrases and sentences

Что значит solemn?


Very serious and reserved in manner

«Solemn» is how white folks behave at a funeral

Что значит solemn?

It is an event, statement, or mood that is very serious and somber. It may be a very formal situation, such as in a ceremony, or it can indicate that the intentions of the participant(s) are heartfelt and sincere.

I made a solemn vow never to eat meat again. (serious decision)

The senator gave a solemn speech about the dangers of tyranny. (serious tone)

The reverend conducted the service with a solemn dignity. (reserved and serious)

Что значит solemn?

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Example sentences using «Solemn»

Покажите мне примеры предложений с solemn.

Funerals are usually a solemn occasion, but sometimes people will insist that their funeral be a party. They don’t want their friends to be sad.

adjective: serious, sober, or mirthless, 

Synonyms of «Solemn» and their differences

В чем разница между solemn и serious ?

Solemn has more of a ceremonial connotation than serious. A citizenship ceremony can be a solemn occasion. A funeral is generally a solemn occasion. Swearing in a new judge is a solemn occasion. All of these are serious things, but not all serious things are solemn. You can have a serious relationship or a serious injury or even a serious problem with the casting of the new Harry Potter movie, but none of those things are solemn.

В чем разница между solemn и serious ?

Solemn means that there is a sad aspect, but something doesn’t have to be sad to be serious (all thought it could be).

В чем разница между solemn и serious ?

Solemn could be described as being depressed or sad, while serious means more direct or focused.

В чем разница между solemn и grave ?

Grave is an Illusion term for death,
«He is in grave danger!»
It’s also a place for burial
«We had to dig her grave»

Solemn characterizes deep sincerity.
«He swore a solemn oath to be faithful»
Or characterizes sadness
«He looked very solemn»

Other questions about «Solemn»

«solemn» это звучит нормально?

No, in my opinion, when people are casually speaking to each other, the word «solemn» is rarely used. However, it is a word you will likely see from time to time in certain books or online.

Meanings and usages of similar words and phrases

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  • Use the word SOLEMN in a sentences

Sentence Examples

‘Tis not alone my inky cloak, good mother… nor the customary suits of solemn black… nor the dejected ‘havior of the visage… together with all forms… moods, shapes of grief… that can denote me truly.

The solemn entry of the new Archbishop Count Hieronymus Colloredo.

There in that frozen wilderness a dream came true, and a lone voice shrieked into the solemn sky,

The most solemn day in the life of Akakiy Akakievich.

This country’s getting too civilized, too solemn.

Our solemn undertaking here will immortalize these moments for all time.

I can’t make it solemn enough for you.

On this solemn occasion, when the Machine has proven that if it can replace the hand of man, it cannot replace his brain, allow me first to pay homage to the brilliant creator behind the destiny of this magnificent factory.

If any member is doubtful of his strength to keep this solemn pledge, he will please be seated.

Unless you give me your solemn word that you will neither see nor have any communication with this man again, … you will leave my house at once as you are with nothing but the clothes you have on.

I give you my solemn word that I shall neither see nor have any communication with Captain Cook again.

I give you my solemn word that I will neither see… nor have any communication with Captain Cook again.

And you’re very solemn. Is there any reason?

«And I direct them to enter into a most solemn compact… «to act together for the advantage of the family.

It is a solemn thing you are all undertaking… this family compact.

The church, recently rebuilt holds in the sun the solemn majesty their cloisters, its arches, its columns, Marble facades, their roofs of gold …

If I ever get out of this here crisis alive, I’ll make a solemn vow I’ll never stop me old woman from flopping.

My dear young lady, you not only have my word, you have my solemn oath.

Don’t stand there staring at me all solemn and owl-eyed.

Now, my son, at this solemn moment,

A trial for murder is the most solemn occasion upon which men can be called to perform a public duty.

The solemn truth is that the Federal Union is on the verge of hysteria.

We have the solemn word of every man, woman and child in Lynnfield that nobody will set foot in the direction of that depot.

I’ve given a solemn promise never to return to you.

At this solemn moment, in the presence of this tribunal which is the representative of human justice before you gentlemen of the jury before France, before the whole world I swear that Dreyfus is innocent.

I give you my solemn word that businessmen everywhere, including bankers, are losing faith in an administration which permits such lawlessness to go unchecked.

Dear friends, we are gathered here to pay solemn and loving tribute to the memory of 3 fine and beautiful young boys cut off in the fullness of life’s morn’.

Well, what are you all being so solemn about?

But… he gives his solemn promise to reconvene it as soon as the rioting has been stopped.

I give you my solemn promise that if my party is returned at this election I’ll do everything in my power to place England on your side.

This is a solemn occasion, Harry.

Miss Kathy, a penny for those solemn thoughts.

Uh, by virtue of the power invested in me… and by virtue of the solemn promises you have made… I hereby pronounce you to be man and wife.

Don’t look so solemn, Brigham.

Yours is a solemn, awful responsibility. If you find this boy guilty, death.

We promise, by this solemn oath, to ensure that our rule shall, in all manner and true form, adhere to the honesty and faith that are W├╝rttemberg custom.

-Oh, my, they look solemn.

But when the ruthless ambition of a man threatens to engulf the world… it becomes the solemn obligation of all free men… to affirm that the earth belongs not to any one man… but to all men.

Let us take the solemn vow.

The launching of a ship in a time of war is always a solemn occasion.

It is indeed a solemn occasion.

Well, you look pretty solemn.

It’s a solemn thought, isn’t it?

Sister Anne-Marie, can you take your solemn vows?

The solemn moment has come for this evening’s big surprise…

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