Сборник грамматических упражнений
9 класс
С. Г. Иняшкин,
К. В. Комиссаров
Учебное пособие для общеобразовательных
организаций и школ с углублённым изучением английского
2-е издание
373.167.1:811.111 6+ ББК 81.2Англ-922
Серия «Звёздный английский» основана в 2009 году.
Сборник грамматических упражнений является
дополнительным компонентом учебно-методического комплекта серии «Звёздный
английский» по английскому языку для учащихся 9 класса общеобразовательных
организаций и школ с углублённым изучением английского языка. Сборник содержит
упражнения к каждому модулю учебника, направленные на отработку изученного
Английский язык
Сборник грамматических упражнений
9 класс
пособие для общеобразовательных организаций и школ с углублённым изучением
английского языка
Авторы-составители: Иняшкин Станислав Геннадьевич
Комиссаров Константин Вячеславович
Центр лингвистического образования
Руководитель Центра Ю. А. Смирнов
Зав. редакцией английского языка М. А.
Ответственный за выпуск М. М.
Чердакова Редактор М. М. Чердакова
Художественный редактор Н. В. Дождева
Корректор И. Б. Окунева
Налоговая льгота —
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офсетная. Гарнитура Прагматика. Печать офсетная. Уч.-изд. л. 3,54. тираж 2 500
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Акционерное общество «Издательство
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Издательство «Просвещение», 2017
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Module 1
Module 212
Module 319
Module 426
Module 532
Module 638
2. Kate wants to keep fit, that’s why
shenot to eat much at the moment.
is trying b)
is triing c) tries d) trys
3. My friend often his grandparents.
is visiting b)
visits c) visit d) is visitting
4. The Smithsvery nice people! I like
them so much!
a) are being b) is being c) are d) is
As far as I know
this gameat 5 0’clock.
starts b)
start c) is starting d) are starting
6. His granny ! I’m tired of this!
am always
complaining c) always complain
always complains d)
is always complaining
a) are being b) is being c) are 8. I have failed my exam. happy |
d) is |
a) I amn’t b) I amnot c) 9. Come to our place! We |
d) I’m not |
a) are having b) have c) 10. Look! This shirt so |
d) is |
7. Listen to me! You too noisy
fitts b) is
fitting c) is fiting d) fits
Put the verbs in
brackets into Present Simple or Present Continuous.
1 . She likes playing golf. She(play) it every day.
His friends(look)
for a good job.
This salad(taste)
so delicious!
(you, see) that
man over there? He is my former student.
He(paint) a new
The child(taste)
his porridge. I think he likes it.
What(she, think)
about Linda?
I seldom(go) abroad.
I like spending summer in the countryside.
We (meet) tomorrow at 5 0’clock.
language(John, speak)? — It sounds like Chinese.
Ask questions to the words in bold.
I . Kevin is working at the computer.
2. He plays chess every day because he likes it.
rpaMMaTHqeCKHX ynpaXHeHHü. 9 WI.
Patrick is in
Paris now.
She is reading a
very interesting book at the moment.
We are going to
the cinema tomorrow at 2 0’clock.
Sofia always
helps her mother to do the flat.
They are watching
a new comedy on TV.
Steven walks his
dog every day at 6 0’clock.
He spends his weekends at home.
10. We like playing computer games
because it helps us to relax.
4 Express these sentences in English.
1 . AneKc rlVIUJeT ceVIHac HOBblh POMaH.
2. Hawa nnaHeTa KPYTVITCR B0Kpyr conHua.
TeneBl,130P KaXAblV1 Beqep.
MOVI apyr BeqH0
KPVIHL,IT Ha cBoero CblHa!
Present Simple |
Past Simple |
Past Participle |
-ing |
Translation |
hear |
felt |
woken |
spending |
6eraTb |
raise |
sat |
lain |
meeting |
nPOLUaTb |
(be) friends
for more than 10 years.
I have been
working for 4 hours and(do) only a half.
Where(you, be)
all this time?
You are all
dirty! (you, play) football again?
(live) in Moscow for 20 years.
9. What (you,
prepare) for today?
the TV-set for 3 hours and hasn’t finished yet.
Choose the right answer.
a) don’t |
c) haven’t seen |
b) am 2. The sun in the East. |
d) haven’t |
I . I am so glad to see you! I
you for ages!
a) rises b) is rising 3. Stop it! You |
c) has risen d) has been rising |
a) always |
c) have |
b) are |
d) have |
He a
car. Now he can drive to work.
a) buys c) has bought
b) is buying d) has been buying
Theyfor several
hours. They need a rest.
a) work c) have worked
b) are working d) have been
what you are
a) don’t understand c) haven’t
b) am not understanding d) haven’t
been understanding
Kate is so pale!
Shein front of the computer for 4 hours!
a) sits c) has sat
b) is sitting d) has been sitting
Don’t disturb
him. He a course paper.
a) writes c) has written
b) is writing d) has been writing
Jackthis factory
for 15 years.
a) owns c) has owned
b) is owning d) has been owning
I oftento the
dacha I like it there.
a) go c) have gone
b) am going d) have been going
1 . When Jack came home his mother cooked/was cooking lunch.
I slept/was
sleeping yesterday at midnight.
When Frank
entered the classroom he saw/was seeing that everybody was there.
The policeman saw
a man crossing the street and stopped/was stopping him.
While John was
playing the computer his sister talked/was talking on the phone.
The Great
Patriotic War finished/was finishing in 1945.
My father
read/was reading a newspaper when I entered the kitchen.
At this time
yesterday we played/were playing tennis.
He called his
friend and asked/was asking him if everything was alright.
10. When I was 10 1 went/was going to
10 Put the verbs in brackets into Past Simple or Past
Continuous to complete the story.
Once upon a time there 1)
(live) a little girl. One day her
mother 2)(ask)
her to carry some pastry to her grandmother who 3)(live) in the woods. As the girl 4)
(walk) along a path she 5) (meet) a wolf. The wolf 6)(be) very sly and 7)
(pretend) to be very friendly. So he
(ask) her where She 9) (go). The girl
was very polite and 10) (greet) the wolf.
Express these sentences in English.
Korma YHL/lTeflb
3awen B Knacc, BCe nmcanv,l AVIKTaHT.
KeBL4H YBmaen
KpacL4BY10 YJ1b16HyncR.
en $PYKTbl, Koraa R 6blJ1 ManeHbKVIM ManbHVIKOM.
B 3T0 Bpetvlfi
Bqepa Mbl roTOBL,1f1V1 PKVIH.
KonyM6 OTKPblJ1 AMepL,1KY B 1492.
(play) games for several hours.
2. Anthony(walk) a mile when he changed
his mind and went home.
3. When we woke up it(still, rain).
4. He took the paper and(start) to read.
5. When he entered the kitchen Ann (wash)
the dishes.
(come) from the party by 11 0’clock.
7. She (break)
her glasses when she was in the countryside. 8. When the guests arrived, the
host(already, lay) the table.
Before he took
the pill he(read) the indication attentively.
My mother
(dig) in the garden for two hours when she decided to have a rest.
Adjective |
Comparative |
Superlative |
big |
more beautiful |
hot |
better |
the worst |
easy |
tastier |
the longest |
comfortable |
35 Fill in the gaps with the adjectives and adverbs in the
comparative or superlative form, mind the article,’
1 . This
dictation is(difficult) than is seems.
2. My (old)
sister is a very kind woman.
Paris is(big)
city in France.
He is so happy!
And his friend is (happy).
It has been (good)
day of my life!
Barbara is (attractive)
girl I’ve ever seen.
The English
language is (easy) to learn than Russian.
If you eat (little)
you will look healthy.
This is (bad)
mistake you have even made.
16 Choose
the right answer.
a) so white as b) as white 2. When shall I come? — The sooner, |
c) much white as |
d) as white |
a) is |
b) the |
c) better it is |
d) the best |
3. |
David plays football |
William. |
a) as well |
b) as good |
c) so well as |
d) so good as |
4. |
The |
the |
1. Liza is so scared! She is snow!
a) so |
c) much |
b) as bigger as |
d) much |
5. Her friend is |
lion. |
a) as brave as |
b) so brave as c) such brave as |
d) as braver as |
17 Use the most appropriate linking word from the box below.
in case because of |
which both |
then so |
nor except |
when so as |
1. We were latethe traffic jam.
2. The banks are open every day weekends.
3. It rained hard that we all got
soaked very quickly.
4. Add some hot water. stir the stuff
5. They didn’t come, was rather
6. Translate the sentence to
use modal verbs.
7. Neither you me can go out
8. He will leave he is ready to
9. Take some warm clothes it gets
interesting and useful.
Jane’s work at
the Central Post Office was not very interesting, but she
1)(have) 2)(give) her full attention
to the address which
3) (be written) on each
letter. She 4) (know) that if she
5) (put)
the letter in the wrong box, it never 6) (reach) the
a mess
of writing!»
I went to bed and 15)
(fall) asleep at once as 1 16) (work)
hard. 1 17) (wake) up at night and 18)(see) that my mother’s
bed 19) (not, be slept) in. «Where 20)
(go) she? What
21)(make) her 22)(leave)?» I
suddenly remembered she
23)(promise) 24)(come) home at about ten at the latest.
1 25)(realize) that she 26)(go, not)
anywhere and just
27) (not,
come) home. Something 28) (happen)
to her.
«l never 29) (be)
so angry in my life», she said. «They 30)
(lay, not) the table yet, there 31)(be) no grapes in the
vase. 1 32)(see) that someone 33)(break) three glasses! Well,
1 34) (speak) to Anna, the maid, a
minute ago and she 35)
(tell) me that she just 36) (return). She
as far as
1 38) (remember),
that she 39)(help).
But 1 40)
(know, not) when everything 41)(be finished). I hope Anna
42)(help) me a little.»
«Let’s 43) (go)
and see what the builders already 44)(do) at
our new cottage,» said
Amanda. Her mother 45)(plan)
for several years 46) (build) a cottage on the same street. The workers 47)
(be) at work for a few months already. «They just
48)(finish) painting the ceiling when 1 49) (come) here yesterday,» 50) (say) Amanda’s sister while they
51)(walk) to the new cottage. As they 52) (approach) the place they 53) (see) two builders
unloading bags of sand which a truck 54)(carry) to the side
of the house. «You 55) (come) to superintend us, ladies?» 56) (asked) the engineer as the girls
reach the cottage.
While Mrs. Grant
57)(prepare) a meal for her guests yesterday, she 58)(get) rather worried about
some unusual mushrooms which a kind
friend of hers 59)(send) her from the country, where
60) (live)
for the last ten years. Mrs. Grant 61) (think) the
mushrooms 62) (look) suspicious and 63)
(decide) 64) (give) one to the dog.
The dog 65) (eat)
«1 66)(prepare) the mushrooms for my guests, if
67)(happen) to the dog», was the lady’s idea.
When the guests
(arrive), Mrs. Grant 69) (tell) them that her dog 70)(die) a few minutes
2. Tomorrow, if Jim 3)
(not, feel) any worse, his parents 4)
(let) him to go to college.
3. Everybody 5)(know) that when it
6)(be) warm, snow 7) (begin) to melt quite easily.
4. (promise) 1 9)
(e-mail) you every day when I
10)(be) in Great Britain.
5. It 11)
(be) ten in the evening already. 1 12) (have) no idea when
he 13)(come)
back and whether he 14) (return) at all
6. We 15)
(go) to the country picnicking if we 16) (pass) all
our examinations.
7. Helen 17) (make) tea for all of us as
soon as she 18) (finish) doing her homework.
2 Open the brackets. Use each form (Present Simple or
Continuous, Future Simple, the be going to form) only once in each dialogue.
I’ve decided to try and learn the Chinese language. And 1 1)(do) a
course. It 2)(begin) in a
fortnight’s time.
That’s really great. I believe you 3)(like) it. Chinese 4)
) more and more important nowadays.
A: A: We 5)(go) to England soon!
B: Have a good time!
A: Thanks. 1 6) (send) you a postcard when 1 7) (be)
B: I
think it 8)(be) fine.
A: A:
Where are you going to stay in New York?
We’ve already arranged everything. We 9)(stay) at the Four Seasons
not far from the centre of the city.
A: What are you going to do in New York?
B: We 10) (do) the sights of the city, if we
11) (have) time!
But I
don’t think we 12)(manage) that.
3 Open the brackets. Use Future Continuous, Future Perfect or
Future Perfect Continuous.
Don’t come to me
at around two. I(have) lunch.
Come after three.
I (finish) my homework by then.
This time
tomorrow we (fly) to Egypt.
Next spring she (work)
here for ten years already.
Contact me at any
time. I(stay) at the Ritz Hotel.
I can’t see him
tomorrow. He (leave).
By the time you
come, everybody(go)!
Tomorrow we (celebrate)
their wedding anniversary.
You are too slow!
When you are through, I(wait) for hours!
10. They (work) on a new project
tomorrow afternoon!
Match the
I . We’ve run out of milk. I will go now a) HarvqepeHL,1e and buy some.
b) pacnncaHL.1e
At five tonight
my family will be C) 3annaHVlPOBaHHoe aeVICTBVle B watching TV. 6nnxaVIUjet,.4
He will have
finished the novel by the d) CV110MVIHYTHOe peu.leH’,1e end of the week. e)
aeVICTBne B npouecce COBePUJeHV19 B
By January we
will have been living onpeaeneHHblh MOMeHT here for a year already. f) aeVICTBV1e, KOTopoe COBePUJVITCA
I’ve invited Jim
to the party. He is onpeaeneHHoro MOMeHTa B 6YAYLUeM coming soon. g)
aeVlCTBVte, KOTopoe 6yaeT
We are going to
spend our winter COBePLnaTbC9 KaKOe-TO Bpetvlfi AO holidays in the Swiss Alps.
onpeaeneHHoro MOMeHTa B 6YAYL-ueM
Tomorrow the first
train for Brighton leaves at 6.15 am as usual.
5 Match the sentences choosing the most appropriate
completion (there is one extra completion in each section).
Section |
Sentence beginning |
Sentence completion |
1 . If 2. Tomorrow morning 3. At this time tomorrow |
a) we are going to the country. b) we shall be going to the country. c) we shall go to the country. d) we go to the country. |
1 . By 2. At seven in the evening 3. Very soon |
a) he will be reading a book. b) he is going to read a book. c) d) he will have been reading the book |
3 R3MK. C60pHHK rpaMMaTHqecKHx
ynpaxHeHHn. 9 WI.
Section |
Sentence beginning |
Sentence completion |
Ill |
1. Tomorrow, as always, the train 2. This Tuesday I 3. I won’t see her, as she |
a) leaves at five. b) will have left. c) d) will leave. |
Whygo it right
Don’t make your
soneat too much.
3. Sorry, but I really have go now!
Never let a
strangercome in.
We’ve never heard
yousing this song.
The teacher
didn’t allow hercome into the classroom.
I want you translate
the article as soon as possible.
I saw a posh
carstop by the hotel entrance.
He is knownbe a good pop-singer.
10. I expect youfinish work in an hour.
11. You’d betterkeep silent.
12. My aim has always been learn
13. We are so gladhere.
14. He was made play the piano.
15. You ought have known it a long time
7 Transform the sentences changing the voice of the verb-predicate.
They heard a bird
in the tree begin singing.
He was heard to
call my name.
She was made to
do her room.
She was seen to
enter the room.
Did they hear you
tell a lie?
Did they make her
go shopping?
Was he made to
rewrite the test?
They made me do
my homework.
They saw a car
stop near the hotel.
10. Were you seen to take this thing?
8 Use either an infinitive or a gerund in each pair of
1 .
Don’t forget (e-mail)me when you are away on holiday.
2. We
will never forget (go)to America a year ago.
1 . Always remember (turn)off the gas when you go out. 2. He
will always remember (act)on the stage for the first time.
1 . We
didn’t mean (hurt)you at all!
2. It
would mean (queue)for a long time. Is that OK?
1 . Now
I regret (buy)the
cottage that is so far from the center.
2. I
regret (say)that you have failed the interview.
1 . The boy tried (reach)the ceiling, but he wasn’t
tall enough,
2. Try
(knock)if nobody answers.
1 . The
man stopped (take)his breath, he had been running.
2. A year he stopped (smoke)and hasn’t smoked ever
1. I prefer (swim)to (jog)
2. I’d prefer (go) out tonight.
9 Change the verbs in brackets and use them in correct forms
(infinitives or gerundsV
1 .
food is healthy for you.
I can’t stand
Sue decided
(order)lamb chops.
Dad bought some
meat (cook)steak for dinner.
I look forward to
(try)these apple pies.
Kate suggested
(order)pizza for everybody. 7. I’d prefer (have)chicken with rice.
Do you deny
(steal)the money? Yes or no?
I refuse
(accept)that there’s no other way out.
10. The kids were pretending (be)fast
11. I’m really looking forward to (go) away.
12. What would you like (do)
13. How did you manage (persuade)her to
14. They’ve run out of petrol and have to
stop (buy)some.
15. I’ve just finished (read)the novel.
16. This medicine didn’t help. Try
(take)an aspirin.
17. I’d like (have)a mixed salad, please.
18. I really enjoy (eat) pineapple.
Personally, I am
always ready to learn although I don’t always like (teach).
Your tie
Let me tell you
whose house you’ve come into(ask).
They couldn’t
understand how he had so nearly succeeded (deceive) them.
Cursing himself
for(not learn) to drive a car, he woke up Tony and swept him down to the
10. I’ll give you a chance (try) your
hand at it.
transform the sentences using infinitives or infinitive phrases.
1 .
The suit is shabby. It can’t be worn any longer.
Take up sport, it
will do you a lot of good.
He is not a man who can be
easily convinced.
She awoke a
little after sunrise and found that everybody had gone.
One has got to
have the real power so that one can make the real decisions.
Somebody tugged
Jack by the sleeve. He felt it.
The police roped
off the building. They didn’t want the onlookers to come close to it.
Don’t shout at
me. I don’t like it.
Mum asked me to
help her but I didn’t hear it.
10. Her mother made the decision. It was
the usual thing in the family.
The Hotel Story
Three men once came to New York on business. They 1)(travel)
the whole night and 2) (feel)
very tired. They 3) (look) forward to 4) (have) a rest, so they 5) (stop) at a hotel. Their room 6)
(locate) on the thirty-ninth floor.
In the evening they 7) (go) out somewhere and
(come) back very late. «1 9) (be) very sorry,» 10)
(say) the clerk of the hotel,
«but our lifts 11) (not, work) tonight. Either you 12)(have) 13)(walk) up
to your room or 14) (sleep)
in the hall. If you 15)
Module 2
(sleep) here beds 17) (make) for you.» The three men
agreed 18) (walk)
up to their room and they 19) (start) on their way up. They still 20)(climb)
the staircase when one of them, Frank, 21) (have) an idea: «22) (Make) our way easier 1 23)
(tell) you some jokes.» By the
time Frank 24) (tell) all his jokes the three friends 25)(reach) the
thirty-seventh floor. «Well, after all the jokes we 26)(hear) on our way here 1 27) (want)
someone 28)(think)
of a story with a sad end,» said one of the friends. «OK. There 29) (be) such a story. We 30)
(leave) the key to our room at the
Mr. Pickwick’s Adventure
Mr. Pickwick found that his free companions 1)(rise) and
eagerly 2) (wait)
for him 3) (begin) breakfast. They 4) (sit) down to the meal — and ham, eggs,
tea and coffee 5)(begin) 6) (disappear)
very fast indeed. «How we 7) (get) to the Manor Farm?»
(think) Mr. Pickwick . «We had
better 9) (ask) the waiter,» 10)(say) Mr. Tupman. So the waiter 11 ) (send) for and he 12)
(advise) them 13) (drive) to the
farm in a fourwheel carriage. But the trouble 14)(be) that it 15)(not, hold)
more than three people. «What 16)(be) 17)(do) if there 18) (be, not) enough room for all of
us?» 19) (ask)
Snodgrass. «Perhaps one of the gentlemen would like 20)(ride) , » 21)
(suggest) the waiter 22) (look) at
Mr. Winkle.
(Tell) the truth, Mr. Winkle 24) (be)
afraid of 25)
(ride) a horse but he wouldn’t show it. «26)(Let) the
horse and the carriage 27)(be)
at the door by eleven,» said Mr. Pickwick. At eleven the carriage 28)
(appear) at the door. It was a funny little box 29) (put) on four wheels which
30)(draw) by a large brown horse.
A Portrait
for a Pound
happened on a warm summer morning. The sun 1)(shine) brightly. Mr. Grant, a
painter, 2)(look)
out of his window. He 3) (see) an old country man 4) (go) by. He 5)
(strike) by the man’s appearance. He
6)(see) never such a tall man with grey hair which 7) (pull) down his face. Mr. Grant
(be) eager 9)
(start) 10) (work) at once. So his
female-servant 11)(send) out 12) (tell) the grey-haired man that her master
13)(want) 14)(paint)
him. The old man 15)(ask)
what sum of money the painter 16) (pay) him. She 17)
(reply) that he 18) (give) a pound if the man 19) (agree).
«20)(Come) on», 21)
(add) the servant 22) (smile). «It 23) (be)
an easy way
(get) a pound, 1 25)
(believe). And 1 26)
you really 27) (need)
money.» «Oh, 1 28) (do)! 1 29) (be) in need of it all my life. I was only thinking how the
paint 30)(get) off afterwards.»
a) have to b) must c) should d) had to 2. When I was a little boy Iclean
my room every day.
a) have to b) must c) musted d) had to 3. You know that youtalk only in English during the
class! It is a rule!
a) must b)
have to c) ought to d) should
Every studentbuy this dictionary. It is expensive,
but they don’t have any option.
a) should b) have to c) has
to d) ought to
We are having a
party tomorrow! Youcome!
a) must b) should c) have to d)
should to
Mary is a good
girl, but I suppose that she visit her granny more often.
a) has to b) have to c)
ought to d) must
He was so rude
with Barbara! Heapologize!
a) must to b) must c)
have to d) should
He wasn’t able to
start his car andgo to work by metro.
a) must b) had to c) should have d)
ought to
If you go to
Thailand youtouch children’s heads! It is a bad omen!
a) don’t have to c) shouldn’t
b) ought to d) mustn’t
Ann wash the dishes after
meals. She doesn’t like it!
a) has to b) have to c)
must d) should
2 Choose the right answer (absence Of necessity/permission/prohibition).
I . Youspeak
Russian during the class! Only English is allowed.
a) don’t have to c) can’t
b) needn’t d) don’t need to
Daddy, I am so
eager to go to the party with my friends! — OK, yougo there.
a) must b) need to c) may d) have to
Our guestspay for
Wi-Fi, it is for free.
a) mustn’t b) can’t c) have to d)
don’t have to
Youtalk so loudly
in the library!
a) needn’t b) mustn’t c) don’t need to d)
don’t have to
Yougo and play
with other children but come back to dinner!
a) can b) need to c) have to d) must
I don’t know if
it is allowed to smoke here. — Yes, you
a) can b) must c) need to d) have to
I tell you
something? — Sure!
a) may b) must c) have d) need
Carlwater the
flowers since his mom will do it.
a) can’t b) doesn’t have to c) mustn’t d) don’t have
a) needn’t |
b) don’t have to c) don’t need to |
d) mustn’t |
10. |
She |
vacuum clean the flat. It is quite clean. |
Youeat in the
library! It’s prohibited!
a) mustn’t b) can’t c)
needn’t d) needn’t to
3 Choose the right answer (possibility/probability).
I think I will visit the
exhibition, I be interesting.
a) will b)
can c) could d) would
2. Snakesbe very aggressive.
a) can b) will c) would d) ought to a professional football player, but I decided to be a lawyer.
a) could have become c) would
b) could d) can have become
friends! Nothing will change.
a) ought to b) can c) should d)
Youfind this book
in any shop.
a) would b) can c) may d) might us yesterday, but he had a paper to
a) would join c) might join
would have joined d)
should have joined
Sand stormsbe
very dangerous when you are in a desert!
a) might b) could c) may d)
The phone is
ringing! — Pick up the receiver please! Itbe Father, I am absolutely sure!
a) will b) should c) can d)
Where are you
going for your holidays? — Wego
to Spain. We are almost sure about it.
a) ought to b) can c) will d) would
10. Let’s visit them now, they be
busy in the evening.
a) can b) might c) would d)
4 Put the sentences into two boxes according to their
modality (ability/ inability/possibility).
Please, don’t go
outside at night, it could be very dangerous.
Brian was able to
fix his TV yesterday.
She could walk
when she was just 8 months.
I could have
become a professional footballer.
A cheetah can run
really fast.
He has forgotten
his glasses. He can’t read.
You can buy this
book only in our shop.
We couldn’t help
them with their project.
He can do
whatever he wants, it won’t change anything.
10. You could have come to my game, but you stayed at
I can
I can
I can
I can
I can’t
I can’t
I can’t
I can’t
I could
I could Il . I could
12. I could
6 Give advice in the following using «should» according to the model
I am very hungry — You should eat something.
1. John has offended his friend.
2. The child has lied to his parents.
3. He has a lot of things to do but he
is very sleepy.
4. This is a very interesting film.
5. His old computer is very slow.
6. He hasn’t yet visited his sister in
the hospital.
7. We don’t have any sugar at home.
8. The weather forecast says that it
will rain.
4 AHr•JIHMCKHiå A3b1K. C60PHHK rpaMMaTHyecKHX ynpaxHeHHÄ. 9
She has fallen
10. He has a bad toothache.
a) may c) can’t
b) must d) may not
This filmbe really good! All my friends like
a) could c) must
b) might d) may
Kathrinto us! I am absolutely sure!
a) must have lied c) might have lied
b) may have lied d) could have lied
Who has broken
the vase? — I don’t know. Ityour
cat. I saw it playing in the
a) mightn’t have been c) can have
b) couldn’t have been d) might have been
done that! It’s impossible!
a) may not c) can’t
mustn’t d) mightn’t
Shebe very rich! Look at her marvelous
a) must c) might
b) may d) can
I am not sure but
wemeet them at the party, let’s go!
a) might c) must
b) can d) might have
He is walking to
work! His cardown again!
a) might have broken c) can have
b) must have broken d) could have broken
Shethis picture! She can’t paint at all!
a) must have painted c) mustn’t
have painted
b) may have painted d) couldn’t have painted
10. He is in Antarctica now! — Is he?
Itbe freezing there!
a) must c) may
b) can d) might
8 Choose the right answer (Modals).
If you want to go to St
Petersburg, you do it in June.
a) must b) have
to c) could d) should
Must I finish the
work today? — No you You may finish it tomorrow.
needn’t b)
can’t c) mustn’t d) shouldn’t
breath for 15 minutes.
may b)
might c) can d)should 4. Bobplay tennis really well
when he studied at school.
could b) might c) will d) had to
5. Youshout
here! It is a hospital!
a) shouldn’t b)
needn’t c) don’t have to d) mustn’t
6. Someone
is knocking at the door. Who is it? — Itbe Sarah. She always comes at this
a) can b) will c)
should d) ought to
go for a picnic all together! Wehave a good time!
a) has to b)
could c) would d) can
My friend likes meat but heeat vegetables because his has some
problems with his stomach.
has to b) must c) should d) ought to 9. Youiron
the clothes. Mother will do it.
mustn’t b) don’t have to c) can’t d) wouldn’t
Good evening, I’ll be your waiter. HowI help you?
should b) must c) can d) will
9 Complete the table (functions of
modal verbs in Present/Future).
Meaning |
Modal |
Commentary |
Ability |
Can |
To be able |
Lack |
Can’t |
Possibility |
Could |
50% certain, it’s possible |
May |
50% certain, it’s possible |
Might |
40% certain, perhaps |
Probability |
100% certain, prediction |
90%, it’s probable |
90%, it’s probable |
Logical |
90 %, I am sure |
I am sure It is not true |
I am sure It is not |
Permission |
Giving permission (informal) |
Giving permission (formal) |
Giving permission (very |
Refusing permission |
Refusing permission |
Refusing permission (formal), written notice |
Asking for permission |
Necessity |
I say so |
Necessity coming from outside the speaker |
It’s necessary |
It’s necessary |
Absence of necessity |
Absence of necessity |
Absence of necessity |
Advice |
General advice, I advise you |
Most people believe this |
Asking for advice |
Criticism |
Obligation |
I need to, I say so |
I am obliged to, my doctor said so |
It’s the right thing to do |
Request |
Informal |
Polite |
Formal |
Very forma/ |
Very friendly |
Offers |
Informal |
Informal |
Polite |
Suggestions |
Prohibition |
You aren ‘t allowed to |
It’s prohibited |
Formal |
Duty |
Informal |
It’s the right thing to do |
1 . мыть
посуду каждый день.
2. должно быть, эта машина очень
дорогая. она новая.
З. Он мог читать, когда ему было 4
выиграем эту игру сегодня! Я уверен в этом!
этом музее нельзя фотографировать. Это запрещено!
может быть, чтобы он сказал! он очень вежливый!
меня. Тебе следует извиниться.
The information
is lost.
The test was done
Russian isn’t
spoken all over the world because it’s difficult.
My father was
offered a good job.
Students are
examined twice a year.
The engineer was
sent to another city to work there.
Dogs are used by
police for finding explosives.
The dinner is being cooked.
Open the brackets using the correct form of the Passive Voice.
1 .
The picture(paint)
by this artist long ago. (promote)
next week.
3. His documents (check) now.
4. Her mobile phone(steal) yesterday.
5. The work (just, finish).
(plant) before they bought the land.
A new song (compose) in the studio now.
8. Glass (made) from sand.
The palace(built) in 1672. 10. The soup (just,
Change the following sentences into Passive.
1 . Father
has just connected a new printer to the computer.
2. My mother hadn’t done the shopping
before we came from school.
3. The granny knitted a sweater for her
4. Kate always washes the dishes.
5. They will complete the task on time.
6. The child is watching a funny
7. When I came home my sister was
reading a magazine.
Write down sentences using the table according to the model.
America |
write |
Steve Jobs |
The symphony |
make |
Leonardo da Vinci |
IPhone |
found |
The Chinese |
The fairy tale |
paint |
Gucci |
St. Petersburg |
build |
Christopher Columbus |
The Mona Lisa |
invent |
Pushkin |
The Great wall |
discover |
Mozart |
The dress |
compose |
Peter the Great |
The Mona Lisa was painted by
Leonardo da Vinci.
2. 3.
was told to me by Sara. I was told a lie by Sara.
2. My brother offered me a good job.
3. Brian will lend some money to
4. Kate and Ann didn’t send the telegram
to Nick.
5. The teacher taught the pupils a new
sentences into Passive.
our team will lose the game.
2. The mother made the boy clean his
The boy
3. Everybody thinks that he is a good
4. Boris has to walk the dog twice a
5. People know that this woman is a
professional dancer.
This woman
1 . What |
2. They will return home, if they don’t get any money. |
. If she |
. What |
5. If water is heated to 100 degrees, it begins to boil. |
6. If it stopped raining, we would go out. |
. If the |
Supply the correct forms of the verbs (Conditionals) in brackets.
anything happens, we (to be) blamed.
2. You will never succeed, unless you
(to have) any confidence in yourself.
3. He (to be) dead, if the surgeon
hadn’t operated on him.
4. If you had strained your ears, you
(to hear) a slight noise.
5. If he (not to work) so much, she
would never make any progress.
6. We (to finish) working in no time, if
you didn’t disturb me.
7. If I (to be) you, I would never go
It’s a pity I
live in town.
It’s a pity we
made such a bad mistake.
It’s a pity I
can’t speak Chinese.
It’s a pity she
doesn’t love me.
It’s a pity they
are in the army now.
It’s a pity he is
too old.
It’s a pity they
didn’t let us know then.
10. It’s a pity I stayed at home last
1 1. It’s
a pity I don’t remember her name.
It’s a pity you didn’t come to
see them.
13. It’s a pity it’s snowing heavily.
14. It’s a pity I can’t help you.
15. It’s a pity you didn’t understand us.
Correct the sentences that are wrong.
I . I wish Mike would be at home
2. I wish you would follow my advice.
3. I wish I would have more money.
4. I wish it would stop snowing.
5. I wish the weather wouldn’t change.
6. I wish somebody would answer the
7. I wish they would do at least
11 Complete each second sentence using the word in brackets
so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence. Write between two and
five words.
1 . He is not rich and he can’t afford to go abroad twice a year.
(richer) If … afford to go abroad twice a year.
We can’t swim, so
we’re not going scuba diving with you. (go) If we could … scuba diving with
The old man is
alive! The surgeon has operated on him. (died) The old man … if the surgeon
hadn’t operated on him!
The summer was rainy and they
had to stay indoors. (if) .been
rainy, they wouldn’t have had to stay indoors.
If only I
listened to Sue then! (listened) I wish … to Sue then!
It’s a pity I
don’t know where she lives! (wish) I … where she lives!
How I wish it
were summer now! (only) If … now!
Complete the sentences using unreal conditionals.
1 .
Ann is tired all the time. She should go to bed earlier.
If Ann
It’s 8 p.m. I
don’t think Sue will come. It would be surprising if Sue
I didn’t have an
umbrella and I got wet in the rain.
I’m sorry I
disturbed you. I really didn’t know you were so busy.
Jack failed his
English exam because he was very nervous.
The dog bit you
only because you teased it.
Open the brackets to make the story complete,
Juan Dias is a Mexican who now 1 ) (live)
in Barcelona. When he 2)
nineteen years old he 3) (leave)
his native land never 4) (come)
back. Juan 5) (work)
in a café there for three years when circumstances 6) (make) him 7) (go) to
(look) for a better job. So he 9)
(buy) a one-way boat ticket to
Barcelona. While 10) (swim)
in a deck-pool he 11) (see)
a nice-looking woman 12) (stare)
at him. Later on Mercedes (such is the woman’s name), who 13) (be) on holiday
in South America, 14) (suggest)
that Juan 15) (visit) her in Barcelona. She 16) (promise) that he 17) (introduce) to her cousin, who 18)
(own) a popular restaurant at the
seaside. «How long he 19) (have)
it?» 20)
Juan 21 ) (think) of the wonderful opportunity 22)(find) a good job. Mercedes 23)
(reply) that her cousin 24)
(own) the business since his father
five years before. 26)(Arrive)
in Spain, Juan 27)(go) to the restaurant with his new girlfriend where he 28)
(introduce) to her cousin. Now Juan 29)(be) a barman there and he 30) (have) the time of his life.
It 31 ) (be)
the first time he 32)(feel) so happy! He 33)(travel) already to many European
countries and now only 34) (wish)
Mercedes 35) (agree)
36) (become) his wife. What good luck! Just 37) (imagine) that it 38) (can) never 39)
(happen) if he 40)
(take) a different boat!
1 . They
told me (HTO XOTRT noVITV1 B 300napK).
2. He said (HTO nvnueT HOBYIO KHVlry).
3. She was afraid (HTO on03aaeT Ha
4. Brian complained (HTO aaBHO He
BL,1aen cBoero apyra).
She said (HTO nt06VIT
2. She said: «She has run out of
3. The teacher said to me: «You are
going to be a good specialist».
4. He said: «Charles Dickens is my
favourite writer».
5. They said to John: «We liked your
house very much».
6. Russell said: «l want to become an
4 Change the following sentences into direct speech according to the
He said that she hadn’t been to France. — (He said:)
cd haven ‘t been to France».
1 . Nicole said that she loved Michael very much.
2. He promised that he would never fight
3. The children said that they were very
4. Jackie answered that he had never
taken part in such projects.
5. She shouted that she was talking on
the phone then.
My relatives said that they
would come the next day.
7. She said that she had seen that film
the previous day.
Change the following
1 . She
inquired: «Why were they late? »
2. Sandra asked her mother: «Where did
you learn to cook? »
3. He asked me: «Will you go to the
exhibition? »
4. My father wondered: «When will you
clean your room? »
5. They asked him: «How did you manage
to pass the exam? »
6. Frank inquired: «Did Carl send the
telegram? »
7. She asked me: «Can you give me a
lift, please? »
Change the following sentences into Direct Speech.
1 . He
wanted to know whether I was good at hockey.
2. They asked me when Jessie would
release a new album.
3. Ashley inquired where her granny was.
She wondered if he was playing
computer games then.
5. John asked her if she was afraid of
6. He asked her when she would be free
the next week.
7. Bill asked Eliza why she hadn’t
bought the tickets.
Make indirect questions
When did
you come from work? — I want to know when you came from work.
1 .
Where will we spend the next weekend?
2. Can you translate this article for
you tell me
3. Who has eaten the apples I brought
from the countryside?
Do you know
4. Why didn’t you finish the exercise?
I want
to know
5. How long have you been here? I wonder
8 Change the following sentences into indirect speech
Close your eyes! — He asked her to close her eyes.
1 . Come over when you have free time. They tell me
2. Don’t take sweets from strangers!
parents told their son
3. Never talk to me like that in front
of the children!
The wife ordered her husband
4. Let us choose the country for our
next trip.
children asked their parents
5. Go to the shop and buy some bread.
Granny asked me
6. Don’t throw used batteries into the
waste bin.
tell people
7. Bring the new textbooks to the next
teacher told the children
Change the following sentences into Indirect Speech.
1 .
The professor said: «You might find this book interesting».
2. My mother told me: «You
ought to call your granny more often».
Our coach
promised: «You will get the first prize».
The girl said:
could have become a model».
7. The teacher said: «You needn’t learn these words now».
Use the have-causative to
1 . This dress doesn’t look nice. I must(it/dry-clean).
2. When did you last(your beard/trim)?
3. Where did you(your ears/pierce)?
3. I think old Mr. Brown doesn’t
4. There ishousework to do.
5. Howpotatoes do we have? Shall I buy some?
6. There were toostrangers there.
7. I must say, you have got very good
Fill in the gaps with
1 . The
postman doesn’t often come here. We receivenewspapers.
Could I havecoffee please? Thank you.
3. Remember to give the flowerswater
every day.
4. I had a cup of tea withcrackers.
5. Could you wait ! It won’t take
6. He could speakwords of Chinese, but he wasn’t very
7. Unless you hurry, we’ll miss our
plane. There is time to spare.
Choose the most
1 . When we were at the money.
a) much b) a lot of c) 2. How |
d) a lot |
a)No b)No one c) 3. It was an exciting party. enjoyed it. |
d) Not one. |
a) Everyone b) All 4. I don’t like the weather. It snows |
c) Every of us |
d) All us |
a) every time b) all the time c) 5. This is a very boring town. There is to do |
d) all time |
a) a little b) little c)
much d) few
a) Nothing. b) None 7. Read sentences carefully. |
c) No |
d) mything. |
6. What’s in there? — . It’s empty.
each b) every c) each of the d)
every of the
I asked two
people the way to the station butof them knew.
a) none b) neither c) both d)
We took a lot of
books with us on holiday but we didn’t readof them.
a) neither b) either c)
any d) all
10. She is very lazy. She hardly ever
some b) no c) any d)
14 Complete the sentences with both, neither, either, none, all , any +
1 . We’ve got a good choice of cell phones. Take
2. I asked a few people the way to the
restaurant, butknew.
3. She was invited to two parties
yesterday but she didn’t go to
4. There were three windows in the room
and I opened
5. I read two novels last week and I
likedThey are interesting.
6. They tried two bookshops for the
love-story buthad
7. Bill and I often play chess together,
but can play it well.
15 Give
Woman |
Potato |
Story |
Sheep |
Day |
Means |
Mouse |
Match |
Daughter-in-law |
Photo |
Tomato |
ox |
Deer |
Lorry |
Bay |
Series |
Bench |
Tooth |
Merry-go-round |
Piano |
1 Choose the right answer (clauses of purpose).
1. They have put up a sign to prevent
peoplecoming closer.
a) for b) from c) to avoid d)
a) so that b to avoid 3. I have come here talk to you. |
c) for |
d) in order to |
a) in case b) to c) 4. I will take a coat it is cold |
d) so that |
a) for b) in order that c) 5. Barbara is keeping to a diet keep fit. |
d) in case |
a) so as to b) from c) for 6. I have bought a ball my football |
d) to avoid |
a) in order to b) to c) 7. He ran so fast he would be on time. |
d) in case |
a) so as to b) to c) 8. She brought some milk they needed |
d) in order that |
a) in case b) for c) so 9. a) in order to b) for c) 10. I have some wax polishing |
d) in order that d) from |
2. Stephen has bought a computerhe can
work at home.
a) in order to b) for c) from d)
Choose the right answer
1 .
They are such good friendsthey never quarrel.
a) so b)
consequently c) as a result d) that
2. It wasthat they went for a picnic all together.
a) so sunny a day c) such a sunny day
b) so sunny day d) such sunny
3. Kevin eatsthat he is very healthy.
a) so much apples c) such many apples
b) so many apples d) such much apples
4. He had a headache., he didn’t go to
the cinema.
a) As a consequence c) As
b) That d) Such
5. The child criedthat everybody heard him.
a) such loud b) so loud c) 6. She is |
d) so loudly |
a)so b) that c) such |
d) as |
He had missed to
many classes. he was expelled.
a) As result b) So a result c)
As a result d) That
Kate spends that
her husband will go bankrupt soon.
a) so much money c) such much money
b) so many money d) so much a money
Jack was that
everybody respected him.
a) so brave man c) such brave man
b) so brave a man d) such brave
10. The night was that I couldn’t believe
my eyes.
a) such starry c) so starry
b) such a starry d) so a starry
3 Choose the right answer (clauses of reason).
1 . Free Wi-Fi was we went to
that café.
a) because b) due to c)
the reason for d) the reason why
He has bought
this phone that it has a very good camera.
a) due to the fact c) the reason why
b) because d) due to
we are in the
countryside we can go for a walk.
a) Due to b) The reason c)
Because of d) Now that
We have decided
to watch this film we like the comedies.
a) now that b) because c) because of 5. The our early departure was the rainy a) due to b) the reason c) the 4 Define It looks a) purpose b) result c) reason |
d) the d) because d) manner |
2. I
woke up early so as to finish my work before the party.
a) purpose b) result c) reason d) manner 3. Steve couldn’t do the
exercise due to the fact that he had missed the class.
a) purpose b) result c) reason d) manner 4. Mary is so disappointed that
she wants to cry.
a) purpose b) result c) reason d) manner 5. The man is speaking as
thought everybody else is stupid.
a) purpose b) result c)
reason d) manner
5 Choose the right word.
1 .
The weather is so/such good today!
2. Her friend is so/such strong!
3. Frank drives his car so/such
4. Look at the child! He is so/such
5. Valeria is so/such a pretty girl!
4. What important information!
5. Alexander is such good friend!
1 .
The dress is beautiful. What
The advice is
The tree is big.
The work is
The book is fantastic.
The sunset was very
beautiful yesterday,
He doesn’t work
here anymore, A lot of people has come to the party,
11 . I
am a student of this university,
cleans her room every day,
13. They
haven’t come yet,
will do shopping later,
When I was a
child I never told lies, 0
She speaks
several languages,
I will be glad to
see you in St. Petersburg,
Tom’s friend has
gone to the zoo,
The school was
built after the war,
They will go to
Spain in two weeks,
21 . The child doesn’t want to go to school,
22. The
lecture starts at midday,
6. I can’t remember the name of the man
I spoke a minute ago.
7. I met somebody owns a hotel
at the seaside.
Choose the most appropriate answer.
I . My
on a business trip in Europe now.
a) who is a well-known politician c)
,who is a well-known politician,
b) ,that is a well-known politician, d)a well-known
2. The warehousehas to be demolished.
a) ,which was damaged in the fire, c) ,
that was damaged in the fire,
b) damaged in the fire d) ,damaged in the fire,
The peopleare all very easy-going.
a) with who we work
b) we work with
4. This is the place
a) ,where we first met,
b) where we first met in
c) ,who we work with,
d) ,with whom we work,
c) in which we first met
d) in that we first met
They didn’t come to the party
a) which is disappointing c) that is
b)which is disappointing, d)
and which is disappointing
12 Change the sentences so as to use relative clauses. Part
of the sentence is done foryou„
1 . A man was injured in the accident. He is in hospital now. The man …
hospital now.
Some people were
taken to prison. Now they have been released. The people … released.
I talked to some
people. They were strangers. The people l… strangers.
Jack works for a
company. It makes washing-machines. Jane … washing-machines.
Bill is my best
friend. And he is my neighbour. John … my neighbor.
My Mom is in China now. She is
an economist. My Mom … in China now.
I have sent her
three letters. She has received none of them. I have sent … has received.
Moscow is the
capital of Russia. It’s a very beautiful city. Moscow … beautiful city.
She borrowed a
car from a man. She doesn’t know his name. She doesn’t know the name … she
10. We returned to the town where we were
born. We came back … born in.
1 . We
have never heard such nonsense!
N eve r
You shouldn’t
open the door to strangers at any time.
At no time
I realized that I
had made a mistake only at home. Only at home
You will never
again go to bed so late!
Never again
Poets are rarely
appreciated when they are still alive.
If there are many problems, we are always ready to help!
If you decide to
sell your house, I’ll be glad to buy it!
If you see a good
dictionary of slang, buy one for me.
If she insists,
ask her to give all the reasons.
If I get the job,
I’ll invite you to a restaurant.
If I were King, I would change the world for the better!
If you did what
your parents advise you, you would never have problems.
If I were you, I would go to
the dentist’s right now.
4. If this were not so costly, everyone would be able to cope
with it.
5. If there were no oxygen in the air, there would be no life
on our planet.
If she hadn’t been idle all the time, she would have passed
the exam.
If he hadn’t got
an invitation, he wouldn’t have gone to the party.
If they had got
married, they would already have a son and a daughter.
If I had known it
was so difficult, I would never have tried it.
If I hadn’t paid
all my bills before, I would have got into trouble now.
2. He is a regular reader of The Sun.
3. Bob is a hard worker.
4. You should be a wise investor.
You should
5. She speaks good English.
6. She gave me an angry look.
7. Jack is a fast driver.
8. I am a slow thinker.
9. We had an early dinner. we
10 It was an easy task for her.
She it
A. Easy Shopping
people are not so honest nowadays as they were once. 2)
temptation to steal is greater than ever before especially in 3)large shops. 4)detective recently watched 5)
well-dressed woman who always went into 6)large store on 7)
Monday mornings. One Monday, there were fewer people in
shop than usual when 9) woman came
in, so it was easier for her to steal 10) few small things. After 11) little time, she chose one of 12)
most beautiful dresses in 13)shop.
It was 14) very expensive dress. She handed it to 15) assistant who wrapped it up for her
as quickly as possible. Then 16) woman simply took 17) parcel and walked out of 18) shop
without paying. When she was arrested, 19)detective found out that
20)shop-assistant was her daughter. 21 ) girl «gave» her mother 22) free dress once 23)
B. The Famous Clock
When you
visit 24) London,
25) capital of 26) Great
Britain, one of 27)first
things you can see is 28) Big Ben, 29)famous clock. It can be heard all over 30)
world on 31 ) BBC. 32) great clock
was constructed after 33) Houses
of 34) Parliament had been burned down in 35) fifteenth century. 36)Big Ben
takes its name from Sir Benjamin Hall who was responsible for making 37) clock when 38) new Houses were being
built. It is not only 39) very big clock, but extremely accurate as well. 40)
officials from 41 ) Greenwich Observatory have 42) clock check twice 43) day.
44) Big Ben has rarely gone wrong. Once it failed to give 45) correct time. 46)
painter who was working on 47) tower hung 48) pot of 49) paint on one of 50)
hands and slowed it down!
I . I wish I my key
at work.
a) hadn’t left b) don’t
leave c) didn’t leave
animals that are not dangerous at all.
Deer b)
Deers c) Dear
When the
temperature falls below O degrees Centigrade, water
a) freeze b) freezes c)
is freezing
you, I would
never do that.
am b) were c)
will be
He never tells
the truth,
doesn’t c) does
a) is |
c) is learning |
a) while he watching b) 8. Mary in love with Jack at first sight. |
c) during |
for her exams these days.
a) has felt b) fall c) 9. The little girl was really scared as if she a) was seeing b) had |
c) had seen |
10. You
will never make great progressyou really work hard at your English.
a) if b)
unless c) as soon as
11 . If
youwarmer clothes, you wouldn’t have caught a cold.
a) putted on b) would put
on c) had put on
stop sneezing!
a) can’t b) mustn’t c)
They couldn’t
come to our party, was
really sad.
a) which b) that c) what
The girl on the sofa listening to music.
a) lay b) lie c) laid
I’ve bought four
magazines. Take
a) any b) none c)
There’s something I
still can’t understand!
a) what b) that c) who
His Volvo is
rather old and often
a) breaks b) breaks down c) breaks
They all looked
forward a
a) to having b) having c)
to have
She findshard to translate texts from German
into English.
a) that is b) that c) it
When I came home
heat the computer for some time already!
a) had been working b) was working c)
The windand the
sun was shining brightly now.
a) stopped b) had stopped c) has
How old is this
palace? — Itto
be over 400 years old.
a) believes b) is believed c)
is believed that
has been a
pleasure to meet you!
a) This b) It c) There
When finished?
a) will the house be c) will the
b) will be the house
The weatherfine
a) expects to be c) be
is expected to be
A mystery is
something that
a) can’t be explain c) can’t
be explained
b) can be explained
The girl smiled
and looked at us
a) friendlily b) in a friendly way c)
Hi! just
to the shops and I’ve bought a lot of tasty stuff.
a) gone b) been c)
been going
29. Unfortunately, the buses were all
full and I a taxi.
must to take c)
had to take
30. The restaurantbe very good. There are always very
few people there.
can’t b)
musn’t c) must
1 1. d) 2. a) 3. b) 4. c) 5. a) 6. d) 7. a)
8. c) 9. a) 10. d)
2 1. plays 2. are looking 3. tastes 4. Do you see 5. is painting 6. is tasting
7. does she think 8. go 9. are meeting 10. is John speaking?
3 1 . Who is working at the computer? 2. Why does he play chess every day? 3.
Where is Patrick now? 4. What is she reading at the moment? 5. When are we are
going to the cinema? 6. Who always helps her mother to do the flat. 7. What are
they watching on TV? 8. When does Steven walk his dog? 9. Where does he spend
his weekends? 10. Why do we like playing computer games?
4 1.
Alex is writing a new novel. 2. Our planet goes round the sun. 3. Michael
watches TV every evening. 4. My friend is always shouting at his son! 5. I am
going to the cinema tonight.
Present Simple |
Past Simple |
Past Participle |
-ing |
Translation |
hear |
heard |
heard |
hearing |
Cf1blUlaTb |
feel |
felt |
felt |
feeling |
wake |
woke |
woken |
waking |
spend |
spent |
spent |
spending |
TPaTVITb / nPOBOAVITb Bpetvlfi |
run |
ran |
run |
running |
6eraTb |
raise |
raised |
raised |
raising |
sit |
sat |
sat |
sitting |
lie |
lay |
lain |
lying |
nexaTb |
meet |
met |
met |
meeting |
BCTPeqaTb |
forgive |
forgave |
forgiven |
forgiving |
nPOL.UaTb |
Ex. 5
Ex. 6 7 Ex. 8 Ex. 9 |
1 . have been 2. has bought 3. have 7. Have 1. c) 2. 1 . 1. was cooking 2. was sleeping 3. 8. were |
10 1) lived 2) asked 3) lived 4) was walking 5) met 6) was 7) pretended
asked 9) was going 1 0) greeted
Ex. 1. When
our teacher entered the classroom, everybody was writing a dictation.
2. Kevin saw a beautiful toy and smiled.
3. I ate fruit when I
was a little boy.
4. At this time yesterday we were
cooking dinner.
5. Columbus discovered America in 1492.
Ex. 12
1. happened
hasn’t changed
Have you been
has bought
did you leave have
haven’t met
happened Ex. 13
1. had been playing
had walked
was still raining
was washing
had come
had already laid
had read
had been digging Ex. 14
Adjective |
Comparative |
Superlative |
big |
bigger |
the biggest |
beautiful |
more beautiful |
the most beautiful |
hot |
hotter |
the hottest |
ood |
better |
the best |
bad |
worse |
the worst |
easy |
easier |
the |
tasty |
tastier |
the tastiest |
long |
longer |
the longest |
comfortable |
more comfortable |
the most comfortable |
Ex. 15 1. more difficult 2. elder 3. more lively 4. the biggest 5.
happier 6. the best 7. the most attractive
easier 9. less
10. the worst
Ex. 16 1. d) 2. b) 3. a) 4. d) 5. a)
Ex. 17
1) because of 2) except 3) so 4) Then 5) which 6) so as 7) nor when 9) in
case 10) both
Ex. 18 1) had 2) to give 3) was written 4) knew 5) put 6) would reach 7)
was holding/held saw 9) was addressed 10) couldn’t 11) understand 12) had
written/wrote 13) was 14) have seen 15) fell 16) had been working 17) woke 18)
saw 19) wasn’t slept/hadn’t been slept 20) has … gone 21) made 22) leave 23)
had promised 24) to come 25) realized 26) hadn’t gone 27) hadn’t. come 28) had
happened 29) have been 30) haven’t laid 31) are 32) see 33) has broken 34)
spoke 35) told 36.has returned 37) added 38) remember 39) would help 40) don’t
41 ) will be finished 42) helps/will help 43) go 44) have done 45) had
planned/had been planning 46) to build 47) had been 48) had finished / were
finishing 49) came 50.said 51) were walking/walked 52) were approaching/(had)
approached 53) saw 54) had carried 55) have come 56) asked 57) was
preparing/prepared 58) got / was getting 59) had sent 60) had
lived/had been living 61) thought |
67) MODULE 2 |
Ex. 1 |
1 . are leaving 7. begins 13. will 2. starts 8. promise 14. 3. doesn’t feel 9. will e-mail 15. 4. will let 10. am 16. pass 5. knows 11. is 17. will 6. is 12. have 18. |
1. am going to do 4. is becoming 7. am |
10. are going to do |
2. begins 5. are going 8. is |
11. have |
3. will like 6. will send 9. are 1 . will be having 6. 2. will have finished 7. will have 3. will 4. will 5. will 1. -D 2. |
12. will manage |
Ex. 5 |
1.1. c) 2. a) 3. b) 11. 1 . d) 2. a) 3. b) 111. 1 . a) 2. c) 3. b) 1 . 2. Don’t make your son eat too much. 3. Sorry, but I really have to go now! 4. Never let a stranger come in. 5. We’ve never heard you sing this 6. The teacher didn’t allow her to 7. I want you to translate the article 8. I saw a posh car stop by the hotel 9. He is known to be a good |
10. I
expect you to finish work in an hour.
1 1 . You’d better keep silent.
12. My aim has always been to learn English.
13. We are so glad to see you here.
14. He was made to play the piano.
15. You ought to have known it a long time ago!
1 . A
bird in the tree was heard to begin singing.
2. I heard him call my name.
3. They made her do her room.
4. They
saw her enter the room.
5. Were you heard to tell a lie?
6. Was she made to go shopping?
7. Did they make him rewrite the test?
8. I was made to do my homework.
9. A car was seen to stop near the
10. Did they see you take this thing?
A 1. to
e-mail 2. going. B 1. to turn 2. acting C 1. to hurt 2. queuing D 1. buying 2.
to say. E 1. to reach 2. knocking F 1. to take 2. smoking G I . swimming 2. to
Eating 2. eating 3. to order 4. to cook 5. to trying 6. ordering 7. to have 8.
stealing 9.to accept
10. to
be 11. to going 12. to do 13. to persuade 14. to buy 15. reading 16. taking 17.
to have 18. eating 19. making 20. moving.
Ex. 10 1.
Who is working at the computer? 2. Why does he play chess every day? 3. Where
is Patrick now? 4. What is she reading at the moment? 5. When are we are going
to the cinema? 6. Who always helps her mother to do the flat. 7. What are they
watching on TV? 8. When does Steven walk his dog?
Where does he
spend his weekends? 10. Why do we like playing computer games? Ex. 11 1. The
suit is too shabby to wear (to be worn) any longer.
To take sport will do you a lot
of good. — It will do you a lot of good to take up sport.
He is not a man
to convince (to be convinced) easily.
She awoke a little after sunrise to find that everybody had gone.
Ole has got to
have the real power to make the real decisions.
Jack felt
somebody tug him by the sleeve.
The police roped
off the building for the onlookers not to come close to it.
I don’t like to
be shouted at.
I didn’t hear Mum
ask me to help her.
It was the usual
thing in the family for her mother to make the decision. Ex. 12 A
Hotel Story 1. had been travelling 2. felt/were feeling 3. looked/were looking
4. having 5. stopped 6. was located 7. went 8. came 9. am. 10. said 11. don’t
work/aren’t working
have/will have 13. to walk 14. (to) sleep 15. agree 16. to sleep 17. will be
made 18. to walk 19. started 20. were climbing 21. had 22. to make 23. will
tell/will be telling 24. told/had told 25. had reached 26. have heard 27. want
28. to think 29. is 30. have left
Pickwick’s Adventure 1. had risen 2. were waiting 3. to begin 4. sat 5. began
6. to disappear/disappearing 7. do … get 8. thought 9. ask 10. said 11. was
sent 12. advised 13. to drive 14. was 15. didn’t hold/wouldn’t hold 16. is 17.
to be 18. isn’t 19. asked 20. to ride 21. suggested 22. looking 23. to tell 24.
was 25. riding 26. let 27. be 28. appeared 29. put 30. was drawn/was being
Portrait for a Pound 1. was shining/shone 2. looked/was looking 3. saw 4.
going/go 5. was struck 6. had seen 7. pulled 8. was 9. to start 10. working/to
work 11. was sent 12. to tell 13. wanted 14. to paint 15. asked 16. would pay
17. replied 18. would be given/would give 19. agreed 20. come
added 22. smiling 23. is 24. to get 25. believe 26. have noticed 27. need 28.
do 29. have been
would get
1 1.
c) 2. d) 3. a) 4. c) 5. b) 6. c) 7. d) 8. b) 9. d) 10. a) Ex. 2 1. c) 2.
c) 3. d) 4. b) 5. a) 6. a) 7. a) 8. b) 9. d) 10. c) 1. c) 2. a) 3. a) 4. d) 5.
b) 6. b) 7. d) 8. a) 9. a) 10. b)
Ex. 5 Ex. 6
Ex. 8 |
Brian was able to fix his TV yesterday. She could walk when she was just 8 months. A cheetah can run really fast. He has forgotten his glasses. He can’t We B03MO)KHOCTb Please, don’t go outside at night, it I could have become a professional You can buy this book He can You could have come to 1. I can speak English. 2. I can play 1. He should apologize. 2. He should 1. a) 2. c) 3. a) 4. d) 5. c) 6. a) 7. 1) d 2) a 3) c4) a 5) d 6) b 7) b |
Meaning |
Modal verbs |
Commentary |
Probability |
Will |
100% certain, prediction |
Should |
90%, |
Ought to |
90%, |
Logical assumption |
Must |
90 %, I |
Can’t |
I am |
Couldn’t |
I am |
Permission |
Can |
Giving permission (informal) |
May |
Giving |
Might |
Giving permission (very formal) |
Can’t |
Refusing permission |
Musn’t |
Refusing |
May not |
Refusing |
Could |
Asking |
Necessity |
Must |
I say so |
Have to |
Necessity coming from outside the |
Need |
It’s necessary |
Ought |
It’s |
Don’t have to |
Absence |
Don’t need to |
Absence |
Needn’t |
Absence |
Advice |
Should |
General |
Ought |
Most |
Shall |
Asking for advice |
Criticism |
Could |
Should |
Ought |
Obligation |
Must |
I need to, I say so |
Have to |
I am |
Ought |
It’s the |
Request |
Can |
Informal |
Could |
Polite |
May |
Formal |
Might |
Very |
Will you |
Very friendly |
Meaning |
Modal verbs |
Commentary |
Offers |
Can I |
Informal |
Shall I |
Informal |
Would you like me |
Suggestions |
Shall we |
I can |
We could |
Prohibition |
Can’t |
You aren’t |
Mustn’t |
It’s prohibited |
May not |
Formal |
Duty |
Must |
Informal |
Ought to |
It’s the right thing to do |
Ex. 10
1. Nick has to wash the dishes every day. 2. This car must be very expensive.
It is new. 3. He could
read when he was 4 (years old) 4. We will win the (this) game today! I
am sure about it! 5. You mustn’t take photos in this museum. It’s prohibited!
6. He can’t / couldn’t have said that! He is so polite!
Listen to me. You should/ought to apologize.
1 Ex. 2 Ex. 3 4 Ex. 5 Ex. 6 7 Ex. 8 Ex. 9 |
1 . When 1 . was painted. 2. will be promoted. 3. are being checked. 4. was 1. A new printer has just been connected to the computer by my father. 1. America was discovered by Christopher Columbus. 2. The symphony was 1. Monica a) b) a) I b) A good job was offered to me by my 3. Brian a) b) a) Nick wasn’t sent the telegram by b) The telegram wasn’t sent to Nick by 5. The a) The b) A It is expected that our team will lose the game. 2. The boy was made to 1. — 2 2. — 1 . Will be 2. Have 3. Would be 4. Would have heard 5. |
4. I
wish we hadn’t made such a bad mistake. 5. I wish I could speak Chinese. 6. I
wish she loved me. 7. I wish they weren’t in the army now. 8. I wish he weren’t
(wasn’t) too old. 9. I wish they had let us know then. 10. I wish I hadn’t
stayed at home last summer. 11. I wish I remembered her name. 12. I wish you
had come to see them. 13. I wish it weren’t (wasn’t) snowing heavily. 14. I
wish I could help you. 15. I wish you had understood us.
Ex. 10
1. Wrong: I wish Mike were at home now. 2. Right. 3. Wrong: I wish I had more
money. 4. Right. 5. Right. 6. Right. 7. Right.
Ex. 1 1 1. If he were (was) richer, he could afford to go abroad
twice a year. 2. If we could swim, we could (would) go scuba diving with you.
3. The old man would have died if the surgeon hadn’t operated on him. 4. If the
summer hadn’t been rainy, they wouldn’t have had to stay indoors. 5. I wish I
had listened
to Sue then. 6. I wish I knew where she lives. 7. If only it were (was) summer
Ex. 12
1. If mn weren’t (wasn’t) tired all the time, she wouldn’t go bed early. 2. It
would be surprising if Sue came. 3. I wouldn’t have got wet in the rain if I
had had an umbrella 4. If I had known you were so busy, I wouldn’t have
disturbed you. 5. Jack wouldn’t have failed his English exam, if he hadn’t been
so nervous. 6. If you hadn’t teased the dog, it wouldn’t have bitten you.
Ex. 13
1. lives/is living 2. was 3. left 4. to come/coming 5. had worked/had been
working 6. made 7. go
8. to
look 9. bought 10. swimming 11. saw 12. staring 13. had been 14. suggested 15.
/should visit/visited
16. promised 17. would be introduced 18. owned 19. has had
inquired 21. thinking 22. to find 23. replied 24. had owned 25. died/had died
26. arriving/having arrived 27. went 28. was introduced 29. is 30. is
having 31. is 32. has felt
has travelled 34. wishes 35. agreed/would agree 36. to become 37. imagine 38.
have happened 40. had taken
Ex. 1 Ex. 2 Ex. 3 |
1. had already left. 2. lived. 3.had lost. 4. would 1. They told me that they wanted to go to the zoa 2. He said that he was 1 . My mother said that she would go to the supermarket the 1. Nicole said: «l love Michæl 2. He promised: «l will never 3. The children said: ‘We are very 4. Jackie answered: «l have never 5. She shouted: «l am talking on |
6. My relatives said: «We
will come tomorrow».
7. She said: «l saw the film yesterday».
1. She inquired why
they had been late.
2. Sandra asked her mother where she
learnt to cook.
3. He asked me if I
would go to the exhibition.
4. My father wondered
when I would clean my room.
5. They asked him how he managed to pass
the exam.
6. Frank inquired if
Carl had sent the telegram.
7. She asked me if I could give her a
1. He wanted to know:
«Are you good at hockey»?
2. They asked me: «When will Jessie
release a new album?»
3. Ashley inquired: «Where is my
4. She wondered:
«Are you playing computer games now?»
5. John asked her: «Are you afraid
of thunder?»
6. He asked her: ‘When will (shall) I
free next week?»
7. Bill asked Eliza: «Why haven’t
you bought / didn’t you buy the tickets?»
7 Ex. 8 Ex. 9 Ex. Ex. Ex. Ex. 13 Ex. 14 Ex. 15 |
1 . I wonder where we will spend the next weekend. 2. Could you tell me if/whether you 3. Do you know who has eaten the 4. I 5. I wonder how long you have been 1 . They tell me to come over when I have free time. 2. The parents told their son not to 3. The 4. The children asked their parents to 5. Granny asked me to go to the shop 6. Ecologists tell people not to throw 7. The teacher told the children to 1 . The 2. My 3. The student boasted that he could 4. Our coach promised that l/we would 5. The girl said that she could have 6. Ted complained that he must (had 7. The teacher said that I needn’t 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. They are having their house 1. Do you have much trouble with your 2. There were a lot of Russian 3. I think old Mr. Brown doesn’t have 4. There 5. How many potatoes do we have? Shall 6. There were too many strangers 7. I must say, you have got a lot of 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 1. b) 2. 1 . We’ve 2. I 3. She was invited to two parties 4. There 5. I read two novels last week and I 6. They tried two bookshops for the 7. Bill Women Deer Means Teeth Stories Bays Matches Pianos Days Benches Photos Mice Merry-go-rounds Oxen Daughters-in-law Potatoes Lorries Tomatoes Sheep Series |
1 1. b) 2. a) 3. b) 4. d) 5. a) 6. c) 7. d) 8. a) 9.
c) 10. b)
Ex. 2 1. d) 2. c) 3. b) 4. a) 5 d) 6. c) 7. c)
8. a) 9. b) 10.c)
Ex. 3
Ex. 4
Ex. 5 1 . so 2. so 3. so 4. so 5. such
Ex. 6 1 . a 2. —3. —4.— 5. a
7 1. What a beautiful dress! 2. It is such useless
advice! 3. Isn’t that a big tree?! 4. What interesting work! 5. It is such a
fantastic book!
Ex. 8 1 . won’t we? 2. wasn’t he? 3. aren’t they? 4.
doesn’t it? 5. does she? 6. isn’t it? 7. is it? 8. wasn’t it? 9. does he? 10.
haven’t they? 1 1 . aren’t l? 12. doesn’t she? 13. have they? 14. won’t she?
15. did l? 16. doesn’t she? 17. won’t l? 18. hasn’t he? 19. wasn’t it? 20.
won’t they? 21. does he? 22. doesn’t it? 23. had he? 24. isn’t he? 25. does
9 1. will
you/won’t you? 2. will you/won’t you? 3. will you/won’t you? 4. will you/won’t
you? 5. shall we? 6. will you? 7. will you/won’t you? 8. will you/won’t you? 9.
shall we? 10. will you? 11. will you/won’t you? 12. will you/won’t you? 13.
will you? 14. shall we? 15. will you/won’t you?
Ex. 10 1. What’s the name of the man whose book
you’ve taken? 2. A supermarket is a place where you can buy
lots of different things. 3. orphan is a child whose parents have died. 4.
They’ve just been to the town where they were born. 5. Do you remember when we
have to finish the report?
6. I can’t remember the name of the man to whom I
spoke a minute ago. 7. I met somebody who owns a hotel at the seaside.
Ex. 11 1. c) 2. a) 3. c) 4. b) 5. c)
Ex. 12
1. The man that/who was injured in the accident is in hospital now. 2. The
people that/who were taken to prison have now been released. 3. The people I
talked to were strangers. 4. Jack works for a company that/which makes
washing-machines. 5. Bill, who is my best friend, is my neighbor. 6. My Mom,
who is an economist, is in China now. 7. I have sent her three letters, none of
which she has received. 8. Moscow, which is the capital of Russia is a very
beautiful city. 9. She doesn’t know the name of the man whose car she borrowed
10. We returned to the town which/that we were born in.
Ex. 13 A 1. Never have I heard such nonsense! 2. At
no time should you open the door to strangers. 3. Only at home did I realize
that I had made a mistake. 4. Never again will you go to bed so late! 5. Rarely
are poets appreciated when they are still alive.
. Should there be any problems, we are always ready to help! 2. Should you
decide to sell your house, I’ll be glad to buy it! 3. Should you see a good
dictionary of slang, buy one for me. 4. Should she insist, ask her to give all
the reasons. 5. Should I get the job, I’ll invite you to a restaurant.
. Were I (to be) King, I would change the world for the better! 2. Were you to
do what your parents advise you, you would never have problems. 3. Were I (to
be) you, I would go to the dentist’s right now. 4. Were this not (to be) so
costly, everyone would be able to cope with it. 5. Were there (to be) no oxygen
in the air, there would be no life on our planet.
Had she not been idle all the time, she would have passed the exam. 2. Had he
not got an invitation, he wouldn’t have gone to the party. 3. Had they got
married, they would already have a son and a daughter. 4. Had I known it was so
difficult, I would never have tried it. 5. Had I not paid all my bills before,
I would have got into trouble now.
Ex. 14 1. She dances very well. 2. He reads The Sun
regularly. 3. Bob works hard. 4. You should invest wisely. 5. She speaks
English well. 6. She looked at me angrily. 7. Jack drives fast. 8. I think
slowly. 9. We dined early. 10. She did it easily.
Ex. 15 1) — 2) the 3) — 4) a 5) a 6) a 7) — the
9) the 10) a 11) a 12) the 13) the 14) a 15) the/an 16) the 17) the 18) the 19)
the 20) the 21 ) the 22) a 23) a 24) — 25) the 26) — 27) the 28) — 29) the/a
30) the
31) — 32) the 33) the 34) — 35) the 36) — 37) the
38) the 39) a 40) the — 41) — 42) the 43) a 44) 45) the 46) the 47) the 48) a
49) — 50) the
1. a) 2. a) 3. b) 4. b) 5. c) 6. a) 7. b) 8. c) 9.
c) 10. b) 11. c) 12. a) 13. a)14. a) 15. a) 16. b) 17. b)
18. a) 19. c) 20. a) 21. b) 22. b) 23. b) 24. a) 25.
b) 26. c) 27. b) 28. b) 29. b) 30. a)
2 Write the sentences, using the words in the boxes. 1 I can’t stand adverts. documentaries I can’t stand documentaries. 2 I love the news. this film 3 There are usually good programmes on Channel 4. carto 4 Pass me the remote control, please. mobile phone 5 I can’t stand this film. programme
Мне нужно срочно !
7 месяцев назад
Светило науки — 14 ответов — 0 раз оказано помощи
1 I can’t stand documentaries.
2 I love this film.
3 There are usually good cartoons on Channel.
4 Pass me the mobile phone, please.
5 I can’t stand this programme.
1.Look at these common noun and adjective suffixes. They are used to form different parts of speech.
Nouns (-ation -ion -ness -ity -ence -sion -ment)
Adjectives (-ous -y -tific -ly -ful -less -ial)
Complete the charts below and mark the stress. There are some spelling changes.
Noun Verb
Communication communicate
Discussion discuss
Government govern
invitation Invite
Development develop
Explanation explain
Education Educate
decisions decide
enjoyment enjoy
Organization organize
Improvement Improve
Employment Employ
Noun Adjective
Science Scientific
Friend friendly
Happiness happy
Difference different
danger dangerous
use useful
help helpful
speciality special
care careful
noise noisy
industry Industrial
ambition ambitious
2.Complete the sentences with one of the words from exercise 1.
1. My English improved a lot after I lived in London for a month.
2. I have two in life. I want to be rich, and I want to be famous.
3. I’m going to work hard from now on; That’s a very good decision.
4. There are many differences between my two children. They aren’t similar at all.
5. Thank you for your advice. It was very helpful.
6. I like Italian people. They’re very kind and friendly.
7. The United Nations is an international organization. .
8. I asked the teacher for help, but unfortunately, I didn’t understand his explanation.
9. Motor racing is a very dangerous sport.
10. Fish soup is a special of this area. You must try it.
11. I’m having a party on Saturday, and I’d like to invite you.
12. This is the noisy part of my town. There are lots of factories and businesses.
3.We can make adjectives and verbs negative by using these prefixes.
Adjectives (un- im- in- il-)
Verbs (un- dis-)
Complete the sentences, using a word from the and a prefix.
(Pack, possible, agree, tidy, fair, like, appear, employed, legal, polite)
1. Don’t go into my bedroom. It’s really untidy.
2. I can’t do maths. For me, it’s an impossible subject.
3. I don’t unlike fish. I just prefer meat.
4. It’s very impolite to ask someone how much they earn
5. When we arrived at the hotel, we unpacked our suitcases.
6. I was unemployed for two years. Then I got a job in an office.
7. ‘I think learning languages is stupid’. I disagree .‘I think it’s a good idea’.
8. The thief stole my bag, ran into the crowd and disappeared. I never saw him again.
9.Cannabis is an illegal drug in many countries.
10.You gave her more money than me! That’s unfair.
49 месяцев назад
Make sentences using the words below. Use for or since and the present perfect . 1.l/not have/ a holiday/ two years…….
2. Andy/ live/ Brazil/ 2008……….. 3. It/ not snow/ in my town/ a long time……… 4. He/ not travel/ abroad/last summer ……,,,, 5. I/ be/ in Venice/ a few days now……… 6. We/ not eat/ out/ months……….
Мы не размещаем вопросы, которые:
- повторяют уже опубликованные;
- содержат брань и нецензурную лексику;
- состоят из одних символов;
- не соответствуют указанному предмету;
- отсылают к картинкам/страницам учебника, которые невозможно посмотреть
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Complete the sentences using the following words, word com
binations and expressions : is used, in spite of, courses, a great advantage,
laboratories, fluently, teaching aids, popularity, are borrowed, listening,
1. A lot of new words … from English.
2. If you can speak English
well, you gain … over others.
3. Do you go to any English … ?
4. The
English language is very … .
5. Our department of foreign languages has
various … : language … and … centres.
6. English … everywhere ; its …
is obvious (очевидный).
7. Can you speak English … ?
8. … many
textbooks in English, it is not easy to find a good one.
Вы перешли к вопросу Complete the sentences using the following words, word combinations and expressions : is used, in spite of, courses, a great advantage,laboratories, fluently, teaching aids, popularity, are borrowed, ?. Он относится к категории Английский язык,
для студенческий. Здесь размещен ответ по заданным параметрам. Если этот
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